Beltex In-Lamb Sale 07.01.2023

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LOCATION: The sale will be held at NWA J36 Auc�on Centre, Crooklands, Cumbria LA7 7FP (Sat Nat LA7 7NU)

CONDITIONS OF SALE: The sale will be held subject to the rules and regula�ons of each breed society, the condi�ons of sale as recommended by the Livestock Auc�ons Associa�on and the Auc�oneers Standard Condi�ons of sale.

SUBSTITUES: No�fy subs�tutes to the Society office by 4pm Thursday 5 January. 01768 870542

ARRIVAL: The auc�on mart will be open between 3pm - 6pm on Friday 6th January or from 7am on the morning of the sale for stock to be delivered to the mart.

METHOD OF SALE: All sheep will be sold in guineas (105 pence) and in catalogue order, unless any change is announced by the Auc�oneer.

MAEDI VISNA: MV Accredited flocks only at this sale.

REGISTRATIONS: All stock in the sale are registered with the appropriate breed socie�es, unless otherwise stated. All sheep must be double tagged. The vendor shall be responsible for thecorrectness of iden�ty. Any tags which are tampered with, handwri�en/bear marks, are faulty or illegible will be rejected from the sale.

BYE-LAWS: A copy of each socie�es bye-laws can be found in the Junc�on 36 livestock office.

NUMBERING: All Sheep will be iden�fied by a lot number stamped on their back.


In Person – Please register for an account in the office prior to the sale commencing.

By Telephone – please contact the office prior to the sale to state you want to do a telephone bid and which lot(s) you would like to bid on.

Online – please register with nwa.auc� prior to the sale. Once the sale is up and running you will then be able to bid. To register you will need full name, address, email and contact number.

SETTLEMENT AND CLEARANCE OF STOCK: Se�lement in full is due immediately at the close of the sale. No animal may leave the sale premises without an official ‘Pass Slip’ obtainable from the Auc�oneers upon se�lement.

ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: The Auc�oneers can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions printed in this catalogue.

PAYMENT: Payment is due on day of sale unless alterna�ve arrangements have been made in advance.

Accepted methods of Payment

By Cheque for established customers or By Direct Bank Transfer (preferred method of payment)

Our bank account details for online banking transac�ons; (Please include your account number)

Bank: Lloyds Sort Code: 30-16-28 Account Number: 22425168

Please note card payments are no longer accepted

NOTE TO SELLER: For the avoidance of doubt NWA Ltd reserve the right to contra or keep sale proceeds to offset against an outstanding account.

THE BELTEX SHEEP SOCIETY Official Show & Sale of 68 PEDIGREE BELTEX FEMALES Comprising of 11 Ewes Warranted In-Lamb 52 Shearling Ewes Warranted In-Lamb 5 Ewe Lambs SATURDAY 7TH JANUARY 2023 Show: 8.30am Sale: 10.30am in Ring 1 (To be sold prior to Pedigree Texel's) Sale to be held in accordance with the Beltex Sheep Society Rules OFFICIAL AUCTIONEERS North West Auctions J36 Rural Auction Centre, Crooklands, Milnthorpe, Cumbria LA7 7FP.

All lots must be se�led on the day of purchases. Comple�on of the registra�on slip on the next page is essen�al for par�es who have not dealt with the market before. Agents and customers wishing to purchase on behalf of another party must contact the office 48 hours prior to the sale. No lots can leave the site without a ‘pass slip’ being issued by the livestock office. For further informa�on or help contact:-

Prospec�ve Purchasers Se�lement
Online & Telephone bidding facili�es will be available for this sale, please contact a member of the North West Auc�ons Team for more informa�on. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Important No�ce to
& Clearance of Stock
Ian Atkinson 07766 521472 Bradley Thompson 07867 000244 J36 Rural Auc�on Centre Office 015395 66200


Judge: Tom Belfield, Buxton Judging at 8.30am

Class 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1. Aged Ewe


Kindly Sponsored by

1. The first class of animals must make their way to the show ring at 8.30am prompt.

2. Each vendor may submit a maximum of 2 animals per class in the show.

3. Prize money and trophies will only be awarded if the prize winning animal is sold through the sale ring.

4. All trophies MUST be signed for at the auc�on mart office. Any trophies not signed for will be retained by the Club Secretary.

2. Shearling Ewe Champion Reserve Champion 3. Ewe Lamb 6th

Beltex Sheep Society

All Sheep must be forwarded for penning and inspec�on between the 7am and 8am

All sheep forward for sale will be inspected and scanned upon arrival to the market. Pregnancy scanning - all sheep will be scanned at �me of inspec�on, if any ewes or shearlings are found not to be in-lamb, these will be rejected from the sale. If any ewe lambs are found to be in-lamb, these will be rejected from the sale.

General Sale Bye -Laws

1. All UK-bred sheep entered at Society/Club sales must be fully registered and all fees paid prior to the sale, with the excep�on of spring ewe and lamb sales where lambs need only be birth no�fied prior to sale and fully registered, at cost to the vendor, if sold.

2. All tags must comply with UK legisla�on and Society rules on iden�fica�on.

3. Subs�tutes must be declared to the Society within the specified �me stated on the sale entry form and catalogue, and must be marked with a red dot on the loin.

4. Scrapie genotyping is voluntary, but is included in the standard DNA sample for sires used and ewes flushed. All sheep catalogued with scrapie genotype must have valid cer�ficates.

5. The upset (minimum) price is 300gns at the Premier Sale. At all other Society/Club sales, the upset price shall be decided between the Society/Club and the auc�oneer.

6. Runs are limited to 10, extra runs are placed at the end of the sale (see Carlisle Premier Special Sale Bye-Laws for excep�ons).

7. All sheep entered for Society/Club sales must be inspected by a panel of inspectors appointed by the Society. Some sales will also have a Veterinary Officer aiding with the inspec�on.

8. The inclusion of any animal in the show and/or sale following any inspec�on is no warranty that the par�cular animal meets any criteria or criterion in respects of any standards, or will do so in the future.

9. Entry forms must be submi�ed with all relevant paper work.

10. Any sheep which has not passed Society/Club inspec�on should be removed from the vendor’s pen as soon as possible, and must not be offered for sale, or adver�sed or promoted, in the ring.

11. No animal to be sold outside of the ring before entering the sale ring.

12. All animals must be sold in catalogue order.

13. Any sheep to be sold at Society sales must be registered in the flock from which it is to be sold by 31 May in the year of sale.

14. All sheep forward must be back-stamped with the lot number, with the excep�on of those at spring ewe and lamb sales. Failure to do so will result in rejec�on from sale.

