J36 Draft Ewe Day, Friday 23rd September 2022.

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North West Auctions. J36 Rural Auction Centre, Crooklands, Milnthorpe, Cumbria, LA7 7FP t. 015395 66200 www.nwauctions.co.uk e. info@nwauctions.co.uk J36 RURAL AUCTION CENTRE Show & Sale of 5474 DRAFT EWES5474 DRAFT EWES5474 DRAFT EWES5474 DRAFT EWES Breeding Ewes, Shearlings & Gimmer Lambs 4312 SWALEDALES, 641 ROUGH FELLS, 152 HERDWICKS, 361 CHEVIOTS, 8 OTHER HILL BREEDS FRIDAY 23RD SEPTEMBER 2022 Sale To Commence at 10am

Note to Seller

Cov - Covexin 8 in 1 System

For Further Informa on Please Contact

Clk - Clik

For the avoidance of doubt NWA Ltd reserve the right to contra or keep sale proceeds to offset against an outstanding account.

O - Scratched for Orf W - Wormed

Enz - Enzoo c Abor on Vaccinated Tox - Toxaplasm Abor on Vaccinated

Payment on the day is required unless alterna ve arrangements have been made in advance . Payment by Cheque for established customers, direct bank transfer or debit card. 2% surcharge will apply to business credit card payments. If payment is made by credit card, it must be linked to a business bank account. Our bank account details for customers wishing to pay by online banking transac on; (Please include your account number)

Bank: Lloyds Sort Code: 30-16-28 Account Number: 22425168

Stock will be sold under the condi ons of sale displayed in the mart, recommended by the Livestock Auc oneers’ Associa on for England and Wales. Purchasers please bring the CPH number, address & postcode of the premises where the animals will be moved to and the registra on number of the vehicle in which they are to be transported. These are all required when prin ng the movement licences. The Auc oneers & Fieldsmen will be pleased to assist in arranging transport for livestock. Vendors please make sure all sheep are correctly tagged before coming to market. All breeding sheep are to be treated against scab and accompanied to the Market with a signed Sheep Scab Declara on form. No lots can leave the market without a ‘pass slip’ being issued by the main office.

The informa on provided on these forms will be used by North West Auc ons to keep in touch with you and to provide updates and marke ng. We only share this informa on with other members of our group and if you do not want to be contacted for marke ng purposes, please no fy us in wri ng.

FV - Footvac Vaccinated Cyd - Cydec n Dect - Dectomax

HP - Heptavac P System

All sheep warranted to be correct in mouth and udder/tes cles unless stated otherwise at me of sale.

Sale Condi ons

Ma hew Probert, Auc oneer 07540 446667


J36 Rural Auc on Cenre Holding No - 08/362/8000

Bradley Thompson, Auc oneer 07867 000244


Phillip Mason, Yard Foreman 07896 879578

Ian Atkinson, Auc oneer 07766521472

Vaccina ons

Pens of 10 Rough Fell Gimmer Lambs

Pens of 10 Swaledale Ewes

SWALEDALESHOWSCHEDULEJudgingat8.30amPrompt ShowsheeptobepennedintheShowPensOutside

Sponsored by Carrs Billington & Lake District Na onal Park

Pens of 10 Swaledale Gimmer Lambs

Kindly Judged By Mar n Cragg, Sedbergh & Christopher Ryder, Blubberhouses

The Champion pen will receive the Farming in the North Trophy

On behalf of the Rough Fell Sheep Breeders Associa on Judgingat11amPrompt ShowsheeptobepennedintheShowPens301-312


1st, 2nd & 3rd in each class Overall Champion Pen of Sheep

The Rayne Cup will be awarded to the best pen of 3 crop or upward ewes on behalf of the Caps ck family



The Champion pen of ewes will receive the Associa on Cup, the North Sheep Trophy.

The Edmund Caps ck Trophy will be awarded to the best pen of 10 Shearlings A trophy will also be awarded to the best pen of 10 Gimmer Lambs


Pens of 10 Rough Fell Shearlings

Kindly Judged By J Caps ck, Sedbergh

Pens of 10 Rough Fell Ewes

Pens of 10 Swaledale Gimmer Shearlings


BEHall,HopeHouse 130 Ewes Enzo 49 30 Shlgs 50-51 MessrsHutchinson,BridgeFarmHouse 25 Shlgs CovFVEnz 52-58 FishwickBros,MiddleSadghyll 80 Shlgs Cov 45 3Crop 59-62


ForestHallFarmPartnership,ForestHall 20 Shlgs HpFvEnzTox 27-33 135 3Crop 34-36

THHarrison,SleddaleHall 80 2-3Crop(Un-X) 63-64 JAlderson&Son,BeckFootFarm 25 3-4Crop Enz

