Stock will be sold under the condi ons of sale displayed in the Mart, recommended by the Livestock Auc oneers’ Associa on for England and Wales. Purchasers please bring the CPH number, address & postcode of the premises where the animals will be moved to and the registra on number of the vehicle in which they are to be transported. These are all required when prin ng the movement licences. The Auc oneers & Fieldsmen will be pleased to assist in arranging transport for livestock. Vendors please make sure all sheep are correctly tagged before coming to Market.
All breeding sheep are to be treated against scab and accompanied to the Market with a signed Sheep Scab Declara on form. All Sheep which have had C-Sec ons must be declared before the me of sale, if not declared the purchaser will be en tled to a full refund.
No lots can leave the Market without a ‘pass slip’ being issued by the Main Office. Mul -Breed Sheep will be sold in Guineas and Commercial Sheep to be sold in pounds
Payment is due on day of sale unless alterna ve arrangements have been made in advance.
Accepted methods of Payment: By Cheque for established customers or By Direct Bank Transfer (preferred method of payment)
Our bank account details for online banking transac ons; Bank: Lloyds Sort Code: 30-16-28 Account Number: 22425168
Please include your account number
For the avoidance of doubt NWA Ltd reserve the right to contra or keep sale proceeds to offset against an outstanding account.
The informa on provided on these forms will be used by North West Auc ons to keep in touch with you and to provide updates and marke ng. We only share this informa on with other members of our group and if you do not want to be contacted for marke ng purposes, please no fy us in wri ng.
Ian Atkinson Auc oneer: 07766 521472
Bradley Thompson, Auc oneer: 07867 000244
Ma hew Probert, Auc oneer: 07540 446667 J36 Livestock Team: 015395 66200
Rough Fell Females at 9am on behalf of the Rough Fell Sheep Breeders Associa on Kindly Judged by Stephen Dickinson
Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Class one: In-Lamb Ewe
Class two: In-Lamb Shearling
Class three: Empty Gimmer Hogg Champion Reserve Champion
Cheviot Females at 9am Kindly Judged by TBC
Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Class seven: In-Lamb Cheviot
Swaledale Females at 9.30am
on behalf of the Swaledale Sheep Breeder Associa on Kindly Judged by John Walker
Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Class four: In-Lamb Ewe
Class five: In-Lamb Shearling
Class six: Empty Gimmer Hogg Champion Reserve Champion
Bluefaced Leicester Females at 9.30am
Kindly Judged by Lewis & Ridley Browell
Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Class eight: In-Lamb Ewe
Class nine: In-Lamb Shearling
Class ten: Empty Gimmer Hogg Champion Reserve Champion
On behalf of the Rough Fell Sheep Breeders Associa on (To be sold in guineas)
LOT: 1 UK0115870 00449
Sire: Longgills Champion RF3484 Service Sire: High Cark Esprit RF3694 Due: April 2023 Scanned: Single
PEN: 1
LOT: 2 UK0115870 00466
SHEARLING Sire: Longgills Champion RF3484 Service Sire: High Cark Esprit RF3694 Due: April 2023 Scanned: Single
LOT: 3 UK70818700571 4 CROP
Sire: RF3017 Cotegill Zac Service Sire: RF3539 Brockstones Darren Due: 08.02.2023 Scanned: Triplet In Hp system.
Sire: Maryfell Cappa RF3442
Dam Sire: RF3040 Service Sire: High Cark Fabulous RF3827 Due: Early April Scanned: At the me of sale. Both in lamb to the £4200 tup shearling purchased at the October 2022 sale from I Mallinson.
LOT: 5 UK0110305
Sire: Maryfell Beano RF3254
Dam Sire: RF2690 Service Sire: RF3827 Due: Early April Scanned: At the me of sale.
LOT: 6 UK104555 01530 5 CROP
Sire: Cotegill Wise RF2112
Service Sire: Barugh Braveheart RF3266 Due: Week Beginning 31.03.2023 Scanned: Details at the me of sale. Enzo & in the Hp system. This ewe has been one of our main show ewes.
LOT: 7 UK10455502240 3 CROP
Sire: High Cark Admira on RF3037
Service Sire: RF3875 Ellergill Fast & Furious Due: Week Beginning 31.03.2023 Scanned: Details at the me of sale. Enzo & in the Hp system. Strong fell ewe that has bred really well.
LOT: 8 UK56588403705 HOGG Sire: UK010399002234 RF3577 Dam: UK10459503363
In Hp system. Sired by Cocklake Dennis who has bred very well for us and has been shown successfully. Both hoggs were exhibited at last years ScotSheep.
LOT: 9 UK56588403706 HOGG Sire: UK010399002234 RF3577 Dam: UK10459503363
In Hp system. Twin to the previous lot. Sired by Cocklake Dennis who has bred very well for us and has been shown successfully. Both hoggs were exhibited at last years ScotSheep. Two strong hardy hoggs which would be a great addi on to anyone's flock.
LOT: 12 UK10986100617 2 CROP
Sire: RF3257
Dam Sire: RF2563
Service Sire: RF3848 Roundthwaite Firestone Due: Early April Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
LOT: 13 UK10986100676
2 CROP Sire: RF3625
Dam Sire: RF2563 Service Sire: RF3848 Roundthwaite Firestone Due: Mid April Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
LOT: 14 UK10986100686
HOGG Sire: RF3625 Dam Sire: RF3461 Lockbank DS
LOT: 15 UK10986100687
HOGG Sire: RF3625 Dam Sire: RF3461 Lockbank DS
Sire: Catholes Bob RF3218
Dam Sire: High Cark Yankie RF2696 Service Sire: Birkhaw Emerald RF3719 Due: 30.03.2023 Scanned: Twins Dam is now a 6 shear and has won numerous breed champions and overall champions at local shows.
LOT: 19 SHEARLING Sire: Brownber DambusterRF3596
Dam Sire: High Cark Yankie RF2696 Service Sire: Birkhaw Emerald RF3719 Due: 25.03.2023 Scanned: Single Dam is another Yankie ewe, long and powerful.
LOT: 20 UK11853200190
Dam Sire: RF2163 High Lane Tornado Service Sire: RF3488 Longgills Chief Due: 01.04.2023 Scanned: Twins Grandmother was reserve champion hogg at this sale in 2015 from K&G Allison. Longgills Chief sired champion gimmer lamb at Carmel show 2022. Enzo & Hp vaccinated.
Sire: RF3597 Brownber Dude
LOT: 21 UK40107800005
HOGG Sire: RF3780 Catholes Emperor
Dam Sire: RF3018 Syke Zulu Out of a S Bland top pen dra ewe. Hp vaccinated.
LOT: 22 UK40107800014
Dam Sire: RF3018 Syke Zulu Out of a H Dickinson dra ewe. Hp vaccinated.
Sire: RF3780 Catholes Emperor
LOT: 23 UK103229 7662
Sire: Catholes Ac on RF3149
PEN: 16
Service Sire: Longgills Fashion RF3887
Due: Early April Scanned: Twins
LOT: 24 UK103229 7665
Sire: Catholes Ac on RF3149
Service Sire: Longgills Fashion RF3887 Due: Early April Scanned: Twins
Continue to have a strong relationship with Greencoat Farm.
Sire: Hownam Grange X Rated Dam: Nun Cote Nook Ewe Service Sire: Nun Cote Nook Colnel Due: 01.04.2023-11.04.2023 Scanned: Twins
Nun Cote Nook Colnel sired Allan Shaws Xray £4000. Xray is sire to our show stock.
Dam: Nun Cote Nook Ewe Service Sire: Nun Cote Nook Colnel Due: 01.04.2023-11.04.2023 Scanned: Twins
Sire: South Lund Vanished
Nun Cote Nook Colnel sired Allan Shaws Xray £4000. Xray is sire to our show stock.
LOT: 32
Sire: Belmadurthy Van Disk Dam: Nun Cote Nook Ewe Service Sire: Nun Cote Nook Colnel Due: 01.04.2023-11.04.2023 Scanned: Single Nun Cote Nook Colnel sired Allan Shaws Xray £4000. Xray is sire to our show stock.
