First Baptist Voices - January 2015

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Where Faith Comes T o Life! The Newsletter of First Baptist Church Halifax


Vol. 28 No 1 January 2015


s I write this reflection we are in the midst of the Advent Season, the beginning of a new Church Year and a time to look at our lives with greater intentionality. One of the themes of Advent is waiting - waiting for the celebration of the birth of Christ, waiting for signs of Christ’s transforming presence in our world today and waiting for the “end” or completion of all things in the fullness of God’s intention for humanity. David Lose, an American Lutheran commentator, has made this observation about Advent and waiting: Some waiting feels empty and pointless, while other waiting is weighty, significant, and really matters. It is, of course, the latter kind of waiting that we experience at Advent, what some have called “active waiting.” Lose connects this kind of waiting with promises, in particular, God’s promises. He reminds us that when someone makes a promise to us, we orient our lives in relation to that promise. A promise that my children often sought from me was to play board games with them - not something I particularly enjoy! However, once the promise was secured, I could be sure that when I arrived home the board game would be set and ready in anticipation of a promise being kept. Active waiting means orienting our lives by the promise of God revealed in Jesus, and living in anticipation of the promise being fulfilled. In Christ, God promises to overcome oppression with justice - we live by justice as we

“wait” for the promise to be fulfilled. In Christ, God promises to overcome enmity with reconciliation - we live as reconcilers in a world where differences and enmity threaten the human family. In Christ, God promises to overcome sin with forgiveness - we live in and by the mercy of God, confident that forgiveness brings healing to fractured relationships. In Christ, God promises to overcome fear with love - we centre our lives in love, not fear, and are empowered to reach far beyond our safety and comfort zones in obedience to the Gospel. David Lose puts it this way: ... what we do will not bring ultimate healing or comfort or peace or justice. That's God's job, and God will keep God's promises to the fullest in the fullness of time. But we don't have to wait for that passively but are invited to throw ourselves into that venture both trusting God's promises and living them right here, right now.

There is much about your future and mine over the next few months that is unknown as we “wait” for the future to be revealed. May our waiting be “active” as we trust the promises of God and live in the fullness of God’s grace and love. (More of David Lose’s reflections can be found here: - Rev. John E. Boyd Page

FAITH DEVELOPMENT AS AN ONGOING JOURNEY As a young child, I grew up going to the church where my grandfather was the Senior Pastor. I had always known the life of memorizing Bible passages, learning about Samson and Delilah, and reaching into the pew for the hymnal. I had always been drawn to the mysteries of the church. There were so many things to wonder, so many “why’s” that were left unanswered. Although I didn’t always like the fact that there weren’t answers to my questions, they kept me coming back for more. I was one of those kids who was prone to frustrating Sunday school teachers. I would ask all the questions—many for which my teachers had no answers. Some of the teachers would rise to the occasion and explore with me. We would search through Bible atlases, commentaries, and concordances, sometimes successful and sometimes not. Sometimes my questions were answered with a fact we discovered. Other times the answers themselves became the journey of discovery. As a young Christian, I knew that I was not alone, that it was okay to not have all the answers. My Sunday school teachers taught me more through how they presented their own life story than through what they read out of the lesson book and the facts they offered to me. I learned through the implicit lessons they taught, and these lessons had a hand in shaping me into the person that I am today. Why then do we teach? We teach not simply to fill children with facts and rote memory skills (although this can certainly be an important aspect of teaching). We teach to show young people that life with God is a journey—not a destination. We will never have all the answers. But we can wonder and explore together. There are ups and downs in the journey and children need to see that it’s okay to struggle with different aspects of the Bible and church life and to go through times of doubt. I believe that this teaching and growing together is the role of the whole congregation, not just parents, ministers or Sunday school teachers. Each of us has a story to share, each of us can list the names of people who have impacted our own faith journeys. The road of faith development is not an empty back-country road, it is a full four-lane



highway where you're never alone. We are all fellow travelers, and fellow disciples. Let’s explore together what this journey is all about. Lic. Jenny Csinos Minister of Faith Development



wo roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim Because it was grassy and wanted wear, Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.



