NWA Newsletter, Friday 20th January 2023

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Weekly Report and Newsletter - 20th January 2023

Lancaster Auction Mart: Weekly Sale of Prime Hoggs and Cast Sheep, Monday 16th January 2023.

Prime Hoggs

The weekly sale of prime hoggs at Lancaster market saw a market average of 222p/kg. Buyers were showing caution towards under finished hoggs with weight and meat keenly bid for and selling to a premium at Lancaster. The sale topped at £138 for Texels from J France, Pilling with other pens of Texels selling to £136 from AG Butler, Hambleton and £135 from S Ayrton, Thurnham. Continental bred lambs weighing 47kg to 50 kg were regularly selling at the £118 to £125 mark. Hill bred lambs saw a pen of 55kg Cheviots sell to £126 from KM&KJ Curwen, Abbeystead who also sold a pen of Swaledale hoggs to £100. T&D Wright, Roeburndale East sold Mashams to £116 with Mule hoggs selling to £110 from J Bargh, Heaton. The best Continental lambs sold around the 245265p/kg mark. Some lambs today would have been better suited to the store market, please contact the auctioneers and fieldsmen if you require any guidance.

Prime Hoggs Top Prices: Texel: £138 Merryfield, £135 Meadow Croft, £132, £125 Hutton Roof Hall, £122 Park Farm Barn, £120 Merryfield. Suffolk: £136 Park Farm Barn, £124 Pilling Hall Farm, £121 Salisbury Farm, £119, £114 Park Farm Barn, £110 North Farm. Cheviot: £126 Marshaw Farm, £104 North Farm. Continental: £121 Meadow Croft, £116 Low Croft, £96 Meadow Croft. Masham: £116 Allcocks Farm, £93 Cobble Hey Farm. Mule: £110 North Farm, £96 Cobble Hey Farm. Beltex: £106, £104 Castle Mill Farm, £102 Knowsley Farm, £100 Castle Mill Farm. Charollais: £105 Cottage Farm. Swaledale: £100, £88 Marshaw Farm.

Cast Sheep

An increased entry of cast sheep, once again saw all ewes keenly bid for. Suffolk ewes sold to a top of £116 from Dave & Karen Swarbrick, Out Rawcliffe with Leicesters selling to £110 from AC&K Pye, Abbeystead. The strongest Texel bred ewes were regularly selling at £105-£108. Mules topped at £114 from Sam Ayrton, Thurnham with others to £107 from Dave & Karen Swarbrick, the best end Mules sold either side of the £100 mark. Meated medium type Mules were selling at the £80-£85 mark. Hill ewes sold to £110 for Cheviots from P Prickett, Hutton roof with other Cheviots selling to £90 from Dave & Karen Swarbrick with Horned ewes from this good home selling to £77. Swaledales sold to a top of £70 from Janet Simpson, Barnacre.

Cast rams saw Dorsets sell to £122 from R Mason, Out Rawcliffe with Leicester tups to £116 from F Carr, Arkholme.

Cast Ewes Top Prices: Suffolk: £116 Bensons Farm. Mule: £114 Meadow Croft, £107 Bensons Farm, £100 Pilling Hall Farm, £98, £97 Higher Fair Snape Farm, £82 Bensons Farm. Cheviot: £110 Hutton Roof Farm, £90 Bensons Farm. Leicester: £110 Dunkenshaw Farm. Texel: £109, £104, £103 Higher Fair Snape Farm. Masham: £86, £72 Bensons Farm. Zwartble: £79 Millstones. Charollais: £74 Salisbury Farm. Horned: £74, £73 Bensons Farm. Swaledale: £74 Appletree Farm, £70 Millstones. Kerry Hill: £70 Hutton Roof Hall.

Cast Rams Top Prices: Dorset: £122 Hoskingshire Farm. Leicester: £116 Nissan Nuts, £82 Dunkenshaw Farm. Texel: £115 West View, £110 Middle Lee Farm, £94 Mearsbeck Farm.

J36 Rural Auction Centre: Weekly Sale of Prime Hoggs and Cast Sheep, Tuesday 17th January 2023.

Prime Hoggs sell to £147 and 289p/kg. Cull ewes sold to £210.

