Village Living June 2018

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June 2018 | Volume 9 | Issue 3



The Artist Within


Former Mountain Brook High teacher Ronnie Seitel rediscovers passion, talent or stained glass art or .

See page A19

Fantastic Finish

REAL DEAL A Crestline emblem of days past, full-service Shell station still pumping after decades

MBHS girls tennis team wins Class 7A tennis state tournament for second year in a row, while boys tea rings ho e third pla e finish.


See page B6

INSIDE Sponsors .......... A4 News...................A6 Business .......... A10 Chamber.......... A15 Events .............. A16

School House... A21 Sports ................B4 Community ..... B10 Faith ................ B20 Calendar ..........B22

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Above: Mechanic Danny Barker works on a car at the Crestline Shell station on April . ar er has or ed at the ell lo ed restline illage lo ation or years. op he ull ser i e gas station and shop has een in restline illage sin e and ill undergo so e exterior reno ations this su er. Photos by Sarah Finnegan.

Area mayors collaborate to establish safe spaces for those struggling with addiction By L EX I COON Once a month, the mayors of four over-the-mountain communities — Mountain Brook, Homewood, V estavia Hills and Hoover — gather for a lunch to get to know one another and the surrounding cities. “We wanted to create a safe space,” said Mountain Brook mayor Stewart

Welch. And by the end of the second lunch, the mayors were working on creating a second safe space: one for those who are affected by addiction. The idea came about after V estavia Mayor Ashley Curry, who is a former FBI agent, spoke passionately about the opioid crisis, Welch said. Curry has

See SAFE | page A30

It’s not uncommon for people who have never been to the Crestline Shell to be a little confused when they first pull up to a gas pump wo of the pumps are normal, but the one standing by itself is something almost unheard of these days: it’s full service. “It’s always been a full-service station,” owner Kelly Jackson said. If someone brings their car

See STATION | page A31

A pamphlet ro the first Freedom from Addiction Coalition community awareness breakfast — hosted by the city of esta ia ills on March 13 — illustrates the partnership between local uni ipalities. Photo by Emily Featherston.

A2 • June 2018

Village Living

June 2018 • A3

A4 • June 2018

Village Living

About Us Editor’s Note By Lexi Coon Fathers always have a special place in a family, and being an only child, my dad has a special place in my life. And so for Father’s Day, I wanted to share one of my favorite stories. When I was young, probably in that toddler range, I was wandering and found some hand sanitizer I thought would be a good snack. I was wrong, of course, and after eating a little bit I began screaming and crying. My dad found me but didn’t know how to fi the situation. I was no help communicating, and he soon realized I had put hand sanitizer in my mouth o, to figure out what would solve the problem, he ate some, too. We both made faces, maybe got teary eyed, but eventually, he figured it out and saved the day. This all probably sounds a little

bizarre, and it is. But it’s also a story that always makes me laugh and shows me how much my dad cares about me. He was willing to make himself feel terrible in order to help me feel better, and he always has done that, even now that I’m grown. Now, he’s probably not going to be

thrilled that I wrote about this for my Editor’s Note, but I’ve always wanted to share it. When he opens this month’s copy ( that I’ve mailed him, since my parents live in Delaware) , he’ll read it, and we’ll laugh about it. And it will be forever be a story that reminds me my dad will always be there to help. So when you wake up this Father’s Day, go give your dad a hug. He’s done a lot for you. And from Alabama, Happy Father’s Day, Dad!


esta ia’s a son lliott a lass se ifinal playo

Publisher: Managing Editor: Design Editor: Director of Photography: Community Editors: Sports Editor: Digital Editor: Page Designer: Community Reporters:

de ends an atte pt on goal against ountain roo player eli unagur at h ay at ohn unt ar in unts ille. Photo by Todd Lester.

Dan Starnes Sydney Cromwell Kristin Williams Sarah Finnegan Erica Techo Lexi Coon Emily Featherston Kyle Parmley Alyx Chandler Melanie Viering Jon Anderson Jesse Chambers

Contributing Writers: Kari Kampakis Marienne Thomas Ogle Robert Carter Emma Lindsey Advertising Manager: Matthew Allen Account Manager: Layton Dudley Sales and Distribution: Warren Caldwell Don Harris Michelle Salem Haynes Rhonda Smith James Plunkett Eric Clements Vicky Hager Heather Anthony Ethan Currier

For advertising contact: Contact Information: Village Living PO Box 530341 Birmingham, AL 35253 (205) 313-1780

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Please Support Our Community Partners 1st Resource Credit Union (A29) Abenoja Orthodontics (A16) Alabama Goods (B8) Alabama Power (B21) Always Best Care: ABC Senior Services (A23) Amy Maziarz, Red Hills Realty (A21) Amy Smith Gardner - State Farm (A11) Aqua-Guard (B20) ARC Realty (A3) Architectural Heritage (B12) Atchison Gallery & Village Framers (A8) Bates, Roberts, Fowlkes & Jackson Insurance (B9) Batts’ Chimney Services (A6) Bedzzz Express (A2, B1) Beth & Robert Russom, RealtySouth (B19) Birmingham Mortgage Group (A20) Birmingham Museum of Art (B15) Birmingham Speech and Hearing Associates (A24) Brandino Brass (B10) Bromberg & Company Inc. (A30) Caliber (A18) Campaign To Elect Bill Veitch (A26) Campaign to Elect Sheila Weil (A17) Canterbury Gardens (A17) Cardiovascular Associates (A27) Case Remodeling (A29) Choice Home Care Specialists (A19) Columbia Cottage/Country Cottages (A15) Debbie Wooley / Newnan-Daily Resort Properties (B10) Dish’n It Out (A28) Dorm Décor (B20) Eleven Eleven (A20) Elite Tire and Service (B12) EZ Roof & EZ Restoration (B13) Forstall Art Center (A28) Galleria Woods Retirement Community (B17) Gardner Landscaping (A6) Groome Transportation (B23) Guin Service (A25) Heath Boackle for Sheriff 2018 Campaign (B11) Hilliard Irrigation (A15) Home Watch Care Givers (B10) Homewood Toy & Hobby (A16) Hufham Orthodontics (B3) Hutchinson Automotive (B4) HydraLive Therapy (A14) Ingram New Homes (B16) Issis & Sons (A27) Jack Williams Campaign (A1) James S. Snow & Associates CPAs (A24) JJ Eyes (B11) Jonathan Hill, 30A Local Properties (A7) Kitchen Potential (A10) Lamb’s Ears Ltd. (A8) Liberty Park (B21) Linscomb & Williams (B2) Margaret Camp - Ray & Poynor Realty (B3) Marguerite’s Conceits (A10) Market Table (A11) McWane Science Center (B5) Mosquito Squad of Birmingham (B1) Mountain Brook Sporting Goods (B7) Mountain Brook Wellness (A9) Nothing Bundt Cakes - The Summit (A19) One Man and a Tool Box (B4) Oswaldo Sialer Roofing & Painting Contractor (A31) Otey’s Tavern (B16) R&R Wine & Liquor (A21) Ray & Poynor (B13) RealtySouth (B24) Scott Boudreaux, RealtySouth (A12) Shiki Thai and Sushi (B8) Southern States Bank (A31) SouthPoint Bank (B7) Standard Air, Plumbing & Insulation (A1) Steve Ammons for Jefferson County Commission District 5 (A23) Susan Wall, LAH Real Estate (A26) Taco Mama (B19) Taylor Burton Company (A5) The Maids (B23) TherapySouth - Crestline (A32) Tommy Battle, Candidate for Governor (A30) Treadwell Barbershop (A9) United Ability (B2) Village Dermatology (A13) William Fowler - Secrets of a Blue-Green River (A25)

June 2018 • A5

A6 • June 2018

Village Living


Council approves rezoning for Overton Village property BJCTA/MAX bus circulator pilot program proposed to help alleviate demand for parking By L EX I COON Mountain Brook City Council voted 4- 1 to approve the rezoning of property located near Overton V illage from mixed use to residential during a public hearing May 14, after months of meetings. This decision effectively allows the proposed development for the Overton V illage Condos to proceed. he initial development was first re ected by the council in December, and development representative Charlie Beavers and architect Brian arrett spoke first to the council addressing the changes that were made to the pro ect since that decision. In addition to removing the portion that would have existed in V estavia Hills, developer Ron Durham agreed to take two units off each side of the third story to lower the ends to two stories. The reductions cut the living units from 4 4 units to 27 , four of which will be townhomes. While this reduction was aimed at lowering the density, it also hoped to address “the looming effect” that nearby residents brought up in previous meetings. The overall height was reduced as well so a previously approved height variance is no longer needed. Finally, an access drive was created exiting to Poe Drive, which Barrett said will be gated and for emergency vehicles only. “Residents will not be coming and going through that access,” Barrett said. Three area residents spoke against the development. While changes to the building height were made, afiz handiwala, who has spoken

Architect Brian Barrett reviews the changes that were made to the proposed Overton Village Condos plan with Mountain Brook City Council members during its May 14 meeting. Photos by Lexi Coon.

at previous meetings, said they could have done more to reduce it. Other concerns pertained to traffic in the area and the potential impact on schools. eavers discussed traffic in the last Planning Commission meeting and submitted a letter from Skipper Consulting that said the development would not heavily affect traffic in the surrounding area.

Resident Samantha Ebert said she was still worried about the impact the development may have on schools and construction’s effect on nearby businesses. “I’m for development, 1 00 percent,” Ebert said “ e’re ust not there under this circumstance in my opinion.” Ebert said she and other local residents felt defeated by this pro ect t was a sentiment

echoed by Frances Wang, who spoke as an elected representative for residents along with Chandiwala, and she said there are people who still oppose it. “As a community, we fought so hard to have this be something that works for our neighborhood and for the surrounding homes ... this is not substantially different from what was proposed before,” Wang said. “Part of the reason

June 2018 • A7

Josh Johnson with BJCTA/MAX discusses a possible circulator between Mountain Brook villages. Johnson said it would cost around $215,000 per year, although if their current proposal is approved that could drop to $176,000 per year.

you don’t see a huge number from the community is we feel very defeated in our fight for this.” Council President V irginia Smith and Director of Planning, Building and Sustainability ana azen verified that everything presented by Durham’s team meets the codes of the V illage Overlay for that area. The Planning Commission unanimously approved the pro ect twice, and council mem bers Smith, Alice Womack, Phil Black and Lloyd Shelton voted in favor of the rezoning. Councilman Billy Pritchard said he did not think enough progress was made during the revision process and voted against the rezoning “I think that, again, this does meet our … Village aster Plan, mith said, e plaining

that the plan calls for denser housing toward the center of the villages. “If you followed along with that plan, you knew that it was probably going to be a mi ed use development and this is not that. This is at least going to be single family and it doesn’t have the retail compo nent that the original plan had


osh ohnson, director of planning for transit authority, also presented an idea that was proposed by the ountain rook hamber of ommerce to help alleviate parking and get customers into shops a circulator that will run between the three villages. nder the plan, a foot bus would run Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.

to p m and aturdays from a m to pm he proposed route tentatively starts in rest line, goes southwest to Mountain Brook V illage and then north to English V illage, taking about minutes to travel with stops near popular destinations. ohnson said it would cost around , per year, although if their current proposal is approved that could drop to , per year he pilot program would run at no cost for three to six months, Johnson said, and they would use existing technology in the buses to collect data regarding ridership, peak hours and popular stops i Fi is also available on all buses, which customers could use while riding or to view where the bus is on the route through

the y top app Chamber Executive Director Suzan Doidge said the idea was well received by chamber board members and noted that they would be able to work with Johnson on designating the best route. ouncil members responded positively to the idea. Doidge said she would like to start the pilot program closer to the holidays lso during the council meeting, members ► Ratified the transfer of , from the mergency ommunications istrict operating fund to the city apital Pro ects Fund to reim burse the city for capital e penditures ► Re ected the ountain rook lementary School restroom bids. ► warded the bid for the construction of a pedestrian bridge over hades reek in emison Park and authorized the execution of a contract and purchasing agent appointment ► uthorized the issuance of a revocable sidewalk caf permit to inner sub ect to the applicant’s compliance with the terms of their permit application and an indemnification agreement. ► nne ed a parcel of land located at Lockerbie Circle to the city of Mountain Brook. ► greed to move forward with land dona tion on the ales oebel inistry property ► pproved the work order for ground penetrating radar at the proposed roundabouts location. Under the work order, Nathan Currie with Sain Associates said they will be testing to determine if “anomalies found along a portion of the roundabouts site near The Birmingham oo are occupied graves f graves are found, urrie said they will put together a plan for relocation that will have to be approved by ALDOT and the Alabama Historic Commission his would potentially be completed in eptember ► eard an update regarding phase two of Lane Parke. John Evans of Evson, Inc. said they are going to start putting up a construc tion fence around the future site on July 2. The fence will enclose what is currently Mountain rook hopping enter and will entirely house construction for Phase 2. Evans said construction will begin the second or third week of uly and should be completed for tenants in ugust

A8 • June 2018

Village Living

Postal Service Realty Specialist Damian Salazar speaks at a packed public hearing May 10 about the relocation of the Mountain Brook Village post o fi e. Photo by Lexi Coon.

USPS discusses relocation options for Mountain Brook Village site By L EX I COON The United States Postal Service held a public hearing May 10 to discuss a relocation of its ountain rook Village office, and residents who attended the meeting wanted one thing to be made clear he office would not be leaving the village. “The overall goal and the purpose of this and the reason ’m here is to keep the post office in this community, Postal ervice Realty pecialist Damian Salazar said. alazar said per company regulations, they are required to hold a public meeting to allow for community input and feedback if the post office changes locations he ountain rook Village post office location — which currently resides at 27 01 A Culver Road will be relocating temporarily to the restline post office location at ontclair Road this une in order to make way for construction for the second phase of Lane Parke. Those who have P.O. boxes at the Mountain Brook V illage location will not change their

addresses, but the bo es will be moved to the Crestline location. No addresses will change. Both clerks of the Mountain Brook V illage location will move to the restline location, too, and alazar said they will be adding another service window to help with traffic Salazar said they are looking for a new location, which is re uired by company regulations if they are not moving back in to the exact same storefront, but the district gave certain boundaries as to where the new location could be. Salazar said they are prohibited from viewing ust one new site, so they are looking for a space that meets the post office’s re uirements of an appro imate , s uare foot building and , s uare foot site acres as well as 24 pa rking spaces. “If we’re not moving back into the exact same space that we are at right now, we have to give everybody an opportunity to provide whatever sites that they have, alazar said The preferred boundaries are listed as south of emison Lane, north of Lane Park Road, west of ontevallo Road and east of ahaba Road

— which effectively puts the boundaries around where the current post office sits Should the boundaries of the location search change, alazar said, they will have to hold another public hearing to allow for additional community input. If there aren’t other options to serve as a new location for the post office, alazar said the current landlord is willing to consider the post office as part of the planned redevelopment s of right now, Postmaster of irmingham Mike Allison said the Mountain Brook V illage office is planning to start relocating its P bo es une , and P bo operators should get a letter in their box to notify them of changes and how to get a new key Retail will close une alazar said there is a day comment period that is open to the public and people should send their comments to him at the following address: amian alazar, Real state pecialist Facilities Implementation U.S. Postal Service P o allas, e as

Letters will be mailed to the company’s headquarters where they will be reviewed by the vice president of facilities before a final decision is made, alazar said ll comments must be received by une in order to be sent to the headquarters. alazar said the two options for a final decision at this point can be to stay in place, which is not feasible due to planned construction, or to relocate. He again said it is possible that the post office would be part of the Lane Parke redevelopment. final decision is e pected une or The second phase of Lane Parke is planned to be completed ugust , and alazar said the post office reopening would be around February 2020. lthough many uestions were answered, citizens also took the time to thank Salazar and the postal service more specifically, the ountain rook Village post office for the friendly and “e tremely helpful service they have contributed to the community over the years.

June 2018 • A9

father’s day gift guide

For the

COOL DAD Barton Perriera “Bunker” sunglasses $470 A cool update on a classic frame shape. Shown in tortoise, gradient with olive tone. JJ Eyes 2814 18th St. S., Homewood; 703-8596

For the


For the

The Ultimate BBQ Cleaning Tool $25 This wooden grill scraper is a great alternative to wire brushes that can leave bristles on your grill and even in your food.

