April voices

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y devotional time this year includes daily readings from New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp. I would like to share the following that I feel is appropriate for Eastertide. “You and I don’t always live what we say we believe. There is often a disconnect between our professional theology and our street-level functional theology. One of the places where this disconnect exists for many of us is the biblical teaching about eternity. We say we believe in the hereafter. We say that this moment in time is not all there is. But often we live with the compulsion, anxiety, and drivenness of eternity amnesiacs. We get so focused on the opportunities, responsibilities, needs, and desires of the here and now that we lose sight of what is to come.

If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied (I Corinthians 15:19).

“The fact is that you cannot make sense out of life unless you look at it from the vantage point of eternity. If all God’s grace gives us is a little better here and now then perhaps we have lived in vain. If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied (Corinthians 15:19). There has to be more to God’s plan than this world of sin, sickness, sorrow, and death. There has to be more than the temporary pleasures of this physical world. Yes, there is more, and when you live like there’s more to come, you live in a radically different way.

“When you forget eternity, you tend to lose sight of what’s important. When you lose sight of what’s truly important, you live for what is temporary, and your heart seeks for satisfaction where it cannot be found. Living as an eternity amnesiac just doesn’t work. It leaves you either hoping that now will be the paradise it will never be or hopeless that what is broken will ever be fixed.

“So it’s important to fix your eyes on what God has promised will surely come. Let the values of eternity be the values that shape your living today, and keep telling yourself that the difficulties of today will someday completely pass away. Belief in eternity can clarify your values and renew your hope. Pray that God, by grace, will help you remember forever right here, right now.” contributed by Rev. Nelson Metcalfe

Amidst the wonderful Resurrection Sunday celebrations, the congregation of FBC paused to honour Dr. Pauline Allsop, for the exemplary work she has done, over the decades, for the members and for the church. Jim Stanley, Chair of the Diaconate, Rev. Jenny Csinos and Rev. Lynn Uzans, on behalf of the members of FBCH, inducted Dr. Allsop as the first Deacon Emerita. An honour well deserved for a lady who has not only worked among us but in an overseas mission as well. At a reception following the service the church and individuals were able to congratulate and offer their personal thanks to Pauline. Retirement? - probably not for we will always seek her advise and knowledge about one subject or another for many years to come.

If you should happen to wander into a Dollar Store on March 29 this year, you might well think Easter has been and gone, but you would be wrong, for Easter is much more than a one day event. Bunnies may have exited and chocolate eggs been consumed, but Christianity continues to celebrate until the full 50 days of Easter culminate in the Feast of Pentecost (May 15 in 2016). Throughout the Season of Easter, the Gospel readings will speak of the resurrected Jesus appearing to his followers. We will also hear about the activities of the first “People of the Way” in our readings from the Acts of the Apostles. If you have been around First Baptist for awhile, you will know this happens every year. In 2016 we will title this piece of worship “Acts Then”. What will be different in Sunday worship this year will be the replacing of the The Acts Now second reading (usually from the letters speakers are: contained in the New Testament) with April 10th s o m e t h i n g c a l l e d “ A c t s N o w” . Anthony Zadeh Beginning on the Third Sunday of Easter (April 10) we will hear a bit of the April 17th faith story of one of our fellow Emma Hazelton worshippers each week. Each speaker April 24th will mirror the day’s story from the Book Alan Cruess of Acts of the Apostles with a personal experience. Some of the people who May 1st have agreed to do this are very nervous Donna Darrell about sharing, some are relaxed and some are excited. All of them will speak May 8th from the heart. Please pray for them as Jennifer they prepare. It is not easy to speak of Ferguson things we hold dear. The Easter Season is a time of new beginnings, new hope, new opportunities. From the First Sunday of Advent, the church year had been building to the central feast of The Day of Resurrection. After Eastertide, the focus turns to the church as witness to the resurrection. And so the cycle continues to another Advent. If you would like to know more about Easter through the centuries, the dating of the Day of Resurrection or other facts about the Church year, a good resource is www.crivoice.org.