15. Any rams with semen taken or retained before sale, or females which have been flushed and embryos recovered before sale, must be declared in the entry forms and catalogue and announced at the �me of sale. Failure to do so will result in the purchaser having the right to return the sheep. Costs may be incurred by the vendor.

16. Recipients carrying pedigree embryos will be allowed to be sold at the in -lamb female sales a�er fully registered sheep.

17. All sheep entered at in-lamb sales will be scanned at �me of inspec�on.

18. Subs�tutes allowance per vendor at any sale is three shearling rams, and two per other sec�on. These must be no�fied to the Society by the �me specified on the entry form/ catalogue. No subs�tutes will be allowed on the day. Any un-no�fied subs�tutes must be removed from the vendor’s pen as soon as possible and must not be offered for sale through the ring.

Note re Point 15: Council advise the following: Tick the box on the entry forms and make sure informa�on is given out at �me of sale. The vendor must discuss fully with the purchaser any details of retained semen/embryos, specifically whether for own use or if intending to sell. This should be agreed between vendor and purchaser, preferably in wri�ng and signed by both par�es. Inspec�ons

19. Tags which do not comply with UK legisla�on and Society requirements will result in the sheep being rejected at inspec�on. From 2008, all registered lambs must carry tags with the Society logo. Check that tags are correct at �me of entry so that replacement tags can be ordered before the sale.

20. All sheep forward must be back-stamped with the lot number, with the excep�on of those at spring ewe and lamb sales. Failure to do so will result in rejec�on from sale.

21. Sheep which have failed inspec�on must be removed immediately from the market premises. Vendors are advised to check their animals thoroughly prior to departure from home.

22. Any animal rejected for tes�cle abnormality or incorrect mouth is not allowed to be entered or subs�tuted at later Society/Club sales, with the excep�on of lambs which may be entered at sales the following year as shearlings.

23. Inspec�on will include the following points – tags, teeth, tes�cles, udder, muscularity and any other points deemed necessary by Council as they see fit.

Inspec�on Standards

a. Teeth to be inspected and assessed at the discre�on of the inspector/veterinary officer. Teeth must meet the pad, not be overshot or undershot, and no tampering with teeth is permi�ed.

b. All sheep should be mobile and rams capable of natural service.

c. Tes�cles should be of even size, free of abnormali�es and move freely. Minimum tes�cle size – 27cm for ram lambs and 30 cm for shearling rams and aged rams. Tes�cles will be measured at the vet/inspector’ s discre�on.

d. Udders should be correct and free of any hardness or abnormali�es. The vet and inspector’s decision will be final at each sale.

24. Shows at Sales

a. Each vendor is allowed two entries in each pre -sale show class, bar the Carlisle Premier Sale where only one entry per class is allowed.

b. All exhibitors should be dressed in a white coat in the show ring.

c. Exhibitors are permi�ed to prepare their sheep to the best of their ability.

d. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure that each exhibit is available for judging at the correct �me.

e. All prize winners must be offered for sale at auc�on by the exhibitor at the sale following the show, otherwise awards may be withheld and prize monies forfeited.

f. The decision of the judge is final.

25. Sales held under the auspices of the Beltex Sheep Society

· All sheep sold at any Society/Club sale must be registered with the Beltex Sheep Society. Cross-bred sheep must not be listed in any Society catalogue unless they are carrying pedigree embryos.

Dispersal (No Inspec�on required) Produc�on and Reduc�on (Inspec�on required) Sales to be held at the end of the collec�ve sale and no sheep to be shown in the pre -sale show.

26. Sale Condi�ons

The sale terms and condi�ons of the LAAS / IAAS shall apply to Beltex Society and club sales with the excep�on of the dura�on of the stock ram warranty. Rams purchased at Society and club sales must prove to be capable of, and effec�ve at, ge�ng at least 1 female in lamb by 15th December in the year of purchase. Claims must be no�fied to the auc�oneers by 31st December and must be supported by vets' reports and any other proof of infer�lity or incapability. No claim a�er that date will be accepted.

The auc�oneers shall be mediators in disputes between buyer and seller.

who have not dealt with the company before should complete the undernoted form and hand it in to the auc�oneers’ clerk when a purchase is made. Alterna�vely it can be sent to the main office in advance of the sale.

Sale……………………………………………………………………...…………………………………………………… Date Trading Name………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Partners Names (if applicable )…………………………………………………………………………………. Full Postal Address…………………………………………………………………….……………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………… Postcode…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Landline……………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………. Mobile………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Email………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………….. Holding No……………………………………………………………………………………...………………………… Herd/Flock Prefix………………………………………………………………………………………...…………….
Premier Lamb, Premier Sheep & Premier Joint and Muscle Paste Organically chelated trace element vitamin supplements Not all mineral drenches are the same For more information contact Jonathan Guy T 01886 880482 M 07866 607466 E W


Braithwaite Rebecca Sovereign

Lot Nos.

Hill Top Farm, Lower Bentham, Lancaster, Lancs, LA2 7DF (58,59)

Burleigh Ma�hew Ma�'s

30 Kinawley Road, Shanra, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, BT92 4EY (44,45,46,47)

Davis M R & J E Rathbone

Ravenshaw Farm, Eldroth, Austwick, Via Lancaster, LA2 8AL (9,54,55,56,57)

Gill & Kayley Kennedy Nick Nikay

Stonethwaite Farm, Borrowdale, Keswick, Cumbria, CA12 5XG (12,13,14,15)

Jennings M & E Hallcrake

Crake Hall, Selside, Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 9EB (1,2,3,21,22,23,64,65,66)

McAllister Elizabeth Artnagullion

92 Parkgate Road, Kells, Ballymena, Co Antrim, BT42 3PG (16,17,18,19,20)

McCutcheon Andrew & Jamie


42 Bodoney Road, Trillick, Co Tyrone, BT78 3SQ (60,61,62,63)

McGarva James A Horseclose

DG Farming, Dinwoodie Green Farm, Lockerbie, Dumfries & Galloway, DG11 2SJ (10,11,51,52,53)

Morton Mr A Mortons

Lochend Farm, Denny, S�rlingshire, FK6 5JJ (24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32)

Owen Mr D E Smart Ass

Golygfa'r Dyffryn, Rowen, Conwy, LL32 8TP (67,68)


Shu�leworth Mrs K C B

Heber Park

Heber House Home Farm, Gargrave, Skipton, North Yorkshire, BD23 3NA (8,33,34,35)

Wainwright I A Todhall

Todhall Farm, Dairsie, Cupar, Fife, KY15 4RQ (48,49,50)

Whiteford Mr T C Tercrosset

Tercrosset Farm, West Hall, Brampton, Cumbria, CA8 2EH (36,37,38,39,40)

Wood Mr S Woodies

Broadwater Farm, Skene, Westhill, Aberdeenshire, AB32 6SS (4,5,6,7,41,42,43)

M & E Jennings



LOT 1 Arconda Faithful ARC.F008 (UK0127431)

TWIN 10 Apr 2020

PEN: 79

Sire: Bodoney Excellency ET gs: Woodies Dominator ET (WOO.D030) (JAM.E001) gd: College Amazing ET (ELS.A009)

Dam: Arconda Daylight gs: Ravara Avicii ET (ASA.A1508) (ARC.D007) gd: Arconda Bubblegum (ARC.B002)

Breeder: Messrs A & W Payne

Seller Comments: Served on 04.10.2022 by Frongoy Enrique NAT.E004.

