North Central Missouri Fair came to a close last weekend, having had a good turnout for livestock shows and courtyard vendor participation. Please be sure to check out our “Fair Pages” in the August 18 newspaper for pictures and livestock show information.
- No. 83 TRENTON
Coffee With A Cop Coffee with a Cop will be held August 17, 2022 at the Trenton Chamber of Commerce office from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00Thea.m.2022
The regular monthly board meeting was called to order by President Dorothy Taul. Agenda, minutes, bills and treasurers reports were all approved on a 7-0 vote.Tara Hoffman recommended the board adopt and approve the updated Missouri State Plan for Special Education and the Required Local Compliance Plan. This is just a yearly update of policy and procedures. The board voted 7-0 to approve the plan.Superintendent Gott presented the recommended school lunch prices for the 2022-2023 school year. The prices are $2.90 for high school/middle school lunch, $2.80 for Rissler lunch, $2.00 high school, middle school and Rissler breakfast. The adult lunches are $3.75 and adult breakfast is $2.75. Board Member Andy Burress inquired as to why the Rissler lunch is cheaper than the middle school/high school and Superintendent Gott said he was told the difference is due to the serving sizes.The revised Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan was approved on a 70 vote. No changes have been made on the plan since May but it will be revisited each month. Social distancing will still be encouraged, symptoms will be monitored and the school will follow health guidelines.Superintendent Gott recommended the readoption of the Conflict of Interest Policy which is required to be approved each year. The policy states that “All directors of the Trenton R-IX School District Board of Education shall adhere to the laws regarding conflict of interest and avoid situations where their decisions or actions in their capacity as board members conflict with the mission of the district”. The board approved the ordinance on a 7-0Chrisvote. Hodge recommended the board approve Juliet Schmadeke and Kelsey Gibler for early graduation. They have both completed all paperwork. He does anticipate there could be more students applying once school begins. Mr. Hodge also proposed that 2023 graduation be set for 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 13 at C.F. Russell Stadium, weather permitting. Board Member Andy Burress was concerned on graduation being held so late in the evening for those planning graduation parties, and maybe the board should re-visit the timing in the future. The board approved on a 6-0 vote with Brandon Gibler abstaining.Mr.Gott recommended that the board approve the annual Secretary of the Board report as it has been finished and sent off. The board approved on a 7-0 vote. Rissler Principle Susan Gott asked for approval to the Rissler faculty handbook. The only changes made regarded the dress code and wearing of jeans. Board Member Andy Burress asked if anything had been upgraded regarding the use of cell phones. There had been some issues of posting on social media during school hours thay were not school related posts. Mr. Gott said there should be no posting of social media during school hours as teachers should be instructing their classrooms. This is something the board will look into. The board approached the handbook on a 7-0 vote.Dr. Jill Watkins reported the Trenton R-9 Professional Development Plan. One percent of district funds are required to be put toward the plan. The plan is being aligned with the CRIP so teaching goals meet professional development. There will be a reelection of committee members on August 17 now that there will be faceto-face meetings. The board approved the plan on a announced back-to-school activities including the Bright Futures event that occurs this week. There will be a fifth grade open house on Tuesday, August 16 from 4:30 p.m.-6:30p.m. Gott said they did this separate open house last year for the fifth graders as that is a big jump for them going into a middle school setting and this allowed them to have their own day. On Thursday, August 17, Rissler Open House will be from 4:30Superintendentp.m.-6:30p.m.Gott reported the administrators,
The Annual Fine Arts Show presented by Art’s Alive had 35 entries in the three categories of Painting, Drawing and Photography. Terry Toms wishes to thank all of those who entered, the judges and those who made monetary donations for prizes. “Sailboat” painted by Rahel Horner of Trenton, won “Best In Show”. “Shaggy Highlander” painted by Haven Burress of Trenton won the “People’s Choice” award. The Grand River Garden Club and Trenton HyVee sponsored the fiar flower show on Thursday, August 4. Thirty-six participants entered 192 flower entries in the species and design categories. Judges Sue Ball and Beth Mack rated specimens for the cochairmans Venna Hicks and Trisha Wendt.
Spainhower spent a few minutes telling about her position as facilitator and how her and a resource team of 70 people meet monthly to help offer business guidance to business owners in the county. She handed out business cards and brochures for the council members to pass on to business owners in the community who might need her teams services. The council approved an ordinance for a Volume Committment Agreement with Arkansas Electric Cooperative. This will allow the city to purchase transformers in volume which will allow the city to have extra on hand to help with long lead times. The transformers are about 50 percent more than when purchased three years ago, however buying them individually from suppliers would cost three times as much as it did three years ago. An ordinance was approved for Hattesohl and Associates Land Surveying to take possession of an old [See Council,
In accordance with Missouri law, the Grundy County Democratic Central Committee will meet on Thursday, August 18, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at VFW Post 919 located at 919 Washington Street in Trenton to elect officers to serve for the next two years. This includes chairman, vice-chairman, secretary and treasurer. Committee members who were elected in the August primary will also fill some vacancies in wards and townships where no one filed. Other business will include discussion of any future events. For further information contact Marie Dolan at 660359-1917 or 573-659-0568.
The City Hall parking lot is now scheduled to be paved beginning next week. Ron Urton also reported that TMU is the member spotlight in the August edition of “Alliance Advantage” which is a quarterly MPUA publication.Publiccomments included a presentation by Jackie Spainhower who is the facilitator for the NCM Business Facilitation. They are a grassroots, non-profit organization that offers free and confidential business guidance to business owners and entrepreneurs. They operate in 6 area counties, Caldwell, Clinton, Daviess, DeKalb, Grundy and Harrison. Year Old Glory flying at Five Points Chamber Hold Ribbon Cutting For Uprooted Creamery BRIEFS
TRENTON $1.25 ©Honeycutt Media, LLC THURS., AUG. 11, 2022 REPUBLICAN-TIIMEES
North Central Missouri College, in partnership with Central Methodist University, will host a Teacher Energizer event on Tuesday, August 16th at Cross Hall in Trenton, MO, from 8:30 a.m. until 2:40 p.m. This free professional development event is intended for PK-12 educators; however, other individuals who work in education are also welcome.“We are thrilled to partner with Central Methodist University in offering this professional development event for north Missouri educators,” said Mitch Holder, NCMC Dean of Instruction. Teacher Energizer offers a keynote speaker and breakout sessions covering relevant topics impacting today’s school environment. A byproduct of this event is The Trenton City Council met at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, August 8 at City Hall. Those attending in person were Mayor Linda Crooks, City Clerk Cindy Simpson, City Administrator Ron Urton, City Attorney Tara Walker, Police Chief Rex Ross and council members David Mlika, Glen Briggs, Danny Brewer and Marvin Humphreys. Joining the meeting via Zoom were council members Duane Urich, Lance Otto, Robert Romesburg and John Dolan. Mayor Crooks called the meeting to order, minutes and bills were approved. In reports, the Mayor wanted to say “Thank You” to all those who helped to make the NCM Fair and the Mid-America Music Festival a success this past week. Councilman David Mlika informed the council he had been approached by a citizen regarding missed trash service pickup on Oklahoma Avenue. Ron Urton said they had received that complaint and had given that information to the trash service company who is looking into the Urtonissue.reported that the second new police car is in service and the new digital radios are working good.
NCMC Hosting Free Teacher Energizer Event
12 PAGES + 4 INSERTS “GOD BLESS AMERICA” Established Sept. 4, 1864 - 158th
Trenton R-9 School Board Sets Tax Rate, Lunch Prices and Graduation Date City Council Approves Ordinances, Demolition Bids
Winners Named In Fine Arts and Flower Show
The Gifted Group will host a car wash on Tuesday September 27. The car was will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Adams Park Apartments, located at 1312 E 9th Street in Trenton.
