January 2016

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From the Auxiliary . . .


any decades ago the ladies of First Baptist Church came together as a group of industrious and committed women with a mission of love for the church, for its members and adherents; for a shared camaraderie with each other; and because of a deep concern for those outside the walls of our church who found themselves in less fortunate conditions. The commitment of these women, and the generations that followed, have been a strong and guiding influence, inside and outside our church for years. The list of benefactors is long and grateful. In recent years, from the Auxiliary, we have seen financial and moral support for such church projects as the “Big Dig”, the Roof, new Doors, the elevator, new floor for the Assembly Room and Creché, new Stage Curtains, and the list goes on. On a continuing basis the Auxiliary prepare and serve Coffee after each Sunday Worship Service augmented by willing volunteers to help fill the rotating roster. Always present in times of sadness and sorrow the Auxiliary prepare and serve receptions following memorial services. Preparing and serving lunch for the Annual Meeting in February.

is able to add our voice to issues which affect women both locally and on the national scene. To ensure there are resources for the work that is so near and dear to their hearts, they embark on various fund raisers throughout the year—the Plant Sale in late May, the garage Sale in May or June, the very popular Annual Christmas Tea and Sale in November, the Book Nook and Book Room, and the Craft Cabinet in the Parlour. In recent years there has been a decline in membership and after due consideration a decision was made that membership would no longer be restricted to female participants. Several men have since joined the Auxiliary, now known as First Baptist Church Auxiliary, and 2013 saw the first man as convenor of the Annual Tea and Sale.

Twice yearly, at Christmas and in March, members deliver appropriate flowers and visit with shut-ins of the Church. Another avenue for the Auxiliary to keep in touch with friends not able to join them each Sunday or for special occasions.

Unlike the Church, who holds their annual meeting in February, the Auxiliary holds theirs in January. At their upcoming meeting on January 25, 2016, they will install their first non-female President— Frank McGill. Another first for First Baptist.

Benefactors of their love and concern extend beyond the walls of our Church reaching out to Phoenix House, Laing House, the Bread of Life, Coverdale, Bayside Camp, the Stephen Lewis Foundation, Canadian Cancer Society, Rainbow Heaven, the Refugee Fund, Alzheimer’s Society of NS and so many more.

The Auxiliary has stood the test of time and because of the loving care and concern of it’s members, has evolved into a modern organization. An invitation to join this dynamic group is extended to all.

As an associate member of the Council of Women, the Auxiliary

Frank McGill Vice President

Lynn Uzans

As we begin our relationship and our work of discerning “where from here” for First Baptist, Halifax, it might be worthwhile to tell you a bit more about me than was in my earlier bio. So, here is a bit of my faith formation history. My maternal grandparents were both important to and adored by me and I visited them whenever I could. “Papa” was a feisty English immigrant who worked hard, talked little, yet had a terrific sense of joy and life. “Nanna” was a warm and sometimes playful woman, steeped in the life of her local Church. When I was no more than 6 years old, she took me to her Women’s Auxiliary quilting circle. Even today, I can close my eyes and sense the caring in that room as women sat, talked, and sewed while a casserole sent forth aromas from the oven. What most impressed me was that they let me actually work on the quilt! Even then, I think I knew they had to undo all my ‘stitches’, but they never did that in my presence. Today, I quilt with a United Church group whenever I can and continue to be reminded that church is a place of community, compassion and inclusion. My grandmother was also the Superintendent of the Sunday School, so through her, I understood church as a place to learn and grow. Even more powerfully, as a child alongside her, I began to understand God as Holy Mystery. Helping her carefully cut the bread for Holy Communion and sitting in the church watching sun stream through the stained glass windows as she prepared the Communion table, I somehow knew deep within me, this God we worship is bigger than all our words and imaginings. I was and remain, in awe. About this time, a remarkable Anglican Nun ‘blew into’ New Brunswick. Sister Sheila was no-nonsense, tireless, and never moved at less than a trot! Saint John was full of stories about her heroic outreach to the poor, demands for justice, and call to a social gospel. I wanted to be just like Sister Sheila when I grew up. Today, I am an Associate of a religious order and still passionate about outreach and justice, grounded in prayer. In the small village where I grew up, there were many more women and men who showed me faith – whether they knew it or not! These included my parents and paternal grandparents; a teacher who reminded every student that she was first and foremost a loved child of God, neighbours who were tireless in their community leadership; people who blew the whistle on child abuse and reshaped the school system … the list goes on. The “cloud of witnesses” for me is large and continues to grow. I hope my stories of mentors will trigger memories of people who guided and shaped your journey. And I hope that, as we travel together over the next several months, you will share those memories and use them to help define not only the past but the present and future, for yourself and the congregation of this Church we call ‘home’ . May the blessings of Epiphany-tide be many! Your Sister-in-Christ, Lynn

