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Birmingham’s family-owned, independent pharmacy since 1928

Harbin Discount Pharmacy
When you walk through the doors of your pharmacy, do the pharmacists say hello and call you by your name?
If you’re a client at Harbin Discount Pharmacy, your answer is yes.
“We have watched generations of children grow up and now have children of their own,” said Jerry Newman. “We truly care about each and every person that walks through our door.”
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Harbin Discount Pharmacy is a family-owned, independent pharmacy that has been a Birmingham institution since 1928. Its four pharmacists have been practicing for a combined total of 130 years. There are two locations: one in Crestline Village and one downtown near University of Alabama Birmingham.
Because Harbin is a local pharmacy, it has a very comfortable and relaxed environment. The customers can feel free to ask questions and not feel like they are being rushed. The customers also have easy access to the pharmacist, both in person and over the phone. And since medications are compounded in house, the pharmacists are able to fully serve their customers in every aspect.
The staff is committed to customer service, and Jerry said the delivery service is top notch. “Our customers appreciate that their medicines will be delivered in a timely manner and they
► WHERE: 57 Church St.
► CALL: 205-871-2196
► WEB: harbindiscount pharmacy.com do not have to get out if they are sick or busy.”
Customers can also feel good about shopping at Harbin and knowing they’re keeping their dollars local. Harbin gives back to the Mountain Brook community by sponsoring as many local youth and community activities as it can.
“Did you know that when you spend your dollars at a local store, over 70 cents of every dollar spent stays in our community?” Jerry said.
Harbin Discount Pharmacy is a very special place that is reminiscent of the mom and pop stores from a bygone era. Visit harbindiscountpharmacy.com for more information.