NWA Newsletter, 9th December 2022

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Lancaster Auction Mart: Christmas Show of Prime Lambs, followed by Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs and Cast Sheep, and Fortnightly Sale of Store Lambs, Monday 5th December 2022.

Prime Lambs

North West Auctions Lancaster was proud to hold its annual Christmas show and sale of Prime Lambs with a great festive buzz around the auction. There was a wonderful line up of thirty nine pens of show lambs forward for our judge William Livesey to cast his expert eye over who we thank for his time and expertise. A special mention Lawrence Pierce wool merchants for their support in sponsoring the sale. The championship rosette was awarded to JS Horner, Ingleton with his first prize pair of beltex lambs. This much admired pair of lambs weighed 45kg and went on to sell for £220 or 490p/kg purchased by the judge. The reserve champion rosette was awarded to the second prize pair of Beltex lambs from James Robinson, Carnforth going on to sell for £158 or 336p/kg weighing 47kg. Rounding off a good day for James saw him awarded the first prize pen of five lowland sired lambs selling to £148 at 46kg. The first prize pen of Mule/Masham lambs was awarded to a pen of 55kg Mules from JW Cornall & Son, Bleasdale going on to sell for £136. The horned lamb class saw the first prize rosette for the second year in a row awarded to Gus Brown, Littledale selling 38kg Lonks to £100. Cheviot lamb class saw the first and second prize rosette awarded to Peter Prickett, Hutton Roof selling first prize 49kg lambs to £116 and second prize 45kg lambs to £108. A special mention and thank you goes to all the yard and clerical staff for the support throughout the year and wonderful to see Lancaster Mondays growing from strength to strength.

Lancaster for the third week in a row had an entry in excess of 1000 lambs forward greeted by a busy ring of active buyers ensuring a strong market average of 247p/kg. Leading prices outside the show pens saw a very smart Beltex lamb at 49kg from JS Horner, Ingleton selling to £175. Other Beltex lambs sold to £154 from Erin and Heidi Atkinson, Scorton. Heavy weight lambs continue to add up well in Lancaster as heavy Texel’s sold to £153 from DA & J Faraday, Ingleton, £151 B & M Slater, Chipping and £150 from P Kaye, Chorley with plenty more selling in the region of £140. Heavy weight upland lambs continue to sell well with Mashams peaking at £140 from T & D Wright, Roeburndale East with plenty pens of good heavy weight mules and Mashams mid one twenties upwards. Handy weighted well finished lambs continue to be well bid on with buyers needing lambs well fleshed.

Prime Lamb Top Prices: Beltex: £220, £175 Ingleborough Park Drive, £158 Dunkirk Avenue, £154 Sykes Farm, £148 Parkside Farm, £140 Oak Avenue. Texel: £153 Tatterthorn Farm, £151 Daub Hall Farm, £150 Breworth Fold Farm, £149 Batesons Farm, £148 Dunkirk Avenue, £146 Breworth Fold Farm. Continental: £145 Meadow Croft, £126 Smithy Lane Farm, £105 Burrow Heights Farm, £102 Mill House Farm, £97.50, £90 Moss House Farm. Masham: £140, £134 Allcocks Farm, £130 Holme House Farm, £122.50, £109 Stauvins Farm. Mule: £136 Higher Fair Snape Farm, £134, £124 Holme House Farm, £123 Sykes Farm, £122 Higher Fair Snape Farm, £120 Holme House Farm. Suffolk: £130 Knowsley Farm, £130 Breworth Fold Farm, £128 Park Farm Barn, £126 Halton Park Farm, £125 Meadow Croft, £118 Oak Avenue. Cheviot: £116, £108 Hutton Roof Hall, £102 North Farm, £99 Botton Hall Farm, £94 Conder Mill. Leicester: £112 Bank Farm. Charollais: £105 Smithy Lane Farm. Rough Fell: £99 Quarry House. Horned: £98, £95 Deep Clough. Dorset: £92 High Hallbeck. Swaledale: £89 Overhouses, £88 Appletree Farm.