Daniel Gott recommended that Michelle Hixson, who serves as district office manager, be appointed to serve as Secretary of the Board, replacing Susan Leeper who retired in May. The board was in agreement and approved the recommendation. The special meeting was adjourned.
The Trenton R-9 Board of Education met on Tuesday, August 9, at the district office. In a special meeting prior to the regular monthly meeting , the board approved the tax rate and appointed a new Secretary to tax rate was set at $4.4698 per $100 of assessed valuation which is only four cents higher than last year and keeps the school at the same operatingSuperintendentlevel.
R-T Photo/Kristi Harris A ribbon cutting was held on Wednesday, August 3rd to celebrate the recently opened Uprooted Creamery located at 1011 Main Street in Trenton. The event was hosted by the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce and the Trenton Ambassadors.
Gifted Group Car Wash
The winning entries were Teresa Cross-Best of Show and Most Outstanding, Lyric Olmstead-Junior Award, Barb HawkinsMost Unusual, Carolyn Forman-Grand River Garden Club Award, Joanna Anderson- Senior Creativity and Alivia Busick- Junior TheCreativity.topblue ribbon winners were Teresa Cross- 9, Carolyn Forman5, Lyric Olmstead- 5, Judie Leininger- 4, Tracy Utley4 and Joanna Anderson- 4. Several others won blue and red ribbons for their flower entries.
Page 2] 2022 NCM Fair Comes to a Close
[See NCMC, Page 2] [See R-9, Page 2]
Presentations will include behavior and classroom management topics, curriculum writing tips, lesson planning, autism, mandated reporting, engagement and 660-359-3948.u/https://www.ncmissouri.edeventsessment,tioncommunicationmotivation,andregula-strategies,reading,as-andmore.Tolearnmoreaboutthisortoregister,visitorcontactNCMCat From Front Page • staff, and all area first responders had done a walkthru of each building. They all came together to discuss what to do to make the buildings safe for students and faculty and how to respond if a critical situation were to arise. This will become a yearly event. Dr. Jill Watkins gave an update on the CSIP pilot program that the district is a part of. She gave the board a copy of the program so that they could refer to it each month when she goes over the program with the board. The school has met every point in the scoring and has been told that the grading committee was extremely impressed and is using our pilot for a template for other school districts.Thestate requires districts to send out climate and culture surveys to teachers, parents, and community. The survey will be implemented in the fall to be sent out. Mr. Gott reported that the Career ladder has been signed by Governor Parsons and they are just awaiting information from DESE on how to proceed. He also reported that the district has received 13,751.38 from Apple Bus Company as reimbursement for combined bus routes from last year. The company did provide that they are confident they have enough drivers for this year. In updates on maintenance items, Mr. Gott reported that landscaping is mainly completed. There are new bright LED lights in the gym with a motion sensor to save on electricity. a new HVAC system has been installed in the ag building and the sound system at Rissler is installed just waiting on additional sound panels to arrive. He announced the MSBA conference has been set for November 3-5, if anyone is interested in attending please let him know. The meeting was adjourned to a closed session for personnel matters with no announcement made. Front PageFront Page
R-9 • From
Wave.Lighting by the Dollar General on the west end of town was discussed again. MoDot says due to speed of vehicles and the slope of the land in that area that wooden poles cannot be used. The city checked into pricing for the breakaway poles that would have to be used and the cost of poles, wiring and installation would cost $16,000$20,000 for five poles. There is no money budgeted for this expense, so if approved the money would have to come out of the electric reserves fund. The council decided to table the issue and asked City Administrator Ron Urton to take the information to the Utility Commission to discuss at their nextThemeeting.council discussed and approved a bid for $18,646.97 from LSK Lebanon Inc for a 2022 Polaris Ranger to be used by the water plant. This will allow them to do more maintenance and spraying of the fence lines and allow them to do their own snow removal. The board had budgeted $20,000 for this expense and asked that the remaining amount be used to purchase a sprayer to help better control the overgrowth.Amotion was made and accepted to adjourn th meeting. of this is for the purpose of creating stronger schools in north Missouri, leading to higher levels of student achievement and support.” Dr. Deborah De-GanDixon, Associate Dean from CMU said, “Central Methodist University and North Central Missouri College have always been leaders in teacher preparation and instructional excellence programming. We strive to create meaningful classroom and learning experiences for all students. Partnering together to offer professional development opportunities like the Teacher Energizer is a great way to develop current and future educators. We appreciate the opportunity.”
LOCAL PAGE 2 • THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2022 NEEDS: CAT LITTER, CAT TOYS, BLANKETS, RUGS “Pumpkin” - Male Short Haired Cat Looking for home! “Sophie” - Female Short Haired/Tabby Mix Cat Looking for home! “Chance” - Male Pit Bull Terrier Mix Looking for home! “Birch”Shepherd/HuskyMaleMixLookingforhome! Green Hills Animal Shelter 359-2700 • 3041 E. 10th • Trenton, MO Honey VeterinaryCreekHospital LArGE & SMALL AniMAL SErvicES Bruce P. Whittle, DVM • Gayla D. Whittle, DVM Hwy. 6, 2 mi. East of Hwy. 65 • (660) 359-9908 Green Hills Animal Shelter “Building Pet Friendly Communities” For more information call 359-2700 3041 E. 10th • Trenton, MO andMECHANICALMIDWESTCallRelyonComfort MIDWEST MECHANICAL Brian S. Israel, Owner Over 25 Years Experience 103 S. Locust, Jamesport, MO 64648 Professional,GroomingPersonalized APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE MONDAY - SATURDAY 35 years of experience! 660-684-6864PETSHELLY’SCARE SinceGreenServingtheHillsArea1996! allowing area schools to share strategies and initiatives with peers from neighboring school districts. All
plotter printer that is obsolete for city purposes. They have agreed, providing they can get the printer to work, that if the city needed a copy that had to be printed on that machine they would provide that service free of charge. In unfinished business, Councilman Danny Brewer informed the council that he had been approached by a citizen about water pooling on the shoulders of the road on Oklahoma Avenue. The affected area is the east and west sides just to the north of the old Jim’s Building Supply building. Ron Urton said he would have the street department look into that issue. In new business, the council approved a bid of $4,325 from Enviro Solutions for asbestos removal for the demolition list structures. The council also approved the proposed demolition list for 20222023, which will be $41,36.40 for the demolition of 7 structures. The amount budgeted for demolition was anddecidedneedcoversthesomeseats.seatslicesoundthemwasjeeptownrestroomsusedcars,19992000airport.oldwasDiscussion$50,000.andapprovalgiventousethetwo2015policecarsattheCurrentlythereisaDodgeCaravanandaJeepusedascourtesywiththejeepalsotomovetheportableusedduringevents.Thevanandaregettingoldersoitdecidedtoreplacewiththemechanicallypolicecars.Thepo-carshavefullback-andbucketfrontTherewillneedtobemorebuffingdonetopolicecarsandseatandfloormatswilltobeinstalled.ItwastoplacethevanjeepforsaleonPurple
• Council • From
Mrs. Garrison taught in Trenton schools for 17 years, mostly first grade classes. Prior to teaching, she worked for Southwestern Bell, J.C. Penney Co., Trenton National Bank, and Trenton Junior College.Mrs. Garrison was a vocalist, singing for Trentonarea weddings and funerals. She also sang soprano in the Wesley United Methodist Church choir and was a lifelong member of the church. Mrs. Garrison was a featured soloist for “Gloria” by Antonio Vivaldi on a 1971 album performed by community residents. She played bridge with friends and enjoyed few things more than a hot cup of black coffee. In retirement she traveled with friends to Europe, Alaska, Hawaii, and other destinations. Mrs. Garrison was a member of the Grundy County Friends of the Arts Board of Directors, volunteered at Wright Memorial Hospital and for the local chapter of the American Cancer Society. She was named Retired Educator of the Year in 2001. She was a member of Beta Sigma Phi and Delta Kappa Gamma. Mrs. Garrison moved to the Kansas City area in April 2022. She was a former resident of Sunnyview Apartments in Trenton.Mrs. Garrison is survived by her daughter, Elaine Garrison of Kansas City; sisters-in-law, Barbara Bailey of Lebanon and Twilah Garrison of Kerrville, TX; a cousin, Cathy Oesterling of Kansas City; nieces and nephews. Honorary pallbearers: Cathy Oesterling, Pat McWilliams, Genie Smith, Cleora McReynolds, Wenda Seymour and RhodaMrs.Oyler.Garrison was preceded in death by her husband; her parents; a half brother, Paul Taylor; and a half sister, Helen Jackson. Inurnment will be at Resthaven Memorial Gardens at a later date, with Resthaven in charge of arrangements.Memorials are suggested to the Glaucoma Research Foundation, 251 Post Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, California, 94108. Online condolences may be left at
Randy Swank FARM•WANTED•GROUNDtoLease!Competitive Rates AARON660-358-2682LANDES Email your news information news@republican-times.comto 122 E. 8th St., Trenton, news@republican-times.comMOPhone660-359-2212Fax359-4414
Arlene E. Garrison
Arlene E. Garrison Memorial graveside services for Randy Swank will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, August 13, 2022 at Edinburg Cemetery, west of Trenton. Cremation has taken place under the direction of Slater-Neal Funeral Home of Trenton. Randy Swank, a 62year-old rural Trenton resident, died Sunday, July 3, 2022 at Mosaic Life Care in St. MemorialsJoseph. are suggested to the Green Hills Animal Shelter and may be left with the funeral home.
