North West Auctions J36 Rural Auction Centre, Crooklands, Milnthorpe, Cumbria, LA7 7FP t. 015395 66200 e. Annual Show & Sale of 500 STORE CATTLE Thursday 15th September at J36 Rural Auction Centre Sale also to include Rearing Calves & Stirks & Cast/Feeding Cows, OTM’s & Prime Cattle

The market will be open from 6am to receive livestock
Sort Code: 30 16 28
Payment by Cheque for established customers or Debit Card
The information given is for guidance purposes only.
J36 Yard Foreman: 07896 879578
The information provided on these forms will be used by North West Auctions to keep in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. We only share this information with other members of our group and if you do not want to be contacted for marketing purposes please notify us in writing.
Our bank account details for customers wishing to pay by Online Banking Transaction are: Bank: Lloyds Bank Plc
Payment on the day is required unless alternative arrangements have been made in advance with the Livestock Manager
Account Number: 22425168 Please include your account number
Please make sure you have your stock is forward as early as possible to ensure your stock is lotted and penned as swiftly as possible.
TB Status Notification
If you are a 1 year TB test holding, please ensure your cattle have been tested within the 60 days prior to the sale date. Please bring a copy of your current TB Test Certificate with your passports and indicate on the blue entry form how many days remain on your current test.
Health & Safety
It is reminded to all customers that livestock should not be unloaded without the assistance of a member of staff.
Children are not allowed in the sale ring at any time.
All un entered cattle and those missing their turn in the ballot will be offered for sale at the end of the catalogued entries. All sucklers must be declared at the time of sale. No lots can leave the market without a ‘pass slip’ being issued by the main office. Purchasers have two working days from time of sale to satisfy themselves that all documentation received is correct and any discrepancies must be notified to the Auctioneers within that time limit. Paperwork must accompany livestock and if making multiple loads please make sure that the paperwork is presented with the first load.
J36 Rural Auction Centre Holding No. 08/362/8000
Stock will be sold under the conditions of sale displayed in the mart, recommended by the Livestock Auctioneers’ Association for England and Wales.
All heifers offered for sale are not warranted as breeders unless otherwise stated. Please note that ear numbers for all cattle must be given to the auctioneers on the respective entry forms supplied.
Sale Conditions
Vendors: please ensure all cattle have two Ministry approved ear tags.
Please inform a member of staff before unloading if your livestock could be dangerous so they can prepare and inform other members of staff who will have to handle them.
Bradley Thompson, Auctioneer: 07867 000244 Matthew Probert, Auctioneer: 07540 446667 Gary Capstick, Auctioneer ; 07970 830518 Yard Foreman: 07896 879578
ORDER OF SALE 10am - Ring 1 Rearing Calves & Stirks 10.30am - Ring 2 Cast Cows/Feeding Cows, OTM & Prime Cattle 11am Ring 1 Store Cattle Supported by the North West Limousin Breeders Association PLEASE ENSURE YOU BRING YOUR COMPLETED CATTLE ENTRY FORM, THE CORRECT PASSPORTS & CHECK THAT ALL PASSPORTS SHOW THE ANIMALS CORRECTBREED&SEXBEFORE PRESENTING THEM FOR SALE Ballot drawn by C Hodgson
For Further Information Please Contact

Show Ca le to be Penned in Alley A
Best Bri sh Blue Bullock
Best Limousin Bullock
Show Schedule
Judging 10am in the Livestock Hall
Best Any Other Breed Heifer
Best Any Other Breed Bullock
Overall Champion and Reserve
Best Limousin Heifer
Best Bri sh Blue Heifer
Please note, once the judging is completed all show ca le must be returned to your allocated pens

