Trenton Paper_7-21-22

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©Honeycutt Media, LLC


THURS., JULY 21, 2022


Old Glory flying at Five Points


Established Sept. 4, 1864 - 158th Year - No. 80

Utility Committee Art’s Alive Presents Annual Fine Arts Discusses Projects Show at NCM Fair August 2-6 The Trenton Utility Commission met on Tuesday, July 19 at City Hall. Those attending in person were City Administrator Ron Urton, Utility Committee Chairman Duane Urich along with Brad Griffin, Steve Reid, Kenny Ricketts and Bob Hutchinson. Mayor Linda Crooks joined via Zoom. Each department gave a report on current projects along with the administrator’s report. City Administrator Ron Urton reported that the 21-inch sewer lining project is moving forward with the line being cleaned and videoed. Next week training will be provided for the inspections on the line. In regards to the ARPA grant money, the city had to pro-

vide DNR with an engineering report on the design of the project. Urton also reported that revenues for electric are in the red this month as purchase power costs are rising. Water plant supervisor Steve Reid reported that mowing is being done and a Co2 tank is still leaking as they are waiting on valves to come in from the supplier. He also reported that chemical costs continue to rise, some items are taking longer to arrive due to trucking and fuel surcharges have almost doubled. Electric department supervisor Brad Griffin reported they are continuing to replace electric meters with the new AMI ones. [See Utility, Page 2]

Art’s Alive is PROUD to present the 2022 Fine Arts Show! The purpose of this exhibit is to encourage ALL area artists, both junior and adult, to showcase their artistic talents for the public to view AND appreciate. You are invited to visit the Opening Exhibition in the Fine Arts building located in the Merchant’s

Area of the Rock Barn. Located on the Northeast side, hours will be Tuesday-Thursday 5-8 p.m., Friday 5-9 p.m. and Saturday 10-2 p.m. Oil Painting, acrylic, watercolor, drawing and photography will be accepted. (NO paint-by-numbers PLEASE!) Please bring entries to the Rock Barn on Saturday, July 30 from

9 p.m. to 3 p.m., as time is needed to set up the display before opening on Tuesday evening. ALL entries MUST have solid frames and be wired for hanging. NO paper frames PLEASE! Judging will be conducted the evening of August 3, and therefore, the exhibit will be closing at 3 p.m. [See Arts, Page 2]

HATS! Musical to be Performed

Grand River Garden Club To Host NCM Fair Flower Show The Grand River Garden Club and Hy-Vee will present the flower show at the North Central Missouri Fair. The show will be held August 4-6, with flower entries accepted at the registration table in the Rock Barn from 8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. on Thursday, August 4. Flower entry guidelines may be picked up at the Republican-Times newspaper office, KTTN Radio or the Grundy CountyJewett Norris Library. Garden club members and friends will help participants enter flower specimens, potted plants or floral designs at registration. Connie Olmstead will be present to assist young people in designing an entry. Hy-Vee will provide flowers and greenery for youngsters to make a display for entry. Participants may pick up their plants and awards at 12:00 p.m. on Saturday August 6. For more information on the flower show contact Dorothy Taul, Trisha Wendt or Benna Trump.

Submitted Photo

HATS! – Grab your hat! It’s time to party! The Trenton organization, Art’s Alive is thrilled to sponsor the musical HATS! by John Jacobson & John Higgins. Directed by Shani Kinney, Laurie Bonta, & Madeline Cotton, HATS! is based on the idea that “it’s not the hat that makes a person special, but what’s underneath!” We are thrilled to present this musical featuring area students from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades. Mrs. Kinney says that working with these young performers will enhance the music programs for the area schools and will hopefully lead to greater numbers of youth participating in future productions. HATS! will be presented to the public on Saturday, July 23, 2022, 7:00 p.m. at the Trenton Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $5 per person and available for purchase at Hy-Vee Customer Service in Trenton. Anyone with questions may contact Shani Kinney 660-359-7003. The mission of Art’s Alive is to present affordable entertainment, promote education in the realm of the fine arts, and provide exposure to the arts in its MANY forms.

Hoover Foundation Pledges Gift for NCMC Student Center The North Central Missouri College Foundation is the recipient of a $400,000 pledge from the Bert & Rose Hoover Foundation, which will be used by the college to develop the new student center on the Trenton campus in the Transforming Lives, Empowering People campaign. The late Rose Hoover developed the Hoover Foundation for the purpose of making charitable contributions in Grundy County. Upon her death in 1993, Mrs. Hoover stated in a letter to the board of the Hoover Foundation, “Imagine a community which lives not only into the next generation – but an endless promise of growth into the future.” This recent pledge by the Hoover Foundation Board will help NCMC develop a new student center that will serve as a hub for student activities on campus. The student center will serve as a place for students to spend time outside the classroom, socialize, and create memorable experiences for residential students and those who commute to the Trenton campus. In addition to a commons area, the student center will house a new location for the NCMC Book Store and campus dining services. Longtime contributors to NCMC, the

Bert and Rose Hoover

Hoovers have contributed toward many projects at NCMC, including the “Invest in the Vision” campaign, the Hoover Quadrangle located in front of Geyer Hall, and restoration of the historic Layson building, as well as contributions to help with the construction of Hoffman Hall, the Ketcham Community Center, and green spaces throughout the campus. Rose enrolled in Trenton Junior College/NCMC following her graduation from Trenton High School in 1930. She received an associate in arts degree before returning for one more year to complete a teaching certificate. Soon afterward, she [See Hoovers, Page 2]

Area School Boards Approve Bids, Set Tax Rate Hearings The Pleasant View R-6, Grundy R-5, Princeton R-5 and Gallatin R-5 school boards recently met, approving bids, setting lunch rates for the comimg year and setting tax rate hearings. Pleasant View R-6 The Pleasant View R-6 school held a board meeting on Tuesday, July 12 at the school. President Danny Westcott called the meeting to order, with the agenda, minutes, financial statements and bills approved. In an open forum, public comments were heard from Avery McCauslin, Jean Dustman and Steve Hudson. These comments were in regard to the school district and a proposed tax levy, with no other information provided. An update was given on several school improve-

Paid for by Railsback for Missouri, Kandi Hales Railsback, Treasurer

ments. The new ceiling in the kitchen is up with wiring to still be completed. Bathroom stalls are installed and awaiting finishing touches, the new door to the new addition has also been installed. An update was given on the clear coating for the outside of the 3-5 grade wing. A quote from First Onsite should be received by next week to fall under the first insurance claim for water damage. In new business, a discussion was held on the Teacher Baseline Salary Grant, Career Ladder Proposal and the installation of downspouts on the building with no action taken on those items. A motion was approved 7-0 for the declaring of surplus items to be sold. A bid for $8,879.70 was approved from North Mo Satellite of Bethany for

the installation of video cameras inside and outside the building. The installation will hopefully be completed before the beginning of the school year. The superintendent reported future dates of importance as: August 9-Board Meeting/Tax Hearing at 6:00 p.m., August 23-Open House at 6:00 p.m. and August 25 will be the first day of school. A closed session was held to discuss personnel and student matters with no actions taken. Grundy R-5 The regular meeting of the Grundy R-5 Board of Education was at 6 p.m. on July 13. In old business the [See Boards, Page 2]

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LOCAL BRIEFS GEC Annual Members Meeting

Grundy Electric Cooperative will host their Annual Meeting of Membership, Thursday, August 4 at the Trenton R-9 High School. Dinner and registration will begin at 4:30 p.m. with musical entertainment by the Marks Family from Jefferson City. Registered memebers will recieve a $10 energy credit and bucker. The business meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. with reports on the state of the Co-op and the election of directors. A drawing for six $200 electric bill credits and miscellaneous prizes will be held. All Grundy Electric Cooperative member-owners are invited to attend.

Trenton FFA Alumni BBQ

The Trenton FFA Alumni will host a BBQ as part of the NCM Fair activities. The BBQ will be held on August 2 at 6:00 p.m. at the NCM Fairgrounds. The meal will consist of pulled pork, baked beans, chips, cookie and a drink all for $7 a plate. Tables and chairs will be available for people to enjoy their meal at the fairgrounds.

Summer Reading Program Finale

The Grundy County-Jewett Norris Libary will present “20,000 Laughs Under the Sea” by Will Stuck on Tuesday, July 26 at 7 p.m. in the Hoover Theater on the 3rd floor of the library. The show is open to the public. Powerhouse Food truck will be serving food beginning at 11:00 a.m. for the general public. They will also serve before the show from 4:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. All youth eat for free, adults must pay for their food. Please contact the library at 660-359-3577 for questions or more information.

THS Softball Camps

THS Softball Coach Madi Stillwell has announced that camps for the THS and TMS 2022 softball season will be held July 26-28 and the Ebbe Sports Complex. The high school camp will be help from 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. The middle school camp will be held from 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. All girls interested in participating in fall softball are invited to attend.

GCHD Safe Sitter Class

The Grundy County Health Department will hold a Safe Sitter Class on Tuesday, August 9 from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm at the GCHD office. Safe Sitter is designed to prepare students in grades six through eight to be safe when they are home alone, watching younger siblings, or babysitting. The course is led by certified instructors and includes practice of rescue skills like CPR and choking rescue. The class fee is $20 per person and lunch is included. The class is open to girls or boys entering grades six through eight. Persons may register online at or in person at the Grundy County Health Department. Deadline for registration is August 5. For questionsor more information, call 660/359-4196 or email


• From Front Page •

Electric poles are being changed and they have received confirmation on the poles ordered, however they are still several weeks from being shipped. Water/Wastewater district supervisor Kenny Ricketts reported that they are continuing to work on the lead service line inventory project. Routine maintenance and replacing of old water meters continues. Bob Hutchinson, wastewater plant supervisor reported that mowing is being done. He also reported that the purchase prices on bleach and lime continue to rise. On Monday, July 25 the committee will present to

the city council information from Arkansas Electric. They are a vendor who is providing a contract service to purchase transformers in volume beginning in January 2023. Brad Griffin will contact the company for a price estimate on the number of transformers needed for 2023 so that information can be presented to the council to approve an ordinance for purchase. Utility Committee Chairman Duane Urich inquired as to when the new water and wastewater rates that were passed by the council would take effect. Urton reported that the new rates would begin in August, so customers would see the increase on their September bills.

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• From Front Page •

Results of the awards may be viewed the following day during exhibit hours. Best of Show and People’s Choice Awards will be presented on the FINAL day of the exhibit. Items may be removed on the morning of Saturday, August 6, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Items will NOT be released until Saturday or prize and monies will be forfeited. ANY remaining items left after 12:00 noon on Saturday may make an appointment for pickup. Art’s Alive will NOT be responsible for items remaining after 1 p.m. on Saturday. ALL artwork must be less than two years old and must not have been awarded a prize previously in this department of the fair. The Chairperson reserves the right to refuse the exhibition of any work that, in their opinion, is unacceptable to the public. ALL artwork MUST be the work of the exhibiting artist and signed by the artist. For more information, persons may contact Terry Toms at 660-654-0126.

Hoovers • From Front Page •

began her teaching career and taught in the rural schools of Grundy County, Norton School in Trenton, and a school in the Chicago, IL, area. In 1940, she received her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia and married her husband Bert in 1943. Bert, a Jackson County native, was a manufacturing engineer graduate from the University of MissouriRolla. The Hoovers spent


• From Front Page •

board heard a report on maintenance of the elementary and high school buildings and possible investment options. The board directed the administration to begin working with Stifel Investment Services for investing surplus district funds. The board reviewed the Teacher Baseline Salary Grant and approved participation in the program this year. The grant will provide funding from he state to raise teachers salaries to $38,000, staff members over the $38,000 salary will receive a stipend which will be district approved. In new business, the board approved a memorandum of understanding with Preferred Family Healthcare allowing counselors to work with district students at no cost to the district. The district will participate in the federal school lunch program with prices set. The 2022-2023 prices are Lunch $2.80/high school and adult, $2.70/elementary, Breakfast is $1.40/high school, $1.30/elementary and $1.60 for adults. The board approved the elementary and high school student handbooks, the sale of the high school gym scoreboard to Spickard School for $100. A used refrigerator was declared as surplus property.

