不 屑 -- 絕 對 不 BULL S H I T
NO CLUMBS LABORATORY Achievements exhibition
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
劉泓昇 Hong-sheng,Liu 002
性格執著,認真,對於必須完成事情有 強大的使命感。 項目|平面設計 / 文字編輯 / 策展人 Persistent personality, serious, for a must have a strong sense of mission. Project | Graphic Design / Text Editor / Curator
林秝榆 Li-yu,Lin 性格執著,認真,對於必須完成事情有 強大的使命感。 項目|平面設計 / 文字編輯 / 策展人 Nervous personality, no burden, hope crumbs disappear in this world. Project | Package Design / Model
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
林昱辰 Yu-chen,Lin 性格喜歡事務都有條有理 項目|包裝設計 Character like things are reasonable Project | Package Design
朱怡璇 Hong-sheng,Liu 親切熱心的小助手,會幫助到大家的需要 並且一同打擊屑屑。 項目|編輯助理 Persistent personality, serious, for a must have a strong sense of mission. Project | Graphic Design / Text Editor / Curator
譚雋 Hong-sheng,Liu 性格個性派女生,能將主角的個性印在影 片上,幫助我們達到「不屑」形象。 項目|影片拍攝 Personality personality school girls, the personality of the protagonist printed on the film, helping us to achieve the "disdain" image. Project | Film shooting
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
手工餅乾 ) 做細部研究,展覽涵括 1. 屑屑的樣貌
2. 食用角度與掉屑成因 3. 實驗紙盒包裝,在這
計「不 屑」的包裝讓您輕鬆優雅的吃點心。
但 在 進 行 中 的 同 時, 我 們 發 現 研 究 的 過
程 更 加 的 有 趣, 是 一 種 設 計 師 對 於 解 決 問 題
不 遺 餘 力 的「 偏 執 感 」, 我 們 想 在 掉 屑 議 題 上 理 解 層 次 更 加 透 徹, 為 什 麼 我 們 一 直 要 接 受 屑 屑 掉 得 滿 地? 屑 屑 到 底 如 何 掉 出 來 的? 而 屑 屑 長 的 樣 子 為 何? 而 我 們 又 將 如 何 面 對 他 呢。 透 過 海 量 實 驗 後, 我 們 團 隊 與 專 案 的 特 殊 之 處 就 顯 而 易 見 了。 不 一 定 是 最 美 麗 的 設 計, 但 一 定 要 最 透 徹, 我 想 這 也 是 台 灣 普 遍 缺 少 的 態 度。 抓 住 著 個 令 人 振 奮 的 切 入 點 後, 我 們 將 不 再 被 種 種 理 性 的 思 維 束 縛, 並 將 我 們 的 設 計 能 量 以 另 一 種 形 式 展 現 出 來。
聽起來頗為微妙,名字叫做「不 屑」- 不掉屑包 裝成果概念展,我們針對了台灣常見的掉屑食物 ( 太陽餅、綠豆椪、爆米花、鳳梨酥、燒餅、蛋卷、
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
策展人 ‧ 劉泓昇 2018/2 月
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
Crumbs falling is a very common problem in our life,
Eating angles and the cause of crumbs 3. Experimental
moreover, a mutual memory for Taiwaness. As an old saying
carton package. Here, you will follow our pace to spy
goes, ‘’Eating clay oven rolls without falling the sesame
and turn to an unknown area, what you have never
seeds”, and even an embarrassing situation that eating egg
thought of. When you set your eyes at a piece of crumb,
rolls up the trash can. Even though we eat the snacks
found it is so divine and beautiful. When the crumbs
carefully, crumbs still fall all over the table and floor, and
drop at our well-designed packaging, you will be
then attract the visit of cockroaches and ants. I think we are
pleasantly surprised, such a method can be.
not incapable of solving such problems, but just ignore these
trivial matters and give up multiple possibilities of our life.
you for the change of your daily life or imagination, and
We want to solve the problem of eating a messy scene, so
what we have done (maybe just a trivial thing), can
we design packages of ‘’no crumbs” to help you eat snacks
expand your vision of the surrounding things with a more
more easily and elegantly.
cautious attitude. And that will be a greatest honor for
At the same time, we found that the process of
Last, I want to say that if our exhibition can help
research is even more interesting, is a spirit of ‘’stubborn’’ that the designer spare no effort to solve the problems. We would like to upgrade our comprehensive level about the crumbs issue. And how can we endure the crumbs falling all over? How do the crumbs fall out? What do the crumbs look like? And how can we face them? After a large number of experiments, our specialty are obvious. Not necessarily to be the most beautiful, but the most thorough. I think this is an attutide lack of the general populace in Taiwan. Seizing this exciting starting point, we will no longer be bound by the rational thought, and our design can be displayed in a different form.
We hold a mini exhibition in young designer’s
exhibition. It sounds quite subtle, named "不屑" - no crumbs packaging achievement conception exhibition. We do detailed research for the common Taiwan food which fall crumbs, including sun cakes, mung beans pastry, popcorn, pineapple cakes, clay oven rolls, egg rolls, handmade biscuits. The exhibition includes 1. The shape of crumbs 2.
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
NO CLUMBS LABORATORY Achievements exhibition
008 發行人 Publisher 劉泓昇 Liu,hong-sheng
總編輯 Editor-in-Chief 劉泓昇 Liu,hong-sheng
美術設計 Art Dieector 劉泓昇 Liu,hong-sheng
包裝設計 Package Design 林秝榆 lin,li-yu 林昱辰 lin,yu-chen 攝影 Photography 譚雋 tan,juan 編輯助理 assistant editor 林秝榆 lin,li-yu 林昱辰 lin,yu-chen 朱怡璇 zhu,yi-xuan
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
蛋 捲 燒 餅 綠豆椪 爆米花
The Team Member
From the Ccurator
Egg roll File
Common eating posture
The crumbs cause
The shape of crumbs
Experimental packaging
Clay oven eolls file
Common eating posture
The crumbs cause
The shape of crumbs
Experimental packaging
蛋捲 010
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
綠豆碰 064
Mung Bean Pastry File
Common eating posture
The crumbs cause
The shape of crumbs
Experimental packaging
Popcorn file
Common eating posture
The crumbs cause
The shape of crumbs
Experimental packaging
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
EGG ROLL 012 10
Egg roll File
簡史 Brief history 蛋捲的的發明是為了填飽肚子,在舊時代,窮苦的人家為了填肚子,於是就想出了個好辦法,就是將 雞蛋和野菜一起煮,但雞蛋不是常有,所以就將煮好的雞蛋、野菜烘乾,卷成形,留著慢慢再吃,這 就形成了蛋捲的始祖。 中古世紀西元 1500 年左右,位於北歐斯堪的納維亞半島西部-挪威,挪威人將蛋捲當作是慶祝聖誕 節的傳統糕點,挪威原文稱為 "krumkake"。 由於製作蛋捲的原料雞蛋的品質是關鍵,雞蛋、麵粉以及黃油混合產生了漿狀的黃色物質。把漿狀黃 色物質酌量倒於製作“krumkake”的蛋捲機中,將半熟蛋麵粉皮捲成筒狀,冷卻後變硬,入口脆、香 的口感,成為許多挪威人喜愛的點心之一。 而在台灣的蛋捲發展史方面,香港曾是英國殖民地,蛋捲是由香港傳到台灣的。
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
The invention of the egg rolls was to fill their stomachs. In the old days, the poor people had to fill their stomachs. So they came up with a good idea to cook eggs and wild herbs together, but eggs were not always there, so they would be cooked. The eggs and wild vegetables are dried, rolled, and eaten slowly, which forms the ancestor of the egg rolls. Middle Century AD Around 1500 AD, located in Scandinavia, Western Norway - Norway, Norwegians regard the quiche as a traditional cake for Christmas celebrations. Norway originally called "krumkake". Because the quality of the raw egg that makes the egg rolls is critical, eggs, flour, and butter are mixed to produce a slurry of yellow substances. The pulpy yellow substance was poured into an egg roll machine that produced "krumkake". The semi-boiled egg flour was rolled into a tube shape, and after cooling, it became hard and the entrance was crispy and fragrant. It became one of the favorite snacks for many Norwegians. In terms of the history of the development of egg rolls in Taiwan, Hong Kong was a British colony. Egg rolls were transferred from Hong Kong to Taiwan.
