NWA Newsletter, 18th November 2022.

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Lancaster Auction Mart: Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs and Cast Sheep, Monday 14th November 2022.

Prime Lambs

The weekly sale of prime lambs had a reduced number forward this week, in which more could have easily been sold in Lancaster with ten active buyers ring side all looking to fulfil orders. There were 610 lambs forward, selling to an overall market average of 248p/kg with medium and heavy weights averaging 250p/kg-252p/kg and light weights averaging 261p/kg. Heavy weight lambs are always well bid for in Lancaster with Texels peaking at £156 from P Whitton & Son, Burneside followed by Suffolks to £146 from DJ Casson, Slyne. This was then followed by Texels to £144 from JS Horner, Ingleton and £151.50 from J Bargh & Son, Heaton with Oxcliffe, £139 from AG Butler, Hambleton and £137 from JS&S Atkinson, Scorton. Heavy weight hill lambs continued to be well sold at Lancaster with Mashams to £131 from T&D Wright, Roeburndale East and Mules to £130 twice from JS Horner, Ingleton and JS&S Atkinson, Scorton followed by £126 from JR&LA Capstick, Killington. Good confirmation lambs were in big demand at Lancaster with the best types selling in the region of 300p/kg. Peaking at 310p/kg for Beltexs from JS Horner, Ingleton followed by 305p/kg from G Beresford & Son, Hellifield and 300p/kg from RJ Byron, Woodplumpton.

Prime Lambs Top Prices: Texel: £156 High Tenement Farm, £144 Ingleborough Park, £139 Park Farm Barn, £137 Sykes Farm, £135.50 Beaumont Gate, £133.50 North Farm. Suffolk: £146 Beaumont Gate, £130 North Farm, £126 Beaumont Gate, £122 Tenley Farm, £116 Park Farm Barn, £94 Wellington Crag Farm. Continental: £141.50, £128 North Farm, £111 Ingleborough, £110 Mill House Farm, £107 Botton Hall Farm, £98.50 Moss House Farm. Beltex: £135, £130, £126 Moorville, £121 Ingelborough Park, £120 Park Farm Barn, £117 Tenley Farm. Masham: £131 Allcocks Farm, £111 Holme House Farm, £111 Stauvins Farm. Mule: £130 Sykes Farm, £130 Ingleborough Park, £126 Beckside, £120 High Tenement Farm, £117.50 Cragg End, £111 Dunkenshaw Farm. Leicester: £121 Dunkenshaw Farm. Charollais: £120 Askew Hill, £105 Botton Hall Farm, £104 Park Farm Barn. Cheviot: £107 Botton Hall Farm, £101 Marshaw Farm. Swaledale: £88 Marshaw Farm.

Cast Sheep

Cast sheep numbers begin to tighten with just over one hundred forward, Continental ewes peaked at £127 from A Richardson & Partners, Kirkham. Followed by £121 for Texel ewes from TR Prickett, Hutton Roof. A large quantity of upland bred sheep on the market saw Dalesbreds tups to £84 from A&MA Wright, Roeburndale East with Horned ewes to £75 from Angus Brown, Littledale.

Weekly Report and Newsletter- 18th November 2022

Cast Sheep Top Prices: Continental: £127, £94 Rosehill Farm. Texel: £121 Hutton Roof Hall. Charollais: £95 Old Woodhouse. Mule: £78 Rosehill Farm, £76 Gibsons Farm. Cheviot: £75, £70 Dove Cote Farm. Horned: £75 Deep Clough. Scotch Blackface: £72, £68 Dove Cote Farm. Swaledale: £59 Dunkenshaw Farm. Rough Fell: £58 Deep Clough Farm.

Cast Ram Top Prices: Dalesbred: £84 Stauvins Farm.

J36 Rural Auction Centre: Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs and Cast Sheep, Tuesday 15th November 2022.