LOT: 40 (UK103541 3687) 3 CROP EWE Sire: A Nicholson Dam: C Brown Service Sire: S Richardson Scanned: Single
LOT: 41 (UK103541 3688) 3 CROP EWE Sire: A Nicholson Dam: B Benn Service Sire: S Richardson Scanned: Twins
LOT: 42 (UK103541 4040) HOGG Sire: S Richardson Dam: G Bland
LOT: 43 (UK103541 4000) HOGG Sire: H Bird Dam: B Benn
LOT: 44 EWE Service Sire: Wear
Scanned: At the me of sale.
LOT: 45 EWE Service Sire: Wear Scanned: Details at the me of sale. —————————————————————————————————————————
LOT: 50
Sire: B46638
Dam Sire: B3966 Service Sire: A32341 Due: Mid April Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
Champion gimmer hogg at Eastgale and local champion at Moorcock.
Sire: C43911
Dam Sire: C40772 Service Sire: C44751 Due: Mid April Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
LOT: 52 UK121736 DA9752
Sire: A30272
Dam Sire: B41525 Service Sire: B48692 Due: Early April Scanned: Twins Sired by the £42000 West Briscoe. Dam sire is the £65000 Blackburn Emperor.
LOT: 53 UK121736 DA10047
Sire: A30272
Dam Sire: B45696 Service Sire: B48692 Due: Early April Scanned: Twins Sired by the £42000 West Briscoe. Dam sire is the £32000 B Acton.
LOT: 54 UK121736 DA10084
SHEARLING Sire: A30272
Dam Sire: B44324 Service Sire: B48692 Due: Mid April Scanned: Twins Sired by the £42000 West Briscoe. Dam sire is the £42000 Overthwaite.
LOT: 55 UK121736 KS10459 HOGG Sire: C44431 Dam Sire: C40953
LOT: 56 UK121736 MAJ10363 HOGG Sire: B45991
Dam Sire: B42417 Out of the best P Ligh oot £700 shearling.
LOT: 57 1106
Sire: Oakbank Favourite C43612
Dam Sire: Aygill Amorous B35956
Service Sire: Poppin Co age Hasbulla C44890 Due: 10.04.23-12.04.23 Scanned: Details at the me of the sale.
Sire: Poppin Co age Belter C44170
Dam Sire: Arnfield Patch 12th B42461 Service Sire: Intake R Hallam B47113 Due: 24-03.23-26.03.23 Scanned: Details at the me of the sale. Shown in the summer.
LOT: 59 UK116012 2401 3 SHEAR Sire: Bull & Cave C40772
Dam Sire: Mossdale C36264 Service Sire: B Acton B48359 Due: Mid April Scanned: Details at the me of the sale.
LOT: 60 UK116012 2859 2 SHEAR Sire: Oakbank C33017
Dam Sire: Bull & Cave C39883 Service Sire: Oakbank C45909 Due: Mid April Scanned: Details at the me of the sale.
LOT: 61 UK116012 2222 3 SHEAR Sire: Bull & Cave C40772
Dam Sire: Parkinson C38205 Service Sire: B Acton B48359 Due: Early April Scanned: Details at the me of the sale. —————————————————————————————————————————
LOT: 62 UK103095 10722 2 SHEAR Sire: Paul Ewbank B43446 Service Sire: Catlow Nap 4th C44953 Scanned: Twins
LOT: 63 UK10309511387
SHEARLING Sire: Marshaw Cave 7th C43822 Service Sire: Brownber Tigger C45508 Scanned: Twins
PEN: 26-27
SHEARLING Sire: High Birkwith Endeavour 1st
LOT: 64 UK117968 02168
Dam Sire: Bull & Cave Guide Service Sire: Bu rigg Viceroy Due: From 1st April Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
LOT: 65 UK117968 02659
SHEARLING Sire: Bu rigg Viceroy
Dam Sire: Bull & Cave Goliath Service Sire: Flakebridge Oscar Due: From 1st April Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
LOT: 66 UK117968 01089 3 SHEAR Sire: Brownber Napoleon
Dam Sire: Aygil Commander Service Sire: High Birkwith Endeavour 1st Due: From 1st April Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
LOT: 67 UK117968 03117 2 SHEAR Sire: High Birkwith Kisdon 1st
Dam Sire: Oakbank Atlas Service Sire: Bu rigg Viceroy Due: From 1st April Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
LOT: 68 UK117968 01726 3 SHEAR Sire: Catlow Flash 1st Dam Sire: Aygil Commander Service Sire: Flakebridge Oscar Due: From 1st April Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
LOT: 69 UK117968 01778 2 SHEAR Sire: Ghyll House Indignant
Dam Sire: Oakbank Atlas Service Sire: High Birkwith Endeavour 1st Due: From 1st April Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
LOT: 70 UK117968 01060 3 SHEAR Sire: Catlow Flash 1st
Dam Sire: Bu rigg Pearl Service Sire: Flakebridge Oscar Due: From 1st April Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
LOT: 71 UK117968 03118 2 SHEAR Sire: Flakebridge Jus ce
Dam Sire: Frosty Service Sire: High Birkwith Endeavour 1st Due: From 1st April Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
LOT: 72 UK117968 01763 2 SHEAR Sire: Wolfcleugh Hercules
Dam Sire: Swalehead Outlaw Service Sire: High Birkwith Endeavour 1st Due: From 1st April Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
LOT: 73 UK117968 01286 3 SHEAR Sire: Catlow Flash 1st Dam Sire: Aygill Commander Service Sire: Flakebridge Oscar Due: From 1st April Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
LOT: 74 UK0139819 4627 SHEARLING Sire: Ghyll House Jawbrealier
Dam Sire: Kisdon Lovley Service Sire: Hundith Due: Early April Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
LOT: 75 UK0139819 4486 SHEARLING Sire: Intake D&D 7th Dam Sire: Kisdon Lovley Service Sire: Ghyll House Jawbreaker Due: Early April Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
LOT: 76 UK0139819 4493 SHEARLING Sire: Intake D&D 7th Dam Sire: Smearse Icon Service Sire: Ghyll House Jawbrealier Due: Early April Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
LOT: 77 UK0139819 6030 HOGG Sire: Intake D&D 7th Dam Sire: Smearse Icon
LOT: 78 UK114113 1113 2 SHEAR
Sire: Summerlands Clarkson C43386 Service Sire: Shepherds Lodge Hut 4 B48037 Due: Late April Scanned: Details at the me of sale. Enzo & Toxo.
Sire: Brogden Hippy C42852
Dam Sire: Noble B40285 Service Sire: Birkwith General 3 B48281 Due: 1st April Scanned: Twins
LOT: 80 3027 2 SHEAR
Sire: Marston C41837
Dam Sire: JR Governor C41170 Service Sire: Tulley B48396 Due: 1st April Scanned: Twins
LOT: 81 3044 2 SHEAR
Sire: Oakbank Fearless C39883
Dam Sire: Helbeck Flash 4th C38558 Service Sire: Birkwith General 3B48281 Due: 1st April Scanned: Twins
(To be sold in guineas)
LOT: 90
YORE HOUSE 790/R051 HOGG Sire: Midlock Commander 1538/P001
Dam: Yore House 790/M046 Sire of Dam: Yore House 790/J001
YORE HOUSE 790/R050 HOGG Sire: Midlock Commander 1538/P001
LOT: 91
Dam: Yore House 790/N030 Sire of Dam: Carry House 281/L001
LOT: 92
Sire: Highberries Highlander 3425/G001
Dam: Carry House 281/J046
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G034 Service Sire: Carry House Ronaldo 281/P001 Due: 06.03.2023 Scanned: Twins
Dam is ET sister to Carry House Jackpot J2 . Ronaldo sired four of the champion pen of twenty five Mules at Hexham and won the Peebles Mules progeny show along with three Mules. His 1st seventeen sons averaged £3168. Sister to £11,000 L1 sire used by Messrs Pedley and S Proctor.
LOT: 93
Sire: Highberries Highlander 3425/G001
Dam: Carry House 281/H046
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G034
Service Sire: Carry House Ronaldo 281/P001 Due: 06.03.2023 Scanned: Single K64 is sister to K28 which sold for £2500 which bred extremely well on Swaledale ewes for Messrs Richardson, Gatesgarth.
LOT: 94
Sire: Carry House Jackpot 281/J002
Dam: Carry House 281/H069
Sire of Dam: Smearse 2968/ D015
Service Sire: Carry House Ronaldo 281/P001 Due: 20.03.2023 Scanned: Single L79 is dam of N29, breeding well for Rob Berry and P21 who crossed outstandingly well and has been used hard at Carry House this me. L79’s dam is by Smearse D15.
