Exceptional Homes 2015

Page 1




Home Sweet Home Energy efficiency with Xcel Energy

An Investment Worth Making Sleep in comfort with The Company Store

Run, Play, Stay Safe pets with Invisible Fence Brand

Simplify Your Life VOLUME 1

Home automation with A/V Pros Buy | Sell | Build | Remodel | Finance | Decorate | Design | Furnish

QUALITY IS PERFORMANCE Stamped & Colored Concrete Garages & Basements Foundations & Walls Driveways & Sidewalks Patios Exposed Aggregate Agricultural & Commercial Buildings



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Table of Contents Industry Leaders 4 Home Sweet (But Cold) Home Achieve an energy-efficient home by taking it one step at a time. By Erin Mathe for Xcel Energy

8 Sleep: An Investment Worth Making Getting a good night’s sleep may be easier than you think. By Andrea Culletto for The Company Store

12 What is Home Automation? Energy efficiency and convenience can go hand-in-hand. By Heath DeBernardi for A/V Pros

16 Run, Play, Stay Ensure safe pets and happy pet owners. By Leah Call for Invisible Fence Brand™

34 2015 Home and Builders Show Guide & Directory 35 La Crosse Builders Exchange History 36 La Crosse Builders Exchange Board & Staff 38 Home Show Exhibitor Map 39 Jackson Expo Group Seminar Schedule


40 Home Show Exhibitor Directory Cover Photograph by Bruce Defries

Departments 20 A Good Roof Goes a Long Way First American Roofing & Siding, Inc.

24 Passion for the Saddle Brickl Bros. 28 Landscaping for Your Home or Business The Grounds Crew

30 A New Generation of Shade SunSolvers LLC 32 Advertiser Directory

Photograph by Bruce Defries


Homes Magazine 2015


Letter from the Publisher

2015 of La Crosse & Surrounding Areas


A Long Time Coming It gives me great pleasure to publish the first issue of Exceptional Homes Magazine! The concept and name for this publication first came to be in 2007 during a conversation with my friend Brett Bashaw. Brett began doing some contract writing and editing for La Crosse Magazine while he was the drummer for the Rob Gonzalez Band (when they were based right here in La Crosse). Although we found out the timing wasn’t right to launch the publication in those days, I’ve always had it in the back of my head that we would be bringing this publication to life at some point in the future. Well, I’m proud to say that we’ve reached that point. We plan for this to be an annual publication highlighting the building and real estate industries for years to come! I’m also very excited to partner with the La Crosse Builders Exchange to make this the official magazine of the Greater La Crosse Home and Builders Show. I want to take this opportunity to thank Brett, for without his vision and enthusiasm for this idea, Exceptional Homes Magazine would likely have never come to be. I’d also like to give a quick shoutout to Shay (Rihn) Jilek who joined our team back then and helped with some of our initial efforts. Incidentally, she also introduced me to snowboarding during that time. Unfortunately the bunny hill got the best of me and all I had to show for it were some bruised ribs, but I still had a good time! Our company has grown quite a bit since then. We have a core group of about 20 team members now. Until I sent out all the invitations to an appreciation event recently, I didn’t realize that with all of our regular writers, columnists and other freelance contributors, we are 60 team members strong! I would like to thank the Exceptional Homes Magazine leadership team of Jackie, Susan, and Michelle for all of their work on this publication. Thanks to our photographer Bruce for the great photos (you always impress), and thanks to Rachel, our rock star advertising strategist, and to Casey (our La Crosse Magazine and Klutch Chronicle editor) who helped us out tremendously in many ways. Thank you to Page Hartmann, distribution coordinator extraordinaire, to our fantastic writers, Leah, Andrea, Katie, and Cody, and to Jason (our Klutch Chronicle and 2Do La Crosse creative director), who was happy to lend a hand with some ad design.

Rick Mueller, Mueller Media, Inc. 3120 South Avenue, La Crosse WI 54601 Office: (608) 796-8780 • Fax: (608) 787-0012 Design Studio: (608) 783-3276 Photography Studio: (608) 787-8105 Web: ExceptionalHomesLaCrosse.com E-mail: info@muellermediacorp.com Editor Michelle Jerome Copy Editor Susan Miller Creative Director Jackie Miller Graphic Designer Jason Keeney Photographer Bruce Defries Advertising Strategists Rachel Albrechtson • Michelle Jerome Casey Kulinski Writers Casey Kulinski • Leah Call • Andrea Culletto Katie Svitavsky • Cody Fortney Distribution Coordinator Page Hartmann Advertising Info: (608) 796-8780 info@muellermediacorp.com Industry Leaders:

Finally, thank you to all of our advertisers. We are proud to partner with you to help you showcase your business and your unique products and services. Enjoy!



Homes Magazine 2015

Copyright © 2015 Mueller Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Reuse or reproduction of any part of this publication is strictly forbidden without the written permission of the Publisher. The magazine accepts no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or artwork. No liability is assumed by Mueller Media, Inc. nor the authors for any information contained herein. Opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of Mueller Media, Inc. This text does not provide advice that should be taken on its own merit. Always seek professional advice prior to undertaking any activity.

Welcome to Exceptional Homes Magazine! The Magazine

Thank You!

We are blessed to have a plethora of businesses and industry

As the editor, I want to thank you for enjoying Exceptional

professionals in the Coulee Region that are ready and able to help

Homes Magazine! Our team has worked with local businesses to

make your house a home. We’re excited to feature their products and

put them in the limelight. These companies have many talented,

services through educational editorials and insightful commentaries

hard-working people who are dedicated to providing homeowners

throughout our publication. This annual magazine serves as a

with the best results, and we’re thrilled

home reference guide; it’s packed with ideas for improving your

to help these businesses spread the

home inside and out, as well as the information you need about

word. Whether you’re thinking about

numerous companies in the industry to help you achieve the results

building or buying a home, or you’re

you envision.

looking for ways to improve your lovely abode, you’ll be inspired while reading

The Official Greater La Crosse Home and Builders Show Guide

Exceptional Homes Magazine!

Exceptional Homes Magazine is also proud to partner with the La


Michelle L. Jerome,

Crosse Builders Exchange to present the Greater La Crosse Home and Builders Show Guide as an integral component of the magazine! The guide received a facelift with a new look and feel to complement all the Home Show has to offer. Home Show attendees will still find the seminar schedule, map and directory for the event, starting on page 34. After the event, readers can still be delighted to keep

of La Crosse & Surrounding Areas

Exceptional Homes Magazine on their shelves for future reference.

Photograph by Bruce Defries


Homes Magazine 2015


Industry Leader

HOME SWEET (BUT COLD) HOME When Ben Wilson and his wife, Kristine, bought their 100-year-old home in La Crosse, they were focused on the many bedrooms, beautiful woodwork and all of the space they’d have for their growing family. What they knew it would lack is efficiency.

Photograph by Bruce Defries



Homes Magazine 2015

“We love the charm and we love the character, but we don’t love the high energy bills we have, especially after last year’s brutal winter,” says Wilson. At over $500 a month during the Midwestern deep freeze in 2013/2014, Wilson knew he had to do something. He’d heard of energy conservation programs and rebates and decided it was time to get help.

Priority on efficiency Wilson started by calling Focus on Energy, Wisconsin utilities’ statewide energy efficiency and renewable resource program. Focus on Energy is funded by the state’s investor-owned utilities and participating municipal and electric cooperative utilities. Since 2001, the program has provided incentives to over 2.7 million Wisconsin homeowners, helping them save over $202 million in energy costs, as well as reducing their environmental impact, by making simple changes in their homes. “The information, resources and financial incentives we provide help customers implement energy-saving projects that otherwise would not be completed, or to complete projects sooner than scheduled,” says Dave Geissler, energy audit specialist for Focus on Energy. Wilson is also an Xcel Energy customer, making him eligible for bonus incentives through the utility’s Community Conservation Program, in addition to the Focus on Energy program incentives. Xcel Energy provides bonus incentive dollars for qualifying residential customers participating in the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® and Residential Rewards programs.

Check your EEIQ Heating and cooling account for 50 percent of the energy use in a typical American home according to the U.S. Department of Energy and ENERGY STAR®. It’s the largest single energy expense for most homes. Understanding your home’s energy use can help you determine ways to save energy and money. Take the quiz below to check your EEIQ (Energy Efficiency IQ). 1. How much money can you save annually if you replace all of your incandescent light bulbs with CFLs?* A. $10 | B. $50 | C. $75 | D. $150 2. What percentage can you save on your heating bill by setting the temperature back 10 to 15 degrees while you sleep? A. 1 percent | B.10 percent | C. 25 percent | D. 50 percent 3. What percentage of your heating and cooling costs can you save by installing proper insulation in your home? A. 10 percent | B. 20 percent | C. 30 percent | D. 40 percent 4. How much money can you save each year by choosing ENERGY STAR appliances? A. $25 | B. $50 | C. $75 | D. $100 5. Building codes have changed a lot, making homes tighter, more efficient and safer in general. Compared to a home built to code just a few years ago, homes today participating in energy efficiency, green building programs save on average how much CO2 (carbon dioxide) per year? A. 1 ton | B. 5 tons | C. 8 tons | D. 12 tons 6. Energy efficiency, green building programs have a higher standard than buildings that simply meet building code requirements. Utility costs for a house built to code can be how much more per year when compared to the average house participating in a green building program? A. $600 | B. $200 | C. $150 | D. $50

Time for change As a first step toward energy savings, Wilson signed up for an on-site audit through the Focus on Energy Home Performance with ENERGY STAR program. An audit begins with a review of your attic, insulation, doors, windows, furnace or boiler, appliances and more. It identifies energy waste from things like drafty windows, insufficient insulation, humidity problems, inefficient appliances, poor ventilation and inefficient heating and cooling systems. The audit revealed that installing insulation would help tremendously. “There was absolutely no insulation in the entire house,” says Wilson. “There was nothing in the walls or crawlspace or attic. There was just a thin sheet of tar paper and that’s it.” Geissler walked Wilson through the various options found during the audit and made top-down recommendations, from simple fixes to more involved enhancements.

7. How many deaths are attributed to carbon monoxide poisoning in the United States each year? A. 250 | B. 500 | C. 850 | D. 1,000 8. A Home Energy Audit can help you determine ways to save energy and money in your home. During the audit, the expert checks which of the following items? A. Insulation | B. Windows | C. Furnace | D. Appliances | E. All of the above 9. Homeowners can implement improvements suggested through the audit to qualify them for the Home Performance program, making them eligible for rebate dollars. The program requires air sealing and weather stripping, adding attic insulation and adding CFLs in the home. Benefits of the program include: A. Improved comfort | B. Better air quality | C. Reduction in energy bills D. Savings off the total cost of the improvements | E. All of the above 10. In 2014, Xcel Energy paid out approximately how much in rebates to how many Wisconsin customers? A. $100,000 to 100 customers | B. $250,000 to 200 customers C. $500,000 to 400 customers | D. $1 million to 500 customers Answers can be found on the next page.


