NWA Lancaster Dairy Sale, 12th August 2022.

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Dairy Cattle


Friday 12th August 2022 Sale commences at 11am in Sale Ring 2

North West Auctions. Lancaster Auction Mart Wyresdale Road, Lancaster, LA1 3JQ t. 01524 63308 f. 01524 69779 www.nwauctions.co.uk e. info@nwauctions.co.uk

Sale Conditions Stock will be sold under the conditions of sale displayed in the Mart, recommended by the Livestock Auctioneers’ Association for England and Wales. Please note that ear numbers for all cattle must be given to the Auctioneers on the respective entry forms supplied. No lots can leave the Market without a ‘pass slip’ being issued by the Main Office Purchasers have two working days from time of sale to satisfy themselves that all documentation received is correct and any discrepancies must be notified to the auctioneers within that time limit. TB Status Notification If you are a 1 year TB test holding, please ensure your cattle have been tested within the 60 days prior to sale date. Please bring a copy of your current TB Test Certificate with your passports and indicate on the blue entry form how many days remain on your current test. The information given is for guidance purposes only. Vendors: please ensure all cattle have two Ministry approved ear tags. Please make sure you have your stock forward as early as possible to ensure your stock is lotted and penned as swiftly as possible. Payment Payment on the day is required unless alternative arrangements have been made in advance . Payment by Cheque for established customers, direct bank transfer or debit card. 2% surcharge will apply to business credit card payments. If payment is made by credit card, it must be linked to a business bank account. Our bank account details for customers wishing to pay by online banking transaction; Bank: Lloyds Sort Code: 30-16-28 Account Number: 22425168 Please include your account number Note to Seller For the avoidance of doubt NWA Ltd reserve the right to contra or keep sale proceeds to offset against an outstanding account. GDPR The information provided on these forms will be used by North West Auctions to keep in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. We only share this information with other members of our group and if you do not want to be contacted for marketing purposes, please notify us in writing. Health & Safety It is reminded to all customers that livestock should not be unloaded without the assistance of a member of staff. Children are not allowed in the sale ring at any time. Please inform a member of staff before unloading if your livestock could be dangerous so they can prepare and inform other members of staff who will have to handle them.

Our holding number is: 21/407/8000

List of entries to the time of printing, further entries anticipated Ballot for order of sale drawn 10 mins prior to sale In Milk Cows & Heifers Vendor: B & V Swann, Huggarts Farm CARWOOD ROBLE HONEYBEE 132 01181745301501 UK181745301501, PLI+£249, Born 01.09.19 Sire: LONE-OAK-ACRES ALTAROBLE ET 6569829747 dam: Carwood Abro Honeybee 108 01181745501251 by Sandy-Valley Abro ET g.d Carwood Mammoth Honeybee 70 0112304670 G77 by Emmark Mammoth 3.d Carwood Shottle Honeybee 42 0110994564 GP84 by Picston Shottle PI ET Hh5c Carwood Roble Honeybee 132 01181745301501 Carwood Abro Honeybee 108 01181745501251 Carwood Mammoth Honeybee 70 0112304670 G77 1 02/04 7885 4.25 3.17 305 2 03/05 7856 4.52 3.25 305 3 04/04 7857 4.07 3.22 305 4 05/07 1968 3.67 2.89 74 Carwood Shottle Honeybee 42 0110994564 GP84 1 03/06 7361 4.04 3.25 305 2 05/10 9319 4.17 3.38 305 3 07/00 1296 4.19 3.52 81 Vendor: MJ & H Atkinson, Westfield House Farm WYREDALE LAMBDA SHAWNY 15 01182361102430 UK182361102430, PLI+£320, Born 01.05.20 Sire: FARNEAR DELTA-LAMBDA ET 65003125993715 dam Wyredale Expander Shawny 13 01182361602113 by Stantons Expander ET g.d. Wyredale Endure Shawny 11 01182361201745 by Silverridge Endure ET Hh5c 3.d. Wyredale Baxter Shawny 7 0112047679 VG85(3YR) SP by Emerald-Acr-Sa TBaxter Brc Wyredale Lambda Shawny 15 01182361102430 Wyredale Expander Shawny 13 01182361602113 Wyredale Endure Shawny 11 01182361201745 1 02/05 1036 4.17 3.06 36 Wyredale Baxter Shawny 7 0112047679 VG85(3YR) SP 1 02/04 10386 4.13 2.95 305 2 03/05 11586 4.38 2.98 304 3 04/05 12178 4.43 3.21 305

Vendor: France Bros, Crossghyll 4 Newly Calved Heifers (Pedigree bred but not registered) Vendor: J Scott & Co, Middle Birkby Farm 1 Newly Calved 3rd Calver British Friesian

Available Privately A super herd of 100 in-milk Holstein Friesian Cows & Heifers immediately available due to retirement from milking To be sold in 1 or 2 lots Comprising 20 heifers, 35 2nd calvers, 25 3rd Calvers & 10 4th Calvers High health status herd, TB4 parish (South Lancashire) Herd average 8000 litres, 41bf 32pt A highly recommended herd of cows to suit modern dairy farming Viewing by arrangement.

Dairy Sale Contacts Matthew Probert, Auctioneer, 07540446667 Lancaster Office, 01524 63308

Next Fortnightly Sale of Dairy Friday 26th August 2022

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