CASH AWARDS AND RIBBONS Class A - Paintings in Oil, Acrylic and Watercolors Juniors (15 & under) Adults (16 & over) 1st Blue Ribbon $20.00 1st Blue Ribbon $20.00 2nd Red Ribbon $15.00 2nd Red Ribbon $15.00 3rd White Ribbon $10.00 3rd White Ribbon $10.00 Class B - Landscapes 1st Blue Ribbon $20.00 1st Blue Ribbon $20.00 2nd Red Ribbon $15.00 2nd Red Ribbon $15.00 3rd White Ribbon $10.00 3rd White Ribbon $10.00 Class C-Still Life 1st Blue Ribbon $20.00 1st Blue Ribbon $20.00 2nd Red Ribbon $15.00 2nd Red Ribbon $15.00 3rd White Ribbon $10.00 3rd White Ribbon $10.00 DRAWINGS 1st Blue Ribbon $20.00 1st Blue Ribbon $20.00 2nd Red Ribbon $15.00 2nd Red Ribbon $15.00 3rd White Ribbon $10.00 3rd White Ribbon $10.00 Class A – Pen and Ink 1st Blue Ribbon $20.00 1st Blue Ribbon $20.00 2nd Red Ribbon $15.00 2nd Red Ribbon $15.00 3rd White Ribbon $10.00 3rd White Ribbon $10.00 Class B – Pencil or Charcoal 1st Blue Ribbon $20.00 1st Blue Ribbon $20.00 2nd Red Ribbon $15.00 2nd Red Ribbon $15.00 3rd White Ribbon $10.00 3rd White Ribbon $10.00 Class C – Color Pencil 1st Blue Ribbon $20.00 1st Blue Ribbon $20.00 2nd Red Ribbon $15.00 2nd Red Ribbon $15.00 3rd White Ribbon $10.00 3rd White Ribbon $10.00 ALL PHOTOGRAPHY (Natural - No Photoshop) 1st Blue Ribbon $20.00 1st Blue Ribbon $20.00 2nd Red Ribbon $15.00 2nd Red Ribbon $15.00 3rd White Ribbon $10.00 3rd White Ribbon $10.00 Over All - Best in Show $100.00 Over All Show - People’s Choice $50.00

many years in Trenton and were both interested in the continued growth of NCMC. The Hoovers were very proud of the college. They encouraged individuals to take advantage of the quality education offered locally, with some of their earliest contributions as scholarships to NCMC students. “With a planned opening of the new student center in 2025 during the 100th year celebration of NCMC, this generous contribution maintains the vision and continued

commitment to the development of NCMC by the Hoover Foundation. Generations of NCMC students will continue to benefit from the dream set by the Hoovers, and we thank the Hoover Foundation Board for their continued support,” shared NCMC Development Director Alicia Endicott. The NCMC Foundation, a 501c (3) IRS-approved organization, works with North Central Missouri College to raise funds through various campaigns, including the up-

coming Transforming Lives, Empowering People campaign. Investments for this campaign may be directed towards a new Student Center on the Trenton campus that will enhance a collegiate feel and provide students with a place to congregate, build friendships, and provide educational opportunities outside the classroom. For more information on investing in the new Student Center, please contact Alicia Endicott at 660-357-6403 or

In a closed session the board offered the following extra duty contracts; Samantha Miller-Boys/Girls junior high basketball head coach and assistant varsity softball coach, Kylie Littleton-head varsity softball coach. The next regulary scheduled board meeting will be Wednesday August 10 at 6:15 p.m. in the high school business room. The tax rate hearing was set for Wednesday, August 10 at 6 p.m. Princeton R-5 The Princeton R-5 Board of Education met on July 11, approving minutes, bills and fund transfers. The board did not approve student or staff handbooks, asking administration to revisit eligibility policies for the student handbook. They also requested the staff handbook have additional policy clarifications for staff cell phone and social media usage during school hours. Additional funding options are being reviewed for the relocation of the ball fields which site work began on last month. The board approved the grant to set the minimum teachers salary base to $38,000. They will begin the applying process this week. Also approved was the purchase of four sets of bleachers for the baseball and softball fields. The bleachers are five-row, 27foot all aluminum with a seating capacity of 74 at a

cost of $30,052. The board discussed an application for additional electric school busses. Funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, EPA’s new Clean School Bus Program provides $5 billion over the next five years to replace existing school busses with zero-emission and low-emission models. School breakfast and lunch prices were approved by the board. Lunch prices are set at; $2.75/K-6, $3.00/ 7-12 and $4.12 for adults, breakfast prices are $1.90/K-12 and $2.35 for adults. In a closed session the board approved the following personnel changes; Ila Rae Easter-Pre-School part-time paraprofessional and Bill Goodin-JH history. The following extra duty contracts were approved; Josh Lisle-head baseball, Bill Goodin-cross country and Ashley Moore-girls golf. The next regular board meeting is scheduled for August 15 at 5:30 p.m. with the tax rate hearing set for 5:15 p.m. on August 15. Gallatin R-5 The Gallatin R-5 board of education met on Tuesday, July 12 in the high school library. President Donovan called the meeting to order with the agenda, minutes and bills approved. Milk prices will increase five cents to 35cents for the upcoming year. An updated revised 2022-2023 budget was re-

viewed for updates and changes, the 2021-2022 expenditures at the end of the year were approved. The board made personnel changes appointing Vicki Corwin from board secretary to board treasurer and Carrie Holcomb to board secretary to begin at the next meeting. They also approved the authorized signers for bank resolution and signature cards at BTC Bank and Farmers Bank. Changes were approved to the 2022-2023 student and parents handbook. Approval was given to have sale of surplus items that would consist of weightroom equipment, desks and chairs. The tax rate hearing was set for 5:45 p.m. on Thursday, August 18. In a closed session the board approved the personnel for employment and accepted two resignations. The following personnel were hired; Anthony Jeffers- 6th grade ELA/Social Studies and JH football assistant coach, Ashton Ellis-Paraprofessional, Charlie CameronBus Driver, Ryan Beenken-Boys JH basketball, Chris Weaver-Girl’s Golf, Tracy Burke-Girl’s MS Basketball and Terri Feiden-Girl’s HS Basketball Assistant coach. Resignations accepted include Wesley Lynn and Rebecca Adkison with the terms of the penalty stated in the district policy.

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Betty J. Rumbley

Dixie L. Grimes

Mrs. Betty J. Rumbley, an 81-year-old resident of Trenton, died at 2:00 a.m., Saturday, July 16, 2022 at her residence. Funeral services were held today (Thursday, July 21, 2022) at 10:00 a.m. at the First Baptist Church in Trenton. Burial was in Maple Grove Cemetery in Trenton. Slater-Neal Funeral Home of Trenton was in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Rumbley was born September 8, 1940 at Cambridge, KS, the daughter of Clarence Levi and Margaret Maude Nettrouer Terrell. She was married to James Emery Rumbley on July 2, 1961 at Trenton. He preceded her in death. She and James retired in 1999 and moved back to Trenton from Wichita, KS. Her survivors include one daughter, Cheryl Lynn

Poettker and husband, John of Wichita, KS; one son, James Eugene Rumbley and wife, Kim of Cibolo, TX; two grandchildren, Ashley Poettker and Dustin Poettker and wife, Molly, all of Wichita; one great-granddaughter, Lillie Poettker of Wichita; and three sisters, Darline Terrell of Leawood, KS, Judy Terrell of Winfield, KS and Nadine Baumgartel and husband, Marlin of Howard, KS. In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by her parents; one son, Jefferson Dewayne Rumbley; and one brother, Robert Terrell. Memorials may be made to the Betty Rumbley Memorial to help with expenses and may be left with the funeral home. Online condolences may be left at

Funeral services for Dixie L. Grimes were held at 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Trenton. Pastor Sixto Ramos officiated. Mrs. Dixie L. Grimes, an 85-year-old former Trenton resident who was residing with her granddaughter, Chelsea Sprague in Cameron, died at 8:04 p.m., Sunday, July 10, 2022 at the residence.

NORTH 65 CENTER MENUS Monday-Baked ham, scalloped corn, turnips, fresh oranges, whole wheat bread. Tuesday-Veal parmesan, garlic pasta, Ceasar salad, California blend vegetables, mixed fruit, garlic bread, apple crisp. Wednesday-Center cut pork chop, stuffing, tomato/cucumber salad, mixed vegetables, apricots, whole wheat bread. Thursday-Beef liver &

onions or chicken strips, mashed potatoes & gravy, green beans, hot roll, mandarin orange salad. Friday-Baked chicken breast on bun, french fries, cole slaw, Watergate salad with mixed fruit. (Coffee, iced tea, water and milk are served daily and an alternate meal of chef’s salad, crackers and fruit cup is available each day.)

As of August 1, 2022 please note the following price guideline and publication deadline for placing obituaries in the Trenton, Republican Times.

Shirley Trainer Shirley Trainer, 79, of Oskaloosa, IA, passed away on Monday, July 11, 2022 in Rochester, MN. Funeral services were held at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 16, 2022 in the Bates Funeral Chapel in Oskaloosa. Burial was held at 1:00

The eulogy was given by Nevaeh Grimes. Soloist Mike Huffman sang “The Old Rugged Cross”, “Amazing Grace” and “Just As I Am”. Pallbearers were William Grimes III, Brian Grimes, Jake Sprague, Charles Hutchison, Claude Hutchison and Tanner Collins. Interment was in Maple Grove Cemetery in Trenton.

p.m. on Monday, July 18 at Resthaven Memorial Gardens, north of Trenton. The Bates Funeral Chapel of Oskaloosa was in charge of the arrangements. Memorials may be made to the family.

Death Notice - No Cost This is basic information following the below guidelines: Name Birth/Death Dates Town of Residence Military Service Dates Funeral Service(s), Date(s), Time & Location Standard Obituaries up to 75 words - $25 +.60 per word thereafter. Veteran and Children Obituaries - Free up to 75 words +.60 per word thereafter. Deadline for placement in Thursday publication - 5 p.m. of Monday previous to publication date. Pictures - $15 - Black and White only

NOTICE OF ELECTION GRUNDY COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 2020 In accordance with Chapter 115 of the Laws of Missouri, notice is hereby given that a Primary Election will be held in the various cities of Grundy County, Missouri, on Tuesday, August 2, 2022 at which election all registered voters will be given the opportunity to vote.



INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS To vote, completely fill in the oval(s) next to your choice, like this l. Use the marking device provided. CANDIDATES: Complete the oval next to the name of the Candidate for whom you wish to vote. PROPOSITIONS: If you are in FAVOR of the proposition or question, complete the oval next to the word YES. If you are OPPOSED to the proposition or question, complete the oval next to the word NO.



VOTING PRECINCTS GRUNDY COUNTY, MISSOURI PRIMARY ELECTION Tuesday, August 2, 2022 Galt Baptist Church Spickard Christian Church Laredo Community Bldg

Liberty Township/Myers Township Franklin Township/Washington Township Wilson Township/Marion Township

Edinburg Baptist Church Grundy County Courthouse

Madison Township/Taylor Township Trenton 1st Ward/Jefferson Township

NCMC Frey Bldg First Christian Church First Baptist Recreational Center

Trenton 2nd Ward/Lincoln Township Trenton 3rd Ward/ Harrison Township Trenton 4th Ward/Jackson Township

The polls of each election precinct shall open at six o’clock a.m. and continue Open until seven o’clock p.m. as provided by RSMo 1986 Election Laws. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of the County Commission of Grundy County, Missouri. Done in my office in Trenton, Missouri, this 15th day of July, 2022. (SEAL) Betty Spickard Grundy County Clerk dJuly21,28

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Dream Factory Grants Another Wish

R-T Photo/Angela Brill-Ely

On July 13, Dream Factory volunteer Ron Dugan surprised Chloie Hall with a special gift. Chloie, who is a Type 1 Diabetic, has always dreamed of visiting a beach and thanks to The Dream Factory, her deam will come true. She was presented with a trip to Panama City, including a condo stay, car rental, beach passes and meals. Chloie’s grandparents Rick and Janet Hall and sister Harley accompanied her to the presentation. This is the 127th dream that Mr. Dougan has helped to deliver. Pictured from left are Rick Hall, Ron Dougan, Chloie Hall, Harley Hall and Janet Lake.

Extension Notes by University of Missouri Extension MISSOURI 4-H CAMP by Chelsea Corkins, County Engagement Specialist in 4-H Youth Development With locations held across Missouri, 4-H camp can be as unique as the range of counties within our state. But the similarities are boundless as well. Youth coming together in the great outdoors to learn about a variety of fun, engaging topics. These have included woodworking, electricity, leathercraft, rockets, foods, natural resources, archery, swimming, art, and so much more. Campers, generally ages 8 to 12 or 13, also learn to take responsibility for their actions, meet new friends, and engage with different environments such as overnight cabins, lunch mess halls, and teen counselors. When that final campfire happens, campers themselves often realize the change they have seen throughout the past 3 to 4 days. For our counselors, usually ages 14-18, the experience shifts slightly as they develop skills such as responsibility, adaptability, creativity, and empathy. As counselors, they will help guide the campers not only

physically from location to location, but assist in youth development needs that might include homesickness, engagement during sessions, and unity within their cabin. This type of experience ultimately bonds camp counselors from beyond county lines as they too grow throughout their 4-H camp together. For 4-H staff, camp can be a highlight of the entire year. As often heard, summer is our busiest time, but you will seldom find a Missouri 4-H worker who doesn’t prefer the summer activities over the monotonous computer related parts of the job. 4-H staff invest time, knowledge, and passion into 4-H Camp, all so every youth and volunteers can feel valued, safe, and prepared. Plus, who doesn’t enjoy having camp songs stuck in their heads for multiple weeks after? Would you, or someone you know, want to join Missouri 4-H? Contact your county Extension Office soon to start enrollment for any 5-18 year-old youth. Enrollment starts in October, but there are plenty of 4-H activities to observe before then!

