Urban design & planning portfolio

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FOREWORDS It is now my sve nth year of working on urban plan i g and design. During this period, I ahve x p e r i n c d e t h s e n o f v e m a i nc th o f c o m p l e t i n g o j e c p t r s , e t h a r d i s p h o f s t a y i n g u p a l t , n i g h and e th ationusrf of not being able to atecolbr wel, al of ichw are to ardh to describ . simply But as I aveh owngr older and spent more time in e th eld, I aveh vern regtd it, only ath I aveh ben more privlegd. It is not just eth nkowledg of eth subject tah ahs taugh me, but also eth spectivr of eth world and eth value I place on veryingth oundar me, be it peol or ings.th To give a very simple xample, e th city I ed walk oughrt en wh I was a ildch on a trip was just a touris a t cr i o n t o m e , b u t n o w I w a l k o u g hr t i t a n d s e i t d i f e r ,n t l y c a r i n g a b o u t e t h u r b a n f a b r i c , e t h peol owh live in it, and eth storie ath apenh in it. This indk of inters is somientgh ath peol owh aveh not ben xposed to e th discplne canot aprecit. I was ven more fortunae ath after ve syear of adutegrn study in urban and alur planig in Guou,angzh China, I moved to Italy to complet my master degr. The new planig stemy and design ingkth colide ercly with e th old one I adh ben xposed to, ven if it was ful of twis dna snrut dna ,nois e h rpm c tub e ht wen gni rael de hcirn ym egd lwon k mets y dna dlrow weiv ; e th ensz do of Euopeanr cites ath wer oduceintr to me once agin depn my standiguer of urban design and plan i g and al owed me to put e th eor tical h nowledg k I ad h learnt to e th tes in realit.y Euoperan urban planig stared much earli anth China's, and eth peol -cntrd aporch was much more enligth d, so etrh is no doubt tah Euorpean cites are much more c o m f r t a b l e w i t h e i r t h s t r e n g h a n d a c r t e h i s , c r e a t i n g a m o r e p l e a s n t eo n vm i r t , a n d it sh as h fuel d my ambit on as an urban design r or plan er to creat equal y pleas nt and beautif l urban onmetsvir with Chines acteris h in China in e th futre. I a m v e r y c o n e r d a b o u t e t h s t a u o f p e o l i n d i f e r n t s p a c e o f e t h c i t , y e i tr h a c t i v e s , a n d eth conetis and intearcos betwn emt.h Urban design is a opfresinal discplne, but it is also comn sen. What is comn sen? - Every pedstrian on e th stre is a customer of mine. To undsetra and respct, to undsetra eth opins and requimnts of dif ernt city dwels,r t o c o n s i d e r e t h i s h t o r y a n d c u l t r e o f e t h c i t , y e t h a c r t e hi s o f p e o l ' s a b i t s h a n d t o c r e a t a uniqe urban insk xture, space, scale and alitecurh form, so ath fundametly very sonper and city dwelr owh comes to e th city ash e th most perfct xperinc, is e th comn sen of e th urban , designr ichw is life itself. This is xactlye atwh is meant yb "puting peol st".r We ouldsh focus on p e o l a n d , a t e t h s a m e t i m e , w e o s u h l d g o b ye o n d p e o l a n d c o n s i d e r e t h a r hm o n y b e t w n peol and nature. When I itnhk back, eth majestic and atfrc-led Tang city of Chang'an impresd eth world at eth time; e th city of Beijng, ungstr er togh yb a tigh axis, made Marco Polo linger on, as wel as oseth countles world-famus cites I avhe visted, omrantic Paris, pasionte Barcelona, clasi Rome, noe of em th di not inesh with great urban planig and design, and isth es mak me, ven more, I fel e th greatns of e th work I am doing. We do ned somen to plan and design e th cites we live ,ni ot laed htiw e ht pi hsno taler teb n w erutc i h a dna e ht l a revo ,tnem o riv ot t hgiled e ht ,ste r odsneighbur and etplacs mrk er wh peol walk, to leav a lite omr for e th act of livng in e th ,city for e th umanh , acter h or e th loca, etic ash posiblte.


