Continental Gimmer Lamb & Store Lambs. 24.08.2023

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North West Auc ons. J36 Rural Auc on Centre, Crooklands, Milnthorpe, Cumbria, LA7 7FP t. 015395 66200 www.nwauc e. info@nwauc J36 RURAL AUCTION CENTRE Show & Sale of 850 CONTINENTAL & SUFFOLK GIMMER LAMBS Followed by the Fortnightly Sale of 4000 STORE LAMBS THURSDAY 24TH AUGUST 2023 Sale to Commence at 10.30am.


Stock will be sold under the condi ons of sale displayed in the mart, recommended by the Livestock Auc oneers’ Associa on for England and Wales. Purchasers please bring the CPH number, address & postcode of the premises where the animals will be moved to and the registra on number of the vehicle in which they are to be transported. These are all required when prin ng the movement licences. The Auc oneers & Fieldsmen will be pleased to assist in arranging transport for livestock. Vendors please make sure all sheep are correctly tagged before coming to market. All breeding sheep are to be treated against scab and accompanied to the Market with a signed Sheep Scab Declara on form.


Payment is due on day of sale unless alterna ve arrangements have been made in advance.

Accepted methods of Payment

By Cheque for established customers or

By Direct Bank Transfer (preferred method of payment)

Our bank account details for online banking transac ons; Bank: Lloyds Sort Code: 30-16-28 Account Number: 22425168

Please include your account number

Please note card payments are no longer accepted

No lots can leave the market without a ‘pass slip’ being issued by the main office.


For the avoidance of doubt NWA Ltd reserve the right to contra or keep sale proceeds to offset against an outstanding account.


The informa on provided on these forms will be used by North West Auc ons to keep in touch with you and to provide updates and marke ng. We only share this informa on with other members of our group and if you do not want to be contacted for marke ng purposes, please no fy us in wri ng.


Enz - Enzoo c Abor on Vaccinated

HP - Heptavac P System

Cyd - Cydec n

O - Scratched for Orf

W - Wormed

Tox - Toxaplasm Abor on Vaccinated

Cov - Covexin 8 in 1 System

Dect - Dectomax

Ovi - Ovivac

D- Dosed

FV - Footvac Vaccinated

Clk - Clik

F - Fluked

V - Vitamins

All sheep warranted to be correct in mouth and udder/tes cles unless stated otherwise at me of sale.


