Lelie publicaties

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POTTED Plants Your venue doesn’t need manicured gardens to add magic to your outdoor wedding. Potted floral arrangements inject instant vibrancy.

PEAK TIME Is there a single cake that can feed the thousands that attend the big Asian wedding? There is now. Introducing the 6ft cake with 3,000 sugar flowers, £POA prettytasty.co.uk

MAP IT OUT There’s no Sat-Nav that can help with the frustration of arriving at the area but being clueless as to where the actual ceremony is. For venues set in large grounds or in complex parts of the city, map invites are tremendously useful and bound to pretty up any invite Information insert (£1.50) and bespoke maps (from £35) designed by paperknots.co.uk



LILIE Pflanzenporträt:

Die Madonna unter den Blumen

Die Lilie hat eine lange Tradition als Kulturpflanze und war schon in der Antike wegen ihrer Schönheit beliebt. Ihr Charme hat sich bis heute erhalten und ihre zauberhaften großen Blüten wirken moderner denn je. Lassen Sie sich von farbenfrohen Sternen und Trompeten in die Welt der Lilien entführen. 32

Ihre Knospen öffnen sich zu unverwechselbaren STERNBLÜTEN.

Die sechsteiligen Blütensterne der Lilie erweisen sich als wahre Schwimmtalente. Einfach die Köpfe kurz abschneiden und vorsichtig in eine Schale mit Wasser legen.

Besonders eindrucksvoll sind mehrfarbige Blüten mit Farbverläufen und filigranen Zeichnungen wie Pünktchen oder zarte Linien, die die Lilie zusätzlich schmücken.

Mai/Juni 2014


Schöne Blumen & Deko a Atemberaubende Blüten Die dekorativen Callas bestechen durch ihre schlichte Eleganz und bereichern freistehend jeden Garten. Aber Sie eignen sich auch sehr gut für Blumentöpfe und Pflanzkübel .

g Vielseitige Gießkanne Sie ist nicht nur

Sommerfrische zum Gießen da. Auch mit Blumen gefüllt macht sie mächtig Eindruck (z.B. bei Butlers, 19,90 Euro)

n ü r G & b l e in G

Die Farben stehen für Energie und Lebensfreude, Licht und Leichtigkeit. Beide zusammen machen das Dekorieren drinnen wie draußen sehr vielseitig g Exotische Schönheit Vor rund 200 Jahren kam die Luxusblume aus Japan. Heute verwöhnt die Lilie mit magischen Farben unsere Gärten und als Schnittblume unser Heim Deko im TV

Blindtext sdfdf dfdfdfdfdfdf Wochentag, 00.Monat, Sender, 00.00 Uhr

30 die zwei XX/2012

o Kuschelige Kissen Sommerfrische Kissenhüllen aus kühler Baumwolle

mit schmalem sogenanntem Oxford-Rand und praktischem Reißverschluss. Sie hauchen Bänken und Stühlen aus Holz Leben ein (z.B. bei Gingar, je 8,95 Euro)

o Flauschige

Matte Ob kalte Fliesen im Bad oder Holzdielen vor dem Bett – auf den Vorleger treten Sie weich und warm (z.B. bei Impressionen, 14,95 Euro)

g Blühende Haken Die Garderobenhaken können beliebig zum Beispiel an der Wand im Flur oder an der Tür im Badezimmer befestigt werden (z.B. bei 3Pagen, je 9,99 Euro) XX/2012 die zwei 31

Fotos: Flora Press, Hersteller, ibulb

Mit ihren gelben Blütenköpfchen ist die blühende Kamille nicht nur ein niedlicher Hingucker, sondern auch ein ideales Pflänzchen für liebevolle Arrangements