Prime Lambs

Junction 36 prime lamb sale had an entry of 1436 forward, selling to an overall market average of 240p/kg. Once again buyers were keen for well finished lambs with all sizes and types well bid for. The market peaked at £150 for a heavy weight Suffolks from JE Read, Hutton Roof who also sold heavy weight Mashams to £140. Other leading prices for heavy weight Suffolk’s saw £147 from M Rendall, Milnthorpe. Heavy weight Texel peaked at £149 from JE&WB Wareing, Millom with others to £142 from TW&C Shepherd, Underbarrow and £139 from F&CE Bentley & Son, Shap. Heavy weight Cheviot lambs sold to £147 and £138 from Stockdale Farms with others to £138 from GM Metcalfe, Underbarrow. Heavy weight Leicester sold to £146 from TMW&H Hodgson, Ulverston. Plenty of pens of heavy weight lambs regularly sold in the region of one hundred and thirty pounds. Heavyweight Mules peaked at £130 from MA &JA Winn, Burneside. Best confirmation lambs peaked at 295p/kg from AR&BJ Thompson, Selside with well fleshed handy weight lambs regularly selling in excess of the 250p/kg mark. Light weigh lambs are starting to meet more demand as Christmas export jobs now start to commence.

Prime Lamb Top Prices: Suffolk: £150 Mealriggs Farm, £147 Milestones Cottage, £133 Low Shaw Farm, £132 Strickland Hill, £130 Barrowfield, £129 Mealriggs Farm. Texel: £149 Low Shaw Farm, £142 Nook Farm, £139 Hill Top Farm, £136.50 High House Farm, £136 Stain Forth, £135 High Farm. Cheviot: £147 Bowers Farm, £138 Low Gregg Hall, £120.50 Seedhowe Cottages, £115 Low Gregg Hall, £106 Poppy Farm, £105 Seedhowe Cottages. Leicester: £146, £112 Arklid Farm. Masham: £140 Mealriggs Farm. Continental: £138 Bowers Farm, £131 Low Croft, £127, £123 High Underbow Farm, £120 Barrowfield, £119.50 Bowers Farm. Charollais: £130, £123 Moss Side, £102 Middale Farm. Mule: £130 High Underbrow Farm, £121.50 Strickland Hall, £116 Greaves Farm, £110.50 Hill Park, £110.50 Greaves Farm, £110 Arklid Farm. Beltex: £120 Dugg Hill, £120, £109, £108 Salisbury Farm. Horned: £100 Shorefileds. Zwartble: £100 Nook Farm. Rough Fell: £90 Steps Farm. Swaledale: £83 Middle Sadghyll, £80 Higher Core Farm. Cast Sheep

All types of ewes sold to a faster trade at J36 with a good ring side of buyers forward, all looking to purchase ewes. Top price ewes were from the brilliant run from J Woodburn & Partners with Texels selling to a top of £170. Continental ewes were regularly selling at the one hundred and twenty-to-one-hundred-and-thirty-pound mark. Mule and Masham ewes would see the biggest jump on the week with Mashams selling to £138 from JE Read, Hutton Roof and Mules selling to £124 from J Woodburn & Partners. The best end of Mules sold well over the one hundred pound mark. Cheviot Mules sold to £130 from J Woodburn & Partners. Hill ewes were keenly bid for with a pen of strong Rough Fell ewes selling to £92 from JE Read and Swaledales selling to £90 from M Burton, Cautley. A full pen of Swaledale ewes sold to £78 from P Whitton & Son, Burneside. Medium fit Swaledale ewes were regularly selling at fifty to sixty pounds.

Cast Sheep Top Prices: Texel: £170 Mansrigg Hall, £136 Moor House, £128 Tranthwaite Hall, £128 Hill Top Farm, £122 Redbank Farm, £116 Salisbury Farm. Masham: £138 Mealriggs Farm, £70 Mosergh Farm. Cheviot Mule: £130 Mansrigg

Hall, £104, £78 Thistle House. Suffolk: £130, £126 Mansrigg Hall, £118 Mislet Farm, £86 Mansrigg Hall, £76 Barker Knott. Continental: £124 Mansrigg Hall, £84 Mosergh Farm, £72 Gilpin Farm. Mule: £124 Mansrigg Hall, £108 Sunny Brow, £108 Moor House, £105 Redbank Farm, £104 Mansrigg Hall, £102 Salisbury Farm. Leicester: £120 Low Longmire, £118 Higher Core Farm. Rough Fell: £92 Mealriggs Farm, £76 Sowermire Farm. Swaledale: £90 Low Haygarth Farm, £78 High Tenement Farm. Cheviot: £89 Long Streets Farm, £87, £71 Poppy Farm, £70, £68 Thorn Cottage.

