LOCATION: The sale will be held at NWA J36 Auc on Centre, Crooklands, Cumbria LA7 7FP (Sat Nat LA7 7NU)
CONDITIONS OF SALE: The sale will be held subject to the rules and regula ons of each breed society, the condi ons of sale as recommended by the Livestock Auc ons Associa on and the Auc oneers Standard Condi ons of sale.
ARRIVAL: The auc on mart will be open between 3pm - 6pm on Friday 3rd January or from 7am on the morning of the sale .
METHOD OF SALE: All sheep will be sold in guineas (105 pence) and in catalogue order, unless any change is announced by the Auc oneer.
MAEDI VISNA: MV Accredited flocks only at this sale.
SOCIETY LEVY: Will be deducted from the vendors account and paid to the respec ve breed socie es.
PRE-SALE INSPECTION: All sheep forward will be subject to a Society Inspec on. Any animal which does not reach the inspec on standard will not be eligible for sale. The inspec on decision will be final and any animal failing must be removed immediately from the sale and forfeit the entry fee. No appeal is permi ed.
REJECTED SHEEP: Any rejected sheep are NOT permi ed to be sold through the ring.
SUBSTITUES: No fy subs tutes to North West Auc ons by 12noon Thursday 2nd January. Subs tutes should be marked with a red dot clearly marked on the shoulder.
REGISTRATIONS: All stock in the sale are registered with the appropriate breed socie es, unless otherwise stated. All sheep must be double tagged. The vendor shall be responsible for thecorrectness of iden ty. Any tags which are tampered with, handwri en/bear marks, are faulty or illegible will be rejected from the sale.
BYE-LAWS: A copy of each socie es bye-laws can be found in the Junc on 36 livestock office.
NUMBERING: All sheep will be iden fied by a lot number stamped on their back or with a neck tag, in accordance to the appropriate society rules.
UPSET PRICE: An upset price as per the society bye laws will apply.
PEDIGREE TRANSFERS: A transfer fee per sheep is payable by the purchaser and paid to the respec ve breed society’s for the following breeds.
SETTLEMENT AND CLEARANCE OF STOCK: Se lement in full is due immediately at the close of the sale. No animal may leave the sale premises without an official ‘Pass Slip’ obtainable from the Auc oneers upon se lement.
ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: The Auc oneers can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions printed in this catalogue.
NOTE TO SELLER: For the avoidance of doubt NWA Ltd reserve the right to contra or keep sale proceeds to offset against an outstanding account.
(Held in accordance with the Dutch Spotted Society Rules)
Comprising of
1Warranted In-Lamb Ewe
5 Warranted In-Lamb Shearling Gimmers
8 Empty Ewe Lambs
4 Graded In-Lamb Shearling Gimmer
SALE - 12.45PM
Also on this day: Pedigree Beltex (10.30am), Texels (11am), Badger Face Texels (12.30pm), & Mul Breeds (1pm). Please see separate catalogues.
Crooklands, Milnthorpe, Cumbria, LA7 7FP
Telephone: 015395 66200
Email: info@nwauc ons.co.uk
Website: www.nwauc ons.co.uk
- Payment in full is due on the day of purchase.
- All sheep will be sold in guineas (105 pence) and in catalogue order, unless any change is announced by the Auc oneer.
- Comple on of the registra on slip (located at the back of the catalogue), is essen al for par es who have not dealt with the market before.
- Accepted methods of Payment: By Cheque for established customers or By Direct Bank Transfer (preferred method of payment) Our bank account details for online banking transac ons; (Please include your account number)
- Agents and customers wishing to purchase on behalf of another party must contact the office 48 hours prior to the sale.
- No lots can leave the site without a ‘pass slip’ being issued by the livestock office.
- Bidding facili es available:
In Person: Please register for an account in the office prior to the sale commencing. By Telephone: Please contact the office prior to the sale. Online: Please register with nwa.auc onmarts.com prior to the sale. Once the sale is up and running you will then be able to bid. To register you will need full name, address, email and contact number. Please contact the office prior to the sale to verify your account.
J36 Rural Auc on Centre: 015395 66200
Ma hew Probert, Auc oneer: 07540 446667
Will Rogerson, Auc oneer: 07506 283587
Joel McGarva, Auc oneer: 07920 009097
Robert Cloughton, Auc oneer: 07867 000244
Lisa Benne , J36 Yard Opera ons / Fields Officer: 07971 118717
Neil Strickland, J36 Yard Team Leader: 07717 228635
Par es who have not dealt with the company before should complete the undernoted form and hand it in to the auc oneers’ clerk when a purchase is made. Alterna vely it can be sent to the main office in advance of the sale. ALL LOTS NUST BE SETTLED IN FULL ON THE DAY OF PURCHASE.