LOT: 95
Sire: Breck House 2224/N002
Dam: Carry House 281/M063
Sire of Dam: Carry House Jackpot 281/J002 Service Sire: Carry House Ronaldo 281/P001 Due: 06.03.2023 Scanned: Triplets
LOT: 96
Sire: West Biggins 409/N002
Dam: Carry House 281/N071
Sire of Dam: Asby Hall 3463/L001 Service Sire: Carry House Ronaldo 281/P001 Due: 21.03.2023 Scanned: Triplets Dam is sister to £5200 N11. K42 (g dam) is sister to Carry House Jackpot J2. West Biggins & Ronaldo both had four in the Hexham champion pen of twenty five.
LOT: 97
CARRY HOUSE 281/R053 HOGG Sire: Carry House Ronaldo 281/P001
Dam: Carry House 281/P059
Sire of Dam: Carry House Jackpot 281/J002 April born embryo, out of one of the show gimmers. G dam (M75) is the show ewe who bred the £13000 R3. R53 is very correct and the best sheep we ‘ve brought to J36.
Sire: Carry House Ronaldo 281/P001
Dam: Carry House 281/K042
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G034
One of an excep onal flash out of K42 (sister to Jackpot). Sister to three retained ewe lambs, 2nd and 3rd ewe lambs for Carlisle and £5500 R5 sold to Nunscleugh.
LOT: 99
HOGG Sire: Carry House 281/N056
Dam: Carry House 281/L051
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G034 N56 (Hundith Z4 son out of a Jackpot sister K41) was one of the top Mule breeders at Carry House before dieing
prematurely last year. R72 is line bred to Midlock G34.
LOT: 100
CARRY HOUSE 281/R071 HOGG Sire: Carry House 281/N056
Dam: Carry House 281/L051
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G034
Sister to R72. Two sisters retained in the flock.
LOT: 101
HOGG Sire: Asby Hall 3463/L001
Dam: Carry House 281/N060
Sire of Dam: Carry House Jackpot 281/J002 Dam is lovely ewe by Jackpot out of the Farden ewe (who is ET sister to Farden Popeye) - mother of Ronaldo.
LOT: 102
CARRY HOUSE 281/R083 HOGG Sire: Spurrigg 4856/P002
Dam: Gapshield 2577/K022
Sire of Dam: Ilkey Moor 2041/G027 Spurrigg sired four of the champion pen of Mule at Hexham. Dam was bought at the Gapshield dispersal.
LOT: 103
CARRY HOUSE 281/R082 HOGG Sire: Spurrigg 4856/P002
Dam: Carry House 281/M050
Sire of Dam: Carry House Flash 281/L008
LOT: 104
Sire: Carry House 281/M009
Dam: Carry House 281/H052
Sire of Dam: Hundith ‘Elite Plus’ 292/Z004 R88 is full of top crossing bloodlines being by M9 who is a consistent breeder for Carry House, Neil Marston & Messrs Collingwood. Dam (by Z4) has bred sons to £6200 at seven years old, she is the fi est ewe in the flock and has a perfect mouth.
LOT: 105
CARRY HOUSE 281/R085 HOGG Sire: Carry House 281/M009
Dam: Carry House 281/H052
Sire of Dam: Hundith ‘Elite Plus’ 292/Z004 Sister to R88
LOT: 106
Sire: Carry House Flash 281/L008
Dam: Carry House 281/N090
Sire of Dam: Hundith ‘Elite Plus’ 292/Z004 Dam is by Z4 out of Jackpots sister and is ET sister to N56. Flash has bred consistently well on pures and horned ewes. (sire of 28,000 Ronaldo)
LOT: 107
CARRY HOUSE 281/R074 HOGG Sire: Carry House F281/N056
Dam: Carry House 281/L051
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G034
CARRY HOUSE 281/R080 HOGG Sire: Asby Hall 3463/L001
LOT: 108
Dam: Carry House 281/N060
Sire of Dam: Carry House Jackpot 281/J002
LOT: 109 CARRY HOUSE 281/R050 HOGG Sire: Carry House Ronaldo 281/P001
Dam: Carry House 281/K042
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G034
LOT: 110 CARRY HOUSE 281/R092 HOGG Sire: West Biggins 409/N002 Dam: Carry House 281/P053
Sire of Dam: Carry House Flash 281/L008 April born out of the sister to P4 £6000, P6 £2400 & P8 £3200. Who all put Mule lambs in top pens for their purchasers. West Biggins is a proven Mule breeder at Carry House, Steel & Allensheilds. Sister retained.
LOT: 111 CARRY HOUSE 281/R093 HOGG Sire: West Biggins 409/N002
Dam: Carry House 281/P053
Sire of Dam: Carry House Flash 281/L008 Sister to R092
LOT: 112 GREENHOW 4366/N077
2 SHEAR Sire: West Biggins 409/M001 Dam: Greenhow 4366/J026 Sire of Dam: Keer 1185/G001
Service Sire: Barley 3374/P005 Due: Details at the me of sale. Scanned: Twins Barley tup bred very well for us in 2022.
LOT: 113 GREENHOW 4366/N062
2 SHEAR Sire: Smearse 2968/M001 Dam: Greenhow 4366/G019
Sire of Dam: O erburn Lodge 3253/E001
Due: Details at the me of sale. Scanned: Twins Barley tup bred very well for us in 2022.
Service Sire: Barley 3374/P005
LOT: 114 SHAFTHILL 1880/N028 RECIPIENT Sire: Blarnavaid 4244/L010
Dam: Sha hill 1080/L029
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G006
Due: Details at the me of sale. Scanned: Single Sha hill N28 was bought last year in lamb for 5000gns at Carlisle, has bred a very good tup lamb which has been retained for own use. She has been flushed this year to our new stock tup R1 Harkerside purchased from Hawes 10000.
Service Sire: Harkerside 2475/R001
Sire: Greenhow 4366/L010
Dam: Greenhow 4366/K017
Sire of Dam: Greenhow 4366/J010
Service Sire: Riddings 752/K001 Due: Details at the me of sale. Scanned: Twins
M40 one of the best ewes at Greenhow, sold tup lamb at Hawes last year for £2600 and retained best lamb Riddings K1 was purchased for £23000, did very well producing good Mules and very good Leicesters.
LOT: 116 KENTMERE HALL 1552/P024
Sire: Carry House 281/M026
PEN: 41-42
Dam: Kentmere Hall 1552/M019
Sire of Dam: Kentmere Hall 1552/K026
Service Sire: Carry House 281/R010 Served: 26.10.2022 Scanned: Triplets Grand dam is a Z4 daugher , dam is by K26 Kentmere Hall who has crossed consistently well. 281/R010 Carry House is a Ronaldo son.
LOT: 117 KENTMERE HALL 1552/P027
Sire: Highberries 3425/N014
Dam: Kentmere Hall 1552/L026
Sire of Dam: Hundith 292/J005
Service Sire: Kentmere Hall 1552/P005 Served: 24.10.2022 Scanned: Single P005 Kentmere Hall had three gimmer lambs in the top pen at Lazonby 2022.
Sire: Carry House 281/M026
Dam: Kentmere Hall 1552/M019
Sire of Dam: Kentmere Hall 1552/K026
Service Sire: Langstroth 3303/P006 Served: 31.10.2022 Scanned: Twins P006 Langstroth had four gimmer lambs in the top pen at Lazonby 2022.
Sire: Midlock 1538/G034
Dam: Lunesdale 963/J049
Sire of Dam: Smearse 2968/G011
Service Sire: Carry House 281/L001 Due: 01.03.2023 Scanned: Triplets
Sister to Lunesdale Legacy and M40 Lunesdale who sold last year for £6500. Sons have done well for us and one at Middleton Hall. In lamb to L1 Carry House shared by Spurrig and Yore House. Five daughters retained.
LOT: 120 FLODDER HALL 4900/P007
Sire: Bull & Cave 2944/J005
Dam: Lunesdale 963/M050
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G034
Service Sire: Carry House 281/L001 Due: 01.03.2023 Scanned: Single Out of M50 first lot in by Bull & cave who did a great job for John Cook. Sister retained. In lamb the same way.
