First Baptist Voices: Lent 2014

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Where Faith Comes T o Life! The Newsletter of First Baptist Church Halifax

Vol. 26 No 1 March 2014



uring my final term at Acadia I was immersed in writing my MDiv thesis on the Theological Motifs of the Yahwist in Genesis 2:4b-3:24; in other words, on the story of the Garden of Eden. Scholars had long given up reading the story as literal history, but many Baptist preachers were still teaching it as fact, thereby confusing many children and youth who were learning about evolution and the Big Bang in school. Too often a false dichotomy was set up: you can believe the Bible (literally) or you can believe science. If you believe science, you are throwing the Bible away. My thesis was that this ancient story held amazing wisdom that was independent of its literal truthfulness. Its author, an unknown Hebrew theologian known by scholars as the Yahwist because of how s/he referred to God, had a deep understanding of the human condition and the nature of God, about which s/he told the truth through this parable of the Garden of Eden. You may wonder why I bring this up forty years later! The sad truth is that fundamentalist preachers are still teaching Genesis 2-3 as literal history and are still trying to force children and youth to choose between the Bible and science, as if trusting God means putting your brain in neutral! Reading this story as parable gives us access to its timeless wisdom without shackling us to a “history” where serpents talk out loud, where an anthropomorphic God walks in the cool of the evening and undertakes rather complicated surgery. Here is some of the wisdom in this story that has contemporary relevance:

1.Our “home” on this planet is a “Garden” whose ecology depends on harmony between humans and all other life that neither exploits or destroys. 2.Humans are made of the same “stuff” - differences in sexuality, race or any other characteristic are real, but do not change our essential oneness as humans. 3.Human freedom cannot exist without the possibility of evil. Freedom means humans can choose not to follow God’s wisdom in relationships with other humans or with the environment. When we do this, there are consequences. 4.Humans are relational and find deep meaning in relationships with each other and with God, suggesting a spiritual as well as a physical and intellectual nature. 5.Deception, lies and hubris bring disruption to life at all levels, ecologically, relationally and spiritually. Adam and Eve lose the Garden, become distant with each other and are cut off from God when they choose to substitute their own wisdom for God’s. 6.Even when all seems lost, God does not abandon us. As Adam and Eve stand naked outside the Garden, it is God who makes clothes for them, and the journey “back” to the Garden begins, a journey to what Jesus would call the Kingdom of God. Lent is a time to reflect on our lives, and particularly how we relate to each other and to God. The story the Yahwist told many centuries ago can be held up like a mirror in which we discover the nature of God, our environment, our humanity, our struggle with evil and God’s intention to bring us “home” to the Garden. And nowhere is this intention more explicitly revealed than in the death and resurrection of Jesus which we celebrate at Easter! - Rev. John E. Boyd Page



n an age of skepticism and futility Christianity offers hope. Jesus reversed the effects of death and circumvented the meaninglessness of existence. The Resurrection, what an amazing concept, that death is not the end! If Christ was raised from the dead there is hope for you and me. In an Easter sermon, Thomas Toole, spoke about the death of Mel Blanc. You might not remember the name but if you are a baby boomer you likely remember the voice. Mel was well known for doing many of the voices for Warner Brothers, “Looney Tunes.” Often at the end of the cartoon show, Bugs Bunny would appear on the screen and say, “That’s All Folks.” Mel’s family decided to do something special for Mel and so they had the following inscription written on his tombstone, “That’s all folks.” In the Easter story we are reminded of an empty tomb, of a risen Christ and of death being swallowed up in victory. The one who trusts in Christ never has to accept the epitaph, “That’s all folks!” There is much more to come! As you share in Easter celebrations this year may your hearts be encouraged with the good news that, “Christ is Risen!” Rev. Nelson A. Metcalfe Minister of Visitation