Missouri Electric Co-op Youth Program Means Education and Fun Kayden Jones of Bethany and Serenity Marsh of Trenton were among the ninety-five high school students from across Missouri who participated in the Missouri Electric Cooperative CYCLE (Cooperative Youth Conference and Leadership Experience) program. The conference was held July 13-15, 2022 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Jefferson City. They were sponsored by Grundy Electric Cooperative, Trenton. Each year in July, this action-filled three days provides high school students opportunities to learn first-hand what it is like to be involved in politics, the cooperative form of business and being a leader. The program included nationally known speakers and time at the Missouri State Capitol learning how a bill goes through the process to become a law. To learn more about electric cooperatives, the group was divided up into teams that competed in various events like the “build a cooperative” game. Another highlight was hearing from the Rachel’s Challenge Organization. Rachel’s family and friends speak to youth around the world about Rachel’s legacy of being a positive role model to everyone she met in life. Students also toured the Missouri State Penitentiary in Jefferson City, MO and saw a live powerline demonstration as well as several electric vehicles at the Association of Missouri Electric Cooperative headquarters.

Kayden Jones and Serenity Marsh

The CYCLE program is in its 19th year and is a recipient of the National Community Youth Service award for the top youth program among all electric cooperatives in the country. Kayden is the son of Nicole and

Shane Jones of Bethany. He attends South Harrison High School. Serenity is the daughter of Doug and Rosetta Marsh of Trenton. She attends Trenton R-IX High School.

435 W. 2nd St., Tina, MO 64682 Casey & Amelia Flinn, Owners

Market Report from Monday, July 11 • 1371 head sold Steers: 300-400lb 2.22-2.31 400-500lb 2.07-2.17 500-600lb 1.99-2.16 600-700lb 1.85-2.07 700-800lb 1.74-1.8550

Heifers: 400-500lb 1.83-2.00 500-600lb 1.70-1.8950 600-700lb 1.62-1.72 700-800lb 1.54-1.67

Bulk of butcher cows: 82-96 High Yielding 96-106 Bulls 1.00-1.1550


Cattle Sales: Mondays @ 11 am Sheep, Goat & Hog Sales: 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month @ 10 am

Special Cow Sales: Will Resume in August Open all day on Sundays to receive livestock! Barn: 660-622-4214 • Casey Flinn, Owner: 816-769-7532 Field Reps: Dwayne Penny: 816-506-2776 • Utah Stulz: 660-334-0400 Bobby Morrison: 816-345-0518 • Ben Peterson: 660-247-2759 Sheep/Goats/Hog: Clark Allen: 660-973-6826 Find us on Facebook at Tina Livestock Market • Check out our market report on Cattle Market Mobile!

Check us out on our new website:

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R-T Photo/Anita Ewing

The Grand River Garden Club has chosen Java & Hooch at 2811 E. 10th St. as the winner of the Beautification Award for the month of July. The owners of the business are Buffy Rosson and Jeff Gibson.

R-T Photo/Anita Ewing

The home of Roger & Linda Antle at 3918 Manor Drive was chosen as the July Yard of the Month by the Grand River Garden Club.

Gleeful Red Hatters Meet



National (USPS 638-180) Newspaper Association Published By Honeycutt Media, LLC 122 East Eighth St. Trenton, MO 64683-0548 E-Mail: Phone: 660-359-2212 Established September 4, 1864 Periodicals Postage Paid at Trenton, Mo.


Jamey & D’Anna Honeycutt Co-Publishers Sales Megan Graham Curt Thorne

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WANTED! Used & Abused Cars & Trucks Highest Prices Paid! You Call - We Come Get It!

145 Hwy. W, Trenton (formerly Jim’s Auto Salvage)


The Gleeful Red Hatters met on July 15 for lunch at Washington Street Food and Drink. Five members were present, including Phyllis Anderson, Mary L. Crawford, Norma Dougan, Dorothy Nichols and Hilda Hutchinson. Queen Mother Dorothy Nichols conducted the meeting. Discussion included membership, along with meeting dates and places to hold the meetings. There were no birthdays in July to report. Margie Wilcox and Jean Rousselot were wished a Happy Day during the meeting. The next meeting will be held August 14 at Java and Hooch at 12 p.m. for lunch.

Submitted Photo

Ally Ockenfels and Creed Houghton are pleased to announce their marriage on July 1, 2022 at The Brim in Kansas City, MO. Ally Ockenfels is the daughter of Kris & Tammy Ockenfels of Trenton. Creed Houghton is the son of Melvin Houghton of Tremble, MO and Katie Chaffee of Blue Springs, MO. Ally & Creed Houghton’s future plans include moving to Trenton. Ally accepted a position at North Central Missouri College with Upward Bound. Creed will graduate from Missouri Western in December with his degree in Conservation.


MIDWEST MECHANICAL and Rely on Comfort *)('&)%('$#"! " ' )) ' ## ' ' ' " " " " #


Brian S. Israel, Owner Over 25 Years Experience

The Grundy County Republican Central Committee Presents

REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES FORUM Monday, July 25 First Assembly of God Activities Center 1107 E. 11th St., Trenton

6:30 - Cookies & Drinks 7:00 Meet the Candidates Forum All candidates - local, state and national - are invited to participate. Local candidates will be given 3-5 minutes to introduce themselves and present their platform. State and national candidates will have 5-7 minutes. Questions - Contact Becky McDonald at 660-654-1482 The public is welcome to attend

It’s the Final Days of Major Discounters Big Clearance Sale! Now 40% off Clothing 30% off All General Merchandise 25% off Swimming Pools 20% off Generators, Pressure Washers & Dehumidifiers

15% off Mattresses & Frames Sale Ends Saturday, July 30 Some limited exclusions apply

1318 Oklahoma Ave., Trenton, MO Next to Barnes-Baker Motors

Trenton Area Calendar of Events FRIDAY Church Women United Thrift Shop, 17th & Harris, noon to 4 p.m. Green Hills Alcoholics Anonymous, Tenth Street Baptist Church, 6 p.m. For more information, call 359-2704. North 65 Center: Line Dancers, 9:30 a.m.; Cards, 12:30 p.m. SATURDAY Church Women United Thrift Shop, 17th & Harris, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Grief Share Self-Help Group, Tenth Street Baptist Church, 4:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery, Tenth Street Baptist Church, 6 p.m.

Grundy County Museum open 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. SUNDAY Narcotics Anonymous, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, 4 p.m. Grundy County Museum open 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. MONDAY Green Hills Alcoholics Anonymous, Tenth Street Baptist Church, 6 p.m. For more information, call 359-2704 or 3572367. North 65 Center: Line Dancers, 9:30 a.m.; Cards, 12:30 p.m. MI Group of Alcoholics Anonymous, 2901 Hoover Drive, 7 p.m.

Laredo Lions Club, Laredo Community Building, 6:30 p.m. TUESDAY Trenton Lions Club, First Christian Church Fellowship Hall, noon. Domestic Violence/Anger Management Group, North Central Missouri Mental Health Center, 7 to 9 p.m. Spickard Coffee Club, Wise Community Center, 8 a.m. Grundy County-Jewett Norris Library presents “20,000 Laughs Under the Sea” with Will Stuck, Hoover Theater, 7 p.m. Powerhouse Food Truck 11 a.m. and 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

North 65 Center: Cards, 12:30 p.m.; Fun Night, 6 p.m. WEDNESDAY Green Hills Alcoholics Anonymous, Tenth Street Baptist Church, noon. For more information, call 359-2704 or 3572367. North 65 Center: Token Bingo and Cards, 12:30 p.m. THURSDAY Trenton Rotary Club, BTC Bank Community Room, noon. North 65 Center: GCHD Blood Pressure Clinic, 10:30 a.m.; Cards, 12:30 p.m.; Early Bird Bingo, 6:00 p.m.; Regular Bingo, 6:45 p.m.

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Brought to you by

Community Corner

The Trenton Republican-Times

Weekly Feature on Indiviuals or Organizations in our Area

Friends and Family of the Developmentally Disabled by Kristi Harris R-T Correspondent Families and Friends of the Developmentally Disabled of Grundy County-Senate Bill 40 (FFDD) is a tax-based entity based out of the Grundy County Courthouse. The mission of FFDD in Grundy County is to meet the service and support needs of Grundy County citizens with developmental disabilities cost-effectively. FFDD works with several different organizations and departments at the local and state level to assist with providing resources and referrals when needed. It is very important to FFDD that individuals in Grundy County are given the opportunity to work, contribute and experience activities with support if needed within the community in which they live. “FFDD supports and promotes a better understanding of individuals with developmental disabilities and their lifestyle choices which are the same as everyone else’s, but sometimes look different from our own,” said Kayla GrahamFFDD Executive Director. “Focusing on the person and not the disability is very important.” Established in 1992, FFDD is coming up on the 30th anniversary of Grundy County residents’ vote on the tax levy that was the start of FFDD. FFDD allows individuals to grow within themselves. They are providing opportunities to build skills through vocational/educational activities, shelter workshop placements, networking, and building friendships with others in their community. A testimony from a caregiver of one of the individuals FFDD is fortunate to work with and assist wrote: “My sister had spent 15 years listening to books on tape and reading braille magazines awaiting visits from friends or family. People are busy, so as a result, very few people stopped by. Her world was very small. By accessing the activities and work available with the assistance/support of FFDD, she could experience a much larger life with friends. It has been wonderful to see her blossom on her own.” FFDD tries to meet individual support needs, such as providing transportation to and from Hope Haven in Chillicothe, MO. This allows individuals in the community to be employed, earn a wage, and gain hands-on experience. FFDD works closely with New Horizons from Chillicothe, which provides target case management for Grundy County residents that qualify. Many referrals are made back and forth, and assistance is given to support individuals with disabilities with their day-to-day needs. FFDD has a 16-passenger minibus and a six-passenger minivan for transporting individuals five days a week to Hope Haven in Chillicothe, MO. Families and Friends of the Developmentally Disabled work with individuals that meet the guidelines for RSMO 205.968 and/or RSMO 630.005 and residents of Grundy County. FFDD is not Trenton only; they serve individuals within Grundy County. There is funding available to developmentally disabled individuals that are not active participants in the group yet have a need. All they need to do is inquire on how to request funds to help meet those needs. The

FFDD board reviews all funding requests to ensure that the need has met requirements set forth in the funding policy. “My favorite thing about FFDD is being able to build relationships with each and every person that is part of FFDD,” said Kayla. “I absolutely love being with a group of individuals who enjoy things that others often overlook. All of our friends have so many talents, skills, and abilities. I love trying to find opportunities for them to learn new skills, build new relationships, and most importantly, have fun while learning and experiencing. I love how the community is so supportive and always willing to help when needed. Families and volunteers step up to help when needed, which in turn provides a great experience for everyone. Several volunteers help at about every activity. Whether it is behind the scenes, getting stuff ready, and /or helping the activity day. Many of the volunteers have ties to FFDD by either being a family member, board member, close friend or have been associated with another organization or group in the community that supports FFDD. Those that are part of FFDD are one big family.” Recently, FFDD started the “Walk Against Hunger” fundraising campaign benefiting Bright Futures Trenton and Backpack Buddies-Grundy County. “Friends that participate with FFDD have big hearts and great ideas. It was very important to me that they work together to plan, organize and follow through with a community event,” said Kayla. In 2021, Kayla brought the idea to the FFDD group and wanted feedback if this was something they wanted to participate in. With the help of Cara McClellan taking the idea to Bright Futures, Ginny Wikoff welcoming the idea for Backpack Buddies, and Bright Futures volunteers being excited to help, that was the start of “Walk Against Hunger.” The night of the event, FFDD volunteers, families, friends, Bright Futures volunteers, Food Pantry volunteers, and the local community came together to support their fundraising efforts. The event was held at CF Russell stadium, where those in attendance walked the track throughout the hour. Dave Burkeybile provided music and kept the evening fun. The FFDD friends collected money in their backpacks and, at the end of the night, were able to give two nice donations to two community groups that benefit families in the community. Some of FFDD friends were able to benefit from services like Backpack Buddies and Bright Futures when they were younger. Many of them understand the importance of giving back and helping when they can. They were also able to see firsthand how giving back benefits others. The FFDD group was asked to help prepare school supplies for the Back-to-School night through Bright Futures; they were able to fill bags with needed supplies and see how their donation of time and effort is a true benefit. While planning for upcoming events for 2022, FFDD participants all agreed they wanted to do the walk again. This year they brainstormed other ways to promote the fundraiser, which included an open line on