Weekly Report and Newsletter - 9th December 2022

NWA Lancaster Christmas Prime Lambs

Judge- Bill Livesey

Sponsor- Laurence Pierce Wool Merchant

Class 1- Pair of Beltex Lambs

1st JS Horner with Beltex lambs weighing 45kg selling for £220

2nd J Robinson with Beltex lambs weighing 47kg selling for £158

3rd GR & A Foy & Son with Beltex lambs weighing 48 kg selling for £148

Class 2- 5 Lowland Lambs

1st J Robinson with Texel lambs weighing 46kg selling for £148

2nd J&H Huddleston with Texel lambs weighing 47kg selling for £120

3rd GR & A Foy & Son with Texel lambs weighing 44kg selling for £141

Class 3- 5 Mule/Masham Lambs

1st JW Cornall & Sons with Mule lambs weighing 55kg selling for £136

2nd WI & AM Atkinson & Son with Mule with lambs weighing 54kg selling for £134

3rd T & D Wright with Masham lambs weighing 57kg selling for £140

Class 4- 5 Horned/ Herdwick Lambs

1st A Brown with Lonk lambs weighing 38kg selling for £98

2nd A Brown with Lonk lambs weighing 37kg selling for £95

3rd A&L Huddleston with Swaledale lambs weighing 40kg selling for £89

Class 5- Cheviot/ Other Hill Bred Lambs

1st P Prickett with Cheviot lambs weighing 49kg selling for £116

2nd P Prickett with Cheviot lambs weighing 45 kg selling for £108

Champion- JS Horner with Beltex lambs weighing 45kg selling for £220

Reserve Champion- J Robinson with Beltex lambs weighing 47kg selling for £158

Cast Sheep

Cast sheep trade remains similar with an entry of 169 forward. The trade topped at £140 for Texel cross ewes from A Birchall, Dolphinholme followed by other Texels to £130 AT Alcock, Inskip. Suffolk x ewes sold to £122 from CD & HL Mason, Caton with plenty more continental ewes in the one hundred and teens. Leicester ewes sold to £124 JW Cornall & Sons, Bleasdale. Mule ewes sold to a top of £100 from JE Harrison, Winmarleigh with plenty of others selling in the region of ninety pounds.

Cast Sheep Top Prices: Texel: £140 Corless Mill, £130 Carr House Farm, £110 Mearsbeck Farm, £103 Corless Mill, £96 Oak Avenue, £92 Carr House Farm. Leicester: £124 Higher Fair Snape Farm, £80 Dunkenshaw Farm. Suffolk: £122 Mearsbeck Farm, £102 Oakhead Farm, £98 Yarslber. Continental: £112 Winmara, £104 Lower Highfield, £100 Smithy Lane Farm, £82, £80 Yarlsber, £70 Mearsbeck Farm. Mule: £100 Smithy Lane Farm, £93 Mearsbeck Farm, £90 Yarlsber, £89, £88 Mearsbeck Farm, £85 Oak Avenue. Lleyn: £92 Low Pleasant. Dalesbred: £72 Yarlsber. Swaledale: £69 Bank Farm. Scotch Blackface: £62 Dove Cote Farm. Cheviot: £65 Dove Cote Farm.

Cast Ram Top Prices: Texel: £100 Haversham House Farm, £100 Lower Highfield Farm, £100 Dove Cote Farm, £70 Haversham House Farm. Zwartble: £80 Corless Mill.

Store Lambs

An entry in excess of 150 store lambs forward in Lancaster sold to market average in the early seventies with a full variety of shapes and sizes on offer. Short keep lambs continue to be in plenty of demand with the consignment from PG Thornton, Scorton leading the way selling Texel’s to £93.50 and £88 with Suffolk’s from the same home to £91.50. texels from PD Pye, Abbeystead sold to £90 followed by £82 from PD Anderton, Scorton.

Store Lambs Top Prices: Texel: £93.50 Cliftons Farm, £90 Marl House, £88 Cliftons Farm, £82 Wyre Farm, £80 Fell End Farm, £76 Haversham House Farm. Suffolk: £91.50 Cliftons Farm. Mule: £68 Fell End Farm, £62 Marl House. Cheviot: £62 Marl House.

J36 Rural Auction Centre: Butchers Bonanza- Christmas Show of Prime Pigs, Cattle, Lambs and Cast Ewes, followed by Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs and Cast Sheep and Sale of all classes of Pigs, Tuesday 6th December 2022.


Champion pigs sell to £290 at NWA Butchers Bonanza

North West Auctions held its Christmas prize show of Prime Pigs which saw a wonderful entry of 18 pairs put before the judge Mr M Prince, Chesterfield. The Championship rosette was awarded to a pair of heavyweight pietrain gilts from B Horsley , Leyburn which later sold for a sale topping price of £290. The reserve rosette was awarded to E Spedding & Son, Egremont showing a pair of large white x Gilts which later sold for £245.

A bumper entry of over 100 Prime pigs saw heavy weight pigs generally selling at £145 - £160 with buyers looking to fill orders ahead of Christmas. Prime Pigs meeting buyers specifications generally selling at 125p/kg – 145 p/kg. Weaners sold to £39 for pure pietrains from D Thackary, Harrogate. With large whites to £35 from D Lord The Next Sale of Prime Pigs is Tuesday 10th January.

Prime Cattle

It was quality over quantity in the prime cattle ring at J36. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our Christmas show judge Morgan Helliwell and sponsors Carrs Billingtons. A super run of cattle was put before our judge and we thank all our vendors for supporting this sale. Morgan awarded the prizes as follows:

Class 1- Prime Heifer Under 600kg

1st F & B Smith with a Limousin Heifer weighing 590kg selling for 510ppk or £3009

2nd AR Thompson with a British Blue Heifer weighing 540kg selling for 350ppk or £1890

3rd W Atkinson with a Limousin Heifer weighing 598kg selling for 310ppk or £1853

Class 2- Prime Heifer Over 600kg

1st JA Barnett with a Limousin Heifer weighing 605kg selling for 435ppk or £2631.75

2nd AR Thompson with a Limousin Heifer weighing 655kg selling for 340ppk or £2227

3rd JA Barnett with a Limousin Heifer weighing 635kg selling for 320ppk or £2032

Champion- JA Barnett with a Limousin Heifer weighing 605kg selling for 435ppk or £2631.75

Reserve Champion- F&B Smith with a Limousin Heifer weighing 590kg selling for 510ppk or £3009

First into the ring was the overall champion from JA Barnett, Shap this Limousin heifer was turned out to perfection and went on to sell to £4.40 (£2631.75) purchased by Browns Quality Meats, Ulverston. The reserve champion from F&B Smith a smart heifer attracted plenty of interest and went on to sell to the top price of the day, £5.10 a kilo or £3009 a head which to go on for breeding. Eight cattle forward went on to averaged £3.75 per kilogram or £2233 per head.