As I sit here writing to you again, I am reminded of the old adage which says you can choose your friends but not your family. Of course that’s true but, in my case, my friends are my family! Sue Phillips, our sub editor, is also my friend and to say that she has stepped into the breach in this issue is putting it extremely mildly. Sue has done much of the writing this time around and I would like to thank her for that. She tells me that she has really enjoyed the experience particularly because of the diversity in the articles. We are delighted to continue with The Debate and once again have two different perspectives on the same subject – Pop Up shops and their purpose – this time from The Netherlands and Canada. Karen French joins the team and reports from Thailand on The Museum of Floral Culture – WOW! And in contrast to that, Sue reports on a trip to a forest when she discovered how a beautiful setting can be enhanced by a diverse group of floral designers. Some years ago regular contributor to Fusion Flowers magazine, Wendy Andrade, diversified into creating her own floral jewellery. Wendy has now released her first book and she shares some of her secrets with our readers in this issue. I suspect that many will find this subject all consuming. So with all of this diversity – what have I been up to I hear you ask. Well, the answer to that question is held in – of all places – Brain Floss! Read that and all will become clear. Enjoy your diversity!

Alison Bradley Editor

Floral images courtesy of iBulb

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As I write to you, I am recovering from of all things – toxic poisoning! Not nice! However, being stuck in bed for such a long time and once my head cleared a bit, it gave me time to ponder on some things. One of those things was how kind people are. When you get right down to it – people are great. When word got out in our village that we (yes my husband also succumbed to the poison) were so ill, gifts of nourishing soups and baking started to arrive. It was wonderful. As our bodies began to fight the poison, we managed to get up and about more but we were both very weak. The door bell rang one evening and there, standing before me, was one of my lovely neighbours. I gave her a huge hug and thanked her for the wonderful chicken soup that she had sent over for us. From behind her back, she produced a beautiful bunch of sweet peas and said “I thought that these might help. I know how you love scented flowers.” She was right – I do love scented flowers but particularly sweet peas (my Mum’s favourite). She said “Alison you’re trembling!” and I was from weakness but also because someone cared enough to bring me flowers. Flowers mean so much – don’t they? Those sweet peas are still as fresh as the day they were delivered and they’re sitting in my bedroom – the first thing I see when I waken in the morning and the last thing I see at night when I go to sleep. Bliss!

Floral images courtesy of iBulb

Another thing I was able to ponder in my down time was the deluge of mail we received about our last issue congratulating us for tackling some of the controversial issues that are involved with flowers. Thank you all! So now it’s over to you to, hopefully, enjoy this issue but one more thank you is required and that goes to Sue Phillips who once again stepped into the breach. Thank you Sue – you are a star!!!!

Alison Bradley Editor

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Fusion Flowers magazine page Fusion Flowers 3

Well I can honestly say that the excitement in my office these days is palpable. Why? Well, we are always excited on the run up to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show (can we have nice weather please?) but shortly after that we will be off to the WAFA Show in Ireland and we are really excited about that – for many reasons! We have a stand at WAFA and notes are already pouring in from subscribers who promise (amongst other things) to come up to say “Hello” to the Team. This will be the first time that we’ve had the opportunity to meet some of you in person and we are really looking forward to that. Another thing that I’m excited about is that I have finally tracked down a supplier of Japanese Washi paper and we are going to take that to sell at WAFA too. Oh now, don’t fret if you’re not going to the Show, we will be offering it in Marketplace to our readers too but it has taken me literally years to source this. YAY!

Floral images courtesy of iBulb

There is so much to look forward to this year. How could I not be excited now we have just had it confirmed that, in association with New Covent Garden Flower Market in London, we are holding our first catwalk show! The amazing Annette von Einem is flying in to create some of her gorgeous bridal confections and arrangements too. So now you understand my excitement! And best of all – someone has just handed me a cuppa! I hope your summer will be exciting too! Perhaps we’ll even meet up – I hope so!