e have the gift of an amazing Senior Choir at FBC; a group of caring, committed singers, who provide a unique and welcome service to our congregation every Sunday. Members of our Senior Choir are involved in every walk of life, and volunteer not only in the church, but also in the wider Halifax community. They understand and enjoy the value of worshiping God with music, and of ministering to our congregation weekly. The backbone of our choir is formed by our paid Soloists, who dedicate their time as Section Leads: bringing to the music program both skill and knowledge, and help provide leadership in the development and growth of the musical ministry of the church. Basically, their job is to be helpful to those who don't have their training and experience, by providing initiative, positive communication in rehearsals, professionalism, and enhancing the worship experience for singers and congregation alike through solos and ensemble singing. As Music Director, I rely on the Senior Choir and Soloists as a worship team and I would like to take this opportunity to thank every member: Soprano 1: Natasha Sider - Section Lead and Soloist Lynne Alary – Soprano 1 and Music Librarian Soprano 1: Amanda Seymour, Deidre Harvey, Sherri Allen Lee, Ivonne Mercado, Patricia Crowell Soprano 2: Natalie Thimot - Section Lead and Soloist Soprano 2: Elaine Cox, Sunny Lee, Roberta Palmer, Gisela O'Brien, Sheila Davis, Rosalind Staples-Simpson Alto 1: Breanna Miller – Section Lead and Soloist Alto 1: Naomi Nonnekes, Jennifer Ferguson, Bonnie Hurry, Alto 2: Allison Kearns –Section Lead and Percussion Soloist Alto 2: Sandra Tummers, Laurie Cruess, Lara Hazelton, Tenors: Ben Shaw -Tenor 1 Section Lead and Soloist Tenor 1: Tony Marshall Tenor 2: Kim Davison -Section Lead (on temporary leave) Patrick Simms - Section Lead and Soloist Tenor 2: Erick Lee, David Bourque Basses: Alan Manchester -Bass Section Lead and Soloist Bass 1: Ken Margeson, Peter Fillmore Bass 2: Tom Crowell My sincere gratitude is expressed to all these dedicated individuals, who make the commitment to minister to our congregation weekly, and who provide a welcoming face to all. I am greatly pleased by their enthusiasm, collective wisdom, and dedication to this church, and how they represent First Baptist to the wider community of Halifax and beyond. God's blessing to you all in 2015. Lynette Wahlstrom, Music Director



heck out the fantastic Music Page on our website for information about the Senior Choir, Men’s Choir, Children’s Choirs and more!





n the life of every church, people come and go. People join the church and people leave. Sometimes people move away, or choose to attend another church. Very sadly, sometimes people stop attending any church at all. And yes, sometimes staff leaves the church, even as new staff arrives. First Baptist is going through a time of transition. Our Senior Minister, John Boyd, announced his retirement after nearly 27 years of effective ministry. Lic. Jenny Cninos has commenced her ministry as Minister of Faith Development and is already making a significant impact upon the life of this congregation. This is all normal in the life of any church, especially one as large as FBCH. While we respect everyone’s decision to come and go as they believe God is directing, selfishly we would prefer that everyone simply stay where they are! There is always the time of sad goodbyes, because relationships have been formed and now those are changing. It’s just plain hard sometimes. Then there is always a committee and the process to fill the empty position. . A procedure for filling the principal position began shortly after John made his decision public. Under the guidance of the Diaconate, a Transitional Committee was formed and is making headway in procuring an Intentional Interim Minister to assist the congregation towards its goal of calling a new Senior Minister. Frankly, I am very excited because God has been working with the committee and continues to work in the life of this distinctive congregation. We have just celebrated the season of Emmanuel: God-with-us. Yes, we are going through a transition. However, it is not all bad. We say farewell to dear friends and colleagues while welcoming new co-workers at this marvelous place we call First Baptist. a welcoming and affirming congregation where, indeed, faith comes to life. I look forward to continue working with Jenny and the Diaconate during this time of transition and endeavouring to provide some degree of stability



in a period of uncertainty. You’re my servant, serving on my side. I’ve picked you. I haven’t dropped you.’ Don’t panic. I’m with you. There’s no need to fear for I’m your God. I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you. I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you. (Isaiah 41:10 The Message) Rev. Nelson A. Metcalfe, Minister of Visitation