PROUD ALABAMIAN Locally Established T-shirt $21 A cool gift for Dad, this super soft T-shirt celebrates the year Alabama became a state. Alabama Goods 2933 18th St. S., Homewood 803-3900

For the

GREEN THUMB Provencal Large Urn made out of Cast Stone $350 (plus $70 for optional shipping)

The Cook Store 2841 Cahaba Road 879-5277

Architectural Heritage 200 28th St. S., Birmingham 322-3538

For the


For the

SEASON TICKET HOLDER Premium Stadium Seat $50 Fully customizable.

Michael Ryan Southern Gentleman Sterling Silver and Enamel Cuff Links $250 Designed and handcrafted in Birmingham. Additional colors available.

Mountain Brook Sporting Goods 66 Church St. 637-6641

Bromberg & Co. 2800 Cahaba Road; 871-3276

For the

DAD ON THE GO Beretta hybrid briefcase/ backpack in camo $499 Caliber 2822 Central Ave., Homewood 917-5800

For the

PAMPERED POP Duke Cannon Supply Co. kit Bourbon soap $11.95; Solid cologne $28.95; Cooling soap cubes $11.95; Shaving cream $17.95 Blue Willow 3930 Crosshaven Dr., Vestavia Hills 968-0909

A10 • June 2018

Village Living

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Business Happenings


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Now Open S t e l l a Bl u Cl o t h i n g Bo u t i q u e , 27 3 0 Cahaba Road, has opened a new online jewelry boutique. 8 7 0 - 2 0 0 6 , s t e lla b lu b o u t iq u e .c o m


El e v e n El e v e n , a women’s workout wear boutique located at 24 1 1 Montevallo Road, celebrated its grand opening May 8 . They feature brands such as Q uay, D.Y .I. and Free People Movement. 4 2 3 - 5 0 7 1 , e le v e n e le v e n c lo t h ie r s .c o m


Be a u t é Th e r a p i e , 28 3 4 Culver Road, is now open. The makeup boutique is locally owned by Jodi Sullivan and carries several brands, including Tata Harper, Kat Burki, RMS Beauty and The Beauty Chef. 5 3 8 - 5 4 3 0 , b e a u t e t h e r a p ie b h m .c o m


ARC Re a l t y celebrated a ribbon cutting at its new Mountain Brook V illage location 24 00 Cahaba Road. a r c r e a l t y. c o m


Z OCO S t yl i s t & Bo u t i q u e , 24 1 5 Montevallo Road, held a ribbon-cutting ceremony April 8 . Z OCO Stylist & Boutique is a women’s clothing store that also provides styling sessions. 7 8 3 - 1 0 0 3 , s h o p z o c o b o u t iq u e .c o m



Ou t p o s t , a women’s clothing store located at 27 3 2 Cahaba Road, is now open. 4 0 7 -4 3 0 3

News and Accomplishments 7

M a s o n M u s i c , 29 03 Cahaba Road, is now offering trumpet lessons, in addition to piano, guitar, drums, voice and violin

lessons. 8 7 4 - 9 5 9 6 , m a s o n m u s ic s t u d io s .c o m

D a n a W o l t e r o f D a n a W o l t e r In t e r i o r s , 27 1 3 Cahaba Road, has been named as a 201 8 Southeast Designers & Architects of the Y ear Finalist. d a n a w o lt e r in t e r io r s .c o m


Oa k w o r t h Ca p i t a l Ba n k , 8 50 Shades Creek Parkway, has been named among the Top 200 healthiest banks in America by DepositAccounts. 2 6 3 - 4 7 0 0 , o a k w o r t h c a p it a l.c o m


June 2018 • A11 Stephanie Robinson, a Realtor with Re a l t yS o u t h ’s Mountain Brook-Cahaba Road office, ahaba Road, was the only Alabama real estate agent listed in the Wall Street Journal’s “The Thousand,” the list of the country’s top real estate agents by volume. Robinson ranked 1 7 3 rd in volume. 8 7 0 - 5 4 2 0 , r e a l t ys o u t h . c o m


Hirings and Promotions Ha s s i g Ch i r o p r a c t i c , 6 8 B Church St., has hired D u s t i n “ D u s t y” K n i c k r e h m to the team. 8 7 9 - 4 0 4 6 , h a s s ig c h ir o p r a c t ic .c o m


F i r s t Co m m e r c i a l Ba n k , 7 7 Church St., has rebranded and is now Synovus Bank. The bank has long been in the Synovus family, and all Synovus banks nationwide are now under the Synovus Bank name. 8 6 8 - 9 1 1 1 , s yn o v u s . c o m / l o c a l / b i r m i n g h a m - a l


V i l l a g e D e r m a t o l o g y, 29 00 Cahaba Road, w e l c o m e s Am a n d a Ru c k e r L a n i e r , P A, to their team as a physician’s assistant. 8 7 7 - 9 7 7 3 , v i l l a g e d e r m a t o l o g y. n e t


Anniversaries G r e a t S m i l e s Or t h o d o n t i c s – Cr e s t l i n e , 3 6 Church St., celebrates its sixth year anniversary this month. 8 0 3 - 1 1 1 5 , b r a c e s b yg r e a t s m i l e s . c o m


D a v e n p o r t ’ s P i z z a P a l a c e , 28 3 7 Cahaba Road, celebrated its 54 th anniversary in May. 8 7 9 - 8 6 0 3 , D a v e n p o r t s p iz z a .c o m



Ib e r i a Ba n k , 1 00 Euclid Ave., is celebrating its sixth anniversary in that location. 8 7 7 - 5 7 1 0 , ib e r ia b a n k .c o m

Closings e Mountain roo ost ffice, 27 01 A Culver Road, will be temporarily closing June 3 0, and all business will be routed through the Crestline location. u s p s .c o m



Ol i . O, 24 1 1 Montevallo Road, has closed.

News to share? If you are in a brick-and-mortar business in Mountain Brook and want to share your event with the community, let us know. Email ldudley@

A12 • June 2018

Village Living

Above: Owner Rory Jelks inside Outpost, a new boutique at 2732 Cahaba Road in Mountain Brook Village. Left: The beach-inspired shop sells clothing and accessories in addition to home goods and furnishings. Photos by Sarah Finnegan.

New lifestyle boutique comes to Mountain Brook Village By ERICA TECHO Located in an open concept store filled with bright, natural light, utpost is filled with items matching that aesthetic he lifestyle bouti ue, owned by Rory elks, opened in ountain rook Village in anuary and is the second utpost location, but the first in the state elks’ business partner ary lark they formerly owned ellewether, which a closed in , in nglish Village together operates the original location in nlet each, Florida s soon as the storefront, located between tella lu and Lavender lothing, opened up, elks said she knew it was the perfect spot for utpost “ remained involved helping start that nlet

each store, and then when this space became available, called ary and said ’d love to do an utpost here t’s a beautiful space and really lends itself to our aesthetic, elks said utpost carries a variety of items, ranging from furniture and anti ues to ewelry and clothing elks said it’s their goal to keep a “well curated bouti ue “ e want to carry stuff that’s either handmade or that we buy domestically, elks said “Really, ust items we find interesting er home and lark’s home are both light and collected, casual and comfortable, elks said, and that helps inspire the items utpost carries hile the shop is inspired by coastal living, elks said they’re not focused on a

beach only vibe “ e’re always on the lookout for things that will enhance your casual living, but also have an edge of uni ue art, elks said hey carry interior decorating items from isco rothers as well as select anti ue and lighting items lothing and accessory brands include Lisa arie Fernandez, Rhode Resort, anya aylor and ercedez alazar ewelry, to name a few “ ’m e cited to be part of this a light and airy lifestyle store that offers home interiors, gifts, clothing, ewelry and apothecary items, elks said “ utpost is a bright and happy space, and want to e tend a piece of that to everyone’s home and lifestyle

ince opening, elks said utpost has been well received by the community hey’re nestled between two clothing stores, and elks said she thinks customers appreciate the variety of shops and items in that portion of the village “ love the community; love our clientele think that irmingham has an elevated style, so take that as a compliment that we’ve been well received, she said utpost is located at ahaba Road in ountain rook Village hey are open from a m to p m onday through aturday and closed on undays For more information, follow utpost on nstagram at shop outpost or call the store at

June 2018 • A13

Neapolitan pizzeria set to open in Lane Parke

Left: An interior ie o idi i’s open-air kitchen, called “The eart. idi i is located at 270 Rele St. in Lane Parke. Below: Neapolitan Margherita pizza. Photos courtesy of Jon Maurer.

By L EX I COON For better or for worse, pizza is America’s favorite food, Lane Carrick said. And in June, he and fellow developer Mark Pender will open MidiCi, an upscale Neapolitan pizzeria, in Lane Parke. he restaurant will be one of idi i’s first franchise locations in Alabama. The MidiCi franchise was started by Amit Kleinberger, who served in the Israeli armed forces and immigrated to America. Before opening MidiCi, Kleinberger purchased the frozen yogurt company Menchie’s and grew it into one of Forbes magazine’s “America’s Top 100 Most Promising Companies.” “Pizza is sort of the last of the major food categories to undergo this sort of dislocation,” Carrick said. “The old line of pizza businesses are being disrupted where young upstarts are coming in with ‘ build-your-own’ [ options] .” In addition to build-your-own and specialty pizza options, they’re looking to bring the essence and atmosphere of MidiCi to Mountain Brook, Carrick said. “It’s not just the menu,” Pender said. “It’s our space.” Upon walking into the restaurant, Carrick said, guests will see high ceilings and a live, mature olive tree rooted in the floor of idi i “The olive tree is an unusual tree to see in a restaurant,” Carrick said. “Most of our ingredients come from Italy. … Having the olive tree there is just another way to connect with what we are, which is a true Neapolitan pizza that

came from Italy.” Another main element of the restaurant, arrick said, is the open air kitchen outfitted with two handmade, wood firing ovens, each of which weighs about 8 ,7 00 pounds, and is covered in gold mosaic and is shipped to the United States from Naples, Italy. The “heart” is part of the restaurant’s “functional art” component, Carrick said, which lends itself to the ambiance. The ovens also make it possible to cook a pizza over a wood fire in seconds Pender said, too, that there’s a difference in taste between American and Neapolitan pizza — which is a thin-crust pizza — as well between gas and wood ovens. “Just everything we use is top-quality ingredients,” he said. “The hams, the cheeses, they’re all top-quality brands that a lot of people don’t use.” But that doesn’t mean the prices are going to be expensive, Carrick and Pender said.

Their pizzas will be priced under $ 1 0, and other menu items, such as salads, appetizers and drinks will be available as well. While there isn’t a standard kids menu, Carrick said more typical pizzas such as cheese and pepperoni are always up for grabs. After all, it’s supposed to be a social, kid-friendly and family-friendly space with options for creativity, he said. his will be the first idi i location in la bama, arrick said, and their first franchise location, but they’re looking forward to opening in Mountain Brook. As part of a multi-unit developer, the two traveled to many locations before finding the space they wanted to call home. “We picked Mountain Brook because we just love the Birmingham market,” Carrick said.

“We think the Mountain Brook development, specifically, is a great spot of us “It’s always fun to open in neighborhoods,” Pender said. “Y ou want to be an employer that gives back to the community … We’re excited about opening in Mountain Brook.” MidiCi will be open at 270 Rele St., Sunday through Friday from 10: 30 a.m. to 1 0 p.m. and Saturdays from 10: 30 a .m. to 1 1 p.m . For more information, visit

A14 • June 2018

Village Living

Local retailer expands to Brookwood V illage By L EX I COON After spending years in Riverchase Galleria as a kiosk station, Amy Harper recently found a more permanent home for her business, Harper Lane. “It started as a 4- by-6 kiosk at the Galleria, and I expanded it three or four times to a point that I was 1 6 -by16 and they said, ‘ Amy, you have to get a storefront because you can’t expand anymore,’” she said. So, she moved her boutique to Brookwood V illage, just a few windows down from the food court. “I just wanted to be here since this is a revamped, up-and-coming place to shop again,” she said. The Birmingham native said her storefront is about 1,500 square feet, a size that gives her the chance to greet and interact with her customers. “This is, I think, the best area to be in right now,” she said.

And she’s just a short walk away from another store she owns in the mall, Indigo. Indigo was opened about two years ago, and Harper describes it as an art gallery filled with gifts and decor handmade by local artists. “Aesthetically, it’s completely different from this store,” she said. Using her interior design background, Harper created all that Indigo is today. Some of the handcrafted accessories sold in Indigo do cross over to Harper Lane, such as Harper’s own creations and accessories made by Gypsy Q ueen. But her intention for Harper Lane is to be a women’s clothing boutique, she said. “ definitely think they needed a women’s boutique,” Harper said of Brookwood V illage, noting that previously, her kiosk featured only jewelry. Upon moving in to the new

o e y arper’s first usiness arper ane has ound a ne ho e in roo ood illage. hile urrently situated near the ood ourt arper ane ill e o ing to a s uare oot spa e a ross ro oo s a illion. o e le t and ra ted e elry at arper’s lothing outi ue. Photos by Lexi Coon.

storefront, Harper said she ordered all new clothing to be sold in the boutique, but she tends to avoid “southern markets.” “Those southern markets, everybody ends up with the same exact thing in their storefront windows. And I wanted to be different,” she said, noting that everything she orders comes from Los Angeles. She described the feel of her clothing to be similar to that of Altar’d State. She carries a variety of clothing, and although there isn’t necessarily children’s clothing, she said there is “something for everybody” in Harper Lane. “I still adjust bracelets for young ones all the time,” she said.

The storefront Harper Lane is in is technically temporary, as Harper already has a signed lease for a 4,000- square-foot space across from Books-a-Million in Brookwood V illage. And she has big plans for the future. Harper said she wants to carry “anything you can accessorize your living space or your body,” in her future business, she said. The larger space would serve as both a clothing boutique, as Harper Lane is now, and an interior design showroom, where she could feature locally made furnishings and decor. Indigo would remain as more of an art gallery, keeping the two stores distinct.

“I like how different they are,” Harper said. “And giving Brookwood V illage two different types of stores to shop in, plus being my own competition, is just smart retail business.” Harper Lane is open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday and from noon to 6 p.m. on Sunday. Indigo’s standard hours are noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, although Harper said it is often open for longer hours. Learn more about Harper Lane on Facebook, @ harperlanebrookwood village, or call 223 -1 259 . Learn more about Indigo on Facebook, @ indigoboutique, or calling 58 5-53 8 1 .