LOT: 121
Sire: Highberries 3425/G019
Dam: Flodder Hall 4900/M007
Sire of Dam: Keer 1185/L004
Service Sire: Midlock Dynamite 1538/H020 Due: 01.03.2023
Scanned: Twins Goes back to one of our most influen al ewes G11 Tarnthorne in lamb to Dynamite who did a great job at Keer. His sons have done very well.
LOT: 122
Sire: Bull & Cave 2944/J005
LOT: 123
Dam: Lunesdale 963/M050
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G034
Sire: O erburn Lodge 3253/P004
Dam: Yore House 790/N037
Sire of Dam: Carry House 281/L001 J WIGHT & SONS, MIDLOCK FARM PEN: 46-48
Sire: Midlock Zeus 1538/N002
Dam: Midlock 1538/M107
Sire of Dam: Steel 3565/L003 Service Sire: Midlock 1538/L027 Ai’d: 10.10.2022
Scanned: Single G dam was champion at the Royal Highland Show 2015. This is one of the flock best breeding families having bred four Royal Highland Show champions and many more rams in recent year. P104 is one of our favourites this year. Full sister retained.
LOT: 125 MIDLOCK 1538/P106
Sire: Midlock Zeus 1538/N002
Service Sire: Midlock 1538/L027
Scanned: Twins
Dam: Midlock 1538/J138
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/H012
Ai’d: 10.10.2022
Full of our most noted crossing blood. P106’s dam is our last breeding rela ve to the C63 Midlock females. C63 was one of our best crossing ewes.
LOT: 126 MIDLOCK 1538/P140
Sire: Dawyck 4346/N017
Service Sire: Midlock 1538/R026
Dam: Midlock 1538/H110
Sire of Dam: Marriforth 746/G002
Ai’d: 10.10.2022
Scanned: Single ET out of the same ewe as 40k P1 Midlock dam. Dam H110 has been an outstanding breeder for the flock leading many high priced rams and females to 6500. ET sister retained.
LOT: 127
Sire: Midlock Zeus 1538/N002
Dam: Midlock 1538/G111
Sire of Dam: Midlock Mustang 1538/F027
Service Sire: The Dyke 3933/K001 Served: 14.11.2022 Scanned: Twins
Out of one of the flocks oldest ewes. Dam is full sister to G35, G34 & G33 who all went on to breed well. P100’s full brother was our best crossing shearling we sold in 2022.
LOT: 128
Sire: Midlock Zeus 1538/N002
Dam: Midlock 1538/L086
Sire of Dam: Midlock Mustang 1538/F027 Service Sire: Asby Hall 3463/M002 Served: 27.10.2022 Scanned: Triplets
Full brother crossed very well for us.
LOT: 129
Sire: Midlock 1538/L027
MIDLOCK 1538/N091
Dam: Midlock 1538/F070
Sire of Dam: Hewgill 980/E001
Service Sire: Underwood 1982/P001 Served: 26.10.2022 Scanned: Twins
An ET out of the famous F70 ewe, F70 has been Royal Highland Show Champion & has bred noted lambs such as G33, G34 & G35 to name a few. ET sisters to N91, have bred lambs to £25000. Three ET sisters retained in the flock.
LOT: 130 MIDLOCK 1538/N132 2 SHEAR Sire: Marriforth 746/K004
Dam: Midlock 1538/D109
Sire of Dam: Hewgill 980/C002 Service Sire: Midlock 1538/L027 Served: 10.10.2022 Scanned: Single Dam D109 was Royal Highland Show Champion 2015 & can be found at the route of most of our best breeding sheep.
LOT: 131 MIDLOCK 1538/L109 4 SHEAR Sire: Marriforth 746/K004
Dam: Midlock 1538/C071
Sire of Dam: Tanhouse Farm 3320/B004 Service Sire: Midlock Zeus 1538/N002 Served: 10.10.2022 Scanned: Twins
L109 has been a good breeding ewe breeding mul ple good tups and females. Her dam C71 Midlock bred 15k J1 Midlock Top Gun. C71 is also the g dam of noted Mule breeder L27 Midlock.
LOT: 132 MIDLOCK 1538/R077 HOGG Sire: Midlock Zues 1538/N002
Dam: Midlock 1538/M090
Sire of Dam: Marriforth 746/K004
R77 has the stretch skin & style to make a very good ewe. Her dam is the best K11 Marriforth Female we have in the flock. Full sister retained .
LOT: 133 MIDLOCK 1538/R092 HOGG
Sire: Riddings 752/P002
Dam: Midlock 1538/P080
Sire of Dam: Riddings 752/M001
Dam is P80 Midlock who was Royal Highland Show Champion 2022. P80 is possibly our favourite female we have ever bred & we look forward to seeing what she can breed in the future. Full sister retained & full brother (R26) retained.
LOT: 134 MIDLOCK 1538/R131 HOGG
Sire: Sha hill 1080/K001
Dam: Midlock 1538/H102
Sire of Dam: Marriforth 746/G002 Frozen ET out of the Royal Highland Show Champion 2016. ET sister have sold to a top of 6500gns. Very good breeding lines.
LOT: 135 MIDLOCK 1538/R128 HOGG Sire: Midlock 1538/P073
Dam: Midlock 1538/J131
Sire of Dam: Marriforth 746/G002 Dam is a good honest G2 Marriforth ewe who always produces good lambs.
LOT: 136 MIDLOCK 1538/R095 HOGG
Sire: Riddings 752/P002
Dam: Midlock 1538/L129
Sire of Dam: Sha hill 1080/K001 Dam has had rams to 6k. Dam was the reserve champion at the Royal Highland Show 2019.
LOT: 137 GRAGARETH 2726/P020
Sire: Barley 3374/L019
PEN: 49-50
Dam: Gragareth 2726/M025
Sire of Dam: Wythop Hall 3788/K001 Service Sire: Gragareth 2726/P016 Due: 23.03.2023
Scanned: Twins
By the noted L19 Barley & in lamb to P16 Gragareth. P16 is a smart modern son of M3 Asby Hall & out of the full sister to K8 Gragareth. P16 has been retained having crossed very well as a tup lamb. Full sister retained.
Sire: Asby Hall 3463/M003
Dam: Gragareth 2726/N020
Sire of Dam: Gragareth 2726/L015 R30 is a smart, upstanding hogg. Sired by M3 Asby Hall M3 which sired five lambs in our top pen 2022 & the champion lamb at Kinsey show. N20 is one of the best ewes in the flock. Two sisters retained.
Sire: Asby Hall 3463/M003
Dam: Gragareth 2726/L025
Sire of Dam: Lunesdale 963/J003
Very correct smart hogg by M3 Asby Hall. Full sister retained in the flock.
Sire: Asby Hall 3463/M003
Dam: Gragareth 2726/L025
Sire of Dam: Lunesdale 963/J003 Full sister to R32.
LOT: 141 GRAGARETH 2726/R036 HOGG Sire: West Biggins 409/N001 Dam: Highberries 3425/L045
Sire of Dam: Highberries Highlander 3425/G001 Natural born lamb out of our flushing ewe L45 Highberries is by N1 West Biggins & full of great bloodlines. Full sister retained.
LOT: 142 SULLOM 4721/P021
SHEARLING Sire: Kirkby Redgate 640/N001 Dam: Smearse 2968/J058
Sire of Dam: Riddings 752/H003 Service Sire: Sullom 4721/R004 Due: March Scanned: Twins
J58 was champion ewe lamb purchased at Skipton. Sullom R4 dam was Smearse N33 which was purchased at Hawes for £1900 as a ewe lamb.
LOT: 143 SULLOM 4721/P022
SHEARLING Sire: Kirkby Redgate 640/N001
Dam: Sullom 4721/M013
Sire of Dam: Riddings 752/K002 Service Sire: Sullom 4721/R004 Due: March Scanned: Triplets
Same family P21. Sullom R4 dam was Smearse N33 which was purchased at Hawes for £1900 as a ewe lamb.
LOT: 144 SULLOM 4721/P026
Sire: Kirkby Redgate 640/N001
Dam: Sullom 4721/M009
Sire of Dam: Midlock Dynamire 1538/H020 Service Sire: Sullom 4721/R004 Due: March Scanned: Single
Dam shown as a gimmer. G dam was Smearse J52 ewe, 1st prize gimmer at Hawes 2018. Sullom R4 dam was Smearse N33 which was purchased at Hawes for £1900 as a ewe lamb.