Stop in and see us at our NEWTrenton,1515LOCATION!E.9thSt.MO64683 C OX F AM I L Y D ENT I STR Y , P.C. AAndrew P Cox, D D S 1011 Cedar St., Trenton 359-6889Office:•359-6993 AREA THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2022 • PAGE 3 SERVICES SETDEATHS As of August 1, 2022 please note the following price guideline and publication deadline for placing obituaries in the Trenton, Republican Times Death Notice - No Cost This is basic information following the below Birth/DeathNameguidelines: Dates Town of Residence Military Service Dates Funeral LocationDate(s),Service(s),Time& Standard Obituaries up to 75 words - $25 +.60 per word thereafter. Veteran and Children Obituaries - Free up to 75 words +.60 per word thereafter. Deadline for placement in Thursday publication - 5 p.m. of Monday previous to publication Picturesdate. - $15 - Black and White only Mr. Funeral services for Arlene E. Garrison will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday, August 17 at the Wesley United Methodist Church, 113 East 9th Street, Trenton. The Rev. Steve Martin will officiate. Kathleen Holeman of St. Joseph will sing “Take My Hand, Precious Lord” and “He Touched Me”. Mrs. Garrison, 94, a longtime resident of Trenton, died July 30, 2022, at Santa Marta Senior Living Community in Olathe, KS. She was a retired Trenton R-9 School District educator.Mrs. Garrison was born February 29, 1928, in Trenton, to Lemuel and Donna Ola Fenstermacher Elliott and was raised in Trenton by her grandparents, Walter and Nellie Fenstermacher.OnAugust 19, 1946, she married Eugene Garrison. He worked for the U.S. Postal Service. He died April 1, 1992. Mrs. Garrison was valedictorian of her Trenton Junior College (now North Central Missouri College) class in 1972, received a bachelor’s degree from Northeast Missouri State College (now Truman State University) in 1976 and later earned a master’s degree from the same college. Her career emphasis was reading skills.
PAGE 4 • THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2022 Interested in sponsoring this page with your business advertisement? Contact Megan at 660-359-2212 or 913-547-4275 or email her at to start your sponsorship
MONDAY Green Hills Alcoholics Anonymous, Tenth Street Baptist Church, 6 p.m. For more information, call 359-2704 or 3572367.North 65 Center: Line Dancers, 9:30 a.m.; Cards, 12:30 p.m. MI Group of Alcoholics Anonymous, 2901 Hoover Drive, 7 p.m.
SATURDAY Church Women United Thrift Shop, 17th & Harris, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Grief Share Self-Help Group, Tenth Street Baptist Church, 4:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery, Tenth Street Baptist Church, 6 p.m. Grundy County Museum open 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Sales Megan Graham Curt Thorne Business Operations Becca Balliett Susan Plumb Composing - Anita Ewing
TUESDAY Trenton Lions Club, First Christian Church Fellowship Hall, noon. Domestic Violence/Anger Management Group, North Central Missouri Mental Health Center, 7 to 9 p.m. Spickard Coffee Club, Wise Community Center, 8 a.m. North 65 Center: Cards, 12:30 p.m.; Fun Night, 6 p.m. THS Class of ‘72 Planning Meeting, Uprooted Creamery, 7 p.m.
Trenton Area Calendar of Events Part-time or Full-time positions available with our newspaper family. Greet customers, take information and enter it in the computer. Help us by being the face of the newspaper as readers and advertisers walk in the office. Two positions available at our Trenton newspaper office or Plattsburg newspaper office. Paid vacation and major holidays, opportunity for advancement and bonuses. Starting hourly rate $13/hr and higher with experience and Joinskills.afun environment where you make a difference. Equal Opportunity Employer Send Resume and Cover Letter to Feel Free to WOW us with your creative resume skills :) Clerical/Data Entry Join our growing family team! Apply Today!! Pa ge Tree Service •60 ft. Bucket Truck •Chipper & Stump Grinder RUSSELL LIVESTOCK MARKET 31683 US Hwy. 34, Russell, IA 50238 • Barn Phone (641) 535-6065 Weigh Cows - 9:00 am • Feeders - 11:00 am ** CATTLE SALE ** MOnday, aUGUST 8, 2022 ** CATTLE SALE ** MOnday, aUGUST 15, 2022 BARN WILL BE OPEN SUNDAYS 8 AM - 8 PM WATCH OUR AUCTION LIVE @ Visit • Barn: (641) 535-6065 Owners: Tony & Meshara Ballanger 641-777-3113 - Cell Owners: Shawn & Jana Murphy 641-777-0103 - Cell Field Rep: Justen 641-217-1235Murphy-Cell Field Rep: Brian 515-360-1486Mitchell-Cell Field Rep: Tim 660-425-0991Rinehart-Cell Field Rep: aaron
Chapter MN, PEO met on Monday, Aug. 1 at the home of Alisa Ormsby with Dana Creason as the cohostess. Sarah Maloney presided at the meeting. There were 10 members present and one visitor, PamServingMcDonald.aspro-tem officers were Cindy Simpson, recording secretary; Cathy McKay, corresponding secretary; Diane Lowrey, guard; and Phyllis Jackson, chaplain. Ms. Jackson led the devotion with scripture from RomansMrs.8.McKay reported on the club’s work with Ashlyn Casey on obtaining a Scholar Award that would provide financial assistance to Ms. Casey as she pursues a degree in the field of anesthesiology.Ms.Maloney gave the program on the state convention held in St. Charles in June. Ms. Maloney served as the chapter’s delegate to the event. The next meeting of Chapter MN will be held on Monday, Sept 19 at Hodge Presbyterian Church with Cheri McHargue and Wenda Seymour as hostesses.
Barb gave members copies of the rules for entering exhibits for the Floriculture Department at the North Cental Missouri Fair in TheTrenton.hostess gift was won by Barb RefreshmentsPeterson. were served and, at the close of the meeting, flower seeds and starts off of flowers and from plants were shared.Thenext meeting will be held at Judy Jackson’s home in Galt on August 22 at 1:30 p.m.