June 2018 • A15


Panel discusses state — and future — of local shopping, dining By L EX I COON The quarterly Chamber of Commerce luncheon on April 26 had a common theme throughout: keeping local. Blake Patterson, a principal of Lakeshore enefit lliance and co founder of the new online community shopping hub, OutKlick, began the luncheon by discussing the new “dig ital mall community ogether with elegraph reative, he introduced the concept to oun tain rook earlier this year as a way to fight the “ mazon effect and provide the ease of online shopping for local brick and mortar stores. y putting everything on one “hub, people are able to search for what they want to buy and are then redirected to a store’s website he website for ut lick ountain rook is set to go live in early une, followed by the app in late June. e’s also started working on integrating Alliance, a secondary insurance company, with ut lick per the re uest of uzan oidge, executive director of the chamber. y merging the two concepts, stores par ticipating in ut lick would be able to opt into lliance econdary known as utsure through the ut lick program and help pro vide employees with health care coverage at a fraction of the cost. The goal is to help keep more dollars local and encourage spending within city limits Patterson was then followed by a discus sion of the local food scene by a panel of restaurateurs. he panel which was moderated by Paul e arco consisted of ill aver of aco Mama and Otey’s Tavern; Ralph Y arbrough of Crestline Bagel and Crestline Catering; Carole riffin of ontinental akery and hez Lulu; and om heffer of vo ram, ackson’s and his newest restaurant, cehouse second

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e ar o leads a panel o lo al restaurateurs ill a er er o o er e lun heon pril . Photo by Lexi Coon.

location of restline agel also opened in Feb ruary in Cahaba Heights. uestions touched on all aspects of restau rant ownership but returned to focus on oun tain rook’s food scene and how it has changed through the years. hen looking back, all agreed the city and the food scene have grown, and riffin said this was due to support given by the chamber, the city and the community ompared to surround ing cities, panelists believe greater Birmingham is in a good standing for food and food lovers. Y arbrough mentioned that some restaurants may be concerned about competition, but the general consensus was, as aver said, “ great restaurants beget great restaurants.” heffer agreed but said he does believe there is a point of “over saturation of restaurants that cities can reach “Restaurants are not immune to the laws of economics, he said, which could


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bring about evolutionary changes. He said in the future, restaurants may be in unconventional or nontraditional venues, citing that people can now eat at convenience or gro cery stores, like estern upermarket ut the panel also touched on another concept they see more in the future of restaurants: delivery. hile they acknowledged it is an import ant aspect of the industry they have found it difficult to leave the uality of their product and the customer’s experience in the hand of another company. “ f something is wrong you’re going to get blamed. The customer is not going to blame the delivery system they’re going to blame you,” Haver said. But in the coming years, the panel doesn’t foresee the brick and mortar restaurant disap pearing t may change but they believe cus tomers still get en oyment from going out with

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family or friends for a meal. riffin said, too, she’s hoping to see more “mom and pop ethnic restaurants ut still, “ ountain rook is ahead of the curve,” Y arbrough said. ayor tewart elch also took the time to speak about the Mountain Brook Restaurant rail, in which he challenged both himself and locals to eat at every restaurant within city limits by ec fter starting at the first of the year, ambas sador and nutritionist Abby Nevins became the first person to complete the trail of restau rants elch then challenged her to do the trail twice, agreeing to do it himself, as well The next Chamber of Commerce luncheon will be ept at the irmingham otan ical Gardens. Learn more about OutKlick at and the Restaurant Trail at

A16 • June 2018

Village Living

Events Tiffanie WilliamsonMartin poses in her workspace in her home in Crestwood. WilliamsonMartin has organized sewing classes for children ages 8-14 at the Emmet ’ eal i rary this summer. Photo by Sarah Finnegan.

S u m m e r s e w i n g c l a s s e s c o m i n g t o EOL By L EX I COON A new type of activity is coming to the Emmet O’Neal Library this summer, and it’s for kids who are looking to create: sewing classes. Tiffanie Williamson-Martin wanted to start the classes as a way to teach the trade to children who are interested in sewing. “When I was a child, I wanted to learn how to sew and my parents just didn’t take the initiative to help me learn how to sew,” she said. She wanted to be a fashion designer and learned the skill later in life. She graduated from the University of Alabama with a degree in apparel and textiles and started her business — Cheri Fashions — in 201 3 . She recently returned from showing her work at New Y ork Fashion Week in February and also works with young children at the LJCC.

“I’ve always wanted to teach kids how to sew. I think everybody needs to learn hands-on skills,” she said. Williamson-Martin plans to hold a class June 4 , June 25, July 16, J uly 23 a nd July 30, e ach from 10 a .m. to noon. During each class, she will go over the basics for sewing, such as threading a bobbin, threading the machine, how to pick out fabric and how to guide fabric through the machine. She’s also picked out patterns for the classes, which include bowties and mittens, and will teach her students how to reach the patterns. While the classes are geared mainly towards beginner sewers, she said those with some experience are welcome. She encourages parents to sign their children up for multiple classes, too, so they better retain what they learn. Classes are geared toward kids ages 8 -1 4 . For more information, email Williamson-Martin at cherifashion24 @ or visit

Zoo, Brews and Full Moon Bar-B-Que to offer ‘fun summer night’ for all ages Attendees in June 2017 at the annual a ily riendly fundraiser at Birmingham Zoo — Zoo, Brews and Full Moon Bar-BQue. Photo courtesy of Birmingham Zoo.

By JE S S E CHAM BERS raft beer lovers will find a haven at the fourth annual Z oo, Brews and Full Moon BarB-Q ue fundraiser at the Birmingham Z oo on Saturday, June 16, f rom 5:30- 8: 30 p.m . Nearly 20 Southeastern craft brewers will offer samples, including TrimTab Brewing, Cahaba Brewing Company and Ghost Train Brewing Company of Birmingham, according to Kiki Nolen-Schmidt, marketing coordinator for the zoo. Alabama brewers on hand will also include Y ellowhammer Brewing from Huntsville and Back Forty Beer Company from Gadsden. There will be beer makers from Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Missouri and Utah, too. The event, which raises money to care for the zoo’s resident animals, will also feature wines

and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as dinner from Full Moon Bar-B-Q ue. The evening includes animal greetings, train and carousel rides and kids activities.

“The whole family can have a fun and relaxing summer night,” Nolen-Schmidt said. Attendees will be able to meet and learn more about a variety of birds, reptiles and

mammals from trained staff. Kids activities will include games, face painting, sand art and a special “tasting” tent for kids beverages. Party band Union Road Band will play 1 9 9 0s alternative music, 1 9 8 0s rock and country. Tickets for adults — 21 and older —are $ 3 5. Children’s tickets and tickets for designated drivers are $20. Tickets for designated drivers are $20. A limited number of V IP tickets are available for early event admission, premium parking and drinks. Adult V IP tickets are $ 7 5, children’s V IP tickets are $ 50 and designated drivers V IP tickets are $50. All children ages 3 and younger at the event are admitted free. For tickets or more information, go to events.

June 2018 • A17

Local churches hosting Vacation Bible School camps Various places of worship in Mountain Brook are holding Vacation Bible Schools this summer. Photo illustration by Lexi Coon.

By L EX I COON As school ends for the summer, many children spend some of their free time at V acation Bible School at local churches. We at V illage Living know there are many places of worship within Mountain Brook’s city limits and put together a guide to V acation Bible Schools that might be of interest to you.


► Wh e n : May 29- June 1 Mountain Brook Presbyterian will be hosting their V acation Bible School from 9 a.m. to noon from May 29 -June 1 . The school is designed for kids ages 4- 10, and during the camp, attendees will “follow Moses, Joshua and Israelite tribes on their journey to God’s Promised Land,” according to its website. For more information, visit, stop by the church office or email sgregson


► Wh e n : June 4- 7 Kids joining St. Luke’s for its summer Bible school will learn about ancient Jerusalem and study the Ten Commandments, The Great Commandments and The Golden Rule. Kids ages 4 years old through sixth grade are welcome, and the camp will run from 9 a.m. to noon. V isit ministries/ children/ vbs to learn more.


► Wh e n : June 4- 7 St. Stephen’s Episcopal will be hosting the “Rolling River Rampage” to discover life with God from 9 a.m. to noon from June 4 -7 . Through a “white water rafting adventure,” kids will learn “life with God is an adventure full of wonder and surprise and that we can trust God to be with us through anything,” according to the website.

V isit vbs for more information or to register.


► Wh e n : June 4- 8 For the younger vacation Bible schoolers from 3 K to second grade, Canterbury UMC will also be hosting the “Rolling River Rampage.” Upper V BS, for those who have completed third through fifth grade, will learn more about how God inspired John Wesley to spread the work about Jesus. All camp days are from 9 a.m. to noon. Go to events to learn more.


► Wh e n : June 4- 8 St. Francis X avier will be hosting two V BS this year: “Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus” for rising 4 K through second-graders, and “Totus uus for rising third through fifth and si th through 1 2th-graders. “Shipwrecked” will run

from 9 a.m. to noon; “Totus Tuus” for thirdthrough fifth graders will run onday hursday 9 a.m. to 2:3 0 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m. to noon; and “Totus Tuus” for sixth- through 1 2th-graders will run Monday-Thursday, 7 -9 p.m. To learn more about the camp options, visit vacation-bible-school.


► Wh e n : June 1 1- 14 Similar to other V BS events, Mountain Brook Community Church will be presenting “Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus” for its camp. As of late April, pre-kindergarten and kindergarten registration was full, but spots were still available for first through fourth graders he camp will run from 8: 30 a .m. to noon. V isit vbs to learn more.


► Wh e n : June 18- 21 Kids are welcome to take part in St. Peter’s

“Rolling River Rampage.” Attendees will learn “life with God is an adventure full of wonder and surprise and that we can trust God to be with us through anything,” according to the website. The camp will run from 9 a.m. to noon. Go to vbs2018 f or more.


► Wh e n : July 9- 13 Mountain Brook Baptist Church will be hosting its annual V acation Bible School camp on July 9 -1 3 from 9 a.m. to noon. The camp is created for ages first grade and is free for church members, although a $ 1 0 donation is appreciated for camp shirts. For more information, visit ministries/ kids/ preschool-childrens-ministry/ vacation-bible-school. D id w e miss any V acation Bible S chool dates in Mountain Brook? L et us know by emailing

A18 • June 2018

Village Living


’ eal Library hildren’s librarian Morgan Higgins leads a session of the Hot Off the Press after-school book club at Brookwood Forest Elementary. The book club was scheduled to take place at BWF twice during the summer of 2018. Photo courtesy of Emmet O’Neal Library. Flicks among the Flowers is returning this summer on June 6 with the movie “Hitch” and on July 18 with the movie “Jaws.” Photo courtesy of the Birmingham Botanical Gardens.

Flicks among the Flowers returns Library expanding summer reading locations to gardens June 6, July 18 By JE S S E CHAM BERS Emmet O’Neal Library will host its usual summer reading program this year, but it’s also launching a new Satellite Summer Reading initiative. EOL will send librarians to Brookwood Forest Elementary, the Irondale Furnace Trail and Overton Park to encourage reading in those areas. The program can help kids avoid the “summer slide,” a loss in academic skills between school years, according to children’s librarian Rachel Hebert Owens. The library “offers incentives to keep kids in books all season long, so when they return to school, they’re right on pace and ready to keep moving forward,” Owens said. Every Wednesday afternoon in June and July — except July 4 — children’s librarians will go to BFW to check reading logs, recommend books, give reading prizes and help readers choose free books

they’ve earned. On Thursdays at 9 a.m., library storytellers will offer Books in the Brook, an all-ages storytime in the BFW garden. Books in the Brook will also be held at Irondale Furnace Trail on June 16 at 10 a.m. and at Overton Park on July 21 a t 2 p.m. The Hot Off the Press book club for rising thirdto sixth-graders will take place at BWF on June 27 and July 1 8 at 2 p.m. The club requires online registration. Library Out Loud, a storytime for rising kindergarten through second-graders, will be held at BWF on June 27 and July 1 8 at 2 p.m. No advance registration is required. To register for summer events, go to al.evanced. info/ eolib/ lib/ eventcalendar.asp. For details on summer programs, go to documents/ 2018s ummercalendar.pdf.

By EM M A L IN D S EY From the jaws of a great white to the shark tank of the dating realm, the Birmingham Botanical Gardens will transport visitors this summer with cinematic experiences in its annual Flicks among the Flowers event in both June and July. The lineup will feature the romantic comedy “Hitch” on Wednesday, June 6, and the adventure film thriller “ aws on Wednesday, July 18. Blake Ells, communication and marketing coordinator for the gardens, said, “The event invites people to the gardens for a film, and we hope that it introduces people to the gardens that otherwise don’t frequent our 6 7.5 a cres.” The screenings will begin as soon as

the sun sets, which is typically around 8 p.m. and will end typically around 1 0 p.m. However, parking is limited, and the gardens recommend an early arrival. Admission is free, but a $5 donation is suggested. The screenings will take place in the Formal Garden in front of the conservatory. Guests are invited to bring low profile lawn chairs, blankets and food, but food and beverages will also be available for purchase at The Gardens Cafe by Kathy G. Pets are not allowed unless they are service animals. The expected crowd for the Flicks among the Flowers event is 300 to 400 people. For more information visit bbgardens. org.

June 2018 • A19

Local artist creates stained glass boxes, sculptures By L EX I COON Retirement, for many, means more time to spend doing what you love. And that’s just how artist Ronnie Seitel views it. Seitel, a former Mountain Brook High School teacher, started making stained glass art in the early 1 9 8 0s and developed a fondness for the craft after taking a class in downtown Birmingham. is first pro ect was to put together a window, but it was something that required homework. “I came back, with the window finished, and the lady said, hy are you here?’” said Seitel. He told the teacher he didn’t know what he was doing, but the teacher — looking at the finished window assured him he did. Seitel said he has always been an artist in some way — a painter, a sculptor, a photographer, a musician. He got started with his glass work through woodworking. After that initial class, he was able to add stained glass to his repertoire. It’s something that has always stuck with him, even though teaching limited the amount of time he could dedicate to the craft. hen he entered retirement and was ready to pick the craft back up, it was right there waiting for him. But he doesn’t create flat stained glass pieces — his work is functional and three dimensional. “Most of the people who do glass it seems to me, they do flat pieces But this,” Seitel said, gesturing toward a box constructed with stained glass, “is more challenging.” Seitel spends time sketching out plans for new projects, taking ideas

from both architecture and nature. He said some artists might spend time looking for ideas and inspiration based on other pieces online, but he prefers to start from scratch. “I would much rather be ignorant to all of that and just come up with it myself,” he said. “So when you’re sitting around playing with stuff, ideas come in some cases just by messing around.” To put the boxes together, he cuts the glass to size and then wraps each edge in foil tape. From there, everything is soldered together and hinges are added so parts of the box can open and close. Everything is done in his basement, and he estimated a standard box would take about three hours to build after finalizing a pattern Some pieces may have been designed with a purpose in mind, such as a guitar pick holder, but they can be much more than that. “Physically, it is a box, but also it can be a piece of sculpture,” he said. It’s all up to the person holding it. “This is all up close and personal, and I like the tactile part of it,” he said. The selection of textures, colors and patterns he uses lend themselves to catching light in different ways depending on how they are set up. And unlike many examples of stained glass art, people can pick it up, hold it and feel the glass and the solder between their fingers “And people don’t usually do that with stained glass,” he said. “Y ou’re invited to touch it, you can look at it and go, ow, that’s really neat ’ He thinks it’s that feature, in addition to the three-dimensional aspect of his pieces, that led him to be invited to be part of Artists, Inc. in V estavia Hills. The organization is a

full service fine art gallery, and eitel was part of a show there in March. He said it helps serve as another avenue to sell his work, in addition to Alabama Designer Craftsmen. Eventually, Seitel would like to begin working with warm glass to create rounded, more curved pieces. He doesn’t currently have a website to sell what he makes, but instead relies on the annual Alabama Designer Craftsmen show at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens and, now, exposure at Artists, Inc. But for those who are interested in his work or would like to see more samples, Seitel can be reached at rlseitel@

Ronnie Seitel, a retired Mountain Brook High School teacher and local artist, works with stained glass to create small boxes, window ornaments and other decorative art pieces. Photos by Sarah Finnegan.

A20 • June 2018

Village Living

Finding your (safe) place in the sun As summer nears, be sure to give your skin the protection it needs By M ARIEN N E THOM AS OG L E It’s never too late to form good summer skin care habits. Dr. Sarah Sawyer of Dermatology & Laser of Alabama, who has been in practice for 1 6 years, said she was initially taught that people get the majority of their skin damage by the age of 25, and after that nothing can help. “But we now know that that’s not true,” Sawyer said. “If you begin good ultraviolet protection habits you can actually reverse your level of potential skin cancers. The skin can repair itself over time to some degree.” Sawyer has lived in the Birmingham area for 25 years and said one of the first things people should do is realize where they are. “Many people who live here don’t think about how much sun we get in comparison to just a few states to our north,” she said. While many prefer a tanned appearance, it’s important to note that a tan is a product of sun exposure that results in inflammation, damage to cell DNA and the production of melanin.

“Basically, your skin produces a tan to protect itself because the darker the skin, the less sun can get through,” she said. “In essence, a tan is the skin’s cry for help.” Repeated burns in the same area can bring out pre-cancers and skin cancers, too. So, what’s a sun-lover to do? “Most people reach for the sunscreen and in doing so, rightfully shop for the higher SPF numbers,” Sawyer said. “But that’s only part of the story.” The SPF, or sun protection factor, is a measure of how long a sunscreen can protect you from only ultraviolet B ( UV B) rays. These UV B rays cause redness and sunburn but can also damage the skin’s outer layers, the location of the most common forms of skin cancer. Ultraviolet A ( UV A) rays are also a cause for concern, as Sawyer said they are “thought to initiate much of the skin cancer that we see today, as well as the wrinkling and cosmetic damage to the skin.” She said there is more evidence now that UV A rays penetrate more deeply that UV B rays and cause “deeper, longer-term damage to the basal, cell layer of the skin.” People should be aware that sunscreens come in different varieties, with some being chemically-based and others having physical ingredients that reflect V light, such as titanium dioxide, zinc oxide and iron oxide.

