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In the two mountainous regions of Oiti and Kallidromo, we encountered different practices of tradOitional livestock farming activOities. In Oiti, the prohibOitions in the core area of the mountain have been in force since its designation as a National Forest (1966), and the Protection Regulation has been in force with specific condOitions. On the contrary, Kallidromo mountain has been continuously grazed and joined the “NATURA 2000” Network relatively recently (2001); until then, there was no institutional protection framework, which is currently expected to be completed. Oiti is a higher mountain with larger openings at high altitudes. On the contrary, Kallidromo features smaller gaps but richer biomass production. Oiti, outside the core, is grazed by all types of animals, while Kallidromo is grazed by goats and cattle but sheep are absent.
Oiti mountain
In the case of Oiti, we faced two risks. The first referred to the “closure” (densification) of mountain grasslands characterized as priority habitat types: semi-natural dry grasslands on calcareous substrates (Festuco Brometalia) (6210*) and grassy beds with Nardus, of various species, on siliceous substrates in mountainous areas (6230 *). Also, in the corresponding areas of the above habitats and within them, we also studied the potential risks of Mediterranean temporary ponds (3170*), which are also linked to grazing. The area of the above habitat types was under a strict regime of protection and prohibOition of grazing. The serious danger they faced was the relatively quick resettlement of the spruce fir forest, with the following mechanisms: at first, with the rapid appearance and inOitial establishment of individuals of Juniperus communis L. subsp. nana (Wild.) Syme, in the form of patches (islands), and, afterwards, in the favourable environment of these islets, with the establishment of fir itself, timidly at first and then with growing intensity.
Because of this, and under a prohibOition regime, we implemented pilot applications of management practices consisting of cutting the excess biomass to a sufficient area, as a measure to substitute grazing; we also installed a network of fenced plots, where we estimated the amount of biomass produced inside and outside them in the same area, and assessed the grazing capacity and grazing pressure in the area. The composOition of the herbaceous vegetation was estimated through the method of transects cuts and needles and above-ground rangeland production with clipping in quadrats quantity with boxes (Figure 1). With special permission, we also applied tradOitional patch (island) burning of Juniperus communis subsp. nana to a sufficient extent and assessed the production and biomass composOition of the burned patches after burning. In essence, we tried to replace the tradOitional techniques of securing pastures, which shepherds would use at the end of the summer season. For habitat type 3170* (Mediterranean temporary ponds), we found that it is not yet endangered, but it may be threatened in the future with the encroachment of the forest. Its survival is also linked to other serious climatic factors and mainly to ensuring that the water remains for a sufficient time, in order to ensure the particular type of vegetation composOition and less the practice of grazing, which may have a posOitive effect. Of course, we are concerned about the change of grazing animals from sheep to beef cattle, a recent widespread habit, which must be studied over time. All measurements were under the close supervision of the Laboratory of Rangeland Ecology Chair of Grassland (Grassland Ecology), Department of Forestry and Natural Environment of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Papanastasis et al. 2013).
The second risk is related to the decline of the stands of the priority habitat type Endemic Mediterranean forests with Juniperus foetidissima (9560*). In Mt Oiti it appears fragmented in small clusters always mixed with fir or as individual trees in upland areas. These stands appear to be remnants of older and more flourishing forests that shrunk due to the abandonment of grazing. Today they occupy the most extreme xerothermical limestone areas of the mountain with essentially no soils and are in danger of further limitation due to the expansion of fir forests within their areas/range. They also show extraordinary inherent difficulties in their natural regeneration (Proutsos et al. 2021). The measures we implemented correspond to practices of shepherds who burned fir forests to ensure grazing, but created favorable condOitions for the establishment of Juniperus spp as pre-forest plant communOities. Of course, we did not apply burning, but in pilot experimental plots, we removed young fir individuals and killed older ones that were suppressing Juniperus foetidissima individuals and stands. At the same time, we tried to strengthen environmental awareness regarding the illegal logging of the juniper trees that are preferred by local residents for their raw wood, which is intended for various constructions.
Kallidromo mountain
At Mount Kallidromo we encountered two types of priority habitats related to grazing. Semi-natural dry meadows on calcareous substrates (Festuco Brometalia) (6210*) and Mediterranean temporary ponds (3170*). The openings covered by these two habitat types on the mountain are smaller than in Mt Oiti, while Mt Kallidromo does not have a pseudo-alpine zone, possibly due to its lower altitude. Sheep breeding is practically absent. Livestock farming in Kallidromo has lately been turning towards beef cattle and goat farming is constantly being limited. LimOiting the intensity of goat grazing in Kallidromo also clearly showed tendencies to “close” the forest openings. The practice of nomadic cattle breeding also extended to the Mediterranean temporary ponds (3170*), because cattle preferred the edges and to some extent the interior of the shallow waters of the ponds.
For the above reasons, we also installed fenced plots in the openings of the forests, where the biomass produced inside and outside them and the assessment of the grazing capacity and grazing pressure of the area were estimated. Correspondingly, the composOition of the vegetation was recorded with transects. It was found that the ratio of grasses to broad-leaved herbs is more balanced compared to Oiti. It was also credited that the grazing pressure by cattle is exerted more towards the seasonal ponds, while that by goats more towards the forest. The pilot measures were mainly directed towards habitat type 3170*. Parts of the ponds were fenced off to prevent cattle from grazing, while in the remaining area grazing continued to be practiced freely. The aim was to assess whether in the fenced off sections the composOition of their particular flora was maintained in a better condOition than the unfenced ones, because the characteristic species of the habitat showed a very low presence in the latter (Figure 2).
In Kallidromo, we also installed special collars on 30 cattle, equipped with transmitters to record the animals’ course and posOitions, which were recorded via satellite on a digital map (Figure 3). The aim was to study the grazers’ preference habits of the different habitats and to reinterpret the attitudes and frequency of watering.