Cast Goat Top Prices: £62 Lunesdale House.

Cast Ram Top Prices: Cheviot: £116 Thorn Cottage, £116 Low Deepslack. Charollais: £114 Redbank Farm. Beltex £110, £80 Crabtree Farm. Horned: £96 Gilpin Bank Farm. Swaledale: £89 Lunesdale House.

J36 Rural Auction Centre: Fortnightly Sale of Store Lambs, Thursday 17th November 2022.

Store Lambs

The fortnightly sale of store lambs at J36 saw another buoyant trade with buyers in the market looking to purchase all types of lambs. Pens of well-bred lambs continue to sell to a premium with todays sale peaked at £113 from W Stamper, Chipping with others at £108 from Holgate Caravan Park, Silverdale and Beltexs to £104 from R Allen, Staveley. Other stronger Continental lambs generally sold at £88 to £86 with medium term lambs £72 to £84 and longer keep lambs £62 to £70. Mule lambs sold to a keen interest peaking at £101.50 for a pen full from RI Dixon, Low Newton with a ring full achieving £97.50 from RM&D Dixon, Longsleddale. Cheviot Mules sold to £92 from B Wilson & Sons, Selside. A large entry of hill bred lambs saw Rough Fells sell to £93 from DR Law, Kirkby Stephen, Cheviots to £79 from MB Meredith, Coniston, Herdwicks to £74 from S Procter, Selside and Swaledales to £60 from GA Holden, Ambleside. Buyers in attendance today from throughout the Northern Counties, Midland and Wales all keen to take advantage of the availability of wintering grass. The next sale of store lambs is on Thursday 1st December with entries for the catalogue required by 12noon on Wednesday 23rd November.

Store Lamb Top Prices: Texel: £113 Coldcotes Farm, £108, £103 Middlebarrow Plain, £102 Sunny Bank, £100 Longwell, £99 Sunnybrow. Beltex: £104 St Annes Farm, £99 High Wray Farm, £97.50 St Annes Farm, £71 Woodside Farm. Mule: £101.50 Low Newton Farm, £97.50 Well Foot, £89.50 Audlands Park, £88.50 Oak Tree Farm, £87.50 Lunesdale House, £86 Cragg House Farm. Continental: £96 Moor House, £92.50 Bleaswood Road, £92 Lane End, £88.50 Greenbank Farm, £87 Moor House, £85.50 Patton Mill Farm. Zwartble: £95 Whitbarrow Cottage, £95 Burnhead Farm, £80 Whitbarrow Cottage. Suffolk: £93 Kirkby Hall, £91 Somme Avenue, £89 Westmorland Chapel Farm, £89 Bradlow Farm, £88.50 Quarry Top, £87 Hopestead. Cheviot: £92 Ashstead, £91 Lane End, £79 High Arnside Farm, £77 Noran Bank Farm, £76 High Borrowbridge, £75 Melbourne House. Dorest: £83 Burnhead Farm. Rough: £83, £67 Crooksbeck. Charollais: £79.50 Black Syke. Masham: £76 Crooksbeck, £72 Hawes Farm. Herdwick: £74 High Biggarsbank, £71 Barker Knott, £71 Scar Sykes Farm. Horned: £68 Long Green Head. Jacob: £63 Hawes Farm, £52 Wall End Farm. Swaledale: £62.50 Woodside Farm, £60 Rossett, £57.50 The Borrans. Dalesbred: £57.50 Fell End Farm.

Lancaster Auction Mart: Weekly Sale of Calves, OTM's and Store Cattle. Fortnightly Sale of Dairy Cattle, Friday 18th November 2022.

Dairy Cattle

Plenty of interest in dairy cattle with more needed to fulfil buyers requirements. Heifers peaked at £2250 for a sweet 14 day calved pedigree heifer ‘Robanne Mitchell Cassie’ from R & A Jolleys, Cabus closely followed by an unregistered heifer achieving £2220 from R & K Jenkinson, Pilling. Other heifers generally £1800-£2100 with all sold averaging £2046.0.