FFDD Members Visit Grundy County EMS Facility KTTN, placing flyers throughout the community, and taking flyers to their churches to share with their church families. The Walk Against Hunger is a fundraiser that they are very proud of and take pride in helping out. In 2021 and again in 2022, FFDD volunteered their time at the local ball fields running a concession stand. Kayla spoke with Green Hills Recreational Association about helping and agreed to a specific night each week they would help. FFDD friends and volunteers ran the concession stand, providing customer service, money handling, taking orders, and working together as a team. FFDD friends enjoyed visFFDD Members Work at Hope Haven iting with customers and really enjoyed watching the ballgames that were taking place. “It is essential for our FFDD friends to be a part of and enjoy working with others in the community where they live,” said Kayla. “They all have such big hearts and unlimited abilities when given the opportunity to be part of something bigger.” FFDD also supports Camp Rainbow which provides opportunities for FFDD friends to have a camping experience. They can meet other individuals with developmental disabilities and support staff provide a wonderful FFDD Members and Sponsors Attend a Mudcats Game recreational experience. FFDD also transports individuals to In- the years continues to guide and the community of all ages. As the dian Creek for therapeutic horse- structure services for individuals years pass, FFDD has several back riding in the spring and fall. with developmental disabilities, aging individuals within the comFFDD continues to offer and everything from the facility that munity who need additional supsupport more and more activities provides housing for individuals port or guidance. FFDD would within the community. Activities with developmental disabilities to like to continue to be that support are provided locally, such as team employment opportunities. and help with networking along building night, Bingo, Supper Shelter workshops have changed the way. Kayla said, “the organiClub, swimming, picnics, fishing and have been restructured zation has grown significantly with the Missouri Conservation, throughout the state over time. over the past three years, and I Make It and Take It, and cooking Fortunately, there is a shelter would love to see it grow even classes, to name a few. They workshop-Hope Haven that is more. I receive a lot of inforhave also been able to take some only 24 miles from Trenton. This mation from webinars, confertrips outside the city limits, such is an excellent opportunity for ences, Missouri Association of as Bowling in Chillicothe, Kansas Grundy County residents to County Developmental DisabilCity to Steamboat Arabia, Crown maintain employment using their ities Services, and information Center, and Kansas City Royals. skills and abilities. The com- from other Senate Bill 40 in the The out-of-town activities give munity continues to be supportive state. This information allows them opportunities outside of in providing employment oppor- FFDD to remain current on what their small community to learn tunities that meet different skill happens within the state that new skills, adjust to larger sur- levels. This gives individuals could affect FFDD and, most imroundings, time management, and with developmental disabilities portantly, individuals with devela lot of budgeting. Participants opportunities to earn a wage, use opmental disabilities.” are a big part of the planning pro- their skills, and, most importantly, Kayla said, “I am always lookcess for the events and give feed- contribute to the town where they ing for opportunities within the back on what they want to do. reside. The Grundy County Op- community where our group can FFDD continues to grow each portunity center was another local volunteer, experience new enyear and invites new friends to facility providing work for indi- counters, and continue to build activities when available. FFDD viduals. Unfortunately, the relationships with those living in has changed and adapted to each Grundy County Opportunity their community. I would like for situation that has come along. Center is no longer in business, FFDD to be a familiar name that Networking, keeping up on cur- which has left a handful of indi- people recognize and refer to rent local, state, and federal re- viduals without work to this day. when needed.” For more inforquirements, and most of all, Others have been able to find vol- mation about Friends and Family adapting have been a huge part of unteer sites, part-time employ- of the Developmentally Disabled, FFDD’s success so far. ment, or decided to retire. or how you can contribute, conOver the years, there have FFDD would like to continue tact Kayla Graham at 660-359been a lot of changes to FFDD. to be a support to individuals with 3285 or visit the FFDD page on Legislation that has passed over developmental disabilities within Facebook.

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THURSDAY, JULY 21, 2022 • PAGE 7


D ear Annie

THE Daily Commuter Puzzle by Jacqueline E. Mathews ACROSS 1 One of the Kennedys 5 Fifty percent 9 __ known as; aka 13 Remove the lid from 15 “__ my dead body!” 16 Null’s partner, in phrase 17 Supermarket 18 Try to work it out 20 Weather word 21 Expert 23 Humiliates 24 Frolic about 26 Wee one

27 Haul; transport 29 Woe 32 Change a little 33 LAX arrival 35 Mom’s dinner table advice 37 Aegean & Adriatic 38 Hang on tightly 39 Show boldness 40 Tree secretion 41 Eat away at 42 Winnie-thePooh’s creator 43 Required 45 Hug 46 By way of 47 At all __; no matter what 48 Far from

lenient 51 Make a selection 52 Place for three nursery rhyme men 55 Down-to-earth 58 Clear the board 60 Bee, to Andy 61 Cast a ballot 62 Ceremonies 63 Team at NY’s Citi Field 64 Alimony recipients 65 Yellow Muppet DOWN 1 Go quickly 2 Not fooled by

Created by Jacqueline E. Mathews

Written by Annie Lane

Send your questions for Annie Lane to To find out more about Annie Lane, visit the Creators Syndicate website at

©2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved.

3 Sticky strip 4 In one __ and out the other 5 Show respect for 6 Ventnor or Virginia, in Monopoly: abbr. 7 Piece of turkey 8 Cake coating 9 Fly a plane 10 Sandy soil 11 Web designer’s creation 12 Anthology selections 14 Jalapeño or cayenne 19 “All __ in favor, say ‘Aye’” 22 Elected official: abbr. 25 Thirst quenchers 27 Insolent talk 28 Spotless 29 Lion’s hair 30 Land & the


structures on it 31 Tales 33 Walk with heavy steps 34 Tupperware top 36 Golf shop purchase 38 Artistic 39 Earthworm’s milieu 41 Official decree 42 Get the hang of 44 Kicks out 45 Lawman 47 Nat & Natalie 48 Canned meat 49 Accurate 50 Carry on 53 __-friendly; easy to learn 54 “Father Knows __” 56 Wally or Courteney 57 Suffix for medic or fabric 59 Tease


The Daily Commuter Puzzle is Sponsored by Sunnyview Nursing Home and Apartments, 1311 E. 28th St., Trenton, MO 660-359-5647

Dear Annie: Last weekend, my beloved sister died from Alzheimer's after a very long, difficult and painful decline. I was her sole caretaker for the past three years because my other sisters live too far away to help. I was with my sister up until the moment she died, working with hospice to try to make it easier for her and communicating her passing to my other sisters, who also loved her very much. Now my other sisters and I have decided we would like to hold a memorial service for her back in our hometown, where her ashes can be buried with my parents. However, one of my other sisters and I differ on the timing, and we have gotten into a horrible fight over it. She wants to wait a full year to have a service on my sister's birthday on


by Jim Davis

Alley Oop® by Joey Alison Sayers and Jonathan Lemon


S&P 500


Dow Jones industrials


Close: 3,830.85 Change: -32.31 (-0.8%)


Close: 31,072.61 Change: -215.65 (-0.7%)















StocksRecap Vol. (in mil.) Pvs. Volume Advanced Declined New Highs New Lows

Shoe® by Jeff MacNelly

June 25, 2023, because it's easier and less expensive for her family to attend. I think that's too late. I think people, including her dear friends back in our home state, will have moved on by then. I think people will wonder why we haven't done anything for her. Plus, I have been grieving her for three years, as she lost the ability to talk and walk and then finally ceased recognizing me, and I need closure. I have told my sister I am open to having the service anytime in the next six months, and I can help pay her airfare if she can't afford a ticket right now. I think her position is unreasonable. -Still Grieving Dear Still Grieving: I agree. She is being unreasonable. After a long and painful three years, you especially -- as well as the rest of your family -- de-




serve closure in order to honor your sister's memory. You have been the caretaker, and you make many good points about why you need a memorial soon. However, I would suggest that you try to accommodate your other sister by having two ceremonies. Plan a service now, for sure, and then work with her to plan a memorial on June 25, 2023, honoring her birthday and the oneyear anniversary of her passing. Point out to your sister that the memorial a year from now is something you can work together in planning and organizing, so you both make sure that this issue doesn't drive a wedge between you and your sisters; you need one another now more than ever. "How Can I Forgive My Cheating Partner?" is out now! Visit for more information. Send your questions for Annie Lane to



3,752 3,894 1286 1167 15 21

4,620 4,037 1626 1827 23 64



DOW DOW Trans. DOW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000

J HIGH 31,644.68 13,485.62 961.89 14,629.00 11,629.03 3,902.44 2,337.03 38,857.56 1,772.80



LOW 30,982.97 13,243.31 949.44 14,376.88 11,322.84 3,818.63 2,294.05 38,032.24 1,734.22




CLOSE 31,072.61 13,281.41 949.77 14,403.18 11,360.05 3,830.85 2,298.94 38,146.36 1,738.42



CHG. -215.65 +69.20 -13.39 -46.49 -92.37 -32.31 -4.74 -264.95 -5.95

%CHG. -0.69% +0.52% -1.39% -0.32% -0.81% -0.84% -0.21% -0.69% -0.34%

M WK t s t t t t s t s

J MO QTR s t s t s t s t s t s t s t s t s t

J YTD -14.49% -19.40% -3.16% -16.09% -27.39% -19.62% -19.11% -21.28% -22.58%

SEC action could aid shareholders

From January through June this year, shareholders submitted 868 proposals involving U.S. companies, up from 802 in the same period last year, according to the law firm Gibson Dunn. Companies often mount cases against shareholder proposals and fight them in court. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the leading business lobby, complained that the new SEC action shows that the agency “is pursuing a politically motivated agenda that endangers the competitiveness of our public capital markets.” The chamber said it will consider going to court to block it.

Shareholders who would like to influence the behavior of corporations on issues ranging from executive pay to political spending to gender discrimination may find it easier to do so. The Securities and Exchange Commission has proposed changes that would strengthen the influence of individuals, public pension funds and social investment funds. And it eased some requirements for proxy advice firms to issue voting recommendations to shareholders. During the Trump administration, some changes by the SEC had made it harder for investors to influence companies.

Leading subjects and numbers of shareholder proposals submitted regarding U.S. companies* Social (includes diversity, anti-discrimination) Corporate governance Environmental (includes climate change)

For Better or For Worse® by Lynn Johnson

2021 2022

Political engagement Executive compensation (includes political donations and lobbying spending) 0 Source: Gibson Dunn law firm

The Born Loser® by Art and Chip Sansom

Frank & Ernest® by Bob Thaves



*data from January 1 through June 1





Marcy Gordon; Alex Nieves • AP

3.00 3.40 3.50

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The Republican-Times business office hours are Monday thru Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (closed from 12-1 p.m. for lunch) and Friday, 9:00 a.m. to Noon. The office will be closed on Saturdays. Republican-Times 122 E. 8th St. 359-2212 Fax: 660-359-4414 -------------------------------------*SEAMLESS GUTTERING* We are ready to replace your old gutters with new seamless aluminum gutters! MOORE’S CONSTRUCTION & WOODWORK, INC. 359-5477. 52 Years Experience. Tdtf -------------------------------------WANTED!! Used & Abused Cars & Trucks. Highest prices paid! You Call - We Come Get It! FRONTIER AUTO & TRUCK PARTS (formerly Jim’s Auto Salvage) 145 Hwy. W., Trenton, 3593888. Tdtf -------------------------------------PIANO TUNING SERVICE – Taking out the wrong note since 1988. I am discontinuing piano tuning in Missouri. If you would like me to tune your piano one more time, or if this is your first time, please contact me by September 30, 2022. Keith Sarver 660-425-2547. Like Us on Facebook! dtf -------------------------------------Call MIDWEST MECHANICAL & rely on comfort. 800-425-0976 or 485-6611, Brian S. Israel, owner. For your heating & cooling needs. All Tax Credits & Rebates available! Geostar Geothermal Heat Pumps. Over 25 years experience. Tdtf -------------------------------------Carquest Auto Parts T & L Auto Supply, Inc., 1823 East 9th, Trenton, 3592268, Monday-Friday, 7-5, Saturday, 7:30-12. Tdtf -------------------------------------JAMESPORT LUMBER Full Service Lumberyard. We also sell Trusses/metal/ rebar/concrete blocks. New Hardware Department • Gift Certificates and Delivery Available • Free Estimates. 32089 St. Hwy 6, Jamesport, 660-684-6404 TAug4 -------------------------------------Willing Workers LLP Do you need your siding or roof replaced? Give Willing Workers a call today for a FREE estimate... 660-9735694, John Kramer, 17594 St. Hwy. 190, Jamesport, MO 64648 TAug4 --------------------------------------

Cox Family Dentistry, P.C. Andrew P. Cox, D.D.S. 1011 Cedar St., Trenton. 660-359-6889 or 660-3596993. Tdtf -------------------------------------RED BARN MINI STORAGE, across from the new hospital. 5 Unit sizes available, prices starting at $19 per month. Call Mike or Jane Cooksey 359-1069 or 3597683. Tdtf -------------------------------------PAGE TREE SERVICE Jeff Page 359-3699–shop, 359-2202–home. Serving the entire Green Hills Area! Specializing in tree trimming, stump grinding & complete removal. 60’ bucket truck, chipper & stump grinder. Licensed & insured. Free Estimates! Tdtf -------------------------------------LAUHOFF JEWELRY Downtown Chillicothe 620 Washington St. Open Monday-Friday 9:00-5:30, Saturday 9:00-1:00. 660646-3504 TJul28 -------------------------------------Mid-States Services is now offering: Fiber Optic installs in rural Trenton! MidStates will STILL WAIVE the $150 installation free for those who sign up NOW! Sign up TODAY by calling 660-359-2045 or at 4100 Oklahoma Ave., Trenton, MO 64683. Tdtf -------------------------------------H & S CONTRACTING Remodeling, room additions, garages & decks and pole barns * New homes & basements w/ICF forms * Wall replacement under homes, repair cracks & bowed walls * Leveling, waterproofing * Backhoe & Bobcat work * New water & sewer lines. Kale Hoerrmann - Owner, 30 years experience – 660953-0724. TJul28 -------------------------------------JAMESPORT BUILDERS, 660-684-6931, 32137 State Hwy 6, Jamesport. POLE BARNS – GARAGES, Spray foam insulation. TAug4 -------------------------------------BUY - SELL - TRADE BIG NASTY'S GUNS & AMMO - Stop in and see us at our New Location - 1515 E. 9th Street, Trenton, MO. Nathan Rorebeck, 660-6350469, TJul28 --------------------------------------


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Pond building supplies. Roll plastic pipe, 100 lb. & 160 lb. PSI. Pond shut-off & stock tank valves, hydrants. Trenton Hardware, 901 Main, 359-3660. 8/11 -------------------------------------Vangaurd 300 Weatherby Mag on BlackHawk Axion stock. 3x9x50 scope. 171 Rounds of Ammunition. $1,100 Call 816-343-5577 7/28 --------------------------------------



Shelter Insurance – Cale Gondringer 1601 E 9th St., Suite D. 660-359-4100. LIFE * HOME * AUTO * FARM * BUSINESS. We’re your shield. We’re your shelter. Tdtf -------------------------------------HELTON INSURANCE SOLUTIONS - Williams Shopping Center, Trenton, MO. New To Medicare or Want To Compare Pricing ... Call Brian McDaniel 816289-1935 Or Leah Helton 660-359-3806 or 660-6350537 "Our Quality Of Service Is What Makes Us Different" Tdtf --------------------------------------

The Republican-Times business office hours are Monday thru Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (closed from 12-1 p.m. for lunch) and Friday, 9:00 a.m. to Noon. The office will be closed on Saturdays.