CABF’S VINCENT RUSHTON MEMORIAL LUNCH AND LECTURE Saturday, June 4; 11:30 a.m. Acadia’s Manning Memorial Chapel Speaker: Dr. Pamela Mosher Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Dalhousie Tickets must be reserved by May 30 Contact Rev. Dr. Roger Prentice, 542-7407

EASTER SERVICES Palm Sunday—April 13, 2014, 10:30 a.m. Holy Week Ecumenical Services; 7:30 a.m. Monday: Cathedral Church of All Saints Tuesday: First Baptist Church Halifax Wednesday: St. Mary's Cathedral Basilica Thursday: St. Matthew’s United Church Continental Breakfast follows Maundy Thursday—April 17, 2014, 7:00 p.m. Service of Communion and Tennebrae Good Friday—April 18, 2014, 10:30 a.m. Saint David’s Presbyterian Church Easter Sunday—April 20, 2014, Sunrise Service 6:22 a.m., Point Pleasant Park Service of Baptism and Communion, 10:30 a.m. Wonderful music is planned for all these meaningful services. Please plan to join us!





s FBC Music Director, I have set specific goals for the music program, focusing on expanding programs for children and youth, developing congregational involvement, and encouraging community outreach Our “Songsters” choir is an example of success, and it was a happy discovery to have our youth form a Guitar Ensemble. These projects are not covered under the Music Budget, which covers all aspects of the music program including organ and piano tuning, honorariums for Senior Choir Section Leads, Guest soloists, purchase of all music, materials, and supplies. By exuberant congregational response, we all agree that Songsters and Guitar Ensemble are wonderful additions to the Music Program at FBC. The Music Committee and I are looking for ways to fund Summer Choir Camp scholarships for our Songsters and also to fund Guitar Instruction for the Guitar Ensemble. We are looking for individuals or church groups that can help us fund these projects: 5 Summer Choir Camp subsidies, totaling $1000, and Guitar Ensemble Instruction is $1200 per year. The title, “Miracles on Oxford Street”, refers to our numerous Guest Soloists, namely Maritime Brass Quintet and Duo Tranquillo, Katherine Fitch-Loza and Kimberley North. These ensembles have played one service a year at FBC in return for recording and rehearsal space. We have grown to the point where we as a congregation are used to these rich musical gifts, however, we need help from the congregation to sustain these projects. You can contribute by helping to sponsor a Guest Artist group for a service to the tune of $1000 for Maritime Brass Quintet, Blue Engine String Quartet, or Duo Tranquillo. Thank you for your consideration and please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Lynette Wahlstrom, FBC Music Director



nclosed with your newsletter is an Easter Offering envelope that we hope you will use as an additional offering sometime during the Easter season. This is one of the three special offerings we receive each year (Christmas and Thanksgiving being the other two) and our target for 2014 is $3,500. Many people ask, “What should I give?” The answer is highly personal and will be different for each person or family. What matters most is not the size of our gift, but what it represents in terms of our gratitude for the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross and the victory of life over sin and death that God gave to us and the world in the Resurrection of Jesus.

DO YOU LOVE TO SING? Check out the fantastic Music Page on our website for information about the Senior Choir, Men’s Choir, Children’s Choirs and more!

PRAYER CIRCLE Did you know that First Baptist Church has a Prayer Circle? Would you be willing to join this group of folks who have committed themselves to helping others through intercessory prayer? No special training or talents are necessary - only a willingness to include others in your daily prayer life. Anyone can ask for prayers, either through our ministers or directly to the group leader, Deacon Pauline Allsop (492-1050 or 228-2985). All requests are held in strictest confidence. When a request for prayers is received, the leader contacts the members of the circle, and each member commits to hold in prayer the person(s) for whom prayers are requested. Our group is small, and we would welcome new members. Unlike Committees and other groups, there are no meetings to attend, and the only commitment is to pray for others. If this sounds like a call to you, contact Pauline.