Calves & Weanlings

The weekly sale of calves at Lancaster had an entry of 55 forward with a busy ringside of buyers and onlookers throughout the sale with fresh bidder in attendance. The trade does remain very similar with the rearing costs and weather. A couple of nice runs of weanlings met very good demand and seem to be what the buyers are currently looking to purchase. The consignment from JR Newsham & son, Conder Green lead the way selling to £460, £430 and £390 with Montbeliarde bulls followed by £385 with Flekvieh bulls whom also sold Frisian bulls to £335. A consignment from TE & MM Kidd, Ellel sold Hereford bulls to £415, £405 and £380 with heifers to £280. Milk calves saw British Blue bulls sold to a top of £345 for a British Blue bull from J Bargh and Son, Overton with plenty more selling in the early two hundreds. Dairy bull calves peaked at £100 for a Flekvieh from JR Newsham & Son, Conder Green.

Heifer Calves Top Prices: Hereford: £280 Booth Hall. Angus: £125 North Farm. British Blue: £195, £190, £185 Roseacre Hall, £185 Elm Tree Farm, £170 Roe Farm.

Bull Calves Top Prices: Montbeliarde: £460, £430, £390, £345 Sellerley Farm. Hereford: £415, £405, £380, £250 Booth Hall, £205 Sellerley Farm, £165 Stubbins Farm. Fleckvieh: £385, £345, £100 Sellerley Farm. British Blue: £345 North Farm, £240 Roseacre Hall, £230 Cotestone Farm, £220 Roseacre Hall, £210 North Farm, £210 Roseacre Hall. Friesian: £335 Sellerley Farm. Angus: £195 Roe Farm Store Cattle

An increased entry of store cattle brought out an increased ring side of fresh and returning buyers. A mixed show of store cattle in terms of quality saw short keep cattle continue to be a strong trade with longer term and weathered cattle selling in line with other centres. Charolais bullocks led the way at Lancaster selling to £1540 from RH Dodgson, Burton in Lonsdale. This was followed by £1500 for a Limousin bullock from R&A Easterby, Westhouse. Other Continental bullocks saw British Blues to £1460 from R&DM Rossall & Sons, Pilling. Aberdeen Angus bullocks sold to a top of £1470 and £1440 from M&RW Stirzaker, Milnthorpe with plenty more strong bullocks selling in the mid to late £1300. The heifer trade peaked at £1460 for an Aberdeen Angus from J Oddie & Son, Balderstone. Limousin heifers peaked at £1350 from A&FM Bolland & Sons, Ellel.

Store Bullock Top Prices: Charolais: £1540 Kilburn House, £1060 Moss Croft. Limousin: £1500 Fellside Farm, £1410, £1390 Kilburn House, £1370 North Farm, £1370 Fellside Farm, £1370 Fell End Farm. Angus: £1470, £1440 Station Hotel Farm, £1380 Foredales Farm, £1350 Underhelm Farm, £1340 Scotch Green Farm, £1300 Roman Road Farm British Blue: £1460 Abrahams Farm, £1360 Squries Gate Farm, £1350 Endmoor Farm, £1310 Shaws Farm, £1280 Squires Gate Farm, £1180 Cocklake. Simmental: £1360 North Farm, £1060 Black Bull Farm. Shorthorn: £1310 Foredales Farm. Hereford: £1300 Snub Snape Farm, £1150 Carlingwha, £1140 Boundary House. Saler: £1260 Foredales

Farm. Welsh Black: £1260 Barrowfield. Montbeliarde: £990 Moss Croft. Friesian: £970 Green Dragon Farm, £960 Plumpton Hall Farm.