Prime Hoggs

All prime hoggs sold to a market average of 228p/kg with buyers showing a preference towards well finished and heavy weight hoggs. The market topped at £147 for heavy weight Texel x hoggs from JB Airey, Kendal with other Texel x achieving £145 from TA Teasdale, Newton in Cartmel with Suffolks to £146 from N Barker, Burton in Kendal. Standard weight hoggs sold to £132 for Texel x from N Barker, Burton in Kendal with Beltex selling to £130 from CM Jennings, Selside and Suffolk x to £126 from JH Towers & Son, Tunstall. Well finished medium weight hoggs sold to £118 from TMW& H Hodgson, Nibthwaite with Beltex x also achieving £118 from W Garnett & Son, Milnthorpe. Lighter weight hoggs were a selective trade with well finished hoggs in this weight range meeting buyers requirements, selling to £101 for Beltex x from JG&PH Thompson, Selside with others at £95 from P&TL Edmondson Ltd, Kirkby in Furness. Under finished hoggs looking better suited to the store market. The sale peaked at 289p/kg for pure Beltex hoggs from AR&BJ Thompson, Selside followed by 276p/kg achieved for a Beltex from CM Jennings, Selside with others at 274p/kg from TMW&H Hodgson, Nibthwaite and W Garnett & Son, Milnthorpe. Other well finished hoggs pure and ¾ bred hoggs regularly sold at 240-260p/kg with first cross lambs 225-235p/kg depending on weight and finish. Very few hill bred hoggs forward today, with those forward selling to £139 for heavy weight Cheviots from Stockdale Farms, Sedbergh. Mules sold to £117 from D Black, Milnthorpe. Cheviot sold to 250p/kg for medium weights from AR&BJ Thompson, Selside with heavy weights selling to 248p/kg from Stockdale Farms, Sedbergh. Mules sold to 222p/kg from P Whitton, Burneside with others at 216p/kg from P&TL Edmondson, Kirkby in Furness.

Well finished hoggs of all classes and types continue to attract the keenest buyer attention with caution shown towards under finished and lighter weight hoggs. Vendors are encouraged to enter well finished hoggs at our weekly prime hogg sale with the fortnightly sale of store hoggs perhaps worth considering for the lighter weighted and under finished hoggs.

Prime Hoggs Top Prices: Texel: £147 Mint Close, £145 Head House, £142 Mint Close, £136 Red Scar Farm, £132 Dalton Old Hall, £128 Middlebarrow Plain. Suffolk: £146 Dalton Old Hall, £138 High House Farm, £131, £126 Tunstall Hall, £124 Underhelm Farm, £112 Old Woodhouse. Cheviot: £139, £115 Bowers Farm, £95 Poppy Farm. Ryeland: £135 Tebay Ghyll. Charollais: £134, £115 Headhouse. Beltex: £130 Crake Hall, £118 Ackenthwaite Farm, £117.50 Oak Aveune, £107 Poppy Farm, £106.50 Cumbrae, £102 Poppy Farm. Continental: £117 Oak Avenue. Mule: £117 Cumbrae, £97.50 Barrowfield.

Cast Sheep

The ewe trade was stronger on the week at J36 with pure bred Texel ewes flying way to £210 from RA Batty, Selside with other pure ewes selling to £178 from K Little & D McClure, Cartmel. The best pure bred Continental ewes were regularly selling at the £140-£180 mark. Beltex x ewes sold to £155 from RA Batty, Selside with Suffolk x ewes selling to £134 from RA&L Hodgson, Patton. Leicesters sold to £125 from DE&J Waine, Longsleddale. All Mule ewes sold to a keen interest dropping twice at £110 from Holgate Caravans and Clarke & Johnson, Windermere. Fit medium type Mule ewes were regularly either side of the ninety-pound mark. Hill ewes saw a

top of £101 for a full pen of Cheviots from J Allonby & Son, Grayrigg with Swaledales selling to a top of £83 from DE&J Waine, Longsleddale with the best end regularly selling at Seventy pound plus. Rough Fells sold to £80 from W Beck & Son, Gaisgill.