When spending time outside this summer, be sure to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes and use a sunscreen with a high SPF and reapply it frequently. Photo illustration by Lexi Coon.

“The chemical sunscreens … let sun close to the skin but the chemical reaction changes UV light into heat, so you’ll often feel your skin getting hot,” she said. “But physical sunblocks reflect back all the light, keeping your skin cool which is better for you.” She suggested to look for broad spectrum protection to block all dangerous rays. An adult in a swimsuit should apply one ounce of sunscreen at every application, and it should be reapplied every two hours but more often if swimming or sweating, she said. Sawyer also cautions people to

avoid sun during the hours between 1 0 a.m.– 2 p.m. “That is the worst time of the day when virtually no sunscreen can truly protect you,” she said. “And in Alabama, it’s more like 1 0 a.m.– 4 p.m.” Sawyer said sun protection clothing is “better than any sunblock, lotion or cream,” too, and widebrimmed hats are preferred since baseball caps don’t protect the side of the face. While not a replacement for sun protection, Sawyer said people may want to check out My UV Patch, an appliqué that measures sun exposure

and tells the wearer when it’s time to go inside. Sawyer also recommends Heliocare, an oral antioxidant supplement made of a fern extract that has been used since ancient times to heal the skin to help reduce sunburn potential. Sawyer cautions that while aloe vera and after-sun moisturizers may relieve discomfort, they don’t repair the damage. “Once you’re burned, the damage is done,” she said. “But don’t forget, whether you’re in your 20s, 50s or s, you can still benefit from smart sun protection habits.”

June 2018 • A21

School House Mayor brings in student artists to decorate office By EM M A L IN D S EY

While enjoying cookies and other treats, Mayor Stewart Welch asked each young artist about their work, took photos for the parents and handed each child a “million dollar bill” to remind them they were one in a million. Photo by Emma Lindsey.

his past year the walls in the mayor s office have highlighted Mountain Brook students’ artwork. The art is rotated every six months and the mayor is continuously supplied with a view of the ample creativity of ountain rook students he idea arose when the previous mayor — Terry Oden retired and suddenly ayor tewart elch had a large blank wall to fill den was an e secret servicemen and was a part of the Presidential Guard. On his walls were numerous honors and even photographs with former First Lady ackie ennedy adly, the old souvenirs were taken down, but this left an oppor tunity to begin a collaboration with the ountain rook chool ystem’s art departments to show case student art elch e plained,“ ust wanted the kids to feel great about the art that they did. They are used to painting and am sure that they receive acco lades from parents and so forth, but if we could display it, thought that that would be something that would elevate their art and encourage them to do more.” his rotation’s art arose ust a few blocks from the mayor s office itself restline lementary chool Parents and students were invited to attend the student art e hibit uesday, ay , to celebrate the elementary students’ creativity and talent Lauren Fowler, an art teacher at , believes that encouraging the elementary age group in art is essential. “ t this age their minds are at their most cre ative, Fowler said “ hey are not scared of trying new ideas and techni ues and they are not worried about making the world look real.” Students seemed to agree with Ms. Fowler. hird grade student amilla Riddle said, “ love art because you can be free and do what you want t is your choice and nobody can tell you what to do

A22 • June 2018

Village Living

Charlotte Redden: “I did this because my dad loves his work.”

Virginia de Idiaquez

W h y d o yo u l o v e yo u r f a t h e r ? With Father’s Day right around the corner, V illage Living asked area elementary schools to submit art portraying why students love their dads. This artwork is by students from Crestline Elementary School.

Anna Cranford: “My dad is very special to me, and he is good at football. I think he is the best at it.” Elise Lamkin: t ather’s Day] reminds me of going to the daddydaughter dance.”

ONLINE ► To see more students’ artwork, visit villageliving

Left: James Stuckey: “My dad deserves to be able to be in the NBA. I did this because of what he means to me.” Center: Caroline Dennis: “The best thing about my dad is he is thoughtful and is always nice to everyone in my family.” Right: Jack Nesmith: “I did this because my dad is so awesome, so I did a pow picture.”

Mary Addison Paul: “[My] wish [would] be for him to be in the Masters because he's great at golf.” Mary Clinton Hudson

Zayna Glover: “I drew a lot of sweets around my dad because he loves sweets. He sometimes even gets up in the middle of the night to get them!”

lla ate ’ linn e y dad and y little dog Nemo are at the park playing together and spending special time shared outside.”

Olivia Downard: “I [drew] me and my dad [canoeing], and I drew a tie for him [since] he is always intense.”

Wyatt Selph: “Dad is scoring a goal because he really likes soccer. If I could make him a famous soccer player forever, that would be my greatest wish.”

June 2018 • A23

A24 • June 2018

Village Living

2 BWF r bo to i c s t e am s q u la i f y f o r V e x IQ W o r l d Ch a m p i o n s h i p wo rookwood Forest teams ualified for the Alabama State V EX IQ Elementary Championship. These two teams from BWF then ualified for the V orld hampionship in Louisville in April. V EX IQ is a snap-together robotics system designed to incorporate science, technology, engineering and math. Once the team creates a robot, they submit their robot in various competitions across the community. Two robots compete as allies in the Teamwork Challenge in 6 0-second-long teamwork matches, working collaboratively to score

points. The students design, build problem solve, program and drive their robot. Each team can also enter the STEM research category. By using the engineering process, teams think, do and test an idea so solve a problem in our world. eam earned first place in teamwork championship, and Team A earned the STEM Award for Elementary. This was under the direction of Jennifer Jinnette and Sharon Mumm at BWF and James Salvant at MBJH. – Subm itted by Kathleen W oodry.

Crestline students tour BOE’s ‘Classroom of the Future’

hird graders at restline le entary tour the lassroo o the uture at the oard o du ation’s hie anger oo . Photo courtesy of Lauren Kiser.

n anticipation of a third grade field trip to the outhern Museum of Flight, Lauren Kiser took her Crestline math and science students to the Classroom of the Future at the Board of Education’s Chief Ranger Room. The visit was a lesson in technology for the students. They learned about the software that is used in the room and explored vocabulary related to that technology. These terms included sensory, immersive and web content. The classroom has a sensory board where the children could touch a panel to receive information through different sensory modes. These introductory sensory lessons included fun activities such as catching balls, dispersing water and popping bubbles; however, the class also used this panel for a scavenger hunt using vocabulary and facts related to flight Through the immersive component of the room, the students were able to do research regarding flight while the room looked and felt like they were flying The class liked the web content most. With this component, they were able to visit inside the Emirates Airbus. When the class returned from their visit, Kiser challenged the children to create their own “Classroom of the Future.” Hopefully this experience opened the students’ eyes to an understanding that technology is so much more than Chromebooks and iPads. – Submitted by Caroline Springfield.

BWF students ualified or the Alabama State VEX IQ le entary ha pionship and ualified or the orld ha pionship in pril. Photo courtesy of Kathleen Woodry.


re ent ad enture in ol ed a irtual trip to ount erest at ountain roo le entary ith fi er i hard ne ht. ulie u ’s se ond grade lass did a antasti o o ans ering uestions and staying engaged ith the progra . Photo courtesy of Julie Tuck.

June 2018 • A25

“Olympian” 2017 staff members and 2018 editors Anna Grace Putman, Sarah Yates, Mary Hannah Mackin and Sallie Simpson. Photo courtesy of Hank Spencer/Image Arts.

MBHS earns Jostens National Yearbook Design recognition Mountain Brook High School’s yearbook, the “Olympian,” has been recognized for excellence and featured in the 2018 Jostens “Look Book,” celebrating the best-of-the-best in yearbook design and coverage. The Jostens “Look Book” is a collection of spreads and photos from outstanding yearbooks and their creative themes, cool covers, dazzling designs, relevant coverage, storytelling copy and action-packed photography. Along with design excellence, the annually published “Look Book” honors the important role well-crafted yearbooks play in helping schools chronicle the experiences, stories and achievements most relevant to students and that academic year. The “Olympian” was created by editors Marley Barnett, Nick Bruno and Charlotte Farrar under the direction of Jill Covington McGee and Brook Hawkins, MBHS yearbook adviser. “Creating a memorable 50th yearbook was quite the challenge,” McGee said. “The editors and the entire staff stepped out of their comfort zone and produced an outstanding anniversary

edition. Watching the staff research and learn about the high school and milestones that were achieved through the years was very rewarding.” The MBHS “Olympian” was one of 4 1 3 yearbooks selected from approximately 2,000 entries. The 201 8 panel of judges, composed of nationally recognized scholastic journalism professionals and award-winning yearbook advisers who selected the best examples of yearbook spreads and covers to make up the 304- page 2018 “ Look Book.” McGee and Hawkins and their yearbook staff received a copy of the 201 8 Jostens “Look Book” and plaque from Jostens to recognize their outstanding achievement. The 201 7 “Olympian” yearbook was the 50th edition published since the high school was established. The book included a slipcase, a hardback yearbook supplement and a notepad. The yearbook was distributed to all students, faculty and board members and to businesses within the community. – Subm itted by Jill McG ee.

A26 • June 2018

Village Living

Grantland Rice IV named community champion of experiential entrepreneurship program

AUTHORS V ISIT CBE Brian Floca (pictured with a kindergarten class), Marc Tyler Nobleman, Gin Phillips and Michelle Hazelwood Hyde visited Cherokee Bend students in March as part of the PTOsponsored riter’s Festival. Photo courtesy of Laura Comer.

Altamont’s Amrita Lakhanpal wins national, regional awards for philanthropic work On April 9 at an assembly in the CabanissKaul Center for the Arts, Tonya Brown of the Prudential Corporation presented Altamont junior Amrita Lakhanpal with a Prudential Spirit of Community Distinguished Finalist Award. This award recognized Amrita for her work with EPIC Elementary, where she raised enough money to buy more than 60 Chromebooks and taught computer coding classes. Spirit of Community Award recipients are chosen by Prudential Financial in partnership with the National Association of Secondary School Principals. The award honors young people for outstanding acts of volunteerism. This nationwide program, now in its 23 rd year, considers thousands of students each year and only selects a handful of recipients from each state. Amrita is one of only six students in Alabama to be recognized with this award this year. At an April 1 7 ceremony at The Club in Birmingham, Amrita was presented with the United Way of Central Alabama Ignite Student V olunteer of the Y ear Award for her work with EPIC. The Ignite award recognizes students who have e emplified commitment and enthusiasm,

Amrita Lakhanpal was presented with the Prudential Spirit of Community Distinguished Finalist Award and the United Way of Central Alabama Ignite Student Volunteer of the Year Award in April. Photo courtesy of Julie Beckwith.

and who have served as an example of a volunteer student leader among their peers. – Subm itted by Julie Beckw ith.

Grantland Rice IV will the following profestake on the community sional volunteers from our champion role of the high community: school business department’s ► Co a c h e s : A subnew program, INCubatoredu ject matter expert who collaborates with the this fall. Mr. Rice is the current chief operating officer at classroom teacher to help Cobbs Allen, a risk managedeliver course curricument consulting firm headlum. Time commitment quartered in Birmingham. would be one to five He received his master’s days per school year for of accountancy in 2007 one class period to help from Auburn University teach students relevant, and graduated from MBHS foundational content. in 2002. He was involved The course curriculum is with the high school’s busi- Grantland Rice IV based on lean methodolness department during his ogy of marketing. tenure, receiving the Out► M e n t o r s : Works standing Business Student Award his senior with small student groups and advises them on year. He currently serves on the MBS Career how to hypothesis test iterate a specific busiTech Advisory Committee. His involvement ness idea. Mentors would meet with groups and support of the school system has now once a month to help students learn how to come full circle, as Mr. Rice will take on the find answers themselves and give guidance on voluntary role of community champion as the their product or service. The energy and effort business department launches INCubatoredu. will increase before key milestones such as the Mr. Rice is involved with the Birmingham MV P pitch near the academic year’s midpoint V enture Club and has experience serving as a and at the year’s end for Investor Pitch. All consultant with many start-up and established mentors will follow the school system guidebusiness. He and his wife, Lauren, live in Cres- lines for volunteers. tline with their four children. ► Bo a r d o f Ad v i s o r s : A group of vol“I am very excited to help launch the incu- unteer business professionals and entreprebator program at the high school,” Rice said. neurs who offer strategic direction to student “Birmingham has such a wealth of business teams. These volunteers will be in the class talent, and I’m looking forward to connect- a minimum of two times in the school year: ing experienced business leaders with the MV P Pitch and Final Pitch. The pitches will students.” be in a shark tank environment where stuThe incubator is a partnership with dents could possibly gain funding from the ncharted Learning, and is the first advisors. high school in the state to launch this program. After an application process, 24 students INCubatoredu is a popular high school were selected to be part of this inaugural entrepreneurship course in which student course. The INCubator will be housed in the teams create new product and service innova- high school’s business department and will tions. Community involvement is essential in be taught by Lori Beasley, Amber Benson, Brooke Hawkins and Jill C. McGee. the success of this program. – Subm itted by Jill C . McG ee. The INCubatoredu program is seeking

June 2018 • A27

A28 • June 2018

Village Living

‘Mr. Roboto VEX IQ’ MBJH’s James Salvant earns international recognition for work in robotics programs By L EX I COON Mountain Brook Junior High teacher ames alvant started his first robotics program at Oak Mountain Middle School about seven years ago. When he was hired as the technology teacher at MBJH, he used his experiences to build yet another robotics program, one that has found success and support. This year, Salvant took eight Mountain Brook teams to the robotics world championship in Louisville to compete against 8 00 teams from around the world. Several Mountain Brook teams ualified for finals in their divisions for Worlds and represented the top two percent of robots in the world. Crestline team 3 521 3 C walked away ranked third in its division, and two MBJH teams placed eighth and 1 0th in their divisions. MBJH also won the Build Award in the Engineering Division. Oak Mountain had one school place 1 0th in its division. The year prior, Mountain Brook and Oak Mountain teams both earned divisional world championship titles, meaning two of the four divisional world championships came from Alabama schools — and from programs Salvant created.

The success of these programs, and his success in robotics have earned him international recognition. In early April, the International Engineering and Educator Association ( ITEEA) awarded Salvant the Program Excellence Award at its 8 0th annual conference in Atlanta. The ITEEA is an organization for technology and engineering teachers to “bounce ideas off of each other,” Salvant said, and gives those in the field the chance to share their profes sionalism and practices. In order to be considered for the Program Excellence Award, Salvant had to be recommended for the award before a committee vetted the candidates. According to the ITEEA website, the Program Excellence Award is “one of the highest honors given to technology and engineering education programs at the elementary, middle and high school levels.” Awards are given to winners from elementary, middle and high school levels from each state, and awardees “serve as models for their colleagues, inspiration to their communities and leaders in their region … as proponents of advancing technological literacy for all.” “It was crazy,” he said. “It was

James Salvant works with Ashwin Revanna, center, during a robotics club meeting April 25. In early April, the International Engineering and Educator Association (ITEEA) awarded Salvant the Program Excellence Award at its 80th annual conference in Atlanta. Photo by Sarah Finnegan.

really good to get the recognition.” Salvant said the conference had attendees from all over the world, including a group from China and a group from Australia. “The mind power in that building was just insane at that time,” he said. “It was really neat to see what other people are doing, and it got me really excited about a program I’m going to put in next year for one of my classes.” While Salvant was recognized for his success in the robotics programs he started and currently coaches, he also was commended for his contributions to robotics across the state. n the last four to five years, alvant said he spent a lot of time traveling to

different school districts who didn’t have robotics programs. By helping to train teachers and students, bringing in students for demonstrations and educating other schools about the V EX IQ program — which was specifically chosen because it is a worldwide platform — Salvant contributed to the massive surge in robotics that Alabama has seen in grades in the last four to five years “We saw about a 4 00 percent growth in the robotics programs [ in the state] ,” he said. The main focus was in the elementary and middle school grades, he said, so when the students reach highschool age they are more prepared to

practice and compete. The REC Foundation, which hosts the world championship, also recognized him as Mentor of the Y ear for e panding the field, he said His involvement in the V EX IQ platform has earned him the nickname “Mr. Roboto V EX IQ ,” and Salvant said people will seek him out for advice or assistance at competitions if they need it. And Salvant is glad the recognition goes back to Mountain Brook robotics and its student competitors, too. “It’s good for the schools, it’s good for our community,” he said. “And it shows that Mountain Brook tries to do stuff right.”