Prime Lambs

North west auctions annual Christmas show of prime of lambs had an entry of in excess of fifty pens of lambs forward for our judge Matthew Prince of Highfield House Farm Shop and Tea rooms of Chesterfield. We thank our judge for his time and expertise and credit must go to our vendors for the quality of sheep on offer. A special mention goes to our Christmas show sale sponsors Carrs Billington. The championship rosette was awarded to the first prize pair of Beltex lambs from James Robinson, Carnforth, this stylish pair of lambs weighed 47kg and went onto sell for £340 or 725p/kg with the judge backing his judgement and purchasing the lambs. The reserve champion rosette was awarded to Andrew Geary, Milton Keynes with the second prize pair of Beltex lambs going on to sell for £220 at 45kg purchased by the judge. A strong class of lowland sired pens of five lambs saw the first prize rosette awarded to James Robinson selling to £250 at 56kg. There were some fantastic upland classes of lambs saw the first prize rosette in the cheviot class awarded to Nathan Allen of Low Moor Howe with these 57kg lambs to £154. First prize rosette for the mule class was awarded to AW & AM Clarke, Windermere with a pen of 53kg lambs selling for £131. There was two strong horned lambs classes saw the first prize horned lambs selling 44kg Swaledale lambs to £95 from JA Alderson, Kirkby Stephen. The Rough Fell classes kindly supported by the Rough Fell breeders association saw the first prize rosette awarded to EJ Hodgson, Kendal selling 44kg lambs to £106.50.

Christmas Show of Prime Lambs

Judge- Matthew Prince Class 1- Pair of Beltex Lambs

1st J Robinson with Beltex Lambs weighing 47kg selling for £340

2nd AJ Geary with Beltex Lambs weighing 45kg selling for £220

3rd AJ Geary with Beltex Lambs weighing 47kg selling for £155

Class 2- 5 Lowland

Sired Lambs

1st J Robinson with Texel Lambs weighing 56kg selling for £250

2nd AJ Geary with Texel Lambs weighing 39kg selling for £145

3rd RA Batty with Texel Lambs weighing 44kg selling for £148

Class 3- 5

Mule/ Masham Lambs

1st AW & AM Clarke with Mule Lambs weighing 53kg selling for £131

2nd EW & JR Parkinson with Mule Lambs weighing 50kg selling for £120

3rd Low Moor Howe with Mule Lambs weighing 63kg selling for £143

Class 4- 5 Horned/ Herdwick


1st JA Alderson with Swaledale Lambs weighing 44kg selling for £95

2nd TA & JA Dixon with Swaledale Lambs weighing 51kg selling for £103.50

3rd TA & JA Dixon with Swaledale Lambs weighing 48kg selling for £103

Class 5- 5 Cheviot/ Other Hill Bred Lambs

1st Low Moor Howe with Cheviots weighing 57kg selling for £154

2nd GM & A Jackson with Cheviots weighing 44kg selling for £112

3rd Low Moor Howe with Cheviots weighing 63kg selling for £157

Class 6-

5 Rough Fell Lambs

1st EJ Hodgson with Rough Fell Lambs weighing 44kg selling for £106.50

2nd AEA Harrison with Rough Fell Lambs weighing 44kg selling for £96

3rd AJ & CM Harrison with Rough Fell Lambs weighing 40kg selling for £85 Champion- J Robinson with Beltex Lambs weighing 47kg selling for £340 Reserve Champion- AJ Geary with Beltex Lambs weighing 45kg selling for £220

An entry in excess of 1500 prime lambs forward sold to an overall of 242p/kg. heavy weight well fleshed lambs continue to be in big demand at J36 and selling to a premium. Well finished fed lambs of all weights continue to be well sold with a number of under finished lambs in the market today would of seen the finical benefit of being fed.

Prime Lamb Top Prices: Beltex - £340 Dunkirk Avenue, £220 Yew Tree Farmhouse, £180 Dunkirk Avenue, £168 Dugg Hill, £160 Poppy Farm. Texel - £250 Dunkirk Avenue, £149 Bowers Farm, £148 Dugg Hill, £145 Yew Tree Farmhouse, £142 Mireside Farm. Cheviot Mule - £157, £154 High House Farm, £119.5 Bowers Farm, £112 Little Eccleston Hall Cottage. Continental - £149 Netherhouses Farm, £130 Howriggs, £127.5 Greaves Farm, £126.5 High House Farm, £123 Low Shaw Farm. Mule - £143 High House Farm, £133 Lambrigg Head Farm, £133 Low Hall Farm, £131.5 High House Farm, £131 Low Longmire. Suffolk - £138 Netherhouses Farm, £132 Cockrigg Farm, £128.5 Hagg Farm, £127.5 Netherhouses Farm. Cheviot - £120 Howriggs, £116, £108 Bowers Farm, £104 Poppy Farm. Masham - £116 Mealriggs Farm. Rough Fell - £108 Bowers Farm, £106.5 Lambrigg Head Farm, £96 Whinfell Terrace. Swaledale - £103.5, £103

Yoad Pot, £95.5 Low Longmire. Charollais - £103 Far Orrest. Zwartble - £95 Small Holding. Scotch - £94 Little Eccleston Hall Cottage. Dorset - £92 Lyndarick.