*WANTED* FARM GROUND TO LEASE! Competitive Rates AARON LANDES, 660-358-2682 L905tf -------------------------------------See Consumer Oil & Supply for your One Stop Shop for Muck and Lacrosse boots and gloves. Consumer Oil & Supply, 614 Harris Ave., 359-2258 C361dtf -------------------------------------CRP/Pasture Clearing All types of Skid Loader Work. Call Gabe Buzzard, Trenton, MO. 816-678-3918 Bdtf --------------------------------------


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Sunnyview Apartments is taking applications for single & double apartments. Sunnyview is a residential care facility for the elderly. We provide qualified staff to administer medications, provide three meals a day and offer minimal assistance with the activities of daily living. Now accepting Medicaid. For more information contact Cassandra Brewer at 660359-5647. S553dtf --------------------------------------


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RUMMAGE SALE ReMeMBeR...... * DeaDLIne * For Advertising is

FoR the newspapeR: 4 p.m. the Monday before.

FoR the weekLy, * DeaDLIne * Is 4 P.m. THURSDAY THE WEEK BEFORE.

ll d b d -------------------------------------Linda Brooks 122 Lakeview Dr Plattsburg, MO 64477 816-718-2809 -------------------------------------Indoor Garage Sale at Good Shepherd Catholic Church, 1601 N Hwy 169 Hwy, Smithville, MO 64089. Thursday July 21 and Fri July 22nd, 8 am - 6:30 pm; Saturday, July 23, 8 am - 11 am -------------------------------------Large Multi-family basement sale: Friday July 22nd 10 a.m.-4p.m., Saturday July 23rd 7 a.m.-1 p.m. 815 East 18th St. N. of First Christian Church: 100's of name brand clothing 50 cents and up, Jr./Misses/Womens XS-XL, bras, swimsuits, shoes, purses; men's S-XXXL; Girls 3-18, boys 4-16; kitchen items, 205/60r15 tires, wood doors, countertop display case, tables of misc., still cleaning out. Held regardless of weather, Jincks 7/21 -------------------------------------Garage Sale Saturday, July 23, 8:00-? 1300 E. 13th St., Trenton. Furniture, tools, 10-speed bicycle, amplifier, computer monitor with keyboard, 4ft by 3ft mirror. 7/21 --------------------------------------


Trenton R-IX is now taking applications for the following positions for the 2022-2023 school year: • Substitute Teachers and Paras • Substitute Cooks • Substitute Custodians • Substitute Nurses Please come by the district office at 1607 Normal Street, Trenton, MO 64683 during normal business hours to pick up a packet. 8am-4pm TdJul28 -------------------------------------The City of Gallatin is hiring a Laborer/Equipment Operator in the Street Department. Starting hourly wage of $15.00 or higher depending on experience. The City of Gallatin provides health insurance, life insurance, paid time off, and Lagers Retirement. Must be at least 18 years of age. Please contact City Hall for additional information 112 E Grand Street, Gallatin, MO 64640 (660) 663-2011. d7/21 -------------------------------------Sunnyview Nursing Home has job openings available for the following positions: RN, LPN, CNA, Dietary and Level I Medication Aide. Please fill out a job application at 1311 East 28th Street, Trenton, MO 64683. E.O.E. S415dtf -------------------------------------The North 65 Center is seeking a full-time cook. Experience preferred. Heavy lifting and ability to stand for long periods of time required. Work is M-F, no weekends or nights, 10 pd holidays per calendar year. Applications @ 2901 Hoover Dr, accepted until position is filled. Call 660-359-3028 for more info. 7/21 --------------------------------------

Franklin Township Board will hold a tax rate hearing Thursday, August 18 at 7:00 p.m. at Margaret Chapman’s home, 140 NW 125th St., Spickard, MO 64679. Regular board meeting to follow. dJul21 -------------------------------------Spickard Fire Protectioin District Board will hold a tax rate hearing August 9 at 7:00 p.m. at Spickard Fire Station. Regular board meeting will follow. dJul21 -------------------------------------TAX HEARING NOTICE Grundy County Nursing Home District will hold its tax levy during the regular meeting of the Grundy County Nursing Home District Board of Directors meeting on Tuesday, August 16, 2022. The hearing will be held in the Administrator’s office of Sunnyview Nursing Home at 4:00 p.m. The District is proposing a tax of $ .15 on the $100 assessed valuation. The proposed rate is the same as the previous year. dJul21 -------------------------------------ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The City of Princeton Missouri--Ball Field Relocation Project Separate sealed bids for the construction of new ball fields will be received by the City of Princeton at the Office of City Hall until July 27, 2022 at One o’clock PM, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. The following separate bid packages will be available at the City Hall – 507 W Main St. Princeton, MO 64673. Phone #: 660-7484375 • Fencing & Backstop Materials Only Bid The owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids. Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed

and State Prevailing wage rates to be paid under the contract, Segregated Facility, Section 109, and E.O. 11246. MBE, WBE and Section 3-DBE bidders are encouraged to bid. The City of Princeton hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, businesses owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, ancestry or national origin in consideration for an award. Federal Land and Water Conservation Funds are being used in this project, and all relevant federal, state, and local requirements apply. No bidder may withdraw his bid within Three days after the actual date of the opening thereof. “EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER” dJul21 -------------------------------------REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS for PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES for WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT The City of Trenton, Missouri requests qualifications for professional engineering services for a Water Main Replacement project; including, but not limited to, surveying, reports, studies, design, easement preparation, permitting, bidding, construction administration and observation and final closeout. Responses should be submitted no later than 2pm, August 19, 2022, to City Hall, 1100 Main St., Trenton, MO 64683. For more information contact Ron Urton PE, City Administrator/Utility Director at: City Hall, Ph: 660/3592283 or email: dJul21 --------------------------------------

IN THE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, GRUNDY COUNTY, MISSOURI PROBATE DIVISION Case No. 22AG-PR00027 In the Estate of NORMAN EUDEAN SAGER, Decedent. Notice of Hearing-Determination of Heirship To: All unknown heirs of the decedent and all persons known or believed to claim any interest in the property outlined below as an heir or through an heir of the decedent. You are hereby notified that you are entitled to appear and be heard at a hearing to be held on July 28, 2022, at 02:00 PM in the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Grundy County, 700 MAIN STREET, TRENTON, MO 64683, on a petition to determine the heirs of the abovenamed decedent, who died on 02-05-2021, and their respective interests as heirs in the following described property. Should you fail to appear, judgment and decree may be entered in due course upon said Petition. Description of Property Value Real Property (Including Legal Description) NONE $0 Personal Property The Hartford Small Cap Growth FD-A $22,613.64 The Hartford High Yield Fund-A $2,828.61 The Hartford Growth Opportunities FD-A $76,121.38 US Series E Savings Bonds $702.30 2021 Estimated Federal and State Income Tax Refunds $5,800.00 Petitioner's attorney is MICHAEL DEAN ARNOLD, whose business address is 109 E. JACKSON STREET, GALLATIN, MO 64640. First Date of Publication: June 30, 2022. /s/ Jill Eaton, Clerk dJun30,Jul7,14,21

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CLASSIFIEDS REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS for PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES for SEWER MAIN and LIFT STATION REPLACEMENT The City of Trenton, Missouri requests qualifications for professional engineering services for Sewer Main and Lift Station Replacement project; including, but not limited to, surveying, reports, studies, design, easement preparation, permitting, bidding, construction administration and observation and final closeout. Responses should be submitted no later than 2pm, August 19, 2022, to City Hall, 1100 Main St., Trenton, MO 64683. For more information contact Ron Urton PE, City Administrator/Utility Director at: City Hall, Ph: 660/3592283 or email: dJul21 -------------------------------------SouthLaw, P.C. 13160 Foster Suite 100 Overland Park, KS 66213-2848 (913) 663-7600 File No. 234356 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE For default in the payment of debt secured by a deed of trust executed by Rona L Eads, dated February 29, 2016, and recorded on March 4, 2016, Document No. 16LR0245, in Book No. 642, at Page 537 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, Grundy County, Missouri, the undersigned Successor Trustee will on August 9, 2022, at 11:00 AM, at the


tions, covenants and encumbrances now of record, if any, to satisfy the debt and costs. SouthLaw, P.C. Successor Trustee First Publication: July 14, 2022. For more information, visit www.southlaw. com NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose (Casefile No. 234356977655). dJul14,21,28,Aug4 -------------------------------------TRUSTEE’S SALE IN RE: Bruce E Metsinger, married man Trustee’s Sale: For default in payment of debt and performance of obligation secured by Deed of Trust executed by Bruce E Metsinger, married man dated August 9, 2021 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Grundy County, Missouri in Book 681, Page 659 the undersigned Successor Trustee, at the request of the legal holder of said Note will on Monday, August 1, 2022 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., (at the specific time of 4:55 PM), at the West Front Door of the Court House, City of Trenton,

County of Grundy, State of Missouri, sell at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, described in said Deed of Trust, and situated in Grundy County, State of Missouri, to wit: TRACT 1 ALL OF LOT ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-TWO (122), UNIT IV, OF LEISURE LAKE SUBDIVISION IN GRUNDY COUNTY, MISSOURI TRACT 2 ALL OF LOTS ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (120) AND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-ONE (121), UNIT IV, OF LEISURE LAKE SUBDIVISION, IN GRUNDY COUNTY, MISSOURI. ALL OF LOTS ONE HUNDRED SIXTEEN (116), ONE HUNDRED SEVENTEEN (117), ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEEN (118) AND ONE HUNDRED NINETEEN (119), UNIT IV OF LEISURE LAKE SUBDIVISION IN GRUNDY COUNTY MISSOURI. TRACT 4 ALL OF LOT ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-TWO (172), UNIT IV, OF LEISURE LAKE SUBDIVISION, IN GRUNDY COUNTY, MISSOURI. to satisfy said debt and cost. MILLSAP & SINGER, P.C., Successor Trustee 612 Spirit Drive St. Louis, MO 63005 (636) 537-0110 File No: 208581.080122.422762 FC

NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. dJul7,14,21,28 -------------------------------------NOTICE OF LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION GRANTED (Sec. 473.033 RSMo.) STATE OF MISSOURI ) )ss. COUNTY OF GRUNDY) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF GRUNDY COUNTY, MISSOURI PROBATE DIVISION In the Estate of RYAN DEAN KINCADE, Deceased. Estate No. 22AG-PR00031 To all persons interested in the estate of Ryan Dean Kincade, Deceased On the 28th day of June, 2022, Martin E. Little was appointed the Personal Representative of the Estate of Ryan Dean Kincade, Decedent, by the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Grundy County, Missouri. The business address of Martin E. Little, 401 E. 7th Street, Trenton, Missouri 64683, and his attorney is Tara L. Walker of the law firm of TLWalker Law, LLC, P.O. Box 457, 605 E. 9th Street, Trenton, MO 64683. All creditors of said dece-

dent are notified to file claims in the probate division of this court within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice or if a copy of this notice was mailed to, or served upon, such creditor by the personal representative, then within two months from the date it was mailed or served, whichever is later, or be forever barred to the fullest extent permissible by law. Such six-month period and such two-month period do not extend the limitation period that would bar claims one year after the decedent's death, as provided in Section 473.444, RSMo, or any other applicable limitation periods. Nothing in Section 473.033, RSMo, shall be construed to bar any action against a decedent's liability insurance carrier through a defendant ad litem pursuant to section 537.021, RSMo. Receipt of this notice by mail should not be construed by the recipient to indicate that he or she necessarily has a beneficial interest in the estate. The nature and extent of any person's interest, if any, can be determined from the files and records of this estate in the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Grundy County, Missouri. Date of Decedent’s death was January 19, 2022. Date of first publication of this notice is July 7, 2022. /s/ Jill Eaton, Clerk, Probate Division of the Court of Grundy County, Missouri dJul7,14,21,28 --------------------------------------


T&L Auto Supply, Inc. 1823 East 9th Street Trenton


MondayFriday 7 a.m. 6 p.m. Saturday 7:30 a.m. 12 p.m.