Visitation Ministry


ack at the end of 2004, some very forward looking members of the congregation provided a gift for a Visitation Ministry. It was intended to support those in our congregation who are unable to join us at the church because they cannot leave their private residences, retirement centres, nursing homes or health care institutions. How do we include them, fellowship with them, minister to them? We have to go to them. In early 2005 the Rev. Nelson Metcalfe joined our ministerial team as our part-time Minister of Visitation. This was the start of something good. Those whom Nelson visits are very clear in their appreciation of his ministry. Support has been so strong that the Visitation Ministry has been extended several times, most recently being at the Congregational Meeting of November 12, 2012, which resulted in extension for a further two years until the end of December, 2014. If you would like to see the detail of all the visits Nelson did last year—over 700 in addition to the services and meetings which he led or in which he participated, look at his report on pages 36-39 of the 2013 Annual Report. I am certain that you will be surprised at the impact of this ministry! It is truly a part of “Where Faith Comes to Life” for many members and adherents of First Baptist Church Halifax. Nelson also acts as resource person to the Visitation Committee at FBCH, attending meetings and keeping committee members up to date on visitation needs and changes affecting those being visited. Additionally, Nelson participates in one worship service at FBCH each month. How have we managed to finance this ministry? Since its inception, the Visitation Ministry has been “off budget.” When the original generous gifts had been used, the congregation took over the primary funding of this ministry outside of our operational budget, supplemented by money from the 2009 Special Gift Fund. This ministry costs about $17,000 per year. Contributions in 2012 were $14,330 leaving only $2,374 to be provided by the 2009 Special Gift Fund. In 2013, there were contributions of $11,674 supplemented by $5,435 provided by the 2009 Special Gift Fund. Now I bring to your prayerful attention the need to continue funding this ministry. With the same outstanding support that this congregation has shown for the past several years, we will once again be able to fund the majority of the cost from our donations, leaving only a small amount to be subsidized by the 2009 Special Gift Fund. If you would like to contribute, you can do so using your weekly offering envelope or by telling Alana in the Church Office that you would like a certain amount added to your monthly Preauthorized Offering Plan donation. And finally, you can just use one of the envelopes in the pew racks. Regardless of what method you use, please be sure to note that the donation is toward the Visitation Ministry. Thank you all for your support! Praise be to God for sending Nelson to us and to the members of this congregation for their prayerful and financial support of his ministry. --Dave Gibson





ur Fall rehearsals were in preparation for the Advent Season, during which we sang "What Child is This?". At the November rehearsal, we welcomed new member Anthony Zadeh, whose wife, Amanda, has joined the Senior Choir. We performed at both Services on Sunday Dec 22, the morning service and the Carols by Candlelight., after which we enjoyed a great party with the Senior Choir at the home of Ed and Sandi Tummers. Jeremy Dutcher was able to join us for this event as well. Because of winter storms, the usual Christmas Communion at Caritas had to be postponed. The "Men Without Jackets" did an excellent presentation at Caritas Residence on January 5th. We had about 40 in attendance including Marlene Dexter and Alberta Morgan from FBCH. Once again, several Sisters were present and we were prepared this time with adequate bread and wine. Nelson Metcalfe met with Sister Betsy who said she listened to the service from her room and how much she had appreciated it. Remember, we call ourselves "Men Without Jackets" because God never said we needed to dress up to sing his praises. For further information, contact our Director of Music, Lynette Wahlstrom. Men Without Jackets: Anthony Zadeh, Bryan Darrell, Ian McKee, Jim Stanley, David Bourque, Alan Manchester, Erick Lee, Joe O’Brien, Brian Ashton, Ken Margeson, Nelson Metcalfe, David Dexter, Paul Henderson, John Dalton, David Gibson, Garnet Colwell, Tom Crowell, Alan North, Tony Marshall, Kim Davison, Ed Tummers, Dahrl Whitney, Richard MacMichael, Allen Cruess, Benjamin Shaw. Guest organists, Patrick Salah, Shawn Whynot, Andrea Dickinson.