Homes Magazine 2015


EEIQ Answers 1. Answer: D. ENERGY STAR reports that CFLs or compact fluorescent light bulbs use 75 percent less energy compared with an equivalent incandescent light bulb. Each bulb saves approximately $5 per year in electric costs. In a typical Wisconsin house, replacing all incandescent lights with CFLs has an estimated savings of $150 per year. *CFLs contain mercury and should be recycled. 2. Answer: B. You save 1 percent for every 1 degree you set back your thermostat during an eight hour period. ENERGY STAR recommends setting your thermostat to 68 degrees and setting it back at least 5 to 6 degrees while you are sleeping or away.

“It was great to have someone outline what to do first and what I could expect in terms of energy savings,” says Wilson. “He did an outstanding job.” They added spray foam insulation to every exterior wall and to the attic. Then came the kitchen. “There was duct work under the kitchen that was supposed to bring warm air into the home, but because it wasn’t insulated,

3. Answer: B. Proper insulation can save you up to 20 percent of your heating and cooling costs. Sealing leaks and adding insulation can do many things: improve the overall comfort of your home; prevent pollen, dust and insects from entering your home; help control humidity levels; lower the chance of ice dams on the roof; and reduce noise from the outside.

the air would turn cold before it came back in through the vents,”

4. Answer: C. ENERGY STAR appliances can save you roughly $75 per year in utility bills. Xcel Energy offers rebates to help offset the cost of high-efficiency equipment such as furnaces, boilers and more.

exterior doors and a round of new, high-efficiency CFLs replaced

5. Answer: C. The average house participating today in energy efficiency, green building programs saves 8 tons of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere when compared to a house built to code in 2006. The reduced environmental impact can be attributed to increased insulation, air tightness, and more efficient furnaces and water heaters. 6. Answer: A. The average code-built house can cost over $600 more annually in utility bills. Homes participating in energy efficiency, green building programs are more energy efficient, have lower utility bills and are more comfortable. 7. Answer: B. The Department of Health reports that carbon monoxide exposure accounts for an estimated 500 deaths in the United States each year. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that can be fatal to those exposed to it. Homes participating in energy efficiency, green building have high-efficiency water heaters and furnaces making them much less prone to back drafting, which produces carbon monoxide. 8. Answer: E. A Home Energy Audit includes a visit from a contracted energy expert who checks doors, windows, insulation, humidity levels, appliances, ventilation, heating and cooling systems and more. From there, the expert will identify energy efficiency opportunities and develop a customized plan of action for your home. 9. Answer: E. Small changes like installing compact fluorescent lighting, low-flow showerheads, and adding insulation around water heaters can slash annual energy costs by 10 to 30 percent. Bigger energy makeovers — such as adding wall insulation and more efficient air conditioners — can cut bills by 50 to 70 percent. All energy-efficient improvements improve the comfort of the home, reduce energy bills and produce savings for years to come. 10. Answer: C. In 2014, Xcel Energy paid $500,000 in energy efficiency rebates to 400 Wisconsin customers. The average was $1,250 per participant. That doesn’t include rebates to those same customers from Focus on Energy. The combined results are impressive: those 400 customers will have received a total of $1 million from Xcel Energy and Focus on Energy, or an average of $2,500 per participant. Scoring: 8-10 = Congrats! Share your energy efficiency knowledge with others. 4-7 = Not bad. You’re well on your way to saving energy and money. 1-3 = Dim start. Time to beef up your energy efficiency knowledge. No matter how you score, get more tips, incentive opportunities and energy efficiency program information at ResponsibleByNature.com.



says Wilson. They moved the ducts up into the floor joists and added spray foam insulation. Wilson added some weather stripping on the old, incandescent lights, finishing the job. “It has made a significant difference,” says Wilson. “The kitchen is much warmer now.” A post-improvement test found that the home was operating much more efficiently with the various improvements. Geissler and his team even filled out the rebate paperwork. Focus on Energy then contacted Xcel Energy to process their bonus incentive. On average, eligible customers receive 66 percent off the cost of their improvement in combined rebates from Focus on Energy and Xcel Energy, up to $2,500. That was the case for Wilson, who says he was very happy with the rebates and simplicity of the process.

Next steps The windows in Wilson’s home are all single pane, so his goal is to eventually replace them. It’s an expense he’s not quite ready for. “We have four kids and are in the process of adopting three more so the windows will have to wait,” he explains. He says the efficiency work has definitely been worthwhile and would recommend it to anyone considering it. “The big test will be over the next couple of months when the energy bills come in,” says Wilson. But knowing he’s made significant steps toward a more efficient home makes him feel better and more comfortable. To learn more about Focus on Energy, please visit focusonenergy. com. For more about Xcel Energy’s Residential Programs, please visit xcelenergy.com/Energy_Solutions/Residential_Solutions. — Erin Mathe, Xcel Energy

Homes Magazine 2015


How to get an Xcel Energy rebate. 1. Go to energy solutions at xcelenergy.com for more information. 2. Participate in the Residential Rewards or Home Performance Program. 3. Apply for rebates from Focus on Energy and Xcel Energy. 4. Ask us for help anytime.


f or e ne r g y e f f icie nc y. Call 1-800-895-4999 for help, or visit xcelenergy.com for more information.

Save energy, save money. It’s a simple formula…and Xcel Energy, together in partnership with Focus on Energy, offers programs, rebates and tips that make it easy to make just about every room in your home more energy efficient. Get started today by visiting xcelenergy.com.

xcelenergy.com © 2015 Xcel Energy Inc.

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Industry Leader


AN INVESTMENT WORTH MAKING We all know good sleep is essential to the quality of our lives, yet we consistently make it our last priority. Experts say that sleep problems, like restlessness and difficulty falling and staying asleep, currently affect some 100 million Americans. This can lead to difficulties socially, professionally and at home. Luckily, just a little forethought and a few basic steps can go a long way toward fostering a truly good night’s sleep.



Homes Magazine 2015

Expert advice recommends several steps to consistently achieve a deep and peaceful slumber. First, keep your sleeping

Down Alternative: These

and waking schedule consistent, even when the desire to sleep in on

similar to down and are ideally

weekends seems almost overwhelming. This allows the body to fall into

suited for individuals with down

a natural rhythm, conducive to peaceful rest.

allergies. The Company Store

Next, put a bedtime routine in place. Set aside your to-do list and give yourself time to get ready for bed without any other distractions. Listen to calming music, enjoy a warm bath or get lost in a good book. Peaceful activities like these are all great ways to really enjoy bedtime.

synthetic or natural fibers feel

offers bedding made with two high-quality types of down alternatives, Primaloft® Deluxe and their own TCS® Down-Free™.

They let your body know that it’s time to transition to the state of


relaxation required for deep slumber.

made, generally from polyester.

Avoid stimulants like nicotine and caffeine. Some experts suggest avoiding alcohol at the end of the day, as it may interfere with a satisfying night’s sleep. Additionally, you want to refrain from eating within the two to three hours leading up to bedtime. Giving your body time to fully digest will help you to sleep more comfortably. While exercise immediately before bedtime can interfere with a good night’s sleep, working out earlier in the day has actually been proven to help you sleep better. It can also curb stress, which is another culprit of poor sleep. Relaxation techniques and meditation can also lead to a more tranquil and satisfying slumber. Ensure that your bedroom is dark and free from electronic devices,

This filling is man-

It is also hypoallergenic, but does not usually last as long or offer the same level of conforming support to the head and neck as other pillow options.

Memory Foam: These pillows are made from a dense, spongy material which is temperature sensitive. It conforms to the contour of the head and neck by utilizing the body’s own heat and weight. It is ideal for those with neck and spine issues, or individuals who enjoy a firm pillow.

Quality: There are five different quality levels — better, best, supreme, ultimate, and, the highest quality, royal.

which easily distract the mind and disturb the natural rhythms of sleep.

Pillow Density:

It’s best if the room is cool in temperature and, most importantly, that

firm pillow for side sleepers and a medium-support pillow for back sleepers

your bedding is comfortable. High quality bedding, like that found

and those with no preferred position.

at The Company Store Outlet in La Crosse, Wis., plays a crucial role. As important as good bedding is, most people don’t know much about it. Knowing the differences between the various pillow materials and ratings can help you make the best and most informed decision for yourself and your family. Mattresses and pillows should give the proper support for your sleeping


It is best to have a soft pillow for stomach sleepers, a

The perfect pillow should always be topped off with the ideal

pillow cover. For the most luxurious feel, look for a high thread count (TC) of 200 or more. These covers will be softer, more durable and more effective at keeping out impurities. Some pillow covers even come pre-treated with anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, stain and water-resistant protectants.

style. For back sleepers, a medium-support pillow that sustains the

How to Select the Ideal Comforter

curve of the upper spine is key. Stomach sleepers need a soft, full pillow

When it comes to selecting a comforter, natural fibers are best, particularly

to cushion and prevent awkward turning throughout the night. Side

those that are hearty or light enough to accommodate your room’s climate.

sleepers do best with a firm pillow, which keeps the spine straight. For

The goal is to find the right temperature balance, which is neither too cool

those who don’t have a preferred position? A medium-density pillow is

nor too hot. Pure cotton sheets, with a high thread count of over 200,

the best solution.

make the best bedding accompaniment, and they last the longest too.

How to Select the Perfect Pillow Down: This is the soft, velvety undercoat found beneath the feathers of a goose or duck. It is natural, light, unbelievably soft and is an incredibly effective insulator. It also conforms ideally to support the head and neck, and is more durable than its synthetic counterparts.

Down/Feather Mix:

This is a combination of the soft, spineless

undercoat and the bird’s exterior feather plumage. It provides a firmer

Fill Power: This is the volume of 1 ounce of down. A comforter with a high fill power weighs less, but insulates more. A good quality down comforter should have a fill power of at least 500. Below that, you are more likely to encounter excessive feathers and down clumps.

Preferred Sleep Temperature:

How warm or cool do you prefer to

be during the night? The ideal sleeping temperature varies from person to person and is affected by the climate of your home.

and more supportive pillow. While slightly less lofty then bedding filled entirely with down, down/feather mixes are often more affordable.


Homes Magazine 2015


Warmth Level: Super lightweight

wish to have their bedding refurbished or professionally cleaned from

and lightweight warmth levels are

time to time.

ideal for warmer climates. Medium weight is the average warmth level and works well for many people year-round. Extra warm weight and ultra warm weight are ideally suited for colder temperatures.