WEDNESDAY North 65 Center: Token Bingo and Cards, 12:30 p.m. Green Hills Alcoholics Anonymous, Tenth Street Baptist Church, noon. For more information, call 359-2704 or 3572367.Coffee with a Cop, Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce Office, 8 a.m.
are ready to replace your old
Members’ Gardens Recently Toured During Meetings of the Town and Country Garden Club FAMILY REUNION
THURSDAY Trenton Rotary Club, BTC Bank Community Room, noon. North 65 Center: GCHD Blood Pressure Clinic, 10:30 a.m.; Cards, 12:30 p.m.; Early Bird Bingo, 6:00 p.m.; Regular Bingo, 6:45 Democraticp.m.Central Committee Meeting, VFW Post 919, 919 Washington St., 7 p.m. 641-203-3043McGee-Cell We gutters MOORE’S CONSTRUCTION & WOODWORK, INC. 660-359-5477
Jamey & D’Anna Honeycutt Wendell Lenhart Co-Publishers Publisher Emeritus Postmaster: Send address changes to: Republican-Times, P.O. Box 548, Trenton, MO 64683
SUNDAY Narcotics Anonymous, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, 4 p.m. Grundy County Museum open 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
The 39th Wilford family reunion of the descendants of Jacob and Elizabeth Wilford was held Sunday, July 31, 2022 at the First Baptist Church in Trenton, Missouri gathering at noon. Following prayer led by Dan Wilford, a carry-in meal was served to 35 persons at 1 p.m. Carol Wilford, acting as president, conducted the business meeting. Secretary minutes from 2019 were read and approved. Reunions in 2020 and 2021 were not held in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The treasurer’s report was given by Karla Worthington and disbursements approved for a donation to the church and reimbursement of family genealogy expenses.Officers elected for the coming year were: Carol Wilford, President; Mary Gonzalez, Vice President; Karla Worthington, Treasurer; Rhonda Johnson, Secretary. The next reunion was approved for the same time and location in 2023. Various prizes and gifts were awarded. Barbara Stoops and Laurie Frisbie were awarded a $2.00 bill for guessing the ingredients of the mystery salad. Gift drawings were then chosen. The family Facebook page was changed to “The Wilfords” (Jacob and Elizabeth Wilford).
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Those attending from Missouri were Dale and Rhonda Johnson; Larry and Barbara Stoops, Delvin and Jennie Wilford; Stephanie, Wyatt, and Josie Whitney; Craig, Laurie and Shaina Frisbie; Richard, Sherry and Isaiah Ishmael of Trenton; Claren O’Bannon, Fenton; Lisandro, Mary, Sammy, Joshua, and Andrew Gonzalez of Gladstone; Jeff and Karla Worthington, Kansas City; Dan and Carol Wilford, Laredo; John and Ingrid Wilford, Lee’s Summit; Luetta Lambrecht and Halley Campbell of Marshall; Jacob Trickel, Saint Joseph; Sayla and Kate Sherard of Springfield; Kevin and Daniel Thexton and Bing Chang of Overland Park,TheKansas.2023 reunion is scheduled to be held the last Sunday in July, which will be July 30, at the First Baptist Church in Trenton at noon in the basement fellowship hall with the meal to begin around 1 p.m. TrenTon republican-Times (USPS 638-180) Published By Honeycutt Media, LLC 122 East Eighth St. Trenton, MO 64683-0548 E-Mail: Phone: 660-359-2212 Established September 4, 1864 Periodicals Postage Paid at Trenton, Mo.
. .
The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all the local news printed in this newspaper, as well as all AP news dispatches. “The Republican has a greater purpose in life than merely to publish the news.” . Col. W.B. Rogers. Published every Thursday, except holidays; Single Copy, $1.15 plus 10¢ sales tax. $52.60 plus tax per year in Trenton, Grundy and adjoining counties. $64.60 plus tax per year in Missouri and $75 per year out of state.
The Town and Country Garden Club met at the home of Barb Peterson on June 27 at 1:30 p.m. As president of the club, she opened the meeting with roll call to the question “your worst gardening disaster”. Those present were Tillie Moore and her guest, Carol Foster, Judy Meeker, Cathy Brown, Judy Jackson and her guest, Coleen Banner, Lois Corrigan, Mary Ann Hubble and Mary Helen Richardson. Barb gave a lesson on frogs, including the benefits of pest control they provide, as well as toads that are sub species of frogs. An interesting fact is that they don’t drink wanter, they absorb water through their skin in an area known as the “drinking patch” located on their belly and the underside of theirBarbthighs.also read a story about the history of the piggy bank in White Cloud, KS. In 1910, a local tenyear-old, Wilbur Chapman, owned Pete, a prized pig. He sold Pete to raise money for a leper colony. The story caught the attention of the press and the people, so much so that “piggy banks” were invented as a generic way to save money. There is a monument located in White Cloud of a boy and his pig that is know officially as the Wilbur ChapmanDiscussionMonument.was held on pruning barberry, problem areas being seen with roses, hosta and other plants and some treatments for them. The hostess prize was won by Mary Ann Hubble. Refreshments were served. Afterwards, the members and guests toured Barb’s flower gardens.Some members also had flower seeds and plants to share with those openedarrivedflowertheBevson,sharonMaryMoore,LoisMeeker,CathyPeterson,ThoseKimberlingruralGardenpresent.************TheTownandCountyClubmetattheLaredohomeofBevonJuly25.presentwereBarbBrendaHein,Brown,JudyMaryAnnHubble,Corrigan,TillieCarolWilford,HelenRichardson,Berry,JudyJack-KayLairandhostessKimberling.Bevtookgrouponatourofhergardenswhentheyduetopendingrain.PresidentBarbPetersonthemeetingwith
roll call, asking the question “What native plants do you have and what ones would you like to have?” She gave a lesson on bergamot. A discussion was held on various plants and flowers on transplanting and care of them.
FRIDAY Church Women United Thrift Shop, 17th & Harris, noon to 4 p.m. Green Hills Alcoholics Anonymous, Tenth Street Baptist Church, 6 p.m. For more information, call 359-2704. North 65 Center: Line Dancers, 9:30 a.m.; Cards, 12:30 p.m.