Thirty cast rams forward with Texels selling to £150 from S Thompson, Flookburgh, Black Wensleydales sold to £138 from DE&J Waine, Longsleddale. Rams showing signs of the weather were still keenly bid for and selling to their full value.

Cast Goat Top Prices: £88 Four Lane Ends Farm

Cast Ewes Top Prices: Texel: £210 Dugg Hill, £178 Wood Broughton Barn, £138, £134 Dugg Hill, £130 The Park, £126 Spital Farm. Beltex: £155 Dugg Hill, £138 Stubb Farm, £128 Old Woodhouse, £119 The Park, £106 Green Head. Suffolk: £134, £128, £110 Patton Hall, £112 Four Lane Ends Farm, £96 Patton Hall, £80 Bensons Farm. Leicester: £125 Murthwaite. Dorset: £122, £114 Four Lane Ends Farm. Continental: £110 The Park, £90 Somme Avenue. Mule: £110 Middlebarrow Plain, £110 Far Orrest, £108 Patton Hall, £106 High Tenement Farm, £105 Smithy Green Farm, £100 Cottam Farm. Cheviot: £102 Bensons Hall, £101, £100 Green Head, £98 Red Squirrel Terrace, £93 Nook Farm, £91 Red Squirrel Terrace, £90 Lane End. Cheviot Mule: £108 Stubb Farm, £104 Sunny Bank. Masham: £96 Bensons Farm, £92 High Borrans Farm. Zwartble: £94 Somme Aveune. Swaledale: £83 Murthwaite. Rough Fell: £80 Barugh House, £76 Somme Aveune, £70 Red Squirrel Terrace.

Cast Ram Top Prices: Texel: £150 Somme Avenue, £116 The Park. Wensleydale: £138 Murthwaite. Dorset: £122, £120 Four Lane Ends. Leicester: £86, £84 High Borrans Farm. Charollais: £80 Spital Farm.

J36 Rural Auction Centre: Fortnightly Sale of Calves, Stirks, OTM and Store Cattle, Thursday 19th January 2023.

Calves & Stirks

Bull calves today achieved a top price of £390 for a Simmental x from Langley Park Firms, Millom who sold others at £350 and £340. British Blue x bull calves sold to £305 from Messrs Gibson & Berry, with others at £280 from HJ Robinson & Son, Preston Patrick. A large entry of native sired bull calves saw Aberdeen Angus x sell to £250 from M&S Blease, Carnforth with others at £240 from W&S Airey, Whittington and £230 from Lawkland Hall Farm Partnership, Lawkland. An entry of predominantly younger beef bred bull calves generally sold at £180-£220. Dairy bull calves sold to £120 for a Holstein Friesian from Langley Park Farms, Millom with dairy Shorthorns to £92 from JR Handley, Whinfell. Heifer calves sold to £350 for a British Blue x from W&S Airey, Whittington with Limousin x achieving £330 from Langley Park Farms, Millom who also sold Simmental x at £300. Younger heifer calves generally £150 to £200. A keen interest in all classes and types of stirks saw seven month old Blonde x steers from B Wilson & Sons, Selside sell to £930 with others at £855. Other suckler bred stirks sold to £820 for ten month old Saler steers from JJ&J Woof & Sons, Dent. Well reared Aberdeen Angus x steers sold to £690 from S Whitehead, Middleton with British Blue x achieving £685 from JM Simpson, Underbarrow and Limousin x steers to £640 from F&TE Park, Crook. Heifer stirks sold to £770 for a Saler from JJ&J Woof & Sons, Dent with Limousin x selling to £760 from JM Simpson, Under barrow. An entry of predominately younger heifer stirks sold to £660 from D Penellum, Kirkby in Furness. Bull stirks sold to £800 for a Limousin from S Whitehead, Middleton with Salers selling to £770 from JJ&J Woof & Sons, Dent. Recently weaned British Blue x bull calves from S&A Wood, Pennington sold to £405.

Heifer Calf Top Prices: British Blue: £350 West Hall, £310, £300 Borrans Farm, £270 Low Audlands, £220 Greaves Farm, £150 Craketrees. Limousin: £330 Langley Park. Simmental: £300, £145 Langley Park. Angus: £100 The Cottages.