The comforter should be

The durability of high-quality bedding makes it a worthwhile and costeffective investment. It can provide comfort and relaxation for decades. If you should happen to tire of the appearance of your bedding during this time, The Company Store also offers a wide variety of beautifully crafted duvet covers. These serve to update the look of your highquality bedding set, keeping it as visually fresh and appealing as it is comfortable and restful.

large enough to accommodate one’s mattress comfortably. There are basic sizes like twin, full, queen and king, as well as twin extra long. The Company Store Outlet has all of these and more.

The Bedding Experts The Company Store Outlet is in the business of providing a good night’s sleep. In fact, this has been its focus since 1911, when it first began making high-quality down and other bedding essentials. The factory was opened right here in La Crosse, Wis. This decision has

The Benefits of Down

paid off for over 100 years. The factory’s local proximity fosters a high

Here in Wisconsin, perhaps the most important consideration is how

discounts throughout the year, all of which directly benefit consumers

to remain comfortably warm during our long, arctic winters. Selecting bedding made with down or a down alternative is the most effective way

level of quality control, provides local jobs and allows for considerable and our community as a whole.

to insulate against the frigid night air. Down is remarkably light, yet it is

In addition to its catalog and online sales, shoppers can visit The

the most effective natural insulation available. The downy fluff forms air

Company Store Outlet. Located just off I-90 on French Island in La

pockets, which hold in heat and keep out the cold.

Crosse, the interior is like a breath of fresh air. The space is light, bright,

Many people resist down, concerned about the potential of down allergies. Today, scientists believe it isn’t actually the down that causes problems. Rather, dust particles hiding inside of improperly cleaned down are the true allergen culprits. At The Company Store, this problem is solved by rigorously cleaning all products with phosphate-free soap and then sterilizing them prior to sale. Still, if allergies remain a concern, The Company Store’s own TCS® Down-Free or Primaloft® comforters offer the ideal solution. Both provide the same benefits as down, while also being completely hypoallergenic. Many individuals also hesitate to invest in a good-quality down comforter because they don’t know how to properly care for it. Luckily, it is surprisingly simple! When your down comforter is first opened, shake it out or run it through the dryer on low to fluff and eliminate wrinkles. When the time comes to clean your down comforter, you can wash it in a front-load washing machine, separately from other items, on the delicate setting. Use warm water and mild detergent. The Company Store Outlet offers a mild, non-toxic down cleaner for just this purpose. Once the comforter is washed, simply tumble dry on low or no heat. Use tennis balls or clean sneakers while drying so they beat against the fill as it dries to avoid clumping. Be sure not to bleach or iron a down comforter. It’s as easy as that! A high-quality down comforter, like those available at The Company Store, can easily last 10, 15 or even 20 years. Still, some people may

exceptionally well organized and easy to navigate. The Company Store Outlet offers an abundance of high-quality comforters, duvet covers, pillows, sheets with thread counts ranging from 180TC organic cotton to luxurious 800TC Egyptian cotton sateen, and a variety of seasonal patterns. You will also find luxuriously crafted bath towels, rugs and attractive home accessories, in addition to a wide variety of quilts and shams to help you create a beautiful room. Plus, the store is peppered with fun extras, like adorable children’s pajamas, knit hats and mittens, all at rock-bottom prices! The high quality of The Company Store’s products is immediately evident, which makes the affordable prices all the more astounding. The sales associates at The Company Store, known as comfort specialists, are extremely knowledgeable and friendly. They happily answer every question and even direct you to additional resources, should you want to learn more. They understand the value of the products they offer, and they appreciate the opportunity to help their customers sleep, and live, well.

The Company Store’s motto is “All About Comfort.” Providing rest, relaxation and rejuvenation is the company’s mission. When you step inside The Company Store Outlet, you are one step closer to a truly satisfying, good night’s sleep.

More information on The Company Store’s services and products can be found on its website, TheCompanyStore.com, or by calling 608-783-6646. — Andrea Culletto



Homes Magazine 2015

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Homes Magazine 2015


Industry Leader

WHAT IS HOME AUTOMATION? Home Automation (HA) provides a lifestyle solution by making the electronic components and systems you already use on a daily basis work together seamlessly. HA systems integrate individual systems throughout the home, like

controlled locally or globally via a wide variety of handheld wireless

audio and video, heating and cooling, media and home theater rooms,

remotes, iOS or Droid-enabled devices like smartphones, tablets, PC

shades, security and camera surveillance systems, detection (of smoke,

or Mac computers and laptops. There is no one-size-fits-all solution

fire, CO2 and water) and smart door locks, into a simple intuitive

package out there; an HA system is versatile and can be installed in just

platform. This provides a solution that truly meets your needs,

one room, but also provides future scalability to control your entire

budget and lifestyle, enhancing your life with added comfort, savings,

house. If you’re interested in convenience, ease and energy efficiency,

convenience and peace of mind. HA systems can be monitored and

adopting a home automation system may be the right choice for you.

Control4 Wireless Remote Control & On-Screen Interface



Homes Magazine 2015

What Do I Need? The basis for any good, reliable HA system includes robust wireless (Wi-Fi) and Internet components. Not only does your HA system rely on the wireless components inside your home to communicate, it’s also how you are able to monitor and communicate to your HA system when you’re away from your home. For example, a basic “starter kit” from Control4, which includes a handheld wireless remote and system controller, has the capability to control today’s average, medium-sized homes.

Control4 In-wall Touchscreen

rooms, like mud/laundry, family/great rooms, hallways, etc. — your

Interfaces: The point of interaction between you and your HA system can come in many different forms, and while no one type of user interface is better than another, it helps to know the different applications of each. For this reason, a user interface is one of the most important parts of an automation system. It’s the one piece of technology you’ll see and touch multiple times every single day. A few examples include dedicated touch screens that can be wall mounted or handheld, inwall keypads, wireless handheld remotes, smartphones and tablets (with 3G/4G service when using outside the home), and finally, your PC/Mac or laptop. In most cases you will use a combination of user interfaces depending on the types of tasks each is best suited for.

Lighting Control:

HA system would have lighting “keypads” with anywhere from three to six buttons. This keypad would then create “scenes” for lighting. By pressing the “cook” button all the lights in the kitchen would be on at full brightness, while pressing the “entertain” button would turn off the kitchen ceiling lights, adjust the hanging island lights and under cabinet lights to 50 percent, reset the family room by dimming its ceiling lights, and turn on the wall sconces and/or table lamps to create the ideal lighting mood to complement your gathering. Today’s HA systems are also based on latitude and longitude, so they automatically know when sunrise and sunset occur. One of the most sought after features is the feeling of safety and security homeowners have when they know their loved ones will never walk into a dark home. Another

As one of the top energy uses in today’s homes, HA systems not

great feature is that an HA system will allow you to see which lights

only control which lights to use for the task or purpose, they also

are on and at what level, so you may turn off any light left on. A

control the intensity based on your intention for the use of the lights.

“goodnight” button in the master bedroom would also turn off any

The human eye cannot see the difference between a light bulb set

predetermined unused lights in the house, eliminating the need to

at 90 percent versus 100 percent, so by limiting the intensity to

walk through your home and check.

90 percent you can have up to a 25 percent decrease in energy use. Lighting control also “ramps” lights up and down when turned on and off. By doing so, the bulbs themselves do not get that instant burst of electricity to the filament, which causes 90 percent of all bulb failures. A slower ramp up of intensity will increase the life of

Scenario: By having your overhead garage door connected to your HA system when your family arrives home and opens the door, it will trigger the interior garage lights, mudroom/laundry, hallways and kitchen to all come on at 40 percent while unlocking your door and disarming your security system.

standard incandescent bulbs from months to years. With the recent introduction of LED-based light bulbs and fixtures (Cree and Juno,


for example), you can now further your energy savings like never

This category is one of the largest areas to discuss, as it covers whole

before since we can expect most good-quality LEDs to last 15,000 to

house distributed audio/video, media rooms, surround sound systems,

100,000 hours before replacement. Programming may include time-

home theaters and outdoor/landscape speaker systems. The key benefit

related commands, such as having your lights turn on or

of an HA system for your A/V needs is that it eliminates the five other

off at specific times each day.

remotes you would normally need to operate your various systems.

Rather than having multiple light switches throughout

Play high-definition video from virtually any source, on any TV. Enjoy

the kitchen controlling the ceiling lights, island lights,

your personal music collection stored on your smartphone or tablet, or

under cabinet lights or toe kick lights — not to mention

stream services like Spotify, Napster, Rhapsody, Pandora, SiriusXM,

additional three-way switches for any of the connected

and thousands of free Internet radio stations. Enjoy the convenience of keeping your audio and video sources in one location and accessing your favorite content from any room. Gain total control of all your

Control4 Automation Starter Kit


Homes Magazine 2015


Scenario: Each member of the household has an individual fourdigit pin for the entry door of your choice. When arriving home and entering your pin (depending on if it’s day or night), the deadbolt unlocks, lights come on to your preselected levels, your favorite music starts to play and the thermostat readjusts to your comfort level. You can allow temporary access to your home for delivery personnel, dog walkers, babysitters, visiting family members, etc., all while being notified as they enter their pin.

Control4 Lighting Keypad

media, without disparate electronic components scattered throughout the house. Media distribution solutions make it easy for everyone in the family to enjoy their favorite music and video anywhere in your house, instantaneously. Scenario: You can enjoy the latest blockbuster movie in your home theater or watch BBC in the kitchen, all while your kids listen to their favorite Pandora stations in their bedrooms or out on the patio.

HVAC Control: One clear advantage of home automation is the unmatched potential for energy savings, and therefore cost savings. Set the perfect


Shading Control: Shading not only provides you with the privacy you want, but it can also benefit your heating and cooling needs. In the summer, shades can automatically drop during the day to keep sunlight from heating up the living room (which is where most thermostats are located, as it is generally the largest room in your home). This keeps the air conditioning from running more than it should to cool your home, and in turn keeps other areas of your home from becoming too cool. In the winter it can do the opposite by raising the blinds during the day, providing additional warmth to keep the heating system from turning on.

temperature daily (AM versus PM temperature settings), weekly (Monday through Sunday), or divide your week into Monday through Friday and Saturday/Sunday separately based on your family’s needs and lifestyle. Thermostats from Control4, Aprilaire or Nest can seamlessly integrate into your home’s existing HVAC system. They

C f

can also be programmed with different target temperatures in order to keep energy usage at a minimum during the hours when you’re least likely to benefit from the heating and cooling. Your HA system can control and monitor standard forced-air as well as in-floor heating systems or combination systems. Scenario: As an impending weather front comes into our area, your outdoor temperature sensor alerts you to the sudden change. Your HA system starts the HVAC system to compensate for the outdoor temperature change before your home falls above or below your preset temperature thresholds. This will keep your HVAC system from overworking to combat sudden interior climate change.