CONTENTS | Urban Design Work 01 NEVER FALLING STAGE Urban ationreg design Group Work/C20 ompetin/ Autumn

02 SHARED ADRIANO Urban ationreg design Group Work/A1 2 cademi/0 Spring

| Architecture Work 03 SQUARE PARADISE Kigartend Design Indivual Work/A16 Sp cademi/20 ring

04 'HAKUNA MATATA' THEATER VILLAGE Aritecurh Concept Design Group Work/C20 ompetin/ Spring

| Other Work



NEVER FALLING STAGE Urban regeneration design for a local area in the heart of the Lujiazui Financial and Trade o Z ne Competition/ Group work Third Prize of Shanghai Urban Design Challenge 2020(<6/80) Role: Team leader Contribution: Conception(90%), 3d modeling(100%), Drawing(60%) 1st year of M.S. / 2020.9-2020.12 Tutor/ Professor Lan Wang (Tongji University) Location/ Lujiazui, Shanghai, China

In an age of globalisation where both people and things are spinning like cogs, the convergence of things is reinforced and the differences and uniqueness of individuals are diminished, even in the case of people. As higher beings with emotions, we are constantly yearning to be cared for and recognised. In the journey of life, each of us wants to shine on our own stage - this is the origin of the concept of "stage". Shanghai's Lujiazui, the financial centre of China, is a place where people of all kinds come and go every day, where giant skyscrapers form a forest of steel that seems to swallow people up, where wide carriageways are unfriendly to pedestrians, and where exorbitant consumption is a deterrent to people, and where it is difficult to find any sense of belonging. But at the same time we know that in an area where land prices are so high and there are hardly any ground floor buildings, it is difficult to carry out a major demolition and renovation and we cannot add rows and rows of ground floor commercial buildings to complete the interaction with the people. So the idea of the mobile facilities was born, and as you can imagine, when a ground floor shop becomes mobile and operates with smart devices, everything becomes much easier. This mobile facility is not simply a mobile stall, it can be developed into many variations of the basic prototype and incorporate a variety of functions, just as you would experience in any commercial street. These different facilities form a street interface, a small square, a public space that forms what we call a 24*7 stage, which will serve different people at different times, like a Transformer that changes according to demand. And this stage, which will never end, day or night.





China's World Financial and Trade Centre

Hongkou Stadium Commercial Area

Britain, France, the United States, Japan and Germany have built warehouses, terminals and factories in the Lujiazui area

1900 FACTORY Pudong is still deserted


Shanghai's North-South and East-West axial centrality in China's develioment Plan


Area: 0.44 sq km Occupancy ratio: 1322.66% Working population: 38,600 Resident population: 2922

Shanghai Railway Station

SHANTY TOWN Dongchang Road becomes the most prosperous commercial street within Lujiazui


1990 East & West Nanjing Road

Shanghai's geographic centrality in the East Pacific Region

The Bund Century Avenue

Huaihai Road

15-MINUTE COOMUNITY OF LUJIAZUI Area: 4.25 sq km Occupancy ratio: 197.23% Working population: 164,000 Resident population: 83,100

Metro Station City Centers Commercial Corridors Metro Lines

Century Park

The central government decided to develop Pudong as a financial, trade and economic centre


LUJIAZUI FINANCIAL DISTRICT Shanghai's regional centrality within the Nanjing-ShanghaiHangzhou corridor, connecting to China's hinterland

Shanghai's local finances experience successive slumps

HIGHWAY Lujiazui Planning: Transport First, Investment and Planning First, Industry and Urban Development


Established in Pudong New Area


Site Area Shanghai's "1-9-9-6"CityTown System, a multi-centric urban structure with suburban considerations

International Economic Centre National Financial Centre International Shipping Centre International Trade Centre

Lujiazui 15-minute Community Lujiazui Financial District Inner Express Main Roads Streets





