Store Cattle Catalogue

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North West Auctions. J36 Rural Auction Centre, Crooklands, Milnthorpe, Cumbria, LA7 7FP t. 015395 66200 e. J36 RURAL AUCTION CENTRE NEW YEAR SHOW & SALE OF 400 STORE CATTLE Champion to be awarded The Janet Gorst Perpetual Challenge Trophy Also Today Sale of Calves, S rks, Cast Cows & OTM Ca le THURSDAY 5TH JANUARY 2023 Commencing at 10am

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Sale Conditions

Stock will be sold under the Conditions of Sale displayed in the Market, recommended by the Livestock Auctioneers’ Association for England and Wales. All heifers offered for sale are not warranted as breeders unless otherwise stated.

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Health & Safety

It is reminded to all customers that Livestock should not be unloaded without the assistance of a member of staff. Children are not allowed in the sale ring at any time. Please inform a member of staff before unloading if your livestock could be dangerous.

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Vendors Please Note

Vendors please make sure you have a completed a blue cattle entry form and bring it with your stock. Please ensure you bring the correct passports & check that all show the animal’s correct breed & sex before presenting them for sale. Please have your cattle forward as early as possible to ensure you are lotted and penned swiftly.

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Cattle Instruction Sheets

Please complete with details of how you would like your cattle to be batched into the sale ring, along with reserves and luck instructions. Please present these with your passports at the time of unloading your cattle. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Payment is due on day of sale unless alternative arrangements have been made in advance. Accepted methods of Payment By Cheque for established customers or By Direct Bank Transfer (preferred method of payment) Our bank account details for online banking transactions; Bank: Lloyds Sort Code: 30-16-28 Account Number: 22425168 Please include your account number Please note card payments are no longer accepted - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Note to Seller

For the avoidance of doubt NWA Ltd reserve the right to contra or keep sale proceeds to offset against an outstanding account. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The information provided on these forms will be used by North West Auctions to keep in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. We only share this information with other members of our group and if you do not want to be contacted for marketing purposes, please notify us in writing.

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Please do not hesitate to contact our Auctioneers or Fieldsmen for advice on any of our Sales or Services

Bradley Thompson, Auctioneer 07867 000244

Matthew Probert, Auctioneer 07540 446667

Gary Capstick, Auctioneer 07970 830518

J36 Rural Auction Centre Holding No. 08/362/8000
ORDER OF THE SALE Ring 1 - 10am - Rearing Calves & S rks Ring 2 - 10.30am - Cast Cows/Feeding Cows & Prime Ca le Ring 1 - 11.15am - Beef Breeding & Store Ca le STIRKS (To be Penned in Alley E) Vendor Name No Descrip on Age TB FA A Taylor, Hopestead 6 Limousin Bullocks & Heifers 6-8m JH Atkinson & Partners, Mosergh Farm 7 Limousin Bullocks (Sucklers) 8m M&S Blease, The Barn 5 Limousin / Aberdeen Angus Bullocks & Heifers (Sucklers) 6m 1 Y BEEF BREEDING CATTLE Vendor Name No Descrip on TB FA J Sto Jnr, Kingsland 3 Mixed Heifers with Calves at foot 1 N Pen 11-13 STORE CATTLE SHOW SCHEDULE Kindly judged by Andrew Dyson Show Ca le to be penned by 9.15am in Alley A Judging 9.30am Classes for Best Store Bullock & Best Store Heifer **Please note maximum entry of 2 animals per class per vendor** Kindly Sponsored by Rural Law and Yan Farm Health Champion animal to be awarded The Janet Gorst Perpetual Challenge Trophy