Deaths Yvonne M. Warner—November 25, 2013 Sister of Florence Manchester; Aunt of Alan Manchester Helmut Penner—November 28, 2013 Father of Gisela O’Brien Shirley Robertson—December 13, 2013 Mother of Gordon, Margaret & Alan Reed; Heather, Cynthia, Judy and Janet Robertson Gary F. Brown—December 19, 2013 Father of Frank Brown Mary Ellen Logan—December 31, 2013 Sister of Renie Isnor Woodrow G. Darrell—January 18, 2014 Brother of Bryan Darrell Angus Ferguson—February 2, 2014 Uncle of Lois McGibbon Iola Stronach—February 3, 2014 Mother of Sharon McGill David Fraser—February 23, 2014 Husband of Joan Fraser

Births Kate Rui Nickerson January 6, 2014 Parents: Jerry & Rui Nickerson








any thanks from the Community Outreach Committee for your assistance with the following Christmas activities: 

All the early risers who helped to prepare and serve breakfast for the homeless at the Brunswick Street Mission on December 21st  Members of the congregation who generously donated to the White Gift Program  Everyone who shopped and wrapped gifts of clothing, household items, and toys for 79 people  Volunteers from First Baptist Church who helped pack the food boxes at the Ward 5 Community Centre on December 13th and then deliver the boxes, along with the gifts, to the recipients on December 14th At the request of Ward 5, Superstore gift cards were purchased to include with the Christmas Dinner Boxes, so people could get some extra treats for their families. We also helped a young couple from Newfoundland who was at the IWK with a very sick baby and very little family resources to fall back on. The following monetary donations were made:  1,000.00 to the Ward 5 Neighborhood Centre for Christmas dinners.  $500.00 to the Parker Street Food and Furniture Bank for their Christmas Dinner Program.  $200.00 to the Angel Tree Gift Program to help with Christmas gifts for the children of prison inmates.  $200.00 to Bryony House  $100.00 to Phoenix House  $200.00 to Bread of Life Ministries.  $200.00 to the Brunswick Street Mission ‘Year of Caring’ Program

SUNDAY SUPPER FOR ARK Thank you to everyone who prepared Cottage Cheese Beef Bake and helped to serve dinner for the ARK Sunday Supper at St. Andrew's on

March 2nd. These meals are an important way for our church community to provide a hot meal for homeless people in our city who would otherwise go without dinner.

55+ LUNCHEON The annual 55+ Luncheon is scheduled for April 27th after the Sunday morning service. Please plan on attending for a bowl of fish chowder, good conversation and more! A very special afternoon is being planned for you. Transportation is available.

BRUNSWICK STREET BREAKFAST PROGRAM - MAY First Baptist Church is again hosting the Saturday morning breakfasts at the Brunswick Street Mission during the month of May. Between 60 and 75 people come each Saturday for pancakes, sausages, hash browns, hard boiled eggs, toast, orange juice, coffee, tea, granola bars, and fresh fruit. We also make a variety of sandwiches (ham, turkey, and roast beef) for them to take for a snack later on. All the food items (except the tea and coffee) are provided by our church and purchased with the profits raised from the sale of our Just Us! coffee and tea. Thank you to everyone who continues to purchase their coffee from the Community Outreach committee and to all the early risers who come at 5:30 AM to help with the breakfast program.

REMEMBER OUR FOOD TRUNK The third Sunday of each month has been designated as Food Bank Sunday, with donations going to local food banks, such as Feed Nova Scotia, Ward 5 Food Bank, and the Parker Street Food and Furniture Bank to help feed those in need. Donations can be dropped off at other times as well. Continued on page 9






fter 120 years as a Women's Auxiliary, it is time to be progressive and expand from being a `Ladies Only' group and welcome the gentlemen into our ranks. We already have two committed gents added to our numbers. Our name has been changed to the First Baptist Church Auxiliary and our by-laws have been revised to be gender neutral. Guys, Think of the opportunity to support fellow church members, provide financial assistance for church projects and provide community service! We even have an occasional guest speaker. Just in case you are wonder what this group has been doing, here are some of its endeavors and accomplishments in the past 15 years:  

