NWA Newsletter, 12th August 2022.

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Prime Lamb Top Prices: Suffolk: £144 Whittingham Lane, £136 Stubbins Farm, £123 Hallbeck, £117.50 Pilling Hall Farm, £113 Bailey Hey Farm, £110

Trailers sold to £3300 for an Ifor Williams Plant Trailer with an Ifor Williams 510 Horse Trailer achieving £2900. A low loader trailer sold for £2800 and livestock trailers sold to £2800 for an Ifor Williams with decks and dividing gates. Other items of interest included a 35m x 17m Horticultural Polytunnel selling at £7800, 5f Kverneland Plough £2000, John Deere Round Baler £2000, 6m Grass Harrows £1650, Hydraulic Breaker £1100, Kidd Topper £1050, Marshall Muckspreader £940 and a Lunar Caravan £860.

Weekly Report and Newsletter- 12th August 2022

J36 Rural Auction Centre: Online Machinery Sale, Friday 5th August - Monday 8th August 2022. The August online sale of machinery once again attracted both national and international interest with well maintained equipment selling to a premium. Over 1000 lots were sold this month.

Over 40 tractors and vehicles were offered for sale with a highlight of the sale being a John Deere 6850 Self Propelled Forager direct from a local farm achieving £14,000. A TD5 Landrover Defender 90, again direct from a local farm achieved £6000. A Daewoo 3T Tracked Digger sold at £5400 and a rare Mur-Hill 121 4WD Tractor sold for £4700. A Bobcat with Grab sold for £3400 and a Kubota 4WD Compact Tractor £2900.

The next sale is Friday 2nd September – Monday 5th September with Drop off days being Monday 29th, Tuesday 30th and Wednesday 31st August 9am – 4.30pm.

Lancaster Auction Mart: Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs and Cast Sheep, Monday 8th August 2022. Prime Lambs It was nice to have a larger offering of over 600 prime lambs forward this morning, with a total market average of 248p/kg well finished lambs continue to sell in excess of 250p/kg with the best types selling around the 300p/kg mark. Peaking at 302p/kg were Beltex lambs from JS Horner, Ingleton, 300p/kg from KA Purtill, Wigan and 298p/kg from D Cockett, Ingleton. Heavy weight Suffolk lambs from W&D Bradley, Goosnargh sold to £144 with Texel lambs from the same home selling to £135 at 51kgs. Texel lambs peaked at £140 at 54kgs from H Birkett & Son, Overton. The consignment of heavy weight lambs from RC Billington & Son, Claughton on Brock sold to £140, £136, £135 and £133. Mule lambs sold to a top of £110 from R Capstick & Son, Ingleton whom sold 43kg Mules to £107.

Cast Sheep The weekly sale of cast sheep at Lancaster saw a large quantity of leaner types of sheep forward today, the trade today peaked at £190 from E Hartely, Hornby with a run of Texel x ewes from JM Sanderson, Halton selling to £137, £134 and £132 with the Sanderson Family also topping the Mule trade today at £116. Plenty of pens of Continental ewes sold in the £120’s. Hill ewes today sold to a top of £114 for Cheviots from R Doran, Winmarleigh with plenty more Cheviot ewes selling around the £100 mark. Horned ewes saw Rough Fells to £78 from D&J Hey, Cockerham with Scottish Black Face to £75 from S Ashcroft, Euxton.

Knowsley Farm. Continental: £140, £133 Stubbins Farm, £132 Sandvilla, £111 Whittingham Lane, £105 Sandvilla, £105 Hazel Brae. Texel: £140 North Farm, £135 Stubbins Farm, £135 Whittingham Lane, £130 Daub Hall Farm, £129 Hallbeck, £128 Burns Farm. Beltex: £130 Ingleborough Park Drive, £126 Oak Avenue, £124, £119, £113 Ingleborough Park Drive, £101 Wilson Wood. Cheviot: £130 Cross Farm, £108.50 School Lane. Mule: £110, £107 Fell End Farm.