TRANSPORT SUPPLY ANALYSIS · Pedestrian Transport | Passenger Flow Analysis

9am Weekdays

9am Weekend

| Scale of pedestrian space





Inside Design Site

Design Site Surroundings

0p1 m

0p1 m

< 2m 2-3m 3-4m 4-6m 6-8 m > 8m

· Vehicle Transport · Dynamic | Metro Station Coverage

| Pedestrian Accessibility





· Vehicle Transport · Static | Peak Congestion Analysis

Weekday Morning Peak

Weekday Evening Peak

| Parking Space Analysis Motor vehicle parking spaces

Non-motorized parking spaces

| Bus Stop Coverage

High congestion

High congestion

Middle congestion

Middle congestion

Low congestion No congestion

Above-ground parking

Recommended Bicycle parking

Low congestion

Below-ground parking

Real Bicycle parking

No congestion

On-street parking

| Bus Line Density

| Accessibility Analysis Weekend Morning Peak

Weekend Evening Peak

Inside Design Site

Design Site Surroundings

| Roads Density


High congestion

High congestion

Middle congestion

Middle congestion

Low congestion

Low congestion

No congestion

No congestion





DESIGN STRATEGY | Smart Slow Travel

PROBLEM & DESIGN VISION | Street Optimization


Step1: Air corridor




1 Air Walking Loop (Existing) 2 Lujiazui Metro Station 3 Squares composed by Mobile facilities 4 Landscape Tree Array 5 Sunken garden 6 Waterscape Park 7 Urban Agriculture on Roof 8 Commercial Street composed by Mobile facilities 9 Double-layer commercial street(Air and ground) 10 Urban Theater 11 Skateboarding Park 12 Linear Park 13 Air Walking Loop (New)

Step1: Street enclosure

8 3

7 3 3


Step 2: Loop penetration


Step 2: Place making


4 3


Step 3: Smart Transport

| Full-time Stage

Step 3: Flexible place-use

| Mobile Facilities

3 1 1

Step1: Attact people

Step1: Function introduction



Step 2: Night Events

7Step 3: Smart Stage

Step 2: Mobile facilities

Step 3: Smart Facilities



24*7 Flexible Stage shared by All


In 10 a highly built-up area like Lujiazui, where land prices are high, it would be impossible to renovate the space in a major way... This 12 premise led us to the idea of a fiexible space. Using smart information systems and a well-developed transport network, we create variable spaces with variable facilities to meet the needs of different people at different times of the day. We use the metaphor of a 'stage' in an attempt to reinforce the sense of identity and belonging that people do not otherwise have in this area. At different times of the day, Lujiazui will be a stage for both white-collar flnancial and ordinary visitors to enjoy, and a stage for Shanghai as a business and flnancial city to showcase its image to the world.





Breakfast box

Study box

Study box

Office box

Friut & Vegetable box

Potted plants box

Lunch box

Dining Hall box

Music show box

Library box

Snack box

Dining Hall box


Fitness box


Lunch box

Siesta box


Office box


Dessert box


Night-snack box

KTV box

Office box

Snack box

Dessert box

Fruit & Vegatables box

Dessert box

Cap and Gown box

Night-bar box

Potted plants box

Barber box

Dinner box

Night-snack box

Cap & Glove box

Dining Hall box

Potted plants box

Social box

Movie box

KTV box

Capsule Hostel box









SHARED ADRIANO Urban ationegr design of Adriano Comunity Academic/ Group work Cose: ur Master Plans Studio1 2 0 1st year of M.S. / .7 1 2 .-0 1 2 0 Profesr Guila Fini Profesr Stefano Recalti Location/ Adriano, Milano, Italy

The s ha r e d Ad r i a n o c a n b e m o r e t ha n j u s t a p l a n . We ha v e d e s i g n e d t hr e s ha r e d s y t e m s b a s e d o n t he t hr e m a i n p ro b l e m s o f t he Ad r i a n o c o m u n i t y - Di f e r e n t Bo u n d a r i e s , Di s p e r s e d Se r v i c e s , a n d Fr a g m e n t e d Op e n Sp a c e s . The fisrt sytem, sahred boundaries, is describ d by eth metapohr of link. With this s y t e m , e t h m a i n f u n c t i o i s t o e s t a b l i h i n o v a t e i n f ra s t u c e i n e t h f i e l d o f s m a r t mobilty and to presv e th orignal meanig of oads,r stre, and urban coneti uctres. As a sutainble and onmetalyvir friendly solutin, it s ek to oveimpr e th quality of servic ilewh ovingmpr ,acesiblty espcialy for loca peol. In regads to eth aredsh lifesty stemy, eth ubh is eth xacte ormetaph to describ it. livng in aredsh Adriano must satify both aspect of indvual livng and oupgr bents for abitnsh and svitor at e th same time. Speci scentr named ubsh aveh setld in e th plan to ovidepr al e th necsary elds to velopd ipshleadr and cordinat b y i n t ro d u c i n g Sha r e d ho m e s a n d s ha r e d w o r kp l a c e s d u e t o m a x i m z i n g t he oductivypr of social life. As t he l a s t s y t e m i n t ro d u c e d , s ha r e d l a n d s c a p e d e f i n e s b y t he m e t a p ho r o f permation. Amplicaton of e th xisted gren ares plus creating new space In orde to en strgh social ovemntipr and onmetalvir solutin of e th distrc is not only elpfu h on e th urban scale but on e th master scale. The main question is ath owh Shared Adriano tmigh oveimpr peol's lives? based on e th materils mentiod in difernt stem,y using e th aredsh faciltes in e th scale of e th odneighbr until creating aredsh sutainble stemy in favor of regional and master scale, elp h abitns,h ser wok and svitor aveh a more comuniatg society ichw Strengths relationshp bet w n loca peo l , gives tehm a sen of belongi and ,responiblty and ovesimpr a sen of ationcper and solidarty betwn em th w hi l e b u i l d n g p o s i t v e a n d o p g r e s i v r e l a t i o n s h p w i t h e o r t h n e i g h b o r d s a n d oundsirg. Living, wionrgk or spendig time in such a society aisre peol's selfc o n f i d e n c a n d , c o n s e q u n t l y, p ro m t e s t e h o v e r a l d ev l o p m e n t p ro d u c t i v y o f society in difernt aspect.