April 10: Easter 3 Acts 9:1-20; Psalm 30 John 21:1-19 Longing for Love – Rev. Lynn Uzans Music: White, Holst April 17: Easter 4 Acts 9:36-43; Psalm 23 John 10:22-30 A New Playlist – Rev. Lynn Uzans Music: Goodall, Jeff Enns April 24: Easter 5 Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 148 John 13:31-35 Parent/Child Dedication It’s All About Love – Lic. John Dalton Music: Vaughan Williams, Durufle May 1: Easter 6; Holy Communion Acts 16:9-15; Psalm 67 John 5:1-9 A New Way of Seeing – Rev. Lynn Uzans Music: Haydn

Ah! At last! SPRING is here! Ugh! time to freshen the home after a not-so -bad winter. As you sort through the various items that still have a useful life but are no longer wanted or needed by you or the family, think of the Auxiliary Yard Sale on April 30th 9:00 to 12 noon. Admission $1.00 at the door. I know, but it suits the bill here, and that’s the well worn cliché—one person’s junk is another person’s treasure, plus - it’s also a great way to go green; recycle that which is good and keep it out of the landfill. Donations can be dropped off at the Church Office through the week. Conveners of the sale are Robin MacInnis and Marlene Dexter. Please Note: Electronic items of any kind, even though they still have a good life, are not accepted for this sale. There are however organizations in the city that welcome such donations for use in their after school programs etc.

Our Faith, Our Future

A Message from the Transition leadership Team Jesus said: “Whoever serves me, must follow me, and where I am, there will my servant be also.” What’s next for our witness together here on Oxford St.? What will our mission in God’s kingdom look like in the future? What is an honest answer to the questions, “Who are we now? What is God calling us to do? To what challenges do we invite a new leader to walk with us?” With arrival of Rev. Lynn Uzans in January of this year we embarked upon a year long process of discernment led by Lynn and our Transition Leadership Team. Our goal is that by the end of this year our membership will have formed a solid understanding of our circumstances and a strong sense of the leadership we will need to move forward in mission together here at First Baptist. In this process we are unlikely to find just the right solution to every challenge we face, or to determine every outcome. Hopefully though, together we will be able to thoughtfully describe where we see God calling us, and what type of leader can best help us to achieve the mission that we feel called to pursue. Recently we have been asking each other what our faith means to each of us, to our community, and what role our church has played in our lives. Many, many of you have participated in these discussions in groups, in our homes, one on one with each other, or with Lynn, or Jenny, or contemplated these questions alone. If you haven’t yet had a chance to reflect on these things, we invite you again to join a group discussion, or host one. Just speak to Lynn or Anne Marie or to me [David Dexter] or any of our Deacons or Transition Leadership Team, to arrange that.

One of our most enduring programs is our annual Seniors’ Luncheon. Many years ago the predecessor to the Community Outreach Committee, the Social Concern Committee, saw a need in our First Baptist Church community to have some of our more senior members come t og et her, on a Sat ur day afternoon, for fellowship and to meet friends and share a homecooked meal. Transportation was offered. When Rev. Nelson Metcalfe became the Minister of Visitation, he encouraged church members who resided in nursing homes and seniors’ residences to come to the luncheon. Don Myers would deliver the luncheon meal to those who were unable to attend. After-lunch entertainment has included singing and sing-alongs, amusing stories, and m us ica l pr es ent at i ons by members of the choir and the Songsters Choir. All who attended have enjoyed a very special afternoon.

We will begin and end with Friday evening sessions, and in the middle a special Sunday morning worship service..all anchored with that special Baptist ingredient, good food! We will look at who we are, what we’ve accomplished, our high points and our misdirections; and we will watch for the things that bring energy to our life together. All led by Rev. Uzans and the Transition Leadership Team. Details are here in Voices, in News Notes, and on the website too.

Over the years the luncheon changed in many ways. It became a Sunday event that followed the church service. In 1998 the committee formed a five -year twinning with St. Mark's Anglican Church to support their social action initiatives. As part of this initiative, we would invite their seniors to join us for the luncheon. To promote a higher attendance at the luncheon, the name changed to the 55 Plus Luncheon.

In the Fall we will gather again and draw this part of our transition work to a conclusion as we begin forming recommendations for permanent leadership for First Baptist Church.

Today, the 55 Plus Luncheon continues to be a wonderful occasion for fellowship.

In a few weeks though, we will shift gears. Now, we will bring our reflections, together, and begin looking ahead, together. We will do this as a church family, starting with three sessions called, Our Faith, Our Future. All are invited. Youth and adults, children too.

Friends, you don’t want to miss these upcoming sessions! Join us! Help us shape our journey together. Help us discover where God is calling us. Help us shape Our Faith, Our Future. Questions? Speak to Rev. Lynn Uzans about this work, or to any member of the Transition Leadership Team at any time: David Dexter, Chair; Hugh Kirkegaard, Anne Marie Kruger-Naug, Dianne Kokesh, Clyde Evans, Lee Nicholas-Pattillo, and Joe O’Brien.