LOT 2 Hodge's E�a

HOD.E012 (UK 580219 03332)

TWIN 02 Mar 2019

Sire: Hackney Countryman ET gs: Topflite Al Pacino (GAB.A005) (TIP.C1482) gd: Aviemore Adeen 8 ET (AVI.A143)

Dam: College Wilamena gs: Kingledores Trojan ET (KDS.T031) (ELS.W007) gd: College Penelope ET (ELS.P005)

Breeder: Daniel Hodge

Seller Comments: Served on 03/10/2022 by Frongoy Enrique NAT E004, Scanning details at the �me of sale.

LOT 3 Arconda Fortune ARC.F009 (UK0127431)

SINGLE 10 Apr 2020

Sire: Bodoney Excellency ET gs: Woodies Dominator ET (WOO.D030) (JAM.E001) gd: College Amazing ET (ELS.A009)

Dam: Arconda Duchess gs: Ravara Avicii ET (ASA.A1508) (ARC.D003) gd: Arconda Wynn (ARC.W003)

Breeder: Messrs A & W Payne

Seller Comments: Served on 20.09.2022 by Frongoy Enrique NAT E004. Scanning details at the �me of sale.

Mr S Wood Woodies

Vendor Notes: Luck penny insured over 600gns.

LOT 4 Beckbred Floella ET BBL.F001 (UK0231299/)

SINGLE ET 03 Jan 2020

PEN: 80

Sire: Buckles Beetle ET gs: Plumtree Wonderful ET (RWH.W016) (BKF.B003) gd: Woodies Natasha (WOO.N182)

Dam: Smart Ass Welshlady ET gs: The Godfather (8122.5218) (DEO.W004) gd: Woodies Rice Crispie (WOO.R081)

Breeder: Chris & Laura Beck

Seller Comments: A big powerful ewe served 29.10.2022 by the 12,00gns Eyecatcher.

LOT 5 Bryngroes Frui�ul ET ATD.F143 (UK0742939/01143)

SINGLE ET 04 Mar 2020

Sire: Woodies Colour Code ET gs: Carrigans Bob Lee Swagger ET (KCL.B002) (WOO.C035) gd: (4140.0215)

Dam: Kingledores Danni ET gs: Clary Chancer ET (COC.C032) (KDS.D020) gd: Kingledores Phoebe ET (KDS.P009)

Breeder: Mr A T Davies

Seller Comments: A cracking young ewe with great breeding. Ai'd 30/09/2022 by the 4,000gns Shawtonhill Gipsy King.

LOT 6 Utopia Des Quatre Vents 8505.5241 (BE885055241)

TWIN 09 Mar 2018 ARR/ARR

Sire: Titan gs: Brinke (1947.8338) (1283.8226) gd: Eelman (3964.2685)

Dam: Salome Des Quatre Vents gs: Repute Des Quatre Vents (8502.4441) (8503.3143) gd: Poule Du Trou Du Baudet (8501.7632)

Breeder: Imported - Marc Dejardin

Seller Comments: A real type ewe from a tremendous flock in Belgium. Daughter retained. Ai’d 30.09.2022 to the 5,000gns Vicky Gladiator.

LOT 7 Marge V/D Drie Musschen 4220.0801 (BE042200801)

TWIN 07 Mar 2020

Sire: Lord V/D Musschen gs: (4232.0151) (4220.0742) gd: V/D Drie Musschen (4220.0677)

Dam: V/D Drie Musschen gs: Ivor V/D Drie Musschen (4220.0610) (4220.0682) gd: V/D Drie Musschen (4220.0568)

Breeder: Imported - Wilfried Depudyt

Seller Comments: A real blue one crop ewe. Served 01.10.2022 by the 12,000gns Eyecatcher.

Mrs K C B Shu�leworth

Heber Park

LOT 8 Heber Park Franzipan KBS.F053 (UK0124908/00953)

SINGLE 06 Mar 2020

Sire: Jewi� Candyman ET gs: Munreary Beast ET (PLJ.B006) (HCJ.C020) gd: Ma�'s Asset ET (MAT.A023)

PEN: 81

Dam: Heber Park Bev gs: Kingledores Walter ET (KDS.W009) (KBS.B033) gd: Heber Park Wendy (KBS.W006)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 26.09.2022 to Dooley Garnet ET. Scanned single. Dooley Garnet purchased in 2021 for 16000gns.

M R & J E Davis Rathbone

LOT 9 Rathbone Fantasia RAV.F056 (UK0129153/04417)

TWIN 23 Mar 2020

PEN: 82

Sire: Airyolland Cobalt gs: Rathbone Bradley (RAV.B037) (ARY.C173) gd: Airyolland Wow Tow (ARY.W103)

Dam: Ma�'s Des�ny ET gs: Murrays Code ET (MRW.C017) (MAT.D055) gd: Dean Brow Bella (HJW.B027)

Seller Comments: A very stylish ewe. In lamb to Bronic Frederick, purchased at Carlisle 2021 for 6200gns.

James A McGarva Horseclose

LOT 10 Horseclose Fox Glove ET MCG.F4373 (UK0581993/04373)

SINGLE ET 25 Jan 2020

PEN: 83

Sire: Ardstewart Dare Devil ET gs: Iglo V/D Drie Musschen (4220.0600) (AST.D056) gd: Ardstewart Alliance ET (AST.A026)

Dam: Horseclose Cameron ET gs: Clary Technical (COC.T065) (MCG.C925) gd: Horseclose Really Wild (MCG.R030)

Seller Comments: Carrying a single to Lurg Goliath.