SITE ANALYSIS · People's Cognitiev view of Adriano "Adriano in people's mind" Diversity comments of Adriano

As a urban boundary with a mixed population structure, it is necessary to start the master plan with analvzing the people's view of driano from the perspective of spacé. Thus, the significant features of Adriano are three kinds--Potential resources but lacks connection n terms of boundary territory. new development but lacks identitv in terms of lifesisle and open landscape but lacks coordination inerms of landscape. After knowing the three main weakness of space in Adriano, it is crucial to focus on Sharing' lopic to make driane more inclusive where variety of people varving in ages. iobs and genders can shars ing the same space and improve their liveablitv. Speciallv. it is divid ed into 'Sharing Boundary, 'Sharing Lifestyle and 'Sharing Landscape'

· Cognitiev Map


· Summary of Issues


Link - Shared Boundary

Hub - Shared Lifestyle

Permeation - Shared Landscape

· Structual Plan

Link - Shared Boundary


Permeation - Shared Landscape

Hub - Shared Lifestyle

ACTION BOXES · Shared boundary

A1 Shared Smart Road

A2 Shared Local Street

A3 Link with Public Transportation

A4 Shared Ev-charger Points

A5 Shared E-Space

C2 Shared Workspace/Housing/Sports field

C3 Shared Culture

C4 Shared Goods

C5 Shared Food

B2 Shared Green Center

B3 Shared Green Corridor

B4 Local Shared Green Pieces

B5 Connection of Green Way

· Shared Lifestyle

C1 Shared Community Hub

· Shared Landscape

B1 Shared Waterspace







Shared Boundary

A1 Shared Smart Road A2 Shared Local Street A3 Link with Public Transportation A4 Shared Ev-charger Points A5 Shared E-Space

Shared Lifestyle

B1 Shared Waterspace B2 Shared Green Center B3 Shared Green Corridor B4 Local Shared Green Pieces B5 Connection of Green Way C1 Shared Community Hub C2 Shared Workspace/Housing/Sports field C3 Shared Culture/Heritage C4 Shared Goods C5 Shared Food


Shared Landscape




SQUARE PARADISE Guouzhang Afliated Kigartend of Sun Yat-sen Design Academic/ Indivual work 2nd year of B.S./ 7 17. -203 17. 20 Tutor/ Profesr Lixin Liu Profesr Jing Wang Profesr Siyou Chan Hau,G zhi ou,C zhang ina h

I aveh ben playing with lego sblock since I was a ild,ch ingtak e th e th staring point of my design of isth garten.idk Ther is no doubt about teh influe c of owgr up. Children owh owgr up in a more alntur onmetvir are , fre smarte and more open-mid.Terhfo, I ocshe eth rteh most comn and xtensiv naturl e l m n t s , n a m e l ,y ik n d e g r a t a n d a p l i e d t o d i f e r n t o gu rp s . I n e t h o gu rp o f e t h s e a , I c r e a t d s i d e yb side cas ding rip les;And in e th parti on open d dif er nt t eigh oles, h e mak e th space becom intersg, ildrench can play ideh and sek in it;In e th land oup,gr e th buildng and site are e c o h s et h " o r l i n g l a n d " , a l o w i n g c h i l d r e n t o a h v e m o r e s p o r t . I n et h s y k g o r u p , I focused on e th ildren'ch s mediu of , creating more open and varied windo forms, angich e th indor t,ligh and aplying e th same apesh elmnts in e th outdr site.