Serving the community since 1977! 70 Hwy. Y Trenton 359-5966 1-800-471-5966

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Although we’ve had a recent cool spell, for the most part it has really been a hot summer with most of the two hottest months occurring right now. During some of the hottest days I had the opportunity to drive by the Trenton Family Aquatic Center and see the large crowds of swimmers taking advantage of the cooling water recreation which it offers. I haven’t seen any attendance figures for this year, but it seems to me that there are more people using it than in the last few years. Several pools in the area were unable to open this summer because of a shortage of available lifeguards and that has undoubtedly helped attendance at the TFAC. It also helps bring people into the community to spend money at local businesses, which is good for us. Thank you to the members of the Trenton Park Board for being able to secure enough lifeguards to keep the TFAC open this long, hot summer. It’s good for Trenton and the surrounding area. ****************************************** As everyone knows, gas prices are at an alltime record high. I have read several articles about it recently, but one in particular made some really good points. Because of the open market, no government, company, or person is really able to set the price of gas. The biggest factor in the price of gas, of course, is the price of crude oil. That price has been on a tear for over a year now, almost double from what it was a year ago. The price collapsed during the recession caused by Covid-19 which caused OPEC and many energy companies to make cuts to the supply. Since then, demand has come roaring back and the economy sprung back to life, but oil output has been slower to recover. Many refineries closed during the slump of the pandemic which means bigger profit margins for those that remain, now that demand is so strong. It’s easy to point the finger of blame at the oil companies, but it really is a case of supply and demand. And until the supply increases or the demand lessens, we’re going to have high gas prices. ****************************************** The biggest piece of fake news going around today is that inflation is running from 7 to 8 percent. There are three factors combining to create a great opportunity for a recession, or worse: 1) Inflation is out of control and there is no real end in sight. 2) Interest rates will have to be raised higher and more often in order to combat inflation. 3) China’s zero-tolerance policy with Covid19 has kept hundreds of millions of Chinese workers at home and off their jobs. They were unable to make the goods that we need in order to keep our economy running. The effect of not having those goods will become apparent in the next six months and it will determine what happens next to our economy.

“Highlights With Hegeman”

Helping Families in Time of Crisis

Dan Hegeman Senator We are still learning lessons from the COVID19 pandemic. In life, part of learning includes how not to do things. Sometimes, learning from one’s mistakes can be the best way to learn how to move forward. House Bill 2116 was signed into law on June 30. This legislation is

better-known as the “No Patient Left Behind Act.” This new law allows patients or residents in licensed health care facilities to have in-person contact with a compassionate care visitor throughout the duration of their stay. We saw a lot of hospitals restrict visitors over the past two years, especially during the first year of the pandemic. Unfortunately, this meant loved ones being forbidden from seeing someone a final time before their death. The COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating for those with loved ones in nursing homes and hospitals who have had to suffer through their

ailments by themselves. In signing this bill, the governor has committed to helping the Legislature further-protect patients’ rights and ensure they always have the support they need. This new law also permits compassionate care visitations to help meet the physical, emotional, mental and social needs of the resident or patient in the health care facility. The Missouri General Assembly had to walk a fine line to craft this legislation. Hospitals and nursing homes need to be able to accomplish their regular tasks without hindrance. At the same time, a lot of us in the Legislature heard from our con-

stituents, who told us to eliminate the barriers that kept them from being with loved ones during difficult times. I believe HB 2116 struck the necessary balance that gives health care facilities the flexibility they need while allowing people the freedom they need to move through their lives, in bad times as well as good. As always, please feel free to call, email or write with your ideas or concerns. My Capitol office number is (573) 7511415, my email is .gov and my mailing address is Room 332, State Capitol Building, Jefferson City, MO 65101.

Trenton City Council Meets 2nd & 4th Monday of Every Month - 7 p.m. 1101 Main St. • 660-359-2013 • 660-359-4310 • Mayor Linda Crooks First Ward Lance Otto Glen Briggs

City Administrator/Utility Director Ron Urton Second Ward Danny Brewer Marvin Humphreys

Third Ward Robert Romesburg David Mlika

City Clerk Cindy Simpson Fourth Ward Duane Urich John Dolan




260 Russell Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-5721

B40A Dirksen Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-6154 E-Mail:

1135 Longworth House Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: 202-225-7041 E-mail:



Room 332 201 W. Capitol Ave. Jefferson City, MO 65101 Phone: 573-751-1415 E-Mail:

Room 115C State Capitol Bldg 201 W. Capitol Ave. Jefferson City, MO 65101 Phone: 573-751-2917 E-Mail:

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THURSDAY, JULY 21, 2022 • PAGE 11


Coffee With a Cop Held July 14

R-T Photos/Amy Morton

The Trenton Police Department held their “Coffee With a Cop” on Thursday, July 14 at Java & Hooch. Officer Bryan Roberts, Animal Control Officer Les Spickard, Sgt. Keith Edmonston and Police Chief Rex Ross (pictured at left, from left) met with area residents to answer questions about the department, special programs and general law enforcement information. At top, Sgt. Keith Edmonston took time to answer questions and take a “cool picture” with one of the youngest in attendance.

Gallatin City Council Accepts Bids and Ordinances The Gallatin City Council met on July 11 at the GIDA board room. Those present were: Mayor Barbara Ballew, Board President Dan McCann, Aldermen Dan Lockridge, Carl McBee, Steven Evans, City Administrator Lance Rains, City Clerk Hattie Rains, Public Works Director Mark Morey, Police Chaplain Austin Bonnett and Brock Goehl with DA Davidson. Mayor Ballew called the meeting to order, minutes, accounts payable and transfers were approved. Brock Goehl with DA Davidson presented a grant match funding option for street project. The lease purchase agreement would be with Farmers Bank and Trust in the amount of $508,000 at an interest rate of 3.379 percent for 4.5 years. The board wanted more time to consider a longer term thus reduc

We are ready to replace your old gutters with new seamless aluminum gutters!




ing the annual payment for the city. The board is considering a contract with the Daviess County Sheriffs Department for police coverage within the city limits of Gallatin. The board has requested Rains to contact the Daviess County Sheriffs Office to discuss the likelihood of code/ordinance violation enforcement within the city. He will also contact Green Hills RPC about ordinance enforcement options. Public Works Director Mark Morey announced the street department plans to do chip and seal work in the next couple of weeks. The electric department had two power outages caused from a blown transformer and a fuse that blew in the same area. Morey highlighted to the board again the need for the sewer plant aeration basin to be up-

graded mechanically. Crews are installing one of the old blowers with no guarantee of how long it will work. The board agreed for Morey to start collecting bids for blowers and remodeling bids for the old fire station particularly for the ceiling replacement. In old business, Rains requested input if the board was interested in listing the Cupola Building for sale by local real estate agents. The board requested Rains to research a possible funding souce for the remaining roof repairs of the building. No decision was made on listing the property for sale. In new business, the board reviewed and approved the 2022 Semi-Annual Financial Review. Bills and ordinances were presented and approved. Bid openings for engineers for the lead/copper survey and

wastewater grants were opened. Allstate Consultants were approved for both as they are familiar with Gallatin and the wastewater system. Allan Lunsford submitted his resignation letter from the Planning and Zoning board. Mayor Ballew thanked Allan for his 26 years of services on the board. Any residents interested in possibly being on the Planning and Zoning board may contact City Hall. The board decided to stop the transfer of the Sales and Use Tax to the Sales Tax savings account at this time. Rains will be sending in the three separate grant applications. The Lead/Copper Survey grant application is for $202,200. The Wastewater Grant application for $3,033,000 is to help sleave the current wastewater collection system which will reduce the

infiltration of rainwater into wastewater and help Gallatin comply with the MoDNR regulations. The Water Grant application for $5,055,000 will be used to replace original water lines installed in the late 1890’s as well as problematic lines. It will help with water loss, overtime spent on water leaks, increase fire protection ratings and replace antique main valves. The total project costs for all three is $8,290,200. If successful for all three applications MoDNR ARPA will be providing $8,200,000 and Gallatin’s cash match would be $90,200. Mayor Ballew thanked the board on behalf of the Davies County Nursing Home for the approval of the special use permit for the fireworks display. The next regular meeting is scheduled for July 25.


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Professional, Personalized Grooming APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE MONDAY - SATURDAY 35 years of experience! Serving the Green Hills Area Since 1996!

Green Hills Animal Shelter

Thank You!

359-2700 • 3041 E. 10th • Trenton, MO

After 54 years of driving the school bus for Grundy R-5, I have retired. Thanks to each and every one who sent a card or dropped by the Darrel Cunningham Bus Barn to wish me well. Thank you to the Administrators and School Board Members for your support and a special thank you to Mr. Fox and Shelly Searcy for the nice reception.

Best Wishes, Darrel Cunningham

RUSSELL LIVESTOCK MARKET 31683 US Hwy. 34, Russell, IA 50238 • Barn Phone (641) 535-6065 Weigh Cows - 10:00 am • Feeders - 11:00 am


MOnday, JUly 25, 2022


MOnday, aUGUST 1, 2022 BARN WILL BE OPEN SUNDAYS 8 AM - 8 PM WATCH OUR AUCTION LIVE @ Visit • Barn: (641) 535-6065 Owners: Tony & Meshara Ballanger 641-777-3113 - Cell Field Rep: Justen Murphy 641-217-1235 - Cell

Field Rep: Brian Mitchell 515-360-1486 - Cell

Owners: Shawn & Jana Murphy 641-777-0103 - Cell Field Rep: Tim Rinehart 660-425-0991 - Cell

Field Rep: aaron McGee 641-203-3043 - Cell

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NCMC Announces Outstanding Employee for July

Submitted Photo

Veteran employee Brent McClintick has accepted the position of Area Journeyman with Grundy Electric, working out of the Princeton warehouse. McClintick will work alongside Area Supervisor Hunter Boxley. Brent joined Grundy Electric in May of 1993. Working on the Right-of-Way crew, he obtained Journeyman ROW in 1996. In July of 2001 he earned his Journeyman lineman status working on construction. In his free time, Brent enjoys spending time with family, sprint car races, camping, kayaking, and hanging out with his racing friends.

Page Tree Service *)('&%$&#&"! &" (( & &"! * ) &" &"! )$( ( ( %$ •60 ft. Bucket Truck •Chipper & Stump Grinder

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•WANTED• FARM GROUND Competitive Rates to Lease!

•Remodeling, room additions, garages & decks and pole barns •New homes & basement w/ICF forms •Wall replacement under homes, repair cracks & bowed walls •Leveling, waterproofing •Backhoe & Bobcat work •New water & sewer lines

AARON LANDES 660-358-2682

I am discontinuing piano tuning in Missouri. If you would like me to tune your piano one more time, or if this is your first time, please contact me by September 30, 2022. Taking Out The Wrong Note Since 1988 Like us on Facebook @ Keith Sarver Piano Tuning

approachable, and willing to do what it takes to get things done. In the future, Mallary would like students in the rad tech program to have a 100% first attempt pass rate on the national certification examination. She also hopes to offer additional training opportunities for graduates and other Radiologic Technologists in areas such as Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).



Mallary Hann

Kale Hoerrmann, Owner • 30 Years Experience

Keith Sarver

Mallary Hann, Radiologic Technology Program Director and Instructor from St. Joseph, MO, has been selected as North Central Missouri College’s Outstanding Employee for July. Mallary has been employed at NCMC for one year and holds a certificate of completion in Radiologic Technology, a Bachelor of Arts in Health Care Management, and a master’s in education administration. Over the past year, Mallary has worked closely with NCMC administration to launch the Radiologic Technology Program and complete the accreditation self-study report. The first cohort of students began classes in June and will start attending clinicals at local hospitals in August. “I really love the people at NCMC,” said Mallary. “Both the employees and the students. Everyone I’ve met has been so friendly,

Willing Workers LLP

Do you need your siding or roof replaced? Give Willing Workers a call today for a FREE estimate...