LOT 11 Horseclose Felicia ET MCG.F4361 (UK0581993/04361)

SINGLE ET 19 Jan 2020

Sire: Ardstewart Dare Devil ET gs: glo V/D Drie Musschen (4220.0600) (AST.D056) gd: Ardstewart Alliance ET (AST.A026)

Dam: Horseclose Diamond ET gs: Woodies Big Yin (WOO.B052) (MCG.D1102) gd: Lochend Willow (PML.W523)

Seller Comments: Carrying a single to Mortons Gremlin.

Sire Reference: Lurg Goliath is a excep�onal ram purchased jointly for 50k.

LOT 12 Nikay


PEN: 84

NKB.G042 (UK0112474/07274)

TWIN 15 Mar 2021

Sire: Gregor's Endeavour ET gs: Airyolland Choco (ARY.C097) (RCG.E001) gd: Gregor's Arianna ET (RCG.A010)

Dam: Stonedge Cannes ET gs: Stonedge Beelzebub ET (DPH.B1185) (DPH.C1538) gd: Kingledores Astoria (KDS.A048)

Seller Comments: Served 30.10.2022 by Artnagullion General. Scanning details at the �me of sale. A tank of a sheep.

LOT 13 Nikay

NKB.G065 (UK0112474/07297)

TWIN 01 Apr 2021

Sire: Arkle Eagle Eye ET gs: Skiddaw View Busby Babe ET (JCL.B004) (WGA.E002) gd: Todhall Beth (WTO.B128)

Dam: Withy Trees Chicanery gs: Broxty Boxer ET (JTB.B025) (AJW.C008) gd: Holmebeck Winnie (PAM.W021)

Seller Comments: Served 30.10.2022 by Artnagullion General. Scanning details at the �me of sale.

LOT 14 Nikay NKB.G059 (UK0112474/07291)

TWIN 22 Mar 2021

Sire: Arkle Eagle Eye ET gs: Skiddaw View Busby Babe ET (JCL.B004) (WGA.E002) gd: Todhall Beth (WTO.B128)

Dam: Penyghent Dapper gs: Jewi� Candyman ET (HCJ.C020) (PEN.D011) gd: Penyghent Bonny (PEN.B008)

Seller Comments: Served 27.10.2022 by Artnagullion General. Scanning details the �me of sale.

LOT 15 Nikay Gee Whizz ET NKB.G027 (UK0112474/07259)

TWIN ET 22 Feb 2021

Sire: Gregor's Endeavour ET gs: Airyolland Choco (ARY.C097) (RCG.E001) gd: Gregor's Arianna ET (RCG.A010)

Dam: Clary Esmelralda gs: Woodwick Chino (RWF.C034) (COC.E057) gd: Clary Willo (COC.W066)

Seller Comments: Served 01.11.2022 by Glenkeen Harland. Scanning details at the �me of sale.

Sire Reference:

Artnagullion General son of Rathborn Tony, bought at Skipton for his carcase. Glenkeen Harland (by Cothi Elite) is a real cocky lamb with great muscle.

Nick Gill & Kayley Kennedy Nikay

LOT 16 Artnagullion Governess LIZ.G116 (UK9760616/04715)

TWIN 21 Apr 2021

Sire: Rathbone Eagle Has Landed gs: Belvoir View Derminator ET (RSS.D022) (RAV.E010) gd: Rathbone Candice (RAV.C003)

Dam: Artnagullion Dera ET gs: Artnagullion Billy Ray (LIZ.B098) (LIZ.D001) gd: Artnagullion Porsha ET (LIZ.P009)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 13.09.2022 to Rathbone Eagle has Landed. Scanned single.

LOT 17 Artnagullion Gertrude LIZ.G115 (UK9760616/04714)

TWIN 20 Apr 2021

Sire: Airyolland Eejit gs: Black Jack Casanova ET (RTW.C004) (ARY.E059) gd: Airyolland Bletherskite (ARY.B139)

Dam: Artnagullion Boden ET gs: The Bare Boy (1051.0300) (LIZ.B016) gd: Artnagullion Reva (LIZ.R080)

Seller Comments: Served 10.10.2022 to Glenview Goldie. Scanned twins.

LOT 18 Artnagullion Glenda LIZ.G124 (UK9760616/05013)

TWIN 23 Apr 2021

Sire: Rathbone Eagle Has Landed gs: Belvoir View Derminator ET (RSS.D022) (RAV.E010) gd: Rathbone Candice (RAV.C003)

Dam: Artnagullion Dory gs: Artnagullion Worzel ET (LIZ.W034) (LIZ.D064) gd: Artnagullion Water Lily (LIZ.W043)

Seller Comments: Served 15.10.2022 to Glenview Goldie. Scanned single.

LOT 19 Artnagullion LIZ.G132 (UK9760616/05021)

TWIN 12 May 2021

Sire: Smart Ass Fair and Square ET gs: Kingledores Domino ET (KDS.D006) (DEO.F007) gd: Smart Ass Dream Girl ET (DEO.D044)

Dam: Artnagullion Elizabeth ET gs: Woodies Snoop Dog ET (WOO.S003) (LIZ.E010) gd: Artnagullion Mika ET (LIZ.M032)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 13.09.2022 to Rathbone Eagle has Landed. Scanned single.

LOT 20 Artnagullion LIZ.G112 (UK9760616/04711)

TRIPLET 18 Apr 2021

Sire: Airyolland Eejit gs: Black Jack Casanova ET (RTW.C004) (ARY.E059) gd: Airyolland Bletherskite (ARY.B139)

Dam: Artnagullion Catch gs: The Bare Boy (1051.0300) (LIZ.C082) gd: Artnagullion Thelma ET (LIZ.T019)

Seller Comments: Served 03.10.2022 by Glenview Goldie. Scanned twins.

PEN: 85
Elizabeth McAllister Artnagullion

LOT 21 Hallcrake Glamour Puss CMJ.G005 (UK0103619/00267)

TWIN 27 Feb 2021

Sire: Kingledores Endeavour ET gs: Arkle DJ ET (WGA.D006) (KDS.E010) gd: Kingledores Bessy (KDS.B066)

Dam: Heber Park Elisia gs: Jewi� Candyman ET (HCJ.C020) (KBS.E019) gd: Heber Park Camilla (KBS.C041)

Seller Comments: Served on 17.10.2022 by Frongoy Enrique NAT E004. Scanning details at the �me of sale.

LOT 22 Hallcrake Goldengirl CMJ.G004 (UK0103619/00266)

TWIN 20 Feb 2021

Sire: Godor Demon ET gs: (5769.1522) (GOD.D001) gd: Felta V/D Vosseberg (4232.0121)

Dam: Barleyclose Diamond Back gs: Clary Banter ET (COC.B020) (OMW.D010) gd: Burnside Bu�erfly Kisses (TSB.B025)

Seller Comments: Served on 20.10.2022 by Smart Ass Hulk ET DEO H035. Scanning details at the �me of sale.