Security, Safety and Surveillance: HA systems can communicate and control your security and surveillance systems, as well as the latest ZigBee (type of wireless) electronic smart door locks. Monitor the on/off status of your security system and be alerted in case of smoke, fire, CO2, water or intrusion. View your surveillance cameras from your phone, office, PC/Mac, or

Control4 Smart Thermostat

How do you get started with the process? If you are interested in learning more about automation and technology solutions for your home or business, contact the A/V Pros of Onalaska, Wis., for a personalized one-on-one consultation. They offer automation systems from ELAN and Control4 including a variety of automation services for your home or business, including distributed audio/video, lighting control, media rooms, home theater, flat panel HDTVs, smart remotes, motorized window shades and exterior screens, intercom systems, cabinetry, networking, communications and professional installation. The A/V Pros can combine your ideas with technology and your budget, ultimately finding the perfect package for your home and lifestyle. — Heath DeBernardi

iOS/Droid tablet. More and more people are adding two-way capable camera/intercom stations at the front door in conjunction with a security system when additional surveillance cameras are not part of their overall home protection system.

REFERENCES: Audio Video Pros, Inc. • www.theaudiovideopros.com Control4 • www.control4.com Elan g! • www.elanhomesystems.com

1 14


Homes Magazine 2015


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Industry Leader

RUN, PLAY, STAY Holmen Invisible Fence Brand™ business ensures safe pets, happy pet owners Miniature Poodle brothers Max and Murphy were typical puppies. They loved to play, chase balls and run. Unfortunately they didn’t stop at the property line. And for their owner Carla Steffen, that meant constantly monitoring them when they were outside, restricting them to a leash, or all too often chasing them down the street, occasionally while still in her pajamas. “I was tired of broken leads, chains and chasing my dogs,” says Steffen. “And they deserve to run and play.” Steffen contacted Invisible Fence Brand™ of the Tri-States, a division of Holmen-based Doggie Business LLC. Owner Karla Toppen came to the Steffen’s home in Onalaska for an initial consultation.



the training expertise of Invisible Fence Brand™ certified technician/ trainer Derrick Manske, Murphy did learn to respect the boundaries set by the Invisible Fence Brand™ system. “The dogs are so conditioned now, I can let them out and I know they won’t run away,” says Steffen. “It was the best investment I ever made.”

Keeping pets safe As an Invisible Fence Brand™ dealer since 2009, Invisible Fence Brand™ of the Tri-States has installed hundreds of systems throughout the Coulee Region and beyond. The benefits of an Invisible Fence Brand™ system include pet safety and peace of mind for pet owners.

“I was skeptical,” notes Steffen. “I thought Murphy would not

The fence allows dogs and other pets to get the exercise they need

obey the system, but Karla assured me that he would.” Thanks to

while setting boundaries to keep them home and out of mischief.

Homes Magazine 2015

“We do outdoor and indoor installations on properties of all sizes,” notes Toppen. “The fence system is extremely customizable and can be designed to fit each pet owner’s unique containment needs. We have fenced a range of properties, from a small backyard of a duplex to a large 5-acre lot. Now with the GPS, there is no limit to the size of property we can do.” The GPS-based wire-free invisible fence is designed specifically for large- to medium-size properties with minimal tree coverage around the perimeter. This system comes with a GPS Mobile Collar™ that communicates with a home base unit. The GPS system and other Invisible Fence Brand™ packages include in-home/on-site training by experienced trainers. The Invisible Fence Brand™ indoor and outdoor systems also include a limited lifetime warranty and a oneyear satisfaction guarantee. An Invisible Fence Brand™ fence may even add to the value of a home, especially for a dog-loving buyer, or it can easily be moved and installed at a new location.

Solutions for every situation Onalaska resident, Paul Magnuson has used Invisible Fence Brand™ systems at two different homes in the last five years. His current property is a large lot with a wooded hillside. Magnuson owns two Siberian Huskies, 4-year-old Penny and 2-yearold Kiefer. Huskies are notorious escape artists and have been known to climb a 6-foot chain link fence. It is a breed of dog that should never be left off leash in an unfenced area. For that reason, the Invisible Fence Brand™ fence was a must-have for Magnuson. “The Invisible Fence was much more effective than a chain link or wooden fence, and more aesthetically pleasing,” says Magnuson. “We get to enjoy the view, and they are 100 percent safe and contained.” Even when tempted by a scurrying squirrel or passing deer, Penny and Kiefer have never crossed the line, notes Magnuson. Invisible Fence Brand™ trainers teach the dogs the appropriate response when alerted that they are close to the fence line. That response is to turn around, not run through the line. “Once you imprint that concept as the appropriate response, that is what they do,” says Magnuson. Magnuson appreciates the training provided for both pets and pet

Siberian Husky dogs, Kiefer and Penny (above), are so trained by Invisible Fence that they leave the deer alone. Photos courtesy of Paul Magnuson

Invisible Fence Brand™ systems combine training and technology. Manske handles all of the training for Invisible Fence Brand™ of the Tri-States. He typically makes three to four on-site training visits. “We spend as much time as needed until the dogs are responding properly,” notes Toppen. Flags are used to mark the fence line. The flags provide a visible cue and are also scented to provide an additional sensory cue to alert the dogs that they are nearing the fence line. The fence can be configured to set different boundaries for multiple pets. “So if you have a big dog and a little dog, and you want the little


dog to stay closer to the house, we can do that,” explains Toppen.

“A lot of places sell a system that you could install yourself, but unless

The customizable collar works with the fence and is adjusted to the

you have done a lot of dog training, it is very helpful to have someone work you through what to do with the system and training the dogs,” adds Magnuson.

appropriate correction level. Steffen’s collars are programmed to accommodate the poodles’ individual behaviors. “Max’s collar is just set to a sound. When he goes near the fence it beeps,” explains Steffen.


Homes Magazine 2015


“But with Murphy, because he is a runner, his is like a little sting. If

Doggie Business began as a pet waste removal business in 2007. The

he goes near the invisible fence he gets a little sting and he backs off.”

business evolved to include doggie day care and bathing services,

The collar also works with the Doorman™ pet door, a secure pet door

boarding, training, and sales of Invisible Fence Brand™ products. “Every service we’ve added came at the suggestion of our customers,”

that allows your pet to freely come and go.

notes Toppen.

In-home systems The Invisible Fence Brand™ in-home systems are also customizable

For the love of animals

and can set different boundaries for different pets. Magnuson uses

Toppen and the staff at Invisible Fence Brand™ of the Tri-States are

both the outdoor fence and an in-home system to keep his huskies out

trained in pet CPR and first aid. Toppen made the news in 2012

of the kitchen when they are preparing food or entertaining guests.

when she put her CPR skills to work to save the life of a Black Lab

The in-home systems keep pets off furniture and counters, out of

named Boo.

certain rooms and away from trash cans. Training is also included

Invisible Fence Brand™ of the Tri-States offers pet CPR classes

with the in-home installation.

periodically throughout the year. Toppen encourages every pet owner to learn these techniques that could save the life of their furry

Yes, you can train a cat

family members.

The Invisible Fence Brand™ systems are used effectively with cats to

In another life-saving initiative, Invisible Fence Brand™ of the Tri-

keep them off counters or tables and safe in your yard. Toppen notes that training cats is a bit more challenging, but it can be done. One installation at Bethany Riverside nursing home sticks out in Toppen’s mind. “The nursing home had two cats that were loved by the residents. One of the cats could sense when someone’s end-of-life time was near, and would stay with that person.”

States donated pet oxygen masks to several area fire departments. “Pet safety is important to our mission in that we believe pets are like people’s kids,” says Toppen. “They are fun, loving and are loved, and pet owners want the best for their pets. That is why training staff in

T b

behavior, CPR and first aid is so important to us.”

When the nursing home was told that the cats needed to be restricted

Caring for people, too

from the eating areas or removed from the home, the staff called

Toppen and her staff strive to also provide the best service possible to

Invisible Fence Brand™ of the Tri-States. “We installed a system

their human clientele. They stand behind their products and are quick

there so the cats could stay, which was extremely important to the

to come to the aid of customers.

residents,” says Toppen.


Sara Kessler installed her first Invisible Fence Brand™ system in 2003. Ten years later, when Kessler got a new puppy, she contacted Invisible

Not Brand just a business Invisible Fence®

GPS Containment Solutions Toppen grew up on a farm with a passion for animals. After working

several years in a managerial position, she wanted a career change. She Introducing differentialwent assisted wire-free containment system back toGPS-based, school, where she had to write a business plan. Eleven to keep pets playing safely and happily within large properties . years later, that plan resembles the business she runs today.

Fence Brand™ of the Tri-States. “We were able to upgrade many components,” notes Kessler. “Karla and her staff are so friendly and knowledgeable about all canine behavior.” Kessler appreciated the convenience of training their puppy at their home. And it appears she learned a lot. “When we have guests with dogs visiting, it almost seems as if she shows them where her boundary is located,” says Kessler, who has used multiple services available at Doggie Business.


“Because they also have a dog day care and boarding service, in addition to the Invisible Fence Brand™ service, they know our dog — and by extension our entire family — very well,” says Kessler. “I feel very confident whenever I contact Doggie


Business to help me with anything related to our dog’s well-being.” GPS Containment Solutions

How Does it Work? 18 Exceptional •

Homes Magazine 2015 Invisible Fence® Brand Differential GPS Containment uses no wires. Customized property boundaries are set on a computer by a trained GPS technician.

Your pet’s GPS Mobile Collar™ unit receives data from over 25 different GPS satellites to establish the location of your pet.

If pets approach boundaries, their custom programmed GPS Mobile Collar™ unit

— Leah Call

Karla Toppen, Invisible Fence



More Than a Fence

Total pet management solutions that bring harmony to your home. • Maximum Free Space to Safely Run and Play • No Escape Technology with Virtual Endless Boundary • No More Unintentional Yard Lock-outs with Boundary Plus® containment system • Ultimate Customization for Multiple Pet Households • Certified Installers & Trainers • Strongest Guarantees and Warranties

The Brand Vets Recommend Most For Dog Safety and Freedom. Call or log on today to schedule a free in-home consultation!