P.E.O. Chapter MN Hears Reports on Scholar Award and State Convention Wilford Reunion
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Source: Brandar Consulting LLC Figures do not equal 100% due to rounding Anne D’Innocenzio; J. Paschke • AP Global sales of licensed merchandise and services rebounded last year to pre-pandemic levels, surpassing the $300 billion milestone, according to an industry study. From 2019 to 2021 the industry’s sales increased at a 7.75% growth rate from the $292 8 billion mark in 2019 to $315.5 billion in sales, according to the study conducted by Brandar Consulting LLC, a brand consulting and market research firm for Licensing International an industry trade group. The study wasn’t done in 2020 because of the pandemic’s impact. Still that growth lagged behind the projected 8 2% rate for the two-year period because of the drags on the economy that affected the entertainment music and fashion licensed property sectors, among others The report which includes two years’ worth of economic data product market data and compa ny level financials, noted new theatrical film and show releases stalled as they waited for more normalized production schedules. That created a shortage of big hit properties from 2020 to mid-2021. Shoppers, retailers and licensees, faced with such a dearth of new entertainment content moved more toward evergreen properties including well established names like Sesame Street. Meanwhile, licensors and licensees overhauled their product lines to focus on the segments that did well during the pandemic such as food and health and The pandemic lockdowns have shifted focus to like as well as activity for a global total ofbilli$316on
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Dear Annie: My daughter and her husband have two darling toddler girls who I adore. Their parents had no plans for child care when the first was born and just assumed I would step up. Now the girls are in day care because caring for them full time was too much for me. I still watch them when day care is occasionally canceled or the parents go out and often just spend time with them forDayfun. care works out well, except when the kids are sick and can't go. When this happens, they sometimes ask me to watch the children. My daughter is paid hourly and has little sick time. Her husband sometimes travels or has important meetings. They live modestly but do have disposable income. Annie, I am 68 and have elderly family and friends I see frequently, as well as other grandchildren. While I sympathize with my daughter and son-in-law, I don't feel right about potentially carrying germs around after caring for sick kids. I have explained this to the parents several times, but they are starting to talk about the cost of missing work and hint that I am not very helpful or supportive. I feel so guilty! Is there a better way for me to explain this to them or, alternatively, stop feeling so terrible about it? I love them all so much and do want to be reasonable. - Sad Nana in Idaho Dear Sad Nana: To answer your question, no, there is not a better way to explain this. But that doesn't mean you should be feeling terrible. The COVID pandemic has put a lot of things into perspective -- including how irresponsible it is to expose yourself to viruses and then engage with the rest of the world, especially vulnerable populations like senior citizens or young children.Still,sick children do need to be cared for, but luckily, there are other options. Some hospitals have programs that provide care for sick kids with working parents. Or perhaps they can find a local babysitter who is more comfortable interacting with a sick child. If all else fails, your son-in-law may have to miss one of his "important meetings.""HowCan I Forgive My Cheating Partner?" is out now! Annie Lane's second anthology -- featuring favorite columns on marriage, infidelity, communication and reconciliation -- is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit com.toquestionsinformation.spublishing.comhttp://www.creator-formoreSendyourforAnnieLanedearannie@creators.COPYRIGHT2022CREATORS.COM Annie Lane to Annie Lane, website at 41,083.55 41,195.61 -267.18 -0.64% s s s -14.99% Russell 2000 1,937.25 1,904.97 1,912.89 -28.32 -1.46% s s s -14.81% HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. %CHG. WK MO QTR YTDStocksRecap
drug stores and grocers
Global revenuesalesfromlicensedmerchandiseandservices Entertain/characters 41% $130 billion Corporate/Brand 24% $77 billion Sports 10% $31 billion Publishing 9% $31Fabillionshion 9% $27 billion Collegiate 2% $8 billion Celebrity 2% $6 billion Music 1% $3 billion Art 1% $3 billion Non-profit 0.5% $500 million 3.003.353.40 08/11/2022
D ear Annie Written by Annie Lane THE Daily Commuter Puzzle by Jacqueline E. Mathews ACROSS 1 Insincerelysmooth 5 Acapulco wives: abbr. 9 Ovaltinedirections verb 13 Angered 15 20th-centuryU.S.president 16 Game chanceof 17 Do-nothing 18 Lens crafters 20 Taro pasteroot 21 Word attached to phones or rings 23 Weak, as an excuse 24 Flatterer 26 Sign of sharkapproachingan 27 Large scissors 29 End-to-endmeasure 32 Linger 33 “__ My Way”; film for Bing 35 Squabble 37 Gabor’snamesakes 38 Gets an “F” 39 Slushy mud 40 Gatheredtogether 41 __ as a goose 42 Stop for a second 43 Settle snugly 45 Applied a first coat of paint 46 Hit a tennis ball high 47 Winner 48 High pressurebloodrisk 51 Strike 52 Stylish 55 Work well with others 58 Make joyous 60 Suffix for suit or break 61 Connections 62 Thickheaded 63 Golfer’spocketful 64 Bench board 65 AsteriskDOWN 1 “Get a __!”; cry to the hysterical 2 Venetian beach resort 3 Unable to read & write 4 Flying insect 5 Bedtimerequest 6 SnoopmusicDogg’s 7 Toward the back of a plane 8 Becomes rigid 9 AlpineOlympics__; sport 10 Browns or Reds 11 Hotels 12 Promising, as the future 14 Gloomy 19 Hold on tightly 22 Billboards 25 Crewmembers’needs 27 Bud support 28 Refuge 29 Mrs. MunsterHerman 30 Rejoicing in victory 31 Cowboy’stransport 33 Actress Storm 34 Eliminate a squeak 36 Dandelion or crabgrass 38 Hazelnuts 39 Injure 41 Tend fireplacea 42 Chattered 44 Skier’ssurfaces 45 Greek letter 47 Bosom 48 “Shoo!” 49 “Who Wants __ a Millionaire” 50 Part in a movie 53 “__ Life”Wonderful 54 One’s equal 56 Have a bug 57 Word attached to cup or spoon 59 French article ©2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved. 8/5/22 Created by Jacqueline E. Mathews8/5/22 The Daily Commuter Puzzle is Sponsored by Sunnyview Nursing Home and Apartments, 1311 E. 28th St., Trenton, MO 660-359-5647 4,8004,5004,2003,9003,600 FAMAMJJ 4,2004,0603,920 S&P 500 Close: Change:4,122.47-17.59 (-0.4%) 10 DAYS 36,00034,00032,00030,00028,000 FAMAMJJ 33,12032,44031,760 Dow Jones industrials Close: Change:32,774.41-58.13(-0.2%) 10 DAYS Advanced 900 Declined 1542 New Highs 20 New Lows 35 Vol. (in mil.) 3,687 Pvs.Volume 3,985 4,5964,78998525193656 NYSE N ASD DOW 32,877.53 32,702.66 32,774.41 -58.13 -0.18% s s s -9.81% DOW Trans. 14,649.52 14,486.69 14,525.67 -126.77 -0.87% s s s -11.85% DOW Util. 1,026.26 1,018.35 1,023.41 +8.29 +0.82% s s s +4.35% NYSE Comp. 15,342.74 15,225.20 15,264.79 -41.01 -0.27% s s s -11.07% NASDAQ 12,582.91 12,438.86 12,493.93 -150.53 -1.19% s s s -20.14% S&P 500 4,137.30 4,112.09 4,122.47 -17.59 -0.42% s s s -13.51% S&P 400 2,520.11 2,490.72 2,498.12 -21.99 -0.87% s s s -12.10% Wilshire 5000 41,462.79
recognizable youth activities. During June,
and August, many counties across
also often include a THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2022 • PAGE 7 New To Medicare or Want To Compare Pricing... HELTON INSURANCE SOLUTIONS Williams Shopping Center • Trenton, MO New To Medicare or Want to Compare Pricing... CALL BRIAN McDANIEL 816-289-1935 or LEAH HELTON 660-359-3806 or JAKE HARRIS 816-835-7410 “OUR QUALITY OF SERVICE IS WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT” CHILLICOTHE TRENTONDOWNTOWN CHILLICOTHE • 620 WASHINGTON STREET 660-646-3504 • Open Mon-Fri 9-5:30, Sat 9-1 • LOCAL
Chris Small, executive director of the Community Action Partnership of North Missouri, presented the program at the Thursday, Aug 4 meeting of the Trenton Rotary Club. Michael Ormsby presided at the business meeting, Dan Wilford gave the prayer, Steve Taylor was sergeant at arms and John Anthony was program chairman. Small told about the services offered by the CAP (formerly known as the Green Hills Community Action Agency). The Trenton facility is one of 19 CAPs in Missouri and serves the counties of Grundy, Daviess, Harrison, Linn, Livingston, Caldwell, Mercer, Putnam and Sullivan as well as limited services in Carroll, Clinton, DeKalb, Ray, Andrew and Buchanan counties. The agency’s focus is on assisting low to moderate income persons in their efforts to become more self-reliant. Among the services offered are housing assistance, women’s health, weatherization
hold County Fairs, with most incorporating some component of animal and livestock shows.
