2014 cabf conference brochure

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CABF Presidents

Fel l ow s hi p

E ve nt !

1971 – Kendall Kenny 1972 – Jack Matthews

For those able/wishing to arrive Friday, you might like to visit the annual Scarecrow Festival in beautiful Mahone Bay and then join us for a gathering at the Oak Island Resort and Conference Centre at at 6 PM where we will enjoy a fine South Shore Meal together in dining room, followed by an Ocean-side Bonfire at 8 pm. facilitated by Dave and Joyce Allen Reservations can be made directly to the Atlantica Oak Island Resort & Conference Centre by telephoning (800) 565-5075. To ensure you receive your “CABF” rate, please make sure to indicate your affiliation when calling.

Registration $35—includes noon meal, 2 breaks, Registration coffee, muffins and scones! Payable when you arrive.

To Register Contact Kim Sweet kjsweet@live.com 902-542-1261 25 Ports Landing Avenue Port Williams, NS BOP 1T0

1974 – Edward Colquhoun 1976 – Dr. Reginald.S. Dunn 1978 – Rev. Vincent Rushton 1979 – Rev. Willis Henderson 1980 – Rev. Donald Jackson 1981 – Rev. John E. Boyd

Fall Assembly and

1982 – Rev. Gordon Gower


1984 – Rev. Robert Matthews 1986 – Gwendolyn Atherton

Website: www.c-abf.ca

Dr. Scott Kindred-

1988 – Rev. Roger Prentice

Barnes: "Realizing

1990 – Rev. Byron Corkum

Heaven on Earth":

1992 – Edward Colquhoun

Four Words in the

1994 – Elaine Anne MacGregor

Service of God

1998 – Paul Burden 2000 – Rev. John E. Boyd 2003 - Rev. Sheila Redden-Smith 2004 – Rev. Andrew Crowell 2006 – Rev. David Ogilvie 2009 – Rev. Jeffrey White 2011 - Rev. Dr. J. Daniel Gibson 2013 - Rev. John Tonks

To Join CABF Contact Cynthia Ogilvie crogilvie@yahoo.ca 975 Parkview Drive, RR 2 Centreville, NS BOP 1J0

Canadian Association for Baptist Freedoms

The CABF publishes The Bulletin three times a year. To Subscribe, contact the Editor: Rev. Dr. Roger Prentice 5 Grandview Drive Wolfville, NS B4P 1W5 E-mail: roger.prentice@acadiau.ca

D a te : 4 O c to b e r 20 1 4 T ime : 8 :3 0 A M to 4 P M United Baptist Church 84 King Street Chester, Nova Scotia

Conference Agenda

8:30 a.m.—Registration Coffee, Scones and Muffins 9:00 a.m.—Worship Vicki Brown, Bayside 9:30 a.m.—First Presentation Rev. Dr. Scott Kindred-Barnes 10:15 a.m.—Break 10:45 a.m.—CABF Annual Meeting

D r . S c ott Ki n d r e d - Ba r n es

Conference Topic

Born and raised in the An-

“Realizing Heaven on Earth”: Four

napolis Valley, Scott was an

Words in the Service of God Revisited

amateur boxing champion before his interest in both

While important to the history and

the history of sports and

practice of Christianity, the Theological

psychology moved him to

words “ecumenical, catholic, evangeli-

study at university. He completed a B.A. in

cal,” and “liberal” are often misunder-

history from Acadia University and received

stood. Thus, the Rev. Dr. Scott Kin-

his M.Div. degree from Acadia Divinity Col-

dred-Barnes will invite Christians to

lege. Scott’s two research degrees at the

explore these concepts historically,

University of Toronto focused on Refor-

theologically and pastorally. What does

mation history and theology. He continues

each concept mean? Are these con-

to research and publish on the history of

cepts contradictory to one another?

All interested attendees are welcome to attend

religious persecution and toleration in the

How are they relevant to the Christian

and participate in the discussion during the

West and in Reformation studies. He has a

life and Church Renewal? Is it time to

AGM. Only voting requires membership.

particular interest in the ideas and legacies

reassess these concepts in light of the

of Roger Williams and Richard Hooker. In

Church’s mission in the twenty-first

August 2011 Scott published his first book


12:15 p.m.—Lunch

on Richard Hooker and the English Refor-

1:15 p.m..—Second Presentation Rev. Dr. Scott Kindred-Barnes 2:00 p.m. - Panel Discussion 3:00 p.m. - Closing Worship Communion Rev. Dr. Dan Green, Chester

mation entitled Richard Hooker’s Use of History in His Defense of Public Worship: His Anglican Critique of Calvin, Barrow, and the Puritans (Lewiston *Queenston* Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2011). Scott is a Governing Board Member on the Canadian Council of Churches. His theology of ministry and worship has been informed by both his diversity of experiences and his keen interest in the Bible and the history of

CABF Council President Past President Secretary Treasurer Bulletin Editor Program Chair Website, Constitution Membership Nominating Members at large

Rev. John Tonks Rev. Dr. J. Daniel Gibson Lee Nicholas-Pattillo Cynthia Ogilvie Rev. Dr. Roger Prentice Rev. John E. Boyd Rev. Dr. John Churchill Rev. David Ogilvie Rev. Jeffrey White Kim Sweet David Allen


ideas. Scott and his wife, Kerry, have one daughter, Elizabeth.

Alliance of Baptists Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America The Gathering Canadian Council of Churches

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