Major Fund Raising Projects: Tea and Sale, Yard Sale, Plant Sale, Bridge Social, Craft Sales Caring Church Support: Poinsettia and Daffodil visitation, Funeral and Memorial Receptions, Sunday lunches  Church Financial Support: Memorial and Benevolent Funds, Bayside Camp  Property Maintenance: Financial Support for: Windows, Doors, Elevator, Roof, 'Big Dig', Drapes, Parlor Furnishings, Carpeting, Snow Thrower  Community Support: Charity donations annually such as: Alzheimer's Society, Laing House, Phoenix House, Bread of Life Ministries, Coverdale Come with your new ideas, strengths, direction and your support. Be one of the first charter members of our newly organized group. (No one is going to ask you to make cookies!). The welcome mat is out and we look forward to having you join us . We meet on the 4th Monday of the month, usually in the afternoon and normally in the parlor. Call or e-mail Marlene Dexter, Auxiliary President for further information. It is a great way to get to know your church family. Members of the First Baptist Church Auxiliary (all 25 of us!)

FBC AUXILIARY NEWS WATCH Annual Yard Sale Saturday, April 26, 9:00 a.m. to noon Volunteers needed. Call Louise Schurman. Proceeds to go to a roof repair fund. Annual Plant Sale Saturday, May 17, 9:00 am—noon. Watch for more details in the future. 2014 Annual Tea & Sale Mark the date! November 1, 2014. Volunteers are welcomed! Stay tuned for more information. Donna Darrel and Mary Ann Eisener, Co-convenors



Lets make it 50 strong!



aster Sunday will be celebrated this year on April 20, 2014. I wish to invite members of the congregation and friends of First Baptist Church to donate to the Easter display of flowers, remembering friends and family who are no longer with us, or to celebrate a special event in your lives. Please contact the office before April 17, so the dedications will appear in the bulletin on Easter Sunday. Thank you for your interest and generosity in donating flowers to the beautification of our church. Johanne McKee, Flower Committee



he practice of Lent likely has its origins in practical reasons. In agricultural societies (as most Christian cultures were, in the fourth and fifth centuries, when Lent is first mentioned in historical context), winter crops were often scarce. Correspondingly, a period of fasting may have been a spiritual response to a physical need. The excesses and revels of Shrove Tuesday (also known as Mardi Gras), the day before Ash Wednesday, were, in all likelihood, a response to the same phenomenon, as people wanted to consume perishable goods (like meats, eggs, dairy products, and sweets) before they spoiled. As the practice of Lent evolved, it began to take on the added significance of a preparation of new church members for the baptism of Easter Sunday. In the spirit of Christianity as a community of living faith, this period of fasting and preparation was eventually embraced by all Church members. Additionally, Lent was once referred to as quadragesima, which is Latin for the fortieth day before Easter. The word "Lent" itself is thought to come from a Germanic root, lenct, which initially meant "spring" and, later, "fast." Why 40 Days? Lent's duration is actually 46 days. However, as Sundays represent Christ's resurrection, they are not commonly counted in the tally between Ash Wednesday and the Easter vigil. The primary meaning of the fast is considered to be a way of identifying with the suffering of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels, and of acknowledging his substitutionary death for the sins of mankind. The meaning of the season is further enriched by other biblical occurrences of the number 40 -- Moses and Elias spent 40days in the wilderness, in a similar manner to Christ, the Jewish people wandered for 40 years, as recorded in Exodus, and Jesus spent 40hours in the tomb, prior to his resurrection. Colors and Decorations of Lent For the Lenten season, purple, red and dark violet are often the favored colors, symbolizing the pain of Christ's crucifixion. Gray, the color of ashes, is often used for Ash Wednesday, and this practice is sometimes extended throughout the entire fast. Furthermore, some churches avoid flowers during