013 11
Beautiful pattern of Norwegian "krumkake"
Taiwan common egg roll shape
成分 Ingredients
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
低筋麵粉 Low- protein flour
細砂糖 castor sugar
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
製作流程 Production process
1 Mix the cream, sugar and salt, and whip the eggs 奶油、糖份、鹽,先均勻地攪拌在一 起,並將蛋一顆一顆打入。 奶油軟化,稍微打發,加入香草糖和鹽,攪拌至砂糖差 不多融化。分次加入洋雞蛋,攪拌均勻後,再加入下一 顆,大約用 6 至 7 顆雞蛋。由於蛋很多,建議可使用電 動打蛋器,攪拌到差不多均勻就可以了。
2 The flour into the custard, sesame powder into the mold
將麵粉篩入蛋糊,並加入芝麻粉,倒 入模具。 麵粉事先篩一次,然後再篩到蛋糊裡,攪拌均勻,這裡 可以使勁攪,最後撒入炒熟的白芝麻,攪拌均勻,麵糊 就完成了。模具預熱, 兩面都要加熱,接著用斜口勺, 挖一平勺,倒差不多 3/4 的麵糊在模具中央並合上模具。
3 Wait, roll it carefully, egg roll stick 等待,並使用蛋卷棒小心滾起涼定型。 如果不知道火候,可以在聽不到聲音後,打開模具,看 一下麵餅狀態。如果還有點半透明的感覺, 說明還需再 烤一會。若打開來是金黃色的就說明好了,利用蛋捲棒 小心捲起待涼定型再取即可。
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
常見的蛋捲包裝 Common egg roll packaging
保存 一般手工蛋蛋捲用夾鏈帶再用封口機包裝 起來 , 在沒有太陽曬及不潮濕的環境 , 我們 做過測試,可保存到 60 天 , 但為了保存奶 油與蛋的香氣賞味最佳期限為 15-20 天。 而工業製程的大廠蛋卷則可以包存到 12 個 月,因為其添加了抗氧化劑及維他命 E。
1 Plastic bags + plastic shell at the end 塑膠袋 + 塑膠殼底 塑膠材質的包裝最大的就是其成本低,重量輕,而卻可 以達到一定程度的保護力,其對食品的保護力都有一定 水準,並且也能達到很好的保存效果。 以塑膠袋加塑膠殼底是最常見的市售蛋捲包裝,其便宜 的成本以及良好的保存性成為一般品牌喜愛使用的包裝。 食用方法為一支打開,屑屑會直接灑出來,塑膠底殼主 要用於固定與保護蛋卷本體,也可以拿來承接蛋卷所掉 的屑屑。
2 The drum 鐵桶 金屬包裝材料具有極佳的阻隔性能,包括空氣、潮濕、 陽光與香氣能保持食品的質量與風味不變,同時有較高 的保護強度,即使壁很薄也不一破損,歲後就是表面裝 飾光澤極佳,能產生高級的品牌質感。鐵桶本生高成本 令商家甚少考慮,但如果大量訂製便可壓低價格並達到 高質感高享受的效果,為許多知名蛋捲品牌所喜愛使用, 其中可以保持蛋捲低溫與味道,並可以完全保護蛋捲不 受損毀,更重要的是蛋捲的食用可以隨時隨地不限支數。
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
Egg roll File
1. 餐桌上 2. 垃圾桶上
EGG ROLL 常見的食用姿勢 Common food posture
Food field
垃圾桶上 / 原產品塑膠盒上 / 鐵桶上。
trash bin / original product plastic box / iron drum.
由於其特別易碎難纏,所以通常都會在桌面上小 心翼翼地吃,搭配電視手機並於蛋捲鐵盒上面或
Because it is particularly fragile and difficult to handle, it is usually eaten carefully on the table with TV or mobile phone and finished on the tin box or plastic pan.
呈現駝背的姿態 蛋捲因為其長條形狀以及易碎結 構,導致食用時必須小心翼翼,甚 至駝起身體食用。為了避免屑屑過 度散,人們通常都會以垂直型態食 用,角度約莫 10°,才能讓屑屑掉入 指定範圍。
Because of its long strip shape and fragile structure, egg rolls must be eaten with care and even hunchback. In order to avoid excessive dispersion of crumbs, people usually eat them in vertical form at an angle of about 10° to allow the crumbs to fall into the specified range.
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
0.01g 屑屑狀測繪圖
Egg roll File
3 018
蛋捲的屑屑呈現小幅度菱角形狀的彎曲,質地帶有輕、易碎的特 質,屑屑由小到大其實差距不大,重量也輕容易灑出,屑屑是多數 人喜愛拿起來再次食用的。其餅皮表面共有絲狀與孔洞狀的特質, 經過蛋捲棒滾起來達到綿密多層次的口感,所以在吃的時候是一 次咬下 4-5 層左右的蛋捲皮,而中間的孔洞每個都是容易產生屑 屑的紋理。屑屑剖面中可看出小幅度的菱角彎曲。
Egg roll crumbs showed a small shape of the water chestnut bending, with
屑屑的型態 The shape of crumbs
again to eat. The surface of the cake with a total of filamentous and hole-like
the traits of light, fragile. The shape of crumbs make little differences in fact. The weight is also light and easy to spill, people like to pick up the crumbs qualities, rolled through the egg roll stick to achieve the taste of multi-layered dense. While eating is a bite of 4-5 layers of egg roll skin, and the middle of the each hole is a texture that is prone to crumbing.A section of crumbs can be seen in a small degree of water chestnut. bending.
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
掉屑成因 咬下瞬間 , 捲體結構碎裂並沿著 圓柱型掉落
嘴唇沾黏到的粉末行二次掉屑 從咬斷中間點掉落
Egg roll File
50CM 100 percent
60 percent
掉屑的成因與屑災範圍 The cause of crumbs and Disaster range
高 1.7 米「 屑災範圍 」 屑屑最遠可達到 50 cm 60%的屑屑在 11cm 內
peel along the cylindrical shape of
the egg roll, some fall out from
捲的結構,導緻 4-5 層冷卻後
down. Therefore, people often use
high-angle method of edible bread
There are two main ways to drop
purpose is to eat the crumbs stuck
the crumbs, one is to crush the egg
to their lips, and if they do not
roll structure after biting, causing
reach, they will be the second
the 4-5 layers to crumble along with
crumbs. Disaster range of 13 cm
the texture of the holes just after
cause light and easy to drift, but
cooling . Lots of crumbs dust will
scatter a short throw away distance.
食用方法讓內外屑屑落差不會 太多。第二種則是嘴巴上的屑
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
屑災範圍為 13 公分,因
inside and some outside. with sesame or other additives falling
crumbs to drop too much. The second is that the crumbs on the mouth will make people pout. The
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
Experimental package
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
蛋捲 一捲不沾盒
A-1 蛋捲一捲不沾盒
A roll of non-stick box 概 概念 : 本包裝平放可裝四支蛋
捲,中間上蓋有一條長條形 設計,撕裂線撕開後長條形 加長的部分可讓使用者在不 沾手的情況下使用食指和中 指貼著盒體捲起食用蛋捲, 所謂夾子與包裝一體成形, 兩側展開的地方,是使用者 在捲起蛋捲時下方做展開的 承接袋。
解決什麼問題 : 沾手、掉屑 不掉屑 : ★★★★☆ 製作日期 :2018/4/10
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
如何正確使用 A-1
How to use A-1 currectly
掀起上蓋 Lifting the lid
1 024 食指與中指放在長條形片上放,展開下方承接盒 The index finger and middle finger are placed on a long strip and unfold the lower receiving box.