LOT 23 Hallcrake Girl Power CMJ.G006 (UK0103619/00268)

TWIN 27 Feb 2021

Sire: Kingledores Endeavour ET gs: Arkle DJ ET (WGA.D006) (KDS.E010) gd: Kingledores Bessy (KDS.B066)

Dam: Heber Park Elisia gs: Jewi� Candyman ET (HCJ.C020) (KBS.E019) gd: Heber Park Camilla (KBS.C041)

Seller Comments: Served on 09.10.2022 by Frongoy Enrique NAT E004. Scanning details at the �me of sale.

Mr A Morton Mortons


LOT 24 Mortons Giro MAM.G090 UK0542898/)

TWIN 01 Apr 2021

PEN: 87-88

Sire: Ma�'s Dare Devil ET gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) (MAT.D111) gd: Clary Whoopi-Do ET (COC.W001)

Dam: Mortons Cartoon gs: Hackney Braveheart ET (TIP.B759) (MAM.C103) gd: Mortons Tilly (MAM.T009)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 07.10.2022 to Gyffin Dexter. Scanned single.

& E Jennings Hallcrake PEN: 86

LOT 25 Mortons Goldilocks MAM.G085 (UK0542898/)

TWIN 15 Mar 2021

Sire: Boothlow F1 ET gs: Broughton Cardhu ET (DSB.C114) (BOO.F001) gd: Boothlow Bramble ET (BOO.B004)

Dam: Mortons Black Beauty ET gs: Airyolland Galliano (ARY.G09) (MAM.B045) gd: Mortons Sensa�on (MAM.S002)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 07.10.2022 to Gyffin Dexter. Scanned single.

LOT 26 Mortons Guess MAM.G102 (UK0542898/)

TWIN 08 Apr 2021

Sire: Ma�'s Dare Devil ET gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) (MAT.D111) gd: Clary Whoopi-Do ET (COC.W001)

Dam: Mortons Elspeth gs: Ravara Avicii ET (ASA.A1508) (MAM.E039) gd: Mortons Bluebell (MAM.B085)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 07.10.2022 to Gyffin Dexter. Scanned single.

LOT 27 Mortons Golden Girl ET MAM.G006 (UK0542898/)

TWIN ET 19 Jan 2021

Sire: Gyffin Dexter gs: Smart Ass Buster ET (DEO.B024) (ECL.D011) gd: Artnagullion Bu�ercup ET (LIZ.B048)

Dam: Mortons Daniella gs: Murrays Code ET (MRW.C017) (MAM.D050) gd: Ma�'s Boom (MAT.B002)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 07.10.2022 to Mortons Gremlin. Scanned single.

LOT 28 Mortons Geeky Girl MAM.G068 (UK0542898/)

TWIN 09 Mar 2021

Sire: Wannop's Fcuk ET gs: Bonecastle Dante (DTK.D019) (WNP.F041) gd: Dean Brow Carro ET (HJW.C024)

Dam: Mortons gs: McKnight's Dangerous Dave (MCK.D002) (MAM.E046) gd: Mortons Cute (MAM.C107)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 07.10.2022 to Gyffin Dexter. Scanned twins.

LOT 29 Mortons Grapefruit MAM.G053 (UK0542898/)

SINGLE 05 Mar 2021

Sire: Ma�'s Dare Devil ET gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) (MAT.D111) gd: Clary Whoopi-Do ET (COC.W001)

Dam: Tiptop Candy Floss ET gs: Willy Nine Hundred (4212.0900) (ALI.C005) gd: Tiptop Touch of Class ET (ALI.T009)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 07.10.2022 to Gyffin Dexter. Scanned twins.

LOT 30 Mortons Gold Dust MAM.G036 (UK0542898/)

TWIN 26 Jan 2021

Sire: Ryder Enrique ET gs: Aviemore Casual (AVI.C090) (RYD.E039) gd: Ryder Anneka (RYD.A046)

Dam: Aviemore Elsie 3 gs: Kingledores Destroyer ET (KDS.D032) (AVI.E063) gd: Aviemore Barbara (AVI.B080)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 07.10.2022 to Gyffin Dexter. Scanned twins.

LOT 31 Mortons Glimmer MAM.G066 (UK0542898/)

TWIN 08 Mar 2021

Sire: Ma�'s Dare Devil ET gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) (MAT.D111) gd: Clary Whoopi-Do ET (COC.W001)

Dam: Mortons Emilia ET gs: Willy Nine Hundred (4212.0900) (MAM.E001) gd: Mortons Whammy ET (MAM.W007)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 07.10.2022 to Gyffin Dexter. Scanned twins.

LOT 32 Mortons Gi� Card MAM.G105 (UK0542898/)

TWIN 10 Apr 2021

Sire: Wannop's Fcuk ET gs: Bonecastle Dante (DTK.D019) (WNP.F041) gd: Dean Brow Carro ET (HJW.C024)

Dam: Ainstable Eye Catcher ET gs: Black Jack Casanova ET (RTW.C004) (HBA.E040) gd: Ainstable Wendyhouse (HBA.W126)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 07.10.2022 to Gyffin Dexter. Scanned twins.

Sire References: Gyffin Dextor purchased jointly for 10,000gns, progeny has sold to 20,000gns for Females and 17,000gns for males. Mortons Gremlin (sire Airyolland Castro 65,000gns) sold for 4,000gns with a 1/2 share retained.

PEN: 89

LOT 33 Heber Park Ger�e KBS.G018 (UK124908/01092)

SINGLE 05 Mar 2021

Sire: Kingledores Endeavour ET gs: Arkle DJ ET (WGA.D006) (KDS.E010) gd: Kingledores Bessy (KDS.B066)

Dam: Hackney Eye Candy ET gs: Airyolland Castro (ARY.C095) (TIP.E2117) gd: Hackney Clover ET (TIP.C1274)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 26.09.2022 to Dooley Garnet ET. Scanned Single.

Mrs K C B Shu�leworth Heber Park

LOT 34 Heber Park Gypsy Queen KBS.G032 (UK124908/01106)

TWIN 23 Mar 2021

Sire: Clary Freddy ET gs: Clary Clansman ET (COC.C011) (COC.F052) gd: Clary Damsel ET (COC.D031)

Dam: Hackney Daddy Girl ET gs: Grangehall Beckham (DVL.B022) (TIP.D1689) gd: Hackney A Star ET (TIP.A001)

Seller Comments: Natural service to Woodies Hercules ET. Due the end of March.