CONGREGATIONAL MEETINGS Two important meetings of the congregation will take place this winter. Sunday, January 25th we will meet following worship to adopt the 2015 Operating Budget and the 2015 FBC Mission Budget. The Operating Budget covers such things as salaries, program funding (e.g.; CE and Music), some denominational support, fuel and some building maintenance. The draft budget will be available no later than Sunday, January 18. The First Baptist Mission Fund was established after First Baptist withdrew from the CABC and supports local, regional, national and global mission projects. The draft Mission Fund was introduced at the December 7 congregational meeting and will be available in final form in early January. Sunday, February 22nd, at 12 noon the congregation will meet for the Annual General Meeting. Reports will be received on all aspects of the Church’s life. A Nominating Committee Report will be adopted and updates will be given on the various ongoing projects. Members of First Baptist Church Halifax are entitled to vote on all matters. Adherents are invited to participate in the meeting and to make comments even though they do not have a vote.



t First Baptist Church Halifax we are taking a “time out” immediately following the retirement of our Senior Minister, Rev. John Boyd in 2015. We will reflect on our goals for the future, discern our way forward, and then search for new permanent leadership in our witness and mission in our community. This “time out” period is a time of transition. It will take 18 months to two years and we will engage a Transition Minister with the skills and gifts to help us through this discernment time. For more details on how this process works and what we will be doing please see our website under “Transition Info” on the home page. And, you can ask any member of our Team, noted below, to spend some time with you to discuss this approach to change in our Senior Ministry leadership. An Invitation to You! We have met with individual members, groups, boards, committees, and spoken at Congregational Meetings to hear your ideas and questions about the process of transition and what comes next for ministry at First Baptist Church Halifax. We want to hear from you! We want to talk to you! And we will make time for you. Please let us know if you would like a conversation about this work either individually, or in a group. We would be delighted to update you and to hear your thoughts at any time. The Search is on for a Transition Minister! Presently, our Transition Leadership Team is now focused on the active search for a Transition Minister to join us as early as May 2015. As you can see on our website we have posted the Employment Opportunity and we have distributed this widely across Canada and the United States on various Interim Ministry Sites, with Seminaries, within numerous Denominational bodies, and amongst the many contacts among clergy known to us near and far. To date we have had some expressions of interest, some preliminary conversations, several recommended candidates or contacts to be made, and we trust that this work will lead shortly to applications. We will keep the congregation informed of our progress. Excitement and Change It is an exciting time for First Baptist Church Halifax as we prepare to celebrate the exceptional contributions of Rev. John Boyd and Debbie Boyd to our fellowship over 27 years. At the same time we begin to look forward to our ministry together in the years ahead. We are grateful to John and Debbie and their family who will leave us on a firm foundation for the future. Together we shall embrace the change ahead and be a support to one another as we continue in faithful Christian service to our community.

Transition Leadership Team Members: David Dexter, Chair; Marilyn Peers; Hugh Kirkegaard; Anne Marie Krueger Naug; Clyde Evans; Joe O’Brien; Alberta Morgan; Sheila Stanley





arl Dexter continued his leadership of the church school with 194 pupils. He worked with Rev. H. Taylor, representing the Atlantic area, to find a Canadian curriculum to replace the American Baptist Convention. The church school had 44 teachers, including Mrs. J. Conn, Miss Nancy Brown, Roger Prentice, Don Myers, Dr. D. Eisner, Dr. C. Dexter, Dr. E. Dexter, Mr. G Colwell, Miss Judy Pelton, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Dewis. Chair of CE was Garnet Colwell. Baptisms included James Cragg, Chesley Croft, Clyde Evans, Lynne Hooper, Ronald Greencorn, Janice Nickerson, Lindy Nickerson, and Linda Rae Shaw. The Parker Colpitt Award was presented to Miss Sybil Fletcher.

be installed. The church bell was donated in memory of Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Shaw. Most of the maintenance was deferred in favour of repairing and redecorating the parsonage for the incoming minister and his family. Mrs. F. Langille and the House Committee supervised the cleaning and furnishing. A ladies' work group was organized to clean all the kitchen appliances, silverware and toilets in the parsonage. The Decorating Committee had 16 women, including Chair Mary Hatfield, Mrs. B. Morton, Mrs. A Shears, Miss Mary Freeman and Mrs. Murray North. Elsewhere in 1964:

Lois Duffy purchased a projector and screen for showing movies.

A multinational task force gathers in Pisa, Italy to prevent the Leaning Tower from falling.

