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Being Busy Versus Being Productive
Is Your Life Becoming a Blur?
By Kimberly Guillot Thibeaux
Do you find yourself saying things like “I feel like I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off,” or “I feel like a hamster on a wheel, running fast but not going anywhere”?
A busy day does not always mean a productive day.
Busy days don't always = jam-pack your schedule every day. If your brain is throwing in the towel by noon, that's not conducive to being as productive as you are capable of being.
Busyness decreases your availability to be productive for the entirety of your day. It's more optimal to spread out tasks allowing yourself to be completely present with each task at hand.
Being in the present moment and utilizing every minute with purpose creates a more fulfilling day. You won’t find yourself asking, “What did I really do today to be this exhausted?” It’s more optimal to slightly under-schedule rather than living day to day at your limit.
Things come up, and if your schedule is already pushing your limits physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, you will be running on a short fuse. Chronically living with a short fuse (energetically speaking) affects your motivation.
This way of life creates more stress and various phenomena such as BURNOUT, a very real emotional, physical, and mental exhaustive state caused by excessive and prolonged stress.
At the end of your day, you may feel like you were successful by overdoing it and completing all the “necessary” tasks, but you will be lacking the energy and motivation to continue this pattern for years to come. This lifestyle leaves no room for self-care.
I invite you to adjust your days with purpose, allowing there to be breathing room in your schedule (*pun intended*).
Happy Healing,
Holistic Nurse Kim