August Voices

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August 14th

Sunday Worship Service resumes at First Baptist Church with St. John’s United The Presbyterian Church of St. David and St. Andrew’s United and continues through until and including August



August 13th

Brunswick Street Breakfast


August 14th

3:00pm Summer Concert

August 15th-19th Vacation Bible Camp St. John’s United and First Baptist at First Baptist Church

Names Matter In a conversation with a member some weeks ago, I learned that she volunteers with a school, sports team, and area youth. The term the member used for this was “auntie”. She spoke with delight about the role of listening and being alongside others – of the importance to the other, but also of As summer the joy it gives her. Last Sunday, I suggested to this woman envelops us, I that she might want to reconsider her title, perhaps changing encourage you to it from “auntie” to “chaplain”. I went on to say that when she take time to talks about her role, she is clearly involved with others as a ministry not a sideline activity and that I thought “chaplain” reflect on your speaks to her intent, approach and activity in a way journey of faith “volunteer” or even “auntie” does not. It means she is and then name mindful of the leading of Christ and that she is not in this and claim even work alone; she can move from a strength that comes from one small area of beyond herself and thus minister more creatively and ministry that is completely than if she is simply working out of her own your joy. human abilities, great though they may be. So I ask you, how do you serve and what do you call yourself when you do it; how might this change if you were to reframe this work as ministry? I wonder if we might help each other rename the way we spend our time, reminding each other we are shaped by a Triune God who calls us into a world-changing way of being, who equips us to be imitators of Christ, who sends us out to proclaim a life-giving kingdom. If you need help doing this, there are clergy and other folks in our midst who are willing to discuss possibilities. As summer envelops us, I encourage you to take time to reflect on your journey of faith and then name and claim even one small area of ministry that is your joy. Blessings on this time of your year and your life. Rev. Lynn


the three Ashton children, Aaron (15), Sophie (13) and Thomas(13) were baptized on June 5, 2016. They are thankful to Reverend Jenny Csinos for preparing them in making this step in a life aspiring to follow God. Their parents are very proud. Brian Ashton is from Halifax, brought up in the United Church of Canada at J. Wesley Smith and United Memorial Churches. Alexandra Yip grew up in Montreal, Quebec. She is a second-generation Canadian of Chinese heritage and a fourth-generation Baptist. Brian and Sandy met in Saint John, NB where she was an Occupational Therapist and he was a medical resident. On moving to Halifax, Sandy began a search for a new Baptist home. On discovering First Baptist Church, she fell in love with the spirituality, the music, and the fellowship. She joined the choir. Brian and Sandy were married at First Baptist in 1999. Children soon followed, and their parents are forever grateful for the love and support received from the church family, then and ever since. Sandy became a Deacon in 2015 and seeks God's guidance as she serves in this role.

New Choir Debuts at FBC

Sharing the spotlight with other significant events in the life of First Baptist on Sunday, June 19th, “Grace Notes” (the newly formed Women’s Choir) made a spectacular debut with Loveland/Graham’s You Raise Me Up. Their ministry of music and the choosing of this selection with these words:“You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; And I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up... to more than I can be. You raise me up... to more than I can be.” (back row)

Christine Moore, Kim Given, Susan Clarke, Natasha Sider, Ivonne Lamas, Lynette Wahlstrom, Breanna Miller (front row)

Susan Morse, Bev Smith, Joan Keith Diana Hazleton, Lara Hazleton

June 19, 2016

honoured Fathers and Father-like figures as well as celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the Congregation’s decision to be a Welcoming and Affirming Church. Bravo Ladies—we look forward to future worship participation, bringing to the congregation a deeper understanding and appreciation of our motto “. . . Where Faith Comes to Life”.


First Baptist Church is excited to partner with St. John’s United this summer to host the Children’s GO Project at First Baptist Church. This social justicebased day camp is an action-packed week for children. Trained staff and vo l u n t e e r s wi l l lead programming inspired by The GO Project along with traditional camp experiences like games, crafts, and lots of fun! Children's Adventure Campers will do their part to make our world a better place. Ecological clean-ups, volunteerism at local nonprofit organizations, teambuilding activities, growing and sharing food, and other

projects will spark their imaginations and give campers the confidence to change the world one small step at a time. Come join us for an action packed week as children in grades 2-7 explore together what peace and justice looks like through the experience of The GO Project. Registration (limited to 30) is $100 (financial aid available if needed), lunch and snacks are included. To register, visit or speak to Rev. Jenny Csinos.