JAAlderson,BarrasFarm 50 Shlgs HpEnzFV 26


CABrown,DeepdaleHall 50 2-3Crop BravFVEnz 40 TMW&HHodgson,ArklidFarm 25 5Crop HpDect 40A-41 MP&ACapsck,HighLane 45 Shlgs EnzToxBravO 42-48

JH&JRyder,MasongillHall 20 Shlgs 30 2Crop 20 3Crop Tox

W&NLBaines,Hewthwaite 30 Shlgs EnzCov H4-10 65 2-3Crop 1-3

4-5 GAGuy,LunesdaleHouse 40 2-3Crop HpO 6

FarmJE&DJHutchinson,HebblethwaiteHall 10 Shlgs EnzToxHp 17-19 60 3Crop 20-22

JJ&JTowers,LowStennerley 20 Shlgs Hp 7-8 DMEames,MiddleLee 30 3Crop Hp2O 9-11 G&SMStephenson,TheGables 50 3Crop Enz 1212A-13


HTunstall&Son,FoggyGill 60 3Crop(UN-X) Dipped&Wormed 37-39

SJ&MRichardson&Son,HighRow 50 3Crop HpToxEnz

RS&BAHarker,OverthwaiteFarm 50 Ewes EnzTox 23-25

RH&CAyrton,OuzelthornFarm 60 3Crop CovEnzTox 14 DHogg,MelbourneHouse 20 1-2Crop Enz 15 NBurton,LowHaygarthFarm 20 2-3Crop 16



KJBurrow,HacraFarm 40 2Crop EnzCovFV 126 20 3Crop 127-131RING2

JBryning,ArcherHill 45 2Crop Hp 86-90

S&WDickinson,HighWoodend 100 3-4Crop Brav 91-97


AHartley,TurnerHall 60 Shlgs CovCyd 109-110

T&HDrinkall,CaldersideFarm 140 3Crop HpEnz 106-108

RMarwood&Sons,HillTopFarm 10 Shlgs EnzToxFV 134 20 Ewes 135-137

NRichardson,BigFernyfordFarm 50 Shlgs HpEnzTox 141-142

KM&KJCurwen,MarshawFarm 175 Shlgs Cov SR1-5 160 3Crop 84-85

LR3-4 113-114 JHandley,GunnerFleetFarm 65 Shlgs HpEnzTox 115-118 GJ&GMIbbetson,HigherSalter 80 3Crop(UN-X) CovOvi 119-123DOCKD

JRPark,BlackSyke 50 Ewes Hp 138-140

GMSedgwick&Son,LockbankFarm 25 2-3Crop EnzHp 143 CRAlderson&Son,AisgillFarm 20 2-3Crop Hp

MessrsBeaty,LongGreenHead 120 1Crop+ 133

E&AWear,GroveFarm 150 2Crop CovFV120 1Crop 120 Shlgs DOCK144-15812DOCKF

EParker,BurnheadFarm 40 3Crop HpEnz

DrinkallBros,CatshawFarm 120 3Crop HpEnz 98-105

BDickinson&Co,Brockstones 140 3Crop Brav 124-125


RAClegg&LDBenne,TongueHouse 40 4Crop EnzToxHp 111-112 Woof,HighWardsesFarm 40 2Crop 112ALR1-2

RATaylforth,SideFarm 100 2Crop Hp 70 CSowerby,BlueGrassFarm 12 Shlgs 71-83


RALancaster,GreenCoage 20 CovFV 196 G&SMStephenson,TheGables 10 O 197

ADTeasdale,Doddick 50 Shlgs 193-194

Shuleworth&Brown,ShawPaddock 30 2-3Crop(UN-X) 161-162

JHunter,GalloperPark 30 Shlgs Hp 166-168

AW&AMClarke,LowLongmire 40 2-3Crop CovFVToxEnz

MKing,BayView 15 Shlgs DectHp 164-165

TR3-8 KM&KJCurwen,MarshawFarm 120 CovFV 195

RMarwood&Sons,HillTopFarm 20 Hp2O 198

ForestHallFarmPartnership,ForestHall 60 OHp2


EIreton,HolmesheadFarm 42 Shlgs Dect 1 2Crop Hp 163

GAGuy,LunesdaleHouse 20 HpO 199-201

JBaines,NewMiddopFarm 40 3Crop ToxEnz 183-187


D&ANicholson,BirchBank 25 Shlgs HpFV 174 10 3-4Crop 175

TR1-2 BDickinson&Co,Brockstones 40 Brav2



JEHudson,WhetstoneCro 50 Shlgs Hp 169 CBAlderson,AisgillFarm 20 2-3Crop Hp 170-172