Sire: Kirkby Redgate 640/N001
Dam: Smearse 2968/J052
Sire of Dam: Garscube 3161/H001 Service Sire: Sullom 4721/R004 Due: March Scanned: Triplets
Dam was Smearse J52 ewe. Sullom R4 dam was Smearse N33 which was purchased at Hawes for £1900 as a ewe lamb.
LOT: 146 SULLOM 4721/P028
Sire: Kirkby Redgate 640/N001
Dam: Sullom 4721/M011
Sire of Dam: Midlock Dynamire 1538/H020 Service Sire: Sullom 4721/R004 Due: March Scanned: Twins Dam ET out of a Smearse J52 ewe, 1st prize at Hawes. Sullom R4 dam was Smearse N33 which was purchased at Hawes for £1900 as a ewe lamb.
LOT: 150
HOGG Sire: Nunscleugh 408/K020
Dam: Lunesdale 963/K051
Sire of Dam: Smearse 2968/G011 K020 Nunscleugh is the best crossing tup we have ever had. K020 sired six and was grandfather to two of our £310 top ten in 2022. K051 is our founda on ewe by G11 Smearse (Ted).
LOT: 151
MICKLEMOSS 5047/R017 HOGG Sire: Oakhouse 3777/P002
Dam: Micklemoss 5047/N008
Sire of Dam: Riddings 752/L015 P002 Oakhouse was purchased for £7000 at hawes 2021 by noted N1 Hewgill. N008 was sired by L15 Riddings, a proven crosser at Gapshield.
LOT: 152
HOGG Sire: Micklemoss 5047/P001
Dam: Smearse 2968/L066
Sire of Dam: Highberries 3425/H014 P001 sired our Cartmel champion / Stars in their eyes show lamb. As well as one other in the 2022 top pen.
LOT: 153
HOGG Sire: Micklemoss 5047/P001
Dam: Smearse 2968/L066
Sire of Dam: Highberries 3425/H014 Twin to the previous lot.
LOT: 154
HOGG Sire: Oakhouse 3777/P002
Dam: Micklemoss 5047/N007
Sire of Dam: Nunscleugh 408/K020
N007 is sired by K020 Nunscleugh & is full sister to N003 who we Ai’d over 300 ewes to this year.
PEN: 54-55
2 SHEAR Sire: Smearse 2968/L012
LOT: 155 SMEARSETT 2968/N046
Dam: Highberries 3425/D024
Sire of Dam: Hundith Elite Plus 292/Z004 Service Sire: Harkside 2475/N001 Due: 06.03.2023 Scanned: Twins
LOT: 156 SMEARSETT 2968/N053
Sire: Overhouses 2924/L009
Dam: Smearse 2968/L066
Sire of Dam: Highberries 3425/H014 Service Sire: Harkerside 2475/N001 Due: 06.03.2023 Scanned: Triplets
LOT: 157 SMEARSETT 2968/P030
SHEARLING Sire: Smearse 2968/D015
Dam: Highberries 3425/J035
Sire of Dam: Hewgill 980/C024 Service Sire: Midlock 1538/N020 Due: 06.03.2023 Scanned: Triplets
LOT: 158 SMEARSETT 2968/P028
SHEARLING Sire: Smearse 2968/G011
Dam: Smearse 2968/G032
Sire of Dam: Smearse 2968/D015 Service Sire: Hewgill 980/R005 Due: 06.03.2023 Scanned: Triplets
LOT: 159 SMEARSETT 2968/P039 SHEARLING Sire: Harkerside 2475/N001
Dam: Smearse 2968/L047 Sire of Dam: Smearse 2968/G011 Service Sire: Midlock 1538/N020 Due: 06.03.2023 Scanned: Single
LOT: 160 SMEARSETT 2968/R029 HOGG Sire: Smearse 2968/D015
Dam: Barnshangan 2884/L025
Sire of Dam: Blarnvaid 4244/J014
LOT: 161 SMEARSETT 2968/R035 HOGG Sire: Harkerside 2475/N001
Dam: Smearse 2968/J049
Sire of Dam: Smearse 2968/B013
LOT: 162 SMEARSETT 2968/R031 HOGG Sire: Smearse r 2968/G011
Dam: Smearse 2968/N044
Sire of Dam: Lunesdale 963/V033
LOT: 163 SMEARSETT 2968/R033
Sire: Smearse r 2968/P018
Dam: Smearse 2968/J049 Sire of Dam: Smearse 2968/B013
LOT: 164 FIRBANK 4871/P006
SHEARLING Sire: Hundith 292/L028
Dam: Carry House 281/K071 Sire of Dam: Highberries Highlander 3425/G001 Service Sire: Firbank 4871/P005 Due: 03.03.2023 Scanned: Single Firbank P5 is a very good Mule ge er by N6 Mistyburn which was champion for James Taylor at the J36 sale.
LOT: 165 FIRBANK 4871/P009
SHEARLING Sire: Greenhow 4366/N005
Dam: Firbank 4871/M006 Sire of Dam: Hundith 292/L028 Service Sire: Firbank 4871/P005 Due: 03.03.2023 Scanned: Twin Firbank P5 is a very good Mule ge er by N6 Mistyburn which was champion for James Taylor at the J36 sale. —————————————————————————————————————————
LOT: 166 KIRKBY REDGATE 640/R028 HOGG Sire: Hewgill 980/P003 Dam: Kirkby Redgate 640/N064 Sire of Dam: Hewgill 980/M003
LOT: 167 KIRKBY REDGATE 640/R078 HOGG Sire: Hewgill 980/P003
Dam: Kirkby Redgate 640/N078 Sire of Dam: Skeughdale 2881/M001 —————————————————————————————————————————
LOT: 168
DAWYCK 4346/P101
SHEARLING Sire: Smearse 2968/M002
Dam: Carry House 281/J048 Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G034 Service Sire: Hewgill 980/P001 Served: 28.10.2022 Scanned: Twin
LOT: 169 DAWYCK 4346/R086 HOGG Sire: Hewgill 980/P001
Dam: Dawyck 4346/M048
Sire of Dam: Riddings 752/L001
LOT: 170 DAWYCK 4346/R120 HOGG Sire: Hewgill 980/P001 Dam: Dawyck 4346/H038 Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G042
LOT: 171 DAWYCK 4346/R104 HOGG Sire: Barley 3374/P001 Dam: Dawyck 4346/K052 Sire of Dam: Carry House 281/H001
LOT: 172 DAWYCK 4346/R118 HOGG Sire: Hewgill 980/P001 Dam: Dawyck 4346/H038 Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G042
LOT: 173 ILKLEY MOOR 2041/M025 3 SHEAR
Sire: Riddings 752/K005
Dam: Ilkley Moor 2041/J034 Sire of Dam: Ilkey Moor 2041/E056 Service Sire: Ilkley Moor 2041/N001 Due: 09.03.2023 Scanned: Triplet
Enzo, Toxo. N1 has sired eighteen in our two top pens of ten and was reserve champion at Skipton’s progeny sale.
LOT: 174
Sire: Co age 3331/M025 Dam: O erburn Lodge 3253/H037 Sire of Dam: Lunesdale 963/V033
LOT: 175
HOGG Sire: Ilkley Moor 2041/N001
Dam: Ilkey Moor 2041/M031
Sire of Dam: Riddings 752/K005 N1 has served 160 Ewes naturally on the strength of his quality Mules. His full brother N2 sired six in Garshields top pen which sold for £210.
LOT: 176
Sire: Steel 3565/K001
EMMETTS 1680/R031
Dam: Emme s 1680/M040
Sire of Dam: Highberries 3425/H001 R31 is the ET sister to Emme s P25 which put three lambs in our top pen and sold for 4k to Finlay Robertson and ET to R005 sold to Will & Gill Sedgley for £2600. 3 ET sisters to retained.
LOT: 177 EMMETTS 1680/R027
Sire: Midlock Commander 1538/P001
Dam: Emme s 1680/M044
Sire of Dam: Highberries 3425/H001 Dam M044 Emme s is by Highberries Hot Shot & is out of the best ewe on the farm Smearse J50. Two ET sisters retained. ET sister to Emme s R002 which is third prize at Hawes & sold for £3800.