LOT 35 Heber Park Glorianna KBS.G033 (UK124908/01107)

TWIN 23 Mar 2021

Sire: Clary Freddy ET gs: Clary Clansman ET (COC.C011) (COC.F052) gd: Clary Damsel ET (COC.D031)

Dam: Hackney Daddy Girl ET gs: Grangehall Beckham (DVL.B022) (TIP.D1689) gd: Hackney A Star ET (TIP.A001)

Seller Comments: Natural served to Woodies Hercules ET. Due the end of March.

Sire Reference:

Dooley Garnet ET purchased in 2021 for 16000gns. Woodies Hercules ET purchased in 2022, a very strong ram, excep�onally well grown.

Mr T C Whiteford Tercrosset PEN: 90

LOT 36 Tercrosset Gisele JWT.G016 (UK0101861/17998)

SINGLE 15 Mar 2021

Sire: Swffryd Exclusive ET gs: Airyolland Castro (ARY.C095) (AOG.E2372) gd: Hackney Treacle ET (TIP.T020)

Dam: Tercrosset Diamonds R Us gs: Airyolland Aragon ET (ARY.A065) (JWT.D043) gd: Tercrosset Alabama (JWT.A025)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 27.09.2022 to Hackney Tip Gambler G3183. Due 18.02.2023. Scanned Single.

LOT 37 Tercrosset Golden Jewel JWT.G025 (UK0101861/18007)

TWIN 20 Mar 2021

Sire: Swffryd Exclusive ET gs: Airyolland Castro (ARY.C095) (AOG.E2372) gd: Hackney Treacle ET (TIP.T020)

Dam: Tercrosset Angel gs: Airyolland Nailer (ARY.N6293) (JWT.A003) gd: Tercrosset Twi�er (JWT.T009)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 27.09.2022 to Airyolland Greyjoy ARY.G111. Due 18.02.2023. Scanned twins.

Sire Reference:

Hackney Gambler was purchased at Welsh Premier sale 2022 for 3,000 gns. Airyolland Greyjoy was purchased at H&H Carlisle 2022 for 6,200gns.

LOT 38 Tercrosset Galaxy Caramel JWT.G027 (UK0101861/18009)

TWIN 25 Mar 2021

Sire: Swffryd Exclusive ET gs: Airyolland Castro (ARY.C095) (AOG.E2372) gd: Hackney Treacle ET (TIP.T020)

Dam: Tercrosset Big News gs: Cree William ET (TJC.W001) (JWT.B034) gd: Tercrosset Toffee Crisp (JWT.T017)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 27.09.2022 to Artnagallion Feux LIZ.F047. Due 18.02.2023. Scanned single.

LOT 39 Tercrosset Gloria JWT.G020 (UK0101861/18002)

TRIPLET 17 Mar 2021

Sire: Swffryd Exclusive ET gs: Airyolland Castro (ARY.C095) (AOG.E2372) gd: Hackney Treacle ET (TIP.T020)

Dam: Tercrosset Dairy Cream gs: Airyolland Nailer (ARY.N6293) (JWT.D055) gd: Tercrosset Rising Star (JWT.R002)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 2709.2022 to Artnagallion Feux LIZ.F047. Due 18.02.2023. Scanned twins.

LOT 40 Tercrosset Gracie JWT.G021 (UK0101861/18003)

TRIPLET 17 Mar 2021

Sire: Swffryd Exclusive ET gs: Airyolland Castro (ARY.C095) (AOG.E2372) gd: Hackney Treacle ET (TIP.T020)

Dam: Tercrosset Dairy Cream gs: Airyolland Nailer (ARY.N6293) (JWT.D055) gd: Tercrosset Rising Star (JWT.R002)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 27.09.2022 to Artnagallion Feux LIZ.F047. Due 18.02.2023. Scanned single.

Sire Reference: Artnagallion Feux was purchased at CCM Skipton 2021 for 7,000gns.

Mr S Wood Woodies

Vendor Notes: Luck penny insured over 600gns.

LOT 41 Woodies Goal Se�er ET WOO.G124 (UK0529435/)

TWIN ET 20 Mar 2021

Sire: Vogue Fastrac gs: Clary Desperado (COC.D034) (JAV.F004) gd: Vogue Diamond (JAV.D002)

PEN: 91

Dam: Smart Ass Welshie ET gs: The Godfather (8122.5218) (DEO.W009) gd: Woodies Rice Crispie (WOO.R081)

Seller Comments: A smart flashy Woodies Rice Crispie Granddaughter. Served 01/10/2023 by the 12,000gns Swffryd Eyecatcher. Scanning details at the �me of sale.

LOT 42 Woodies Go Go Girl ET WOO.G120 (UK0529435/)

TWIN ET 28 Feb 2021

Sire: Swffryd Eye Catcher ET gs: Airyolland Castro (ARY.C095) (AOG.E2378) gd: Hackney Treacle ET (TIP.T020)

Dam: Woodies Wild Wind ET gs: The Godfather (8122.5218) (WOO.W087) gd: (4098.0366)

Seller Comments: A breedy Eyecatcher daughter out of a Woodies Wild Wind. Served 01.10.2022 by Vickys Gladiator who was purchased for 5,000gns as a lamb and has bred excep�onally well in the Woodies and Lurg flock.

LOT 43 Woodies Gadget Girl ET WOO.G113 (UK0529435/)

SINGLE ET 18 Mar 2021

Sire: Vogue Fastrac gs: Clary Desperado (COC.D034) (JAV.F004) gd: Vogue Diamond (JAV.D002)

Dam: Smart Ass Welshie ET gs: The Godfather (8122.5218) (DEO.W009) gd: Woodies Rice Crispie (WOO.R081)

Seller Comments: Full sister to our first gimmer. Served 01.10.2022 by the 2,000gns Buckles Dark Dawn son, purchased privately from the Froch flock.

Ma�hew Burleigh Ma�'s PEN: 92

LOT 44 Ma�'s Gilly ET MAT.G207 (UK1750707/)


20 Mar 2021

Sire: Murrays Expert gs: Kingledores Demonstrator ET (KDS.D015) (MRW.E109) gd: (1133.0380)

Dam: Ma�'s Dahlia ET gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) (MAT.D021) gd: Ma�'s Adelle ET (MAT.A009)

Seller Comments: Running with Muirton High and Mighty. Scanning details at the �me of sale.