Alison Bradley Editor

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Fusion Flowers magazine page Fusion Flowers 3

It was wonderful to meet so many of our readers at the hugely successful WAFA (World Association of Flower Arrangers) Show in Dublin, Ireland. We had a great time and our team worked tirelessly on our stand. I, on the other hand, spent most of my time hugging flower friends, old and new, and talking about what we all love – flowers. I just want to send out a huge thank you to the Irish WAFA team who were warm and welcoming and give notice that we will be featuring our report in the next issue of the magazine. Now and again the team at Fusion Flowers magazine sit down for a serious conversation. In writing this I don’t mean to imply that we are not serious about what we do – we are – but I have always believed that we should enjoy what we’re doing and that often spills over into humour and fun. I suppose it’s our trademark in a way! However, featured in this issue is an interview with a young Dutch Master Florist – Dennis Kneepkens. The story is about his work in Iraq and, given the latest news from that beleaguered country, we had to make a decision – should we print or should we save the story until later. It was decided that we should go ahead with the story because this young man is very special. His smile can light up a room. He took his flowers and his smile to a war zone and in the process gladdened the hearts of several individuals who had never seen a fresh flower before. Imagine!

Floral images courtesy of iBulb

So like the WAFA show – we hope to send out a positive message to the world to show the power of a single flower and a smile.

Alison Bradley Editor

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11/07/2014 14:03

цвет в интерьере

Алые мечты

Красный считается самым энергичным и ярким оттенком цветовой палитры, поэтому использовать его в интерьере непросто. Однако вполне возможно. С чем же сочетать и как украсить свой дом цветом любви и огня?


уютная квартира

октябрь 2013


читается, красный цвет улучшает аппетит, поэтому его часто используют в интерьере кухонь. В таком тоне могут быть оформлены как фасады мебели, так и стулья, мелкие детали, а также современная техника. Намечается торжество, и вы хотите удивить гостей теплой обстановкой? Обратитесь за вдохновением к природе. Подберите зеленый текстиль, а стол сервируйте бордовой посудой. Обратите внимание на оттенки клюквы, граната или бордо. Они также хороши для фона или акцента в гостиных и столовых.

колеровка краски. Sniezka, «Розовая альтанка», 132.

колеровка краски. Sniezka, «Сочный грейпфрут», 127.

Часы. Магазин Comptoir de famille. 1640 грн

колеровка краски. Sadolin, «Красная свекла».

колеровка краски. Sadolin, «Пион».

Посуда Luminarc

колеровка краски. Sadolin, «Мох».

Blumen & Deko Blumen & Deko


Ob Sie diese liebevoll gestaltete Box kaufen (z.B. bei Gingar, 5-tlg. 12,95 Euro) oder aus einer alten Holzkiste selbst basteln – ihr Charme bleibt derselbe. Denn sie sieht in jedem Fall aus wie vom Trödelmarkt. In den kleinen Glasvasen kommen vor allem einzelne, große Blüten wie Gerbera, Hortensie oder Pfingstrose besonders eindrucksvoll zur Geltung.

In Zeiten von Massenware hat nostalgisch Anmutendes einen besonderen Reiz


Korb-Ware Von alten Körben kann man nicht genug haben, sofern sie keine Löcher aufweisen. Dann sind Ihrer Fantasie keine Grenzen gesetzt. Naturbelassen oder farbig besprüht sind sie ein Hingucker, z.B. für Blumentöpfe, Strickzeug, Ofenholz oder Zeitschriften.



Wenn es darum geht, alte Gefäße aus verwittertem Stein zu ergattern, sind Floh- und Trödelmärkte ein wahres Eldorado. Je nach Größe und Umfang lassen sie sich hervorragend als Übertopf oder Vase verwenden. 16

SuperTV 20/2014

Fotos: fotolia, Getty Images, Hersteller, ibulb

Trend: FlohmarktSchick


Deko-Tipp Gießkannen sind ausgesprochen dankbare Deko-Objekte, z.B. aus farbig lackierter Emaille mit passenden Blüten gefüllt

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