Bull Calf Top Prices: Simmental: £390, £350, £340, £300 Langley Park. British Blue: £305 Low Audlands, £280 Elm Tree Farm, £250 Greaves Farm, £170 Craketrees, £160 Elm Tree Farm, £125 Hagg Farm. Angus: £250 The Barn, £240 West Hall, £230, £225 The Cottages, £220 The Barn. Friesian: £120 Langley Park. Hereford: £100 The Cottages.

Heifer Stirk Top Prices: Saler: £770 Millbeck. Limousin: £760 High Gregg Hall Farm, £660 Coolna Marra, £600 High Gregg Hall Farm. Continental: £640, £300 Spice Gill Farm. Angus: £540 Cragg House Farm, £430 Moss End Farm, £350 High Gregg Hall Farm. British Blue: £510 Low Audlands Farm, £380 Beckside Farm. Hereford: £400 Sleetburn Farm, £395 Biggings Lodge Farm, £330 Sleetburn Farm.

Bull Stirk Top Prices: Limousin: £800, £710 Low Waterside. Saler: £770 Millbeck. Friesian: £420 Low Audlands. British Blue: £405, £320 Beckside Farm.

Steer Stirk Top Prices: Blonde: £930 Ashstead. Saler: £820 Millbeck. Angus: £690 Low Waterside, £530 Moss End Farm, £500 High Gregg Hall Farm. British Blue: £685 High Gregg Hall Farm. Limousin: £640 Cragg House Farm. Bazadaise: £480 Biggings Lodge Farm.

Store Cattle

Another sharp trade was seen for all classes and types of store cattle with a top price of £1860 achieved for an overaged Hereford x steer from CS Long & RH Knipe, Ulverston who sold other overaged steers to £1620. Limousin x steers from B&D Willison & Son, Tebay sold to £1370 with another ring full from the same home achieving £1350. British Blue x steers sold to £1310 for a pair from M Bateman & Son, Firbank with Aberdeen Angus x steers selling to £1260 from B&MJ Crowe, Witherslack. A pen of fourteen month old Limousin x steers from M&L Preece, Kirkby Lonsdale sold to £1180 with yearling selling to £1150 from MW&M Hodgson, Cartmel Fell and £1100 from MW&ML Black, Staveley. A ring full of fifteen month old Holstein Friesian steers from GA&M Robinson, Kendal sold at £800. A consignment of twelve to fourteen month old Longhorn Steers from E Taylforth, Hawkshead sold to £800 with others at £730. Store heifers sold to £1370 for a named sire Aberdeen Angus x from TJ Robinson, Milnthorpe who also sold Hereford heifers to £1320. £1320 was also achieved for a pair of Limousin x heifers from B&D Willison & Son, Tebay who sold others at £1290. British Blue x heifers sold to £1130 from JR&S Handley, Heversham with others at £1095 from B&D Willison & Son. Younger suckler bred heifers sold to £970 for a ten month old Limousin x frm A Riley, Neither Kellet with other Limousin x at £960 from MW&MR Black, Staveley with others at £940 from MW&M Hodgson, Cartmel Fell. Six month old suckler bred heifers sold to £810 for a Limousin x from CR Alderson & Son, Kirkby Stephen with Charolais x selling to £770 from R&BJ Cleasby, Broughton in Furness. A trio of seven month old Charolais x bulls from R&BJ Cleasby, Broughton in Furness sold at £890.

The next sale of store cattle is on Thursday 2nd February which includes the ten year anniversary prize show and sale. Vendors are encouraged to enter cattle with confidence to take advantage of the current high levels of demand and celebrate this special occasion.

Store Bullock Top Prices: Hereford: £1860, £1620 The Glen, £980, £900 Park

£1370, £1350, £1300 Bybeck, £1180 High House Farm, £1150 Swallowmire, £1140 Castle Syke

Blue: £1310, £1240 Moors Farm, £1010 Moss Side Farm. Angus: £1260 Birks Farm, £1140 College Green

House Farm. Limousin: Farm. British Farm, £1100 Bradley Farm.

Blonde: £970 Moss Side Farm. Friesian: £800 Silverdale Drive. Simmental: £800 Deardens Farm. Longhorn: £800 Field Head.