1-800-578-3647 www.InvisibleFence.com


Homes Magazine 2015


First American Roofing & Siding

A Good Roof Goes a Long Way even give you a list of local homes where you can see your favorite products firsthand. Werner helps people find roofing solutions every day. “Homeowners are not always aware of all of the possibilities, designs and colors that are available to them,” says Werner. “Not to mention the various economical, yet stylish, options.” Many of these options come from GAF’s Lifetime Designer Shingle collection. GAF roofing comes in sophisticated designs and custom color palettes, making it unique from more traditional shingles. Yet, it costs only a fraction of the price of a traditional slate or wooden shake roof. GAF Designer Shingles aren’t just for looks, they were created with

In a 2013 survey by the National Association of Realtors®, it was discovered that a new designer roof can increase the value of a home by 7 percent! “Curb appeal goes a long way,” says Dallas Werner of First American Roofing & Siding, Inc. “A roof makes up 40 to 50 percent of what you see when you pull up to a house. When it comes time to replace your roof, for a small additional investment you can set your house apart with a stylish shingle design.” Fortunately, there are many options for roofing that are both durable and beautiful. The question is how to select the right one. The most important aesthetic consideration, when selecting a roof, is finding the right color combination. For a traditional look, the tone of your roof should be in the same color family as the rest of your house. For example, a white house would look good with a gray or

product. The shingles are also treated with StainGuard® protection and have received a Class A fire rating. Most roofing contractors can install standard shingles, but for a quality roofing system, you want a quality installation. Look for a roofer who has a GAF Master Elite Weather Stopper Roofing Contractor certification. First American Roofing & Siding, Inc. has held this prestigious designation since 2008. The benefits are substantial. “Because Master Elite roofers are trained to handle the complexities of properly installing roofing systems, especially designer shingles, they can offer better warranties than any other roofing contractor,” explains Werner. “Like the 25-Year Golden Pledge Workmanship Warranty, which dwarfs the 5-year industry standard.” Ultimately, it’s your roof and you should love it! You want to find

complimentary colors, like pairing a green roof with a red brick cottage.

something that is visually appealing, high-quality and cost-effective.

Average and smaller-sized roofs look great with colorful and intricate designs. In contrast, a larger roof can look chaotic with a busy pattern or bright colors. Shingle styles should also match the construction style of the home. Victorian homes work well with more intricate patterns, whereas a basic Colonial is best suited for a rooftop with clean, simple lines. To discover which shingle options appeal most to you, take a drive around town and note when something catches your eye. Then, pay a visit to First American Roofing & Siding, Inc. Using their Virtual Home Remodeler program, they can show you what your house will look like with different shingle options. First American will


consumption of natural resources and produce a top-notch protective

black roof. However, if you want to make a statement, you could select

When selecting patterns, take the size of your roof into account.


Advanced Protection® technology. This is designed to limit the

Homes Magazine 2015

GAF’s durable designer shingles are the perfect solution for bestowing a beautiful roof on your home. Plus, they come with a warranty that would give any homeowner peace of mind.

To learn more, visit FirstAmericanRoofing.com or contact First American at 608-783-3101. **2013 National Association of Realtors® survey commissioned by GAF of Appraiser and Non-Appraiser Realtors® in the U.S. ***Based on responses by Realtors® (Non-Appraisers) who provided an estimated value increase for a home with a designer shingle roof compared to a home with a basic three-tab shingle roof. — Andrea Culletto

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Homes Magazine 2015


Brickl Bros.

Passion for the Saddle Sometimes it’s not the house that makes the home … to stable and ride my horses at home. Having the freedom to ride multiple times a day, ride whenever I want, and configure the arena the way I like has been liberating,” said Morgan. “I don’t have to worry about finding an open spot on the hectic schedule at the shared arena, and I can leave my jumps where I want them, ready for my next ride. It’s a joy!” she added. “Having the arena is great every day, but days like today, when the roads are bad and the thought of driving 15 or 20 miles to the stable isn’t very inviting, these are the days when it’s doubly satisfying. The weather doesn’t get between my horses and me,” continued Morgan, riding off to another series of jumps. Asked what she’s learned from the process of building an arena, Morgan offered the following advice: “It was important to have done It was a blustery, late January morning on a wooded Minnesota ridge,

my homework up front by visiting other arenas because some of them

just a short drive from La Crosse. Outside, a dusting of overnight

are not designed very thoughtfully. You need to know what to avoid

snow was being blown by a hard wind as snowplows made their

as well as what to embrace. The base is critical because you want stable,

rounds. But inside the 2-year-old riding arena, all was calm and quiet

safe, consistent footing for your horses. I think it’s important to have

as Tracy Morgan worked with her horse, Jazzy.

good ventilation, a lot of natural light, and a high ceiling to obtain a

Jazzy, an 18-year-old thoroughbred mare, was enjoying the romp. Between jumps, Tracy talked about the land she and her husband, Tedd, had bought less than three years ago, and about her passion for riding. Her other horse, Breezie, a 33-year-old thoroughbred, was

extremely helpful, especially one that can deliver what you want within a reasonable budget. We were very fortunate there,” she said. “I just can’t tell you how much this arena means to me. I’ve been

never more than 10 feet behind. “Breezie is an old girl, but she can’t

riding here for over a year and I’m still in awe. I feel like I need to

stand to be left out of the fun. She was my first horse, and at 33, she’s

pinch myself to make sure it’s not a dream!” Morgan concluded.

Despite being cold and overcast outside, the base inside was soft and deep, and natural light pouring in through large windows and translucent panels lining the roof. “We bought this property partly because we wanted to build a riding arena,” said Morgan. “I spent a lot of time looking at other arenas before starting the process because I wanted to be sure we did it right the first time. We really hit the mark; it looks and feels great,” she continued. Tedd and Tracy lived in Prior Lake, Minn., for 12 years before moving back to the Winona area, and Tracy had boarded her horses at a variety of locations since buying Breezie in 1989, the year before she and Tedd married. “After boarding for so long, I knew I wanted


a knowledgeable builder with experience in equestrian design is

determined to be part of the conversation as she shadowed Jazzy,

earned the right to do whatever she likes!” said Morgan.


sense of openness and expansiveness, too,” said Morgan. “Selecting

Homes Magazine 2015

— Greg Brickl

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Homes Magazine 2015


The Grounds Crew

Landscaping for Your Home or Business 5. Bad maintenance:

Neglecting pruning and weeding duties

and watering too frequently or not enough top the list for poor maintenance. Different plants require different amounts of water at different times of the year. Typically most plants require about an inch of water per week, but if your landscaping doesn’t have proper drainage or pools water in one area, plants can be stunted. There are many options for both residential and commercial landscaping as well as lawn and winter services in the area, but not all are the same. Use these tips below to make sure you are working with someone you can rely on and trust. Landscaping is a very critical part of home design. When done well, landscaping can beautify, enhance, and add value to your home; however, if done poorly, mistakes can become expensive and time-consuming to correct. Whether you’re planning a major reconstruction of your yard or are considering what foliage to plant, consulting with a landscaper

your landscaper will be able to remedy the situation at no expense to you.

2. Knowledgeable about the local environment and issues:

can help you with these questions as well as how to avoid the following

Knowing what will grow in your soil is an absolute must, and

common landscaping mistakes many homeowners and businesses make.

also having experience with what works in the area will make

Patchwork planting just doesn’t look as

nice as a yard planted intentionally, and the viability of plants is better when you prepare for them.

2. Forgetting about your curb appeal:

When considering

landscape improvements, investing in the front yard of your home creates a strong impression as it is often the first thing people see when they visit your home. Improving the curb appeal of your home is a good way to increase its value while beautifying your space.

3. Not considering the whole view: Make sure to think about

your project more successful. Your landscaper should know about issues in our area like the Emerald Ash Borer and be able to give advice based on experience and knowledge.

3. Great recommendations and reviews:

Ask around! Your

landscaper should be able to provide you with other satisfied customers’ reviews.

4. Preparedness: If a landscaper is trying to give you a plan for your property without seeing it, you can’t expect them to devote the time necessary to make sure your project is what you envision.

how your yard will look from other places — from inside your

5. Detail-oriented: Taking your vision and turning it into reality

home as well as from the yard itself. Also think about how it looks

requires paying attention to the little things as well as the big

at night or how you would use it at night.

picture. In addition, you should have confidence that your

4. Planting errors:

Some of the most common mistakes

inexperienced gardeners make are fairly simple to correct with the right knowledge and experience. a. Planting at the wrong time of year or not in context of local weather trends.

landscaper is planting things correctly (not too close together, not too deep, etc.), and a good landscaper will pay close attention to these small details. Aside from the obvious advantages in terms of expertise, one of the biggest reasons homeowners and business owners seek out good landscapers is because they can trust that their project will be done well.

b. Planting foliage that is not viable in our harsh Wisconsin

Landscapers like The Grounds Crew do the heavy lifting — figuratively,

environment. Though paradise flowers are beautiful, you can’t

and literally. Year-round, The Grounds Crew can provide landscaping,

expect them to bloom here when they come from tropical areas.

mowing, and snow plowing for any project, big or small. Before starting

c. Planting in an area that doesn’t receive enough sunlight or have

your improvements, make sure to consult with the experts so you will

the right nutrients in the soil. d. Planting trees and shrubs too deep in the soil, too close together, or overall just overplanting. This may actually suffocate the plants by not allowing enough oxygen to get to their root systems.


1. Fully licensed and insured: If something were to go wrong,

will help you avoid mistakes. The Grounds Crew, located in Onalaska,

1. Not having a plan:


“Must Haves” When Selecting a Good Landscaper

Homes Magazine 2015

have a beautiful, viable home inside and out. Sources: http://www.redbeacon.com/hg/how-do-i-find-good-landscaper/ http://www.hgtv.com/design/outdoor-design/landscaping-andhardscaping/25-biggest-landscaping-mistakes

— Katie Svitavsky

Fully Licensed and Insured


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The Grounds Crew, LLC. provides exceptional service to both residential and commercial customers throughout the Coulee Region. We understand that customer satisfaction starts with dependable service. We give your lawn the special attention it requires and provide quality workmanship to every project large or small.

Taking care of all your lawn needs! Call Today For Your Free Estimate!

(608) 780-9201 Exceptional

Homes Magazine 2015


W5726 Koss Rd, Onalaska, Wisconsin

SunSolvers LLC

A New Generation of Shade There’s nothing more enjoyable on a warm,

Retractable canopies: These versatile and decorative shading

sunny day here in the Coulee Region than

structures can be freestanding or mounted to your home for a unique

being outside on your patio, deck or terrace

option around your pool, balcony or terrace. A

while relaxing or entertaining friends and

is a great option, combining the versatility of a canopy and the

family. It is important, though, to take the

beauty of a pergola. Each one is custom built to fit your space with

necessary steps to protect your family and heat. Peter Gregory, owner of SunSolvers

Variette® can be used for smaller awning installations. Tension shade structures are also a great canopy choice for entryways, terraces or

LLC, started his company to help residents in

glass roof structures.

guests from dangerous ultraviolet rays and

the community find comfort and protection

pergola canopy

decorative rafters, framework and retractable canopy. A

from sun damage without having to remodel

New! Aluminum and glass panel railings: Add the perfect

or add expensive additions to their homes.

complement to your home’s exterior with highly durable and low

Gregory began running the business out of his

maintenance railing structures. Custom built on-site, these railings

home in 2005, and he has since expanded to a

require no painting or stains and will last a lifetime. They are great for

showroom on French Island where customers

waterfront properties or any balcony, porch, patio or deck.

are able to come and test product options. SunSolvers of La Crosse has a wide variety of shade options to fit your home, lifestyle and budget, including retractable awnings, canopies, solar shades, horizontal shades and screens.