This is a great place to volunteer, a wonderful meal for those who attend, and a joyful community experience. We value our seniors at First Baptist and hope this luncheon makes them feel special and loved. Gwendolyn MacLean, Chair Outreach Committee

Congregational Life November 18, 2015 - March 24, 2016 In Memory of Members and Adherents Sheila Allen - February 9, 2016 Dedications Jonathan Kenneth Leander and William Gregory James on March 20, 2016 Parents Aaron and Racheal Martens Births Juniper Crystal b. December 13, 2015 Parents: Colin and Lesley Crystal Grandparents: David Mensink and Naomi Nonnekes

We, as a church family and community of faith, have always been acutely aware of the huge musical talent that makes up our Senior Choir. Their contribution to our worship service each week is renowned and known throughout the city of Halifax and beyond. For the past several years Patrick Simms has been our lead Tenor while attending the School of Music at Dalhousie University. On many occasions we have been moved as we listened to his rich tenor voice fill the sanctuary with awe inspiring worship. Patrick will be graduating from Dalhousie soon. His graduation recital will be held at St. Andrew's United Church, Friday, April 15th, at 7:30pm. Admission is free.

William Gregory Martens, b. January 29, 2015 Parents: Aaron and Racheal Martens Of Special Note: Arla Johnson was installed as Deacon on March 6, 2016 Pauline Allsop was installed as Deacon Emerita on March 27, 2016

Photo by Warren Hoeg

And again, on June 2nd at First Baptist Church, Patrick will appear in concert with Lynette Wahlstrom accompanying him on piano. This is a Graduate School Fundraiser Concert and all donations will go to assist Patrick with his expenses as he furthers his Musical Studies at The Glenn Gould School Music in Toronto this September.

Let’s show our appreciation and support for an incredible talent and enjoy an evening, of what is sure to be, entertainment at its very best! Bravo Patrick! and the very best for a future of singing great music. Contributed by Frank McGill

Heads up ! . . An early reminder as you begin to clear away the winter mulch from your gardens and discover with joy the pale green sprouts poking through the soil; you might also discover that the plants are overcrowded and need separation; remember the FBC PLANT SALE! in May. Yet another of our spring events that has become a part of South-end Halifax and looked forward to with anticipation by its’ residents. More details on the sale in May Voices and News Notes...

Over the past few months members and friends of First Baptist have been challenged to think about our faith and our experience here at First Baptist in a number of ways. Each Sunday we have been given a series of questions to think about. We have been discussing among ourselves what our faith means to us, and what role First Baptist Church has played in our lives and the life of our community. We have also been meeting to consider these questions together in small groups in our homes, or here in the church; meeting one on one with Rev. Lynn Uzans or with our leaders; and gathering in our formal committees to explore what challenges are ahead for each group as we minister together. Some of this work is on-going. Now, we move to the next part of our transition journey with a series of 3 inter-active gatherings for all of us in May and June. We’ve entitled this series: “Our Faith, Our Future”.

Our Faith, Our Future Three Inter-Active Gatherings of Learning and Discovery for our Congregation Who Have We Been? May 6th Friday Evening with Supper A fun 2 hour exploration of our history, significant events, what our witness has looked like through the years, and what we have learned about ourselves and our core values.

Who Are We Now? May 29th Sunday Morning Worship & Luncheon

A worship service with three short homilies on the scripture of the day. We will be asked for feedback using a generally accepted guideline for healthy churches. We gather the feedback, and at lunch reflect together on what we find, and what we have learned. Where Might God Be Calling Us in the Next While? June 3rd Friday Evening with Supper

An exciting evening discovering our priorities for ministry together. Everyone gets to choose three top priorities, we categorize them, and sift through them together until we see where the energy may be and what sense of call might emerge from this simple, but powerful exercise. Following these Spring 2016 meetings, we will move to reporting and preparation for one or more Fall 2016 Congregational Meetings. Our goal at these meetings will be to come to some conclusions on our transition work and begin forming recommendations for permanent leadership for First Baptist Church. Questions? Speak to Rev. Lynn Uzans about this work, or to any member of the Transition Leadership Team at any time: David Dexter, Chair; Hugh Kirkegaard, Anne Marie KrugerNaug, Dianne Kokesh, Clyde Evans, Lee Nicholas-Pattillo, and Joe O’Brien.

