300000km/s data works

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300.000 Km/s

We draw buildings, cities and territories to understand how they work and to create better design strategies.

We build data We digitize analogical data sources

We collect massive data via API

We capture massive data using scrapping robots

We build our own data capture tools

We analyse data We disaggregate data and cross statistical information

We use Big Data to illustrate urban behaviour

We generate cluster to unveil existing patterns

We propose novel design solutions

We publish data We work on larger-scale projects. We define dimension and materiality of documents to make them available to a vast majority of users, spreading research results to the general public.

We develop trasmedia storytelling platforms and cartographic browsers.

Projects atNight 1.0 www.atnight.ws Cartography using georeferenced data from Flickr and Twitter social networks.

Projects atNight 1.0 www.atnight.ws Cartography aggregating data from social networks filtered by time of the day. Number of interactions in a certain block define nocturnal (blue) and diurnal (red) activity.

Projects atNight 1.0 www.atnight.ws Change of positive or negative opinion of Twitter messages according to site and time.

Projects atNight 1.0 www.atnight.ws Stop and go movement of the bike sharing system according to day and night time.

Projects atNight 1.0 www.atnight.ws Representation of mobility patterns by means of taxi rides compared with population density per block via census data.

Projects atNight 1.0 www.atnight.ws Cartography of recreational areas (restaurants and nightclubs) and zones under surveillance (hospitals, ATM, police stations) by way of Google Local geolocated data.

Projects Big Time Bcn bigtimebcn.300000kms.net Representation of the ages of urban plots and protected elements from Barcelona Heritage Catalogue.

Projects Big Time Bcn bigtimebcn.300000kms.net

Projects AMB - Urban metabolism Cartography containing main metropolitan metabolic infrastructures: electrical networks, water supply, drainage, phone masts, electricity transformers, etc.

Projects AMB - Urban metabolism

Projects AMB - Barcelona in the world Cartography illustrating Barcelona’s role at global level: flights, major commercial maritime routes, railways, marine cables, roads, ferries, IP connection points, inhabited areas, etc.

Projects AMB - How do we move in Barcelona? Capacity of main roads through mobile devices data.

Projects AMB - How do we move in Barcelona? Cartography illustrating availability of cabs.

Projects AMB - How do we move in Barcelona?

DHUB Design Museum Chicago Arts Institute

Frequency and area of influence of public transportation systems.

Projects AMB - Barcelona Dynamics DHUB Design Museum Chicago Arts Institute Mixture of urban uses.

Projects AMB - Barcelona Dynamics DHUB Design Museum Chicago Arts Institute

Projects AMB - Barcelona Dynamics DHUB Design Museum Chicago Arts Institute Citizens and workers generate a densely populated and productive landscape.

Projects AMB - Barcelona Dynamics DHUB Design Museum Chicago Arts Institute Age of the urban fabric and date of the creation of businesses.

Projects AMB - Barcelona Dynamics DHUB Design Museum Chicago Arts Institute Ageing population.

Projects AMB - Barcelona Dynamics DHUB Design Museum Chicago Arts Institute The use of compact city. Densely populated areas present a larger mixture of urban uses despite being smaller in terms of surface.

Projects AMB - Barcelona Dynamics DHUB Design Museum Chicago Arts Institute The city is constructed from a combination of small compact units and larger fragments of lower density.

Projects AMB - Barcelona Dynamics DHUB Design Museum Chicago Arts Institute Businesses gather together in order to generate a diversity of activities and quality of urban life for their workers.

Projects Barcelona Geographies DinĂ mica of Innovation Number of innovative initiatives with regard to the density of existing companies.

Projects Geographies of Innovation Plot size.

Projects Geographies of Innovation Rental cost of premises.

Projects Geographies of Innovation Concentration of innovative initiatives.

Projects Barcelona Geographies DinĂ mica of Innovation Network of innovative initiatives (startups, leading companies and research facilitiesuniversity campus).

Projects Geographies of Innovation http://innovation.300000kms.net/

Projects Barcelona Geographies DinĂ mica of Innovation http://innovation.300000kms.net/

Projects BBVA Urban opportunities

Projects BBVA Urban opportunities

Projects BBVA Urban opportunities

Exhibitions We have been invited to exhibit at several cultural institutions: - Museum of the History of Barcelona (MUHBA). - The Art Institute of Chicago. - The Centre for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona. - DHUB Barcelona Design Museum.