即可捲起蛋捲做食用 You can roll up an egg roll to eat
3 N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
A-1 A roll of non-stick box packaging Concept: The package can lay four egg rolls horizontally, and the middle cover has a long bar design. After the tear line is torn, the long bar can be extended to allow the user to use the index finger and the middle finger to roll up the edible eggs without touching it. The roll, the so-called clip and package are integrally formed, and the place where both sides are unfolded is a receiving bag that the user unfolds at the time of rolling up the roll. Problems we solve : hand-touching, non-crumbs Non-crumbs : ★★★★☆ Manufacturing Date : 2018/4/10
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
蛋捲 握把向上器
A-2 蛋捲握把向上盒
Egg roll grip up mechanism 概念 : 此包裝適合給出遊的人
們來使用,例如:在外頭手 不乾淨時可以食用,小朋友 們可以邊遊玩邊吃,也是方 便攜帶的小包裝,兩支蛋捲 為一組。使用方法為將外包 裝上蓋打開後,握住包裝內 的小握把向上拉提,可以直 接食用蛋捲,避免手直接碰 觸蛋捲屑,也可解決衛生問 題。
解決什麼問題 : 沾手 不掉屑 : ★★★☆☆ 製作日期 :2018/4/26
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
如何正確使用 A-2
How to use A-2 currectly
手握住蓋子上方 Hand holding the lid above
1 028 將包裝上蓋打開 Open the package’s lid
提起內包裝小提把,並食用蛋捲 Lift the inner package’s grip and eat the egg roll
3 N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
A-2 Egg roll grip up mechanism packaging Concept: The package can lay four egg rolls horizontally, and the middle cover has a long bar design. After the tear line is torn, the long bar can be extended to allow the user to use the index finger and the middle finger to roll up the edible eggs without touching it. The roll, the so-called clip and package are integrally formed, and the place where both sides are unfolded is a receiving bag that the user unfolds at the time of rolling up the roll. Problems we solve : hand-touching Non-crumbs : ★★★☆☆ Manufacturing Date : 2018/4/26
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
蛋捲 三角伸縮管
A-3 蛋捲三角伸縮管 Triangle telescopic tube
概念 : 此包裝為單支裝,所以
不管走路或站著都可以手拿 吃,側邊有折疊伸縮帶可兩 式伸縮設計,在吃蛋捲的時 候可以隨著蛋捲在吃過程中 的長短來作三段式伸縮,三 角錐的設計讓屑屑有三角的 空隙大多能掉入包裝裡,適 合吃蛋捲不想沾手的使用者。 解決什麼問題 : 沾手、掉屑 不掉屑 : ★★☆☆☆ 製作日期 :2018/1/26
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
如何正確使用 A-3
How to use A-3 currectly
先打開三角形上蓋 Open the triangle cover first
1 032 由下往上推,蛋捲即露出可吃 Push from bottom to top, the egg rolls are visible to eat
吃完後蓋起三角形蓋子 Cover triangle cover after eating
3 N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
A-3 Triangle telescopic tube packaging Concept: This package is a single pack, so you can eat it by hand, whether standing or walking. There are folding and stretching straps on the sides that can be retracted in two ways. When you eat an egg roll, you can lengthen and shorten the package in the process of eating. The three-stage retractable, triangular-cone design allows most of the triangulated voids to fall into the package, making users eat the egg rolls without scumming. Problems we solve : hand-touching, non-crumbs Non-crumbs : ★★☆☆☆ Manufacturing Date : 2018/1/26
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
蛋捲 六角上開器
A-4 蛋捲六角上開器 Hexagon upper opener
概念 : 此包裝可放多支蛋捲,
上蓋的六角形設計較大,上 蓋有兩角可以作小展開,包 裝的上蓋與下身為一體成形, 所以使用者打開上蓋後放置 下巴下方,可以直接做屑屑 的承接盒,因為這個包裝有 高度,所以在使用電腦的時 候吃蛋捲也很方便。
解決什麼問題 : 掉屑 不掉屑 : ★★★★☆ 製作日期 :2018/4/3
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
如何正確使用 A-4
How to use A-4 currectly
打開六角形上蓋 Open the hexagonal cover
1 036 下巴放置六角形上蓋 Place chin on the hexagonal cover
拿起蛋捲即可直接承接 Pick up the egg roll and you can receive it directly
3 N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
A-4 Hexagon upper opener packaging Concept: This package can hold multiple egg rolls. The hexagonal design of the upper cover is larger. The upper cover has two corners for small expansion. The upper cover and the lower body of the package are integrally formed. Therefore, the user can open the upper cover and place the chin on the lower part directly, being a receiving box. Because of the height of the package, is also convenient for eating egg rolls while using the computer. Problems we solve : hand-touchingNon-crumbs : ★★★★☆ Manufacturing Date : 2018/4/3
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
蛋捲 兩段式接口器
A-5 蛋捲兩段式接口器
Egg roll two stage interface mechanism 概念 : 此包裝為單支裝,屬於
兩段式設計,主要幫助使用 者能在不沾屑的情況下食用 蛋捲。使用者可先將蛋捲放 入長型三角體中,待要食用 時,打開另一端的大三角形 承接器,再將前方的小三角 形盒蓋打開,握壓著三角體 盒身,適量倒出蛋捲,並以 大三角形器承接來食用。 解決什麼問題 : 沾手、不掉屑 不掉屑 : ★★★★☆ 製作日期 :2018/4/3
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
如何正確使用 A-5
How to use A-5 currectly
先將蛋捲放入長型三角體,打開大三角形 承接器,再將前方的小三角形盒蓋打開。 First, put egg roll into long triangle. Open big triangle adapter and open small triangle cover in front.
1 040 適量倒出蛋捲,並以大三角形器來承接。 Pour egg roll in appropriate amount and received it with large triangle.
握壓著三角體盒身,以 大三角形器承接來吃。 Hold the long triangle and hold it with large triangle to eat.
3 N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
A-5 Egg roll two stage interface mechanism packaging Concept: his package is a single pack and is a two-stage design that helps user to consume the egg rolls without scumming. User can first put the egg roll into the long triangle body, and when it is going to be eaten, open the big triangle receiver at the other end, and then open the small triangular box cover at the front, hold the triangle body box and squeeze it out. Egg rolls are served with large triangles. Problems we solve : hand-touching, no crumbs Non-crumbs : ★★★★☆ Manufacturing Date : 2018/4/3
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
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N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
吃燒餅哪有 不掉芝麻?
Clay oven roll File
簡史與製作流程 Brief History and Production procss
簡史 Brief history 燒餅源自於西域,由波斯人帶進中國所以又稱作胡餅。後來在中土盛行,人們索性用其烹調的方式「燒 烤」來命名,於是有了「燒餅」這個名字的出現。
油條+豆漿」這種吃法,可是台灣人自己發明的。有一說是一個「懶」字罷了。外省老鄉們,覺得吃 完油條後得先洗手才能繼續進食是件麻煩的事,於是就將乾烤不油膩的燒餅從中切開,夾著油條吃。 這樣既能享受美食,又能省去洗手的麻煩。
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不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
隊」,使整座島嶼都沸騰起來。但由於時差的關係比賽終了經常已是台灣凌晨時分,賣力吶喊完的民 眾飢腸轆轆,此時外省師傅們經營的豆漿店在誤打誤撞下成了最好的去處。早期豆漿、包子饅頭製作 非常依賴人工,豆漿店的師傅們往往天尚未亮就開起店來。因此,看完球賽後到豆漿店吃份特別早的 早餐,也就理所當然起來了。
The clay oven rolls originate in the Western Regions and are brought into China by the Persians. Later, in China, people simply named the dish “roast” using its cooking method. Then there was the appearance of the name “clay oven rolls”. The main reason that Taiwanese ate these was that many soldiers went to Taiwan with the Nationalist government. The officers and soldiers of the various provinces of the army also brought different food cultures from China’s frontier, inland and northern regions to Taiwan, enriching the taste buds of this island. Many soldiers are from Shandong. They will cook their own meals such as clay oven rolls for breakfast, and slowly integrate into Taiwanese society. Eaten by " clay oven rolls + fritters + soy milk " was invented by Taiwanese people. There is a saying that it is a word “LAZY”. Some provincials feel that it is a hassle to wash hands after finish eating the fritters, so they cut the clay oven rolls and sandwich them with fritters. This way, you can not only enjoy the food but also save the trouble of washing hands. And there is a saying that is related to the beginning of the sporting events on television. At that time, the "Chinese Little League Team" that scored in the World Little League Competition made the entire island boiling. However, due to the time differences, the game is often ended at daybreak in Taiwan, and the people put a jerk in the game are hungry. At this time, the soya milk shops operated by the provincial chefs become the best places to go to. At early times, soymilk and steamed bread buns were very dependent on labor. Soybean milk shop’s chefs often opened stores in the daybreak. Therefore, it was natural to have a early meals at a soy milk store.