Beginning this coming Sunday (April 10) the Sundays at 9 group will begin a dvd series titled "Embracing a Life of Meaning: Discovering What Matters" . This Sunday, bestselling author Kathleen Norris (Amazing Grace, The Cloister Walk, Wisdom from the Monastery, etc.) will look at Belief. Discussion will include such questions as... Why does belief matter?  To what do we give our hearts?  What is the core message of what we believe―creeds or commitment?  To what extent is to believe also “to belove”? All are welcome to one, some or all of the discussions. We will meet in the boardroom

Our Congregation began Easter Sunday with a joint Sunrise Service with friends from the Presbyterian Church of St. David at 6:55 am at Black Rock in Point Pleasant Park. Unfortunately the sun didn’t make an appearance but the presence of God was felt in this natural setting . .

The Visitation Committee invites everyone interested to attend a session entitled “What is Depression” with Lara Hazelton MD, FRCPC. Dr. Hazleton is an academic psychiatrist with over 15 years of clinical experience, currently practising adult community mental health. The presentation will be in the parlour at First Baptist, Tuesday, April 12th, 7:00pm. Contact joeobrien@eastlink.ca if you have any questions. Joe O’Brien, Chair

. and our day continued at First Baptist for the 10:30 Worship service where the Resurrection was celebrated with joy, wonder and grace— from the dressing the Communion Table . . . . . .the hearing of familiar scriptures and the word of God . . . recognizing one or our own . . .

. . . hearing great songs of praise . . .

. . . to the majestic music of the Hallelujah Corus from the Messiah.

First Baptist Celebrated and Rejoiced


Take Sunday School Home! Our curriculum offers at home resources for continuous conversations of faith formation for the whole family. Check out the church website for each weeks take-home sheet. Youth Baptism/Membership Class: During the month of April (17, 24th and May 1) stay for lunch on Sunday's from 12-1:30pm. Classes will be held to prepare youth to join First Baptist Church Halifax either by Believer’s Baptism or by transfer from another Christian Church. The class will cover such questions as: What does it mean to be a Christian? Why do Baptists baptize the way they do? What is different about a Baptist Church? How can I continue to grow in my faith? What is the First Baptist Church Halifax story? The class is always open to and youth inquirers who have not made up their minds about joining the Church, but have lots of questions! For more information, contact Rev. Jenny Csinos. Youth Service Weekend: Mark your calendars for April 22-23. On Friday night all those in grade 6 and up are invited to meet at Halifax Shopping Centre. We will work together to purchase some of the last minute items for the Refugee family. We'll meet back at the church for discussion and a movie. The following morning, bright and early, those grade 8 and up will join together to help serve breakfast at Brunswick Street at 5:30am. More information will follow. Feel free to contact Rev. Jenny Csinos with any questions. Bayside Joining Sunday School on April 24th: Leaders from Bayside Camp will lead an all-ages Sunday school assembly on April 24th using a similar lesson and games that will be used at summer camp. Leaders will be available to speak with the children and youth about what camp has to offer. Parents are encouraged to stay for coffee time and speak with the leaders. For more information about Bayside camp, visit baysidecamp.org.

Great events don’t just happen they take a lot of planning, and a lot of behind the scene work to get the event off the ground. Several such events are happening here at FBC in the next two months. Planning is underway for the Brunswick Street Mission Breakfast Program each Saturday morning in April (start at 5:30 am! invigorating). If you can be of assistance—a sign up sheet can be found on the bulletin board in the Parlour lobby. The Spring Yard Sale happens on April 30th. The week prior to the sale, many volunteers are needed to sort, price and arrange sales tables; and again on the day of the sale, as sales persons and clean up crews. If you can help or have something to donate, contact — Marlene Dexter 902-455-8512 or Robin MacInnis 902-422-6238 conveners for the sale this year. First Baptist Church will be hosting the Ark Sunday Supper at St. Andrew’s United Church on May 15th. Volunteers are required to bake casseroles (18 of them, I believe) and the recipe is, Ham and Vegetable Bake, and the recipe is located on the Bulletin Board in the Parlour lobby along with the sign up sheet. These meals are a important way for our church community to provide a hot meal for homeless people who would otherwise go without. First Baptist Church Plant Sale will be held on May 28th from 9:00am to 12:00 noon. And again, volunteers are needed. There are plant tables to be set up, plants to be displayed, sales persons to look after the tables, able bodied persons to help take purchase to customers vehicles and of course clean up. If you can help, please call Marlene Dexter 902455-8512 or Judy Whalen 902-429-0337. Opportunity after opportunity to get involved and make a difference!

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