RALancaster,GreenCoage 11 2Crop CovFV 176 21 3-4Crop 177-180

D&E&AFreeman,TownEndFarm 80 3Crop FVEnz 181-182

RAWalton,StableHarveyFarm 50 2-3Crop Cov 173

J&LHoggarth,OldHall 100 2-3Crop 188-189 HDLister,NearOrrest 40 Shlgs HpCyd 190-192

WBeck&Son,BarughHouse 100 1-3Crop(Un-X) Hp 348-349 20 Shlgs HpFV 350

BDickinson&Co,Brockstones 70 3Crop Brav 326


VRGuy,Whinfell 25 Shlgs Hp 335-337 25 Ewes Hp 338-347


AO'Neil,ShacklaBankFarm 10 Shlgs Hp 351 10 Ewes Hp 352 ICarradice,IntakeFarm 7 Shlgs HpDect 353-356

P&SHoggarth,BirkhawFarm 35 Shlgs HpEnz 357-361 50 3Crop HpEnz 362 RCLowery,TownEndHall 10 Ewes Brav 363 JHunter,GalloperPark 2 Shlgs Hp 364-368

AEAHarrison,Millriggs 20 Hp2O 379-381

NBurton,LowHaygarthFarm 20 23Crop

DStephenson,TheGables 10 3Crop Enzo 327 5 Shlgs Enzo 328-332

AKipling,HardendaleHall 20 Shlgs Hp 315-318 40 1-2Crop Hp 319-325

JBryning,ArcherHill 45 2Crop Hp 333-334


RCLowery,TownEndHall 10 375 JHunter,GalloperPark 2 Hp 376 DStephenson,TheGables 5 O 377-378

NC&SDodd,ManorCourt Flock Reduc on 45 13Crop Hp 369-371 25 Shlgs Hp 372-373


BDickinson&Co,Brockstones 30 Brav2


DOCKG HE&MJHenderson,NunHouseFarm 40 Cheviot GimmerLambs O

DOCKH DHogg,MelbourneHouse 20 Cheviot GimmerLambs DectBrav 398

JEHarding,Winllan 4 SpeckledWelshHillFace Ewes Hp2W 4 SpeckledWelshHillFace GimmerLambs Hp2W 202-203

JAllonby&Son,Greenhead 40 Cheviot Shlgs HpDect H11 StockdaleFarms,BowersFarm 20 Cheviot Ewes HpEzoTox H12-13 MBMeredith,HighArnsideFarm 30 Cheviot GimmerLambs Hp H1415204P&MAsbury,GilbertonFarm 50 Cheviot GimmerLambs Hp2Ovi 205



VENDOR NO. BREED AGE VAC. 382-384 G&SMStephenson,TheGables 30 Herdwick 3Crop Enz 385

ANewbold,KillingtonHallFarm 5 Herdwick Shlgs Hp 386-387 24 Herdwick 24Crop Hp 388-389 20 Herdwick GimmerLambs Hp 390 DE&JWaine,Murthwaite 8 Herdwick Shlgs Hp 391 DArmer,ScarSykesFarm 10 Herdwick 3Crop Ovi 392-393

JWillis,BeckHouseCoage 20 Herdwick GimmerLambs Hp 394 10 Herdwick Shlgs Hp 395-397 25 Herdwick Ewes Hp

JW&SEDrinkwater,ConderMill 16 Cheviot Shlgs Hp2FV

KM&KJCurwen,MarshawFarm 10 Cheviot GimmerLambs FVCov 206-207 35 Cheviot Shlgs Cov 208-212 90 Cheviot 3Crops Cov 213

Thursday 20th October at 11am

Followed by the fortnightly sale of Store Lambs

Second Sale of Mule, Masham & Con nental Gimmer Lambs

Lakeland Fair


Ambleside Show & Sale of Store Lambs

Saturday 22nd October at 10am

Annual Show & Sale of Swaledale & Cheviot Rams

The Charmoise Hill Society Sale of Rams & Females

Closing Autumn Sale of all Classes of Breeding Ewes, Gimmer Shearlings & Gimmer Lambs

Thursday 6th October at 10.30am

The Rough Fell Sheep Breeders Associa on Show & Sale of Rough Fell Rams

Saturday 15th October at 11am

Monday 3rd October at 5pm

Annual Show & Sale of Registered & Unregistered Bluefaced Leicester Rams & Females

All Hill Breeds & Terminal Sired Rams


How to Find Us

From the South & North exit the M6 at Junc on 36 and follow signs for Kirkby Lonsdale. At the roundabout take the third exit signposted Holme & Burton and the Auc on is immediately on your le . From the East follow the A65 through Kirkby Lonsdale and towards the M6, at the first approach take the first le on the roundabout signposted Holme & Burton and the Auc on is immediately on your le .

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