August 7 Pentecost 12 Baptism / Communion St. Andrew’s United Church 6036 Coburg Road, Halifax, NS

Led by The Presbyterian Church of St. David Service - 10:30am August 14: Pentecost 13 First Baptist Church Halifax 1300 Oxford Street August 21: Pentecost 14 First Baptist Church Halifax 1300 Oxford Street August 28: Pentecost 15 First Baptist Church Halifax 1300 Oxford Street

You can donate peanut-free snack foods or drinking boxes Please pray for the planning, preparation, volunteers, and the children that will be attending

Only two items left on the list! Great! Let’s see what we can do!

Summer Homework: This summer, while you're out and about, if you happen to be close to sand, take a small handful of it with you in a jar or bag. It could be from your cottage, a stroll along the beach or off on vacation. The beginning of September, we'll gather all the sand together for a project we'll use later in the year.


Elsewhere in the world in 1966 Syrian and Israeli fighter jets clash over the Jordan River and Sea of Galilee. Spain closes its border with Gibraltar over a dispute about military flights from the UK. Richard Speck murders 8 student nurses in a Chicago dormitory. Charles Whitman, an architecture and engineering student at University of Texas, shoots and kills 14 people. The first episodes of Star Trek and Mission Impossible are broadcast on TV. The film A Man For All Seasons starring Paul Scofield wins six Academy Awards.

50 years ago. Looking back into history 1966 Reaching out to the Community Mrs. J Marshall was President of the Women's Auxiliary. They sponsored the Annual Tea, the Pantry Sale and the Rummage Sale. The group was well represented in the community: Mrs. P. 1966 Evans at the Halifax Council of Women; Miss Mary Smith at the Grenfell Mission, Mrs. H. Tingley at the Basin View Home; and Miss Mary Freeman at the Victoria General Hospital. Donations of over $3500 were made to the Building Fund, the NS Temperance Foundation, the NS Home for Coloured Children, Maritime Home for Girls, Africville Social Services, Cornwallis Pre-School, and Beechville Church. Colonel and Mrs. Garnet Colwell donated $500 for the construction of a cottage at Bayside Camp. The Intermediate Auxiliary, with 48 women under the leadership of Mrs. Sally Illsley, met monthly. Meetings were a combination of work, instruction and entertainment. They mended hymn books, catered the Men's Institute Supper, the Brownie and Guide Banquet, and the meal for the Halifax County Association. They looked after the Junior Choir gowns, volunteered at the Red Cross Lodge, assisted with the Sales, collected toys for Grenfell Mission, and assisted at the Coffee Party in the church hall. David Freeman came one night to show slides taken around the church property. Men's Brotherhood was led by R.M. Nickerson. They held five supper meetings and entertained the Ladies at what was to become the annual Valentine's supper. Speakers included Walter de Silva, the Director of Planning for Halifax and Dartmouth; Rev. W. Olivier on Education for Coloured Communities; Music by the West End Baptist Quartet accompanied by slides shown by David Freeman; Dr. G. Holbrook from the Nova Scotia Technical College on the subject of "Energy Needs of the Atlantic Provinces"; and Mr. Don Curran from the Canadian Paraplegic Association on eliminating architectural barriers to access buildings.


Saturday August 13th

First Baptist Church has offered to help with the summer breakfasts at the Brunswick Street Mission on Saturday, August 13th. There are between 55 and 70 people each Saturday that come for hash brown casserole with ham and cheese, toast, scrambled eggs, baked beans, orange juice, coffee, tea, fresh fruit, and granola bars. We also make a variety of sandwiches (ham, turkey, and roast beef) for them to take for a snack later on. All the food items (except the tea and coffee) will be provided by our church and purchased with the profits raised from the sale of our Just Us! coffee. Thank you to everyone who continues to purchase coffee from the Community Outreach committee. If you would like to help at the breakfast, you can call the office at 902 422 5203 or call Gwendolyn MacLean at 902 425 6959.


Sunday, August 14th , 3:00pm First Baptist Church Halifax Featuring

André Gaudet, baritone, Meghan Jamieson, soprano and Lynette Wahlstrom, piano Music from Mendelssohn’s Elijah, Mozart’s Cosi fan Tutte and Musical Theatre

1300 Oxford Street Halifax, NS B3H 3Y8 Phone: 902-422-5203 Email:

at We’re on the web ca x. www.fbchalifa

. . .was founded in 1827 as the Granville Street Baptist Church (renamed First Baptist Church in 1886) and is a member of the Halifax Region United Baptist Association as well as the Canadian Association for Baptist Freedoms (formerly the Atlantic Baptist Fellowship). We are intentionally ecumenical and inclusive in our services (Sundays at 10:30 a.m.) and programs. We are an affirming church.


Photo by Warren Hoeg - June 2016

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