Store Heifer Top Prices: Angus: £1370, £1190 Rowell Farm, £1180 Birks Farm, £1080 Rowell Farm, £1010 College Green Farm. Limousin: £1320, £1290, £1240 Bybeck, £1220 Rowell Farm, £1210 Cracalt Farm, £1190 Moss Side Farm. Hereford: £1320 Rowell Farm. Simmental: £1150 Castle Syke Farm, £1140 Bybeck. British Blue: £1130 College Green Farm, £1095 Bybeck, £1060 Cracalt Farm, £1030 College Green Farm, £1020 Birks Farm.

OTM and Cast Cattle

Cull cows sold to an overall market averaged 171p/kg with over half the entry being dairy cows. Beef cows topped the market at 219p/kg for a Blonde from T Atkinson, Ulverston who sold others at 214p/kg and 199p/kg. Other Continental beef cows regularly sold at 180-200p/kg. Native sired beef cows sold to 184p/kg from an Aberdeen Angus x from E Taylford, Hawkshead who also sold Shorthorns at 181p/kg and Longhorns at 174p/kg. Dairy cows sold to 191p/kg for Holstein Friesian from MH&SJ Morris, Grange Over Sands with others at 189p/kg from S&M Cooper, Leece and 181p/kg from Strickland Hill. Medium dairy cows were regularly 150-170p/kg with the leanest parlour sorts 115-130p/kg depending on quality. Top grossing cow today was a Holstein Friesian from MH&SJ Morris, Grange Over Sands achieving £1646 with beef cows selling to £1611 for a Blonde from T Atkinson, Ulverston. All cull cows averaged £1063.

OTM dairy heifers sold to 199p/kg for a Holstein Friesian from I Atkinson & Son, Carnforth with others at 194p/kg from PW&D Swindlehurst, Underbarrow. Top grossing OTM dairy heifer was a Holstein Friesian from I Atkinson & Son, Carnforth achieving £1729 with another from the same home achieving £1664. A Limousin x heifer from JT Procter, Flookburgh achieved 219.5p/kg and £1334.

A Blonde bull from SJ&NS Wood, Windermere sold to 161/kg and £1384. An underage Charolais prime bull sold at 26.5p/kg and £2220. A special TB exempt section allowing vendors on a TB parish to sell their cattle untested, saw OTM dairy heifers sell to 199.5p/kg and £1416 for a Fleckvieh from RG&J Clarke, Endmoor with Norwegian Red x cows selling to 164.5p/kg from JJ&MA Park & Son, Heslington who also sold Holstein Friesian to £1054.

OTM Cow Top Prices: Blonde: 219.50, 214.50, 199.50 Newland View. Friesian: 191.50 Wraysholme Tower, 189.50 Tarnside Farm, 181.50 Strickland Hill, 171.50 Cracalt Farm, 167.50 Tranthwaite Hall, 161.50 Stirzaker House Farm. Limousin: 189.50, 184.50 Westfield Farm, 179.50 Mireside Farm, 174.50, 164.50 Top Thorn Farm. Angus: 184.50, 181.50, 164.50 Field Head. Shorthorn: 181.50, 174.50, 171.50, 149.50 Field Head. Longhorn: 174.50, 167.50 Field Head. South Devon: 169.50 Top Thorn Farm. British Blue: 164.50 Todds Farm. Norwegian Red: 164.50 Low Sizergh Farm. Belted Galloway: 159.50 Spice Gill Farm. Swedish Red: 121.50, 111.50 Low Sizergh Farm.

OTM Heifer Top Prices: Limousin: 219.50 Mireside Farm. Friesian: 199.50 Boon Town Farm, 194.50 Tranthwaite Hall, 194.50 Boon Town Farm, 191.50 Tarnside Farm, 174.50 College Green Farm. Fleckvieh: 199.50 Far Audlands.

Cast Bull Top Prices: Charolais: 267.50 Newland View. Blonde: 161.50 Causeway Farm.

Lancaster Auction Mart: Weekly Sale of Calves, Stirks, OTM's and Store Cattle, Friday 20th January 2023.

Red hot prices on a cold winter’s day at Lancaster.