Sale Date
Trading Name
ARRIVAL - The auc on mart will be open between 3pm - 6pm on Friday 3rd January or from 7am on the morning of the sale .
INSPECTION - 9am - 10am on the morning of the sale.
ENTRIES – All animals entered must be fully registered and, on the Grassroots Database, with all fees paid at least 7 working days before the date of sale entry.
METHOD OF SALE – All sheep will be sold in guineas (105 pence) and in catalogue order unless alternaon is announced by the auc oneer. A market commission at the marts rate will be charged on all sheep sold, a further 1% sales levy, which will be paid to the DSSS. Entries are limited to 4 animals in each run per sec on, a ballot will be carried out for sale order in each sec on. Any further entries will be balloted in the same manner for a second run and so on. Any sales that do not follow this protocol will be stated on the entry form.
All UK and imported sheep must be fully registered and fees paid prior to entry to a sale. Failing to do this will result in the animal being ineligible to be sold.
CONDITIONS OF SALE – The sale is held subject to the Livestock Auc oneers Associa on Condi ons of Sale and the Rules of the DSSS.
INSPECTIONS – For all official Society sales, the Society shall appoint an inspector and representa ves from the Society to help with the administra on of inspec ons. The inspector will consider the DSSS inspec on criteria which is listed below, and is empowered to disbar any animal which in his/her opinion does not meet the necessary standard to be sold at an official Society Sale. Any animal failing inspec on will not be allowed to be sold on the day of the sale, nor any other Society sale in the same year. Such an animal will be marked with a YELLOW DOT ON THE LOIN and should, where possible be removed from the market, or penned in a designated lairage away from sheep passed inspec on. No adver sing, promo on or sale of such a sheep is allowed on market premises. Any sheep withdrawn from a sale, passing inspec on and gone through the ring, but unsold will be allowed to enter subsequent Society sales but will have to be presented for inspec on again.
The inspector’s decision is final and neither the Inspectors, the Society nor the Auc oneers will be liable to the owners of such animals or any other person or company for damage or any loss arising from such a rejec on. Although the animals have undergone a veterinary inspec on according to the DSSS inspecon criteria, it remains the responsibility of the party or par es purchasing stock at society sales to ensure they are sa sfied with the quality and standard of the animals before engaging with any purchase.
∙ The lot number must correspond with the number entered in the catalogue. Animals without the correct iden fica on will be rejected from the sale.
∙ The animal is not suffering from any infec ous disease.
∙ Animals that do not meet animal welfare standards such as lame animals will be rejected from that sale, however are eligible to be entered for future sales in that year, provided they are inspected and pass inspec on.
∙ Teeth to be assessed whereby if any incisor teeth that are felt beyond the pad, as demonstrated by catching on fingers when running from the pad downwards, or when they are so far beyond the pad that they do not catch the finger, will be rejected.
∙ Udder should be correct and free from abnormali es.
∙ Mobility: sheep should be mobile and sound with no feet and/or leg structural issues. Any animal which does not reach the inspec on standard will not be eligible for sale.
∙ Compliance all sheep must be registered with the official Society“Dutch Spo ed Sheep Society”. All sheep must be tagged in accordance with the rules of the DSSS and the relevant Government regulaons.
FLOCK DISPERSAL – A full flock dispersal can take place at a Society sale as long as prior agreement with the Society has been made. All sheep will be inspected, and if passed inspec on are eligible to be shown. A rejected dispersal sheep will be marked with a GREEN shoulder, these animals are not eligible for the show. Rejected dispersal sheep will be sold in catalogue order with the rejected reason being disclosed.
FLUSHED SHEEP – where females have been flushed for ET work details must be disclosed at the me of sale.
UPSET PRICE – The minimum upset price is set at 300gns (200gns for Graded females). Sheep unsold but passing inspec on will be allowed into subsequent Society Sales but not on the same day.
MAEDI VISNA- All sheep from MV Accredited flocks will only be accepted into the market and penned for sale if they are accompanied by a current Maedi Visna Accredita on Scheme Cer ficate which has been correctly completed.
NUMBERING – All entries must be iden fied by their catalogue number by means of a neck e or by numbers printed clearly on the animals back in paint and will be sold in catalogue order.
SUBSTITUTE ENTRIES – All subs tute entries MUST BE NOTIFIED to the Registra ons Secretary not less than 7 working days before the sale. Subs tute entries must be marked with a RED DOT ON THE SHOULDER. Subs tutes are limited to 1 per vendor per sec on. Females can only be subs tuted by another female of same age and class. Animals not no fied to the registra ons secretary in the allo ed me will be refused entry into the sale.
SETTLEMENT AND CLEARING OF STOCK – Se lement in full is due immediately at the close of sale. No animal must leave the sale premises without an official“pass slip” obtainable only from the Auc oneers upon se lement.