Cast Sheep

650 ewes forward with all selling to full value once again at Jc36. Texel ewes sold to a top of £226 from J Woodburn and partners, Ulverston. With other pure Texel ewes selling to £220 from R & E Ladds Kendal. The best End of pure-bred ewes regularly selling to well over the £200 mark. Suffolk ewes sold to a top of £186 from J Woodburn and Partners. Mule ewes very similar on the week with the best end regularly over the £110 mark Topping at £116 for a pen of 5 from RR & JA Knowles Docker, with medium fit type mules selling regularly in the £80-£90. Hill bred ewes sold to a top of £100 for cheviots from HR & HV Knowles Docker. With rough Fells selling to £95 From TLB & J Knowles Selside. Swaledales topped at £79 from JA Bennet Longsleddle.

Christmas Show of Cast Sheep

Judge- George Harryman

Class 1- 5 Lowland Ewes

1st E Dodgson with 5 Texel Ewes selling to £181

2nd D&K Swarbrick with 5 Mule Ewes selling to £110

3rd RA Batty with 5 Texel Ewes selling to £134

Class 2- 5 Upland Ewes

1st TLB & J Knowles with 5 Rough Fell Ewes selling to £9,5

2nd JA Bennett with 5 Swaledale Ewes selling to £79

3rd I &J Mallinson with 5 Rough Fell Ewes selling to £80

Cast Sheep Top Prices: Texel: £226 Mansrigg Hall, £220 Benson Hall, £198 Mansriggs Hall, £181 Spital Farm, £166 Mansrigg Farm, £160 Spital Farm. Suffolk: £186, £125 Mansrigg Hall, £117 Smithy Green Farm, £108 Six Arches Lane. Beltex: £162 Benson Hall, £122 Bensons Farm. Dorset: £134 Benson Hall. Mule: £116 Myers Farm, £114 Hagg Farm, £110 Bensons Farm, £105 Myers Farm, £104 Well Foot, £100 Newhouse Farm. Cheviot: £100 Low Barns Farm, £96 Low Mill House, £92 Howriggs, £86 Nook Farm, £86 Howriggs, £80 Low House. Leicester: £100 Town End. Rough Fell: £95 High Borrowbridge, £92 Woodside, £89 Flodder Hall, £84 High Borrowbridge, £80, £71 Borrow Bridge House. Cheviot Mule: £86 Rathvale Farm. Horned: £86 Heip Hill Farm. Scotch Fell: £84 Mansrigg Hall. Charollais: £82 Low Manriggs Farm. Dalesbred: £80 Holme House Farm. Swaledale: £79 Middale Farm. Continental: £78 Low House, £77, £74 Flakebridge.

Cast Ram Top Prices: Rough Fell: £130 Low Deepslack. Texel: £130 North Lodge, £122, £118 Low Mill House, £114, £100 The Plough Inn, £100 Town End. Leicester: £122 Town End, £122 Low Mill House, £120 Whelpside Farm, £110 Middale Farm, £98 Fairview House. Lleyn: £114 Spital Farm. Swaledale: £92 Town End. Suffolk: £90 High Marshside. Continental: £82 Warth Sutton Farm.

Cast Goat Top Prices: £80 Rathvale Farm.

J36 Rural Auction Centre: Christmas Show of Calves followed by Fortnightly Sale of Calves, Stirks, OTM and Store Cattle, Thursday 8th December 2022.

Calves & Stirks

The Christmas show and sale of 80 calves saw the trade remains very similar to previous weeks. We would like to take this time to thank our judge Shaun Proctor, Kirkby Stephen and sponsors Dugdale Nutrition, Semex and Norbreck Genetics. Shaun awarded the results as followed;

Class 1- Beef Bred Bull Calf

1st A Pickthall with a British Blue calf selling for £380

2nd A Pickthall with a British Blue calf selling for £300

3rd DR & C Galbraith with a British Blue Calf selling to £240

Class 2- Beef Bred Heifer Calf

1st A Pickthall with a British Blue Calf selling £400

2nd A Pickthall with a British Blue calf selling to £350

3rd HJ Robinson & Son with a British Blue selling to £140

Champion- A Pickthall with a British Blue Calf selling £400 Reserve Champion- A Pickthall with a British Blue calf selling for £380

Weaned calves once again were keenly bid for with a run of British Blue bulls from W&S Airey, Whittington selling to £450. Othe Blues from the same good home sold to £440 and Aberdeen Angus bulls to £360. Topping off a wonderful day for the Airey family, they topped the heifer section selling to £440. Other British Blues sold to £435 from WB Winder & Co, Broughton in Furness. A month old British Blue heifer from A Pickthall, New Hutton sold to £400. Dairy bred bulls sold to £190 from J&S Brakeswell, Ulverston who sold others to £155. A young show of Black and Whites were forward with the best £50 plus and smaller types to realisation.