Calves and Stirks

The monthly sale of stirks saw an extremely fast and competitive trade with a full ring side of buyers keen to secure replacement stock with many leaving unable to fulfil orders. Steers sold to £880 for a Hereford x from AF&B Dawson, Sedbergh with Aberdeen x from JW Thwaites, Tebay selling at £810 and British Blue from I Atkinson & Son, Carnforth achieving £800. Other steers regularly selling at £700-£800 being eight to ten months old. Younger steers sold to £680 for seven month old Beef Shorthorn x from E Lund & Son, Ingleton who also sold Hereford x at £610. Heifer stirks sold to £790 for Aberdeen Angus x from JE Catterall & Family, Preston with others at £770 from JW Thaites, Tebay and British Blue x achieving £740 from PS&H Eckersley, Mellor. Four to Five month old Holstein Friesian bulls from R Cowin & Sons, Mansergh sold to £300. A large entry of 101 weaned and rearing calves once again attracted a large crown of buyers with several new faces in attendance. Rearing calves sold to £370 for an Aberdeen Angus x from Tom Barron Farms Ltd, Preston who sold others at £380 and British Blue x at £360. A consignment of British Blue x calves from H&C Pickervance, Kirkham saw six week old bull calves sell to £340. Other strong rearing bull calves regularly selling at £270 to £320 with the younger end £220 to £260. Dairy bull calves sold to £80 for a three week old Holstein Friesian from JE&J Pye & Son, Qurernmore.

Heifer calves sold to £320 and £310 for British Blue x from Tom Barron Farm Ltd, Preston with others achieving £280 from H&C Pickervance and Charolais’s to £260 from GJ&G Billington, Catterall. Heifer calves generally were £200-£240, to include Aberdeen Angus x achieving £200 from I Slater Ltd, Claughton on Brock.

Weaned calves sold to £590 for a four month old British Blue x from JR&A Thornton, Winmarleigh who sold others at £540. Charollais x bulls sold to £510 from J&G Thornley, Kirkham with others at £500 from Wallbank Farms, Over Wyresdale. Aberdeen Angus x sold to £400 from C Higham, Catforth.

Weaned heifer calves sold to £440 for British Blues x from EW&RM Towers, Hornby with others selling to £400 from JR&A Thornton, Winmarleigh. A consignment of weaned dairy steers from EW&RM Towers, Hornby saw Fleckviehs sell to £470, £460 with others regularly achieving £400 to £420. Holstein Friesian steers sold to £310.

Heifer Calves Top Prices: British Blue: £440 Holme Head, £400 Coventry Farm, £380 Derby Lodge Farm, £370 Coventry Farm, £320, £310 Ambrose Hall Farm. Charolais: £300 Derby Lodge Farm, £260 Mysercough House. Angus: £250 West View Farm, £200 Hudsbrook Farm, £200 Roseacre Hall, £200, £160 Ambrose Hall Farm, £150 West View Farm

Bull Calves Top Prices: British Blue: £590, £540, £480 Coventry Farm, £440 Tills Farm, £410 Derby Lodge Farm. Charolais: £510 Derby Lodge Farm, £500 Tills Farm, £300 Derby Lodge Farm. Angus: £400 Moss House Farm, £370, £360 Ambrose Hall Farm, £290 Roseacre Hall, £250 Walkers I’th Fields, £250 Hudsbrook Farm. Friesian: £250 West View Farm, £240, £220, £210 Moss House Farm. Swedish Red: £200, £190 West View Farm, £150 Moss House Farm

Steer Calves Top Prices: British Blue: £560, £500 Holme Head. Angus: £530 Holme Head. Fleckvieh: £470, £460 £450, £400 Holme Head. Friesian: £310, £300 Holme Head

Bull Stirk: Friesian: £300, £260 Hawkrigg Farm.

Heifer Stirk: Angus: £790 Toad Hall Farm, £770 Eskew Beck, £670 Redchalis Farm, £620 Toad Hall Farm. British Blue: £740 Higher Brundhurst Farm

Steer Stirk: Hereford: £880 Mill Cottage, £610 Lundholme Farm. Angus: £810 Eskew Beck, £800 Redchalis Farm. British Blue: £800 Boon Town Farm, £780 Higher Brundhurst Farm. Shorthorn: £680 Lundholme Farm. Friesian: £590 Boon Town Farm.