A pen of 4 Large White gilts from J Stott, Stainton raced away to a sale topping price of £180 and 167p/kg. This was followed by P Woof, Stainton selling heavy weight gilts and hogs at £160 and 128p/kg. Other Prime pigs sold to £138 and £128 from C Woodhouse, Garstang and £100 for lightweights from GM & DJ Pye, Arkholme. A sow with a litter of 12 piglets sold at £270 with other stores and weaners selling to £44 with younger sorts £10Prime£20. Lambs An entry of 860 spring lambs were forward which sold to an overall market average of 251p/kg. Heavy weight lambs continue to be in demand at J36 peaking at £150 for 60kg Texels from T Parkin, Sedbergh. This was followed by other heavy weight Texels to £144 from DM&D Cook, Ulverston. Heavy weight Suffolks peaked at £137 from MW&M Hodgson, Cartmel Fell with other Suffolks to £133 from WP Burrow & Sons, Bleasedale. Plenty of pens of heavy weight lambs sold in the £130 mark. Beltex lambs sold to 295p/kg from AE Atkinson &

Cast Ram Top Prices: Continental: £125, £102 Sandvilla. Suffolk: £95 Westholme Farm. Texel: £90 Broseley Hall Farm. J36 Rural Auction Centre: Weekly Sale of Spring Lambs and Cast Sheep. Fortnightly Sale of Pigs. Tuesday 9th August 2022. All Classes of Pigs PRIME PIGS SELL TO £180 AT NWA J36 Prime pigs sold to a trade as hot as the weather promised this week, with vendors leaving very pleased with prices achieved.

Cast Sheep Top Prices: Texel: £190 Hazel Brae, £137, £134, £132 Lower Highfield, £122 Daub Hall Farm, £120 Hazel Brae. Continental: £122 Ingleborough Park Drive, £102 Broseley Hall Farm. Mule: £116 Lower Highfield, £110 Birch House Farm, £107 Burns Farm, £103, £102 Broseley Hall Farm. Cheviot: £114 School Lane, £100, £98 Cross Farm.

son, Endmoor with plenty more better bred lambs selling in excess of 280p/kg. The trade today saw handy weighted lambs in sharper demand with more interest from the buyers.

Prime Lambs Top Prices: Texel: £150 Meadow Parks, £144 Smithy Green Farm, £137 Station Hotel Farm, £134 Low Tarn Green, £131 Red Scar Farm, £131 Swallowmire Farm. Suffolk: £137 Swallomire, £133 Lower Core, £130 Swallomire, £130 Smithy Green Farm, £128 Lane Ends Farm, £127 Piked Howe.

CastFarm.Ram Top Prices: Dutch Spotted: £170, £148 Grayrigg Foot. Texel: £165, £155, £128 Whiteley Hey Farm. Leicester: £120 The Borrans.

Mule: £116 Bowers Farm, £100 The Borrans. Continental: £113 Hall Drive, £110 Hebblethwaite, £103 Low Levens. Horned: £95 Hall Drive. Cast Sheep Fit strong ewes continue to be the strong trade seen in previous weeks, with leaner types harder to place with some being £5 - £10 back on the week. Suffolk ewes sold to a top of £154 from H Newton, Levens who also sold others to £148. The best Continental ewes regularly selling £140 plus. Mule ewes sold to a top of £138 from ED Robinson, Whinfell, others sold to £132 from TMW&H Hodgson, Ulverston with many of the best Mule ewes £125 plus with medium fit type Mules selling well over the one hundred pound mark. A smaller show of hill ewes were forward with not as much power seen as in previous weeks. Rough Fells sold to £90 from I Carridice, Tebay with a full pen of Cheviots selling to £89 from S Crawford, Stavley. Cast rams saw another fast trade at J36, a run of Dutch Spotted tups from Dave Dixon, Grayrigg sold to £170 with others from the same home selling to £148. Beltex rams peaked at £165 from P Slater, Macclesfield with others from the same good home selling to £155.