Continued from page 7

Just Us! Coffee Roasters Co-op People and the Planet Before Profits


uy a bag of coffee to support projects of the Community Outreach Committee, as well as to support the Fair Trade partnership between producers, traders or buyers, and consumers. Colombian ........................ $10.00 French Roast.................... $10.00 Mexican Morning ............. $10.00 Jungle Blend .................... $10.00 Italian ................................ $10.00 Breaking the Silence ....... $10.00 Mocha Java ...................... $10.00 French Roast Decaf ......... $11.00 Proceeds from the sale of coffee are being used to buy food items for the Brunswick Street Breakfast Program (i.e. pancakes, sausages, home fries, juice, fruit and sandwiches). When you purchase a bag of coffee, you are supporting the Fair Trade partnership between producers, traders or buyers, and consumers. Buy a box (6 bags) of Fair Trade Coffee for your office!

the season, reintroducing them at Easter (often to great psychological effect) with a flowering cross. Other congregations choose to use a roughly-hewn wooden cross as a focal point throughout the season, symbolizing of Christ's pain and martyrdom. For Christians of all colors, Lent continues to symbolize the self-sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The period of fasting from certain foods, drinks and activities serves as a reminder of the sorrow and joy of the Resurrection and the truly loving and compassionate spirit of the Christian faith. From



50 years ago: Looking back to 1964 Feb 2014: The Life of the Church


oard of Management agreed to reinstate the Sunday evening services which had been temporarily suspended due to low attendance.

Total membership was 716. By letter, 24 new members were received. By baptism, 23 new members: Jean Cooley, Emily De Wolfe, Frances Gormley, Anne Hirtle, Susan Isnor, John Gertridge, Alan North, Wendy Rhymer, Ruth Shortcliffe, Margaret Shortcliffe, Ann Stewart, Lynn Thomas, Richard Keddy, Steven Rhymer, Carolyn Wood, Graeme Bethune, Martin Collicott, Edward Cragg, Owen Evans, Gregory North, and Harold Shortliffe. The total number of members served communion for the year rose from 1914 up to 2348. The report of the Memorial Window Committee was approved as the master plan for the sanctuary windows. The use of the nursery school was approved for pre-school children with hearing handicaps. The choir sang carol services at Easter, Whitsuntide and Christmas. The choir performed a program of Christmas music broadcast on “Church of the Air”. Mr. Hawkins performed organ recitals preceding the morning and evening services. These were greatly appreciated. He also performed two public organ recitals, one featuring Canadian composers. W.L. Dickson chaired the Maintenance Committee. He repaired 34 panes of broken window glass, and launched a study to improve the acoustics and PA system in the church. He replaced 80 feet of leaking water pipe to the parsonage, insulated its attic, and installed five aluminum windows in the bedrooms. Earl Dexter continued to lead the Church School with 195 students enrolled. Among the 48 teachers were: Mrs. J. Conn, Roger Prentice, Don Myers, Dr. Doug Eisner, Mrs. John Peers, Miss Audrey Nightingale, Miss Elizabeth Barnstead. Miss Anne Piper was the 1963 recipient of the Parker Colpitt award. Mrs. P.H. Prentice and Mrs. Garnet Colwell Jr. led the Women’s Auxiliary and organized the Spring Pantry Sale and the Fall Tea and Sale. Donna Myers and Sheila Allen led the Girl Guides. The girls attended the church parade, sold cookies, organized the Mother-daughter banquet, decorated the Christmas tree and did their Christmas “Good Turn” by donating used clothing to a family of seven children. Mr. John Conn led the 19 Scouts with help from Clair Branscombe, Danny Macintosh, George Zwicker and R. Fletcher. The 25 members of the Young Adult Fellowship met regularly on Sunday evenings before or after the service. They attended a panel on nuclear disarmament, play readings, an organ recital and explanation of the workings of the organ, a slide show of the holy land. Elsewhere in the world: USSR and USA establish hot line following Cuban Missile Crisis. Hurricane Flora kills 6000 people. The term ‘Beatlemania” is coined. President Kennedy is assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas. Instant replay is used for the first time on television during Army versus Navy football match. Five US helicopters are shot down in South Vietnam, killing 30. In Syria, the Ba’ath Party stages a coup, arrests the President and sends him into exile. Alcatraz Prison closes. The touchtone telephone is first introduced. - Ed Tummers, research



