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Is a Career In Health Coaching For You? - Conscious Life Online Magazine
By Health Coaches Academy
Conscious Life Magazine
Health Coaches work with clients to come up with their ‘new life’ plan - one that will fully support their health goals with a clear vision for what they want.
So many people start out on a health or weight loss journey simply to become overwhelmed within a few weeks and go back to more familiar patterns. Most new year’s resolutions are broken within just 3 weeks and many studies show that up to 95% of people who try to change their diet and lose weight, regain it all, and more.
Quite simply, life gets in the way of even the best-laid health plans and goals. People today are stressed out, time poor, exhausted and far from feeling optimally well. And change can be very difficult....
What is Health Coaching?
People tolerate poor health; they often use food, alcohol, sugar, caffeine and other stimulants to keep themselves going, give themselves energy, calm themselves down, provide a reward and deal with difficult emotions; and when they try to change on their own or give all of these things up at once without support or a health strategy, they often fail within a few weeks.
One study showed that only 14% of heart disease patients were able to stick to their health plans despite the urgency to do so.
As Health Coaches we are champions for the person they would like to become and the health goals they want and need, to achieve. We help them to create a version of themselves that can enjoy optimum health and energy with control over their health, and therefore their future.
Using a tried and tested psychological coaching approach (a formula we have developed and honed over 15 years..) we find the key to our client’s motivation to unlock their unique ability to transform their lives, with our support. It is quite simply the most rewarding career to be in today, within a fast-growing industry full of opportunity.
Health Coaches can set up practices in health centres, gyms and fitness centres, holistic and beauty therapy businesses and anywhere where there are people who want to improve their health; (and considering that 70% of people want to lose weight, 84% of people feel tired most of the time and 67% of people are stressed there are potential clients to be found everywhere and anywhere.
Health Coaches can work with corporates, run groups and run online programmes as well as seeing individual clients. Health Coaches can coach entire families.
What opportunities are there for Health Coaches?
As Health Coaching is so flexible, you can see clients from overseas and are not restricted to only seeing clients in your own country.
This gives you countless opportunities.

Want to work with groups..?
When we first started seeing Health Coaching Clients in 2003, we ran several groups per week with numbers between 12 and 28 in each group. This was a great way to create a community of people supporting one another and we achieved stunning results with our Person-Centred Nutrition and Health Transformation Coaching approach.
What’s more, our clients maintained the results too and our coaching business grew from strength to strength.
Results from a study of 295 Zest clients:
• 100% reported improvements in their health
• 95% lost weight & increased their energy levels
• 84% improved their concentration & had fewer cravings
• 73% reported lower stress levels / improved mood
• 100% enjoyed the experience
Helping people to transform their health, improve their lives and grow in confidence is one of the most rewarding careers you could possibly have. We have been working as Health Coaches since 2003 and we LOVE what we do. We have been training others to be Health Coaches in the UK since 2007 and this recognised Health Coaching Course is now available in South Africa too. You can be one of the first SA trained and certified Health Coaches that can work internationally and be the owner of your own heart centred health and wellness business.

Conscious Life Magazine