Cast Sheep Top Prices: Suffolk: £154, £148 Low Levens, £144 Smithy Greeen Farm, £128 Hodgsons Green Farm, £116 Low Levens, £114 Ninzergh. Mule: £138 The Old Parsonage, £132 Arklid Farm, £128 Lincolns Inn Bridge Farm, £126 Cantsfield Hall, £125 Bradley Farm, £120 Arklid Farm. Texel: £138 Bouthwaite Farm, £136 Smithy Green Farm, £130 Grayrigg Foot, £129 Brow Foot Farm, £126 Oak Aveune, £124 Brown Edge. Continental: £118, £111 Low House. Leicester: £112 Brown Edge. Cheviot: £110 Nook Farm. Masham: £100 Grate Farm. Cheviot Mule: £102 Brow Foot

Beltex: £126 Bramaskew, £113 Yealand Manor, £113 Bramaskew, £109 Stubb Farm, £109 Warth Sutton Farm, £108 Stubb Farm.

J36 Rural Auction Centre: Fortnightly Sale of Store Lambs, Thursday 11th August 2022. Store Lambs

The fortnightly sale of 2200 lambs sold to another competitive trade at Junction 36, with an overall average of £81.50 with new faces round the ring looking to purchase. A full pen of Texel lambs from JA Chapman, Kendal sold to £109 with other Texel lambs selling to £100.50 from G Nelson, Briggsteer. Strong well bred Texel lambs were regularly getting into the Ninety-pound mark. Suffolk lambs sold to £88 for a pen of 32 from T Pye, Ulverston with others to £87 from FW Park, Windermere. Mule lambs would be the trade of the day with many on lookers looking to purchase these, 520 Mule lambs achieved an impressing market average of £81.81. Fishwick Bros, long sleddale sold a pen of 48 Mule wethers to a top of £91.50 with strong Mule wethers regularly away at

There was an increased entry of calves and weanlings forward today which saw weaned and stronger calves in big demand and eagerly bid for, with buyers cautions of younger milk calves with the spiralling cost of milk powder. A consignment of British Blue weanlings from G&ME Woodhouse & Son, Ellel saw British Blue bulls to £490 and £470, British Blue heifers to £400 and Aberdeen Angus heifer calves to £370. A ten week old suckler bred Charolais heifer calf sold to £475 from RM Wilson, Houghton in Ribblesdale. Hereford weanling bulls sold to £370 from TE&M Kidd, Ellel with heifer calves selling to £270. A consignment of weaned Fleckvieh bull calves from JR Newsham & Son, Conder Green sold to £410, £355, £350, £340 twice with Friesian achieving £300. Month old British Blue bull calves sold to £295 from RT Halhead, Cockerham with others from the same home selling to £280. Friesian bull calves sold to £115 from Drinnkall Bros, Over Wyresdale.

Heifer Calves Top Prices: Charolais: £475 Gill Garth. British Blue: £400 £335 300 Boldens Farm. Angus: £370 Boldens Farm, £300 Walkers I’th Fields. Hereford: £270 Booth Hall.

Store Lamb Top Prices: Texel: £109 North Lodge, £100.50 Lane House Farm, £96.50 Low Barns Farm, £96 Crabtree Farm, £95 Ashstead, £95 North Lodge. Mule: £91.50 Middle Sadghyll, £87 Bradleyfield Farm, £86 Low Kinmont, £85.50 Low Newton Farm, £85.50 Sowermire Farm, £83.50 Riddings. Suffolk: £88 Briar Cottage, £87 The Howes, £87 Scar Syke Farm, £84.50 Grate Farm, £84 Sunny Brow, £83 Middle Lee Farm. Beltex: £86 North Lodge. Cheviot Mule: £83 Scar Syke Farm. Zwartble: £80 Castle Syke Farm, £75 Lane House Farm, £70 Archer Hill. Masham: £79.50, £60 Crooksbeck. Cheviot: £78 Braestead, £76, £75 Ellermire Farm, £73, £68 Nun House. Kerry Hill: £70 Ellermire Farm. Horned: £65 Bradleyfield Farm. Dorest: £64.50 Burnhead Farm.

Lancaster Auction Mart: Weekly Sale of Calves, OTM's and Store Cattle. Fortnightly Sale of Dairy Cattle, Friday 12th August 2022. Dairy Cattle Dairy Cattle sell to £2420 at Lancaster Auction

the £85 plus mark. More hill bred store lambs were forward with cheviots selling to £78 from Braestead Farms, ThePatterdale.nextsale of store lambs is on the 25th August, which includes the annual show and sale of continental and Suffolk gimmer lambs, please advise the office of entries.