All stirks were keenly bid for by a ring side of buyers ensuring all vendors were pleased with the days trading. Six month old British Blue bulls from M Atkinson, Selside sold to £735 with Limousin bullocks to £730 from A Taylor & Sons, Scotland who sold others at 5 month olds to £710. Fleckvieh bulls sold to £410 from GS Sunter, Mansergh.

Bull Calf Top Prices: British Blue - £450, £440, £410 West Hall, £380 Borrans Farm. Aberdeen Angus - £360 West Hall, £250, £230 Lawkland Hall Farm. Hereford - £250 Lawkland Hall Farm. Montbeliard - £190 Moss House Farm.

Heifer Calf Top Prices: British Blue - £440 West Hall, £435 Wall End Farm, £400 Borrans Farm, £360, £350 West Hall. Hereford - £195 Lawkland Hall Farm.

Bull Strirk Top Prices: Limousin - £545 Gillfoot Farm, £500 Farleton House.

Heifer Stirk Top Price: Limousin - £695 Sella Farm, £500 Gillfoot Farm. Charolais - £680 Lower Hawthwaite. Aberdeen Angus - £670 Sella Farm.

Steer Stirk Top Prices: British Blue - £735 Low Underbrow. Limousin - £730, £710 Hopestead. Aberdeen Angus - £630 Sella Farm, £610 Low Waterside, £570 Sella Farm. Store Cattle

Buyers were in attendance keen to secure stock of all classes and types at the final sale of 2022. A top price of £1280 was achieved for a 12 month old Blonde steer from MJ Whitworth, Bolton Le Sands. Closely followed by a Charolais x from MW&M Hodgson, Cartmel Fell with other yearlings selling to £1140 for a British Blue from N Bissell, Kirkby Stephen. Older steers sold to £1200 for British Blues from TW Nelson & Son, Stainton with an Aberdeen Angus to £1190 from JE Wightman & Hereford x to £1140 from J Twigge, Lindale.

Younger steers sold to £825 for six month old Sim Luing bullocks from Low Moor Howe Farms Ltd, Windermere. Six month old Aberdeen Angus steers sold to £620 from Charnleys, Chipping. Heifers sold to a top price of £1260 for an Aberdeen Angus from JA&J Harper, Sedbergh with others to £1205 from JE Wightman, Lupton. Limousin x heifers sold to £1170 from J Twigge, Lindale who also sold Charolais x at £1140. Other stronger heifers sold to £1135 for Limousins from TW Nelson, Stainton with British Blues to £1130 from JE Wightman, Lupton. Yearling heifers sold to £830 for a British Blue from NR&CS Hodgson, Kirkby Stephen with Blondes to £800 from MJ Whitworth, Bolton le Sands. Six month old Aberdeen Angus’s sold to £710 from Messrs Charnley, Chipping.

An entry of young feeding bulls sold to a top price of £730 for Hereford bulls from RJ&J Gardner, Kendal.

The next sale of store cattle is on Thursday 5th January to include the new year prize show and sale of store cattle, entries for the catalogue will close on Wednesday 21st December.

Store Bullock Top Prices: Blonde - £1280 Mount Pleasant Farm. Charolais - £1260 Swallowmire. British Blue - £1200 Cockrigg Farm, £1180 Crabtree Farm, £1140 Birkbeck Gardens, £1025 Park House Farm. Aberdeen Angus - £1190 Crabtree Farm, £1010 Park House Farm, £890 Summerlands. Hereford - £1140 Holmelands, £1080 Crabtree Farm, £990 Houlker Hall Barn, £985 Park House Farm.

Store Heifer Top Prices: Aberdeen Angus - £1260 Capplethwaite Hall, £1205, £1010, £1000 Crabtree Farm. Limousin£1170 Homelands, £1135 Cockrigg Farm, £1040 Summerlands. Charolais - £1140, £1010 Holmelands. British Blue£1130 Crabtree Farm, £1090 Capplethwaite Hall. Shorthorn - £1070 Bridge Stone. Hereford - £1010, £1000, £980 Crabtree Farm.

The concluding sale of cull cows for 2022 saw another large entry, well received by an ever increasing ring side of buyers who have come to know the quality and quantity of cows at this fortnightly sale which is regularly ahead of others local centres.

Today’s sale peaked at 217.5p/kg for a young Stabilizer x cow from M Allen, Yealand Redmayne with other wellbred beef cows regularly selling at 175-200p/kg. To include a Limousin cows from S Whitehead, Middleton to 199.5p/kg, 189.5p/kg from GH Jones, Ambleside and R&BJ Cleasby, Broughton in Furness. Heavy weight cows sold to 171.5p/kg for a Blonde from MJ Whitworth, Bolton Le Sands with Aberdeen Angus’s at 181.5p/kg from RG Robinson, Farlton. Dairy cows sold to a top of 177.5p/kg for a British Friesian from RJ&ML Lowery, Holker with Fleckveihs to 157.5p/kg from JA&DE Batty & Sons, Burneside and Short Horns to 154.5p/kg from JR Handley, Whinfell. Top grossing beef cow today was a Blonde from MJ Whitworth achieving £1588 with dairy cows to £1167 for a British Friesian from RJ&ML Lowery, Holker.

