The "Téo  Corthout " user's logo

Téo Corthout

Brussel Area, Belgium

3-FORCE connects you or your business with the community that takes care for trees. We do this through our own Google Earth based platform. It has taken a couple of years the get this model and the independent 3-FORCE global climate model in place (the Climate Matrix). Different to other reforestation projects mitigating CO2 is not a first priority. 3-FORCE reforestation model is a self financing model based on "the Flemish model of Bosgroepen (Forestgroups)". We aim to optimise the use forest products so that the forest not only stays on place but expands because it benefits the participant. Non participants will see the benefit of the participants and will participants on their turn. This way in Flanders within 17 years the number of participants rose to 8100. We are looking for 100.000€ funding to DUPLICATE the Flemish self sustaining model in Chiapas Mexico. We target 100 small or medium enterprises to collect the initial investment.