June 2018 • A29

a CHANGING of the GUARDS School system sees top administrators retiring, transitioning to new roles By L EX I COON This month marks the end of an era at Mountain Brook Schools, administrators retire and change roles. Director of Student Services Dale Wisely will be resigning from his position of 1 2 years and when asked what led to him to this decision, he simply said, “Me, retiring.” “I’ve been here for 1 2 years and so, you know, I’m 6 2, and decided if I was going to do something different, it was time to do it,” Wisely said. Since his time with MBS, Wisely has been a staple both in MBS and the community. He has helped run All In Mountain Brook, held numerous informational sessions and conducted presentations at many monthly Mountain Brook Board of Education meetings. Superintendent Dicky Barlow said Wisely has been a leader in mental health and family issues during his time with the school system. “Dale has done a fantastic job in that position,” Barlow said. As Wisely steps away from his position, Amanda Hood, principal of Mountain Brook High School for the past five years, will be stepping up to become the new director of student services. She has been in education for 1 9 years and served as the assistant principal of MBHS and the


so roo

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ale isely ountain roo hools’ dire tor o student ser i es ill e retiring and hool rin ipal anda ood ill e ta ing the position. Photo by Lexi Coon.

principal of the junior high. Barlow said she was the “perfect person” for the position. “Since Amanda has been here as principal, she’s had a very strong focus on the welfare of students. I’m really pleased she’ll be coming on board,” Wisely said. “It’s a really exciting position because it is just connected to so many things that happen in our schools,” Hood said. Under the new title, she will be working with school counselors, school resource officers and , among many others. “I hope my experience of serving as school principal gives a

boots-on-the-ground perspective,” of everyday challenges teachers and administrators may face, she said. In the meantime, Wisely will be moving on to the Prince of Peace Catholic Church in Hoover to be the director of family life. But he’ll be sticking around MBS as a contract employee to help with program planning and parent talks, AIMB and the transition of roles. “Although we’re going to miss Dale, he’ll still be with us in other capacities, and we’ll move forward,” Barlow said. He said the job description for director of student services is not changing, but rather emphasizing the strengths of both Wisely


and Hood. “What the community sees is Dale talking to them about the driving contract or how to support kids with ADHD … They’re still going to have the opportunity for all that,” Barlow said. Hood, however, will pay more attention to school safety and security. “We really needed someone who had been a principal before and understands … how school works to be able to look at the ins and outs of school safety he’s going to fit into that mold exceptionally well,” he said. Betsy Bell is also retiring from “the most beautiful place in the world,”

this summer: Cherokee Bend Elementary. She has been at Cherokee Bend for 1 8 years, the past 1 1 of which have been as principal. She said she has always seen support for the school system — from teachers to the entral ffice to the community and everyone in between — and CBE has only gotten better over the years. Since Bell started as principal, she has had paintings from students she taught when she first started at hanging in her office as well as a uote from Confucius that reads, “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” “And I feel like that’s what I’ve done,” she said. While Bell said she will miss her time at the school and the drive to “the most beautiful place filled with the most beautiful people,” she will now use her time to start a new adventure in real estate. The search for a new principal for MBHS and CBE is in progress and Barlow said they hope to have new administrators announced by the end of the school year. Both Hood and Bell will be aiding in the transition process, too. As of press time, nominations were yet to be decided.

A30 • June 2018

Village Living


CONTINUED from page A1

Upcoming breakfast

publicly discussed his desire to fight the opioid crisis in metro irmingham communities “ hat started the concept of the Freedom from ddiction oalition shley kind of ran with it; he took point with that, elch said he Freedom from ddiction oalition, in elch’s words, “is a coalition between the four over the mountain cities where we are trying to come up with a way to make our community aware of the drug issue nd that’s the goal to make people aware that addiction is a problem and to provide access to resources so those affected can seek help, elch said t isn’t meant to specifically deal with the opioid crisis, although elch said there is attention on it hile aimed more at adults, the information is applicable to people of any age elch said he doesn’t believe that ountain rook has any particularly pressing concerns about addiction or drug abuse within city limits, but he knows that doesn’t mean the conversation is irrelevant hief of Police ed ook said that during the past eight to years, law enforcement in general has seen an increased problem with opioids, though he doesn’t believe ountain rook has problems to the same e tent that other communities may “ e’re always concerned about alcohol usage in our city, he said, adding one of the reasons ountain rook is involved in the Freedom from ddiction oalition is to combat prescription drug abuse, too “ o many youth are active in every sport imaginable and e tracurricular activities, he said, and when they become in ured, they are prescribed pain medication “ here are stories out and about, and while we don’t have one specifically here, know of one of a young man who wound up with a heroin addiction ut it all began with some type of sports in ury, and it all started with prescription medication, ook said oth ook and elch called for better control of any prescribed medications, stating they should be locked and unavailable to those who aren’t supposed to be taking them nd even so, the ongoing national opioid epidemic is

Mountain Brook will host the second Freedom from Addiction Coalition community awareness breakfast from 8-9 a.m. June 12 at Canterbury UMC. The Center for Executive Leadership Executive Director Richard Simmons and counselor Jay Lloyd will be presenting. The event is free, and those interested in attending can learn more at

Mountain Brook Mayor Stewart Welch, right, and Hoover Mayor Frank Brocato, center, listen to a speaker at the March 13 Freedom from Addiction Coalition community awareness breakfast in Vestavia Hills. Photo by Emily Featherston.

still on their minds “ t can lead to a one time trying a drug which becomes an addiction that is laced with something and that becomes an overdose and a potentially fatal episode, ook said “ hat’s ust a ma or concern all the time “ don’t think there’s a community throughout the country that would be untouched by this ut then again, you want to be ahead of this, elch said nd that’s what the mayors and cities involved in the Freedom from ddiction oalition are aiming to do elch spoke of a young woman he knows who, about a year ago, got “knee deep into drugs and was later arrested for selling them elch said her parents had her stay the night in ail and later a udge presented her with two options go to ail or spend one year in a treatment program “ think having had a taste of spending time in ail, that gave her the sense of that is not where she wanted to end up, elch said he is now on the tail end of her treatment program, and elch said she is doing well ut due to new technology and the evolving drug climate, communities have started needing find new ways to combat addiction and overdoses “ ou have to have new approaches, and

obviously the best answer is to stop it before it starts, elch said nder the coalition, the mayors want to find “a pathway for those who realize they or someone they love needs help ventually, elch wants that pathway to be easily visible on the city’s website and commonly known he mayors also agreed that each city would host a breakfast every uarter aimed at educating community members and providing resources to those who may be suffering from addiction or know someone who is he breakfasts which elch said he made a point of making free to encourage attendance cover a range of topics that pertain to addiction and drug abuse within communities he coalition wants to help those affected by addiction find the resources they need uickly and easily but in a relatable atmosphere “ he idea is to have a little bit of a at the end of the meeting , but they could also have a private conversation with someone too, elch said he first meeting was held arch by Vestavia, and elch deemed it a success Local parents spoke about their e periences when their daughter became involved in drugs and later

overdosed, and elch said they talked through what they think they did right and wrong he ne t breakfast which is open to anyone from any community is going to be hosted by ountain rook on une at anterbury nited ethodist enter from am elch said those who want breakfast should come in a little early to allow for enough time for discussion if needed, as the meeting will begin promptly at a m e’s scheduled Richard immons and ay Lloyd, e ecutive director and counselor at he enter of ecutive Leadership, respectively, to speak at the breakfast meeting he enter is a ministry of professionals that helps individuals deal with difficult situations in life through guidance Local resources, such as radford ealth ervices, he Foundry and een hallenge are also invited, and attendees can choose to sit with representatives from the different organizations to provide a place to meet and talk ll the cities are working together to promote the event, too, to try to attract and educate as many people as possible “ his, think, was one of the first instances where you had four cities come together and say ey, listen, we can be competitive on some things but there are other things where we can work together and have more impact than if we did it alone, elch said “Let’s find an intersection where we can work together for positive impact o learn more about the event, visit mtnbrookchamber org events

June 2018 • A31

Clockwise from above: Crestline Shell station owner Kelly Jackson, left, and service attendant Dusty Johnson review a schedule log pril . ag o s eets dropped o y usto ers ho ished to sho their appre iation or or ers’ ser i e sits on a ounter inside the station. er i e attendants usty ohnson le t and . . a is inspe t and lean a usto er’s ar. Photos by Sarah Finnegan.


CONTINUED from page A1 around to that particular pump, attendants will wash the windows, check under the hood, make sure all tires are filled with air and fill up the tank. It’s a little more expensive than pumping your own gas at another pump, but Jackson said a lot of families like to use it before taking their cars on longer trips. “We do everything we need to do to make sure they’re safe heading on their travels,” he said. Jackson became the owner of the business about two years ago, after the King family — who had owned the Shell since 197 — decided to sell it. Both Jackson and 28- year employee Danny Barker spoke highly of Jack ing, the first of his family to be an owner King is a former military service member, and Barker said he ran his business as such. If something wasn’t run properly or up to his standard, “you hit the road,” Barker said. But Barker also said it’s that very standard that has helped the business stick around for so long. Jack King’s sons, Jack Jr. and David, later took over the business. It was during that time that McPherson Oil Company, who owned the property on which the station sits, wanted to sell the land for restaurant development, Jackson said. It was common knowledge that the Crestline Shell might disappear, but it wasn’t commonly accepted. “A group of like, 1 5 or 16 i nvestors went ahead and bought the property to keep the Shell in the village,” Jackson said.

“That tells you a lot about what it [ the station] means to Mountain Brook and to Crestline,” Barker said. Jack King Jr. continued to run the business afterward, and about two years ago decided to retire, Jackson said. That’s when he “was fortunate enough” to take it over. “All I’ve ever done is cars,” Jackson said, noting that he previously ran a salvage yard in Bessemer. “They [ the Kings] created a great business, and like I said, I was just fortunate to come here.” As far as Jackson knows, the Crestline Shell is one of the last full-service stations

left in the state, and it’s something he and his employees take pride in. It’s something his customers enjoy, too. Sylvia and David Larsen have been living in Mountain Brook for 42 ye ars on Montevallo Road, which, conveniently, places them close to the Crestline Shell. Sylvia Larsen has been a customer for nearly as long and has had nothing but positive experiences with the station. She spoke of a time when her husband, David, had the unfortunate experience of finding himself in downtown irmingham on the si th floor of a parking garage, stranded

with a dead battery. In addition to driving downtown to meet her husband, Sylvia Larsen said, employees brought a new battery and replaced it for him. “I mean, who does that?” she said, laughing. She’s known Barker since he was a teenager, too, and describe him and the rest of the team — A.D. Davis, Terry Davis, Dusty Johnson, Billy Misso and Jacob Leathers — as “wonderful” and “honest.” “I like to sleep at night, and we’re going to do the right thing,” Jackson said. “Y ou’re not going to please every person, but Lord knows I try.” Sylvia Larsen said there’s really only been one change at the station while she’s been a customer: “It’s gotten busier.” That, and ackson has added an ice machine to fill up big coolers of water for runners, walkers and cyclists each morning who make their way through Crestline. The business still keeps family accounts for charges, and Jackson still likes to operate using pen and paper. Looking at the Crestline Shell, though, it has oddly similar features to that of other full-service stations that some people may be familiar with. Even Jackson said the structure itself is identical to The Filling Station, a service station turned restaurant in Crestwood. “If you came over here, it’s like walking into the 1970s … They were cookie cutters,” he said. “We are the last one that looks like this and is still a full-service station.” And over the summer months, the station is going to get a bit of a face-lift. Jackson said they’re going to replace the canopy and extend it out past the two pumps closest to the road to help protect customers from inclement weather. Some renovations will be done to the interior, too, but his main focus is the gas pumps. He plans to have the slower, 20-year-old pumps upgraded. “That’s the best thing on my list to happen because of our loyal customers to make it easier on them,” he said. In keeping with custom, though, everything will remain as full service just as it was more than 40 ye ars ago. Jackson attributes their staying power to the business the King’s built, maintaining good customer service and the fact that the Crestline Shell is a tradition in the surrounding community. “It’s the real deal,” Sylvia Larsen said.


B JUNE 2018

Sports B4 Community B10 Metro Roundup B18 Faith B20 Calendar B22

Renovations, projects scheduled for MBS facilities By L EX I COON chool is out, which means the affiliated buildings will be mostly empty and primed for renovations Facilities irector ommy Prewitt said each school has a list of updates to be completed, but two are considered the bigger pro ect for the summer a new Ranger Park at rookwood Forest lementary and increasing security measures at all facilities pearheaded by the F P , the new Ranger Park will be built within the e isting playground’s footprint, ad acent to the nearby community soccer fields, according to a packet presented at a ountain rook ity ouncil meeting arch he new park will include e panded sports courts, sensory and music play, a mini amphitheater, a rain garden, a multipurpose pavilion, climbing structures and more, the packet said Prewitt said the estimated total cost of the pro ect is , and is e pected to be completed by ug ecurity upgrades also are scheduled to be finished by the start of the school year, although Pre witt said some were started before summer he video surveillance systems that are currently in place at the high school and unior high will be upgraded and video systems will be installed at all elementary schools “ one of the elementary schools had video before, Prewitt said ll schools will have intercoms at the entrances to buzz visitors into the schools, as well as a card reader system Prewitt said the readers will provide faculty and staff entry into school facilities lthough there are many pro ects that are slated for the schools, he said upgrading the security system is probably the most complicated “ here’s ust a lot of moving parts and pieces in doing it correctly, he said irector of Parks and Recreation handa il liams said they are working on the elementary school As part of the scheduled renovations for the schools this year, intercom entrance systems were installed at all main entrances into facilities. Photo illustration by Lexi Coon.

See PROJECTS | page B16

B2 • June 2018

Village Living

June 2018 • B3

B4 • June 2018

Village Living


Charlie Slaughter competed in the 400-, 1,600- and 3,200-meter runs at the AHSAA Class 6A-7A sectionals, placing third in the 400 meter with a time of 1:58.50.

Spartans end season at state outdoor track and field meet By K Y L E P ARM L EY

Sophie Jane Knott competes in pole vault during the AHSAA Class 6A-7A Sectional meet April 27. Knott cleared 11 feet to place second. Photos by Sarah Finnegan.

The Mountain Brook High School outdoor track and field teams competed at the state outdoor track and field meet hursday through aturday, ay , in ulf hores oth the boys and girls teams finished sev enth overall in lass n the running events, the ountain rook girls finished third in the meter relay event with a time of n the boys side, unter arwell ran the in to finish second ountain rook’s boys won the with a time of , setting the state meet record by seconds n the girls high ump, ountain rook’s

rayson cott took top honors, followed by oover’s enesis ones and ountain rook’s lla obbs thletes who competed in individual events for the Lady partans were ophie ane nott, Lily ulsey, nna alzli, essa llen, Reagan Riley, lizabeth Robertson, eme verette, ancy ate icrosi, amille illum, nne arlton legg, ary tewart rummond and llis enley For the boys, alter orris, im illiams, ram enning, harlie laughter, ohn al loway, oseph Pitard, hristian ay, homas Renneker, homas ugg, R L ngland and arrett arrison also competed in individual events along with arwell

June 2018 • B5 Left: Mountain roo ’s than Harradine (7) and esta ia ill’s ollin r strong during a lass se ifinal playo ay at ohn unt ar in unts ille. ar le t partan goal eeper eid ree an de ends a shot. elo esta ia ill’s ony ha (50) and Mountain roo ’s ason e street . Photos by Todd Lester.