The Women's Auxiliary, led by Mrs. P.H. Prentice and Mrs. Garnet Colwell, jointly sponsored the Tea and Sale, the Pantry Sale, and the Rummage Sale.. They catered the Men's Brotherhood monthly suppers, hosted a farewell party for Dr. and Mrs. De Wolfe, and a welcome reception for Rev. and Mrs. Harvey.

In Egypt, Soviet Premier Khrushchev opens the Aswan Dam.

Maintenance was overseen by W. Jackson and the Sexton, Clarence Gray. The main kitchen was painted, the boiler tuned, and the water connection to the Baptistry improved. Mr. W.M. Gould arranged for delivery of three memorial windows to


Plans are announced to build the New York World and Trade Centre. US Surgeon General makes first government report that smoking may be hazardous to health. "This Hour has Seven Days" premieres on CBC. The Vatican condemns contraceptive pill.





id you know that First Baptist Church has a Prayer Circle? Would you be willing to join this group of folks who have committed themselves to helping others through intercessory prayer? No special training or talents are necessary - only a willingness to include others in your daily prayer life. Anyone can ask for prayers, either through our ministers or directly to the group leader, Deacon Pauline Allsop (492-1050 or 228-2985). All requests are held in strictest confidence. When a request for prayers is received, the leader contacts the members of the circle, and each member commits to hold in prayer the person(s) for whom prayers are requested. Our group is small, and we would welcome new members. Unlike Committees and other groups, there are no meetings to attend, and the only commitment is to pray for others. If this sounds like a call to you, contact Pauline.







COMMUNITY OUTREACH THANK YOU! Just Us! Coffee Roasters Co-op People and the Planet Before Profits


uy a bag of coffee to support projects of the Community Outreach Committee, as well as to support the Fair Trade partnership between producers, traders or buyers, and consumers. Colombian ........................ $10.00 French Roast .................... $10.00 Mexican Morning.............. $10.00 Jungle Blend .................... $10.00 Italian ................................ $10.00 Breaking the Silence ........ $10.00 Mocha Java ...................... $10.00 French Roast Decaf ......... $11.00 Proceeds from the sale of coffee are being used to buy food items for the Brunswick Street Breakfast Program (i.e. pancakes, sausages, home fries, juice, fruit and sandwiches). When you purchase a bag of coffee, you are supporting the Fair Trade partnership between producers, traders or buyers, and consumers. Buy a box (6 bags) of Fair Trade Coffee for your office! THANK YOU! Members of First Baptist Church contribute regularly to Community Outreach through their envelopes. These donations go a long way to support the many projects of our committee, and those less fortunate in our community benefit from your generosity. Thank you very much! Thank you to everyone who volunteered at the Brunswick Street Mission, December 20, arriving at 5:30 AM to help prepare and serve breakfast, make sandwiches, and clean up. REMEMBER OUR FOOD TRUNK The third Sunday of each month is designated as Food Bank Sunday, with donations going to local food banks, to help feed those in need. ARK Sunday Supper - Our turn to prepare casseroles for delivery to St. Andrew’s United, is Jan. 4, 2015. The recipe and sign-up sheet are on the bulletin board outside the parlour.



AST STUDENT PLACEMENT At the request of the Atlantic School of Theology, the Diaconate has approved Arla Johnson, a Master of Divinity student, as a student placement here at First Baptist Church Halifax for the 2015 Winter Term, beginning in January. Whether or not the placement will continue into the 2015-2016 academic year will be reviewed once the intentional Transition Minister is in place. The emphasis for the upcoming term is “leadership” and Arla will be given the opportunity to observe and interact with First Baptist’s ordained and lay leaders. Since we are going through a leadership change for the office of Senior Minister, this will be a great setting for reflecting on this important subject. In addition, as part of her placement Arla is required to preach once and to participate in Sunday worship as much as possible. She will also have a weekly one hour sessions with Rev. John Boyd and/or other ordained and lay leaders of the Church. Arla is originally from Florida and was raised a Methodist. She has undergrad and Masters degrees in Psychology and has considerable experience as a therapist. She was a Deacon in a Metropolitan Community Church in Fort Myers, Florida for 15 years and hopes one day to establish a MCC congregation in Halifax. Arla and her partner, Julie Shore, have lived part time in PEI for the last 15 years where they ran a seasonal business (Johnson Shore Inn). They recently moved to Halifax so Arla could undertake studies for ministry and they have attended First Baptist since September.

