3 minute read

The 3 metre rule

A smile and a greeting go a long way.

There’s a school I know (it shall remain anonymous to protect the names of the innocent) that doesn’t leave anything to chance. The teachers have instigated a great customer service process to make sure parents feel comfortable at the school. It’s not that teachers aren’t friendly and hospitable. They certainly are. They just want to make sure that all parents who come to the school feel welcome. So they’ve instigated the 3 metre rule. Whenever a staff member comes within three metres of a parent at school, they greet them and enquire if they are being seen to:


Client care is important in schools

“Hello, Bree. Can I help you? Is someone helping you?”

their children’s school. The 3 metre rule has • Teachers give parents a specifi c timeframe helped change things around. for returning telephone calls – e.g. within four hours, by the end of the day. • Follow up all parent-initiated meetings either by phone, in person or email within a scheduled timeframe. The 3 metre rule is a great client care • Teachers provide parents with a copy practice. From my experience, many of notes following a parent-teacher teachers feel decidedly uncomfortable when conference. Take notes digitally so you I mention client care and its corporate can edit and send easily. cousin, customer service, in my professional development sessions. However, anyone who interacts with the public needs to have a working knowledge of basic client care and customer service concepts. Customer service to some people is code for “the customer is • Teachers communicate with parents in a variety of ways. Also they conduct meetings at the start of the year to get to know parents, and fi nd out their preferred communication modes. It’s amazing what a warm smile and simple always right.” Client care has a far wider • Teachers dress appropriately and acknowledgement can do to make you feel application. A school that takes client care professionally, which builds trust welcome. As staff have seriously strives and recognition in parents. Parents found, most parents to make every have certain expectations regarding return the smile and parent-staff professional conduct, and they feel are appreciative of the welcome. This simple “ This simple interactions as positive and affirmed and at ease when their expectations are met. process has helped transform relationships process has pleasant as possible. By doing Schools that are able to form strong between teachers and parents. It’s also had the added bonus of helping helped transform relationships so, you show parents that you genuinely do care relationships with parents generally work hard to make parents’ experiences of school as positive and pleasant as possible. The 3 young staff members feel more confident around parents. As we all know, many young teachers are just fi nding their feet with parents, so this type of strategy between teachers and parents.” and value them. Here are some simple client care ideas that every school can implement: metre rule and the other ideas mentioned are just some ways to make sure this happens. helps them feel less intimidated and more at • Make sure any new parent or visitor ease with parents, who in many cases are a is accompanied by a staff member or good 10 years their senior. student when they visit a classroom The school that instigated the 3 metre or teacher. rule is in a low socio-economic area, and • Staff members introduce themselves at many parents admitted in surveys to every opportunity, referring to parents by feeling uncomfortable when coming to name.

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