project display filled with completed items. But like many members,themselves.uniquefairprograms,Extension-relatedeachcountyisasdifferentandasthecountiesFormany4-Hcountyfairs
THE PRODUCT OF COUNTY FAIRS Extension Notes by University of Missouri Extension 660-359-2212 •
Chris Small Presents Program
Sheep, Goat & Hog Sale: Saturday, August 20 @ 10 am Special Feeder Sale: Monday, August 22 @ 11 am EXPECTING 1200 HEAD! Special Cow Sale: Friday, August 26 @ 6 pm EXPECTING 600 HEAD! Special Feeder Sale: Monday, August 29 @ 11 am * * No Feeder Sale August 15 * * Open all day on Sundays to receive livestock! Barn: 660-622-4214 • Casey Flinn, Owner: 816-769-7532 Field Reps: Dwayne Penny: 816-506-2776 • Utah Stulz: 660-334-0400 Bobby Morrison: 816-345-0518 • Ben Peterson: 660-247-2759 Travis Gibson: 660-646-8337 • Sheep/Goats/Hog: Clark Allen: 660-973-6826 Find us on Facebook at Tina Livestock Market • Check out our market report on Cattle Market Mobile! Check us out on our new website: 435 W. 2nd St., Tina, MO 64682 Casey & Amelia Flinn, Owners Cattle Sales: Mondays @ 11 am Sheep, Goat & Hog Sales: 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month @ 10 am Special Cow Sales: 4th Friday of the month @ 6 pm by
County SpecialistEngagementin4-HYouthDevelopment Our
are an opportunity to display the end result of their hard work. From the red, white, and blue quilts to the intricately decorated cakes, from the wooden fishing pole holders to the posters displaying cuts of meat –youth take pride in the tangible items they present to help explain their learning.Foryouth enrolled in animal projects, this showcase is no different. Just do not let yourself be fooled as the animals are certainly worth seeing. Because the true product county fairs are raising are the kids holding the halters or cages, not the show animals standing inside of them. For at the end of the fair, not every kid will win the biggest ribbon, but they will take the skills they have acquired and apply them to their own passion. Because yes, 4-H will end and youth will some day experience their final walk around the sale ring or project judging day. But take great pride in those county fairs. For when done successfully, our Missouri youth will know what it is like to dedicate purpose, hard work, and learning towards any lifetime goal. To help support Missouri 4-H members this summer, stop by the 4-H Building or a livestock show at the Missouri State Fair. Youth will be presenting demonstrations, maneuvering around the ring or barn, and sending their 4-H projects for display from August 11 th through the 21 st in Sedalia. 4-H staff will also have plenty of information about 4-H enrollment, which will start on October 1st.
demic,Sept.holdnouncedmeeting,ciency.personsertyitiesfundingtax,countynumberwhichcommunity-related,andencompassaofthingsuchasemergency,seniorenergyandCSBGaswellasactiv-tohelpreducepov-intheareaandurgetowardself-suffi-Duringthebusinessitwasan-theclubwoulditsannualfishfryon10.Duetothepan-theclubhashelda drive-in event the past two years. However, this year’s meal will be an inperson event, although take-out meals will be available. Tickets will be sold by members at a cost of $10 for adults and $5 for children. It will again be held at the Rock Barn. More information will be announced later. Funds from the event are used by the club as its contribution to Rotary International projects, for which last year the club was recognized as the top per-capital contributor within District 6040. The program for the Aug. 11 meeting will be presented by Sophie Currie, a Trenton High School student who will be participating in the Rotary Student Exchange program this year and will attend school and live in Mexico. The local club will also be hosting a student from Mexico as well. Other programs for the month will be presented by TDIA Director E’Lisha Gass on Aug. 18 and the THS fall sports coaches on Aug. 25. at Trenton Rotary Club Chelsea Corkins, hot Missouri summers have not kept local 4-Hers from one of Midwest’s most July, Missouri They 4-H
LOCAL PAGE 8 • THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2022 H&S CONTRACTING Remodeling, room additions, garages & decks and pole barns •New homes & basement w/ICF forms •Wall replacement under homes, repair cracks & bowed walls •Leveling, waterproofing •Backhoe & Bobcat work •New water & sewer lines 660-953-0724 Kale Hoerrmann, Owner • 30 Years Experience Willing Workers LLP Do you need your siding or roof replaced? Give Willing Workers a call today for a FREE 660-973-5694estimate...JohnKramer 17594 St., Hwy. 190, Jamesport, MO 64648 Used & Abused Cars & Trucks Highest Prices Paid! You Call - We Come Get It! 145 Hwy. W, Trenton (formerly Jim’s Auto Salvage) 660-359-3888WANTED! Email your news information news@republican-times.comto THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2022 • PAGE 9 T & L Auto Supply, Inc. 1823 East 9th TrentonStreet 660-359-2268 7:30Monday-Friday7a.m.-6p.m.Saturdaya.m.12 p.m. Serving sincecommunitythe1977! 70 Hwy. 1-800-471-5966359-5966TrentonY
Brought to you by Weekly Feature on Individuals or Organizations in our AreaThe Republican-TimesTrenton
Main Street Mercantile is located at 905 Main Street in Trenton, MO, and opens at 10:00 a.m. Tuesday-Saturday. To learn more about Main Street Mercantile, visit Facebook and find the Main Street Mercantile page, or search for other business Facebook pages the Mercantile has. Shawna said, “We love to hear from customers and to answer questions anyone may have about our products.”
Located in downtown Trenton, MO, Main Street Mercantile houses ten small businesses offering local shopping and services that include everything from women’s clothing and accessories, home décor, porch and garden décor refurbished furniture, hand-made wooden signs, wooden flower arrangements, pasture-raised beef, earrings, hand-made wreaths, baby clothing and items, bathy and body, cupcakes and sweets, plus so muchEachmore.small business not only has a storefront for its products, but most take custom orders individually, which adds a personal touch. Established by Trenton Downtown association in 2019, Shawna Tabbert and Amanda Jawahir took ownership in April 2020. “We truly have something for everyone,” said Shawna. “It’s our hope to provide our community with as many resources as possible under one roof. When you walk into our store, you will find something that suits everyone’s style, and I love that we have a one-stop shop for the best giftMainitems.”Street Mercantile’s primary goal is to provide items/services that people may not have access to in a small town. Their slogan, “Love What’s Local,” is truly something the Mercantile promotes and lives by. Main Street Mercantile donates to several organizations, no matter how big or small, to keep the community thriving. Shawna said, “We all impact each other, and when we work together, we impact our town as a whole.” Main Street Mercantile also puts on a few events downtown to create traffic and bring small businesses together. This helps Main Street Mercantile and other small businesses create exposure. One event has been the launch of “Merchants on Main,” which first started last May. This farmers market-style event has small businesses, artisans, and food trucks on Main Street every third Thursday of the month for individuals to shop and eat. “While this is still a work in progress and we are still navigating changes that need to be made, we are proud to have started yet another event downtown,” said Shawna.When the Mercantile first opened in 2019, eight vendors, including Amanda and Shawna, were only open Thursday-Saturday. Since then, Main Street Mercantile has added several more businesses and is now open Tuesday-Saturday. One of the newest additions is Farmhouse Table, which will provide a number of frozen prepared meals and easy-to-go lunches. Almost a year ago, Shawna and Amanda applied and were approved for a grant allowing the Mercantile to change in several ways. One of these changes will be creating a strong online presence that allows Main Street Mercantile to feature and highlight vendors enabling the customer to understand the vendor’s backstory and business. Shawna said, “This will be a huge step in knowing what Mercantile stands for.”Brainstorming with the Economic Vitality Board, another possible change for the future has been the discussion of the pursuit of a second location. However, if the second location becomes a reality, it will not be connected to Main Street Mercantile. Shawna said, “We have limited space in our shop and have multiple small businesses reaching out to us for a ‘booth space,’ and because we can't accommodate them at the moment, we have to put names on a waiting list. We think it would be very beneficial for our community to have a separate space to house more small businesses that will potentially invest in our town and become an entity of their own. This is not a decision made or discussed in depth, but just an idea for the future.”