豆漿 - 燒餅 - 油條經典組合
Beautiful pattern of Norwegian "krumkake"
Taiwan common egg roll shape
成分 Ingredients
冷水 / 沸水
Low- protein flour
castor sugar
white sesame
豬油 lard 低筋麵粉 Low-protein flour
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
製作流程 Production process
1 Preparing the dough, the amount of white sesame, fry the pastry 備好麵糰、適量的白芝麻後,先炒油酥 將豬油 (45g) 在鍋中加熱後,放入低筋麵粉 (67g),以小 火炒香,至呈褐色,即為油酥。 再將炒好油酥放涼備用。
2 Make hot dough, divide the dough, round, flatten, coat the pastry
用中筋麵粉、鹽、沸水、冷水製作燙 麵麵糰,再將麵糰平分後,滾圓、壓 扁、塗上油酥。 將中筋麵粉和鹽放入盆內攪打,再加入沸水攪打,攪拌 成雪花狀再慢慢加入冷水中速攪拌成光滑狀後取出,用 手搓揉成圓球狀後放入盆中,蓋上保鮮膜,靜置鬆弛 30 分即完成。將麵團平分為六等份,再將小麵糰用手略壓 扁,桿開呈牛舌狀,將油酥塗在麵皮上。
3 Roll the crust to a strip, sprinkled with white sesame, bake it. 捲麵皮,擀呈長條狀,撒上白芝麻, 放入烤箱。 將鬆弛好的麵皮沾上白芝麻,再桿開成長方形狀的麵皮, 將沾有白芝麻的麵皮朝上放入烤盤,以 200 度 C 在烘烤中,燒餅會慢慢膨起,並呈現金黃色澤 。
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不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
常見的蛋捲包裝 Common egg roll packaging
保存 常溫下,鹹的可放 3 天,甜的可放 10 天。 沒吃完的話,可用夾鏈袋包裝好,將空氣 擠出,放冷藏可以保存一星期,若是放冷 凍則可保存到一個月左右。加熱方式是燒 餅先解凍,再放入已預熱的烤箱中,以悶 烤的方式加熱後即可食用。注意如果直接 加熱的話,餅皮會很容易焦掉喔!
1 grease proofing paper bag 防油紙袋 油紙袋指的是能防油脂吸收滲透的紙。狹義上,指的是 使用漂白、半漂或未漂化學木漿,通過高打漿度處理而 抄造的一類紙。也包括使用漿內添加或表面塗佈防油劑 而生產的能夠抗拒油脂滲透和吸收的紙種。 有一定的強度和較高的平滑度,但透氣度較低。這種 紙因纖維受到強烈的打漿作用,纖維結合點很多,紙頁 的空隙度很低,透明度較高。因此,可防止油脂的滲透 和吸收。
2 plastic bag 食用透明塑膠袋 飲食店、夜市攤販常使用的塑膠袋,它的成分是高密度 聚乙烯 HDPE。他可以耐熱至 120℃,是相對穩定的材質, 並且無添加塑化劑,但有的高密度聚乙烯塑膠袋有添加 微量的蠟,,商家在用高密度聚乙烯塑膠袋盛裝熱食後, 通常會再放入低密度聚乙烯塑膠袋的手提袋內,讓你提 回家,低密度聚乙烯塑膠袋也不含塑化劑,因此,沒有 塑化劑污染疑慮。
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
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N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
Egg roll File
1. 早餐店 2. 邊走邊吃
CLAY OVEN ROLL 常見的食用姿勢 Common food posture
Food field
早餐店 / 邊走邊吃。
Breakfast shop / Eat while walking.
The sesame biscuits are often eaten at the "breakfast shop" or "while walking." Especially in these two
places can be more unscrupulous to eat, after all, the
breakfast shop is obliged to clear out the sesame crumbs. .
雙手向下拉扯 燒餅因為餅皮具有強大韌性。並且 內部結構一層又一層,牙齒在拉扯 的時候會將許多層一起拉出來,故 食用時上半身會固定已達到手與身 體皆有出力。食用角度為 15 度至傾 斜 45 度,站著吃角度較傾斜。 Clay oven roll is tough because of the crust. And the internal structure has layer after layer, when the teeth pull
together will pull out many layers, so the upper body will be fixed when eating to make both hands and body put strength. Eating angle is 15 degrees to 45 degrees, standing while eat is more inclined.
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
0.64g 大塊外皮
0.003g 芝麻
Clay oven roll File
3 050
屑屑的型態 The shape of crumbs
燒餅的屑屑分為三部分,第一部分是芝麻,燒餅最外層會為 了增加風味而會撒上芝麻,第二部分是烤焦的薄片,質地易 脆而薄,大小形狀為片狀而菱角分明,並與芝麻融而一體, 第三部分為多層而厚重的餅皮,咬下時會一層接著一層牽動, 它具有柔軟而綿密的口感,因重量略重並且面計較大而相較 其他兩種較少掉屑。 The crumbs of clay oven rolls are divided into three parts. The first part is sesame. The outer layer of clay oven rolls will be sprinkled with sesame in order to increase the flavor, and the second part is charred flakes. The texture is fragile and thin, the size and shape are flaked, clear and angular, and fused with sesame. The third part is a multilayered and thick crust. When biting down, it will affect one layer and the other. It has a soft and dense taste. It has less crumbs because is slightly heavier and larger than the other two.
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
因撕咬動作,屑屑沿拋物線掉落 4
3 4
咬斷中間點掉落 芝麻 : 咬下或與紙袋摩擦時掉落
Clay oven roll File
142CM 100 percent
60 percent
掉屑的成因與屑災範圍 The cause of crumbs and Disaster range
高 1.7 米「 屑災範圍 」 屑屑最遠可達到 142 cm 60%的屑屑在 36cm 內
damage is large. The clay oven rolls will
be pulled out together and
就開始掉落了。屑災範圍為 90
second is that the crumbs on the
mouth will make people “tuck” their
The first kind of crumbs falling is
they will become the second way of
because the above had mentioned,
crumbs falling. Some sesame began to
pulling down and eating method
fall out when they were first taken out
causes the food body to break. The
and put in place to make friction with
light flaky crumbs and sesame crumbs
the paper bag. The crumbs disaster
on the surface will fall along the
area is 90 cm, and the crumbs is widely
parabola, so the scope of crumb
scattered due to the parabolic drop.
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
"stretched". Some of the shredded clay oven rolls will fall together. The
mouths. The purpose is to eat the crumbs on their lips. If they do not,
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不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
Experimental package
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
燒餅 開合承接袋
B-1 燒餅開合承接袋
Open and close receiving bag 概念 : 燒餅因為脆皮的關係,
在食用時會掉出大量的屑, 所以此包裝的開合設計可以 增大,屑屑能被承接住,此 包裝也有另外一種吃法,所 謂一包兩吃,沿著撕裂線撕 開開口的一部分面,可做為 夾子夾取燒餅,包裝的另一 面就化身作為食用時承接的 底盤。 解決什麼問題 : 沾手、掉屑 不掉屑 : ★★★☆☆ 製作日期 :2018/1/26
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不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
如何正確使用 A-1
How to use A-1 currectly
將放置一入的綠豆椪上身器拿在手上。 Place the mung bean top body in your hand.
1 056 吃到一半時將上升器抬伸,即可輕鬆食用,不用怕 餅會傾倒,因為兩旁有側翼會穩固餅身。 Half lift the riser to eat easily, do not be afraid to dump the cake, because the flanks will be solid on both sides of the cake.
吃綠豆椪輕鬆不掉屑。完成。 Eat green beans easily not crumbs. carry out.