“Forgive and give as if it were your last opportunity. Love like there’s no tomorrow, and if tomorrow comes, love again.” - Max Lucado

2015 First Baptist Church Halifax Mission Fund


n 2012, we established the First Baptist Mission Fund to support mission work both at home and internationally. Our contributions are based on our desire to share the love of God and our choices are clearly targeted based on Congregational input and feedback. Within the operating budget we provide support to our denominational partners and to faith leadership development at Acadia Divinity College and Bayside Camp. The second half of our Mission Activity is in the Mission Fund which is separate from the Operational Budget and is funded by the generosity of the congregation through preauthorized or envelope giving naming the Mission Fund in general or by designating a specific activity. This year’s projects will be considered at the December 7th Congregational Meeting and will include: Contributions to Baptist overseas missions and relief; Baptist Chaplaincy in Halifax hospitals; Assistance to new and small churches within the Halifax region; Support to organizations focussed on the victims of sexual abuse and gender based discrimination and to chaplains working with high-risk and sexual offenders as they leave prison and reenter the community. In total our goal for the Mission Fund is $17,500 and we urge and encourage you to remember Missions as you consider your giving for 2015 – either by designating a part of your preauthorized donations or on your envelope.

Celebrating the Ministry of the Reverend and Mrs. John E. Boyd


aster Sunday 5 April 2015 will mark a milestone in the life of the church as Reverend John Boyd conducts his final worship service with us as our Senior Minister. After 27 years in Halifax and more than 40 years in ordained ministry, John and Debbie will be retiring in Halifax.

Saturday April 11, 2015 Service of Thanksgiving at 2:00pm Reception in the Assembly Room from 3:00 to 5:00pm. This date will give us all a chance to recognize and give thanks for John and Debbie’s many years of faithful, inspiring and courageous ministry and leadership. We would love to hear from you - share with us your pictures, your stories and your experiences. Tell us how John and Debbie touched your lives and what their ministry has meant to you. You can send these to the Church office or by email to me at In the New Year we’ll be writing to everyone with more details about this special day – please mark your calendars in bold and be with us on Saturday 11 April. Alberta Morgan Chair – Farewell Planning Committee





en Without Jackets resumed rehearsals in September for the upcoming season. On Sunday October 5, we assisted with the Pedals, Pipes, and Pizza, an interactive and educational event for children, ages 5-14, to learn more about the organ. Led by Kevin Parks and Lynette Wahlstrom, this event was open to all children in RCCO Halifax/Dartmouth congregations. Thanks to those who volunteered as Greeters to stay after church that day. Then, on Sunday Nov 2 (All Saints Sunday) the Men Without Jackets performed Psalm 67. We made arrangements with Shawn Whynot at Bethany United Church to borrow their hand bells to accompany the piece. Thanks to our four volunteers who were willing to learn the accompaniment: Ben Shaw, Breanna Miller, Naomi Mensink and Natasha Sider. For the past few years, one of our singers, Anthony Zadeh, has decorated his house and set the lights to play along with seasonal music. Anthony has invited the Men Without Jackets to a special sing along one night in December to help spread the joy. This year, all funds collected will be donated to Bayside Camp. We also worshipped at the Christmas Communion Service at Caritas and performed at the Carols by Candlelight Service. One of our singers, Bryan Darrell, has received the prestigious 2014 Engineers Nova Scotia Citizenship Award. Congratulations to Bryan from the Men Without Jackets. For the full article, follow this link: -deacon-bryan-darrell/ Sun Dec 21Carols by Candlelight and Choir Party Sat Jan 24 Rehearsal Fri Feb 13 Valentine's Supper Sat Feb 28 Rehearsal Sat Mar 28 Rehearsal Sun Mar 29 Palm Sunday Service Sat Apr 11 Boyd Farewell Sun Apr 18 Easter at Caritas Sat Apr 25 Rehearsal Sat May 23 Rehearsal Sun Jun 21 Fathers Day Service Remember, we call ourselves "Men Without Jackets" because God never said we needed to



dress up to sing his praises. For further information, contact our Director of Music, Lynette Wahlstrom. Men Without Jackets: Peter Fillmore, Anthony Zadeh, Bryan Darrell, Ian McKee, Jim Stanley, David Bourque, Alan Manchester, Erick Lee, Joe O’Brien, Ken Margeson, Nelson Metcalfe, David Dexter, Paul Henderson, John Dalton, David Gibson, Garnet Colwell, Tom Crowell, Alan North, Tony Marshall, Kim Davison, Ed Tummers, Dahrl Whitney, Patrick Simms, Benjamin Shaw. Guest organists, Patrick Salah, Shawn Whynot, Andrea Dickinson.