Boys soccer makes it to se ifinals be ore rappin p season By ROBERT CARTER The Mountain Brook High School boys soccer team saw a successful season come to a close May 1 1, as the Spartans fell to V estavia Hills, 1- 0, in the lass semifinals at ohn unt Park in untsville ony haw tallied the lone goal for the Rebels in the th minute ollin Armstrong had two shots for V estavia, while Sam Rysedorph also had two for ountain rook The win advanced V estavia into 7 A championship game, where the Rebels fell to uburn, he partans finished their season with a record t was a match that went much the way ountain rook head coach oe ebb e pected, though not with the e pected outcome “It’s about like we expected — they did about what we thought they would do, and I guess by the way they played, we did what they expected us to do, ebb said “ e’ve played each other and seen each other play, so we knew what they’d do he opportunity came when they umped on that third ball, and we didn’t have that opportunity hat made the difference

B6 • June 2018

Village Living

ountain roo ’s a ar her a o e and i Photos by Sarah Finnegan.

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elo .

The Mountain Brook girls tennis team won the Class 7A tennis state tournament April 24 at the Mobile Tennis Center. Photo courtesy of Susan Farlow.

FANTASTIC FINISH Girls repeat, boys finish 3rd at state By K Y L E P ARM L EY The Spartans girls pulled off the repeat. Mountain Brook High School’s girls tennis team won the Class 7 A tennis state tournament for the second year in a row, while the boys team placed third. The tournament was held April 23 -24 at the Mobile Tennis Center. The girls team accumulated 50 points, 1 3 more than runner-up V estavia Hills. It was the 27t h state title for the girls program. “I was so proud because this team is young,” said Mountain Brook coach Susan Farlow, who coaches the boys and girls teams. “Everybody contributed to the team total.” Both teams swept the state


roo ’s idan

championships last spring, but the boys team finished third this year McGill-Toolen took the top spot with 4 1 points, followed closely by V estavia Hills with 38. The Spartans finished with points The state tournament is split into six singles brackets and three doubles brackets, and points are awarded accordingly for each match victory. For the girls, three players won singles titles and a doubles team picked up a state championship as well. Charlotte Gillum at No. 2 singles, No. 4 Liz V andevelde and No. 6 Maggie Duggan won their respective brackets. The No. 1 doubles tandem of Emma Karcher and V andevelde took home the crown as well. V andevelde finished the season without a loss in singles or doubles.

Emma Karcher at No. 1, Madison Jenkins at No. 3 and the No. 3 doubles team of Warner Johnson and May c nnis advanced to the finals o 5 singles player Whitton Bumgarner and the No. 2 team of Gillum and enkins were semifinalists Making the Lady Spartans’ win more impressive was the fact that five of the six singles players and four of the six doubles players were new to the lineup this season. On the boys side, No. 3 singles player Aidan Cabraja and No. 6 Stuart Phelan won state titles. The No. 1 doubles team of Andrew Karcher and William Watts advanced to the finals, while o Watts, No. 4 Haskins Jones and No. 2 doubles tandem Cabraja and Phelan reached the semifinals o ndrew Karcher, No. 5 Jonathan Wheeler and

a ra a le t and tuart helan. Photos by Sarah Finnegan.

No. 3 doubles team Jones and Cars handler were uarterfinalists Much like the girls, the boys team returned only a few players from last season — but the two programs are in different spots with the conclusion of the season. The boys lineup at state featured five seniors, so several new players will need to step in again next season with Cabraja, Karcher, Jones, Wheeler, Chandler and V ann Walthall graduating.

“I have a young group with some talent and they got to see how important it is to play in tournaments over the summer to experience,” Farlow said. But Duggan was the only senior on the girls squad this year, meaning the Lady Spartans already look like a force to be reckoned with in 2019. “The girls are young and they’re strong,” said Farlow. Glenn Lamar and Caroline Hall assist Farlow with the tennis teams.

June 2018 • B7

B8 • June 2018

Village Living

S p a r ta n s w in a r e a c r o w n in s u c c e s s fu l s e a s o n By K Y L E P ARM L EY The Mountain Brook High School baseball team hoped to advance beyond the first round of the lass playoffs this spring, but there was no diminishing what the partans accomplished on the diamond. he partans won rea in thrill ing fashion, beating ak ountain in the area championship game fter sweeping pain Park, and on pril , they forced an area tiebreaker game against ak ountain the following day ith each team sitting at in area play both swept uffman and pain Park and split in their two game set against each other — the two teams s uared off in a winner take all game on pril n that day, the agles picked up an unearned run in the first inning off Mountain Brook’s starting pitcher Parker arrison nd that was all he would allow arrison hurled a phenomenal game, allowing ust five hits and the lone run in eight innings, to go along with one walk and seven strikeouts on pitches Mountain Brook got the run back in the second inning, as olton eager scored on a balk he score held until the eighth inning, when lay tearns delivered the final blow he senior launched a walk off home run to lift the partans to the victory and to the area title. Fortunately for the partans, ak Mountain pitcher Jackson Kimbrell reached his pitch limit of pitches after seven innings e struck out

Mountain Brook's Clay Stearns (20) bats during a game against Chelsea on March 5. Stearns hit the walk-off home run against Oak Mountain to lift the Spartans to the area championship. Photo by Kyle Parmley.

batters and allowed ust two hits, but ountain rook finally broke through for the winning run after he left n the first round of the play offs, ames lemens racked up

eight doubles over the course of the series, as it swept the host partans by scores of and t wasn’t so much a case of sub standard play by ountain rook, according to coach Lee

ann he partans ust ran into an opponent playing at the top of its game. “ e ust played a really good ball team, ann said “ ames lemens has got players through the lineup

that could hurt us, and they did t wasn’t much of anything we did or didn’t do, but it’s what they did hey played two great games, and you’ve got to tip your hat to them Mountain Brook returned to the playoffs for the first time since this spring, and three seniors have signed to play collegiate baseball. Left handed pitcher ndy anaway is attending Rhodes ollege in em phis, relief pitcher aron hiflet will play at ckerd ollege in t Petersburg, and tearns, a catcher, is heading to nead tate ommunity ollege in oaz he partans finished with an over all record of and will graduate other seniors along with anaway, hiflet and tearns homas raham, ill ater, o eadows, yler mig, ndrew ink, ilson iggins, arri son hite, Phillip ethea, arrison, alker c raney, tone Favrot, harles obb, eorge arbonie, Hughes Mitchell and manager Will Forbus were part of a strong upper classmen group for ountain rook espite the large senior class, the future looks bright for the ountain rook program, in large part due to the unior varsity team’s perfect record on the season and etro championship. ill aynes, dward erry, urt ann, le auld, lark riffin, arrison odges, eau ubbard, Ford elly, Porter Phelan, dward Reed, merson Richie, avid tone, arrison are, avis hite and ill arbro played on the team, coached by hane tearns and en allaway – R obert C arter contributed to this story.

June 2018 • B9

Bucs’ Evans to join Spartans as new DC By K Y L E P ARM L EY The Mountain Brook High School football team’s defense will have a new leader in the fall. Robert Evans was approved on April 9 as the new defensive coordinator for the Spartans. Oscar Glasscock previously served in that position but took the head coaching position at Arab High School in March. Evans has spent the past eight years at oover and the last five as the defensive coordinator. During those five seasons, the ucs brought home four state championships and compiled a gaudy 60- 10 r ecord. “ atching how his players play, they play hard and smart and he gets a lot out of his players, said oun tain Brook head coach Chris Y eager. “That was a very obvious factor that came into play Y eager said he heard Evans speak at a coaches clinic about four years ago, and was impressed by vans’ willingness to be creative and mold his system based on influences from all levels of football. “The thing I love is he’s cherry picked from so many different sources, eager said “ e’s taken the best from high school, college and professional ranks to form his defensive philosophy n , the oover defense allowed just 1 0.2 points per game and only allowed four opponents to reach double figures n , only five offenses cracked double digits while the defense surrendered 8 .9 points per game. “It was a tremendous time in my

Robert Evans, above, was recently named the new defensive coordinator at Mountain Brook. Left: Evans coaches two Bucs players during a 2016 game. He spent eight seasons at oo er the last fi e as de ensi e coordinator. Photos by Kyle Parmley.

life, said vans, who emphasized that there was no ill will in his departure from Hoover. “Coach [ Josh] Niblett was great to me and a great boss Evans said he has known Y eager for several years and the two have competed against one another often, with both Hoover and Mountain

rook playing in lass

, Region

“ hey were always tight games, because they’re well-coached and their kids fight their guts out every game, vans said “ ’ve always had a profound respect for them and that program Evans will bring his own ideas to

the ountain rook defense, some thing that Y eager applauds. Y eager said his teams do not run “cookie cutter systems on either side of the ball. “There will be a difference. He wants to try some new things. That’s why you bring people into your program, eager said “ hatever

you’ve got on your wish list, let’s try it until we fail and can’t do it. Y ou hope the guys on your staff are always learning, growing, doing new things. There are concepts in his package that are similar and some things that are very new and different really wanted that Prior to his days at oover, vans spent time at ak ountain, panish Fort and UAB after concluding his two-year stint in the Boston Red Sox organization Evans is a native of V estavia Hills and played football and baseball at Samford University. He played on the 1 9 9 8 V estavia Hills state championship football team. Last fall, ountain rook fi n ished with an 8 -4 record and advanced to the second round of the playoffs, fi nishing at home and notching big wins in the second half of the season over V estavia Hills and Oak Mountain. The Spartans defense allowed 24 .4 points per game.

B10 • June 2018

Village Living

Community Shades Valley Presbyterian Church Pastor Leanne Reed said planned vendors are expected to offer standard Alabama produce, plus baked goods, sheep’s il cheese and local meat. Staff photo.

Local churches hosting weekly farmers markets this summer By L EX I COON After a short time of not having farmers markets within the city limits of Mountain Brook, Shades V alley Presbyterian Church and Mountain Brook Presbyterian Church both decided to host one during the summer months. Pastor Leanne Reed of Shades V alley said the idea came from a group who works on community outreach. “That just caught people’s excitement,” she said of the market. Pastor Lant Davis with MBPC said the community was excited about a farmers market at their church, too, and wanted to create a community gathering space. Shade V alley’s market will run on Wednesday from p m , with the first market set for June 6 . The plan is to host it until mid-August, although Reed said there will be no market

July 4 . They are also looking to have a local musician provide background music for the events. Right now, Shades V alley wants to keep the market at about six vendors with standard Alabama produce, baked goods, sheep’s milk cheese and local meat, such as beef, pork and lamb. As of May 8 , MBPC was in the process of looking for local Alabama farmers for vendors. Davis said the plan is for their market to be held in the MBPC parking lot on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. A tentative opening date is set for June 2. For more information about the Shades V alley market, call the church at 8 7 1 -7 3 09 . For more information about the MPBC farmers market, call 9 6 7 -53 07 , or email Market Manager Dave Kaiser at dave-kaiser@ for vendor inquiries.

June 2018 • B11

Troop 320 honors newest Eagle Scout: William Gerry Krueger Jr. Troop 320 at Mountain Brook Presbyterian Church held a Court of Honor Ceremony on March 4 for their newest Eagle Scout, William Gerry Krueger Jr., who earned the rank of Eagle Scout from the V ulcan District Eagle Board on Dec. 14, 2017. William ( Will) began his scouting career with Troop 3 20 as a Cub Scout in second grade, and crossed over to oy couts in fifth grade He has been active in troop leadership and remains active, often volunteering with younger scouts. Will has earned 22 merit badges and was elected to Order of the Arrow where he also earned his Brotherhood. For Will’s Eagle Service Project, he chose Red ountain Park as his beneficiary because of the park’s unique mission of sharing the history of coal and iron mining in Birmingham, its central location and because it is free for all to enjoy. With the help of scouts from Troop 3 20, friends and family, Will raised funds, prepared the site and built two giant Adirondack chairs with an oversized table made from a recycled steel spool. The chairs and table are located at the top of a ridge overlooking Mine No. 10. In honor of his service, Red Mountain Park held a dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony during which a plaque was installed to commemorate his service. Family, friends and Red Mountain Park representatives attended the event. Will is a sophomore at Mountain Brook High

William Krueger at the Red Mountain Park site of his Eagle Service Project: two giant Adirondack chairs and table located on a ridge overlooking Mine No. 10. Photo courtesy of the Krueger family.

School and attends The Cathedral of the Advent. He is a member of Future Business Leaders of America and the 201 9 Leadership Mountain Brook class. He plays for the MBHS varsity lacrosse team, is a Trilogy Academic Aces AllStar and will play on the Trilogy ICE 2020 team in Baltimore this summer. He enjoys many outdoor activities and credits scouting for fostering his love of high adventure and providing him with skills and confidence in these activities Once he graduates in 2020, Will plans to attend college to study business finance Will is the grandson of Jack Howard Krueger of Mountain Brook, and Marilyn Wike Williams of Hoover. He is the son of William and Janet Krueger. – Subm itted by the Krueger family.

B12 • June 2018

Village Living

M BHS g r a d D a w s o n s e r v i n g o n U S S Ho p p e r

Shades Valley Rotary Club volunteers planted 140 saplings along the western part of the Shades Creek Greenway in February. Photo courtesy of Richard Sanders.

Shades V alley Rotary Club plants 1 4 0 tree saplings Y ou may have noticed some new trees in Homewood thanks to the Shades V alley Rotary Club. More than two dozen club members and friends recently planted 1 4 0 saplings along the western part of the Shades Creek Greenway. These native seedlings, donated by the Birmingham Botanical Gardens, were grown from the seeds of heritage trees in our local city parks. The volunteer project was part of a global Rotary initiative to help meet its goal of sustainable service. Every club aims to plant a tree for each member ( about 1.2 million in total) , before Earth Day on April 22. This effort will help to improve our local environment for years to come. The Shades V alley Rotary Club meets for lunch every Monday at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Please visit, or contact membership chair Claud Rhea at chrhea@ samford. for further information. – Subm itted by R ichard Sande rs.

A Birmingham native and 201 2 Mountain Brook High School graduate is serving in the U.S. Navy aboard the guided-missile destroyer, USS Hopper. Ensign Alexander Dawson is a surface warfare officer aboard the guided missile destroyer operating out of Pearl Harbor, awaii avy surface warfare officer is responsible for safe navigation of the ship while underway, as well as managing a division of sailors. “I learned to be respectful growing up in the South,” Dawson said. “In the Navy, it has made me treat everyone with respect, which is important.” More than 3 00 sailors serve aboard the ship and their jobs are highly specialized, requiring dedication and skill, according to avy officials “Our sailors in Pearl Harbor are doing an e cellent ob at war fighting and supporting the warfighter, said mdr urd, chief staff officer, oint ase Pearl arbor ickam “Historically, Pearl Harbor is a symbolic base of sacrifice and resiliency oday, on every avy ship and shore facility’s flag pole, the First avy ack, on’t read on e,’ flies

Alexander Dawson. Photo courtesy of Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Jesse Hawthorne.

reminding sailors to move forward and build on the history and legacy of this country and the U.S. Navy.” Navy guided-missile destroyers are multi-mission ships that can operate independently or as part of a larger group of ships at sea, avy officials e plained hey are

equipped with tomahawk missiles, torpedoes, guns and a phalanx close-in weapons system. Challenging living conditions build strong fellowship among the crew. The crew is motivated, and can quickly adapt to changing conditions. It is a busy life of specialized work, watches and drills. Serving aboard a guided-missile destroyer instills accountability and toughness and fosters initiative and integrity. Serving in the Navy is a continuing tradition of military service for Dawson, who has military ties with family members who have previously served. Dawson is honored to carry on that family tradition. “My grandfather was in the Army Corp of Engineers,” Dawson said. “I joined the Navy because it seemed like an exciting opportunity to do something cool.” As a member of one of the U.S. Navy’s most relied-upon assets, Dawson and other sailors know they are part of a legacy that will last beyond their lifetimes providing the Navy the nation needs. “It is good to be a part of something bigger than myself,” Dawson added. – Subm itted by Kayla T urnbow .

Annual Ball of Roses set for June 2 The annual Ball of Roses will be Saturday, une , in the ast Room of the ountry lub of Birmingham. The presentation begins at 9 p.m. The Ball of Roses is sponsored by Carlton Posey Fountain, president of the Ballet Guild of Birmingham, and Executive V ice-President Ann Bailey Pritchard White. he first all of Roses was held in ugust of 1 9 6 1 . Eleven young women from Birmingham were presented. Each year, the ball is sponsored by the Ballet Guild of Birmingham, which is an invitational organization of young women dedicated to supporting the ballet in Birmingham through fundraising and volunteer work.