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不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
A-1 Open and close receiving bag packaging Concept: Because of the crispy skin, sesame pancakes will drop a lot of crumbs when they are eaten, so the opening and closing design of this package can be increased and the crumbs can be accepted. This package also has another way of eating. The tear line tears open a part of the opening, which can be used as a clip to grab sesame. The other side of the package is an avatar that is taken as a food. Problems we solve : hand-touching, non-crumbs Non-crumbs : ★★★☆☆ Manufacturing Date : 2018/1/26
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
燒餅 百折變形盒
B-2 燒餅百折變形盒
Multi-angled receiving slott 概念 : 長型的包裝適合裝載燒
餅,此包裝為麥當勞蘋果派 包裝的延伸,特別另外設計 多角折的結構設計,開口可 自由變形,而延伸的開口希 望在吃的時候屑屑可以被承 接,包裝更自由的被使用, 可以壓扁一邊,在我們撕咬 燒餅時能穩定食用。
解決什麼問題 : 沾手、不掉屑 不掉屑 : ★★☆☆☆ 製作日期 :2018/1/26
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
如何正確使用 B-2
How to use B-2 currectly
將放置一入的綠豆椪上身器拿在手上。 Place the mung bean top body in your hand.
1 060 吃到一半時將上升器抬伸,即可輕鬆食用,不用怕 餅會傾倒,因為兩旁有側翼會穩固餅身。 Half lift the riser to eat easily, do not be afraid to dump the cake, because the flanks will be solid on both sides of the cake.
吃綠豆椪輕鬆不掉屑。完成。 Eat green beans easily not crumbs. carry out.
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不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
B-2 Multi-angled receiving slott packaging Concept: Different from the normal opening and closing’s general package, we try to open the package on the sides with six sides. When the user eats, open the front and back, and both sides have creases to facilitate the user to fold. There will be W-shaped groove in front and back after folding, so you can insert most of the chips into the groove when you eat. Problems we solve : hand-touching, non-crumbs Non-crumbs : ★★☆☆☆ Manufacturing Date : 2018/1/26
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
Mung Bean Pastry File
簡史與製作流程 Brief History and Production procss
簡史 Brief history 綠豆椪是中國福建、台灣的傳統月餅,也是台灣中秋贈禮,近年來更成為代表台灣各地的熱門伴手禮 之一。台中豐原素有「台灣糕餅之鄉」的美名,也是綠豆椪的發源地。在熱鬧、有「餅街」之稱的 慈濟宮前中正路上,其中百年老店「雪花齋」、「老雪花齋」可謂執豐原糕餅業之牛耳。由呂水於 1900 年所創立。 豐原舊稱葫蘆墩,農田水利發達、農產富庶,擁有絕佳環境;這裡除了制餅所需的一流技術、水質乾 淨與原料上好之外,最重要的是有懂得吃也買得起的名門士族的支持。由於文人雅士間常以糕餅相 贈、茶餘飯後也少不了糕餅茶點來助興,於是在此風的推波助瀾下,間接地成為豐原糕餅業興盛的幕 後推手。這裡同時也開發出多項膾炙人口的傳統漢餅。其中以「雪花餅」是最負盛名,餅如其名,擁 有雪白的外型,以及一層層薄如雪花片片的餅皮,以豬肉、綠豆、芝麻、紅蔥等為內餡。其之所以擁
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不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
有雪白的外型,是呂水獨創單面煎技術的結果,也就是俗稱的「綠豆椪」。 近年由於國人較重視健康、少油、少調味料,許多業者推出不含豬肉、豬油等材料,純以綠豆泥做內 餡的版本。
Mung bean pastry is a traditional mooncake in China's Fujian Province and Taiwan Province. It is also a gift for the MidAutumn Festival in Taiwan. In recent years, it has become one of the most popular gifts on behalf of Taiwan. Taichung Fengyuan, known as the hometown of "Taiwan cakes," is also the birthplace of mungbean pods. On the bustling, former Tzu Chi Palace in Zhongzheng Road, known as the "Pan Street," century old shop "Snowflakes" and "Old Snowflakes" (both from the same company) can be said that hold the control of the Executive of Fengyuan Cake Industry, they were founded by Lu Shui in 1900. Fengyuan was known as the gourd pier in the past, water conservancy in farmland is developed, the product from agriculture is very rich, has an excellent environment; in addition to the first-class technology, clean water and good raw materials required for making cakes, the most important thing is to know how to eat and Scholar support from the gentlehood who can afford it . Since the Scholars often used cakes to give gifts and desserts were also indispensable for refreshment, they indirectly became the driving force behind Fengyuan's flourishing cake industry. Here also developed a number of popular traditional Han cakes. Among them, "Snowflake Cake" is the most prestigious, as its name implies, it has a snow-white appearance and a thin layer of thin crust like snowflake. It is stuffed with pork, mung bean, sesame and red onion. The reason why it has a white appearance is the result of Lüshui's original single-sided fried technique, which is commonly known as "green bean pods." In recent years, as citizens have paid more attention to health, less oil, and less seasonings, many companies have introduced versions that do not contain pork, lard, and other ingredients and are made of mung bean only.
成分 Ingredients
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
中/低筋麵粉 Medium and Low gluten flour
Mung bean
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製作流程 Production process
1 Divide mung bean, knead like a bowl, cover with minced pork 將綠豆沙分成 24 團,1 團 50 克,捏 成碗狀,再包入一大匙肉臊。 此份量可做 24 個綠豆椪。首先將綠豆沙分成 24 團,1 團 50 克。一一 捏成碗狀,包入一大匙肉臊。因為綠豆沙 沒有黏性,要小心一邊捏好一邊握才能包好。
2 Make oil and pastry, wrap a pastry with a piece of oil
製作油皮、油酥,並用一塊油皮包裹 一塊油酥。 油皮:手洗乾淨,再把油皮材料和勻,揉成均勻而柔軟 的麵糰,分切成 24 塊,每塊約 36 克。油酥:把油酥材 料和勻,擠壓成團,也分成 24 塊,每塊約 20 克。接著 用一塊油皮包一塊油酥。將包裹好的一一壓扁,擀長、 捲起來,換方向再重覆一次。放置一段時間使之鬆弛, 要蓋好以免乾燥。
3 After filling, press a cave, dip the red pigment, preheat, bake it. 包餡後,中間稍壓凹,用竹筷沾紅色 素點上,烤箱預熱,放入中下層來烤。 把皮卷子往下壓扁擀成圓片,中間厚邊緣薄。後包入餡 捏緊,稍壓扁,再用姆指根把中間壓凹。接著將包好的 餡排烤盤上,用竹筷沾紅色素點在中間。最後烤箱預熱, 放在中下層烤約 30 分鐘即可。烤綠豆椪宜稍偏下火,以 免表面烤到上色。
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不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
常見的蛋捲包裝 Common egg roll packaging
保存 手工製作的綠豆椪不含防腐劑,建議於賞 味期限內食用完畢。但若無法一次食用完, 可將綠豆椪以密封的方式,如密封罐、密 封袋裝好,再置入冰箱的冷藏或凍層,冷 藏可延 5 天 或冷凍延可 20 天。食用時, 請先至於室溫 1~2 小時,待恢復常溫後, 再放到預熱 180 度的烤箱烤一分鐘
1 Single plastic lining + plastic bag 單粒塑膠內襯+塑膠袋 塑膠材質的包裝最大的就是其成本低,重量輕,而卻可 以達到一定程度的保護力,其對食品的保護力都有一定 水準,並且也能達到很好的保存效果。 以塑膠袋加塑膠殼底是最常見的市售蛋捲包裝,其便宜 的成本以及良好的保存性成為一般品牌喜愛使用的包裝。 食用方法為一支打開,屑屑會直接灑出來,塑膠底殼主 要用於固定與保護蛋卷本體,也可以拿來承接蛋卷所掉 的屑屑。
2 Plastic base + paper gift box 塑膠底座+紙製禮盒 紙製禮盒常常用於伴手禮的形式,以雙層式的邊緣處裡 能給人厚重實在的感覺,彷彿收到一份大禮。有些人會 直接在禮盒上食用,有些人則會在端到盤子上。
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
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不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
Mung Bean Pastry File
1. 餐桌上 2. 原包裝上
BEAN PASTRY 常見的食用姿勢 Common food posture
Food field
餐桌上 / 原產品塑膠盒上 / 禮盒上
On the table / original product plastic box / gift box
Due to its high thickness and its easy-to-roll structure, it is usually eaten carefully on the table with a mobile
phone and finished on a tin or plastic pan.