Ma hew Probert, Auc oneer: 07540 446667

Bradley Thompson, Auc oneer: 07867 000244

Andrew Butler, Fields Officer: 079665 56592

Lisa Benne , Fields Officer: 079711 18717



The Robinson Ring (Ring 1) at 10.30am

Gimmer Lambs Followed by Store Lambs



Kindly Sponsored by Carrs Billington, Kendal

Show Lambs to be penned in Alley A by 9.15am, Judging at 9.30am

Class One - 10 Suffolk Gimmer Lambs

Class Two - 10 Con nental Gimmer Lambs

P V Q B V . 301 JR Robinson, Dove Nest Lane 10 Texel x Hp2 Clk O Dect 302-306 D&A Nicholson, Birch Bank 50 Texel Cov 307 G Wilkinson, Brookfield 6 Pure Texel Hp 308-311 RT Colbear, Heights Farm 40 Texel Cov2 312 A Kirkbride, Cobble End 12 Suffolk x OviP + 313 G Nelson, Lane House 6 Herdwick x Ovi2 314-315 18 Con nental Ovi2 316-318 DJ Clarke, Thistle House 30 Texel 319-321 K&S Troughton, Moors Farm 30 Texel x Hp 322-324 MK Robinson, Roundthwaite 30 Suffolk O 325 SJ Atkinson, Quarry Top 12 Texel x 326-329 B&D Willison, Bybeck 40 Texel 330-333 DM Bargh, Bradlow Farm 35 Texel x 334-336 J&D Dixon, Grayrgg Foot 30 Dutch Spo ed x Hp O 337-348 JG&PH Thompson & Sons, Poppy Farm 120 Texel 349-351 TA&JA Dixon, Yoad Pot MV Monitored 30 Suffolk x OviP O 352 10 Texel x OviP O 353-356 J Handley, Gunner Fleet Farm 40 3/4 Texel Hp 357 TLB&J Knowles, High Borrow Bridge 10 Texel x Hp O 358-360 TMH&W Hodgson, Arklid 30 Texel x 361 A Hodgson & Son, Borwick Lodge Farm 10 Texel Clk
P V Q B V . 1-4 WL&FD Richards, Low Mill House 80 Charollais x 5-6 AT Threlkeld, Bowkerstead Farm 30 Con nental 7-8 A Nicholson, Applegarth 30 Mixed Ovi 9-11 TW Gorst, Gilpin Farm 50 Texel x 12-13 F&TE Park, Cragg House Farm 50 Suffolk 14-15 MK Robinson, Roundthwaite 30 Mule O 16-20 FW Park, The Howes 100 Texel 21-25 P Wilson, Wath Farm 100 Texel Hp2 26 BJ Bainbridge, Steps Farm 20 Texel 27-29 T Longton & Son, Rooten Brook 60 Texel x O 30-31 JB Dixon, Valley View 30 Texel 32-33 AC&K Pye, Dunkenshaw Farm 40 Mule 34-36 MP&A Caps ck, High Lane 60 Mule / Beltex Brov O 37-38 K&M Jackson, Pa on Mill Farm 25 Con nental 39-40 KD&L Armer, Scar Sykes Farm 50 Mule / Texel Hp O 40-40A B Wilson & Sons, Ashstead 40 Mule O 41 A Hodgson & Son, Borwick Lodge Farm 20 Texel Clk 42 10 Mule Clk 43 GT Hodgson, High Low Wood 15 Con nental 44-45 K Li le & D McClure, Wood Broughton Barn 30 Mule / Texel 46-51 JE&WB Wearing, Low Shaw Farm 120 Suffolk Hp 52-53 MB&J Fell, Wreay Syke 40 Texel Hp 54-55 Fishwick Bros, Middle Sadghyll 40 Mule Crov 56 F Blenkharn, Beathwaite Close 15 Texel x 57-58 TLB&J Knowles, High Borrowbridge 30 Mule O 59-60 J&T Hunter, Moser Hill 40 Texel x 61 AK Robinson, Drovers Pass 20 Mixed O Clk 62-63 RA Clegg & LD Benne , Tongue House 40 Mule Brov 64-65 CR Alderson & Son, Aisgill Farm 30 Texel 66-67 S Thompson, Somme Avenue 30 Texel
P V Q B V . 68-70 Atkinson & Waite, Hill Co age 50 Suffolk 71-74 RS&BA Harker, Overthwaite 50 Texel Cov Dock B 50 Mule Cov 79-80 RI Dixon, Low Newton Farm 30 Texel 81 JD Dixon, Main Street 20 Suffolk / Mule / Texel 82-83 JH Barker & Son, Stribers Farm 30 Suffolk Dect 84-85 WH&G Hodgson, Mint View 40 Texel x O 86-87 Elm Gill Farm, Mallerstang 40 Texel x 88-89 DN Smith, Fell House 40 Texel x 90-92 JE Wightman, Crabtree Farm 50 Texel x 93-94 J Cook, Yewbarrow 30 Mule 95-102 G&ID Postlethwaite, Riddings 160 Texel x / Mule 103-104 J Dickinson, High House 30 Texel Hp2 105-107 JA&KJ Allen, St Annes Farm 50 Texel Clk 108 C&J McWhirter, Bullflats Farm 18 Suffolk x Hp Dock C RE Dixon, Ewan Mill 20 Texel x 109-111 TGT&PJ Strickland, Grate Farm 60 Suffolk 112-112A T Sharp, Bleaswood Road 30 Texel x Hp2 113 JE Swan, Rankthorn 15 Cheviot x 114-116 E Benn, Heathercro 50 Mule Hp 117-119 DM Bargh, Bradlow Farm 60 Texel x 120-121 AC&C Thexton, Sayles Farm 40 Beltex x 122-123 Dock D M Toms, Middle Fell 60 Texel x Brov Dock E A Irvine, Tock How Farm 40 Texel 124-130 M Bland & Sons, Low Fold 130 Texel x 134-149 Messrs Hodgson, High Borrans 270 Mule 30 Beltex 150-151 JM Harrison, Lane End 40 Texel Clk 152-153 DH Hogg, Melbourne House 40 Texel Cov
P V Q B V . 154-156 Forest Hall Farm Partnership, Forest Hall 50 Texel Clk O 157-159 Ambleside Farms, Home Farm 50 Con nental 160-161 E Tyson, Cragg House 30 Suffolk 162-163 JR Park, Black Syke 40 Beltex x Hp Dock F T&SB Procter, Villa Farm 50 Mule Dock G Dock H LE Harrison, Streatlam Grange 120 Beltex x / Texel x 164 Caley & Mitchinson, Castle Sykes 30 Mixed 166-168 P Mason, Coat Green Farm 50 Texel x 169-170 J&R Bell, Sunny Brow 40 Suffolk 171-172 DM Eames, Middle Lea 40 Texel / Suffolk O 173-174 AG&ME Clarke, Ashes Farm 30 Texel x 175-176 L Gleadow, Somme Avenue 30 Mule 177-179 CF Hoggarth & Son, Low Hundhowe 60 Texel Brov 180-181 RA Walton, Stable Harvey 30 Mule 182-183 D Thompson, Climb Style 25 Texel x Hp 184-188 Messrs Beaty, Long Green Head 100 Texel x 189-190 DJ Clarke, Thistle House 30 Texel 191-192 R&YE Pennington, Greenbank 30 Texel / Suffolk 193-195 JE Atkinson, Nibtwaite Grange Farm 55 Texel / Cheviot Mule 196-197 JA&CA Gibson, Longwell 30 Mule Hp O 198-199 M Todd, Saddlers Cro 40 Mule 200 GH Jones, Fold Farm 20 Texel x OviP Sale Day Entries Welcomed. 165 C Wright, Castle Syke 5 Zwartble


