Ambleside Fair, 9th September 2022.

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North West Auctions. J36 Rural Auction Centre, Crooklands, Milnthorpe, Cumbria, LA7 7FP t. 015395 66200 e. J36 RURAL AUCTION CENTRE ‘AMBLESIDE‘‘‘ FAIRAMBLESIDE FAIRAMBLESIDE AMBLESIDE FAIR’’’’ Annual Show & Sale of 3500 3500 3500 3500 GIMMER LAMBSGIMMER LAMBS To Inc. Mule, Masham, Rough Fell Mule, Cheviot Mule & Con nental Lambs Friday 9th September at 10am Show: 8.45am Sale: 10am

NotetoSeller againstFortheavoidanceofdoubtNWALtdreservetherighttocontraorkeepsaleproceedstooffsetanoutstandingaccount. GDPR nomemberswithTheinformaonprovidedontheseformswillbeusedbyNorthWestAuconstokeepintouchyouandtoprovideupdatesandmarkeng.Weonlysharethisinformaonwithotherofourgroupandifyoudonotwanttobecontactedformarkengpurposes,pleasefyusinwring.

Vaccina ons Enz-EnzoocAboronVaccinated Tox-ToxaplasmAboronVaccinated HP-HeptavacPSystem Cov-Covexin8in1System FV-FootvacVaccinated Cyd-Cydecn Dect-Dectomax Clk-Clik O-ScratchedforOrf W-Wormed otherwiseAllsheepwarrantedtobecorrectinmouthandudder/tesclesunlessstatedatmeofsale. ForFurtherInforma onPleaseContact BradleyIanAtkinson,Auconeer07766521472Thompson,Auconeer07867000244PhillipMason,YardForeman07896879578 J36RuralAuc onCentreHoldingNo-08/362/8000



SaleCondi ons tobeforearrangingwhenistranumber,LivestockStockwillbesoldunderthecondionsofsaledisplayedinthemart,recommendedbytheAuconeers’AssociaonforEnglandandWales.PurchaserspleasebringtheCPHaddress&postcodeofthepremiseswheretheanimalswillbemovedtoandthereg-onnumberofthevehicleinwhichtheyaretobetransported.Theseareallrequiredprinngthemovementlicences.TheAuconeers&Fieldsmenwillbepleasedtoassistintransportforlivestock.Vendorspleasemakesureallsheeparecorrectlytaggedcomingtomarket.AllbreedingsheeparetobetreatedagainstscabandaccompaniedtheMarketwithasignedSheepScabDeclaraonform.

ORDER OF SALE Ring 1 at 10am Mule & Masham Gimmer Lambs Rough Fell Mule Gimmer Lambs Cheviot Mule Gimmer Lambs Con nental & Suffolk Gimmer Lambs Ballot drawn by Brain Knowles AMBLESIDE FAIR SHOW OF GIMMER LAMBS Kindly Judged By Jim Finlayson & Ian Lancaster Show lambs to be penned by 8.30 am. Judging at 8.45am Show lambs to be penned in The Livestock Hall Maximum of 2 Show Pens per Vendor per Class Kindly Sponsored by Wadland Finance, 1st Base Plant & Machinery, McVeigh Parker & Carr’s Billington Class One - 10 Mule Gimmer Lambs Class Two - 10 Rough Fell Mule Gimmer Lambs Class Three - 10 Masham Gimmer Lambs Class Four - 10 Cheviot Mule Gimmer Lambs Overall Champion Rose e awarded to Best Pen of Lambs

HighLowMoorHoweFarmLtd,House 150 Mule Hp2 102962 29-30



CastleCaley&Mitchinson,SykeFarm 40 Mule OHp2 102962 BWilson&Sons,Ashstead 50 Mule OHp2 107673 54-55 MWhion,HighTenement 30 Mule Ovi 56-57 BJBainbridge,StepsFarm 30 Masham Brav 103910 58-60

EParker,BurnheadFarm 30 Mule OHp2 421274 JRPark,BlackSyke 30 Mule Hp 110902 5-9 ForestForestHallFarmPartnership,Hall 85 Mule OHp2 103372 DRLaw,Crooksbeck 30 Masham O 114514 RM&DDixon,WellFoot 50 Mule Hp2O 103448 20 JRRobinson&Son,HollinsFarm 14 Mule OCov 103518




D&JE&AFreeman,TownEnd 60 Mule Hp2 102964 61-65 HCook,MossHoweFarm 100 Mule OHp2 118732 66 APricke,FarletonHouse 20 DalesMule Ovi 103325 67-68 JBDixon,ValleyView 30 Mule CydO 103449 69-70 MKRobinson,Roundthwaite 40 Mule Hp 103468 79-80 T&HDrinkall,CaldersideFarm 40 Mule Hp2O 187901 81-83 DrinkallBros,CatshawHallFarm 50 Mule Hp2O 182347 84-85 JBentham,FarmCoage 40 Mule OOvi2 104536 86-87 WAHodgson,Whelpside 30 Mule OHp2 103599 88-91 IClarke,Woodside 80 Mule OHp2 92-97 RJLawrence,GreavesFarm 120 Mule Hp2 119666 98-100 SMWatson,SchoolHouse 50 Mule Brav2 104324

MULE&MASHAMGIMMERLAMBS Pen Vendor Qty Breed Vacc. Tag 1-2

JABenne,MiddaleFarm 20 Mule OHp2 103447 12 Masham 31-32 DJClarke,ThistleHouse 40 Mule Hp2 114501 33-35&41-43 FishwickBros,MiddleSadghyll 120 Mule OHp2 108710 44-46 JJ&JTowers,LowStennerley 50 Mule OHp2 104102 47-48 Nicholson,MessrsWestmoreland&HoweFarm 30 Mule OHp2 113978 49-50