Mung bean pastry have thick crust, full fillings, and looser mung bean texture. When eating, they will keep fillings slightly above level and shoulders bow slightly.
頭部微向下 綠豆椪因為餅皮較厚,內部餡料飽 滿且綠豆沙質地較鬆散,食用的時 候會保持餡料微微高於水平,雙肩 微微弓起。
食用角度有 15 度食用、30 度食用、
與接近平行食用。 Mung bean pastry have thick crust, full
fillings, and looser mung bean texture. When eating, they will keep fillings slightly above level and shoulders bow slightly. Eating angles are 15 degrees, 30 degrees, and nearly parallel.
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
0.59g 大綠豆塊
0.45g 肉桂
0.003g 芝麻
Mung Bean Pastry File
3 070
屑屑的型態 The shape of crumbs
綠豆椪的屑屑分為兩部分,第一部分是厚而多層的糕餅皮, 延綿至好幾層,有柔軟而綿密的口感,但是單層偏薄所以容 易撕碎豻落於地面。第二部分為內餡,有綠豆泥與豬肉餡, 綠豆泥綿密細緻清爽不油膩,是用傳統作法加入上等豬油精 緻而成,黏性不高在咬下時容易整體滑落,豬肉塊整顆藏在 都豆沙餡裡,少有掉出來。 The crumbs of mung bean pastry are divided into two parts. The first part is a thick, multi-layered crust that stretches to several layers and has a soft and dense taste, but the single layer is thin so it will easily fall down to the ground. The second part is stuffing. There is mung bean paste and pork stuffing. The mung bean paste is meticulous, refreshing and non-greasy. It is made by the finest lard of the traditional method. It's not very stick. When biting, it easily slides down. The stuffing are hidden in the bean paste and seldom fall out.
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不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
Mung Bean Pastry File
100 percent
18CM 60 percent
掉屑的成因與屑災範圍 The cause of crumbs and Disaster range
高 1.7 米「 屑災範圍 」 屑屑最遠可達到 72 cm 60%的屑屑在 18cm 內
屑災範圍為 45 公分,屑屑因
“tuck” their mouths. The purpose is
to eat the bean paste left on the
There are two ways of removing
found, they become the second
crumbs from mung bean pastry,
type of crumbs falling.
mainly due to the lack of stickiness
The crumbs’ damage range are
in the bean paste and the taste of
45cm, and the crumbs are widely
the bean paste is sweet with
scattered due to parabolic drop.
片一起滑落。 第二種則是嘴巴上的屑屑會讓 人有「抿嘴」的動作,目的是 要將嘴唇上沾留的豆沙粉吃進
granules, and it is naturally dropped by gravity, not to mention that the entire piece of the cross-section from bitten food is easy to slide
down together.
The second is that the crumbs on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
lips. If the beans paste are not
the mouth can cause people to
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不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
Experimental package
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
綠豆椪 多角折承接槽
C-1 綠豆椪多角折承接槽 Multi-angled receiving slot
概念 : 不同於一般包裝上下打
開的常規裡,我們嘗試此包 裝為側邊六面打開的設計, 而使用者在食用時再打開前 後兩面,兩面皆有折痕方便 使用者折,折完後前後兩面 W 型凹槽,所以在吃的時候 前後兩面都可以把大部分的 屑屑接入凹槽中。
解決什麼問題 : 沾手、不掉屑 不掉屑 : ★★★★☆ 製作日期 :2018/5/3
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不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
如何正確使用 C-1
How to use C-1 currectly
將放置一入的綠豆椪上身器拿在手上。 Place the mung bean top body in your hand.
1 076 吃到一半時將上升器抬伸,即可輕鬆食用,不用怕 餅會傾倒,因為兩旁有側翼會穩固餅身。 Half lift the riser to eat easily, do not be afraid to dump the cake, because the flanks will be solid on both sides of the cake.
吃綠豆椪輕鬆不掉屑。完成。 Eat green beans easily not crumbs. carry out.
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不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
C-1 Multi-angled receiving slot packaging Concept: The package can lay four egg rolls horizontally, and the middle cover has a long bar design. After the tear line is torn, the long bar can be extended to allow the user to use the index finger and the middle finger to roll up the edible eggs without touching it. The roll, the so-called clip and package are integrally formed, and the place where both sides are unfolded is a receiving bag that the user unfolds at the time of rolling up the roll. Problems we solve : hand-touching, non-crumbs Non-crumbs : ★★★★☆ Manufacturing Date : 2018/5/3
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
綠豆椪 懶人上升器
C-2 綠豆椪懶人上升器
Lazy risen mung bean pastry mechanism 概念 : 六角形的立體包裝適合
有厚度的圓形綠豆椪食品,六 角形的設計也利於店家排列呈 現,內部有一片能作上升細節 設計,而上升機關有挖空五個 方形凹槽,食用中的屑屑能掉 進凹槽中被集中,並且拉起一 端就能讓綠豆椪作上升,讓我 們在食用時更方便。
解決什麼問題 : 沾手、不掉屑 不掉屑 : ★★★☆☆ 製作日期 :2017/11/19
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不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
如何正確使用 C-2
How to use C-2 currectly
將放置一入的綠豆椪上身器拿在手上。 Place the mung bean top body in your hand.
1 080 吃到一半時將上升器抬伸,即可輕鬆食用,不用怕 餅會傾倒,因為兩旁有側翼會穩固餅身。 Half lift the riser to eat easily, do not be afraid to dump the cake, because the flanks will be solid on both sides of the cake.
吃綠豆椪輕鬆不掉屑。完成。 Eat green beans easily not crumbs. carry out.
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不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
C-2 Lazy risen mung bean pastry mechanism packaging Concept: Hexagonal three-dimensional packaging is for the circular food which is thick. Hexagonal design is also conducive to the display of the stores. Inside is a piece of risen details, the lifting mechanism has hollowed out five square grooves, and the crumbs while eating can be gathered in the grooves. Pull up on Problems we solve : hand-touching, non-crumbs Non-crumbs : ★★★☆☆ Manufacturing Date : 2017/11/19
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不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
POPCORN 電影院傾倒摸黑黑
Popcorn File
簡史與製作流程 Brief History and Production procss
簡史 Brief history 美國的原住民在數千年前就在吃爆米花了。直到第一次世界大戰玉米不足之前,爆玉米花都非常受歡 迎。爆米花是西班牙人在十六世紀發明的,後來西班牙人移民亞洲,把爆米花的製作方法帶到這個亞 洲新大陸。爆米花是一種古已有之的膨化食品,起源可上溯到宋朝。當時的詩人范成大在他的《石湖 集》中曾提到上元節吳中各地爆谷的風俗,並解釋說:「炒糯谷以卜,谷名勃婁,北人號糯米花。」 為什麼把爆米花叫做「孛婁」呢?爆米花響是摹擬爆谷時的響聲,因為當地的方言把打雷的聲音叫做 「孛婁」。爆米花也是發明於宋代,范成大在《吳郡志·風俗》中記載:「上元,……爆糯谷於釜中, 名孛婁,亦曰米花。每人自爆,以卜一年之休咎。」在新春來臨之際宋人用爆米花來卜知一年的吉凶, 姑娘們則以此卜問自己的終身大事。 而台灣一顆小小的爆米花也能走向國際!《星球工坊》自 2010 年創立的爆米花品牌,原本主打的是
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具有各國特色的口味,因為製作爆米花的技術好、口味多元,成功銷往全球 11 個國家,至 2016 年 7 月又創立了新品牌,從口味、價格到品牌包裝都打出不同策略,並積極拓展東南亞電商市場,讓來自 台灣的爆米花創造出國際間的億元商機。
Native Americans had eaten popcorn thousands of years ago. Popcorn was very popular until the shortage of corn in the World War I. Popcorn was invented by Spaniards in the 16th century. Later, the Spaniards immigrated to Asia and brought the method of making popcorn to this new Asian continent.Popcorn is an ancient puffed food whose origin can be traced back to the Song Dynasty. At the time, the poet Fan Chengda mentioned in his "Shihujishu" the customs of the pop all over Wuzhong in the Shangyuan Festival, and explained: "Frying the glutinous gu to divine, gu named Balo, and the northerners called glutinous rice corn. Why do you call popcorn " Balo "? The popcorn’s sounds mimic the pop’s explosion, because local dialect called the thunder " Balo ". Popcorn was also invented in the Song Dynasty. Fan Chengda wrote in “Wu County Chronicles and Customs”: “Shangyuan,...popped glutinous gu in cauldron, named Balo, and glutinous rice. Each person popped oneself to to divine one year’s luck. When the New Year approached, the Song people used the popcorn to divine the good and bad of the year. The girls asked for their lifelong events. And a small popcorn in Taiwan can also enter the international market! The popcorn brand “Magi Planet” founded in 2010 was originally focused on the flavors of various countries’ feature. Because of the great technology of producing popcorn and its diversified flavors, it has been successfully sold to 11 countries in the world then established another new brand in July in 2016. The new brand has played different strategies from taste, price to brand packaging, and has actively expanded the e-commerce market in Southeast Asia, makes popcorn from Taiwan create a commercial possibility of 100 million through the world.