The Baptism of Jesus John the Baptist was God's appointed messenger. Before Jesus began his ministry, John had been announcing to the people throughout the regions of Jerusalem and Judea to prepare for the coming Messiah. He was calling them to repent, turn from their sins, and be baptized. He was pointing the way to Jesus. Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. But John tried to deter him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?”

Upcoming Services January 10: Baptism of our Lord Isaiah 43:1-7; Psalm 29 Acts 8:14-17; Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 Spirited Beginnings – Rev. Lynn Uzans Music: Copland, Mendelssohn

January 17: Epiphany 2 Isaiah 62:1-5; Psalm 36:5-10 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; John 2:1-11 Well of Life – Rev. Lynn Uzans Music: Vaughan Williams, Kedrov

Jesus replied, "Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." John then consented. As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” Join us at First Baptist at 10:30 am on January 10, 2016 as we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus.

All staff, Board or Committee reports for inclusion in the 2015 Annual Report Book are to be received by the church office no later than January 18, 2016.

On January 31, 2016 a Congregational Meeting will be held in the Assembly Hall following the Worship Service. A light lunch will be served. The Agenda will include discussion and approval of the 2016 Operating Budget and the 2016 FBCH Mission Budget. The 2015 Annual Business Meeting will be held February 28, 2016.

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity January 18-24, 2016 All Services 12:15pm to 12:45pm Tuesday, January 19th St. Matthews United Church Host: Rev. Betsy Hogan Preacher: Rev. Paul Friesen

“Salt of the Earth� This year we are given the opportunity to reflect upon our Christian vocation to be salt and light, to be one in Christ, and to work together in service to our local community and to the world. Ecumenical services will be held throughout the city on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday beginning at 12:15pm. Please plan to attend.

Wednesday, January 20th The Presbyterian Church of St. David Host: Rev. Kenn Stright Preacher: Archbishop Anthony Mancini

Thursday. January 21st First Baptist Church Halifax Hosts: Rev. Jenny Csinos and Rev. Lynn Uzans Preacher: Rev. Kenn Stright

We extend Happy Birthday wishes to Betty Thomas as she celebrates her 90th with family and friends on January 16, 2016

Adult Membership Class Saturday, January 30 from 9:30-4:30 with lunch provided. The class will cover such questions as: What does it mean to be a Christian? Why do Baptists baptize the way they do? What is different about a Baptist Church? How can I continue to grow in my faith? What is the First Baptist Church Halifax story? If you are interested in participating in the class, please contact Rev. Jenny Csinos. The class is always open to inquirers who have not made up their minds about joining the Church, but have lots of questions!

Upper Room Daily Devotionals The January-February issue is available throughout the church. Please feel free to take one home with you.

Take Sunday School Home! Our curriculum offers at home resources for continuous conversations of faith formation for the whole family. Check out the church website for each weeks take-home sheet.

Thank You The children and youth have worked together to decide where the Sunday School offering for 2015 will be donated. They have decided to give $100 to Phoenix House, $130 to Canadian Baptist Ministries towards Chickens and Nutrition Packs and the remaining, just over $100 towards supplies for the FBCH Refugee family. Thank you to all who donated over the year.

Coming Soon! You are invited during the season of Lent to gather together and engage in different spiritual practices. We will meet Monday evenings from 7-8pm in the parlour from February 15 to March 14. Everyone is invited to come and experience spirituality and prayer in different forms and be challenged to grow in your faith. A few examples would be using prayer beads, a labyrinth or prayer through art. Please mark your calendars, more details to come. For more information, please contact Rev. Jenny Csinos.

The Carols

The Lessons All is in readiness, as we wait with anticipation for the coming of the Christ Child . . .

Our Spiritual/Pastoral Leaders

Joy to the World — Christ is Born in Bethlehem

Photos by Warren Hoeg

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