Under age dairy heifers sold to a top price of 211.5p/kg from Messrs Sowerby, Drybeck who sold others at 209.5p/kg with beef bred heifers selling to 201.5p/kg for a Hereford from GM Redmayne, Ings and 199.5p/kg for an Aberdeen Angus from BJ Bowness, Kendal. Top grossing heifer was an Aberdeen Angus from BJ Bowness, Kendal achieving £1611. Steers sold to 207.5p/kg and £1259 for an Aberdeen Angus x from JW Robinson & Son, Farlton with Blue Albion to 204.5p/kg and £1100 from the National Trust Windermere. Several cull bulls forward sold to 151.5p/kg and £1548 for a Simmental from Low Moor Howe Farm, Windermere with a Longhorn from Messrs Saunders and Noble, Kirkby in Furness achieving 107.5p/kg and £1004.

We have buyers ring side for all classes and types of cows with over hundred cows needed at each sale to satisfy demand.

OTM Cow Top Prices: Limousin – 217.5 Villa Farm, 199.5 Low waterside, 189.5 Lower Hawthwaite, 189.5 Fold Farm, 179.5 Holmelands. Stabilizer – 217.5 Yealand Manor, 184.5 Kit Cragg, 181.5 Low Foulshaw Farm. Continental – 204.5, 184.5 High Lickbarrow Farm. British Blue – 194.5, 179.5 Riddings, 159.5 Holmelands. Aberdeen Angus – 181.5 Ellers Farm, £174.5 Gaythorn Hall, 169.5, 164.5 The Barn. Friesian – 177.5, 164.5 Shorthorn Farm, 137.5, 129.5 Wall End Farm, 129.5 Moss House Farm. Saler – 177.5 Yealand Manor. Blonde – 171.5 Mount Pleasant Farm. Charolais – 171.5 Yealand Manor. Hereford – 159.5 Gowan Bank Farm, 149.5, 141.5 Riddings. Fleckvieh – 157.5, 121.5 Laithwaite Farm. Shorthorn – 154.5 Craketrees. Galloway – 137.5, 131.5 Craketrees.

OTM Heifer Top Prices: Fleckvieh – 211.5 Townhead Farm. Friesian – 209.5, 184.5 Townhead Farm. Hereford – 201.5 Gowan Bank Farm. Aberdeen Angus – 199.5, 194.5 Blea Tarn Road.

Cast Steer Top Prices: Aberdeen Angus – 207.5 Green Close. British Blue – 204.5, 189.5 Green Close.

Cast Bull Top Prices: Simmental – 151.5 High House Farm.

Christmas OTM Highest Priced Show

Class 1- Highest Priced Continental per kg

1st M Allen with a Stabiliser cow selling for 217.50ppkg

Class 2- Highest Priced Black and White per kg

1st RJ & ML Lowery with a Friesian cow selling for 177.5ppkg

Class 3- Highest Priced per head overall

1st MJ Whitworth with a Blonde cow selling for £1588

Lancaster Auction Mart: Christmas Show of Calves and Store Cattle, followed by Weekly Sale of Calves, OTM's and Store Cattle, Friday 9th December 2022.

Calves and Stirks

A fantastic day in the calf ring for the annual Christmas show and sale of calves at Lancaster with a wonderful offering of show calves, in which credit must go to our vendors for the quality of calves on offer. Thanks goes to our pre-sale judges John and Reece Moore, Grange Over Sands who we thank for their time and expertise. As well as our sponsors Semex represented by Philip Halhead. The championship rosette was awarded to the first price beef bull calf, a British Blue consigned by Drinkall Bros, Over Wyresdale. This much admired seven week old calf was met with eager bidding going on to sell for £590 to John Townson. The reserve championship rosette was awarded to the second prize beef bull, a seven week old Limousin from WN&D Smith & Son, Cockerham going on to sell for £580 to Mr J Moorhouse. The first prize beef heifer calf was awarded to David and Eileen Wallbank, Over Wyresdale with a Charolais which went on to sell for £400 purchased by the judge Mr JB Moore. The Wallbank family was also awarded the third prize in the beef class for a Charolais bull calf which sold for £530. The first prize dairy bull calf was awarded to JK&B Birkett & Son, Morecambe with a Fleckvieh bull calf which

went on to sell for £150. The trade in general saw strong calves a good trade with younger milk calves remaining similar. Leading prices outside the rosettes saw a consignment of weanlings from T&CM Kelsall & Son, Chipping sell Aberdeen Angus bulls to £460 and British Blue heifers to £460. Beef calves on milk saw British Blue bulls peak at £425 and £400 from Wallbank Farms, Over Wyresdale followed by other Blue bulls to £410 twice from Tom Barron Farms and £405 from JP&C Robson, Garstang. Limousin bull calves sold to £485 and £450 from RT Halhead, Cockerham Plenty of strong quality calves sold in the region of the £300 mark with young beef calves selling in the mid to late £100’s.