成分 Ingredients
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
Corn kernels
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製作流程 Production process
1 Heat the pan, take 50g of butter, put it in saucepan to melt 熱鍋、取 50g 奶油,放入平底鍋融化。 油及砂糖倒入鍋中,開大火。不沾鍋只適用中小火, 請不要用不沾鍋爆爆米花,不沾塗層會受損喔。
2 Pour corn kernels, stir and fry until it covered with cream
倒入玉米粒,翻炒直至全部沾滿奶油。 再倒入玉米粒拌炒約 3 分鐘。開始爆出爆米花時,就蓋 上鍋蓋並轉小火。約一分鐘後,將鍋蓋些微開啟,以鍋 鏟將爆米花及融化的砂糖拌勻。頭一分鐘,會有大量的 爆米花爆出,所以不要打開鍋蓋攪拌
3 Scrape the bottom caramel and mix well with popcorn 將底部的焦糖刮起,確實與爆米花拌勻。 此時還是會有爆米花陸續爆出,要記得用鍋蓋保護好自 己。戴上手套攪拌,鍋子底部的砂糖才不會因過焦而產 生苦味。經過攪拌,融化的砂糖才會均勻的附著在爆米 花上。
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不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
常見的蛋捲包裝 Common egg roll packaging
保存 爆米花是很容易受潮的一種零食,若想長 期保存並讓其維持香脆口感,可注意開封 後未食完,要盡快蓋上蓋子以免它接觸空 氣而軟化;可保存於真空密封罐中,以延 長保存期限。擺放地點應於涼爽環境,26 度以下,如冷氣房、通風良好處,以及恆 溫環境,避免溫度過高的環境。
1 Carton 紙盒 經典梯形紙盒為最常見的爆米花包裝,平時可以摺疊平 壓疊起來,裝爆米花可以隨時立體組合,上寬下窄的設 計非常利於觀看電影,視覺上也大把滿足。
2 Plastic (zip-lock) bag 塑膠 ( 夾鏈 ) 袋 軟型塑膠包裝材質能隨時開關,下方眼睛狀的底座可以 讓包裝站立起來,有節省空間並重複利用的效果。並且 軟型包裝材質有較好的防潮保存效果。
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
Popcorn File
1. 電影院 2. 沙發上
POPCORN 常見的食用姿勢 Common food posture
Food field
電影院 / 沙發上
In the cinema/on the sofa
Popcorn does not contain water and juice. It is very suitable for consumption in movie theater. It has even
developed into a part of film culture. Even movies and
television will have more atmosphere with popcorn.
Therefore, watching the world cup soccer games with popcorn in front of the TV is also indispensable.
抓小把塞嘴裡 爆米花食用歷史久遠,容器通常是上 寬下窄的經典形狀。故食用的時候身 體微微後仰看前方螢幕,手腳變能成 慣性動作伸進去小把抓。食用角度為 15 度,通常坐著吃放在大腿上。
Popcorn has a long history of eating, and the container is usually of a classic shape with a wide top and a narrow bottom. Therefore, when eating, the body slightly tilts back and look in front to the screen, and the hands become inertial motions to reach into the box to give a small grasp. The edible angle is 15 degrees, usually sit while eating and put on thighs.
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
0.34g 大綠豆塊
0.18g 玉米粒
Popcorn File
屑屑的型態 The shape of crumbs
爆米花掉屑方式相較其他食物略微不同,通常是整顆掉出來或 者掉出一大把,通常是整顆掉出來或者掉出一大把。也可能在 黑壓壓的電影院整杯翻倒。某些現炸的白色爆米花形狀較不規 則且質地軟且 Q,咀嚼時部分會被咬斷而噴出,最後粉末與與 乾燥玉米粒較少機會掉出。而某些爆米花被焦糖整塊裹著形狀 接近圓形,則較不會咬出碎屑。 The crumbs of the biscuits are divided into three parts. The first part is sesame seeds. The back of the biscuits is sprinkled with sesame seeds in order to increase the flavor. The second part is the flaky biscuits. The texture is fragile and thin, and it is integrated with the sesame seeds. Some are multi-layered and thick crusts. When biting down, it will affect one layer and one layer. It has a soft and dense mouthfeel. Due to its slightly heavier weight and larger surface, it is less crumb than the other two types.
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
掉屑成因 一次一把抓容易從嘴裡掉出來
Popcorn File
136CM 100 percent
掉屑的成因與屑災範圍 The cause of crumbs and Disaster range
102CM 60 percent
高 1.7 米「 屑災範圍 」 屑屑最遠可達到 142 cm 60%的屑屑在102cm內
T h e p o p c o r n ’s c r u m b s f a l l i n g
cm, and it is calculated that popcorn
method is slightly different from
will still roll after falling off the
other foods, usually a piece falls or a
bunch of them fall out. Because he
was too focused on watching the
movie screen when eating, the face
花撞到臉部其他地方掉落地 面。黑壓壓的電影院裡有半數
would not look at the food, causing the whole popcorn to hit the rest of the face and fall on the ground.
Half of the people in the black-
pressed movie theater will not finish
屑災範圍為 155 公分,計算爆
down on the ground, then cause
the popcorn at once, they will put them fall. The crumbs’ disaster range is 155
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
Experimental package
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
爆米花 魔術膝上盒
D-1 爆米花魔術膝上盒
Popcorn magical lapson box 概念 : 本在黑暗的電影院看電
影時,目光可以專心在螢幕 上,不用擔心爆米花會有掉 出的問題,而方形密封設計 方便收納,在看電影時放置 於腿上,將包裝展開可加倍 擴大面積,用於接取掉落的 爆米花屑屑。
解決什麼問題 : 掉屑 不掉屑 : ★★★★☆ 製作日期 :2018/4/2
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
如何正確使用 D-1
How to use D-1 currectly
一手握住包裝 One hand holding the package
1 096 用另一隻手將上蓋掀起,會擴大包裝面積 Lifting the lid with the other hand, the packaging area will increase
將包裝放置於腿上,並食用爆米花 Place the package on your legs and eat popcorn
3 N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
D-1 Popcorn magical laps-on box packaging Concept: When watching a movie in a dark movie theater, the attention can be focused on the screen. Don't worry about popcorn falling out. The square seal is designed for easy storage. It can be placed on the leg while watching a movie. Area for access to dropped popcorn crumbs.
