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Soil is a complex mixture of minerals, organic matter, water, air, and living organisms. The characteristics of agroforestry soils vary greatly, depending on a variety of factors influencing soil formation, such as topsoil nature, climate, topography, and the dominant plant species in the system. The age of soils also varies widely, ranging from a few years to millions of years. Although soil depth can differ significantly, with some soils extending several meters deep, most soil processes take place in the top 10 cm of soil, which usually corresponds to the organic A’ horizon. Some critical physical and mechanical properties of soils such as water retention capacity, the ease of movement of soil water and air and thermal stability, depend on soil mechanical composition and porosity (Schaetzl & Thompson 2015). The interaction between soil properties and processes largely determines the health and productivity of an agroforestry system. Soil plays a crucial role in supporting the growth and development of plant species, providing the root system with essential nutrients (such as nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, etc.), oxygen, and water, which are necessary for the survival of all living organisms.

Odum (1971) defined soil as an ecosystem because it is a unit comprising all the organisms in a given area (bio community) which interact with each other and with abiotic factors in a way that leads to a flow of energy, a well-defined food structure, biological diversity, and the recycling of matter. Soil, as an ecosystem, is selfregulating through nutrient recycling, but it is not energy self-sufficient since it relies on the photosynthetic activity of plants.


The aboveground vegetation continuously supplies the soil system with plant debris and dead organic matter. In an agroforestry system, the presence of trees ensures that these contributions are recurring and seasonal, thereby ensuring a constant supply of dead organic matter for nutrient recycling. However, in cultivated lands, the soil is often left bare, and most plant residues are removed after harvest. Consequently, the soil quality of cultivated land tends to deteriorate over time (Wall et al 2012).

Agroforestry systems offer several advantages to the soil system by incorporating trees, which enhance many of the soil’s plant, chemical, and biological properties. For example, trees contribute dead plant material to the soil system, increase nutrient availability, improve soil structure by increasing porosity, protect soil from erosion, remove excess nitrates from over-fertilized land, promote organic carbon fixation in the soil, and create conditions conducive to increasing soil biodiversity. Such measures significantly enhance the health and productivity of managed systems and help mitigate several environmental problems. In addition, the soil provides a favorable environment for the growth of various organisms, which together form the bio community of the soil system. These organisms interact with each other and plant species, forming an integrated system (Wall et al 2012).

Soil Biodiversity And Biological Activity

Soil organisms have a crucial role in the decomposition of organic matter and the recycling of nutrients. The mesofauna (size 0.1-2 mm) mainly comprises nematodes, microarthropods, and collembola, while the macrofauna (size greater than 2 mm) consists of insects, earthworms, and even small mammals. These organisms decompose dead organic matter by crushing plant debris and mixing it with the inorganic soil. They are often referred to as the engineers of soil systems (Hurst 2019).

Compared to a field under pure agricultural cultivation, an agroforestry field can store up to 4 tonnes of carbon per hectare per year, which is ten times more

However, microorganisms (microflora) play the main role in decomposing dead organic matter and releasing nutrients. It is important to note that one gram of soil can harbor up to 10 billion microorganisms from thousands of different species. The soil microflora consists of three main groups: bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes. These microorganisms break down complex organic compounds into simpler ones and ultimately into inorganic compounds that plants can assimilate. Bacteria are the smallest singlecelled organisms living in the soil. Because the growth rate of bacteria is faster than that of fungi, bacteria dominate the degradation of low molecular weight substrates. Bacteria are active in all kinds of organic substances except for lignin. Nitrogenfixing bacteria are a particularly interesting class of organisms capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen and converting it into inorganic nitrogen. Such bacteria can either live freely in the soil or form a symbiotic relationship with the roots of certain plant species (Hurst 2019).

Fungi are mainly heterotrophic and have a range of enzymes that enable them to break down dead organic matter in the soil. In soils with adequate aeration, fungi constitute a significant part of the microbial mass due to the extensive growth of their fungal hyphae. Fungi play an important biological role in the soil ecosystem because they can immobilize large quantities of nitrogen, owing to their large biomass and resistance to degradation. Some fungal species can form symbiotic relationships with the roots of certain plant species, a combination known as mycorrhizae. This relationship is critical for the survival and growth of plants, especially in phosphoruspoor soils. The mycorrhizal system allows roots to exploit soil depths that would otherwise be impossible for plants since roots have a much larger surface area and length. This symbiosis benefits both the plant and the fungus, as the plant supplies carbohydrates to the fungus, and the fungus provides nutrients to the plant (Hurst 2019).

Finally, actinomycetes are aerobic Gram-positive bacteria that are particularly vulnerable to low soil acidity but remain active even in highly arid soil conditions. Their significance lies in their capacity to decompose challenging-to-degrade organic compounds such as lignin (Hurst 2019).

Agroforestry Soils And Climate Change

Forest soils house the most extensive storage of organic carbon in terrestrial ecosystems. Soil carbon comprises 80% of the overall carbon (stored in biomass and soil) in northern forests, 60% in temperate forests, and 50% in tropical forests. In contrast, in arable areas with no trees, the concentration of soil organic carbon is steadily declining due to the increased rate of organic matter decomposition and the release of large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, thereby exacerbating the greenhouse effect. Furthermore, climate change scenarios predict a rise in temperature and hence greater microbial activity, raising the question of how to limit carbon loss from cultivated land to the atmosphere. Given this, in recent years there has been a constant call from the scientific community for the “protection, restoration, and reforestation of forests” to allow nature to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in the soil, thus making a decisive contribution to reducing the greenhouse effect. However, such a solution is not feasible as human nutritional needs increase. In the near future, agroforestry systems appear to be the most viable solution and are included as a strategy in the Kyoto Protocol. An agroforestry field can store up to 4 tonnes of carbon per hectare per year, ten times more than a field under pure agricultural cultivation. Therefore, forestry systems that involve intercropping crops with trees, forestry or fruit treesand in some cases animal grazing, therefore becoming agroforestry systems, should be the primary objective for addressing the consequences of climate change in the years ahead (Jhariva et al. 2019).

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