MULE&MASHAMGIMMERLAMBSCONTINUED Vendor Qty Breed Vacc. Tag 101 JFCook,Yewbarrow 20 Mule Hp2 103631 102 JLongworth,Millriggs 20 Mule OHp2 108691 103-104 JDDixon,MainStreet Mule Hp 114361 105-107 PREscolme,AudlandsPark 50 Mule 103527 108-110 RHRedmayne,ParkAvenue Mule OCov 102967 111-112 RIDixon,LowNewtonFarm Mule

ROUGHFELLMULEGIMMERLAMBS Vendor Qty Vacc. MP&ACapsck,HighLaneFarm 20 OHp2Dipped 146-147 AJ&CMHarrison,BoundaryBeck 30 OHp2Dipped 148 AEAHarrison,Millriggs 20 OHp2Dipped D&AJackson,CowBank 12 OBrav2Dipped 150-151 I&JMallinson,BorrowbridgeHouse 40 Cov2 152-153 M&GGerman,SowermireFarm 40 OHpDect 154-158 TLB&JKnowles,HighBorrowbridge 90 Hp2O 159-162 FBDunning&Son,RaisgillHall Hp2O Tag 103913103373103734116080115587108691108691103229 FishwickBros,MiddleSadghyll OHp2Dipped 103445








Hp2O 104342 113-116 ORHodgson,LowGarthsFarm 70 ScotsMule OHp2 103479 117-118 30 Mule OHp2 119-120 HMHodgson,LowGarthsFarm 40 Mule OHp2 103479 121-123 HouseRAClegg&LDBenne,Tongue 65 Mule Hp2O 103508 124 M&GGerman,SowermireFarm 15 Mule OHp 103734 125-126 RAWalton,StableHarveyFarm 40 Mule Hp2 104098 127-128 J&JHuck,OakFold 40 Mule Hp2O 108710 129-136 MTodd,SaddlersCro 75 Mule OHp2 440116 18 Masham OHp2 440116 139 FarmP&TLEdmondsonLtd,LowHall 25 Mule OCov 112817 140 JBell,Highfield 20 Mule Hp2 141-144 LMGleadow,TheAshes 70 Mule 107729 137-138 JERead,MealriggsFarm 24 Masham O 103674 Dock S&SPercival&Son,RedHillFarm 80 ScotchMules Hp2



Pen Vendor Qty Vacc. 205-207 DANicholson,BirchBank 45 Hp 208-209 FarmMessrsWestmoreland&Nicholson,Howe 30 OHp2 210-211 P&TLEdmondson,LowHallFarm 25 OCov 212-213 DJClarke,ThistleHouse 40 Hp2 Tag 112817113978104105114501 214 DSlone,PielViewBungalow 10 O HP1-3 MBowman,WathFarm 40 HP




Pen Vendor Qty Vacc. Tag 164 20 OOvi2 440052 165 5Pure OOvi2 440052 166-167 HMHodgson,LowGarthFarm 40 OHp2 103479 168-170 SMWatson,SchoolHouse 50 Brav2 104324 171 I&JMallinson,BorrowbridgeHouse 10 Cov2 116080 172-173 PKnowles,CraggFarm 40 174-175 DSlone,PielViewBungalow 40 O 176-178 ForestHallFarmPartnership,ForestHall 50 OHp2 103372 176-185 ADTeasdale,Doddick 140 186-189 AR&BJThompson,PoppyFarm 80 Cov2O 103622 190 RM&DDixon,WellFoot 6 Hp2O 103448 191-193 BWilson&Sons,Ashstead 50 OHp2 107673 194 HR&KAHodgson,Howriggs 20 195-198 SCrawford,SeedhoweCoage 80 Hp2O 103506 199 TLB&JKnowles,HighBorrowbridge 20 Hp2O 103373 200-204 LowMoorHoweFarmLtd,HighHouse 70 Hp2 102962

J36 Rural Auc on Centre

Catalogue Entries by Wednesday 28th September

Catalogue Entries by Monday 14th September

J36 Rural Auc on Centre

GreatAnnualPrizeShow&Saleof SwaledaleDra Ewes,GimmerShearlings&GimmerLambs

J36 Rural Auc on Centre







J36 Rural Auc on Centre





Catalogue Entries by Wednesday 14th September




Also Dutch Spo ed, Dutch Texel & Other Breeds

J36 Rural Auc on Centre

Catalogue Entries by Monday 12th September

Upcoming Sales



Longlands Hotel, Tewi ield 01524

Crooklands Hotel, Crooklands 015395 stay@crooklands.com67432 Arms Hotel, Kirkby Lonsdale 015242 Orange Tree Hotel, Kirkby015242Lonsdale71716 to J36 Hauliers A Thompson, Carnforth 01524 732992 or 07979 533373 W Gibson & Son, Garstang 01995 605347 or 07768 983877 RE & Shu leworth & Sons, Kirkby Lonsdale 01524 271321 or 07788 572277 Bowling, Wigan 01942 727297 or 07946 403349 G Gilder, Gloucestershire 01242 620311 or 07764 279530 S Booth,07921Giggleswick578769

Accommoda on Hotels & Inns Close




How to Find Us

From the South & North exit the M6 at Junc on 36 and follow signs for Kirkby Lonsdale. At the roundabout take the third exit signposted Holme & Burton and the Auc on is immediately on your le . From the East follow the A65 through Kirkby Lonsdale and towards the M6, at the first approach take the first le on the roundabout signposted Holme & Burton and the Auc on is immediately on your le . For Sat Nav please use the Postcode LA7 7NU


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