Problems we solve : hand-touching, non-crumbs Non-crumbs : ★★★★☆ Manufacturing Date : a2018/4/2
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
爆米花 花瓣就口盒
D-2 爆米花花瓣就口盒
Popcorn Petal Toward Mouth Box 概念 : 將任何一邊花瓣開口拉
開,嘴巴靠上包裝開口尖端, 用倒的方式來食用爆米花, 可以避免沾手及掉屑的問題, 此概念可使用於用電腦時、 讀書及看電視等不想用髒手 及造成環境髒亂。
解決什麼問題 : 沾手、掉屑 不掉屑 : ★★★☆☆ 製作日期 :2018/3/15
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
如何正確使用 D-2
How to use D-2 currectly
手握住包裝側邊 Hand holding package's side
1 100 可選擇拉起上方任一邊的開口 Choose to pull up the opening on either side
手舉起爆米花包裝,並將爆米花倒入口中 Raise the popcorn package and pour them into the mouth
3 N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
D-2 Popcorn Petal Toward Mouth Box packaging Concept: You can open any side of the mouth, open the mouth of the package and open the tip of the mouth, eat popcorn in an inverted manner, you can avoid the problem of hands and debris, this concept can be used when using a computer, reading and watching TV, etc. do not want to Dirty hands and dirty environment. Problems we solve : hand-touching, non-crumbs Non-crumbs : ★★★☆☆ Manufacturing Date : 2018/3/15
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
爆米花 一撕即吃盒
D-3 爆米花一撕即吃盒
A torn and eat box 概念 : 看電影時在一片黑暗
中,容易讓市售爆米花的包 裝傾倒,所以我們在此包裝 做了一些改良:加了掀蓋的 設計,眼睛直視電影時沒辦 法一直注意自己抓的手中的 爆米花,導致拿取時掉得滿 身都是,設計了這款一撕即 吃的爆米花包裝能讓使用者 不需沾手,撕口的地方和梯 型的形狀角度也符合人體工 學:嘴型大小與爆米花大小, 倒入的方式食用爆米花,讓 您輕鬆不沾手、不掉屑,又 能放心看電影。
解決什麼問題 : 沾手、掉屑 不掉屑 : ★★★☆☆ 製作日期 :2018/1/26
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
如何正確使用 D-3
How to use D-3 currectly
一手拿起 A hand take up
1 104 沿著撕裂線撕下此包裝一角 Tear off the corner of the package along the tear line
嘴巴對準口一手倒入 Month to month pour out with a hand
3 N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
D-3 A torn and eat box packaging Concept: The package can lay four egg rolls horizontally, and the middle cover has a long bar design. After the tear line is torn, the long bar can be extended to allow the user to use the index finger and the middle finger to roll up the edible eggs without touching it. The roll, the so-called clip and package are integrally formed, and the place where both sides are unfolded is a receiving bag that the user unfolds at the time of rolling up the roll. Problems we solve : hand-touching, non-crumbs Non-crumbs : ★★★★☆ Manufacturing Date : 22018/4/10
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
爆米花 三撕吃多少 撕多少器
D-4 爆米花三撕吃 多少撕多少器
Tear 3 times and eat the amount you tear apeart
106 概念 : 此包裝是「爆米花一撕 即吃盒」延伸更進階版本, 隨著爆米花數量的減少,設 計三段式的撕裂線,在使用 者一開始吃的時候可以先撕 第一撕,吃到中間的時候撕 第二撕,吃到底的時候就撕 到第三撕,所以可以使用者 在吃的時候的需求來做變化。
解決什麼問題 : 沾手 不掉屑 : ★★★★☆ 製作日期 :2018/5/1
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
如何正確使用 D-4
How to use D-4 currectly
扶著包裝上下 Holding the package’s up and down
1 108 可以依照爆米花的剩量沿著 三段式撕裂線撕下,倒入嘴中 According to the remaining amount of popcorn, tear down along the three-stage line, pour into the mouth
當第三段撕裂線撕完即可將爆米花吃完 The popcorn can be eaten up when the third tear line is torn
3 N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
D-4 Tear 3 times and eat the amount you tear apeart packaging Concept: This package is a tear-and-eat package extension with a more advanced version. With the reduction in the number of popcorn, a three-stage tear line is designed to tear the first tear before the user begins to eat. Tear the second tear in the middle, tear the third tear in the end, so you can change the user's needs at the time of eating. Problems we solve : hand-touching, no crumbs Problems we solve : hand-touching, Non-crumbs : ★★★★☆ Manufacturing Date : 22018/5/1
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
爆米花 三角開口盒
D-5 爆米花三角開口盒
Popcorn triangular open box 概念 : 為了順利到出爆米花容
量放到三角形底部的橫線, 按喜好選擇一側推出三角口 摺痕,再按壓三角口兩旁, 倒入口中食用。 透過手掌大小的盒身設計方 便使用者握拿,而前後兩側 上方的三角形摺痕開口設計 讓使用者能「啵」一聲,輕 易開闔,直接將爆米花倒出。
解決什麼問題 : 沾手、掉屑 不掉屑 : ★★★★☆ 製作日期 :2018/4/10
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
如何正確使用 D-5
How to use D-5 currectly
將包裝至於手中 Put the bag in your hand
1 112 按壓包裝兩側,讓前後方的三角形開口打開 Press both sides of the package makes the front and back triangular mouth open
將爆米花倒入口中 Pour popcorn into your mouth
3 N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
D-5 Popcorn triangular open box packaging Concept: The user can open the bottom of the package and put the appropriate amount of popcorn into the bottom line of the triangle. Then he can choose the side to open the triangle crease, then press on both sides of the triangular mouth and pour the mouth into the mouth. edible. The palm-sized box body design facilitates the user's grip ㄇ and the triangular crease opening design on the front and rear sides Allows the user to close and pop the popcorn directly. Problems we solve : hand-touching, no crumbs Problems we solve : hand-touching, non-crumbs Non-crumbs : ★★★★☆ Manufacturing Date : 2018/4/10
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
爆米花 提包開口型 食用器
D-6 爆米花提包 開口型食用器
Bag opening food container
概念 : 採用小提包的設計來方 便使用者拿取,食用時,使 用者可放在桌上或大腿上, 爆米花都不會輕易掉出。另 外,設計一側的尖嘴開口, 可開也可闔上,讓爆米花不 至於一直暴露於空氣中受潮 變軟,也讓使用者能按各自 需求壓折開口大小,將爆米 花倒入口中食用。
解決什麼問題 : 沾手、掉屑 不掉屑 : ★★★★☆ 製作日期 :2018/4/10
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
如何正確使用 D-6
How to use A-1 currectly
將提包放至手掌中 Put the bag in your palm
1 116 打開前方的兩片三角形 Open two pieces of triangle in the front
將爆米花倒入口中 Pour popcorn into your mouth
3 N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
A-1 Bag opening food containe packaging Concept: TThe design of the small bag is convenient for the user to take. When the user eats it, they can put it on the table or the thigh, and the popcorn will not fall out easily. In addition, the design of the side of the tip mouth can be opened or closed, so that popcorn will not be exposed to moisture in the air to become soft, but also allows users to press the size of the opening in accordance with their own needs, the popcorn into the entrance edible. Problems we solve : hand-touching, non-crumbs Non-crumbs : ★★★★☆ Manufacturing Date : 2018/5/1
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
爆米花 菱紋手提包
D-7 爆米花菱紋手提包 Lingerie bag
概念 : 採用小提包的設計方便
使用者拿取,食用時可放在 桌上或大腿上都不會輕易掉 出。另外,設計另一側的尖 嘴開口,可開也可闔上,讓 爆米花不至於一直暴露於空 氣中受潮變軟,也讓使用者 能按各自需求壓折開口大小, 將爆米花倒入口中食用。
解決什麼問題 : 掉屑 不掉屑 : ★★★★☆ 製作日期 :2018/5/1
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
如何正確使用 D-7
How to use D-7 currectly
一手提起此包裝 Takes the package up with a hands
1 120 打開包裝兩面 Open both sides of the package
打開後即可將包裝放在腿上吃 Open the package and put it on your legs
3 N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
D-7 Lingerie bag packaging Concept: T Portable design allows users to pick up at the cinema. Fashion is the focus of the audience. It won't cause panic or spillage due to shaking. It's easy and comfortable to watch movies. With the button on, you can put the packaging flat on the user's lap and serve it. The multi-fold design can be carried out and the handbag can be replaced. Is this convenient? Problems we solve : non-crumbs Non-crumbs : ★★★★☆ Manufacturing Date : 2018/5/1
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展
NO CL UMBS LA BO R A T O R Y A ch ie v e m e nts e x h ibitio n
不 屑 -- 絕 對 不 BULL S H I T
NO CLUMBS LABORATORY Achievements exhibition
N O CLU MB S LAB ORAT ORY A chi evem ents exhi b i ti on
不 掉 屑 成 果 概 念 展