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The Bulls
As you look through the catalog, our hope is that you appreciate what you see and get an idea of what we are doing to try to meet each of your individual needs. We still have the performance, but we have injected more calving ease and lower birthweights for those of you who want bulls for first calf heifers. We also think many of the calves will serve as dual-purpose bulls – enough calving ease and performance to use on both heifers and mature cows. To make these improvements, we continue to add new herd sires from some of the nation’s top herds, as well as from our own herd. We also use anywhere from 15-20 AI sires through our breeding program each Spring, with the goal of meeting our core values and improving the versatility of our bull offering. We want everyone who comes to our Sale to be able to find bulls that meet their individual needs, and we think that is possible with this year’s offering.
These bulls have been developed on a high roughage ration, at home in a 3-acre trap. As such, they have had lots of room to travel and have been walked through and handled on a regular basis. All bulls are PI-BVD free and have been ultra-sounded, PAP tested and passed a breeding soundness exam. If Trich tests are required, we can keep the bull(s) and get them tested here, then get them to the buyer. Or, the buyer can take the bulls, have them tested at home and send us the bill. Supplement sheets with Ultrasound data, PAP scores, scrotal measurements and any other updates will be available the week prior to the Kick-Off Saturday, on our website, on Facebook and by request.
Bulls will be eligible to go anywhere in the United States on the day you buy them, with health and brand papers ready to go. If you cannot take them right away, we can keep the bulls here, at a minimal charge. If you need them delivered, we will work with each of you to get them to your place, charging for delivery after the first 100 miles.
Since the bulls are here at home, feel free to give us a call anytime and we will be happy to have you walk through the bulls at your convenience. Then, return for the Opening Day! If you can’t make it that day, we can hold a bid(s) for you OR you can come later and see what bulls remain. Reminder - this is just the “Kick-Off” to our Spring Private Treaty Sales. Traditionally, we sell at least half of the bulls that day, but sometimes sell them all. So, no matter what your schedule, we can try to work around it.