LOT: 178 EMMETTS 1680/R026 HOGG
Sire: Midlock Commander 1538/P001
Dam: Emme s 1680/N052
Sire of Dam: Barley 3374/L007
R26 G dam is by Lunesdale B019 & out of the Smearse C018 which we bought for £5500 & has bred us some fantas c crossing tups & gimmers.
LOT: 179 EMMETTS 1680/P058
SHEARLING Sire: Steel 3565/N003
Dam: Emme s 1680/K040
Sire of Dam: Bull & Cave 2944/G014
Service Sire: Midlock Commander 1538/P001 Due: 03.03.2023 Scanned: Twin A very strong correct shearling out of a good family crossing line.
LOT: 180 EMMETTS 1680/M066
Sire: Lunesdale 963/J015
Dam: Emme s 1680/K046
Sire of Dam: Redhill 2005/F002
Service Sire: Midlock Commander 1538/P001 Due: 02.03.2023 Scanned: Triplets
J015 Lunesdale was as good a crossing tup as we have run, ge ng Mules with good clean white and good leg colour & was a son of Lunesdale B019.
LOT: 181 EMMETTS 1680/P063
Sire: Emme s 1680/M030
Dam: Emme s 1680/L050
Sire of Dam: Cherry Tree 4357/K006 Service Sire: Steel 3565/N003 Due: 19.03.2023 Scanned: Triplets
Emme s M30 put five lambs in champion pen of ten at J36 in 2021.
LOT: 182 EMMETTS 1680/P045
Sire: Steel 3565/N005
Dam: Emme s 1680/M045
Sire of Dam: Highberries 3425/H001 Service Sire: Steel 3565/N003 Due: 19.03.2023 Scanned: Twins
P45 is out of the best ewe on the farm Smearse J50 & is by 12k Steel N005.
Sire Reference: Midlock Commander 1538/P001: Purchased for 40k. In his first year he crossed very well pu ng three lambs in the Bentham top pen, two in the J36 & Lancaster top pens. Also winning pair of Mule gimmers at Great Yorkshire Show both by P001. P001 Midlock progeny sold and was showed very successfully. Steel 3565/N003: Sired the Mule lamb that got champion Mule at the Great Yorkshire Show 2021. He sired Mule lambs im both the J36 & Bentham top pen in 2021 & 2022.
LOT: 183
Sire: Midlock 1538/N016
Dam: Langstroth 3303/N022
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/J046 Hp2, Footvax (x2), Enzo & Toxo.
LOT: 184
HOGG Sire: Kentmere Hall 1552/M008
Dam: Langstroth 3303/N025
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/J046
Hp2, Footvax (x2), Enzo & Toxo.
LOT: 185
2 SHEAR Sire: Hewgill 980/K003 Dam: Lunesdale 963/J049
Sire of Dam: Smearse 2968/G011 Service Sire: Oakhouse /R001 Due: 05.03.2023 Scanned: Twins
The most modern ewe the flock offered, she is out of the best ewe in the flock J49 who is mother to Lunesdale Legacy who is by the renowned G11 Smearse In lamb to a very modern & powerful tup R001 Oakhouse shared with David Lawson.
LOT: 186
Sire: Barley 3374/L019 Dam: Lunesdale 963/D069
Sire of Dam: Highberries 3425/B005 Service Sire: Lunesdale 936/B019 Due: 05.03.2023
Scanned: Triplets
A powerful ewe sired by L19 Barley that got Dave Lawsons 2019 Kilnsey champion Mule a tup that never failed to get top pen lambs in lamb to the best crosser the flock has ever had B019 Lunesdale.
LOT: 187
Sire: Midlock 1538/G034 Dam: Oakvale 4165/H004
Sire of Dam: Lunesdale 963/Z018
Service Sire: Barnshangan 2884/R002 Due: 05.03.2023
Scanned: Single
Full sister to Bob Lawrences M033 that has never failed to put lambs in his top pen, her mother is a power house of a sheep by the old Z18 Lunesdale in lamb to R2 shared with Riddings & Gragareth.
LOT: 188
Sire: Star Green 3307/M001Q
Service Sire: Smearse 2968/M002
Scanned: Twins
Dam: Lunesdale 963/M040
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G034
Due: 05.03.2023
Sired by the legendary M001 Star Green out of the last years £6800 M040 in lamb to M002 Smearse . A good combina on of the best of old & new crossing lines.
LOT: 189
Sire: Chelker 2782/L011
Dam: Lunesdale 963/M041
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G034
Sired by L11 Chelker out of a Legacy sister. L11 sired the 1st & 3rd pairs at Penrith 2022 & 150 Swaledales where Ai’d to him this me, comes with a pellet of B19 semen.
LOT: 190
Sire: Highberries 3425/B005
Dam: Sha hill 1080/J020
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G006
A real stretchy crossing sort comes with a pellet of B5 Highberries or K32 Lunesdale a good opportunity to breed a crosser from some tried & tested bloodlines.
LOT: 191 HEWGILL 980/R053
HOGG Sire: Marriforth 746/P001 Dam: Hewgill 980/N059
Sire of Dam: Hewgill 980/M039
LOT: 192
HEWGILL 980/R062
HOGG Sire: Marriforth 746/P001
Dam: Hewgill 980/H113
Sire of Dam: Hewgill 980/G049
HOGG Sire: Hewgill 980/M039
LOT: 193 HEWGILL 980/R093
Dam: Hewgill 980/M115
Sire of Dam: Drimsynie 4307/K001
LOT: 194
HOGG Sire: Gaints Causeway 4456/N001
Dam: Shitlington 2857/N037
Sire of Dam: Co age 3331/K013
By 23k Giant Causeway out of the K13 Co age ewe which bred our lead lamb at Hawes, R1 which was 1st prize tup lamb at Peebles show & sold for £5500. R59 is a very correct modern hogg & sisters have been retained.
LOT: 195
SHITLINGTON 2857/R043 HOGG Sire: Co age 3331/M025
Dam: Shitlington 2857/L043
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G001
R43 is out of the best G1 Midlock ewe in the flock which bred R6 who sold for 40k. Her sire is M25 Co age which consistently breeds tremendous Mules on both Swales & Blackies.
LOT: 196
SHITLINGTON 2857/R050 HOGG Sire: Co age 3331/M025
Dam: Shitlington 2857/P065
Sire of Dam: Hewgill 980/J022
A very bright modern lamb out of a J22 Hewgill gimmer. J22 bred very well in both Dawyck & Shitlington flocks & bred winning Mules at the Highland Show.
LOT: 197
Sire: Co age 3331/M025
Dam: Shitlington 2857/N055
Sire of Dam: Shitlington 2857/L016
By M25 Co age out of a L16 Shitlington ewe going back to a Carry House bred daughter of Highberries Highlander. L16 sired seven of our top twenty five Mules in 2020 from just twenty ewes. He also bred the 1st prize three in the online show ex Blackface.
Sire: Dawyck 4346/P021
Dam: Shitlington 2857/H040
Sire of Dam: Marriforth 746/G024
By P21 Dawyck who sired lambs to 40k. P21 crossed very well in his first year breeding tremendous hard colour and fantas c white. He bred the champion Mule and reserve interbred at Bellingham show. R68 dam is by G24 Marriforth going back to E1 Smearse .
LOT: 199 SHITLINGTON 2857/R067 HOGG Sire: Midlock Apollo 1538/P018
Dam: Shitlington 2857/L040 Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G001
By Midlock P8 which sold at Kelso for £6400. He was sire of Shitlington R1 which sold for £5500 & was 1st prize at Peedles show. Her dam is a massive bodied hard coloured ewe by G1 Midlock.
LOT: 200 SHITLINGTON 2857/R048 HOGG Sire: Co age 3331/M025
Dam: Shitlington 2857/L043
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G001 A sister to R43. Hard coloured correct hogg with a great skin & mouth. Sister have been retained.
PEN: 69-70
LOT: 201 COTTAGE 3331/R021 HOGG Sire: Midlock 1538/P008
Dam: Co age 3331/N038
Sire of Dam: Smearse 2968/G001
LOT: 202 COTTAGE 3331/R033 HOGG Sire: Garscube 3161/N003
Dam: Co age 3331/N040 Sire of Dam: Smearse 2968/G001
LOT: 203 COTTAGE 3331/R024 HOGG Sire: Midlock 1538/P008
Dam: Co age 3331/N048
Sire of Dam: Gragareth 2726/H005
LOT: 204 COTTAGE 3331/R028 HOGG Sire: Co age 3331/M025
Dam: Co age 3331/N025
Sire of Dam: Low Tipalt 2851/M001
LOT: 207 BOB-ON 4895/P010 SHEARLING Sire: Broodlines 4584/N001
Dam: Barley 3374/M078
Sire of Dam: Highberries 3425/L001 Service Sire: Bob-on 4895/M001 Due: End of February Scanned: Twins Bob-on M001 is best stock tup at Bob-on & is by Smearse J30.