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C OX FAMILY D ENTISTRY, P.C. Andrew P. Cox, D..D..S.. 1011 Cedar St., Trenton Office:

359-6889 • 359-6993

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THURSDAY, JULY 21, 2022 • PAGE 13

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PAGE 14 • THURSDAY, JULY 21, 2022 I, Barbara Harris Collector of Revenue within and for Grundy County, Missouri hereby give notice as provided in Chapter 140 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri for 1986, that I shall offer for sale the hereinafter described lots and lands for delinquent taxes on real estate at the front door of the courthouse on the fourth Monday, the 22nd of August 2022, Grundy County Missouri, commencing at 10:00 a.m. on the said day. TRENTON TOWNSHIP 1600 Main St -Bauista Arnulfo, All of lot 19 in Lockhart Addn to the City of Trenton, 2019-318.59, 2020-263.06, 2021-228.43, Total 810.08 824 Custer – Joseph & Mary Cabral, All of the N 40 ft of lot 2 & the S 5 ft of lot 3 in Blk 3 of Fields 2nd add to the city of Trenton Mo, 2019-463.28, 2020-398.08, 2021-344.95, Total 1206.31 932 Laclede St -Erin & Stephanie Carriker, all pt N 1/3 of Blk 14 in Fields 3rd addn to the city of Trenton desc comm NW cor Blk th E 84’th N 66 2/3‘ POB, 2019499.21, 2020-431.63, 2021373.89, total 1304.73 144 E 8th St-Stephen Lavely, all lot 10 & E ½ of lot 11 on blk 13 of the original town now city of Trenton, 2019-420.47, 2020-358.13, 2021-310.46, total 1089.06 140 E 8th St- Misty Miller Smith/Domanich Ratkovich, W ½ of lot 11 & all lot 12 in Blk 13 Town of Trenton, 2019-795.53, 2020-708.17, 2021-612.58, total 2116.28 2324 Princeton Rd – Jeffrey Scott & Tammara Corbin, all of lots 10 THRU 17 in blk 2 of Grossland addn to the city of Trenton, 20191438.78, 2020-1303.76, 2021-1126.82, total 3869.36 1012 Tindall Ave -Brenda Cowan, N 46 of lot 3 in blk 3 in blk 6 of Wiggins-Murphy add to the city of Trenton, 2019-808.26, 2020-720.03, 2021-622.80 total 2151.09 308 W 12th St., Gregory Drew & Patricia J Todd, The E 33 1/3 ft of lot 4 & the W 33 1/3 ft of lot 3 in blk 5 in Merrills 1st addn to the city of Trenton Grundy Co Mo, together with the right to use the 8 ft of the W 33 1/3 ft of lot 2 in blk 5 Merrills 1st addn to the city of Trenton, 2019-819.84, 2020-730.85, 2021-632.12, total 2182.81 712 Harris Ave -Bobbie Dunkin & John Smiley, W 61.5’ of lot 7 blk 19 & the N 20 by 615’ of lot 7, 2019516.54, 2020-447.80, 2021387.85, total 1352.19 1608 Main St – Russell & Thelma Ellis, S 28 Lot 27 & 22 in Lockhart addn to the city of Trenton, 2019653.13, 2020-575.26, 2021 – 497.88, total 1726.27 928 Laclede St., James Ewing, S 34 of W 66.66’ of lot 2 & N 34’ of 66.66’ of lot 3 blk 14 of the Field 3rd add to the city of Trenton, 2019440.17, 2020-376.49, 2021326.31, total 1142.97 1001 Laclede St- Michelle Gardner, lot 5 in blk 6 of Fields 3rd ADDN to the city of Trenton, 2018-195.00, 2019-184.30, 2020-137.75, 2021-120.26, Total 637.73 2113 Mable St -George & Bonnie Gott, all lot 4 blk 5 of Holts 1st addn to the city of Trenton, 2019-316.29, 2020-260.89, 2021-226.55, Total 803.73 1802 Pleasant Plain – Christopher & Ramah Hancock, L 14 in blk 1 of the Lafferty-Wetzler add to city of Trenton, 2019440.17,2020-376.49 -2021326.31, Total 1142.97 728 W 11th St – Priscilla Hertzler, all of the W ½ of lots 3 & 4 in blk 12 of the Wiggins -Murphy addn to the city of Trenton, 201999.83, 2020-58.86, 202152.21, Total 210.90 1721 LULU ST-Vern & Catherine Jenkins, all of the E 150 ft of lots 6&7 in blk 3 in Spitler’s first add to the town now city of Trenton, 2017-509.50, 2018-471.89, 2019-425.13, 2020-362.48,

2021-314.21, Total 2083.12 2415 Webster St -Randy Kitchen, all L 39 thru 44 in blk 3 of the Grossland add to the city of Trenton, 2019224.82, 2020-175.57, 2021152.89, Total 553.28 1312 Gilmore St – Richard Powers – com 115’ N of SW cor of lot 17 of the Merrill Div in part to the city of Trenton th N 105’ th E 90’ th S 105’ th W 90’ to POB, 2019-293.13, 2020-239.29, 2021-207.93, Total 740.35 313 W 15th St –James Lewellen, all of lot 40 in Bolsers addn to the city of Trenton, 2019-471.40, 2020-405.60, 2021-351.51, Total 1228.58 412 E 10th St -Karen Lyons, The E ½ of lots 7 & 8 in blk 5 of Field 3rd addn to the city of Trenton, 2019484.12, 2020-417.55, 2021361.75, Total 1263.42 509 Jackson St – Cody McHargue, all of blk 34 & all of blk 31 exc tract desc as com at a pt on the N line at Jackson St, 2019-1375.47, 2020-1249.41, 2021664.77, total 3289.65 1422 Tindall Ave-Steve & Rebecca Oakleaf-all that part of lot 20, in Merrill’s Division in partition to the city of Trenton Mo desc as com 139 ft S of the NW corner of said lot 20 on the E side of Tindall Ave running TH E 136 ft; TH S 50 ft; TH W 136’; TH N 50’ to the POB, 2018-1050.16, 2019-963.38, 2020-864.81, 2021-747.75, total 3626.10 1418 Tindall St -Steve & Rebecca Oakleaf, com 239’ N of SW cor of lot 20 of Merrill Div th N 60’ th E 136’ th S 60’ th W 136’ to the POB in the city of Trenton, 2019-117.20, 2020-75.10, 2021-66.18, total 258.48 Trenton – Joseph & Debra Perry, The W 50’ of the N 75’ of the E 150’ of lot 6 in Perry NW ext to the city of Trenton, 2019-66.25, 202027.54, 2021-25.18, Total 118.97 1502 Main St. Samantha M. Ratkovich all of lot 1 4 in Lockhart addn, 2019610.31, 2020-535.31, 2021463.38, Total 1609.00 W 5th ST-Dorothy Roberts, all lot 7 in blk 18 of the original town of Trenton, 2017-76.12, 2018-66.41, 2019-75.51, 2020-36.21, 2021-32.65, total 286.90 HARRIS AVE-W.B. Rosson & Viola F Craker, all lot 25 in blk 2 of the Hoffman & Heiman 2nd ADDN to the city of Trenton, 2017107.12, 2018-94.88, 2019100.97, 2020-59.97, 202153.15, total 416.82 1431 Main St -Judy Schlichting, all of lot 10 &the S1/2 of lot 11 in George H Hubbells addn to the city of Trenton, 2019980.73, 2020-881.05, 2021761.75, total 2623.53 1109 Main St – Gerald & Tammy Shaw, all of the S 20 ft of the following desc tract of land to-wit part of lots 2 & 3 blk 7 in Merrills 1st addn to the city of Trenton, desc as com then 10 ft S, 2019-966.81, 2020864.92, 2021-747.99, total 2579.72 503 W 12 St -Ronald Silkwood -all of the E ½ of blk 3 exc N 90’ there of the Wiggin-Murphy add to the city of Trenton, 2019316.29, 2020-260.89, 2021226.55, total 803.73 2510 Main St – Kevin Sizemore & Lori Prescott, all lot 5 N 10’ lot 6 in Holts 5th addn to the city of Trenton, 2019-124.14, 2020-81.59, 2021-71.79, total 277.52 2508 Main St -Kevin Sizemore & Lori Prescott, S 40’ 6 & N 10’ lot 7 in blk 11 of Holts 5th addn to city of Trenton, 2019-319.77, 2020-264.15, 2021-229.36, total 813.28 411 W 12th St -Mathew & Stephanie Snow, pt lot 4 Perrys Cent addn to city of Trenton comm 90’ W of SE cor of lot 4 th N 100’ th W 42’ th 4 17’ th W 38’ th S 117’ the E 80’ POB, 2019176.22, 2020-130.17, 2021113.74, total 420.13 802 E 24th St-Donald K. Swigart, all that PT of the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of sec 16 twp 61 of R24 in the city of Trenton desc as com1017.53 ft S & N 89 degrees 45 min E 468.88 ft from the NW corner of said sec 16 TH N 89 degrees 45 ft E 105 ft TH S 2 degrees 58, 2017 -433.52, 2018401.96, 2019-377.66 2020318.15, 2021-275.98, total 1807.27 13144 W Crowder Ct-Jayna Templeton, S 65 LOT 4 and N 10 LOT 6 in Iceland Lake add to the City of Trenton, 2018-261.87, 2019-255.31, 2020-203.72, 2021-177.51 total 898.41 1905 Carnes St -Mitchell & Michael Parton & Michelle Akins Jtwrs, the N 60 ft of the E ½ of lot 9 in ext of NW addn city of Trenton Grundy Co Mo exc 10 ft off of the W end, Thereof reserved for alley, 2019-449.41, 2020385.13, 2021-333.78, total 1168.32 1423 Chestnut St – Jeffery & Rachel Van Hoozer, all that pt lot 14 Merrills Div in part of the city of Trenton Mo, desc as com 150 ft S of the NE cor of said lot running th S 61 ft to the N line of WW Hubbells addn to the City of Trenton, 2019803.61, 2020-715.73,2021619.07, total 2138.41 506 W Crowder Rd-Lyle K. Wheelbarger, all that pt of lot 19 Merrills Div in part to the city of Trenton com 272 ½’ E of the NW corner th S 239 ½ th E 90’ 10” th N 239 ¼ th W 90’ 10” to POB, 2019-640.39, 2020-487.62, 2021-487.62, Total 1691.41 1415 LULU ST-Darrell & Amanda Williams, all of TH S 169’ of the E 100’ of lot 8 of the Merrill div in part to city of Trenton EXC tract beg 100’ W SE COR said lot 10, 2017-320.93, 2018298.51, 2019-268.80, 2020216.60-, 2021-188.33, total 1293.21 610 W Crowder Rd -John Woodland, all that pt of lot 19 of Merrills Div in partition to the city of Trenton M desc as com at the NW cor of said lot 19 running th E 90 ft 10 inches thence S 155 ft th W 90 ft 10” th N 155 ft to the POB, 2019529.26, 2020-459.70, 2021398.13, total 1387.09 1110 Rural St – John R Woodland, all lots 12 in blk 1 of the Grandview addn to the city of Trenton Grundy co Mo, 2019-407.71, 2020346.25, 2021-300.22, total 1054.18 1103 E 17th St -John Rian Woodland, tract land in NE ¼ of SW ¼ sec 16 in city of Trenton being pt outlot # 32 desc comm pt 37’ E & 100’ S cor said NE ¼ od SW ¼, 2019-2173.41, 20201986.40, 2021-1716.44, total 5876.75 FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP 211 Lincoln St-Johnny R. Archuleta, All L 3, 4, B 4 Spickard 2nd Add to the town of Spickard, 2018722.52, 2019-689.81, 2020578.86, 2021-501.33, total 2492.52 3rd St -Jasen Coonts, all of lots 1 & 2 in blk 9 in Stapps 1st addn to the city of Spickardsville Mo, 201980.13, 2020-39.01, 202135.07, total 154.21 314 S 3rd St, Jasen Coonts, all of lot 3 in blk 9 in Stapps 1st addn to the city of Spickrdsville Mo, 201964.53, 2020-25.18, 202123.13, total 112.84 714 Grant St-Ricky C. & Cheryl L. Crawford, com at a PT 480’ S & 25’ W of the NE COR of NW ¼ of the SW1/4 of sec 22 running TH W 45’ TH S 208.5’ TH 50’ TH N 108.5’ TH W 5’ TH N 100’ to the POB, 201864.44, 2019-74.91, 202034.39, 2021-31.08, total 204.82 409 N 2nd St. -Randall Dell & Earlene Lenz, all of the N ½ of the S ½ of lot 1 blk 6 exc 6” in the original town of Spickard, 2019-111.16, 2020-66.49, 2021-58.83, total 236.48 605 Grant St. -Nathan & Kalinda McCrary, all that pt of the NW ¼ SW ¼ of sec