Best Pair of Any Other Breed
Best Pair of Limousins
Age TB FA 29 51 68 TK Robinson & Sons, Greaves Farm 18 British Blue x bullocks & heifers 12m 4 Y 69 71 3 Black & White bullocks 12m 4 Y 72 N Maloney, Old School House 1 Hereford heifer 20m 4 33 73 87 S & M Cooper, Tarnside Farm 15 Continental bullocks & heifers 20 24m 4 Y 34 38 88 112 TW & C Shepherd, Nook Farm 25 Continental bullocks & heifers 12 18m 4 Y 39 113 115 E Rossall, Sykes Fold Farm 3 Simmental x bullocks 13 14m 4 N 42 116 135 GR Bargh & Co, Rye Close 20 Continental bullocks & heifers 20M 4 44 136 142 JB L & I Ellis, Hawkrigg End 8 Continental bullocks & heifers 20 24m 4 Y 143 145 TE JS & SA Carruthers, Red Scar 3 Limousin x bullocks 17m 4 Y 46 146 149 MW & M Hodgson, Swallowmire 4 Limousin bullocks & heifers 12m 4 Y 47 49 150 164 J & A Smales, Braida Garth Charolais heifers 16m 4 I Dobson, Viver Mill Farm Charolais & Aberdeen Angus bullocks & heifers 20m 4 JM Haddow, Viver Mill Farm Charolais heifers 24m 4 219 B & JM Crowe, Birks Farm British Blue & Aberdeen Angus bullocks 13m 4 & J Temple, Black Hall Farm Limousin bullocks & heifers 16m 4 JG & PH Thompson, Poppy Farm Limousin bullocks & heifers 12m 4 25 PD & PJ Mason, Coat Green Farm Continental & Black & White bullocks & heifers 14 16m 4 N 206 AR & BJ Thompson, Poppy Farm Limousin heifers 18 22m 4
59 60
Y 50 54 165 187
Y 16
N 61 216
NoLot Vendor Qty Description
1 50
Messrs Young, Moss End Farm 8 Aberdeen Angus bullocks & heifers 6m
P Rossall, Salisbury Farm 6 Hereford x bullocks 6m
Y 58 201 205
A Mason & D Wightman, Moss 10 Continental bulls & heifers 8-10m
Lo ed & Penned on Arrival
Vendor Qty Description
Store Cattle
N 55 56 188 195
Y 57 196 200 NA
Store Cattle Pen Lot No Vendor Qty Description Age TB FA 62 63 220 226 J Twigge, Holmelands 7 Limousin bullocks 12m 4 Y 64 65 227 234 8 Continental bullocks 20 24m 4 Y 66 235 238 MJ Whitworth, Mount Pleasant Farm 4 Blonde bulls & bullock BVD tag tested 10m 4 Y 67 239 230 JB Dixon, Valley View 2 Limousin bullock & heifer 12m 4 Y 68 69 231 238 JE Hadwin, Mansergh Hall Farm 8 Continental bullocks 16 18m 4 Y 70 239 242 GH Jones, Fold Farm 4 Limousin x bullocks 14 16m 4 N 99 101 243 254 FI & ME Little, Helm Croft 12 British Blue heifers 15m 4 Y 255 257 S Gelderd, Garden Terrace 3 Parthenaise x bullocks 12m 4 N 258 1 Parthenaise x bull 12m 4 N 103 104 259 268 AE & PC Capstick, Park House 10 Continental bullocks & heifers 18 20m 1 Y 105 269 271 PW Clarke, Woodside Farm 3 Limousin bulls 12 15m 4 106 272 273 Caley & Mitchinson, Castle Syke Farm 2 Limousin x heifers 17m 4 107 108 274 283 J & M Wilson, Cooper House 10 Aberdeen Angus x & Limousin x bullocks & heifers 12 15m 4 N 154-157 284-303 TA Chapman & Son, Lane Head Farm 20 Limousin & British Blue bullocks 14-18m 4 Y 158 159 304 311 JC Walling, Dawson Fold 8 Charolais bullocks & heifers 12 15m 4 160 312 313 TW Gorst, Gilpin Farm 2 British Blue bullocks 10m 4 161 162 314 319 MA & JA Winn, High Underbrow 6 Continental bullocks & heifers 14 18m 4 Y 163 164 320 325 JB & ND Baines, Howes Farm 6 Limousin & Aberdeen Angus bullocks & heifers 12 16m 4 Y 165 166 326 233 C Slater, Bellart Howe 8 Aberdeen Angus & Black & White bullocks & heifers 16m 4 N 167 334 335 BJ Bowness, Blea Tarn Road 2 Aberdeen Angus bullocks 24m 4 168 169 336 341 Procter & Waring, Bandrake Head 6 Charolais bullocks 12m 4 170 175 342 371 RJ & M Dixon, Colton Farm 30 Limousin x bullocks & heifers 12 18m 4 176 372 K Thomas, Hill Top Farm 1 Pure Limousin heifer 15m 4 177 178 373 382 JF Batty & Son, Bank Ground 10 Aberdeen Angus bullocks & heifers 16 18m 4 Y 179-184 383-412 DC Miller, Cobble Hey 30 Charolais & Continental bullocks & heifers 12-16m 4 Y 185 186 413 422 JR Corlett & Son, Skiddaw View 10 Continental bullocks & heifers 12m 4 Y Y102
Lot No Vendor Qty Description Age TB FA 187188 423
197 457 460 E Elliott, Faraway Farm 4 Limousin x heifers 14 15m 4 Y
189 Upcoming Sales at J36….. Saturday 17th September Pedigree Sheep Day to include: Annual Show and Sale of Pedigree Beltex Rams & Females Show and Sale of Pedigree Blue Texels, Badger Face Texels Dutch Spo ed and Dutch Texel Rams and Females Followed by 2nd Sale of Breeding Ewes & Gimmer Shearlings Including Mule, Masham & Con nentals
198 461 462 KA Robinson, Bank End Farm 2 Charolais bullocks 16m 1
Store Cattle
193194 444
199 463 467 TA Smith, Hill Top Farm 5 Continental bullocks & heifers 15 16m 1 Y
200 468 469 ME Blenkharn, The Croft 2 British Blue bullocks 17m 4 Y
Pen 428 A Winder & Son, Greenside Farm 6 Limousin & British Blue bullocks & heifers 14 18m 4 N 429 GM Sedgwick & Son, Lockbank 1 British Blue heifer 24m 4 430 431 2 Aberbeen Angus x heifers 21m 4192 432 443 J Kitching & Son, Chapel House 12 Limousin bullocks & heifers 12 16m 4 450 RJ & R Holden, New Cross House 7 British Blue & Charolais heifers 15m 4 Y 451 452 TLB & J Knowles, High Borrowbridge 2 Limousin bullocks 12m 4 453 456 DM Bargh, Bradlow Farm 4 Aberdeen Angus bullocks 15 18m 4
For Sat Nav please use the Postcode LA7 7NU
From the South & North exit the M6 at Junction 36 and follow signs for Kirkby Lonsdale. At the roundabout take the third exit signposted Holme & Burton and the Auction is immediately on
From the East follow the A65 through Kirkby Lonsdale and towards the M6, at the first approach take the first left on the roundabout signposted Holme & Burton and the Auction is immediately on your left.