Below are different options to help you choose your perfect shading solution.

Both residential homes and commercial businesses are subject to the damaging effects of UV rays and the unfortunate discomforts of hot summer days. Not only will the right shading option increase outdoor living and entertainment space, but it will also add value and beauty to your home. Commercial clients also benefit from the increased outdoor seating that shading provides, as well as the business that comes from being able to serve more customers. SunSolvers has

Retractable awnings: This option is great for any patio or deck

many different colors, patterns, and types of applications to fit the

and can provide cool shade while adding beauty and value to your

needs of any home or business including trailers and RVs. For more

home. These will never need seasonal removal and can be opened and

information on how to find your perfect sun solution, stop by or call

closed at your discretion, either by hand or with a motorized option.

SunSolvers today!

Window awnings are also a practical shading solution, bringing style

— Casey Kulinski

and distinction to any window while maximizing indoor comfort.

Horizontal shades: This is a practical option to add retractable shade, privacy, and sun and wind protection to your home. Designed with a secure-lock braking system with a wall or floor mount option, horizontal shades can add comfort to any space.

Screens and solar shades: Screen systems are ideal for maintaining shade and comfort while not disturbing your view through the window from the inside. Solar shades, on the other hand, offer privacy and sun control from the outside. These transparent screens can be adjusted to any level on any window to help protect furniture, decrease glare, and block our harmful UV rays. A Zip


• Can block harmful UV rays by as much as 94 percent • Help to reduce indoor temperatures by as much as 15 degrees • Reduce solar heat gain from windows during direct sunlight by as much as 70 percent • Cut cooling costs by as much as 52 percent

Track system with either a rolling solar screen or bug screen system

• Protect furnishings and carpets from fading

is great for your veranda, garage doors, and lanai if you would like to

• Protect wood decks from cracking and fading

enjoy the outdoors without sun glare or pesky bugs!


Did you know the right shading options in your home or business:

Homes Magazine 2015

* Variations are dependent on option chosen by customer. Source: Skin Cancer Foundation, information provided by SunSolvers LLC.

authorized dealer of:

Contact SunSolvers for all your Residential and Commercial


Any one of our products will allow you to select the exact amount of sun or shade that you desire. Enjoy the sun in the morning with the system closed and then extend it to create a beautiful, cooling shade that blocks out the heat and glare.

Motorized Retractable Awnings, Solar Screens and More.

(888) 839-5717 • (608) 782-9977

1643 Caroline Street La Crosse, WI 54603 • www.sunsolvers.com

Advertiser Directory ABC Supply


2325 Enterprise Avenue, La Crosse (608) 779-2001 | www.abcsupply.com

A/C Doc’s West Salem Appliance


630 Commerce Street, West Salem (608) 786-1160 www.acdocswestsalemappliance.com

Ace Hardware of La Crosse



444 Main Street, La Crosse (608) 784-LOAN | www.784loan.com

Badger Corrugating Company

BK Precision Builders LLC

Brickl Brothers

Coldwell Banker River Valley



Custom Closets 406 20th Street South, La Crosse (608) 784-6554 www.customclosetslacrosse.com






Installations take just 3 to 5 days We re-use your existing cabinets Minimal remodeling mess & disruption A wide array of custom-made solid wood doors and drawer fronts A variety of styles, wood species, and finish options No hassles or headaches. We install what we sell and handle every detail

Your Full Service, Budget Friendly Kitchen Remodeling Source New Cabinets Countertops Kitchen Design Tile Backsplashes Kitchen Accessories

For a Complimentary In-Home Consultation Call 784-2855 or Visit our Showroom on the corner of 4th & Jay Streets in downtown La Crosse! kitchensolvers-lacrosse.com

1003 2nd Avenue East, Holmen (608) 797-4051 | antscompletepestcontrol.com


Cabinet Refacing Specialist Why Reface!

2511 East Main Street, Onalaska (866) 470-9930 | www.cbrivervalley.com

240 County Road M, West Salem (608) 786-1233 | www.ahfpp.com

ANT’s Complete Pest Control

2309 West Cameron Street, Eau Claire (715) 832-7282 www.goasher.com

400 Brickl Road, West Salem (608) 786-0890 | www.bricklbros.com


American Home Fireplace & Patio


715 Livingston Street, La Crosse (608) 406-4559 | www.bkprecisionbuilders.com

Onalaska | (608) 792-3657 www.advancedhomeinspectionsllc.co


Asher Lasting Exteriors

1801 West Avenue South, La Crosse (608) 788-0100 | www.badgerlax.com

4242 Mormon Coulee Road, La Crosse (608) 788-9950 | www.aceoflacrosse.com

Advanced Home Inspections, LLC

page #

Serving the Coulee Region Since 1982

GE’s exclusive Slate is not only elegant and modern, it’s the definition of low maintenance. The stone-inspired matte finish naturally hides fingerprints and dirt, so it stays gorgeous longer between cleanings.

GE appliances available at:

3600 Highway 157 La Crosse, WI 54601



Homes Magazine 2015

Phone (608) 781-1010 www.midwesttvandappliance.com

Design Cabinetry Inc.


Mueller Painting & Drywall


3905 Circle Drive, Holmen (608) 781-0100 | www.designcabinetryinc.com

La Crosse/Winona | (507) 458-8311

First American Roofing & Siding

King on 5th – Lower Level, La Crosse (608) 788-8888


1828 E Main Street #4, Onalaska (608) 783-3101 | www.firstamericanroofing.com

Habitat for Humanity ReStore


3181 Berlin Drive, La Crosse (608) 785-2375 | www.restorelacrosse.com

Hidden Valley Designs


N5570 Frontage Road, Onalaska (608) 526-9870 | www.hiddenvalleydesign.com

Invisible Brand Fence Doggie Business LLC


319 Northstar Road, Holmen (608) 399-1266 www.doggiebusinessllc.com

Paradigm Fitness

Performance Concrete


Inside Front Cover

N5256 State Highway 162, Bangor (608) 486-1321

Phillips Fencing Inc.


2726 Larson Street, La Crosse (608) 783-4200 | www.phillipsfencing.com

Practically Posh


2815 Losey Blvd, La Crosse (608) 796-0165

Remis Power Systems

J Company


1802 State Street, La Crosse (608) 784-9530 | www.jcompanystudio.com

Jake Wieser Construction Inc. & Wieser Septic & Excavating


W7982 CTH Z, Onalaska (608) 781-7144 | www.remispowersystems.com

Rohde Painting


P.O. Box 653, Onalaska (608) 783-6237 | www.rohdepainting.com


Rooms by Jess


7750 TT Road, Houston, MN (507) 896-5253 jakewieserconstruction.com | wieserseptic.com

Onalaska | (608) 304-9898 www.roomsbyjess.com

JBrooke Garage Door

1434 Main Street, Onalaska (608) 783-1130 | www.tlfrankInsurance.com


1505 Market Street, La Crosse (608) 790-7355 | www.jbrookegaragedoor.com

Kitchen Solvers


301 4th Street South, La Crosse (608) 784-2855 www.la-crosse.kitchensolvers.com

La Crosse Builders Exchange, Inc.

State Farm - Tracey Frank


SunSolvers LLC


1643 Caroline Street, La Crosse (608) 782-9977 | www.sunsolvers.com

The Audio Video Pros 35-37

427 Gillette Street, La Crosse (608) 781-1819 | www.laxbx.com

La Crosse Combat Sports

The Grounds Crew, LLC

Marble Shop Inc.

W5726 Koss Road, Onalaska (608) 780-9201



Traditional Trades

Midwest TV & Appliance

1853 Sand Lake Road, Onalaska (608) 783-4785 | www.traditionaltrades.net


N5589 Gray Horse Road, West Salem (608) 406-2791 | www.MrElectric.com/La-Crosse

Mueller Media, Inc.


3120 South Avenue, La Crosse (608) 796-8780 | www.muellermediacorp.com

today for your

free home valuation.


W7385 County Road ZN, Onalaska (608) 783-6400 | www.warmingtrendsstoves.com

Wisconsin Building Supply



Warming Trends

Mr. Electric/Elite Electric Inside Back Cover

Learn how your home improvement plans will affect resale value


2310 Cunningham Street, La Crosse (608) 783-2277 | www.marbleshopinc.com

3600 Wisconsin 157, La Crosse (608) 781-1010 www.midwesttvandappliance.com

Learn the current market value of your home


301 Sky Harbour Drive, La Crosse (608) 783-6646 | www.thecompanystore.com

King on 5th – Lower Level, La Crosse (608) 769-0476

Buying or remodeling a home is among your biggest and most important investments, in terms of money, energy and your overall quality of life. We can help you make the most of yours with a complimentary home valuation.

15 & 23

1052 Oak Forest Drive, Onalaska (608) 779-9395 | www.theaudiovideopros.com

The Company Store 43

We Value Home

Back Cover

N5566 Frontage Road, Onalaska (608) 781-3900 | www.wibuildingsupply.com

Xcel Energy (800) 895-4999 | www.xcelenergy.com


866-470-3996 La Crosse • Onalaska Tomah • Black River Falls Exceptional

Homes Magazine 2015


2 015


LA C 34

, IN






Friday 5PM - 9PM | Saturday 10AM - 6PM | Sunday NOON - 5PM

Homes Magazine 2015


Builders Exchange, Inc. is a non-profit, member-based organization

La Crosse home show known as “Build-A-Rama”

consisting of over 300 members that assists local and regional general

at the Mary E. Sawyer Auditorium in 1960 and has

contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers by acquiring plans and

been the proud sponsor of the Greater La Crosse Home &

specifications for civil, commercial, industrial and institutional

Builders Show for over 35 years. Thank you to all of the exhibitors

building projects in Wisconsin, Northeast Iowa and Minnesota.

and you, the public, for attending this year’s show and making it an

Mrs. Molzahn recognized the need in our community to provide a

annual success. We hope to see all of you again soon!

and specifications for their use in bidding projects, which helped to


place where contractors of all building trades could find project plans


The La Crosse Builders Exchange organized the first

, IN

Founded in 1958 by Marcella Molzahn, the La Crosse


La Crosse Builders Exchange History


Sheila Erickson, Executive Director

stimulate the local and regional economies. In 1994, the Exchange began construction on our permanent building at 427 Gillette Street on La Crosse’s north side. Once the first phase of our building was outgrown, a 740 square foot multi-use

Visit us at www.laxbx.com

conference room and additional work space was added in 2002 for a total of 4,000 square feet. The Exchange acquires approximately 2,000 projects annually from various architects, engineers, and federal, state and local governments for projects ranging in size from small renovations to multimillion dollar complexes. Technology has evolved and made it possible for us to offer plans and specifications in both paper and digital formats for our members. We have state-of-the-art reprographic equipment so we can offer color scanning and printing of commercial and residential blueprints for both members and non-members. The Exchange also offers periodic training seminars such as Wisconsin Sales & Use Tax for construction, First Aid/CPR & AED training and OSHA 10 safety courses. Our Board of Directors meets monthly and consists

“The Fireplace Guys” Gas & Wood Fireplaces

of many local contractors and small business owners.