22 desc as com at a pt 40’ E of the SE cor of blk 9 of Stapps 3rd addn the E 100’ th W 100’ th S 100’, 2019257.31, 2020-195.88, 2021170.57, total 623.76 WILSON TOWNSHIP 202 E Main St – Shelby Marie Eckert, lots 10, 11 & 12 blk 10 in Village of Gorham now city of Laredo, 2019-315.68, 2020-250.16, 2021-212.34, total 778.18 208 E 3rd St-Galen & Carol French, W ½ of lot 2 & E 37.5’ of lot 3 in blk 13 of the original town of Laredo, 2019-1041.25, 2020899.69, 2021-759.46, total 2700.40 Laredo -Kevin & Marie Messer, lots 1 & 2 blk 7 in McCelland-Ogle 1st addn to the town of Gorham now city of Laredo, 2019-65.67, 2020-26.28, 2021-23.85, total 115.80 Laredo – John & Paula Turdo, lots 3 & 4 in blk 7 of McClelland – ogle 1st addn to the city of Laredo, 201965.67, 2020-26.38, 202123.85, total 115.90 312 E 1st St- John & Paula Turdo, lots 5 & 6 in blk 7 of the McClelland-Ogle 1st add to the city of Laredo, 2019-847.64, 2020-726.35, 2021-613.45, total 2187.44 LIBERTY TOWNSHIP Galt- Mary Hamilton, All Lots 3 and 4 in Blk 3 of Reuben Brassfield’s ADDN to the Town of Galt, MO, Located on a part of the SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Sec32, T62, R22 in Grundy MO. 2018-130.17, 2019-117.42, 2020-71.94, 2021-63.54, total 383.07 Galt – Mary Hamilton, all Lots 5 & 6 in blk 3 of Brassfield 1st ADDN to the town of Galt, 2018-394.65, 2019-364.14, 2020-290.04, 2021-60.03, total 1108.86 311 N Main -James Thomas & Casey Joy Lea, all of lots 1 & 2 in blk 10 of Brassfields 4th add to town of Galt, 2019-487.48, 2020399.07, 2021-346.09, total 1232.64 Galt – Wendell Lutz, com 382 W & 88 N of SW cor of lot 8 blk 8 Brassfields 2nd add to N 112 th W 112 th S 112 th E 112, 2019-114.38, 2020-69.25, 2021-61.20, total 244.83 Galt- Harry Sampson, all L 3 in blk 2 of Brassfield 1st addn to town of Galt Mo, , 2019-82.40, 2020-40.97, 2021-36.77, TOTAL 160.14 Main St- Brian & Reta Smiley, The N ½ of lot 6 in blk 14 in the original town of Galt, 2018-72.25, 201984.18, 2020-42.55, 202138.13, total 237.11 Main St-Brian & Reta Smiley, S ½ of L 6 in blk 14 of the Original town of Galt, 2018-82.97, 2019-84.18, 2020-42.55, 2021-38.13, total 247.83 600 NE 30th St-Stephan Elliott, Leasehold on G. Tolle 2019-111.34, 202066.57, 2021-58.85, total 236.76 Oak St- George Thrasher, all lot 5, 6 in blk 10 of Brassfields 3rd add to Galt Mo, 2019-129.58, 202082.72, 2021-72.82, total 285.12 340 NE 150th Ave-Robert & Beverly Tolle, a tract of land in the SW cor of the W ½ of the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of sec 32 starting at the SW cor thereof running and N 250 th E 290 to the POB, 2019-184.62, 2020-131.37, 2021-114.83, total 430.82 310 Center St. -Robert & Beverly Tolle – part of the NE ¼ of SE ¼ comm 130’ W of NW cor of lot 8 in blk 11 original town of Galt th W 240’ th S 100’ th E 240’ th N 100 to POB, 2019-251.46, 2020-160.79.-2021-140.27, total 552.52 JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP 8 AC -Kevin Michael Snary, all that portion lying E of State Rd W of SW ¼ NW ¼ & S 8 AC of W 34 Ac of E ½ of NW ¼, 2019-67.70, 2020-28.77, 2021-26.24, total 122.71 MADISON TOWNSHIP 620 W Hwy 6- Carl May, pt of N ½ of NE ¼ com 1298’

S and 880’ W of NE cor of said tract TH N 223.9’ TH S 70’ 10” W 78.5’ TH N 39’ 00’ W 110’ TH S along R/W 51’ 00* W 441.9’ TH E 489’ to beg, 2019-909.23, 2020808.01, 2021-699.78, total 2417.02 LEISURE LAKE UNIT 1 Lot 133, Casey A. Cowin, 2019-59.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-19.78, total 100.73 Lot 299 -Wayne Bode, 2019-191.66, 2020-143.74, 2021-125.61, Total 461.01 Lot 46 – Herberg LLC2019-59.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-19.78, total 100.73 Lot 298- Patrice Madison, 2018- 48.78, 2019-59.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-19.78, total 149.51 Lot- 297-Patrice Madison, 2018-48.78, 2019-59.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-19.78, total 209.16 Lot 305 & 306- Jason Peterie, 2019-376.35, 2020368.70, 2021-320.06, total 1065.11 Lot – 303, Jason Peterie, 2019-59.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-19.78, total 100.73 Lot 304 – Jason E Peterie, 2019-59.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-19.78, Total 100.73 Lot 268- Donald E Savage, 2019-59.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-19.78, Total 100.73 Lot 267-Donald E Savage, 2019-59.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-19.78, total 100.73 Lot 261, 262, 263 -Donald E Savage, 2019-1278.16, 2020-1151.13, 2021996.30, total 3425.59 Lots 137 & 138- Marion D & Heather M Zook, 201853.56, 2019-69.27, 202030.27, 2021-27.53, total 180.63 UNIT 2 LOT 579- Kenneth R. Burke, 2017-58.21, 201849,2019—59.65, 202021.30, 2021-19.78, total 208.87 Lot 610- Lois & Daniel Cone, 2018-48.78, 201959.65, 2020-21.30, 202119.78, total 149.51 LOT 471- Geri Cross, 201756.87, 2018-48.78, 201959.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-, total 206.38 LOT 470- Geri Cross, 201756.87, 2018-48.78, 201959.65, 2020-21.30, 202117.78, total 206.38 Lot 529-Patrick & Ann Foronato, 2018-48.78, 2019-59.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-19.78, total 149.51 LOT-478-Timothy R. & Stella Kloster, 2018-48.78, 2019-59.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-19.78, total 149.51 LOT 459 -Mustafa Jaber 2018-48.78, 2019-59.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-19.78, TOTAL 149.51 Lot-628-Elizabeth O’Carroll2018-54.82, 2019-59.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-19.78, total 155.55 Lot 500 & 501, - Kristen Reason, 2019-156.26, 2020-110.89, 2021-97.22, total 363.87 Lot 399 & 400, Kristen Reason, 2019-606.08,2020527.97, 2021-457.72, total 1591.77 Lot- 484-John F Snapp, 2018-48.78, 2019-59.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-20.66, total 103.65 UNIT 3 Lot -223 -Neil W Carter & Ellen J. Carter, 2019-59.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-19.78, total 100.73 LOT 187- Sheila Case &William Wamsher, 201756.87, 2018-4.78, 201959.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-

19.78 total 206.38 LOT 186- Sheila Case & William Wamsher, 201756.87, 2018-48.78, 201959.65, 2020-21.30, 202119.78, total 206.38 Lot 18- Melissa Dyer, 201959.65, 2020-21.30,202119.78, total 100.73 Lot 14- Melissa Dyer, 2019132.64, 2020-88.98, 202178.26, total 299.88 Lot 56- Melissa Dyer, 201961.86, 2020-23.29, 202121.51, total 106.66 Lot 123- Missy Dyer, 201959.65, 2020-21.30, 202122.27, total 103.22 Lot 122- Missy Dyer, 201959.65, 2020-21.30, 202119.78, total 100.73 Lot 220- Missy Dyer, 201959.65, 2020-21.30, 202119.78, total 100.73 Lot 219-Missy Dyer, 201980.01, 2020-40.23, 202136.14, total 156.38 LOT 252- Patricia Ann Frisbie, 2017-56.87, 201848.78, 2019-59.65, 202021.30, 2021-19.78, total 206.34 LOT 249- Patricia Ann Frisbie, 2017-56.87, 201848.78, 2019-59.57, 202021.30, 2021-19.78, total 206.30 LOT 248-Mort & Lisa McElderry, 2019-59.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-19.78, total 100.73 Lot 247- Mort & Lisa McElderry, 2019-257.13, 2020-204.44, 2021-178.08, total 639.65 Lot 208- Steve & Rebecca Oakleaf, 2018-48.78, 201959.65, 2020-21.30, 202119.78, total 149.51 Lot 207- Steve & Rebecca Oakleaf, 2018-48.78, 201958.54, 2020-21.30, 202119.78, total 206.94 Lot 11-Larry D. Ward,201848.78, 2019-59.65, 202021.30, 2021-19.78, total 149.51 UNIT 4 LOT 70- Alan Martin Brose, 2017-56.87, 2018-48.78, 2019-59.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-, total 206.38 LOT 69-Alan Martin Brose, 2017-56.87, 2018-48.78, 2019-59.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-19.78, total 206.38 Lot 33- Doug Eckard, 201959.65, 2020-21.30, 202119.78, total 100.73 Lot 32- Doug Eckard, 201977.84, 2020-38.23, 202134.42, total 150.49 Lot-22 & 23 -Joe & Angela Stephens, 2018-66.83, 2019-69.27, 2020-30.27, 2021-27.53, total 193.90 Lot-21-Joe & Angela Stephens, 2018-48.78, 2019-59.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-19.78, total 149.51 Lot 20-Joe & Angela Stephens, 2018-48.78, 2019-59.65, 2020-21.30, 2021-19.78, total 149.51 Lots 73 & 74- John Weaver 2019-69.27, 2020-30.27, 2021-27.53, total 127.07 A list of beyond the 3rd offering properties will be available in the Collector’s office. I, Barbara Harris, Collector, Grundy County, State of Missouri, do hereby certify that foregoing is true and correct list of lands and lots that will be offered for sale as above set forth. Date this 7th day of July 2022 Barbara Harris Collector Grundy County, Missouri dJul7,14,21 -------------------------------------


“because the people must know” (Editor’s Note: Public Notice advertising plays a unique role both in American history and in the process by which this country’s democracy is preserved. Its one premise is that people must be informed if they are to govern themselves competently. Public Notice advertising first came into being with the Congress of 1792. That body, recognizing its responsibility to the people, required the Postmaster General to advertise for bids for the construction of new post offices. From that inauspicious beginning to the complex publication requirements in federal, state and local laws today, government officials have come more and more to understand their obligations to inform the public through Public Notice advertising. Newspapers over the years have been the vehicle by which these obligations have been fulfilled. They will continue to be as long as the public demands that it be informed frequently and by the best means possible.)

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THURSDAY, JULY 21, 2022 • PAGE 15



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PAGE 16 • THURSDAY, JULY 21, 2022



Harrison County All Star Baseball Teams Are District Champs

Photo Courtesy of Trenton Rotary Club

The Trenton Rotary Club was recognized for its participation in the Rotary Foundation Program during its club meeting on July 21, including being named the top district club in per member giving to the foundation. Pictured are, from left, local Rotary Foundaiton Chairman Don Purkapile, Erik McGuire of the St. Joseph Rotary East Club, Trenton Rotary Club President Michael Ormbsy and Past District 6040 Governor Don Gladhart.

Trenton Rotary Recognized For Service The Trenton Rotary Club was honored for its participation in the Rotary Foundation during the Thursday, July 14 meeting held at the BTC Bank community room. Michael Ormsby presided at the meeting, Joe MacDonald gave the prayer and Chris Hoffman was the sergeant at arms. Steve Taylor was the program chairman. Don Gladhart and Erik McGuire of the St. Joseph East Rotary Club attended the meeting and presented the Trenton club with flags recognizing its contributions during the 2020-21 year. Gladhart, who served as the Rotary District 6040 Governor in 20-21, announced that Trenton was the top club in the district in annual giving to the foundation and was the only club to average over $400 per member. The club was also recognized as having 100 percent participation in foundation giving as 100 percent participation in the Every Rotarian Every Year Program. The club is also listed as a 100 percent Paul Harris Fellow Club, meaning all members have been recognized with at least one Paul Harris Fellow in recognition of their

participation in the foundation. McGuire who is the district governor nominee for the 2023-24 year, presented the program during the meeting, telling about the Rotary Foundation and how contributions benefit many projects around the world. The Trenton Club has benefitted from the foundation through grants it has received to help build a storage/washer-dryer area for the Bright Futures Trenton program and the purchase and installation of handicap-accessible playground equipment at Eastside Park. The Trenton club holds a fish fry each year to raise funds that are donated to the Rotary Foundation along with contributions received from individual members. During a board meeting held prior to the regular club meeting, approval was given to make a donation to the Downtown Trenton chalk art event on Aug 27, if held. The program for the July 21 meeting will be presented by Chamber of Commerce President Debbie Carman, who will give an update on upcoming activities.

Spickard Board of Alderman Discuss Rate Study The Spickard Board of Alderman met on Monday, July 11 at Spickard City Hall. Mayor Alan Tharp called the meeting to order with the agenda, minutes and bills approved. Recommendations for a rate study were discussed. Water rates are adequate at this time, however the city needs to put away $10,000 a year in order to paint the water tower in the future. The minimum sewer charge should be $19 with rates being raised 50 cents

per 1000 gallons. Based on the Equivalent Dwelling Units, apartments would be charged $30 for water and $19 for sewer per apartment. The minimum charge would include 16,000 gallons of use which is 1,000 gallons for each apartment. A public hearing for the change of sewer rates will be held at 6 p.m. on August 8 at City Hall. The special road district has requested that the city pass the city’s motor fuel tax revenue to the district


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Photo Courtesy of Cara Farmer

The Harrison County 10U (top photo) and 12U (bottom photo) All Star teams won their respective district championship tournaments played at Ebbe Sports Complex the week of July 10th-14th. Both teams are comprised of players from Trenton, Gallatin, Bethany, Pattonsburg, Gilman City, Eagleville and Princeton. The Harrison County All Star teams will now play in tournaments for State Regional championships. The 10U team will play at DeSoto and the 12U team will play in Concordia, IA, both starting July 22. The 10U team is coached by Matt Cook, Jerry White, Zach Anderson, and Ryan Rector and the 12U team is coached by Dustin Sperry, Richard Farmer, and David Ortega.

as had been done in the past. The city has declined to do that at this time as it would likely cause the general revenue fund to operate at a loss. A motion was made and approved to match $3,000 for water and sewer grants and $2,100 on lead and service lines. The meeting was adjourned with the next meeting set for August 8.

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Clerical/Data Entry Join our growing family team!

Part-time or Full-time positions available with our newspaper family. Greet customers, take information and enter it in the computer. Help us by being the face of the newspaper as readers and advertisers walk in the office. Two positions available at our Trenton newspaper office or Plattsburg newspaper office. Paid vacation and major holidays, opportunity for advancement and bonuses. Starting hourly rate $13/hr and higher with experience and skills. Join a fun environment where you make a difference. Equal Opportunity Employer

Send Resume and Cover Letter to Feel Free to WOW us with your creative resume skills :)

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