Heifer Calves Top Prices: British Blue: £415 Brown Brook, £280, £265, £250, £240, £180 Ambrose Hall Farm. Charolais: £400, £200 Tills Farm. Angus: £345 Walkers I’th Fields, £240 Brown Brook, £215 Matshead Farm, £195 Ambrose Hall Farm. Simmental: £275 Knowsley Farm. Limousin: £215, £180, £105 Norbreck Farm, £100 Cocker House Farm. Shorthorn: £110 Cocker House Farm.

Bull Calves Top Prices: British Blue: £590 Catshaw Hall Farm, £425 Tills Farm, £410 Ambrose Hall Farm, £405 Roe Farm, £400 Tills Farm. Limousin: £580 Cocker House Farm, £385, £350, £260, £215, £175 Norbreck Farm. Charolais: £530 Tills Farm, £350 Bolton Fold Farm. Angus: £460, £335 Brown Brook, £270 Lane Head Farm, £250 Brown Brook, £240 White Lund Farm, £225 Tills Farm. Shorthorn: £240, £190 Bolton Fold Farm, £145 Cocker House Farm. Fleckvieh: £150 White Lund Farm. Friesian: £135 Newhouse Farm, £135 New Brows Farm, £130 Cocker House Farm, £110 Catshaw Hall Farm, £105 Cocker House Farm.

NWA Lancaster Christmas Shows

Calf Show, Judge- John and Reece Moore Sponsor- Semex

Class 1- Beef Bred Bull Calf

1st Drinkall Bros with a British Blue selling to £590

2nd WN&D Smith & Sons with a Limousin selling to £580

3rd Wallbank Farm Ltd with a Charolais selling to £530

Class 2- Beef Bred Heifer Calf

1st Wallbank Farm Ltd with a Charolais selling to £400

2nd RT Halhead with a Limousin selling to £180

3rd TM Townley with a Simmental selling to £275

Class 3- Dairy Bred Bull Calf

1st JK & B Birkett & Son Ltd with a Fleckvieh selling to £150

2nd WN&D Smith & Sons with a Friesian selling to £105

3rd AD & R Milner with a Friesian selling to £105

Champion- Drinkall Bros with a British Blue selling to £590

Reserve Champion- WN&D Smith & Sons with a Limousin selling to £580

Store Cattle

The weekly sale of store cattle saw another rise in trade with buyers ring side keen to secure cattle of all classes and types. A feature of todays sale was the prize show for pairs of store cattle competing for the Tom Owen Memorial trophy. Twelve pair of cattle was presented for the judge Mr Chris Gore, Stoke on Trent who awarded the championship rosette to a pair of British Blue x bullocks from DE&SM Moorehouse, Natland which later sold for a sale topping price of £2100, having been previously purchased at NWA J36 this spring. The reserve champion was a pair of Limousin bullocks from R Capstick & Son, Ingleton who was also awarded the special prize for best pair of home bred cattle and went on to be sold at £1620. Vendors must be congratulated for the quality of cattle forward for the show, with a high number forward being in the hands of the breeders.

Away from the show cattle sold to a top price of £1760 for a pair of home bred Aberdeen Angus steers from Pilling Hall, Pilling with Charollais x also achieving £1760 from WJ&L Barker, Arkholme. Limousin’s sold to £1700 for a pen full home bred steers from R&A Easterby, Westhouse and British Blue steers to £1660 from M Shepherd & sons, Pilling. Heavy well fleshed steers were regularly £1400-£1600. Dairy bred steers sold to £1260 for Fleckviehs from MJ&LC Lund, Quernmore. All steers averaged £1293. Heifers sold to a top price of £1570 for the first prize pair of homebred Charolais heifers from Cowell & Moore, Woodplumpton with Limousins achieving £1410 from T&E Garlick & Son, Freckleton and a pen of Aberdeen Angus’s achieving £1380 from G Sagar & Son, Caton. Heavy well fleshed heifers were regularly £1200-£1350. All heifer forward averaged £1158. Next week is the final sale of store cattle at NWA Lancaster for 2022. Vendors are encouraged to entre cattle with confidence.

Store Bullocks Top Prices: Limousin: £2100 High House Farm, £1700 Fellside Farm, £1650 Pilling Hall Farm, £1620 Fell End Farm, £1510 Grange Farm, £1300 High House Farm. British Blue: £2100 High House Farm, £1660 Pasture House Farm, £1600 The Grange, £1470 Stubbins Farm, £1370 Pasture House Farm, £1360 The Grange. Angus: £1760 Pilling Hall Farm, £1500 Yew Tree Farm, £1440 Low Levens, £1390 Cock Hall Farm, £1390 New Parkside Farm, £1380 Outerthwaite Farm. Charolais: £1760 Brown Edge, £1560 Newsham Hall Farm, £1460, £1210 Carlingwha. Shorthorn: £1590, £1320, £1290 Yew Tree Farm. Simmental: £1400 Billinge Hall. Friesian: £1350 Low Levens, £1140 Old Glasson Farm, £1070 Park House Farm, £1060 Billinge Hall, £1000 Squires Gate Farm. Hereford: £1340 New Parkside Farm, £1280 Pilling Lane, £1240 Corney Hill Farm, £1230 Old Glasson Farm, £1130 Plumpton Hall Farm. Fleckvieh: £1260 Corney Hill Farm, £1230 Whinney Garth, £1130, £1120 Corney Hill Farm, £1040 Cracalt Farm. Blonde: £1190 Half Way House. Meuse-Rhine-Issel: £1190 Littlewood Hall Farm. Longhorn: £1040 Lane Ends Farm.