Pellet Stoves

The Exchange staff wishes to thank all of our members

Jacuzzi Premium Hot Tubs

for their continued support in making the La Crosse

Big Green Egg Charcoal Grills

Builders Exchange a long-standing member of the La Crosse community.

Memphis Pellet Grills Telescope Casual Patio Furniture 240 County Road M North • West Salem, WI 54669 • www.ahfpp.com • 608-786-1233


Homes Magazine 2015


2015 Home & Builders Show

La Crosse Builders Exchange Board & Staff

Board members (left to right): Steve Bell, Badger Corrugating; Scott Finch, Kish & Sons Electric; Alec Schwartz, Fowler & Hammer; Jim Fink (vice president) Borton Construction; Rusty Berger (president), Rusty Berger Masonry; Todd Buchner, Bernie Buchner Inc; Bob Burns, Mathy Construction; Forrest Moe, Schomburg Refrigeration; Steve Kepros, Market & Johnson; Joe Bahr, Glass Service Center; and Dee Dee Torkelson, Gerhards’ First Supply Not Pictured: Nancy Swanson (treasurer), Interstate Roofing & Waterproofing; and Derek Kasten, Interstate Roofing & Waterproofing



RUSTY BERGER, President .......................Rusty Berger Masonry

SHEILA ERICKSON ....................... Executive Director / Manager

JIM FINK, Vice President..............................Borton Construction

CHRISTINE BOLWAHN ..................................Assistant Manager

NANCY SWANSON, Treasurer ....................Interstate Roofing &

CHERYL WALKER .............................. Project Support Specialist

Waterproofing Inc

SHEILA ERICKSON, Secretary ..... La Crosse Builders Exchange Inc

BOARD OF DIRECTORS ALEC SCHWARTZ .................................. Fowler & Hammer Inc BOB BURNS ................................Mathy Construction Company DEE DEE TORKELSON ............................................ First Supply DEREK KASTEN ............ Interstate Roofing & Waterproofing Inc FORREST MOE ........................ Schomburg Refrigeration Co Inc JIM FINK ......................................................Borton Construction JOE BAHR ............................................. Glass Service Center Inc NANCY SWANSON ....... Interstate Roofing & Waterproofing Inc


RUSTY BERGER .......................................Rusty Berger Masonry SCOTT FINCH .......................................Kish & Sons Electric Inc STEVE KEPROS .......................................Market & Johnson Inc TODD BUCHNER ..........................................Bernie Buchner Inc



, IN





STEVE BELL ............................................Badger Corrugating Co


Homes Magazine 2015

Staff (from left to right): Cheryl Walker, project support specialist; Sheila Erickson, executive director/manager; Priscilla Sandau, office assistant; and Christine Bolwahn, assistant manager

PRISCILLA SANDAU began working at the La Crosse Builders Exchange in the early 1960s. She recently retired after over 50 years of service to the members of our organization. The Board of Directors extends a BIG THANK YOU to Priscilla for her loyalty to our organization.


Our ROOMLa is available all businesses,54603 organizations 427CONFERENCE Gillette Street, Crosse,toWisconsin and groups for meetings, conferences, seminars, luncheons or other events.


427 Gillette Street, La Crosse, Wisconsin 54603

, IN




§ Versatile 740 square foot, meeting § Smoke-free environment Our conference room ismulti-use available to room all businesses, organizations and accommodates up to 40 people groups for meetings, conferences, seminars,§ luncheons Ample parking or other events. § ADA Accessible § Coffee provided / other refreshments available § Conveniently located (approximately 1 mile south of I-90

§ Serving area for catered Versatile 740 square foot, multi-use meeting room accommodates upbuffets to 40 people § Convenient Hours: 8 am to 4 pm Monday - Friday § §Projector and projection screen provided ADA Accessible § VERY reasonable rates located § §FreeConveniently high-speed internet access(approximately 1 mile south of I-90 Exit 3) § Projector and projection screen provided § Free high-speed internet Members: Half Dayaccess $40 / Full Day $75 | Non-Members: Half Day $60 / Full Day $100 § Smoke-free environment Large format printing /scanning / copying available up to 36" x 48" § Ample parking § CoffeeCALL provided / otherORrefreshments available 608-781-1819 EMAIL US AT PLANROOM@LAXBX.COM FOR MORE INFORMATION. § Serving area for catered buffets § Convenient Hours: 8 am to 4 pm Monday - Friday § VERY reasonable rates ~ §

Exit 3)

We’re here for all of your home loan needs Members: Half Day $40 / Full Day $75 Non-Members: Half Day $60 / Full Day $100


Large format printing /scanning / copying available up to 36” x 48” $2.50 per sheet

• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FHA • VA • USD A/RD • Jumbo • Conventional • Hobby Farms • Land loans Call 608-781-1819 or email us at planroom@laxbx.com for more information.

608-784-LOAN www.784LOAN.com

Brent W. Wilkerson Branch Manager

brent@amecinc.org Office: 608-784-LOAN Mobile: 303-522-9712 NMLS # 488734

444 Main St. Suite 205 La Crosse, WI 54601 Branch NMLS 870267 NMLS #150953

find us/like us/follow us


Homes Magazine 2015


2015 Home & Builders Show

Home Show Exhibitor Map




, IN






Homes Magazine 2015

Jackson Expo Group Seminar Schedule Friday – March 27, 2015

1 p.m.

Exciting New Painting Techniques to Brighten Your Home – Home Depot

6 p.m.

Good, Bad, and Beautiful – McKay Nursery

2 p.m.

7 p.m.

Going Green with Geothermal – Schneider Heating

Going Green with Geothermal – Schneider Heating

3 p.m.

8 p.m.

Heating with Pellets, A Renewable Efficient Fuel – Warming Trends

Heating with Pellets, A Renewable Efficient Fuel – Warming Trends

Sunday – March 29, 2015

Saturday – March 28, 2015

1 p.m.

11 a.m. Home Brew U – Cabin Coffee Company

Installing Tile Backsplashes in Your Kitchen – Home Depot

2 p.m.

12 p.m. Good, Bad, and Beautiful – McKay Nursery

Going Green with Geothermal – Schneider Heating

3 p.m.

Good, Bad, and Beautiful – McKay Nursery

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• Dozer work • Site work • Shaping • Ponds • Clearing work • Demolition • Driveways • Waterways • Seeding & mulching • And more!

Homes Magazine 2015


2015 Home & Builders Show

Home Show Exhibitor Directory American Waterworks


829 Rolling View Lane SE Pine Island, MN 55963 (800) 795-1204 www.american-waterworks.com

Ant’s Complete Pest Control 7

Marble & Granite

ce 1984

ned sin Family ow

Cast Polymer Products

Designer •

aler s e l o h W • r e Manufactur


PO Box 158, Industrial Park Wells, MN 56097 (800) 533-0416 www.ahomeofyourown.com


226 Hood Street La Crosse, WI 54601 (608) 782-1069 www.accessmobilityproducts.com

Advanced Multimedia Solutions*




, IN





N3455 State Road 16 La Crosse, WI 54601 (608) 783-0949 www.amsaudiovideo.com


Homes Magazine 2015


Audio Video Pros, Inc (The)* B 1052 Oak Forest Drive Onalaska, WI 54650 (608) 779-9395 www.theaudiovideopros.com

2310 Cunningham Street, La Crosse, WI 54603 (608) 783-2277 www.marbleshopinc.com

Access Mobility Products

Asher Lasting Exteriors 2309 W Cameron Street Eau Claire, WI 54703 (715) 832-7282 www.goasher.com

Custom cultured marble products that are the ultimate expression of you for your home or your business. Beautify your bathroom, kitchen or almost every part of your home or business.

Home of Your Own

1003 Second Avenue East Holmen, WI 54636 (608) 797-4051 antscompletepestcontrol.com


All Exteriors & K Guard Gutters

Bath Fixer 113 & 114

1540 Hwy 65 South New Richmond, WI 54017 (715) 781-1696 www.allexteriorswi.com

Ambrosia Gardens / McKay Nursery

2001 Enterprise Avenue La Crosse, WI 54603 (608) 782-3440

Beyer Custom Cabinets*


360 5th Avenue North Onalaska, WI 54650 (608) 796-0911 ambrosiagardenslandscaping.com

American Home Fireplace & Patio


74 & 75


440 Commerce Avenue West Salem, WI 54669 (608) 786-2220 www.beyercabinets.com

Blinds By Design


N6726 Frier Road Holmen, WI 54636 (608) 526-3592 www.blindsbydesign.com

N4877 County Road M West Salem, WI 54669 (608) 786-1233 www.ahfpp.com * La Crosse Builders Exchange Member

2015 Home & Builders Show


First American Roofing & Siding Inc 39 & 40


1828 E Main Street, Suite 4 Onalaska, WI 54650 (608) 783-3101 www.FirstAmericanRoofing.com

Flock’s Heating & Air Conditioning*


27551 County Highway U Cashton, WI 54619 (608) 654-5522 www.flocksheating.com

Flooring Interiors


83 Copeland Avenue La Crosse, WI 54603 (608) 779-9440

3905 Circle Dr. Holmen, WI 54636 By Don Gautsch


Custom Curbing & Concrete Services Inc. 93 N8088 State Road 108 Mindoro, WI 54644 (608) 526-9486

Dean’s Satellite Service, Inc

161 & 162

Design Cabinetry, Inc

, IN








3905 Circle Drive Holmen, WI 54636 (608) 781-0100 www.designcabinetryinc.com

Ecowater Systems


1070 Tile Dr Red Wing, MN 55066 (651) 388-6211 www.ecowater.com Homes Magazine 2015

Edward Jones


2424 State Road La Crosse, WI 54601 (608) 788-6420 1050 Nelson Parkway Viroqua, WI 54665 (608) 637-7077 www.elegantstoneproducts.com