Store cattle sold to an exceptionally high trade with all 220 steers, heifers and bulls averaging £1194. The top price store animal today was a British Blue x heifer from V&S Fitzell, Wigan selling at £1800. Other heavy well finished heifers sold to £1560 for a Hereford x from M Shepherd & Sons, Pilling with Limousin x selling to £1520 from JC Prickett, Mewith and Aberdeen Angus’s achieving £1500 from TJ Robinson, Milnthorpe. Endless pens of strong store heifers regally exceeded £1250 with all heifers sold averaging £1193. Steers sold to a top price of £1740 for a Charolais x from JB Moore, Grange Over Sands with an Aberdeen Angus x also achieving £1740 from V&S Fitzell, Wigan with a ring full of British Blue and Limousin x from H Chapman & Son, Middleton selling at £1700 closely followed by another pair of Limousins at £1680 from Pilling Hall, Pilling. Heavy well grown steers regularly selling in excess of £1400. Dairy bred steers sold to £1190 for British Friesians from EE Thornton & Sons, Morecambe with MRI steers from Barlow Bros, Crosston selling at £1120 and Holstein Friesian to £1100 from AG Butler, Hambleton. Feeding bulls sold to a top price of £1180 for Aberdeen Angus and British Blue x from Ballacutchel Farms, IOM.

Store Bullocks Top Prices: Angus: £1740 Moss House Farm, £1460 Chestnut House Farm, £1440 Kitchen Ground Farm, £1340 Moss House Farm, £1330 Kays Farm, £1300 Cock Hall Farm. Charolais: £1740 Outerthwaite, £1310 Downlands Farm, £1060 Little Crimbles. Limousin: £1700 Millbeck, £1680 Pilling Hall Farm, £1630 Stubb Place Farm, £1460 Old Glasson Farm, £1460 Carlingwha, £1400 Foredales Farm. British Blue: £1700 Millbeck, £1670 Kitchen Ground Farm, £1580 Pasture House, £1530 Stubb Place Farm, £1430 Stubb Hall Farm. Hereford: £1460 Carlingwha, £1420 Old Glasson Farm, £1400 Foredales Farm, £1210 Windy Hill Farm, £1080 Old Glasson Farm. Continental: £1300 Cock Hall Farm. Friesian: £1190, £1180 Downlands Farm, £1100 Park Farm Barn, £1060 Plumpton Hall Farm. Simmental: £1160 Park House Farm. Meuse-Rhine-Issel: £1120 Littlewood Hall Farm. Longhorn: £1000 Plumpton Hall Farm, £1000 Spruce Avenue. Dairy Shorthorn: £1000 Kirfit Hall. Welsh Black: £1000 Barrowfield. Montbeliarde: £1090 Hatters Farm. Belted Galloway: £900 Mount Murray. Saler: £900 Mount Murray. Stabiliser: £900, £800 Mount Murray. Store Heifers Top Prices: British Blue: £1800 Moss House Farm, £1390 Pasture House Farm, £1350 Oak Fold, £1320 Stubb Place Farm, £1300 Stubb Place Farm, £1290 Windy Hill Farm. Hereford: £1560 Pasture House Farm. Limousin: £1520, £1460, £1380 Ghyll Beck Farm, £1370 Rowell Farm, £1370 High House Farm, £1340 Rowell Farm. Angus: £1500 Rowell Farm, £1470 Staffords Farm, £1400 Oak Fold, £1380 Lower Swainhead Farm, £1380 Outerthwaite Farm, £1330 Chestnut House Farm. Charolais: £1480 Whelpside Farm, £1350 Staffords Farm, £1170 Downlands Farm.

Simmental: £1230 Park House Farm, £1080 Whinney Carr Farm, £1040 Moss Gate Farm. Shorthorn: £1170 Mount Murray. Welsh Black: £1140 Barrowfield. Friesian: £1060 Cote Farm.

Store Bull: Angus: £1180 Mount Murray. BB: £1180 Mount Murray.

