TM Issue 16

Page 20

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maggie dent

Closing the gap for indigenous children Set the bar high – and help everyone feel accepted.

Teachers Matter



doesn’t matter where you live in the Wester n world, and despite supposed economic strength, modern technology and advances in healthcare and education, today’s children are more stressed and less healthy than they should be.

to support parents in building children’s resilience and self-esteem, I created the 10 resilience building blocks model. Much of this model is based on ancient knowledge from indigenous cultures but it also rests on modern research:

S a d l y, i n d i g e n o u s c h i l d r e n a r e e v e n worse off. Even after millions of dollars have been spent on various initiatives, Aboriginal, Maori and Islander children are struggling in our schools and communities. I believe that with a strong sense of cultural knowledge and pride, strong family/ community connectedness, good supported parenting, and a decent early years’ education, we can all build the wellbeing, resilience and opportunity for indigenous children. They can become financially independent, healthier and happier. The key is the first five years of life, with the first three years being critical.

10 resilience building blocks for children 0-12

Professor Joe Starling from North Carolina University believes that vulnerable families need targeted support in the first three years and that current policies for 4- to 5-year-olds are “too late.” School communities and teachers play a huge role in the needed support system. In an effort


Positive, healthy pregnancy


Good nutrition


Safe, nurturing care within the circle of family


Plenty of play


Build life skills


Meaningful involvement with positive adults


Clear boundaries


Absence of stress


Self mastery

10. Strengthen the spirit

Although teachers may not be able to directly influence some of these building blocks (i.e. positive, healthy pregnancy), they can encourage and advocate for their school districts and health and community support networks to work together to deliver parenting education that supports families. Guiding and teaching children before they go to school undoubtedly gives them the best start. This includes helping them to do things for themselves, learning how to be a good friend, listening and speaking, taking care of their bodies, and calming themselves down. Research shows how powerful human attachment is in developing a strong sense of self and also the role these primary loving relationships play in developing emotional, social, verbal and social skills that help our children be ready for school. Family support comes in many sizes and shapes and programs, including programs run by charities and NGO and government agencies. We need early intervention to help get our children ready for school so that by the time they arrive in our classrooms, they have the best chance possible of striving.

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