LOT: 208 BOB-ON 4895/N010
2 SHEAR Sire: Highberries 3425/J064
Dam: Ilkley Moor 2041/J042 Sire of Dam: Bull & Cave 2944/D001 Service Sire: Bob-on 4895/M001 Due: End of February Scanned: Triplets
LOT: 209 BOB-ON 4895/R018 HOGG Sire: Lunesdale 963/M033 Dam: Bob-On 4895/N014 Sire of Dam: Smearse 2968/L011
LOT: 210 BOB-ON 4895/R012 HOGG Sire: Smearse 2968/L011
Dam: Bob-On 4895/N012 Sire of Dam: Smearse 2968/G022
LOT: 211 BOB-ON 4895/R014 HOGG Sire: Smearse 2968/L011
Dam: Bob-On 4895/N008 Sire of Dam: Chelker 2782/L011
LOT: 212 CHELKER 2782/N019
2 SHEAR Sire: Lunesdale 963/L005
Dam: Chelker 2785/K007 Sire of Dam: Chelker 2782/F002
Service Sire: Chelker 2782/M004 Served: 02.11.2022 Scanned: Triplets
M4 Chelker gets big stretchy Mule lambs with bright colour. He gets a lot in our top pen.
LOT: 213 CHELKER 2782/P015
SHEARLING Sire: Hewgill 980/K006
Dam: Chelker 2782/L023
Sire of Dam: Asby Hall 3463/J001
Service Sire: Harkerside 2475/P002 Served: 12.10.2022 Scanned: Twins
L23 is sister to L11 Chelker. P2 Harkerside is a very correct tup his first crop of Mules were good lambs on the dark side.
LOT: 214 CHELKER 2782/R023 HOGG Sire: Harkerside 2475/P002
Dam: Chelker 2782/M028 Sire of Dam: Asby Hall 3463/J001
LOT: 215 CHELKER 2782/R020 HOGG Sire: Harkerside 2475/P002 Dam: Chelker 2782/J019
Sire of Dam: Tympany Gill 4069/D001
LOT: 216
LLANILLTYD 1737/R034 HOGG Sire: Llanilltyd 1737/P001
Dam: Llanilltyd 1737/L013 Sire of Dam: Snab Green 830/R001Q Sired by our own P1who we believe from seeing the Mules off him as a lamb looks to be one of our best tups we’ve ever used. Dam is by R1 Snab Green a great Mule ge er in his day.
LOT: 217
LLANILLTYD 1737/R033 HOGG Sire: Llanilltyd 1737/P001
Dam: Llanilltyd 1737/J025
Sire of Dam: Hewgill 980/E004 Sired by our own P1 (as above) Dam is by the noted E4 Hewgill who has bred well for the flock. Full sister retained.
LOT: 218
Sire: Llanilltyd 1737/P007
Dam: Llanilltyd 1737/M024
Sire of Dam: Oak House 3777/K009 P7 is by Smearse Ted & out of J47 Highberries. J47 dam is C28 a twin to C8 Highberries, C28 also bred G19 Highberries. K9 Oakhouse has been a fantas c Mule ge er for us over the years.
LOT: 219
Sire: O erburn Lodge 3253/N002
Dam: Oddacres 678/L020 Sire of Dam: Asby 3463/H003
ODDACRES 678/R029 HOGG Sire: O erburn Lodge 3253/N002
LOT: 220
Dam: Hagg 3125/L002
Sire of Dam: Asby 3463/H003
ODDACRES 678/R025 HOGG Sire: Low Fold 4579/N003
LOT: 221
Dam: Oddacres 678/M033
Sire of Dam: Swathburn 684/L003
LOT: 222 GARSCUBE 3161/P019 SHEARLING Sire: Co age 3331/M025
Dam: Garscube 3161/N013 Sire of Dam: Gragareth 2726/H005 Service Sire: Midlock 1538/P029 Due: 01.03.2023 Scanned: Twins
LOT: 223 GARSCUBE 3161/R017 HOGG Sire: Garscube 3161/N003
Dam: Hewgill 980/M080 Sire of Dam: Hewgill 980/F052
LOT: 224 GARSCUBE 3161/R022 HOGG Sire: Co age 3331/M025 Dam: Asby Hall 3463/L010 Sire of Dam: Smearse 2968/K001
LOT: 225 GARSCUBE 3161/R020 HOGG Sire: Co age 3331/M025 Dam: Asby Hall 3463/L010 Sire of Dam: Smearse 2968/K001
LOT: 226 SHANKLY 4479/P009 SHEARLING Sire: Midlock 1538/N061
Dam: Shankly 4476/K009 Sire of Dam: Shankly 4476/J001 Service Sire: West Biggins 0409/R015 Served: Details at the me of sale. Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
LOT: 227 SHANKLY 4479/M014
3 SHEAR Sire: Gragareth 2726/H005
Dam: Shankly 4476/G012 Sire of Dam: Swathburn 684/F001 Service Sire: West Biggins 0409/R015 Served: Details at the me of sale. Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
LOT: 228 SHANKLY 4479/N007
2 SHEAR Sire: Red Way 4589/J010
Dam: Peddhen 4421/L047
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/K005 Service Sire: West Biggins 0409/R015 Served: Details at the me of sale. Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
LOT: 229 COBB BARN 4085/M010
3 SHEAR Sire: Drimsynie 4307/L001
Dam: Cobb Barn 4085/K014
Sire of Dam: Lunesdale 963/J009 Service Sire: Shankly 4476/P006 Served: Details at the me of sale.
Scanned: Details at the me of sale.
LOT: 230 OTTERBURN LODGE 3253/L050 4 SHEAR Sire: Smearse 2968/H002
Dam: O erburn Lodge 3253/G024 Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/X002 Service Sire: Gragareth 2726/P001 Due: 12.03.2023 Scanned: Triplets
L050 has been a fantas c ewe for us. She is dam to N4 sold to Hucks and many others. We have many of her progeny retained in the flock.
LOT: 231
SHEARLING Sire: Smearse 2968/J001 Dam: O erburn Lodge 3253/L032 Sire of Dam: Smearse 2968/G011
Service Sire: Gragareth 2726/P001 Due: 01.03.2023 Scanned: Triplets P040 is out of our show ewe L032, overall champion at Malham show in 2018. L032 was bought as an embryo from Robin Booth by G011 Smearse . P040 is only offered for sale as we have retained a twin sister.
LOT: 232
HAYSHAW 2051/P023
SHEARLING Sire: Barley 3374/J035 Dam: Keer 1185/J047 Sire of Dam: Keer 1185/J007Q Service Sire: Tarnthorne 3867/R001 Due: End of March Scanned: Twins
LOT: 233
HAYSHAW 2051/P017
SHEARLING Sire: Barley 3374/J035
Dam: Hayshaw 2051/J011 Sire of Dam: Hayshaw 2051/E012 Service Sire: West Biggins 409/N001 Due: Early April Scanned: Twins
LOT: 234
HAYSHAW 2051/R020
HOGG Sire: Tarnthorne 3867/P002
Dam: Hayshaw 2051/K014 Sire of Dam: Barley 3374/J035
LOT: 235
OAK HOUSE 3777/R039
HOGG Sire: Hewgill 980/N001
Dam: Oak House 3777/N029 Sire of Dam: Smearse 2968/M003 Embryo sister to R1 Oak House, sold at Hawes for £4500 to Lunesdale & Gragareth flock.
LOT: 236
OAK HOUSE 3777/R037 HOGG Sire: Hewgill 980/N001 Dam: Oak House 3777/N029
Sire of Dam: Smearse 2968/M003
Embryo sister to R1 Oak House, sold at Hawes for £4500 to Lunesdale & Gragareth flock
LOT: 237
OAK HOUSE 3777/R041 HOGG Sire: Hewgill 980/N001 Dam: Oak House 3777/K025 Sire of Dam: Highberries 3425/J003 Embryo sister to the best hogg kept last year from one of the best female lines in the flock.