OTM Cattle

A red-hot trade unlike the cold weather outside was seen in the cast ring with 125 cows averaging 187p/kg. Heavy well bred beef cows sold to 224.5p/kg for a Limousin x from Ballacutchel Farms, IOM and a Charollais x from JW&AF Sutton, Longsleddale. Other well bred heavy beef cows regularly sold at 190-210p/kg and medium beef cows 127-190p/kg with keen interest in those suitable for finishing. Top grossing beef cow today was a Limousin from Ballacutchel Farms, IOM achieving £1625. Dairy cows sold to 214.5p/kg for a Holstein Friesian from Lawsons Farm Ltd, Cockerham with others at 211.5p/kg from JS&KM Wilson & Son, Kendal and RJ&B Lewis,

Store Cattle

Middleton. Heavy well fleshed dairy cows were regularly selling at 180p/kg-195p/kg with mediums 160-175p/kg and the leanest cows 140-155p/kg. Top grossing dairy cow today was a Holstein Friesian from W Garnett & Son, Milnthorpe achieving £1791.

OTM heifers sold to 274p/kg and £1509 for a Charolais x from Ballacutchel Farms, IOM. OTM dairy heifers sold to 221.5p/kg and £1503 for a Ballacutchel Farms, IOM from Barker Farms, Carnforth. OTM steers sold to 269.5p/kg for an Aberdeen Angus from Ballacutchel Farms, IOM with other beef steers regularly 245-260p/kg. Top grossing was an Aberdeen Angus achieving £1608 from Lawsons Farm Ltd, Cockerham. Several prime bulls forward today sold to 269.5p/kg and £1617 for an Aberdeen Angus from the Ballacutchel Farms, IOM with others regularly 250-260p/kg. A Holstein Friesian bull from H Kent, Cockerham achieved 179.5p/kg and £1364.

OTM Cow Top Prices: Friesian: 234.50 Ghyll Beck Farm, 214.50 Sweetings Farm, 211.50 Bainsbank Farm, 211.50 High House, 204.50 Derby Lodge Farm, 204.50 Hillam Lane Farm. Charolais: 224.50 Nether House Farm, 219.50, 199.50, 197.50 Mount Murray, 194.50 Nether House Farm, 189.50 Mount Murray. Limousin: 224.50 Mount Murray, 194.50 Nether House Farm, 194.50 Mount Murray, 191.50 Stribers Farm, 184.50 Mount Murray. Hereford: 207.50 Mount Murray. Fleckvieh: 207.50 High House. BB: 200, 177.50, 114.50 Mount Murray. Belted Galloway: 197.50 Ghyll Beck Farm. Angus: 194.50 Ghyll Beck Farm. Jersey: 181.50 Bainsbank Farm.

OTM Heifer Top Prices: Charolais: 274.50, 249.50 Mount Murray, 189.50 Downlands Farm. Continental: 244.50 Mount Murray. Shorthorn: 234.50 Little Crimbles. Friesian: 221.50 Cotestone Farm, 169.50 Batty Hill. Limousin: 209.50 Thornbush Farm. Angus: 149.50 Kirkbeck.

Cast Steer: Angus: 269.50 Mount Murray, 259.50 Sweetings Farm, 259.50, 249.50, 244.50 Mount Murray. Charolais: 259.50 Mount Murray. Saler: 259.50, 217.50 Mount Murray. Limousin: 249.50 Mount Murray, 239.50 Little Crimbles, 207.50 Kellbrick Farm. Shorthorn: 244.50 Mount Murray. British Blue: 179.50 Old Glasson Farm.

Cast Bull Top Prices: Friesian: 179.50 Abbey House. Highland: 139.50 Field House.

Next Week's Upcoming Sales

Monday 23rd

Lancaster: 10:30am Weekly Sale of Prime Hoggs and Cast Sheep.

Tuesday 24th

J36: 10:30am Sale of all classes of Pigs.

1pm Weekly Sale of Prime Hoggs and Cast Sheep.

Thursday 26th

J36: 11am Fortnightly Sale of Store Hoggs.

Friday 27th

Lancaster: 10:15am Weekly Sale of Calves, and Cast/OTM Cattle.

11am Show and Sale of Dairy Cattle.

11:15am Weekly Sale of Store Cattle.

Saturday 28th

J36: 10:30am Diamond Delights.

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