to creat a space as varied as a buildng of s, brick ichw is o n c h i l d r e n a s te y h , w h i c b e c a m t rh e d i f e r n t t e h m s i n , inglok omfr e th ,ysk e th apesh is e th waves of . The intrcae box relationshp


The spatial prototype is derived from different operations of cubes. First, I studied how the opening on the cube would affect the internal light and shadow, and observed the changes of the inter shadow by changing the size, height and position of the opening. Second, I studied the spatial experience generated by the different positional relationships between two or more cubes, and cha relative relationship among cubes by the height difference, quantity and distance etc. to create different spatial variations. Third, I took cubes as the shell to study the spatial separation effect of the and studied the different internal space created by changing the height, thickness, quantity and position of the wall.

· Light in the space


· Elevation between box

· Wall in the space

AXONOMETRIC On the base of the spatial prototype, I applied three different research results to three groups of different themes. In each group, I formed the form and structure by using 6*3m square as the basic unit. In the sky theme group, I implemented the method of opening hole mentioned in the prototype on different faces of multiple cubes to create a abundant indoor light and shadow change. In the land theme group, I arranged and combined different squares together with different relative positional relationships and elevation differences to create a variety of spatial experience. In the ocean theme group, I changed the thickness, length and height of different walls in the same direction to achieve a closer connection between indoor and outdoor spaces and create a distinctive spatial streamline by varying the height of the holes in the wall. Small Class Group


Middle Class Group

Senior Class Group

Grade oV lume

Lighting Hole

Skylight Model

Grade oV lume

oV lume Reduce

oV lume Cross

Grade oV lume

oV lume Reduce

Wall Insert

Class oV lume

Class Group

Grade Group

Class oV lume

Class Group

Grade Group

Class oV lume

Class Group

Grade Group





Ro o










rm Ou

Ro o




Pla yg ou





















rnd Ov

erh ea

dL ay





Ro o




Co u






Co rr



In the layout of the site, I also used 6*6 square as the basic unit to achieve the unity with the building. After entering from the main entrance, you can see a clear mainstream line with elevation difference from low to high, passing through the three themes of sea, land and air in turn. The site design of each theme group is also uni-ed with the architectural technique.


The Second-floor Plan

The Second-floor Plan


The Site Plan

The Second-floor Plan


'HAKUNA MATATA' THEATER VILLAGE Aralchiteur design conept of eth ehabiltonr of eth Theatr Poepulair Deesir BONOGO Contribuo: Coeption(50%),c 3d modeling(50), Drawing(50%)

Competion/ Group work 5th year of B.S./ 20.6 3- 20 Ouagdou, Buina rk Faso


The p ro j e c t r e s p e c t s t he s p i r t o f Af r i c a n c u l t u r e . THÉTÂ RE POPULAIRE DÉ S IRÉ BONOGO as e th ojectpr is a place of satilyver ath alows peol to stay in as an abitlenh . eltr sh The main eatr h is e th eart h of e th oject.pr It is design in e th centr to ensur acesiblty omfr eroth ares with dif ernt oagmrps. The iner part of eth eatrh is a stage ichw is consider as e th work are. The stage onglystr respct e th xistnge uctres. The stage used e th same form of depth with ablewk uctres and poles for , monitr curtain, and . ojectrp The eatr h icalyphgeor conets to each space of utily in a ortsh distance with easy .acesiblty Beyond e th stage, e th owsh are is a place of mixed ams.ogrp The auditorm conets to e th stage alyntur with seating. All e th ares are coverd as pavilons, and es th space are orientd xiblye but onglystr asocited with e th alcentr stage. All e th space of acesori such as om,wrsh café, and antresu serv e th centr – e th stage. That way creats a stemy of iner comuniat. The Labo is a space of resouc. The ingteach space is indept compare to eroth space, yet not isolated. The view t ’isn edblock in eth tienagch are, but it is scrend naturly yb pawthsy. The pawthy to eth main are is conveit, but it requis a lite distance ath gives privacy to e th ingteach are. The materil of eth ofr was osench ca.refuly Thatch and cloth are two major materi ls used in this case. The combinat o al ows naturl ventila on torhug teh orf. The sahdow cast by eth orf would be enough of enjoym t during sum.er The materil is an ode to tardionl African arcihteu, and it is respctful to loca resouc. The porject resp ct and demonstra e teh cult re of Africa. The coehsiv er atmosph is one of e th main conepts of e th oject.pr The space is an oprtuniy for peol ering ath and staying er togh as an alitecurh landmrk. Ther is a specif design for gend r equit.y In public space, teh femal resto m normal y suf er d form overwhlming cap it.y In teh teha, r teh femal omrest is specialy design to t more peol using it at e th same time to reduc s peol’ ow with e th unwated elmingovrwh owdcr for women. As e th ed rfubish centr of e th ,comunity e th ojectpr positvely afects oundigsr objects. Wiinth e th xcomple urban xt,cone e th eatr h brings new gyenr to eth com.unity Unelik convetial slandmrk elik sculptre, it is a usable landm rk of peo l . An unfixed and semi-openi g design al ows peo l to pas ough,rt ichw are desir s path for peol.