LOT 45 Ma�'s Ghost Buster ET MAT.G183 (UK1750707/) 19 Mar 2021

Sire: Murrays Expert gs: Kingledores Demonstrator ET (KDS.D015) (MRW.E109) gd: (1133.0380)

Dam: Ma�'s Adelle ET gs: Hackney Warrior ET (TIP.W003) (MAT.A009) gd: Clary Treasure ET (COC.T001)

Seller Comments: Running with Buckles Fizzy Pop. Scanning details at the �me of sale.

LOT 46 Ma�'s Great Gi� ET MAT.G178 (UK1750707/)

TWIN ET 17 Mar 2021

Sire: Murrays Expert gs: Kingledores Demonstrator ET (KDS.D015) (MRW.E109) gd: (1133.0380)

Dam: Kingledores Ellie gs: Arkle DJ ET (WGA.D006) (KDS.E016) gd: Kingledores Bianka (KDS.B069)

Seller Comments: Running with Buckles Fizzy Pop. Scanning details at the �me of sale.

LOT 47 Ma�'s Gel Gem MAT.G232 (UK1750707/)

TWIN 10 Apr 2021

Sire: Murrays Expert gs: Kingledores Demonstrator ET (KDS.D015) (MRW.E109) gd: (1133.0380)

Dam: Kingledores Ellie gs: Arkle DJ ET (WGA.D006) (KDS.E016) gd: Kingledores Bianka (KDS.B069)

Seller Comments: Running with Buckles Fizzy Pop. Scanning details at the �me of sale.

I A Wainwright Todhall PEN: 93

LOT 48 Todhall Galway Girl WTO.G002 (UK0541499/01817)

TWIN 21 Feb 2021

Sire: Todhall Firecracker ET gs: Callacrag Bull's Eye ET (ABC.B055) (WTO.F020) gd: Todhall Trixie (WTO.T033)

Dam: Todhall Cilla ET gs: Padkin Sugar Daddy (PKN.S009) (WTO.C159) gd: Forglen (PK.P027)

Seller Comments: Served 26.09.2022 by the 3500gns Wannops Gaucho, then ran with the 18000gns Airyolland Goldmine from 10.10.2022. Scanning details at the �me of sale. Sired by the 5,500gns Todhall Firecracker.

LOT 49 Todhall Giggle

WTO.G014 (UK0541499/01829)

TWIN 22 Feb 2021

Sire: Todhall Firecracker ET gs: Callacrag Bull's Eye ET (ABC.B055) (WTO.F020) gd: Todhall Trixie (WTO.T033)

Dam: Todhall Duchess gs: Rathbone Alien (RAV.A043) (WTO.D284) gd: Todhall Wendy (WTO.W045)

Seller Comments: Served 26.09.2022 by the 3500gns Wannops Gaucho, then ran with the 18000gns Airyolland Goldmine from 10.10.2022. Scanning details at the �me of sale. Dam is the full sister to the 6200gns Todhall Cider.

LOT 50 Todhall Geri WTO.G008 (UK0541499/01823)

TRIPLET 21 Feb 2021

Sire: Rathbone Alien gs: Holmebeck Tonto ET (PAM.T032) (RAV.A043) gd: Rathbone Tess ET (RAV.T035)

Dam: Todhall Eye catcher gs: Callacrag Bull's Eye ET (ABC.B055) (WTO.E028) gd: Todhall Brandy (WTO.B105)

Seller Comments: Served 26.09.2022 by the 3500gns Wannops Gaucho, then ran with the 18000gns Airyolland Goldmine from 10.10.2022. Scanning details at the �me of sale. Sire has bred gimmers to 6200gns. Born a triplet.

LOT 51 Horseclose Ginger Spice ET MCG.G4499 (UK0581993/04499)

TWIN ET 18 Jan 2021

Sire: Horseclose Eskimo ET gs: Horseclose Lorenzo (MCG.L060118) (MCG.E1282) gd: Horseclose Bu�erscotch ET (MCG.B842)

Dam: Horseclose April gs: Ardstewart Super Mario (AST.S049) (MCG.A677) gd: Horseclose Turkish Delight (MCG.T451)

Seller Comments: Service sire Mortons Gremlin, scanned single.

LOT 52 Horseclose Grapevine MCG.G4568 (UK0581993/04568)

TWIN 27 Mar 2021

Sire: Woodwick Dasher gs: Airyolland Wee Jimmy ET (ARY.W169) (RWF.D030) gd: Woodwick Willow (RWF.W020)

Dam: Horseclose Emma gs: Tiree Ba�leaxe ET (TRE.B033) (MCG.E1211) gd: Horseclose Coronita (MCG.C987)

Seller Comments: Service sire Lurg Goliath, scanned single.

James A McGarva Horseclose PEN: 94

LOT 53 Horseclose Gwendolyn ET MCG.G4509 (UK0581993/04509)

SINGLE ET 15 Jan 2021

Sire: Corstane Waitangi ET gs: Padkin Sugar Daddy (PKN.S009) (MDC.W005) gd: Corstane Sexy -Seven ET (MDC.S007)

Dam: Horseclose Emma gs: Tiree Ba�leaxe ET (TRE.B033) (MCG.E1211) gd: Horseclose Coronita (MCG.C987)

Seller Comments: Service sire Lurg Goliath, scanned single.

Sire Reference: Lurg Goliath is a excep�onal ram purchased jointly for 50k

M R & J E Davis


PEN: 95

Vendor Notes: All sheep are in lamb to Bronic Frederick, purchased at Carlisle 2021 for 6200gns.

LOT 54 Rathbone RAV.G038 (UK0129153/04934)

SINGLE 19 Mar 2021

Sire: Horseclose Eskimo ET gs: Horseclose Lorenzo (MCG.L060118) (MCG.E1282) gd: Horseclose Bu�erscotch ET (MCG.B842)

Dam: Rathbone Charlee gs: Holmebeck Tonto ET (PAM.T032) (RAV.C020) gd: Rathbone Tutu (RAV.T012)

LOT 55 Rathbone RAV.G061 (UK0129153/04957)

TWIN 26 Mar 2021

Sire: Horseclose Eskimo ET gs: Horseclose Lorenzo (MCG.L060118) (MCG.E1282) gd: Horseclose Bu�erscotch ET (MCG.B842)

Dam: Rathbone Dipsy ET gs: Rathbone Cris�ano ET (RAV.C010) (RAV.D018) gd: Beautry Petunia (CUB.P003)

LOT 56 Rathbone RAV.G064 (UK0129153/04960)

TWIN 02 Apr 2021

Sire: Horseclose Eskimo ET gs: Horseclose Lorenzo (MCG.L060118) (MCG.E1282) gd: Horseclose Bu�erscotch ET (MCG.B842)

Dam: Rathbone Carol gs: Y Bedol A -Team ET (TGD.A005) (RAV.C113) gd: Rathbone Ta�y ET (RAV.T032)