EXPORT TO NOTHERN IRELAND – As of the 1st January 2021, the rules for expor ng sheep from the United Kingdom to Northern Ireland and the European Union have changed.– No direct export or vendor returns will be available. It will be the responsibility of the purchaser and/or vendor to make necessary arrangements for the sheep going to Northern Ireland.
DISCLAIMER- the responsibility for export of sheep rests with either the purchaser or the vendor and not the Dutch Spo ed Sheep Society or Auc on Company accommoda ng the sale.
In lamb to Milltown Gold Digger, scanning details at the me of sale. Milltown Gold Digger (537/G01920) has excep onal ght skin and tremendous muscle. By the renowned Carlaustan Extrovert and out of the 9000gns Glencoy Cherry.
Mrs D Bezuidenhout (Black Dub)
PEN: 10
LOT 351 Black Dub Glimmer 364/G00121 (UK011968500121)
22 Apr 2023
Sire: (Import 29.07.22) Tank gs: (NL100138640729) (IM2484) gd: (528100144038477)
Served by Black Dub Gizmo, due 11th March. Scanning details at the me of sale. Served by Black Dub Gizmo, a powerful, ght skinned son of Hazelberry Fatboy Slim.
LOT 352 Black Dub Ginny 364/G00115 (UK011968500115)
In lamb to Milltown Gold Digger, due 10th February and scanned with twins. Milltown Gold Digger (537/G01920) has excep onal ght skin and tremendous muscle. By the renowned Carlaustan Extrovert and out of the 9000gns Glencoy Cherry.
Mr J Stead (Middlemoor)
PEN: 17
LOT 356 Middlemoor Hi Dancer 353/H01039 (UK012232101039)
TWIN 09 Feb 2024
Sire: Tiptop Fareway
gs: (Import 03.10.21) Royal Dutch (IM1848) (008/F01557)
Dam: G Star Foxy
gd: Tiptop Dancing Queen (008/D00857)
gs: Tiptop Dusty Duke (008/D00880) (134/F00015)
gd: (Import 2019) Chikage (IM0617)
LOT 357 Middlemoor Harper 353/H01043 (UK012232101043)
Sire: (Import 29.07.22) Tank gs: (NL100138640729) (IM2484) gd: (528100144038477)
Dam: Black Dub Female OB gs: () (OB0364) gd: ()
Served by Outberry Gandelph, due 9th March. Scanning details at the me of sale. Grade 4, out of a Charollais cross Beltex ewe.
LOT 365 Black Dub
364/G4G00123 (UK011968500123)
TWIN 02 May 2023
Sire: (Import 29.07.22) Tank gs: (NL100138640729) (IM2484) gd: (528100144038477)
Dam: Black Dub Female OB gs: () (OB0364) gd: ()
Served by Outberry Gandelph, due 21st February. Scanning details at the me of sale. Grade 4. Out of a Charollais cross Beltex ewe.
LOT 366 Black Dub
364/G4G00124 (UK011968500124)
TWIN 29 Apr 2023
Sire: (Import 29.07.22) Tank gs: (NL100138640729) (IM2484) gd: (528100144038477)
Dam: Black Dub Female OB gs: () (OB0364) gd: ()
Served by Outberry Gandelph, due 21st February. Scanning details at the me of sale. Grade 4. Out of a Charollais cross Beltex ewe.
LOT 367 Black Dub
364/G4G00125 (UK011968500125)
TWIN 29 Apr 2023
Sire: (Import 29.07.22) Tank gs: (NL100138640729) (IM2484) gd: (528100144038477)
Dam: Black Dub Female OB gs: () (OB0364) gd: ()
Served by Outberry Gandelph, due 21st February. Scanning details at the me of sale. Grade 4. Out of a Charollais cross Beltex ewe.
Longlands Hotel Tewi ield 01524 781256
www.longlandshotel.co.uk -
Crooklands Hotel
Crooklands 015395 67432 www.crooklands.com -
Kings Arms Hotel
Kirkby Lonsdale 015242 71220
www.kingsarmskirkbylonsdale.co.uk -
The Orange Tree Hotel
Kirkby Lonsdale 015242 71716
www.theorangetreehotel.com -
The Plough Lupton 015395 667700
Burton M6 Northbound 0871 984 6126 -
Days Inn Kendal
Killington Lake 0808 175 4926 -
The Tavern at Hale Hale
015395 63203
www.innocollec ve.co.uk/the-tavern
From the South & North exit the M6 at Junc on 36 and follow signs for Kirkby Lonsdale. At the roundabout take the third exit signposted Holme & Burton and the Auc on is immediately on your le . From the East follow the A65 through Kirkby Lonsdale and towards the M6, at the first approach take the first le on the roundabout signposted Holme & Burton and the Auc on is immediately on your le . For Sat Nav please use the Postcode LA7 7NU