LOT: 238 OAK HOUSE 3777/R043 HOGG Sire: Hewgill 980/N001 Dam: Greenhow 4366/K014 Sire of Dam: Greenhow 4366/J010
Out of the same ewe as one of our best Mule breeders. —————————————————————————————————————————
LOT: 239 WEST BIGGINS 409/R025 HOGG Sire: Spurrigg 4856/P002
Dam: West Biggins 409/N025 Sire of Dam: Highberries 3425/H002 One of our favourite lambs from the 2022 crop of gimmer lambs & only for sale as retaining a sister. Dam is full sister to N2, N3 & N5. All breeding fantas c Mules.
LOT: 240 WEST BIGGINS 409/R032 HOGG Sire: Highberries 3425/H002
Dam: Carry House 281/L083
Sire of Dam: Carry House Jackpot 281/J002 Full sister to N5 who is breeding very well for the Keer flock & N2 in the Carry House, Steel & Shaw head flocks. Also N3 who is doing a great job for ourselves. Carry House /L083 is also dam of Carry House M009 breeding well for Carry House & Highberries.
LOT: 241 WEST BIGGINS 409/R039 HOGG Sire: Co age 3331/P013
Dam: West Biggins 409/L012 Sire of Dam: Highberries 3425/H002 Dam is full of top crossing blood.
LOT: 242 WEST BIGGINS 409/R036
HOGG Sire: Hundith 292/N002
Dam: West Biggins 409/N034
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/M050 Sired by the very consistent Mule ge er Hundith N002. We had several lambs in the top end of our run.
LOT: 243 WEST BIGGINS 409/R040
HOGG Sire: Co age 3331/P013
Dam: West Biggins 409/M023
Sire of Dam: Barley 3374/L009 Late born lamb that is full of Mule breeding.
HOGG Sire: Macqueston 2571/P004
LOT: 244 S.P.DALPEDDAR 2690/R021
Dam: S.P.Dalpeddar 2690/K031
Sire of Dam: Old Hemley 2070/J022
LOT: 245
HOGG Sire: Macqueston 2571/P004
Dam: S.P.Dalpeddar 2690/M029 Sire of Dam: Hewgill 980/K034
LOT: 246
HOGG Sire: Cretlevane 3055/P010 Dam: S.P.Dalpeddar 2690/N028 Sire of Dam: S.P.Dalpeddar 2690/M001
LOT: 247
HOGG Sire: Forebrae 3749/P001 Dam: S.P.Dalpeddar 2690/N019 Sire of Dam: Langstroth 3303/M001
LOT: 248
HOGG Sire: Hewgill 980/N003 Dam: Skeughdale 2881/K041 Sire of Dam: Hewgill 980/H025
LOT: 249 SKEUGHDALE 2881/R046
HOGG Sire: Hewgill 980/N003 Dam: Skeughdale 2881/N026 Sire of Dam: Hewgill 980/L033 —————————————————————————————————————————
LOT: 250
2 SHEAR Sire: Langstroth 3303/L002 Dam: Nether Newton 3229/J027 Sire of Dam: Middleton Hall 2263/F003 Service Sire: Gragreth 2726/R002 Due: Late March Scanned: Details at the me of sale. Gragareth R2 bought for £6000.
LOT: 251 NETHER NEWTON 3229/R023
HOGG Sire: Emme s 1680/M001 Dam: Nether Newton 3229/N023 Sire of Dam: Langstroth 3303/L001
LOT: 252
HOGG Sire: Emme s 1680/M001 Dam: Nether Newton 3229/N024 Sire of Dam: Langstroth 3303/L001
LOT: 253
HOGG Sire: Langstroth 3303/L002
Dam: Nether Newton 3229/K032 Sire of Dam: Marriforth 746/H012 Langstroth tup sire of many stock tups sold over £1000.
LOT: 254 MACQUESTON 2571/R042
HOGG Sire: Highberries 3425/M001 Dam: Macqueston 2571/N049 Sire of Dam: Howgill 980/K026
Scrapie qualifying status.
LOT: 255
HOGG Sire: Marriforth 746/N002
Dam: Macqueston 2571/K058
Sire of Dam: Highberries 3425/G019 Scrapie qualifying status.
LOT: 256
HOGG Sire: Hewgill 980/N014 Dam: Macqueston 2571/M045 Sire of Dam: Shi hill 1080/L012 Scrapie qualifying status.
LOT: 257
HOGG Sire: Forebrae 3749/N015 Dam: Macqueston 2571/J059
Sire of Dam: Macqueston 2571/G018 Scrapie qualifying status.
LOT: 258
HOGG Sire: Macqueston 746/N002 Dam: Macqueston 2571/N052
Sire of Dam: Shi hill 1080/L012 Scrapie qualifying status.
LOT: 259
Sire: Highberries 3425/M001
Dam: Carry House 281/L056
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G034
M1 Mule lamb won champ lamb at RHS, Eastgate and one of winning pair at expo 2022. 281/L056 (full bro to Jackpot Carry House)
LOT: 260
HOGG Sire: Goldenboy Highberries 3425/N010
Dam: Highberries 3425/K050
Sire of Dam: Hundith 292/Z004
Dam one of best lines in flock being sired by Z4 her dam was a 3425/G001 Highlander daughter and she was out of Smearse 2968/Z20. Her twin brother kept this me a strong clean correct lamb.
LOT: 261
HIGHBERRIES 3425/R042 HOGG Sire: Goldenboy Highberries 3425/N010
Dam: Highberries 3425/N081
Sire of Dam: Carry House 281/M005
N81 dam was twin to one of best ewe lambs sold to Mrs Forbes Clunbeg a er being shown at RHS. N81 sire M5 carryhouse was a very good sire of Mules both on Swales and Blackface.
LOT: 262
Sire: Highberries 3425/M001
Dam: Highberries 3425/N052
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G034
Sire: Goldenboy Highberries 3425/N010
Dam: Smearse 2968/K029
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/G034 Brother Service Sire: Due: Scanned: The dam of ETs k29 is full sister to Smearse K1 ( £24k ) needs no introduc on!!!! Sire Goldenboy has sold tup lambs to £34k. His son P5 sired one of winning pair Mules at expo 2022. He is the most consistent and best mule getter at Millstone moor also crossing very well for Andrew Mcquistin breeding show Mules alike. —————————————————————————————————————————
LOT: 264 RIDDINGS 752/R058 HOGG Sire: Barley 3374/P001
Dam: Riddings 752/L068
Sire of Dam: Carry House Jackpot 281/J002 R058 was part of our Penrith show team.
LOT: 265 RIDDINGS 752/R062 HOGG Sire: Barley 3374/P001 Dam: Riddings 752/N046
Sire of Dam: Carry House Jackpot 281/J002 Retained her twin sister for our flock.
LOT: 266 RIDDINGS 752/R063 HOGG Sire: Riddings Spot On 752/L038
Dam: Riddings 752/M062
Sire of Dam: Midlock 1538/L050 Retained her twin sister for our flock. —————————————————————————————————————————
Sire: West Biggins 409/N004
Dam: Skelgate 4821/L002
Sire of Dam: Carry House Jackpot 281/J002 Service Sire: Riddings 752/L038 Ai’d: 06.10.2022 Scanned: Triplets
LOT: 268 SKELGATE 4821/R004 HOGG Sire: Riddings 752/N023
Dam: Kirkby Redgate 640/M122
Sire of Dam: Sha hill 1080/K008 —————————————————————————————————————————
Par es who have not dealt with the company before should complete the undernoted form and hand it in to the auc oneers’ clerk when a purchase is made. Alterna vely it can be sent to the main office in advance of the
From the South & North exit the M6 at Junc on 36 and follow signs for Kirkby Lonsdale. At the roundabout take the third exit signposted Holme & Burton and the Auc on is immediately on your le .
From the East follow the A65 through Kirkby Lonsdale and towards the M6, at the first approach take the first le on the roundabout signposted Holme & Burton and the Auc on is immediately on your le . For Sat Nav please use the Postcode LA7 7NU
Sale to be held within J36 Rural Auc on Centre, Crooklands, Milnthorpe, Cumbria, LA7 7FP www.nwauc ons.co.uk info@nwauc ons.co.uk