Exhibitions atNight/Geographies of Innovation Museum of the History of Barcelona (MUHBA) Oliva ArtĂŠs site permanent exhibition

Exhibitions Main audiovisual work Oliva Artés Oliva Artés site, Museum of the History of Barcelona (MUHBA) Permanent exhibition

Exhibitions AMB - Barcelona Dynamics Chicago Arts Institute ‘Chatter: Architecture Talks Back’ Exhibition April 11-July 12, 2015

Exhibitions AMB - Barcelona Dynamics DHUB Design Museum ‘Metropolis Barcelona’ Exhibition January 19-April 25, 2015

Exhibitions AMB - Barcelona in the world DHUB Design Museum ‘Metropolis Barcelona’ Exhibition January 19-April 25, 2015

Exhibitions atNight CCCB Barcelona ‘Big Band Data’ Exhibition May 9-November 16, 2014

Papers and book chapters Santamaria-Varas, M.; Martinez-Diez, P. „atNight: Nocturnal Landscapes and Invisible Networks‰. In: Bihanic, David (ed). New Challenges for Data Design. Londres: Springer, 2015. Martinez-Diez, P.; Santamaria-Varas, M. „Unveiling Intangible Barcelona‰. A+U Architecture and Urbanism (2014), num. 11, Data Driven Cities, p. 34-37. Santamaria-Varas, Mar; Martinez-Diez, Pablo, Hostench, Oriol. „BIG TIME BCN: Strengthening the link between heritage and society through Representation‰. Landscape Architecture Frontiers (2014), num. 2, p. 144-150. Santamaria-Varas, M.; Martinez-Diez, P. Cartografías de la ciudad nocturna a través del Big Data. Obra Digital (2014), num. 6, p. 34-50. Santamaria-Varas, M. „Mirades urbanes: noves eines per a redibuixar la ciutat‰. In: Millán, A., Martínez, F.(ed.). Comunicació del projecte: Imatges experiència gràfica. ETSAV, 2013. Santamaria-Varas, M., Bellmunt Chiva, J. Mediterranean rural landscapes: methodological guide for the implementation of a model of territorial governance. Valderrobres: 2013. Santamaria-Varas, M., Bellmunt Chiva, J. „Modeland: a new approach to mature territories‰. A: Santamaria-Varas, M., Bellmunt Chiva, J. Mediterranean rural landscapes: Guide of best landscape practices and pilot actions. Valderrobres: 2013 Santamaria-Varas, M., Bellmunt Chiva, J. Mediterranean rural landscapes: Guide of best landscape practices and pilot actions. Valderrobres: 2013. Santamaria-Varas, M., Bellmunt Chiva, J. „Comparative lecture and common challenges of main landscape domains‰. In: SantamariaVaras, M., Bellmunt Chiva, J. Mediterranean rural landscapes: Guide of best landscape practices and pilot actions. Valderrobres: 2013. Santamaria-Varas, M., Martinez-Diez, P. „Atnight visions through data‰. MAS Context (2012), issue 15, p. 172 ă 183. Santamaria-Varas, M. Laurentino 38: la cota 0 en el proyecto residencial moderno. Vitruvius Arquitextos (2012), 144.08. Santamaria-Varas, M. „From La Rambla to Les Rambles‰. In: Hofert, K., Perich, A. (eds.). Besides tourism : revisiting BarcelonaÊs most touristic places. Barcelona: ETSAB, 2011. Martinez-Diez, P. „Aproximaciones a la escuela de Sert en Arenys de Mar‰. DC revista Crítica arquitectónica.N. 9-10, oct. 2003, p. 8 Martinez-Diez, P. „Una obra inèdita de Josep Lluís Sert‰, Salobre, Butlletí del Centre dÊEstudis Josep Baralt. Núm. 14, 2004.

Publications Guallart, V. et al (eds.). Plans i projectes per a Barcelona, 2011-2015. Barcelona: Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2015. VV.AA. Arquia/próxima 2014: FUERA. Madrid: Fundación Arquia, 2014. Nix, Markus. Visual Simplexity: Die Darstellung großer Datenmengen. Frankfurt: Entwickler Press. p. 174-177, 2013. Badia, J.; Batlle J.; Lacasta M.; García-Orte, M.; Damià, E. (eds.) Catálogo de la exposición Diagonal Verda: redefinint Barcelona amb una segona Diagonal. Museu del Disseny DHUB, Barcelona, 2013. Mendez de Andés, A. (ed.): Urbanacción. Madrid: Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Madrid, 2010. Creación INJUVE. Instituto de la Juventud. Madrid: 2010. ISBN 978-84-96028-89-0. „–Park attacks!‰ Inocència subversiva‰. En: INDE, COAC Catalunya, núm. febrero 2005. Giaconia, P. (ed.). Script. Bologna: Editrice Compositori, 2005. 93 p. ISBN 88-7794-528-1.