Enercept SIPS



S1216 Knudsen Lane Coon Valley, WI 54623 (608) 799-2126


N8391 McWain Drive Holmen, WI 54636 (608) 526-9870 www.hiddenvalleydesigns.com

Holder Printworks 50


3181 Berlin Dr La Crosse, WI 54601 (608) 785-2375 www.habitatlacrosse.org/restore

Hidden Valley Designs

3100 9th Avenue SE Watertown, SD 57201 (608) 882-2222 www.enercept.com

Fire Pit 4 U

826 2nd Avenue North (Hwy 35) Onalaska, WI 54650 (608) 781-9555 www.generationsonalaska.com

Habitat for Humanity Re-Store

Elegant Stone Products Inc 31

2350 Commercial Drive, Suite #1 Sparta, WI 54656 (608) 269-2897 www.deanstv.com


Generations Chiropractic & Wellness LLC 104


4709 Goldfinch Drive Madison, WI 53714 (608) 576-6416

Hot Springs Spas & Pools J&K 576 Theatre Road Onalaska, WI 54650 (608) 788-7747 www.hotspringlacrosse.com * La Crosse Builders Exchange Member

Invisible Fence Co


319 North Star Road Holmen, WI 54636 (608) 498-5250

Jake Wieser Construction* 14

Lawn Doctor of La Crosse

7750 TT Road Houston, MN 55943 (507) 896-5253 www.jakewieserconstruction.com

Leaf Guard

Kitchen Craft

Ledegar Roofing Co*

182 & 183

4129 United Avenue Mt Dora, FL 32757 (352) 483-7606

La Crosse Builders Exchange Inc (Show Sponsor) 71 427 Gillette Street La Crosse, WI 54603 (608) 781-1819 www.laxbx.com


PO Box 3522 La Crosse, WI 54602-3522 (608) 781-5044 www.lawndoctor.com


5555 12th Avenue East Shakopee, MN 55379 (952) 826-8599 www.mypillow.com


4281 Acker Road Madison, WI 53704 (608) 222-9919


1701 Miller Street La Crosse, WI 54601 (608) 785-0901 www.ledegarroofing.com

Mr Electric

My Pillow


Mueller Media


3120 South Avenue La Crosse, WI 54603 (608) 796-8780 www.muellermediacorp.com

Outdoor Services Inc (OSI)* 77 641 Brickl Road West Salem, WI 54669 (608) 786-3202 www.lawncarehq.com

West Salem, WI 54669 (608) 406-3680 www.la-crosse.mrelectric.com





MMA • CROSSFIT • BOXING WRESTLING • MUAY THAI BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU O V E R 1 2 , 0 0 0 S Q . F T. INCLUDES ACCESS to PARADIGM FITNESS Circuit • Cardio • Free Weights • Personal Training Group Classes • Nutrition • 24 Hour

The Boxing Gym at IronWorks (formerly located in HOLMEN) is moving to the La Crosse Combat Sports Training Center in Downtown La Crosse and will go back to their original name: La Crosse Area Boxing Gym. OPENING MAY 1

King on 5th Lower Level DOWNTOWN LA CROSSE Public Relations: Mueller Media, Inc.

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The ReStore accepts new or gently used household items and building materials.

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All profits go back into building Habitat houses in the Coulee Region SHOP - DONATE - VOLUNTEER ReStore Hours: Wed. - Fri. 10:00am - 6:00pm Saturday 9:00am - 3:00pm Sun. - Tues. CLOSED

Call for membership information

(608) 769-0476



Homes Magazine 2015


2015 Home & Builders Show

THE COMPLETE SOLUTION for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging and Wind/Solar Backup Power.

Professional Home Inspection


P.O. Box 609 Holmen, WI 54636 (608) 790-2576 www.phiinspect.com

Remis Power Systems


W7982 County Road Z Onalaska, WI 54650 (608) 781-7144 www.remispowersystems.com

Remis Power Systems, Inc. is committed to help create a sustainable environment with our complete line of electric vehicle charging equipment (EVSE).

Retaining Wall Specialists Inc*

129 & 130

N1045 Brookside Drive La Crosse, WI 54601 (608) 787-6053 www.blocksandbricks.com

Perfect for: • EV Drivers • Commercial Businesses • Utility Companies or Municipalities

River Road Renovation & Insulation

888-737-3647 | www.remispowersystems.com

Sam’s Well Drilling Paradise Pool & Spa


1001 12th Avenue South Onalaska, WI 54650 (608) 783-4477 paradisepoolandspaonline.com

Park Bank




Pella Windows & Doors

Premier Seamless LLC

307 North 2nd Street La Crosse, WI 54601 (608) 788-7313 www.pella.com

Homes Magazine 2015

29 & 30

PO Box 1991 La Crosse, WI 54602-1991 (608) 498-3773 www.premierseamlessllc.com


(920) 326-5193 www.samswelldrilling.com

Schneider Heating & Air Conditioning*

Portland Implement 97 & 98A 20 State Highway 33 Cashton, WI 54619 (608) 654-5575 www.portlandimplement.com



3925 South Marion Road SE Rochester, MN 55904 (507) 398-2081 www.polytekoflacrosse.com

1200 Main Street Holmen, WI 54636 (608) 526-2265 www.helloparkbank.com

, IN





Polytek of La Crosse 81-82-83


1025 2nd Avenue SW Onalaska, WI 54650 (608) 782-4035 www.schneiderheating.com

Scott’s Lawn Service



E7835 Starling Road Strum, WI 54770 (608) 863-0923


520 Fisherman Road La Crosse, WI 54603 (608) 788-5002

Sheehan’s Home Improvement

84 & 85

1542 Rose Street La Crosse, WI 54603 (608) 782-3362 www.abcseamless.com

* La Crosse Builders Exchange Member

Solid Surface Specialist*


161 Mason Street Onalaska, WI 54650 (608) 783-7663 www.solidsurfacespecialist.com

If your walls could talk, they’d thank you.

Summerwinds Resort (ChooseBranson.com) 25 & 26 3179 N Gretna Road Branson, MO 65616 (417) 332-3252 www.ChooseBranson.com

Sunburst Landscaping B1 & C S132 Bendel Lane Stoddard, WI 54658 (608) 779-5253

SunSolvers Retractable Awnings


1643 Caroline Street La Crosse, WI 54603 (866) 346-8199 www.sunsolvers.com

Superior Sleep Experience

Tracey L Frank, Agent 1434 Main Street Onalaska, WI 54650 Bus: 608-783-1130 tracey@tlfrankinsurance.com www.TLFrankInsurance.com


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State Farm Fire and Casualty Company State Farm General Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL

Tractor Central LLC

127 & 128

PO Box 113 Greenwood, MO 64034 (816) 935-1730

Surface Doctor Rx (The) 121 & 122 La Crosse, WI 54601 (608) 796-0087 www.thesurfacedoctorrx.com

Syndicate Sales Corporation 100 108 Shady Oak Road Hopkins, MN 55343 (952) 932-2993 www.syndicate-sales.com

TheKeyToComfort.com 551 Brickl Road, Suite C West Salem, WI 54669 (800) 269-5520 www.tk2c.com

Urethane Systems, LLC


640 Commerce Street Holmen, WI 54636 (608) 526-2101 www.urethanesystemsllc.net

Tri-State Basement Repair & Waterproofing 58

Verizon Wireless

27129 US Hwy 14 Richland Center, WI 53581 (877) 493-8349 www.tristatebasementrepair.com

Tri-State Custom Built Log Cabins & Homes


11203 Mascot Avenue Cashton, WI 54619 (608) 780-2527

Ultimate Insulation LLC 5&6


W3807 County Road C West Salem, WI 54669 (608) 786-1360 www.tractorcentral.com

P O Box 151 Onalaska, WI 54650 (608) 386-1711 www.ultimateinsulationllc.com

40 Copeland Avenue, Suite 108 La Crosse, WI 54603 (608) 782-2963

Versa-Lok Midwest*


6348 Hwy 36 Boulevard, Suite #1 Oakdale, MN 55128 (800) 770-4525 www.versa-lok-midwest.com

Warming Trends 51



W7385 County Hwy ZN Onalaska, WI 54650 (608) 783-6400


Homes Magazine 2015


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2015 Home & Builders Show

Water Works of Wisconsin


1037 North Hastings Way Eau Claire, WI 54703 (715) 514-3216 www.wisconsinrainbow.com

Wieser Pre-Cast Steps 10 & 11 401 Sycamore Street La Crescent, MN 55947 (800) 888-0189 www.concretestepsbywieser.com

Wieser Septic & Excavating* 14 7750 TT Road Houston, MN 55943 (507) 896-5253 www.wieserseptic.com

Window Specialists, LLC (The)

Pellet 8&9

420 Copeland Avenue La Crosse, WI 54603 (608) 784-0305 www.thewindowspecialist.net

Window World of La Crosse

37-38 & 52-53


1001 2nd Avenue SW Onalaska, WI 54650 (608) 519-3230 www.windowworldlacrosse.com

Windows & More LLC 69 & 70 3823 Creekside Lane Holmen, WI 54636 (608) 785-0512 www.windows-andmore.com

Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors

Wolfe Construction, Inc HANGE XC


, IN




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W7385 County Road ZN, Onalaska, WI 54650

4240 West 5th Street Winona, MN 55987 (507) 429-6117






La Crosse, WI 54601 (608) 788-5115 www.wolfeconstruction.com

Homes Magazine 2015

(608) 783-6400

info@warmingtrendsstoves.com www.warmingtrendsstoves.com * La Crosse Builders Exchange Member



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Home Sweet Home Energy efficiency with Xcel Energy

An Investment Worth Making Sleep in comfort with The Company Store

Run, Play, Stay Safe pets with Invisible Fence Brand

Simplify Your Life VOLUME 1

Home automation with A/V Pros Buy | Sell | Build | Remodel | Finance | Decorate | Design | Furnish




the Future of History The La Crosse County Historical Society takes us back to the future of our unique story

Featuring VOLUME 13 • ISSUE 2

A Modern Company, Rooted in Old-Fashioned Values Cell.Plus Hurray for the Hollywood the historic Hollywood Theater Reviving the Julia Belle Swain a gem of the Mississippi A Man with a History with George Italiano

KEEPING IT LOCAL Publishing: La Crosse Magazine • Driftless Notes 2Do La Crosse • Klutch Chronicle Exceptional Homes Magazine Celebrate! • Contract Publishing Marketing: Strategy Development • Branding Web • Social Media • Direct Mail Video • Media Planning & Buying • Events Graphic Design• Audio • Photography Project Management • Commercial Printing 48 Exceptional Homes Magazine 2015

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