Worship Schedule - March to May, 2014 March 2: Transfiguration; Communion Exodus 34:29-35; Psalm 99 2 Corinthians 3:12 – 4:2; Luke 9:28-43a Getting Off the Mountain – Rev. Nelson Metcalfe Music: Haydn March 9: Lent 1 Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7; Psalm 32 Romans 5:12-19; Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus and the Enemy Within - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Fauré, Holst March 16: Lent 2 Genesis 12:1-4a; Psalm 121 Romans 4:1-5, 13-17; John 3:1-17 Jesus and the Confused Man - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Lange, Chilcott

April 17: Maundy Thursday; 7:00 p.m. Service of Communion and Tenebrae April 18: Good Friday; 10:30 a.m. Service at St. David’s Presbyterian Church April 20: Easter Sunrise Service, 6:22 a.m., Point Pleasant Park Service of Baptism; Communion; 10:30 a.m. Acts 10:34-43; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 Colossians 3:1-4; Matthew 28:1-10 Because Jesus Lives... - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Gjeilo, Blue Engine String Quartet April 27: Easter 2 Acts 2:14a, 22-32; Psalm 16 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31 Doubters Welcomed - Rev. Nelson A. Metcalfe Music: R. Shaw, Sirett

March 23: Lent 3 Exodus 17:1-7; Psalm 95 Romans 5:1-11; John 4:5-42 Jesus and the Wise Woman - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Enns, Bruch

May 4: Easter 3 Acts 2:14a, 36-42; Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19 1 Peter 1:17-23; Luke 24:13-35 Believe it or Not! - Pastor John Dalton Music: Widor, Drisdelle commission

March 30: Lent 4 1 Samuel 16:1-13; Psalm 23 Ephesians 5:8-14; John 9:1-41 Jesus and the Willfully Blind - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Mendelssohn, Jacob

May 11: Easter 4 Acts 2:42-47; Psalm 23 1 Peter 2:19-25; John 10:1-10 Mission Then, Mission Now - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Dvorak, Rorem

April 6: Lent 5; Communion Ezekiel 37:1-14; Psalm 130 Romans 8:6-11; John 11:1-45 Jesus and the Grieving Women - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Willan, Fleming

May 18: Easter 5 Acts 7:55-60; Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16 1 Peter 2:2-10; John 14:1-14 Afraid to Follow Jesus? - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Ellington, Stanford

April 13: Palm/Passion Sunday Matthew 21:1-11; Isaiah 50:4-9a; Psalm 31:9-16 Philippians 2:5-11; Matthew 27:11-54 Jesus and the Deadly Elites - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Songsters, Poulenc

May 25: Easter 6 Acts 17:22-31; Psalm 66:8-20 1 Peter 3:13-22; John 14:15-21 Always Be Ready - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Young, Rutter

Holy Week Ecumenical Services; 7:30 a.m. Monday: Cathedral Church of All Saints Tuesday: First Baptist Church Halifax Wednesday: St. Mary's Cathedral Basilica Thursday: St. Matthew’s United Church

June 1: Easter 7; Ascension Sunday Acts 1:6-14; Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11; John 17:1-11 Jesus at Prayer - Rev. John E. Boyd Music: Eleanor Daley



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Lent HOW TO CONNECT? First Baptist Church Halifax 1300 Oxford Street, Halifax Nova Scotia, B3H 3Y8 Web Site: Telephone: (902) 422-5203 FAX: (902) 422-8665 General E-mail: Personal E-mail: Blog: Twitter: @FBCHfx

and Easter



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