Street Mercantile
Community Corner
equal opportunity basis." For Results That Move You! PURKAPILEMELISSA MelissaMovesU.com359-1101 dtf CALL MELISSA For All Your Real Estate Needs! FREEMANGREG PickGreg.com358-4003 dtf PICK GREG PUBLISHER'S NOTE: "All property advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” "We will not knowingly accept any advertising for property which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all advertised property is available on an equal opportunity basis." PAGE 10 • THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2022 For Sale by Owner Duplex $160,000 1724 Lincoln St, 660-358-2399Trentonor660-359-3590 PRINCETONAPARTMENTSMANOR is accepting applications for 1 BEDROOM SENIOR CITIZEN APARTMENTS Rent is based on income and includes: Water, Sewer, Trash, Lawn Care, Snow Removal, 24 hour Maintenance and On-Site Laundry Facilities. Applicants may stop by 2610 Princeton Road, Trenton, Missouri to pick up an application and see the pride we take in our housing community. We share in great neighbors, community activities & beautiful surroundings. 660-359-5120 • Some income restrictions apply. HELP WANTED Will Salmon Excavating in Gallatin is seeking welders, laborers and heavy equipment operators with some experience. Call 660-334-0398. PROBATE CLERK Grundy County Circuit Court has an opening for a fulltime Probate Clerk. This position is 40 hours per week with benefits. Duties include processing court cases, assisting with court hearings, general clerical functions and customer service. Applicant must possess a high school diploma or GED, have efficient computer skills and be detail oriented. Basic knowledge of court procedures and legal documents beneficial. Mail resume to Becky Stanturf, Grundy County Circuit Clerk, 700 Main St., Suite 7, Trenton, MO 64683 or email to Resumes will be accepted until position is filled. EOE
PUBLISHER'S NOTE: "All rental property advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” "We will not knowingly accept any advertising for rental property which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION In Re: Avery Elizabeth MockCase No. 22AG-DR00095 To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that by an Order of the Circuit Court of the County of Grundy, Missouri, Division I, Case No. 22AG-DR00095 made and entered on the record on July 19, 2022, the name of Avery Elizabeth Mock was change to Avery Elizabeth Iowa Bowe. /s/ Becky --------------------------------------dJul28,Aug4,11CircuitStanturfClerk
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION In Re: Shelby Taylor WilliamsCase No. 22AG-DR00093 To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that by an Order of the Circuit Court of the County of Grundy, Missouri, Division I, Case No. 22AG-DR00093 made and entered on the record on July 19, 2022, the name of Shelby Taylor Williams was change to Finley Jasinski Williams./s/BeckydJul28,Aug4,11CircuitStanturfClerk
The office will be closed on
PUBLISHER'S NOTE: "The advertisements appearing in this column may involve the offer of a security as defined by Missouri law, such as investment contracts, partnership interests, or notes. It is possible that these advertisements or the offers on which they are based may require registration with the Missouri Securities Division under Chapter 509 of the Revised MissouriAdvertisersStatutes. and potential advertisers are advised that transactions and advertisements involving securities entail certain rights and responsibilities created by the above mentioned laws. If you have any questions, call your attorney or the Missouri Securities Division at 1800-721-7996.Anyoneconsidering investing should be aware that all persons who sell securities and the securities they sell must be registered or exempt from registration with the Securities Division of the Secretary of State's office. To make sure the individual and the investment are registered prior to investing, call 1800-721-7996.
INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST! Always a good policy, especially for business opportunities and franchises. Call MO Attorney General at (880) 392-8222 or the Federal Trade Commission at (877) FTC-HELP for free information. Or visit our Web site at Republican-Times business office hours are Monday thru Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (closed from 12-1 p.m. for lunch) and Friday, 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Saturdays. Call Jim and leave a message 660-5258747. Covid rules a must.(8/11) The city of Spickard is looking to hire a maintenance worker. Duties include: mowing, meter readings, logging reading for water and sewer, etc. Pay is based on experience. Please send applications to: Spickard City Hall 303 Spickard.JeffersonMO 64679 660-485-6106
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF GRUNDY CaseATMISSOURICOUNTY,TRENTONNo.22AG-DR00086 In re the marriage of Carley Fairchild, Petitioner, and James Fairchild, Respondent. NOTICE UPON ORDER FOR SERVICE PUBLICATIONBY THE STATE OF MISSOURI TO JAMES fiedYOURespondent.FAIRCHILD,AREHEREBYnoti-thatanactionhasbeen commenced against you in the Circuit Court of Grundy County, Missouri, at Trenton, the object and general nature of which is a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. The name of the party to said action is Carley Fairchild. The name and address of the attorney for Petitioner is: Michele
P.O. Box renderedJudgmentmencementafterPetitionerdefendshallswerthat,You64429Cameron,607Missouriarefurthernotifiedunlessyoufileandan-orotherpleadingsorotherwiseappearandagainsttheaforesaidwithin45daysthedayofthecom-ofpublication,byDefaultwillbeagainstyou./s/BeckyStanturfCircuitClerkdAug4,11,18,25--------------------------------------
Classified Advertising Information Phone 359-2212 Classified advertising rate schedule in the Republican-Times is listed below. DEADLINES: For Newspaper: 4 p.m. the Monday before Thursday printing For Green Hills Weekly Shopper: 4 p.m. the Thursday before Wednesday printing Ads also appear same number of days on the Internet at right to edit or reject copy not consistent with editorial policy. Up to 25 words - $10.00 60¢ per word for each additional word over 25 words. Blind ads should be answered by writing box numbers given in care of the Republican-Times.
--------------------------------------MO655&a--------------------------------------PhoneViewJob.aspx?JobID=6771.,16orlessaweekatNCMCloca-ClassesareMondayWednesdayevenings5-8p.m.Formoreinfor-onapplyinggotothelink#(816)671-4020.(9/1)LibertyTownshipwillholdtaxratehearingattheLarryJudyUrtonresidenceatNE58thStreet,Trenton,August11at7:00p.m.dAug11 C. Puckett Drive
616 Lana
Republican-Times 122 E. 8th St. 359-2212 Fax: --------------------------------------660-359-4414 *SEAMLESS GUTTERING* We are ready to replace your old gutters with new seamless aluminum gutters! MOORE’S CONSTRUCTION & WOODWORK, INC. 359-5477. 52 Years Experience. Tdtf WANTED!! Used & Abused Cars & Trucks. Highest prices paid! You Call - We Come Get It! FRONTIER AUTO & TRUCK PARTS (formerly Jim’s Auto Salvage) 145 Hwy. W., Trenton, 3593888. --------------------------------------Tdtf PIANO TUNING SERVICE – Taking out the wrong note since 1988. I am discontinuing piano tuning in Missouri. If you would like me to tune your piano one more time, or if this is your first time, please contact me by September 30, 2022. Keith Sarver 660-425-2547. Like Us on Facebook! --------------------------------------dtf Call MIDWEST MECHANICAL & rely on comfort. 800-425-0976 or 485-6611, Brian S. Israel, owner. For your heating & cooling needs. All Tax Credits & Rebates available! Geostar Geothermal Heat Pumps. Over 25 years --------------------------------------experience.Tdtf Carquest Auto Parts T & L Auto Supply, Inc., 1823 East 9th, Trenton, 3592268, Monday-Friday, 7-5, Saturday, 7:30-12. --------------------------------------Tdtf JAMESPORT LUMBER Full Service Lumberyard. We also sell AvailableCertificatesHardwarerebar/concreteTrusses/metal/blocks.NewDepartment•GiftandDelivery•FreeEstimates.32089St.Hwy6,Jamesport 660-684-6404 --------------------------------------Tdtf Willing Workers LLPDo you need your siding or roof replaced? Give Willing Workers a call today for a FREE estimate... 