2015 Open Data Barcelona, ÂVolíem intentar veure allà on lÊull no podia arribar a veureÊ, 30/03/2015. -> link Eldiario.es, ÂœDónde está el negocio de las Âsmart citiesÊ? Presente y futuro del nuevo ÂboomÊ españolÊ, 17/02/2015. -> link CityLab from The Atlantic, 16 Maps That Explain Barcelona, 03/02/2015. -> link

2014 BarcelonaLab, Cartografia al poder!, 12/05/2014. -> link RTVE.es, Big Time BCN: un proyecto de cartografía y patrimonio sobre la ciudad de Barcelona, 03/05/2014. -> link El Mundo, ÂUrbanismo open data para BCNÊ, 29/04/2014. -> link Centre for Contemporary Culture Barcelona, Interview with Nicola Hughes, Mar Cabra, Mariana Santos, Mar Santamaria and Gabriela Rodríguez, II Data Journalism and Open Data Conference, 25/04/2014. -> link La Vanguardia, ÂUna web interactiva sitúa el patrimonio de Barcelona sobre un mapaÊ, 25/04/2014. -> link El Periódico, ÂBarcelona sense maquillarÊ, 23/04/2014. -> link Wired, Beautiful interactive map of Barcelona digs into rich architectural history, 22/04/2014. -> link

2013 La Vanguardia, ÂVisualizar los datos, el poder de contar una historiaÊ, 19/11/2013. -> link Tectónica Blog, atNight, 01/07/2013. -> link El Mundo Empresarial, ÂLas ciudades se tendrán que volver a dibujar para devolverlas a la ciudadaníaÊ, 29/06/2013. -> link VilaWeb, ÂIlĉluminar la ciutat de nitÊ, 22/03/2013. -> link Urban Sensing, Barcelona atnight, 18/03/2013. -> link Infoesthetics, Barcelona by Night ă Seen through the Lens of Social Media, 06/03/2013. -> link Quaderns dÊarquitectura i urbanisme, atNight project, 13/02/2013. -> link


Team Mar Santamaria-Varas is an architect graduated from the School of Architecture of Barcelona. At present, p she is associate professor p of Urban Design and Planning at ETSAB-UPC. She has also lectured abroad (École Spéciale dÊArchitecture-Paris, Welsh School of Architecture, Roma Tre) as well as taken part in several juries and international workshops (Architectural Association Visiting School Barcelona). Previously working on urban planning and landscape design projects, in recent years she has engaged herself in the development of new cartography tools to represent urbanity by using data analysis and visualization. She has been awarded a Grant for art and contemporary theory research by the Catalan Government (2013) and the Young Catalan Architects Award (2014).

who we are?

Pablo Martínez Díez is an architect graduated from the School of Architecture of Barcelona. Formerly, he worked in various architectural, curatorial and artistic projects as a designer of light, objects and spaces (like Palau de la Música Catalana, Santo Domingo de la Calzada Cathedral or Ciudades del Agua Pavilion at the Zaragoza Expo). He has also participated in several architecture festivals as Racons LLum, Eme3, Lumo, Grec BCN in Barcelona and Lausanne Lumières in Switzerland. At present, he works on data visualization projects and lectures at several universities in Graduate and Master Degree (BarcelonaTech, IED, BAU). His work has received several mentions and awards as IDDA Excellence Awards, ArtFad, 2012, Mooi Award, Artsponsor, Injuve, Philips LUMEC. As a co-founders of the design studio 300.000Km/s, their projects and essays have appeared in Mas Context, A+U, Landscape Frontiers, Wired and CityLab. Their work has been presented at the Art Institute of Chicago (ÂChatter:Architecture Talks BackÊ), the Centre for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona, the Barcelona Design Museum and the Museum of the History of Barcelona (MUHBA). Recent projects include the Innovation Map of Barcelona (http://innovation.300000kms.net/), Big Time Bcn (http://bigtimebcn.300000kms. net/) and atNight (http://atnight.ws/). They both teach in the Master in City & Technology at the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC).

Innovadata BBVA-Civio Prize

Young Catalan Architects Award (AJAC-Board of Architects of Catalonia)



300.000Km/s Passeig de St. Joan nº5, 3r, 2ª 08010 Barcelona info@300000kms.net www.300000kms.net

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