MEMBERSHIP CLASSES Classes will be held in January and February to prepare people to join First Baptist Church Halifax either by Believer’s Baptism or by transfer from another Christian Church. The all day class for adults will take place on January 24 (9am 3pm), with a snow date of January 31. Separate classes for youth will take place of Sundays, February 1, 8 and 15, beginning with lunch and finishing at 1:30 pm. The class will cover such questions as: What does it mean to be a Christian? Why do Baptists baptize the way they do? What is different about a Baptist Church? How can I continue to grow in my faith? What is the First Baptist Halifax story? If you are interested in participating in the classes, please contact Rev. John Boyd at or 422-5203. The class is always open to inquirers who have not made up their minds about joining the Church, but have lots of questions!

Important Dates January 19, 2015 Deadline for the submission of reports for inclusion in the 2014 Annual Report book. Sunday, January 18, 2015 Congregational meeting to approve the proposed budget for 2015. A light lunch will be provided.



s we begin 2015, we find ourselves thinking about the year ahead. At First Baptist, change is occurring as we welcome new leadership and continue our search for the change which is coming with the retirement of our Senior Minister.

February 22, 2015 The Annual Meeting for the year 2014 will be held. A light lunch will be provided. 2015 is an important year for First Baptist Church Halifax. Many changes have taken place and we will see more in the coming year, significantly the retirement of Rev. John E. Boyd.

To know that we can provide financially for the future allows us to move on with confidence. God has given First Baptists work to do. Our willingness to give is reflected in our programs, in our ministry, in our fellowship and in our service. When we approve our budget for the year, we are approving the direction of these mission related activities. Your giving is the key to the success of this work. Won’t you take this opportunity to plan for and review your giving. First Baptist church offers you a simple, confidential way to provide financially throughout the year through the Preauthorized Offering Plan (POP). The preauthorized offering is helping to provide balance and stability in meeting our monthly expenses. POP enables you to choose the level of your giving and to make your donation with twelve monthly pre-approved donations. The Church Office (902-422-5203) can provide you with all of the information that you will require to participate in the preauthorized giving program. We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your current support. If you are not already contributing through pre-authorized giving, won’t you consider participating in the coming year? May you enjoy good health and happiness in the new year and may God bless all of your endeavours.

Please plan to attend these important meetings. Your opinions are always wanted and needed.



very year we receive a special Christmas Offering that makes all the difference in whether or not we meet the commitments we make through our annual operating budget. Most of us are making our plans for Christmas gifts for the special people in our lives. Let us prayerfully consider a generous gift to honour our Saviour and support the work we do together in his Name.



PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE Deaths Vera Jones—Aug. 27, 2014 Sister of Bruce Sterns Joan Morrison—Oct. 28, 2014 Sister of Peggy McAlpine William Murray—Nov. 5, 2014 Uncle of Lynette Wahlstrom Rev. Theo Gibson—Nov. 7, 2014 Father of David Gibson Malcom Dodge—Nov. 14 Father of Shealagh McGrath James H.C. Murdoch—Nov. 24, 2014 Father of Tom Murdoch William Lawrence “Lorrie” Ward—Nov. 25, 2014 Brother of Grace Couglan Jean Hunt—Nov. 29, 2014 Mother of Cynthia Thomson Births Kennedy Evangeline Pettipas—Nov. 11, 2014 Parents: Jerrod & Alison (Baker) Pettipas Grandparents: Bob & Suzanne Baker



he Council of the Canadian Association for Baptists Freedoms has called a Special Meeting of its membership for Saturday, February 28th at 1:30 p.m. in First Baptist Church Halifax. The purpose of the meeting is to review and adopt CABF policies and procedures for the ordination of ministers. Documentation will be available on the CABF website ( in early January. Membership in the CABF is open to individuals as well as congregations. If you would like to serve as a delegate from First Baptist, please contact Diaconate Chair, Jim Stanley by email ( or by phone (8524993). Individual Membership is on an annual basis and renewal is due each January. You can become a member or renew your membership by contacting Rev. Dave Ogilvie, Port Williams United Baptist Church, Port Williams, NS, B0P 1T0 ( The Membership Fee is $20. Both congregational delegates and individual members are entitled to vote at CABF regular and special meetings.

