The Journey That Is Health & Wellness by Monica Grizzaffi
When we think of our health and well-being, especially in the presence of disease, chronic pain, or discomfort, the physical body is often the sole focus. It’s easy to overlook how our mental state can impact our physical sensations. However, the relationship between the thoughts in the mind and its effects on the body is very real and very strong, and we have the power to greatly influence the outcome. While the brain certainly isn’t categorized as a muscle, I often compare it to one when I am trying to help others understand the concept of adjusting our thought processes. When we want to increase our physical strength, especially a specific area, we focus on that one place by perhaps adding more weights or increasing repetitions in our routine. If we want to improve a skill, we repeat it until we have learned to smoothly perform the task that we are undertaking. A similar approach can be taken with our thought patterns and how they can influence the health of our bodies. One way to begin is to notice our inner dialogue when going about our daily routines. How critical are we of ourselves and of others? How negative are we in situations that can perhaps be viewed in a more positive light?
How often do we feel offended by others' actions when, in fact, it may not even be about us…and if it is…so what? Without judgement, notice these things. If it is something that you want to change or even just improve upon, realize that with practice, you can actively choose to think differently and that this change could improve your physical well-being as well. Take small moments to reflect on your initial response to situations that pull you into a negative headspace, then take steps to look at other possible ways to view it. One tactic I personally use is that if someone else’s actions upset or offend me, I simply decide that their actions have nothing to do with me. I also decide not to ascribe personality traits or characteristics based on a one-time exposure to someone. Something might be going on in their lives, be it stress, pain, or simply a bad day, and they aren’t their best selves at the moment. I find myself feeling happier as a result of my own choice to give everyone around me a little grace and view everything from a more positive perspective. This general outlook influences how deeply I breathe, how I hold my posture, and even how I sleep at night…all important assets to overall health and well-being
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