Founded in 1959, the Ballet Guild was organized to promote and foster development of ballet in Birmingham in addition to raising funds for its support. Since its inception, the Ballet Guild has raised more than $1 million for the Alabama Ballet. This year, the Ball of Roses celebrates its 58t h anniversary and continues to serve as a vital fundraiser for the Alabama Ballet. The Ball of Roses Chairman, Emory Richardson Ratliff, and Ball Co-Chairman Mackin McKinney Thompson have collaborated with Carole Sullivan of Lagniappe Designs on a dreamy palette of corals and pinks for the ball decor. The Men’s Committee Dinner chair,

The 2018 Ball of Roses Committee CoChairman Mackin Thompson, Chairman ory atli and en’s o ittee Dinner Chair Frances Ellen Morris. Photo courtesy of Dee Moore.

Frances Ellen Byrd Morris, has planned a formal seated dinner for donors prior to the presentation of this year’s 78 pr esentees. – Subm itted by A lice H aw ley L ong.

Hampton Walker achieves Eagle Scout designation with Troop 28 Hampton Walker earned the summer learning program serves rank of Eagle Scout in Decemapproximately 8 0 children in ber and was honored at a Court third through fifth grades each of Honor ceremony on Feb. 4 , year. 201 8 at Independent PresbyteWalker is a junior at The rian Church. Altamont School where he is a member of the National Honor During his time with Troop 28 , Walker earned 21 merit badges Society, a member of the Mu as well as the God and Country Alpha Theta Math Honor Sociaward. He held the positions ety, an Altamont ambassador of Patrol Q uartermaster twice, and on the cross country and Chaplain’s Aid, Troop Webtrack teams. He is an active master and Instructor. He was Hampton Walker. Photo member of Independent Presalso elected crew leader for the courtesy of Jenny Walker. byterian Church. Sea Base Adventure Crew in the He is the son of Billy and Jenny Bahamas. For his Eagle Scout service project, Walker, brother of Connor Walker and the grandHampton held a book drive and built bookshelves son of Mr. and Mrs. William W Walker III, Dr. and to create four classroom libraries for the Chil- Mrs. Robert Connor and Lydia Turnipseed. – S ubmitted by Jenny W alker. dren’s Fresh Air Farm in Bluff Park. The farm’s

Tynes presented in Royal Court of Krewe of the Phantom Host Jordan Marie Tynes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Hubbard Tynes of Mountain Brook, was presented in the Royal Court of the Krewe of the Phantom Host in its annual Mardi Gras Ball in Montgomery. Miss Tynes attended The Montgomery Academy, graduated from Mountain Brook High School and is a junior at Auburn University, where she received early acceptance into the Harrison School of Pharmacy for the fall of 2018. – Subm itted by T ommy T ynes. Jordan Marie Tynes. Photo courtesy of Tommy Tynes.

June 2018 • B13

B14 • June 2018

Village Living

A detail shot of a painting by Tricia Robinson. Photos by Lexi Coon.


Darrin and Wheeler Durham look at paintings of Carol Carmichael at Art in the Village. The 2018 iteration of Art in the Village saw 53 participating artists and was held in Crestline on May 12.

Clockwise, from above: The band Choko Aiken Combo performs for festivalgoers. Artist Beth Bradley speaks to a guest about her artwork. Artwork by on e is one o the any parti ipants at this year’s rt in the illage.

For the 3 7 th iteration of Art in the V illage, 53 local artists participated and showed their artwork to local community members. he festival was held in the field next to Crestline Elementary School on May 1 2, about one month after the event has typically taken place in the past. Show chairman Janet Sanders previously stated that the date change was scheduled in part because of Alabama and Auburn football scrimmages, which drew foot traffic away from the festival While the majority of the artwork on display was paintings, each artists brought their own style to the

show. Barnyard animals, ballerinas, landscapes, street scenes and colorful, abstract pieces were some of the many works that were available, and books, cards and other items were presented at different booths. The Mountain Brook Art Association also awarded Best in Show to Sue Taylor White for the professional level; Rick Plasters for the semi-professional level; and Emmy Grier for the emerging artists/ hobbiest level. Awards of distinction were given to Cathy Phares, Gyl Turner, Mary Mellon, Tricia Robinson, Melanie O' Keefe and Sam Ghiarella. The annual Nortons Florist Competition winner was Nicola Jeanette Cochran.

June 2018 • B15

B16 • June 2018

Village Living Brookwood Forest Elementary will gain a new playground this summer, dubbed Ranger Park. As of press time, the most up-to-date rendering was not available, but is similar to the rendering featured. Spearheaded by the BWF PTO, the new Ranger Park will be built within the existing playground’s footprint, adjacent to the nearby community soccer fields. Rendering courtesy of Tommy Prewitt.


CONTINUED from page B1 restrooms, too, at both Crestline Elementary and Mountain Brook Elementary. She said they are in the process of putting together bid specifica tions for the one at CES. The most recent bids for the MBE restroom were rejected at the City Council meeting May 1 4 due to high estimates, and Williams said they are looking at different locations on the site to construct the restroom. lthough the restrooms may be delayed, il liams said she still expects them to be completed this year. Other renovations include:


► Repaving a portion of the parking lot ► iscellaneous painting and other

standard maintenance


► Removing old V units in rooms that received new units last summer ► nstalling new P funded furniture in some rooms ► iscellaneous painting


► nstalling new flooring in areas throughout the school ► iscellaneous painting


► nstalling new flooring in five classrooms ► dding sun shades to si classrooms ► iscellaneous painting


► Replacing the roof on the competition gym

and half of the three story classroom wing ountain rook igh chool ► Replacing the roof of the science wing ► Repair parts of the concrete courtyard behind the Spartan Arena ► Replace some bleacher seats in the par tan Arena hile the new Ranger Park and increased security measures are broader pro ects, Prewitt said the three sections of new roofing two on and one on will be the more e pensive item on their to do list “ hen roofing pro ects come up, that kind of causes us to have to defer things that we nor mally would have done just because you’ve got to have a water tight roof, he said “ t affects it a little bit when you have roofs to do. That becomes priority One of the projects they had to defer were new ceiling tiles, lights and cabinetry in some

areas of restline lementary, Prewitt said he bids for the roofs will most like be sent out in early June, he said, and he’s hoping they come back showing all three projects under $ 4 50,000. Other project pricing estimates include around $ 3 0,000 for the new bleacher seats, $ 20,000 for new flooring at ountain rook lementary and $ 3 0,000 for parking lot paving at Brookwood Forest. Prewitt said all schools have some degree of repairs to make on their sidewalks, too. They have contracted a company the city frequently uses for repairs, Precision oncrete utting, and they offer limited intrusion options. “ nstead of tearing out sidewalks that might have settled a little bit, they will grind it … to make that transition smooth to meet code, Prewitt said “ very site has something to do regarding that ll pro ects are e pected to be finished in time for the start of school this fall.

June 2018 • B17

B18 • June 2018

Village Living

Metro Roundup 280 CORRIDOR

Junior roller derby team comes to Magic City By AL Y X CHAN D L ER Birmingham’s adult roller derby league, the Tragic City Rollers, started in 2005. Now, there’s a chance for younger derby fanatics to join in the fun. The Tragic City Trouble Makers, a junior roller derby league open to girls between 7 and 1 8 years old, kicked off earlier this year. Brought to For Tragic City Trouble you by our Maker Brianna Parmley, sister paper: known in the rink as Ridin Derby, playing for a roller derby team has been has been on her radar ever since she watched her first bout “As soon as my mom mentioned it to me, I was ready and I wanted to go play,” said Parmley, who is 15 years old and attends Chelsea High School. “We actually got skates that week.” Tragic City Trouble Maker Head Coach Rachel Fallin, who also goes by Road Rach, said parents and girls have been asking for a junior league for years, and she’s thrilled to be chosen to coach it. Tragic City League President Heather Meadows, also known as Claw and Order, was the one who got the junior league going. So far, the junior league is made up of around 45 gi rls in the Jefferson County area. Since February, the Tragic City Trouble Makers have practiced at 28 0 Skates for an hour every Wednesday night, with players learning how to start and stop, and then advancing at different paces. As of April, Fallin said the league has been a hit in Birmingham, and community members have been showing support by reaching out to offer the girls sponsorships. “Roller derby is really a great sport for kids because anyone can do it. We take them even if they don’t know how to skate, they’ve never

Left: Members of the Trouble Makers, the junior roller derby league in Birmingham, work on their speed during a practice April 4 at Skates 280. Below: Brianna Parmley poses at the edge of the rink before practice. Photos by Sarah Finnegan.

been an athlete,” Fallin said. Roller derby is a contact sport where two teams of five face each other in the rink ach team has four blockers, who try to keep the opposing team from scoring, and one jammer, who aims to score a point by making it around the rink. Players can use their hips and shoulders to block people from scoring, but it is against official rules to get more rough than that ven though the ragic ity rouble akers are hoping to have their first bout with another junior league in August, Fallin said they’re going to have to wait and see how much they’ve progressed. “ veryone is on different levels right now There’s people trying to get good at skating, and there’s people who are trying to perfect



Staying safe this summer: As heat rises, so does need for caution By EM IL Y F EATHERS TON As spring transitions into summer and the days turn warmer, Vestavia ills first responders hope all V estavia Hills residents, but especially senior citizens, will pay attention to their health and safety. Brought to According to the you by our Centers for Disease sister paper: Control, on average more than 600 people a year succumb to a heat-related illness, vestavia even though it is ally preventable. V estavia Hills Fire Department Capt. Ryan Farrell said older adults are more susceptible to the heat and humidity Alabama experiences each summer because of age and certain medications. “That can affect your body’s ability to deal with the heat,” he said. There are varying levels of heat-related illness, including heat cramps, heat exhaustion and ultimately heat stroke. Dehydration is the most common concern, Farrell said, and folks should increase their fluid intake regardless of whether they feel thirsty.

skating backwards and doing all the tricks,” Parmley said. ne of the first things Fallin and assistant head coach Bethany Snow explained was that although roller derby is an aggressive sport, Fallin said, “it’s not a sport where you bring your aggression to the tracks.” Rather, it’s a full contact sport with rules just like in any sport with physical contact, she said. Practices for the junior leagues are run the same way as they are for the adult league, Fallin said, with the team eventually scrimmaging each other. The Tragic City Trouble Makers are hoping to have their first bout with another unior league in ugust mail uniors tragiccity to get involved.

Symptoms of heat-related illness can be minor at first, Farrell said, and many will try to “push through” and keep working in the yard or exercising in the heat, when in reality those experiencing any symptoms should seek shelter as soon as possible in a cool place. Those who think they might be suffering from heat exhaustion should seek shelter, loosen clothing, place cool cloths on the neck and sip water slowly while monitoring for symptoms of heat stroke. The CDC and Farrell warn that anyone experiencing shortness of breath, extreme dizziness, nausea or heart palpitations should seek medical help immediately. After calling 9 1 1 , those experiencing heat stroke symptoms should not be given anything to drink, as this might cause vomiting, but a cool cloth should be placed on the back of the neck and behind the knees until help arrives. Farrell said the summer months are also more active for other safety concerns, particularly falls both outside and inside the house. Seniors should make sure tripping hazards are minimized and appropriate handrails are in place, especially if the individual has balance concerns, he said. hen in doubt, he said, give first respond ers a call.

There are varying levels of heat-related illness, including heat cramps, heat exhaustion and ultimately heat stroke:


► Heavy or excessive sweating, especially during exercise ► Pain or muscle spasms

► Excessive sweating ► Cold or clammy skin; paleness ► Fast, weak pulse ► Minor nausea or vomiting ► Muscle cramps ► Tiredness or weakness ► Dizziness and headache ► Fainting

► Body temperature of 103 degrees Fahrenheit or higher ► Sudden ceasing of perspiration ► Hot, dry or red skin ► Fast, strong pulse ► Severe headache ► Dizziness ► Nausea or vomiting ► Confusion; memory loss ► Losing consciousness or fainting

June 2018 • B19



Local engineering firm, architect helping to rebuild Sutherland Springs Church By ERICA TECHO Over the next year, Scott Gurosky and his team at Myrick, Gurosky & Associates Inc. ( MG+ A) are working to help rebuild a community. The V estavia Hills firm, along with other design partners, is working to build a new church for the Texas town of Sutherland Springs. On Nov. 5, 201 7 , a The design for the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs 26 -year-old gunman includes materials that are intended to signify strength, like native Texas limestone, in the sanctuary. Rendering courtesy of opened fire on the Restore Sutherland Springs. First Baptist Church, killing 26 and injuron there,” he said. “... Their ing 20. Brought to response has been, obviously, urosky was first approached you by our with great heartache, but they about the project in December sister paper: have stayed steadfast in their 201 7 , when the North Ameristrength in God.” can Mission Board asked if they Construction started immediwould be interested. ately following the groundbreakhe first phase of the pro ect, vestavia ing, and they aim to have the new which includes a new worship buildings open in spring of 201 9 . center and education building, This new building is a way to broke ground May 5 and is being “put a new stake in the ground” funded by NAMB. After joining the effort, Gurosky asked Mt Laurel-based for Sutherland Springs, Gurosky said. “They want the legacy of these 26 architect Michael O’Kelley about donating people who were killed in their facility to his services as well. The community, Gurosky said, has been be remembered decades and decades from now,” Gurosky said, adding that there will inspiring to work with. “They’ve been amazing. They’ve been be a small memorial inside the church in the inspiring. It’s really hard to explain the victims’ honor. “That hopefully will move depth of the evil associated with what when this congregation forward.”


BEST OF MOUNTAIN BROOK Village Living Best Mexican Food

Highlands Bar & Grill, chef win Beard Awards BIRMINGHAM – Birmingham’s growing reputation as a foodie paradise got another big boost on May 7 when The James Beard Foundation announced its Restaurant and Chef Awards for 2018 at the Lyric Opera of Chicago. Brought to Highlands Bar & you by our Grill in Five Points sister paper: South was named Outstanding Restaurant and Dolester Miles, the restaurant’s pastry chef, won the award for Outstanding Pastry Chef. This was the 10th year in a row that Highlands – known for its classic French technique and fresh ingredients – was a final nominee for best restaurants, and the third year in a row that Miles had been nominated. The Beard Awards, which have been given since 1990, are thought to be the highest honor for food and beverage professionals in the United States.

50-acre wildflower preserve opens access HOMEWOOD – The Freshwater Land Trust has opened 50 acres of property in western Homewood to the public, for those interested in spotting salamanders or watching wildflowers bloom. The Wildwood Wildflower Preserve, located at the end of Forest Brook Circle, opened to public access April 29. The land was originally acquired by the Land Trust in 2001, Communications Director

Mary Beth Brown said, and opened as the El Paso Wildflower Preserve in 2012 for appointments and private tours. The property inthehomewood cludes a 1.6-mile loop trail with benches and bridges for visitors to walk and enjoy tree coverage and an array of spring wildflowers. Stewardship Director Jeffrey Drummond noted a number of native plants and wildlife visitors can find in the preserve. It’s also ecologically important to filter runoff from Interstate 65 before it reaches Shades Creek. Learn more about the Wildwood Wildflower Preserve and the work of the land trust at Brought to you by our sister paper:

Local schools named among top in state BIRMINGHAM METRO – U.S. News & World Report recently named several local high schools among the top in the state in its recent rankings. Mountain Brook High School placed second in the state, beaten only by Loveless Academic Magnet Program High School in Montgomery. Homewood High School placed third, followed by Oak Mountain High School in fifth place, Vestavia Hills High School in sixth place and Hewitt-Trussville High School in seventh place. Ramsay High School in downtown Birmingham ranked as the 12th best high school in Alabama, and Spain Park High School ranked 14th. Chelsea High School landed at 19th on the list, while Hoover High School was ranked 26th. The 2018 rankings are based on data from the 2015-16 school year.