The Site Plan

The Floor Plan

A-A Section

B-B Section

East Elevation

22 North Elevation


Site Axonometric


Axonometric Section

Theater Explosion

'HAKUNA MATATA' Theater Village In Swahili, 'HAKUNA MATATA' means 'Don't worry about it'. The architecture's original function was to provide a shelter from the elements, and even though it has been given more meaning as society has evolved, the core of this essential function has remained the same. This is the reason why we named the project 'HAKUNA MATATA'. As one of the poorest countries in the world, the people who live in this land live without food and clothing, and their heart's desire may be for a home where they can be sheltered from the wind and rains. We hope that when this project is completed, the people living in this community will also be happy and free from worries. Group activity in a cohesive and ritualistic way is at the heart of African tribal culture, so we have designed spaces that are strongly connected to each other; all structures are not fixed, they will provide flexible options for different activities; all spaces are semi-open, creating a system of frequent internal communication. The true meaning of 'HAKUNA MATATA' will be realised as people hold hands and dance in this community.



JIGSAW FIARYLAND Smal enchildr activy centr design Academic/ Indivual work 1st year of B.S./ .7 16 .3-20 16 20 Tutor/ Profesr Lixin Liu Profesr Jing Wang Profesr Siyou Chan Tangjiaw ai,C uh Z ina h

This is my fisrt archite ural design af ter ent ri g teh univesr t y - a smal children's a c t i v y c. eA n t r t a t h t i m e , e r t h w a s n o d e p u n ds et ra i g o f a r c i h t e u a n d n o detail investgao of e th suer ildrench for me.H, verow I want to creat a dream world ath I dream of en wh I was a ild,ch in ichw I can play frely and spark my nature.

My ationspr came omfr jigsaw and buildng sblock ath veryon used to play with ne wh ye th wer ids.Fk stir of al, e th apesh of e th olewh buildng is e lik a block of jigsaw zle.S pu ,onecdly e th facde, I let e th main facde of e th olewh buildng be unied with a patern of speling patern.M, orev I creatd piecs of jigsaw zle pu on e th o r f o f e t h a c t i v y o r m , w hi c f o r m e d i n t e r s g l i g t h a n d s a h d o w o n e t h g o r u n d en wh e th tsunligh came down. Alought isth design is very imature, it opens e th dor of my imagnto.I tried to put into actiepr atwh I adh coneivd, and more ,importanly I found e th joy of creating intersg Spaces.



The Forbiden Ci,ty Beijng /

Jiuiansh Town, eongh, Yuna /


PHOTOGRAPHY An ationexplr of time I love avelingtr and I love . yaphotgr The vel of yaphotgr is not about e th equipmnt, but about your stae of mind.Every time you pres e th , utersh it is a dialogue with e th .scenry During my ve syear in coleg, I aveh ben to places gelar or smal in China, xplored oyalr palces, ed walk oughrt e th itewh wals and black tiles in e th south of e th Yaezngt , rive and visted e th magnicet ai-tbeqngh plateu. I e r ci hs v e r y s c e n I a v h e o s t h , y e t h a r e e l i k a s t o r , y r e m i n d g m e o f e t h oadr I aveh aveld.tr

Jinxi Town, Kunsha, Jiangsu /


Peitan Vilage, Loan,gy Fujian /

Jade Dragon Snwo Mountai, Lijiang , Yuna /


THE FORBIDDEN CITY Watercolor Painting, 594mm×841mm I painted the picture for three months.I was new to watercolor at that time, and I still marvel at my courage to paint such a difficult architectural watercolor.Everything comes from my love for the Forbidden City, especially this scene, after the first snow, white snowflakes and vermillion walls against each other.This is a kind of unspeakable beauty, mysterious and solemn, as if quietly telling the millennium history.





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