Pen Lot Vendor Name No Descrip on Age TB FA

16 1-5 CS Long & RH Knipe, The Glen 5 Shorthorn Bullocks & Heifers 16-18m 4 N

17 6-8 M Bateman & Son, Moors Farm 3 Limousin Bullocks 22m 4 Y

18 9-13 J Black & Son, Bridge Stone 5 Beef Shorthorn Bullocks & Heifer Named Sire, BVD Tag Tested 9-10m 4 Y 19-20 14-23 Kirkby & Longworth, Sella Farm 10 Con nental Bullocks & Heifers 8-10m 4 21-23 24-38 GJ&GM Ibbetson, Higher Salter 15 Charolais Bulls & Heifers 8-10m 1 24 39-41 J Longworth, Millriggs 3 Shorthorn Bulls & Bullocks 10m 4 25 42-45 M&D Ha on, Kno End Farm 4 Limousin Bullocks 9-10m 4 26-27 46-55 JF Robinson, Moss Side Farm 10 Con nental Bullocks & Heifers 24m 4 28-29 56-65 GA&M Robinson, Silverdale Drive 10 Friesian Bullocks 18-20m 4 Y 30-31 66-75 M&SM Robinson, Mountain View 10 Charolais Bullocks 24m 4 Y 32-33 76-85 N Cooper & Son, Troughton Hall 10 Limousin / Bri sh Blue Bullocks & Heifers 12-18m 4 Y 34 86-90 S Thompson, Somme Avenue 5 Simmental Bullocks 18m 4 N 35 91-95 JE Hadwin, Mansergh Hall Farm 5 Aberdeen Angus / Bri sh Blue Heifers 20-22m 4 Y 36-38 96-107 M&L Preece, High House Farm 12 Limousin / Bri sh Blue Heifers Fit to Bull 20-24m 4 Y 39 108-112 TJ Robinson, Rowell Farm 5 Aberdeen Angus Bullocks & Heifers 24m 1 N 40 113-116 SJ&AL Hargreaves, The Grange 4 Bri sh Blue Bullocks 20m 4 Y 40A-46 117-152 B&D Willison & Son, Bybeck 35 Limousin / Aberdeen Angus Heifers 20-24m 4 Y 47 153-155 Messrs Hodgson, Hartsop Hall 3 Aberdeen Angus Bullocks 18m 4 Y 48-53 156-184 Messrs Hodgson, Rydal Farm 28 Limousin Bullocks & Heifers 22-24m 4 Y 54-56 185-200 Messrs Hodgson, High Borrans 15 Limousin Bullocks & Heifers 18m 4 Y 57-60 201-221 J Twigge, Holmelands 20 Con nental Bullocks & Heifers 22-25m 4 Y 61-62 222-229 MA&JA Winn, High Underbrow 8 Con nental Bullocks & Heifers 18-22m 4 Y 63-65 230-241 TW&CS Shepherd, Nook Farm 12 Con nental Bullocks & Heifers 18-20m 4 Y 66 242-245 JG&PH Thompson, Poppy Farm 4 Limousin Bullocks & Heifers 12m 4 Y 67-68 246-253 AR&BJ Thompson, Poppy Farm 8 Charolais / Limousin Bullocks & Heifers 18-20m 4 Y 69-70 254-261 RG&LR Holmes, Cro lands 8 Limousin Bullocks 20m 4 Y 99-105 262-292 B Heyes Land Improvements 30 Limousin Bullocks & Heifers 10-12m 4


Pen Lot Vendor Name No Descrip on Age TB FA

106-107 293-298 D&A Nicholson, Birch Bank 6 Limousin Bullocks & Heifers 12m 4 Y 108 299-302 MW&MR Black, Scroggs Farm 4 Limousin Bullocks & Heifers 8-10m 4 Y

154-155 303-308 Shu leworth & Brown, Shaw Paddock 6 Limousin / Bri sh Blue Heifers 8m 4 156 309-311 RT&J Gorst, The Coach House 3 Bri sh Blue Heifers Fit To Bull 14m 4 312 1 Bri sh Blue Bullock 14m

157-158 313-318 CI Briggs, High Wray Farm 6 Limousin / Charolais Bullocks & Heifers 8-10m 4 y 159 319-323 JT Procter, Mireside Farm 5 Limousin Bullocks & Heifers 18m 4 N 160 324-328 MW&M Hodgson, Swallowmire 5 Limousin Bullocks & Heifers 10-12m 4 N

161-162 329-334 PR Escolme, Audlands 6 Limousin Heifers 18-19m 1 N 163 335 KD&L Armer, Scar Sykes Farm 1 Blue Grey Heifer 32m 4 N 164 336-339 O Hodgson, Low Garths 4 Limousin / Blonde Weaned 8m 4 Y 165 340-344 JR&S Handley, College Green Farm 5 Aberdeen Angus / Bri sh Blue Bullocks & Heifers 20m 4 Y 166 345-350 M&G German, Sowermire Farm 6 Bri sh Blue Bullocks & Heifers 8-10m 4 N 167 351-352 J Stalker, Houkler Hall barn 2 Hereford Heifers 15-17m 4 N 168-169 353-362 JE Wightman, Crabtree 10 Aberdeen Angus Bullocks & Heifers 20m 1 170 363-366 MH Turner, Mill End 4 Charolais Heifers 18-19m 1 N 171 367-371 TR&E Po er, The Co age 5 Aberdeen Angus Bullocks 16m 4 N 172 372-373 RH Burrow, Bridge Farm 2 Bri sh Blue Heifers 20-21m 4 N Followed by Sale Day Entries

UPCOMING SALES AT JUNCTION 36 Tuesday 10th January 10.30am All Classes of Pigs 1pm Prime Hoggs followed by Cast Sheep Thursday 12th January 10.30am Sale of 500 In-Lamb Mule & Texel Gimmer Hoggs on behalf of EI,EA&TW Wilson 11am Fortnightly Sale of Store Lambs
‘NEW YEAR SALE’ SATURDAY 7th JANUARY 2023 254 PEDIGREE IN-LAMB FEMALES Full Programme of Sales RING 1 – Sale Commencing at 10.30am (Judging – 8.30am) 68 BELTEX - on behalf of the Beltex Society 112 TEXEL - on behalf of the North West Texel Breeders Club RING 2 – Sale Commencing at 11am (Judging – 8.30am) 15 DUTCH TEXEL 3 ROUGE 38 BLUE TEXEL - on behalf of Blue Texel Society 12 DUTCH SPOTTED - on behalf of Dutch Spo ed Society 6 BADGER FACE TEXEL - on behalf of Badger Face Texel Society For further informa on regarding the sale please do not hesitate to contact our Auc oneering Team: Ian Atkinson 07766 521472 Bradley Thompson 07867 000244 Ma hew Probert 07540 446667 Office: 015395 66200

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