Wednesday 6th September

Lancaster Auc on Mart


To include members of the North of England Mule Gimmer Associa on

Friday 8th September

J36 Rural Auc on Centre


Show & Sale of North Country Mule, Masham, Cheviot Mule & Rough Fell Mule Gimmer Lambs

Saturday 9th September

J36 Rural Auc on Centre


On behalf of the Kendal Branch of NEMSA

Saturday 16th September

J36 Rural Auc on Centre PEDIGREE SHEEP DAY

Society sales on behalf of the Northern Beltex Club, Blue Texel & Badger Face. Also Dutch Spo ed, Dutch Texel & Other Breeds

Second Sale of Breeding Ewes & Gimmer Shearlings

Thursday 21st September

J36 Rural Auc on Centre


Friday 22nd September

J36 Rural Auc on Centre

Great Annual Show & Sale of Swaledale Dra Ewes, Gimmer Shearlings & Gimmer Lambs

The Rough Fell Sheep Breeders Associa on Annual Prize Show & Sale of Rough Fell Dra Ewes, Gimmer Shearlings & Gimmer Lambs

Sale of Cheviot, Herdwick & Other Hill Breed Females.

Tuesday 26th September

6pm ‘BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN’ Evening Sale of Terminal Sired Breeding Rams

Monday 2nd October

4pm Show & Sale of Registered & Un- Registered Bluefaced Leicester Rams & Females

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