The fortnightly sale of dairy cattle saw a top price of £2420 achieved for a pedigree heifer ‘Wyredale Lambda Shawny 15’ from MJ&H Atkinson, Over Wyresdale selling to Lawsons Dairy, Cockerham. Other heifers sold to £2000 for ‘Larwood Roble Honeybee 132’ from B&V Swann, Chorley. Non registered heifers from France Bros, Littledale sold to £1900. A nice 3rd calved Friesian cow from J Scott & Co, Cartmel achieved £1750. The next sale is on Friday 26th Augst with 15 pedigree new calved heifers already entered. Calves & Weanlings

Store Heifers Top Prices: Charolais: £1530 Barrowfield, £1460 Ellers Farm, £1370 Outerthwaite Farm, £1280 Ellers Farm. Angus: £1430 Yew Tree Farm, £1400 Chestnut House Farm, £1400 Fairfield, £1300 Holme House Farm, £1260 Ellers Farm, £1230 Windy Hill Farm. British Blue: £1310 Wood Nook Farm, £1290 Windy Hill Farm, £1260 Carlingwha, £1260 Outerthwaite Farm, £1100 Brow Foot Farm, £1040 Ninzergh. Friesian: £1310 Wood Nook Farm. Blonde: £1190 Sandvilla. Hereford: £1000 Brow Foot Farm. Store Bull Top Prices: Charolais: £1150 Haven Lea. OTM Cattle The weekly sale of OTM & cast cows at Lancaster had an entry of 68 forward with many busy amongst grass and taking advantage of the wonderful hay time weather. The trade was sharper with an overall market average of 171p/k. A Limousin OTM steer led the way selling to 247.5p/kg or £1534 from L Parsons & Sons, Levens. Aberdeen Angus steers twice sold to 234.5p/kg grossing at £1414 from B&J Preston, Caton and £1430 from CG Birkett, Carnforth with Aberdeen Angus heifers from the

Bull Calves Top Prices: British Blue: £490, £470, £330 Boldens Farm, £295, £280 Norbreck Farm, £275 Manor House Farm. Fleckvieh: £410, £355, £350, £340, £270 Sellerley Farm. Hereford: £370 Booth Hall. Angus: £345 New Brows Farm, £285 Walkers I’th Fields, £245 New Brows Farm, £205 Walkers I’th Fields, £170 Hillam Lane Farm, £150 Richmond Hall Farm.Friesian; £300, £275, £160 Sellerley Farm. Store Cattle The weather may be hot outside but not as hot as the trade in the store cattle ring today with plenty of good strong short keep cattle forward meeting plenty of demand with vendors leaving well chuffed with the buoyant Atrade.runof bullocks from J Prest & Son, Bay Horse topped the market at £1600 with Aberdeen Angus bullocks and also sold a pen of six Hereford bullocks to £1590. Aberdeen Angus bullocks from EW&CR Clegg & Sons, Stalmine sold to £1540 with others Aberdeen Angus bullocks to £1510 from T Robson & Son, Poulton Le Fylde. Plenty of pens of strong Aberdeen Angus bullocks sold in the early £1400’s. All Aberdeen Angus bullocks forward averaged £1304. Limousin bullocks peaked at £1440 from J Lamb, Old Glasson with British Blues to £1400 from the same home. Other Limousin bullocks sold to £1400 from GA&A Atkinson, Cantsfield. The heifer trade today peaked at £1530 for a pair of two year old Charolais heifers from R&EA Gardner, Kendal with other Charolais heifers to £1460 from DR Preston, Caton. Aberdeen Angus heifers peaked at £1430 from EW&CR Clegg & Sons, Stalmine for a pen of three with another pen of three to £1400 from KH&D Holden & Son, Pilling. Also achieving £1400 for Aberdeen Angus heifers was T Robson & Son, Poulton Le Fylde with plenty of pens of strong heifers regularly selling around the £1300 mark. Holstein bullocks peaked at £1080 for a pen of four from MJ Shepherd, Newbiggin with the consignment from TH Wensley & Son, Kirkham achieving the same price. All bullocks forward today averaged £1237 with heifers averaging £1170. Store Bullock Top Prices: Angus: £1600 Upper Foxholes Farm, £1540 Yew Tree Farm, £1510, £1450 Fairfield, £1440 Low Levens, £1420 Cock Hall Farm. Hereford: £1590, £1300 Upper Foxholes Farm, £1150 Deansbiggin. Limousin: £1440 Old Glasson Farm, £1400 Abbotson Farm, £1380 Low Levens, £1380 Cock Hall Farm, £1320 Deansbiggin. British Blue: £1400 Old Glasson Farm, £1350 Abbotson Farm, £1300 Outerthwaite Farm, £1280 Windy Hill Farm, £1190 Wood Nook Farm, £1060 Old Glasson Farm. Simmental: £1380, £1220 Deansbiggin. Charolais: £1350 Outerthwaite Farm. Frieisan: £1080 Gaskell House, £1080 Plumpton Hall Farm, £1060 Old Glasson Farm, £1000 Barn Hill Farm. Saler: £1070 Cock Hall Farm. Dairy Shorthorn: £1000 Cock Hall Farm.

