Roy Kirkham Story Leaflet

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Roy Kirkham o companie de familie Continuand o traditie de calitate si dizain. Roy Kirkham a inceput formarea sa de la Scoala de Arta Burslem, Stoke on Trent, în 1950. Situat in inima creativa a orasului din 1853, Scoala a fost recunoscuta pentru producerea de multi artisti plastici din intreaga istorie a industriei de ceramica britanica. In acest timp, Roy a lucrat in departamentul de dizain pentru William Adams Ltd, un producator de ceramica local. Roy a devenit gravor si dizainer principal de atunci când William Adams, a fost achizitionata de Josiah Wedgwood, în 1964. Este de remarcat faptul ca, la acel moment, tot lucru a fost facut de catre abilitate incredibila si de mana cat si de rabdarea necesara pentru a grava placile de cupru cu precizie si in mod constant pentru a reproduce modele atunci cand se imprimau. Dupa o perioada de conducere a unui departament de dizain in Spania, Roy a revenit la Stoke on Trent sa formeze propria companie producatoare de decalcomanii litografice, furnizand pentru companii de renume, inclusiv Wedgwood, Royal Doulton şi Spode. Pana la mijlocul anilor 1970 compania sa extins in producerea de inclusiv ceramica pictata manual exclusiva a ulciorilor Toby si cadourilor English Fine Bone China. In timp, producţia de ulciori Toby a fost intrerupta pentru a se concentra pe extinderea gamei de English Fine Bone China, ca astazi sa distribuie la nivel mondial in peste 60 de tari. De peste 30 de ani numele Roy Kirkham a fost asociat cu modele exclusive engleze clasice si moderne, in industria de English Fine Bone China si acum combina accesorii de stil de viata premium pentru a completa aspectul de acasa. Recunoscuta la nivel international ca fiind una dintre cele mai importante marci de calitate in masa si de cadouri, compania continua si astazi sa fie detinuta şi condusa de catre familie. English Fine Bone China este materialul ceramic premium. Extrem de solid, dar usor, ce permite materialului care urmează să fie fabricat cu mult mai multa eleganta decat alte materiale pastrand in acelasi timp, marea durabilitate. In afara de aceasta, materialul ofera o panza translucida, alb pura care poate fi decorata cu o paleta de culori cat mai larga, din orice material ceramic pentru a da niveluri extrem de ridicate de detalii. Roy Kirkham foloseste un amestec de pana la data de tehnologie si tehnici traditionale, care au fost in uz pentru multe generatii. Acest lucru este cuplat cu o echipa dedicata pentru a menţine un nivel ridicat a detaliilor si calitatea produselor de la conceptul de dizain pana la imprimarea de decalcomanii, decorare, ardere si inspectia de articole. Toate produsele Roy Kirkham English Fine Bone China, indeplinesc toate legislatiile in vigoare cu privire la siguranţa alimentara si sunt in conditii de siguranta fata de utilizarea in cuptorul de microunde si masina de spalat vase (cu excepţia metalelor pretioase atunci când se adauga pentru decor, deoarece acestea nu sunt adecvate pentru utilizare cu cuptorul cu microunde). Roy Kirkham Continuand o traditie de calitate si dizain.

Lascelles Street, Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 5DB. Telephone: 01782 837065/826005 Fax: 01782 813598 e.mail:

Roy Kirkham a family company Continuing a tradition of quality and design. Roy Kirkham began his training at the Burslem School of Art, Stoke on Trent in 1950. Situated in the creative heart of the City since 1853, the School has been renowned for producing many fine artists throughout the history of the British ceramic industry. During this time, Roy worked in the design department for William Adams Ltd, a local ceramics manufacturer. Roy had become head engraver and designer when William Adams was acquired by Josiah Wedgwood in 1964 . It is worth noting that at this time all the work was done by hand and incredible skill and patience was required to engrave copper plates accurately and consistently to replicate the designs when printing.

Decal Application

Following a period heading a design department in Spain, Roy returned to Stoke on Trent to form his own company producing lithographic decals, supplying renowned companies including Wedgwood, Royal Doulton and Spode. By the mid 1970 s the company expanded into producing ceramics including exclusive hand painted Toby Jugs and fine bone china gift ware. Over time, the production of Toby Jugs was discontinued to concentrate on the expansion of the fine bone china range, and today Roy Kirkham distributes worldwide to over 60 countries. For over 30 year s the Roy Kir kham name has been associated with exclusive English classical and modern designs in fine bone china, and now combines premium lifestyle accessories to complete the look for the home. Internationally recognised as one of the foremost quality brands in tableware and gifts, the company continues today to be owned and run by the family.

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Fine bone china is the premium ceramic material. Extremely strong yet light, it allows the material to be manufactured much more elegantly than other materials whilst retaining high durability. In addition to this, the material provides a translucent, pure white canvas which can be decorated with the widest possible colour pallet of any ceramic material to give extremely high levels of detail. Roy Kirkham uses a blend of up to date technology and traditional techniques that have been in use for many generations. This is coupled with a dedicated team to maintain high detail and quality of the products from the design concept through to the printing of the decals, decoration, firing and inspection of the ware.

Kiln Firing

All Roy Kirkham fine bone china items meet all current legislation with regard to food safety and are microwave and dishwasher safe (with the exception when precious metals are added to the decoration as these are not suitable for microwave use) Roy Kirkham Continuing a tradition of quality and design.

Roy Kirkham ntion To Detail

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, Roy Kirkham

Founder & Chairman

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