LOT 57 Rathbone RAV.G058 (UK0129153/04954)

SINGLE 30 Mar 2021

Sire: Horseclose Eskimo ET gs: Horseclose Lorenzo (MCG.L060118) (MCG.E1282) gd: Horseclose Bu�erscotch ET (MCG.B842)

Dam: Rathbone Shiny gs: Dooley Nissan (DOO.N780) (RAV.S066) gd: Rathbone Nessia (RAV.N1178)

Rebecca Braithwaite Sovereign

LOT 58 Sovereign Gi Gi RXB.G010 (UK0136572/)

TWIN 17 Feb 2021

PEN: 96

Sire: Artnagullion Exodus ET gs: Belvoir View Cadillac Jack (RSS.C024) (LIZ.E071) gd: Artnagullion Wibbly Wobbly (LIZ.W092)

Dam: Sovereign Darcy ET gs: Dean Brow Carlos ET (HJW.C007) (RXB.D002) gd: Ainstable Wasabi (HBA.W016)

Seller Comments: Service sire Rathbone RAV.G032, scanned single.

LOT 59 Sovereign Gereldine RXB.G013 (UK0136572/)

TWIN 19 Mar 2021

Sire: Artnagullion Exodus ET gs: Belvoir View Cadillac Jack (RSS.C024) (LIZ.E071) gd: Artnagullion Wibbly Wobbly (LIZ.W092)

Dam: Ardstewart Eternity ET gs: Kingledores Crusader ET (KDS.C040) (AST.E024) gd: Ardstewart Alliance ET (AST.A026)

Seller Comments: Service sire Rathbone RAV.G032, scanned single.

LOT 60 Bodoney Galway Girl ET JAM.G015 (UK1701025/)

SINGLE ET 31 Jan 2021

Sire: Culsh Elvis gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) (JKM.E019) gd: Culsh Adele (JKM.A018)

PEN: 97

Dam: Artnagullion Bitsy gs: Artnagullion Worzel ET (LIZ.W034) (LIZ.B089) gd: Artnagullion Solo (LIZ.S080)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 28.09.2022 to Lurg Glaze LUR.G028.

LOT 61 Bodoney Golden Girl ET JAM.G128 (UK1701025/)

11 Mar 2021

Sire: Buckles Einstein ET gs: Artnagullion Charlie Chaplin ET (LIZ.C020) (BKF.E007) gd: Buckles Babybel ET (BKF.B034)

Dam: Bodoney Cupcake ET gs: Corra Archie ET (GFC.A062) (JAM.C019) gd: Orkney Wonder Girl ET (CBA.W004)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 28.09.2022 to Lurg Glaze LUR.G028.

LOT 62 Bodoney Gossip Girl ET JAM.G119 (UK1701025/)

07 Mar 2021

Sire: Buckles Einstein ET gs: Artnagullion Charlie Chaplin ET (LIZ.C020) (BKF.E007) gd: Buckles Babybel ET (BKF.B034)

Dam: Bodoney Cupcake ET gs: Corra Archie ET (GFC.A062) (JAM.C019) gd: Orkney Wonder Girl ET (CBA.W004)

Seller Comments: Ai'd 28.09.2022 to Lurg Glaze LUR.G028.

Andrew & Jamie McCutcheon Bodoney

LOT 63 Bodoney Goldie Locks ET JAM.G132 (UK1701025/)

11 Mar 2021

Sire: Buckles Einstein ET gs: Artnagullion Charlie Chaplin ET (LIZ.C020) (BKF.E007) gd: Buckles Babybel ET (BKF.B034)

Dam: Bodoney Cupcake ET gs: Corra Archie ET (GFC.A062) (JAM.C019) gd: Orkney Wonder Girl ET (CBA.W004)

Sire Reference:

Lurg Glaze is half brother to 50,000gn and 45,000gn rams at Carlisle premier sale.


M & E Jennings Hallcrake

LOT 64 Hallcrake Her Majesty CMJ.H013 (UK0103619/00291)

TWIN 27 Feb 2022

Sire: Lamington Fire Ball ET gs: Clary Desperado (COC.D034) (MRL.F005) gd: Lamington Bridget (MRL.B012)

Dam: Hallcrake Countess gs: Eildon 'Avin A Laugh (FHL.A018) (CMJ.C010) gd: Hallcrake Topaz (CMJ.T003)

PEN: 98

Seller Comments: Sire was 1st prize ram in the small flock category in the 2022 Northern Club Flock compe��on.

LOT 65 Hallcrake Hokey Cokey CMJ.H015 (UK0103619/00293)

SINGLE 27 Feb 2022

Sire: Lamington Fire Ball ET gs: Clary Desperado (COC.D034) (MRL.F005) gd: Lamington Bridget (MRL.B012)

Dam: Hodge's E�a gs: Hackney Countryman ET (TIP.C1482) (HOD.E012) gd: College Wilamena (ELS.W007)

Seller Comments: Sire was 1st prize ram in the small flock category in the 2022 Northern Club Flock compe��on.

LOT 66 Hallcrake Honesty CMJ.H001 (UK0103619/00279)

TWIN 01 Feb 2022

Sire: Lamington Fire Ball ET gs: Clary Desperado (COC.D034) (MRL.F005) gd: Lamington Bridget (MRL.B012)

Dam: Hallcrake Fragrant gs: Godor Demon ET (GOD.D001) (CMJ.F004) gd: Hallcrake Countess (CMJ.C010)

Seller Comments: Sire was 1st prize ram in the small flock category in the 2022 Northern Club Flock compe��on.

Mr D E Owen Smart Ass

LOT 67 Smart Ass Hot To Trot ET DEO.H041 (UK0702312/14178)

SINGLE ET 06 Feb 2022

PEN: 99

Sire: Buckles Filthy Rich ET gs: Ardstewart Armani (AST.A012) (BKF.F046) gd: Buckles Annie Power ET (BKF.A004)

Dam: Smart Ass Duchess ET gs: Ardstewart Aristocrat ET (AST.A015) (DEO.D035) gd: Woodies Rice Crispie (WOO.R081)

LOT 68 Smart Ass ET

DEO.H010 (UK0702312/14147)

SINGLE ET 01 Feb 2022

Sire: Buckles Filthy Rich ET gs: Ardstewart Armani (AST.A012) (BKF.F046) gd: Buckles Annie Power ET (BKF.A004)

Dam: Smart Ass Duchess ET gs: Ardstewart Aristocrat ET (AST.A015) (DEO.D035) gd: Woodies Rice Crispie (WOO.R081)

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