same home selling to 234p/kg or £1467. Black and White feeding heifers sold to a top of 224p/kg or £1461 from R&A Jolleys, Cabus with other feeding heifers to £1383 from A&E Barnes, Whinfell. Beef cows saw Simmentals sell to 219.5p/kg or £1738 from Barlow Bros, Crosston. Limousin cows sold to 209.5p/kg or £1301 from RM Wilson, Houghton in Ribblesdale. Young dairy cows saw four year old Fleckvieh x sell to 217.5pp/kg or £1489 from TN Pye & Partners, Lancaster. Plenty of good dairy cows today sold around the 190p/kg mark. Holstein Friesian dairy cows peaked at £1415 from Strickland Hill Farming, Whitherslack with plenty of good cows selling either side of the £1300 mark. A one thousand and one kilo Charolais bull sold to 187p/kg or £1876 from A&V&A Thornton, Cockerham.

Monday 15th Lancaster: 10.30am Weekly Sale of Spring Lambs and Cast Sheep. 12noon Opening Sale of Store Lambs. Tuesday 16th J36: 1pm Weekly Sale of Spring Lambs and Cast Sheep. Wednesday 17th Lancaster: 10:30am Great Annual Show & Sale of Breeding Ewes and Gimmer Shearlings. Thursday 18th J36: 10am Summer Show of Calves under 56 days sponsored by Semex & Norbreck Genetics & Sale of Calves and Stirks.

Sunday 14th J36: 11am North West Texel Breeders Club 41st Anniversary Show & Sale of 300 Pedigree Texels Rams & Females.

10:15am Sale of OTM and Cast Cattle. 11am Sale of Store Cattle. Lancaster: 6pm Lancaster Lads. Friday 19th Lancaster: 10am Monthly Sale of Stirks. 10:15am Sale of Calves and Cast Cattle. 11.15am Sale of Store Cattle. J36: 5pm Eden Flock Production Sale. Saturday 20th J36: 10am Great Annual Show & Sale of Breeding Ewes and Gimmer Shearlings.

OTM Cow Top Prices: Simmental: 219.50 Littlewood Hall Farm. Fleckvieh: 217.50 Langthwaite Heights, 209.50 Holme Head. Limousin: 209.50 Gill Garth. Friesian: 191.50 Priory Farm, 189.50 Chapel House, 187.50 Catshaw Farm, 184.50 Wood Nook Farm, 179.50 Catshaw Farm. Norwegian Red: 174.50 Holme Head. Montbeliarde: Holme Head. OTM Heifer Top Prices: Angus: 234.50 Netherbeck Barn. Friesian: 224.50 Marlholes Farm, 217.50 The Hill, 201.50 Ackenthwaite Farm. Cast Steer Top Prices: Limousin: 247.50 Low Levens. Angus: 234.50 Netherbeck Barn, 234.50 Ellers Farm, 224.50 Deansbiggin. British Blue: 207.50 194.50 Thornton Barn Farm. Longhorn: 204.50 Ellers Farm. Norwegian Red: 194.50 Ellers Farm. Friesian: 194.50 Netherbeck Barn. Cast Bull Top Prices: Charolais: 187.50 Little Crimbles. Angus: 179.50 Thornton Barn Farm.

Next Week's Upcoming Sales

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