B20 • June 2018

Village Living

Faith Life Actually By Kari Kampakis

Give friends room to have a bad day My friend texted me at 5 a.m. — then followed up with an email. In both messages she apologized for a reaction from the night before. Another mom had acted self-righteous toward her, and she took it out on me. I wasn’t angry because I knew her response was out of character. Still, I appreciated the apology. I was glad she reached out. I called my friend later to assure her we were good. “Don’t worry about it one more second,” I said. She confessed she’d been up all night long worrying; mad at herself for not handling the situation better. That part got to me. It reminded me of when I’ve been in her shoes. Kicking myself for a bad reaction. Tossing and turning in bed as I wished for a re-do. Mentally beating myself up for what I did or said. We all make mistakes, and truthfully, I’ve made similar mistakes before. I’ve been on the other side, and maybe that’s why I could respond as I hope my friend would respond to me — with grace, with forgiveness, with a sincere desire to not let a little slip-up ruin a good relationship. Unfortunately, this is common these days. Slip-ups, tensions and resentments that silently build are eating away at relationships. Among women and teen

girls, one cause is an expectation of perfection. Just as we expect perfection of ourselves, we expect it from those around us. And when they slip, we forget grace. Pope Francis, with his trademark humility, has defined modern society as a “throwaway culture” marked by disposable relationships. He says we’re quick to say goodbye, and I agree. Today’s relationships have little loyalty, so it’s no surprise why people get clingy and insecure. Expecting perfection makes it easy to write people off. While relationships certainly need kindness, respect and consistency, they also need grace and forgiveness. Any relationship that lasts long enough will have highs and lows. Learning to respectfully talk things out and love a person even when the feeling fades can keep things afloat when the low points come. This is how relationships survive. This is how friendships go the distance, lasting 20 years or more. Recently, I spoke with a woman who mentors teen girls. She’s observed that what begins as an issue between two girls often escalates into an issue between two groups as word spreads and people take sides. Someone’s feelings get hurt or they get angry, and rather than talk with the person who hurt them, they talk it out with everyone but that person. This breeds drama.

This blows issues out of proportion. Issues can often be resolved or partially settled if the two people involved have a calm conversation that’s not an attack. Nobody teaches this life skill, yet they should. I’ve seen relationships restored and strengthened when two people learn to sit down, hear each other out and see the situation from each other’s perspective. Sometimes getting out of our own head is the best therapy of all. This mentor tells her girls: “Give your friends room to have a bad day. We all get moody and grumpy sometimes, and you have to create space for your friends to be themselves.” Is she giving the girls permission to jump each other’s case because they feel salty or on edge? No, of course not. Just because you’re in a mood doesn’t give you an excuse to take it out on someone. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ask for forgiveness when you lose it or mess up. What it means is that our friends need grace like we need grace. Our friends need safe relationships, people who love them unconditionally and won’t dump them over every stumble. We women and girls are tough on ourselves, and that makes us tough on each other. While we can’t stop the trend of disposable friendships, we can counter it. We can decide to not be that friend who dumps their friends on a whim by

choosing instead to: ► Value loyalty; ► Forgive and apologize; ► Presume positive intent; ► Let go of the notion that a “perfect friend” exists; and ► Remember everyone’s life is hard, and when a person acts out, there’s often a hidden issue that explains what’s going on. Chances are, someone in your world will stumble this week. They’ll mess up and feel terrible, maybe lose a little sleep. Before responding, remember your mess-ups. Call to mind your mistakes. If someone threw a bone to you, remember that gift of grace. Think of how it felt to realize they wouldn’t give up on you. That’s the comfort people hunger for and the security that gets lost in a throwaway culture. We all have bad days — and we all need friends who allow them. Friends who can witness our messy truths and choose to love us anyway. That’s the friend I want in my corner. And the friend I hope to be. Kari Kubiszyn Kampakis is a Mountain Brook mom of four girls, author and speaker. Join her on Instagram and Facebook, visit her blog at kari, or contact her at kari@

June 2018 • B21

B22 • June 2018

Village Living

Calendar Mountain Brook Events June 11: The American Cancer Society’s Tee It Up Fore Life golf tournament. 1 p.m. shot-gun start. Old Overton Club. This year’s honoree will be football icon Pat Sullivan. Visit June 11-15: Mason Music STARS Preschool Music Camp. 9-11 a.m. Mason Music, Mountain Brook. For ages 3-5. $125. Visit June 12: Mayor’s Breakfast - Freedom from Addiction Coalition Community Breakfast. 8 a.m. Canterbury United Methodist Church. Visit June 16: Fourth annual Zoo, Brews & Full Moon Bar-B-Que. 5:30-8:30 p.m. Birmingham Zoo. Fun for the whole family, enjoy caricature drawings, the Children’s Zoo splash pads, sand art crafts, face-painting, an inflatable maze, lawn games and more. Enjoy drinks from more than a dozen breweries from all over Alabama and the Southeast. In addition to beer, there will be plenty of other libations, including wines

and non-alcoholic beverages. Attendees will enjoy tasty dinner provided by Full Moon Bar-B-Que. This family event also includes live music by Union Road Band, animal greetings and walkabouts, and train and carousel rides. A limited number of VIP tickets are available for early event admission, premium parking and drinks. General admission tickets: $35 for adults; $20 for designated drivers; $20 for ages 21 and younger; children younger than 3 free. VIP tickets: $75 for adults; $50 for designated drivers; $50 for ages 21 and younger; children younger than 3 free. This is a rain or shine event. No ticket refunds will be issued. June 18-22: Led Zeppelin Rock Band Camp. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. $350. Ages 10-18. Visit June 25-29: Mason Music STARS Preschool Music Camp. 9-11 a.m. Mason Music, Cahaba Heights. For ages 3-5. $125. Visit June 25-29: Spa Yoga Camp. 9 a.m. to

noon. Villager Yoga. $44 daily or $195 weekly. Visit BIRMINGHAM BOTANICAL GARDENS June 2: Islamic Gardens - Gardens of Paradise. 2 p.m. $12 members, $15 non-members. June 6: Flicks Among the Flowers - “Hitch.” 8 p.m. Admission is free, but $5 donation suggested. June 9: Family Yoga in the Gardens. 9 a.m. Yoga poses for strength and balance plus breathing exercises. $15 drop-in (child and adult), $5 additional children. June 9 and 16: Up Close & Personal Macrophotography. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. $100 members, $120 non-members. June 13: Lunch & Learn - Repel and Trap Pests. 11:30 a.m. Free.

June 16: Rain Barrel Workshop. 9:30 a.m. Class only, $5, class and rain barrel, $30. June 16: Millionaire’s Garden - Harmony in the Hills of Los Angeles. 2 p.m. June 17: Photo Talk. 2 p.m. Free, but $5 donation suggested. Ages 12 and older. June 23: Mushrooms, Mycorrhizae, Magic and Madness: An Introduction to Mycology (elective). 12:30-4:30 p.m. Members $45, non-members $50. June 27: Lunch & Learn - Everything I Plant Dies. 11:30 a.m. Free. June 30: Garden Insects - Friends or Foes. 12:30-4:30 p.m. An introduction to entomology. $45 members, $50 non-members. June 30: Japanese Gardens - Venerating the Equality of Nature through Aesthetics. 2 p.m. Members $12, non-members $15.

Emmett O’Neal Library Events CHILDREN


Mondays: Toddler Tales Storytime. 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

June 12: Breakout Book Club. 6 p.m. “Peanut Butter & Jelly” by Ben Clanton

Tuesdays. All ages Shows. 10:30 a.m. June 5: Animal Tales: Live Animals; June 12: Miss Kit’s Bubble Show; June 19: Mixed Up! Music with Jim Aycock; June 26: Movie and Popcorn: “Coco.”

June 16: Books in the Brook Storytime. 10 a.m. Irondale Furnace Trail in Cherokee Bend.

Tuesdays: LOL: Go! 3:30 p.m.

June 19: Hot Off the Press Book Club. 6 p.m.

Wednesdays: Mother Goose Storytime. 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

June 27: Satellite Hot Off the Press Book Club. 2 p.m. Brookwood Forest Elementary.

Thursdays: Patty Cake Storytime. 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

June 27: Satellite LOL. 2 p.m. Storytime Sampler @ Brookwood Forest Elementary.

Thursdays: Movers & Makers Storytime. 1:30 p.m. Thursdays: SNaP. 3:30 p.m. Saturdays: Family Storytime with Mr. Mac. 10:30 a.m.

YOUNG ADULTS June 2: Game On! 9 to 1 p.m.

June 7: Giant Inflatables. 5-6:30 p.m. June 9: Chopped. 1-4:30 p.m. June 12: Ukulele Workshop. 5-6 p.m. June 16: Music Journalism. 1-3 p.m. June 19: Ukulele Workshop. 5-6 p.m. June 26: Ukulele Workshop. 5-6 p.m. June 30: Movie Marathon. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ADULTS Wednesdays: Brown Bag Lunch Series. Doors open at noon, programs begin at 12:30 p.m. Bring a sack lunch; beverages and dessert provided.

June 5: Ukulele Workshop. 5-6 p.m.

June 11: Great Books book group. 6:30 p.m.

June 5: Bob Ross Paint Party. 6:30 p.m.

June 12: The Bookies book group. 10 a.m.

June 12: Adult Summer Reading. 6:30 p.m. June 13: Summer Book Preview. 12:30 p.m. Katie and Holley will share the best and brightest books being published this summer. June 15: Adult Summer Reading: Yoga & Poetry. 10-11:30 a.m. June 19: Documentaries After Dark. 6:30 p.m. “Alive and Kicking.” June 20: Art House Film Series. 6:30 p.m. “Summer with Monika.” June 26: Genre Reading Group. 6:30 p.m. Discussing books on gangsters and the mob. June 28: Lost & Found: 20th Century Classics. 6:30 p.m. Discussing Randall Jarrell’s “Pictures from an Institution” and John William’s “Stoner.”

Area Events Saturdays: The Market at Pepper Place. 7 a.m. to noon. Visit pepperplacemarket. com. June 1-2: Birmingham Barons vs. Chattanooga Lookouts. Regions Field. 7:05 p.m. Friday and 6:30 p.m. Saturday. Tickets $7$15. Visit June 1-2: The Firebird & Tchaikovsky’s Sixth – Russian Masterpieces. 8 p.m. Alys Stephens Center. Presented by the Alabama Symphony Orchestra. Tickets start at $24. Visit June 1-3: USGA U.S. Women’s Open. Play begins at 8 a.m. daily. Shoal Creek. Visit usga. org. June 1-3: The Importance of Being Earnest. South City Theatre, Pelham. 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday. Visit June 1-30: The Birmingham Ghost Walk Spring Tours. 7:30 p.m. nightly. Tickets $20 adults, $10 children. Visit June 2: Gigantic Community Yard Sale. 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Holy Infant of Prague Catholic

Church, Trussville. The St. Vincent De Paul Society will be sponsoring a Gigantic Community Yard Sale. We will organize and advertise a huge yard sale. Cost to participate is $20. Email for more information or to reserve a spot.

and Thursday; and 11:30 a.m. Wednesday. Tickets $7-$15. Visit

June 2: Southeastern Outings Kayak and Canoe Trip, Locust Fork River. Depart 9 a.m. from the Cleveland Chevron Service Station. Reservations required. Contact Dan Frederick at or 631-4680.

June 7: Art Show Reception for Chip Ghigna. 6 p.m. ROJO.

June 3: Southeastern Outings Wildflower Walk on the Hillside Glade and at the Bibb County Glades. Depart at noon from McDonald’s Galleria. For information, contact Joe Myers at 988-0741 for the Hillside Glade walk or David Shepherd 240-4681 for the Bibb County Glades walk. June 3-4: Gem, Mineral, Fossil & Jewelry Show. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tannehill State Park. Showcasing gems, minerals, fossils and jewelry. Admission $3-$5, children 5 and younger are free. Visit June 3-7: Birmingham Barons vs. Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp. Regions Field. 6 p.m. Sunday; 7:05 p.m. Monday, Tuesday

June 4-11: Lights, Camera, Action! The Kevin Wayne Acting Studio. 4:30 and 7 p.m. Shelby County Arts Council Gallery, Columbiana.

June 8-10: Magic City Con. Hyatt Regency, Wynfrey Hotel. Noon to 8 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. Tickets $15 children, $35 adults. Visit magiccitycon. com. June 8: Summer Film Series – “Superman.” 7 p.m. Alabama Theatre. Tickets $9, ages 2 and younger are free. Visit June 8-July 1: “Beauty and the Beast.” Presented by Red Mountain Theatre Company at Dorothy Jemison Theater. Tickets start at $25. Visit June 9: Woodlawn Street Market. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visit June 9: Downtown Trussville Cele-

brates the Arts. 10 a.m. Organized by the Trussville Downtown Merchants Association, this event includes a classic car show and food trucks. Presenting sponsors are Brik Realty and Trussville Gas & Water. June 9: GMOs in Grandmother’s Garden. 10:30 a.m. Sloss Furnaces. Talk with horticulturalist Sallie Lee. Visit June 9: Magic City Caribbean Food and Music Festival. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Linn Park. Free. Visit or June 10: Summer Film Series – “Funny Girl.” 7 p.m. Alabama Theatre. Tickets $9, children 2 and younger are free. Visit June 13-17: Birmingham Barons vs. Chattanooga Lookouts. Regions Field. 7:05 p.m. Wednesday-Friday, 6:30 p.m. Saturday and 3 p.m. Sunday. Tickets $7-$15. Visit barons. com. June 14-16: 39th Annual National Sacred Harp Singing Convention. Fultondale Friendship Hall. Starts at 9:30 a.m. daily. Visit home. jpg.

June 2018 • B23

Area Events (Cont.) June 15: Summer Film Series – “Dazed and Confused.” 7 p.m. Alabama Theatre. Tickets $9, children 2 and younger are free. Visit June 16: Southeastern Outings River Float, Picnic, Swim on the Locust Fork River. Depart 9 a.m. from the Cleveland Chevron. For information, contact Dan Frederick at seoutings or 631-4680. June 16: SliceFest. Slice Pizza and Brew. 1-11 p.m. Admission $25-$35, children 12 and younger are free. Visit June 16: The Fab Four. 8 p.m. Alabama Theatre. Beatles tribute. Visit alabamatheatre. com. June 16-17: Tannehill Trade Days. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tannehill Ironworks Historical State Park. Featuring over 350 vendors. Tickets $5 adults, $4 seniors, $3 children 6 and older. June 17: Summer Film Series – “Father of the Bride (1950).” 2 p.m. Alabama Theatre. Tickets $9, children 2 and younger are free. Visit June 19: Southern League All-Star Game. 7:05 p.m. Regions Field. Visit

Railroad Park. Visit June 24: Southeastern Outings Dayhike on Montevallo Parks Trail. Depart 1:30 p.m. from the McDonald’s Galleria or meet at 2 p.m. at the parking lot beside the larger bridge over Shoal Creek. For information, contact Dan Frederick at or 631-4680. June 24: Summer Film Series – “The Wizard of Oz.” 2 p.m. Alabama Theatre. Tickets $9, children 2 and younger are free. Visit June 26: Trussville Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Golf Tournament. 8 a.m. shotgun scramble start. Pine Tree Country Club. The tournament is hosted by Trussville Area Chamber of Commerce. $175 per player or $600 per foursome. Entry fee includes green fee, cart, range balls, lunch by Moe’s Original Bar-B-Que and giveaways. Every golfer will receive $70 to spend in the pro shop. Chance to win $10,000 for a hole-in-one sponsored by Courtesy Buick GMC. June 26: David Lee The Ultimate Elvis. 7:30 p.m. BJCC Theatre. Tickets $15-$35. Visit

June 22: Summer Film Series – “The Wiz.” 7 p.m. Alabama Theatre. Tickets $9, children 2 and younger are free. Visit

June 29: Summer Film Series – “The Sandlot.” 7 p.m. Alabama Theatre. Tickets $9, children 2 and younger are free. Visit

June 23: Southeastern Outings Evening Walk, Hillsboro Trail, Helena. Depart at 7 p.m. from Helena Middle School front parking lot. For information, contact Dan Frederick at or 631-4680.

June 30-July 1: Great Southern Gun & Knife Show. BJCC Exhibition Hall. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. Tickets $12 ages 12 and older, $2 ages 6-11. Visit

June 23: Fourth annual Birmingham Black Rodeo. 7:30 p.m. Legacy Arena, BJCC. Tickets $19.25-$35.25. Visit

June 28-July 3: Birmingham Barons vs. Jackson Generals. Regions Field. Tickets $7-$15. 7:05 p.m. Thursday and Friday; 6:30 p.m. Saturday; 3 p.m. Sunday; 7:05 p.m. Monday; and 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. Visit

June 23-24: Family Camp Out Night.

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