Store Heifers Top Prices: Charolais: £1570 Newsham House Farm, £1260 Carlingwha, £1160 Outerthwaite Farm. Limousin: £1410 Grange Farm, £1200, £1140 Todgill Farm, £1120 Carlingwha, £1080 Todgill Farm. Angus: £1380 New Parkside Farm, £1360 Staffords Farm, £1350 Low Levens, £1270 Whinney Garth, £1170 Park Lane Farm, £1160 Grange Farm. British Blue: £1360 Stubbins Farm, £1270 Stubb Hall Farm, £1190 Moss House Farm, £1190 Windy Hill Farm, £1180 Mearsbeck Farm, £1140 Moss House Farm. Shorthorn: £1220 Yew Tree Farm.

Store Cattle Show, Judge- Chris Gore

Class 1- Pair of Bullocks

1st DE & SM Moorhouse selling to £2100

2nd R Capstick & Son selling to £1620

3rd R&A Easterby selling to £1700

Class 2- Best Pair of Heifers

1st Cowell & Moore selling to £1570

Special Prize for Pair of Homebred Animals went to R Capstick & Son.

Champion- DE&SM Moorhouse selling to £2100

Reserve Champion- R Capstick & Son selling to £1620

OTM Cattle

Another large entry of cull cows saw an overall market averaged of 168p/kg with over half the entry being dairy cows. Top price today of 244.5p/kg was achieved for a Limousin cow from M&L Preece, Kirkby Lonsdale closely followed by other Limousins at 229.5p/kg from B Heys, St Helens and 217.5p/kg from JG&PH Thompson, Selside. Other heavy well bred beef cows regularly sold at 190p/kg to 205p/kg with those suitable for finishing 170p/kg to 185p/kg. Dairy cows sold to a top price of 187.5p/kg for a Holstein Friesian from RE&P Miller, Garstang with others at 184.5p/kg from J Hoggarth & Son, Slyne and Fleckvieh to 184.5p/kg from SH&M Batty & Son, Quernmore. Other heavy well fleshed dairy cows were generally 165p/kg to 175p/kg with medium types 140p/kg to 155p/kg and parlour types 120p/kg to 140p/kg depending on quality and type.

Top grossing cow was a Limousin from JG&PH Thompson, Selside achieving £1653 with dairy cows selling to £1535 for a Holstein Friesian from I Atkinson, Warton.

OTM heifers sold to 142.5p/kg and £1441 for a Simmental from Barlow Bros, Croston with dairy heifers to 199.5p/kg and £1372 for a Norwegian Red and White from CP&V Cowgill, Bentham.

Cull bulls sold to a top price of 179.5p/kg and £1884 for a Limousin from SJ Gunn, Milnthorpe.

OTM Cow Top Prices: Limousin: 244.50 High House Farm, 229.50, 217.50 Mossboroug Bungalow, 217.50 Poppy Farm, 189.5, 187.50 Mossborough Bungalow. British Blue: 214.50 Lower Oakeneaves Farm. Friesian: 204.50 Hilliam Lane Farm, 191.50 High Snab, 187.50 Catshaw Hall Farm, 187.50 Lower Lingart Farm, 184.50 Belmont Farm. Charolais: 189.50. 184.50 Thornlea. Fleckvieh: 184.50 Friars Moss, 171.50 Holme Head. Shorthorn: 184.50 Springfield Farm. Angus: 164.50 Lower Oakeneaves Farm. Norwegian Red: 141.50 Holme Head. Montbeliarde: 137.50 Hilliam Lane Head. Jersey: 119.50 Myerscough House.

OTM Heifer Top Prices: Simmental: 214.50 Littlewood Hall Farm. Norwegian Red: 199.50 Oakhead Farm, 181.50 White Lund Farm. Friesian: 194.50 White Lund Farm, 194.50 New Brows Farm, 184.50 North Farm, 174.50 Hoggetts Lane Farm.

Cast Bull Top Prices: Limousin: 179.50 Leighton House. Angus: 159.50 High Snab. Hereford: 137.50 Home Barn.

Your local NHS nursing team will be at Lancaster NWA on Friday 16th December 2022

offering the usual mini health checks and advice and guidance between 9-1pm.

In addition, this month we will have

Covid Vaccines available to everyone and

Flu Vaccines available to any Lancaster Medical Practice and Queen Square Surgery patients

between 10.30am and 12 noon

Next Week's Upcoming Sales

Monday 12th

Lancaster: 10:30am Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs and Cast Sheep.

Tuesday 13th

J36: 1pm Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs and Cast Sheep.

Thursday 15th

J36: 10am Special Sale of Calves and Stirks

11am Fortnightly Sale of Store Lambs.

Friday 16th

Lancaster: 10am Sale of Stirks, followed by Sale of Calves.

10:15am Sale of Cast and OTM Cattle.

11am Christmas Show of Dairy Cattle followed by Sale of Dairy Cattle.

11.15am Weekly Sale of Store Cattle.

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