Madeline Rose Dexter—Nov. 15, 2014 Parents: Steven & Julia Dexter Grandparents: David & Marlene Dexter Marriage Daniel & Tiffany (Roberston) Cheverie Oct. 12, 2014 Dedication Grayden David Williams (B. Oct. 30, 2013) Parents: Jason & Alicia Williams Siblings: Ayla, Carley & Benson October 26, 2014



ASH WEDNESDAY February 18, 2015

Worship at First Baptist - Epiphany - Easter 2015 January 4: Epiphany; Communion Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12 The Star that Stopped - Lic. Jenny Csinos Music: Willan, Schubert January 11: Baptism of Jesus Genesis 1:1-5; Psalm 29 Acts 19:1-7; Mark 1:4-11 You Are God’s Beloved - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Elgar, Palestrina January 18: Epiphany 2 1 Samuel 3:1-20; Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18 1 Corinthians 6:12-20; John 1:43-51 When The Call Comes - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Chilcott, White January 25: Epiphany 3 Jonah 3:1-5, 10; Psalm 62:5-12 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20 Focussed On Mission - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Harris, Archer February 1: Epiphany 4; Communion Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Psalm 111 1 Corinthians 8:1-13; Mark 1:21-28 A Question of Authority - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Tallis, Vaughan Williams

March 1: Lent 2; Communion Genesis 17:1-7,15-16; Ps.22:23-31 Rom. 4:13-25; Mark 8:31-38 Reviewing Our Options - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Plainsong, Mendelssohn March 8: Lent 3 Exodus 20:1-17; Psalm 19 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22 Sermon: Arla Johnson, AST Student Music: Bach, Mozart March 15: Lent 4 Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21 Sharing God’s Promise - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Gibbons, Archer March 22: Lent 5 Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm 51:1-12 Hebrews 5:5-10; John 12:20-33 Seeing Jesus Today - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Pergolesi, Strett March 29: Palm/Passion Sunday Mark 11:1-11; Isaiah 50:4-9a Philippians 2:5-11; Mark 14:1-15:47 At the Name of Jesus - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Daley, Adams

Holy Week Services; 7:30 a.m. March 30 - April 2: TBA

February 8: Epiphany 5 Isaiah 40:21-31; Psalm 147:1-11, 20c 1 Corinthians 9:16-23; Mark 1:29-39 Getting Ready For Change - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Purcell, Carter

April 2: Maundy Thursday; 7 p.m. Communion and Tenebrae Service Music: Soloist

February 15: Transfiguration Sunday 2 Kings 2:1-12; Psalm 50:1-6 2 Corinthians 4:3-6; Mark 9:2-9 Allowing Transformation - Lic. Jenny Csinos Music: Rutter, Dove

April 3: Good Friday, 10:30 a.m. Joint Service: First Baptist Church, St. John’s United Church and St. David’s Presbyterian Church at St. Andrew's United Church Music: Combined Choir

February 18: Ash Wednesday; 12:15 p.m. Joel 2:1-2, 12-17; Psalm 51:1-17 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 Meditation; Imposition of Ashes

April 5: Easter Sunday; Baptism and Communion Acts 10:34-43; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Mark 16:1-8 We Have An Awesome Faith - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Mendelssohn, Mozart

February 22: Lent 1 Genesis 9:8-17; Psalm 25:1-10 1 Peter 3:18-22; Mark 1:9-15 Facing our Demons - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Byrd, Jackson

April 12: Easter 2 Acts 4:32-35; Psalm 133 1 John 1:1-2:2; John 20:19-31 Random Acts - Rev. Nelson Metcalfe Music: Widor, Mendelssohn



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HOW TO CONNECT? First Baptist Church Halifax 1300 Oxford Street, Halifax Nova Scotia, B3H 3Y8 Web Site: Telephone: (902) 422-5203 FAX: (902) 422-8665 General E-mail: Personal E-mail: Blog: Twitter: @FBCHfx

We have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him. Mathew 2:2



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