Store Heifers Top Prices: Angus: £1460 Cheetham House Farm, £1320 Braddup House Farm, £1290 Cheetham House Farm, £1220 Braddup House Farm, £1180 Park Lane Farm, £1080 Braddup House Farm. Limousin: £1350 Yeat House, £1270 Endmoor Farm, £980 Park Farm Barn, £960 Ancliffe Hall Farm, £910 Summerlands. British Blue: £1270 Stubb Hall Farm, £1200 Abrahams Farm, £1130 Summerlands, £1100 Outerthwaite Farm, £1050 Summerlands. Charolais: £1200 Summerlands, £1080 Mearsbeck Farm, £910 Middle Ridge Farm. Hereford: £1160 Boundary House, £1100 Yeat House, £1060 Carlingwha, £1050 Park Farm Barn. Simmental: £1080 Black Bull Farm, £1070 Park Farm Barn.

Store Bull Top Prices: Limousin: £1110 Mount Murray.

OTM Cattle

An increased entry of 139 cast cows and OTM cattle sold to an average in excess of £1000 a head or 161p/kg. OTM feeding dairy heifers led the way selling to 234.5p/kg and 229.5p/kg or a top of £1681 for Fleckviehs from JK&B Birkett & Son, Morecambe. This was followed by other OTM heifers to £1535 for Herefords from DH&M Kellett & Sons, Thurnham. OTM Steers saw Aberdeen Angus to 229.5p/kg or £1500 with Limousins to 227.5p/kg or £1310 from M&RW Stirzaker, Milnthorpe. Beef cows sold to a top of 201.5p/kg or £1400 for a British Blue from S Moore, Pilling with Friesians cows to 194.5p/kg from W&A Cardwell, Stalmine grossing £1404 with plenty of good quality dairy cows selling in the region of 190p/kg. Dairy cows peaked at £1436 a head from J Bargh and Son, Heaton with Oxcliffe.

OTM Cow Top Prices: British Blue: 201.50 Longwood House. Friesian: 194.50 Well House Farm, 191.50 Barnfield Farm, 187.50 Raw Head, 184.50 Ackenthwaite Farm, 181.50 Spital Farm, 181.50 West Hall. Blonde: 194.50 Mount Pleasant Farm. Stabiliser: 189.50, 179.50 Park House Farm. Fleckvieh: 187.50 Raw Head, 179.50 Hawkin Hall, 177.50 Holme Head, 171.50 Hawkin Hall. Angus: 181.50, 144.50 Cragg Farm, 139.50 Mount Pleasant Farm, 131.50 Cragg Farm. Longhorn: 177.50 Robert Hall. Norweigean Red: 167.50 Docker Hall Farm. Hereford: 159.50 Mount Pleasant Farm. Ayrshire: 149.50 Spital Farm. Limousin: 149.50 Widdale Side. Simmental: 144.50 Widdale Side. Jersey: 137.50, 134.50 Dale Barns. Montbeliarde: 124.50 Holme Head.

OTM Heifer Top Prices: Fleckvieh; 234.50, 229.50, 197.50 White Lund Farm. Hereford: 221.50, 219.50, 211.50, 207.50 Boundary House. Friesian: 204.50 Boldens Farm, 199.50 Hole of Ellel, 194.50 Boldens Farm, 191.50 Norbreck Farm, 187.50 Stubb Place Farm, 181.50 White Lund Farm. Norweigean Red: 199.50, 194.50 White Lund Farm.

Cast Steer Top Prices: Angus: 229.50 Station Hotel Farm. Limousin: 227.50 Station Hotel Farm. Hereford: 224.50, 221.50 Boundary House. Friesian: 201.50, 194.50, 184.50 Moss House Farm, 184.50, 179.50 Tills Farm, 144.50 Throstle Grove Farm.

Cast Bull Top Prices: Limousin: 179.50 Low Tarn Green. Angus: 149.50 Rosehill Farm.

Next Week's Upcoming Sales

Monday 21st

Lancaster: 10.30am Weekly Sale of Spring Lambs and Cast Sheep. 12noon Fortnightly Sale of Store Lambs.

Tuesday 22nd

J36: 10:30am Sale of all classes of Pigs. 1pm Weekly Sale of Spring Lambs and Cast Sheep.

Thursday 24th

J36: 10am Sale of Calves and Stirks. 10:15am Sale of OTM and Cast Cattle. 11am Sale of Store Cattle.

Friday 25th

Lancaster: 10am Monthly Sale of Stirks.

10:15am Sale of Calves and OTM and Cast Cattle. 11.15am Sale of Store Cattle.

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