660-9735694, John Kramer, 17594 St. Hwy. 190, Jamesport, MO 64648 --------------------------------------Tdtf Cox Family Dentistry, P.C. Andrew P. Cox, D.D.S. 1011 Cedar St., Trenton. 660-359-6889 or 660-3596993. --------------------------------------Tdtf RED BARN MINI STORAGE, across from the new hospital. 5 Unit sizes available, prices starting at $19 per month. Call Mike or Jane Cooksey 359-1069 or 3597683. --------------------------------------Tdtf PAGE TREE SERVICE Jeff Page 660-359-3699shop, 660-359-2202-home. Serving the entire Green Hills Area! Specializing in tree trimming, stump grinding & complete removal. 75’ bucket truck, chipper & stump grinder. Licensed & insured. Free Estimates! --------------------------------------Tdtf LAUHOFF JEWELRY Downtown Chillicothe620 Washington St. Open Monday-Friday 9:00-5:30, Saturday 9:00-1:00. 660646-3504 www.lauhoffjew --------------------------------------Tdtf Mid-States Services is now offering: Fiber Optic installs in rural Trenton! MidStates will STILL WAIVE the $150 installation free for those who sign up NOW! Sign up TODAY by calling 660-359-2045 or --------------------------------------ton,4100,Tren-MO64683.Tdtf H & S CONTRACTING Remodeling, room additions, garages & decks and pole barns * New homes & basements w/ICF forms * Wall replacement under homes, repair cracks & bowed walls * Leveling, waterproofing * Backhoe & Bobcat work * New water & sewer lines. Kale Hoerrmann - Owner, 30 years experience – 660953-0724. --------------------------------------Tdtf JAMESPORT BUILDERS, 660-684-6931, 32137 State Hwy 6, Jamesport. POLE BARNS – GARAGES, Spray foam insulation. --------------------------------------TdtfBUY-SELL-TRADEBIG NASTY'S GUNS & AMMO - Stop in and see us at our New Location - 1515 E. 9th Street, Trenton, MO. Nathan Rorebeck, 660-6350469, --------------------------------------www.bignastys.comTdtf PETS/ANIMALS Shelly's Pet Care 660684-6864, 103 S. Locust St., Jamesport, MO 64648. Professional, Personalized Grooming. Appointments available Monday - Saturday. 35 Years of Experience! Serving the Green Hills Area since 1996! --------------------------------------dtf Rottweiler puppies 8 weeks old, up to date on shots & wormer, champion bloodlines, calm and friendly. $400 OBO. Call 660-2443188. --------------------------------------(8/11) FOR SALE Pond building supplies. Roll plastic pipe, 100 lb. & 160 lb. PSI. Pond shut-off & stock tank valves, hydrants. Trenton Hardware, 901 Main, 359-3660. --------------------------------------816-649-8615.Miles,Shovel--------------------------------------240-1173.soriesweights,stepper,bench,--------------------------------------8/11GoldsHomeGym,weightflybench,aclimber,a170lbs.free7ftbar,+acces-$675.00.Call660-(8/17)HarleyDavidson1998headcustom,4075$6500.Textorcall(9/1) INSURANCE Shelter Insurance – Cale Gondringer 1601 E 9th St., Suite D. 660-359-4100. LIFE * HOME * AUTO * FARM * BUSINESS. We’re your shield. We’re your ShelterInsurance.comshelter.Tdtf HELTON INSURANCE SOLUTIONS - Williams Shopping Center, Trenton, MO. New To Medicare or Want To Compare Pricing ... Call Brian McDaniel 816289-1935 Or Leah Helton 660-359-3806 or 660-6350537 "Our Quality Of Service Is What Makes Us --------------------------------------Different"Tdtf FARM NEEDS *WANTED* FARM GROUND TO LEASE! Competitive Rates AARON LANDES, 660-358-2682 bootsShopSupply--------------------------------------L905tfSeeConsumerOil&foryourOneStopforMuckandLacrosseandgloves. Consumer Oil & Supply, 614 Harris Ave., 359-2258 --------------------------------------C361dtf CRP/Pasture Clearing All types of Skid Loader Work. Call Gabe Buzzard, Trenton, MO. 816-678-3918 --------------------------------------Bdtf FOR RENT Sunnyview Apartments is taking applications for single & double apartments. Sunnyview is a residential care facility for the elderly. We provide qualified staff to administer medications, provide three meals a day and offer minimal assistance with the activities of daily living. Now accepting Medicaid. For more information contact Cassandra Brewer at 660359-5647. --------------------------------------S553dtf NOTICES THE PEOPLE’S CO-OP, 1736 East 9th • 359-3313. Premium Diesel, Gas, 10% Ethanol – CENEX. 83 years of service & experience. MR. TIRE – Dean, Hankook, Cooper tires. --------------------------------------night.specialwithevening.ChurchTeamFeaturingon@Presents:--------------------------------------atmeeting--------------------------------------TdtfSalemCemeteryAnnualwillbeAugust13th2P.M.atthecemetery.(8/11)KidderBaptistChurchRevivalintheParkKidderParkinKidder,MOAugust11,12&13th-ThePoloPraisefromPoloBaptistandSuppereachPlantobefilleduptheLord’swordbyoutguestspeakerseach(8/11) RUMMAGE SALE 8/12 Fri 8-6, 8/13 Sat 8-2, 1507 E 8th St., Trenton. Clothes newborn-adult, books, bedding, home decor, scentsy burners, shoes, purses, dishes, bed frames, fireplace, toys. Something for ----------------------------------------------------------------------------everyone.LindaBrooks122LakeviewDrPlattsburg,MO64477816-718-2809 REALWEBSITESESTATE Replacement Parts; Accessories; Chemicals; Tool & equipment. --------------------------------------T470dtf WANTED Buying standing walnut, oak & cottonwood timber. Cash or on shares. Call Mike at 816-248-3091. --------------------------------------660-605-2107."YEARS--------------------------------------tfc"WANTTOBUYLASTHAYBALES.CALL HELP WANTED Sunnyview Nursing Home has job openings available for the following positions: RN, LPN, CNA, Dietary and Level I Medication Aide. Please fill out a job application at 1311 East 28th Street, Trenton, MO 64683. --------------------------------------toto:ence.PayhireRoad--------------------------------------employer.portunity/,MO64679MondayandTuesday,9noonOrfax660-485-6156.(8/25) Partially blind writer needs some computer assistance for typing manuscripts and light research. WordPerfect a must. Salary and schedule negotiable. Expect lengthy employment.
In the Estate of JENNIFER ANN HAMILTON, Deceased. Estate No. 22AG-PR00032 To all persons interested in the estate of Jennifer Ann Hamilton, Deceased On the 28th day of June, 2022, James E. Hamilton was appointed the Personal Representative of the Estate of Jennifer Ann Hamilton, Decedent, by the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Grundy County, Missouri. The business address of James E. Hamilton is 20 SE Highway E, Trenton, Missouri 64683, and his attorney is Tara L. Walker of the law firm of TLWalker Law, LLC, P.O. Box 457, 605 E. 9th Street, Trenton, MO 64683. All creditors of said decedent are notified to file claims in the probate division of this court within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice or if a copy of this notice was mailed to, or served upon, such creditor by the personal representative, then within two months from the date it was mailed or served, whichever is later, or be forever barred to the fullest extent permissible by law. Such six-month period and such two-month period do not extend the limitation period that would bar claims one year after the decedent's death, as provided in Section 473.444, RSMo, or any other applicable limitation periods. Nothing in Section 473.033, RSMo, shall be construed to bar any action against a decedent's liability insurance carrier through a defendant ad litem pursuant to section 537.021,ReceiptRSMo.ofthis notice by mail should not be construed by the recipient to indicate that he or she necessarily has a beneficial interest in the estate. The nature and extent of any person's interest, if any, can be determined from the files and records of this estate in the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Grundy County, Missouri.Dateof Decedent’s death was April 26, 2022. Date of first publication of this notice is July 28, 2022. /s/ Jill Eaton, Clerk, Probate Division of the Court of Grundy County, homeAugustwillthegustratetion--------------------------------------Street,locatedwill23lartaxBoard--------------------------------------dJul28,Aug4,11,18MissouriTheTrentonTownshipwillholdtheannualratehearingattheregu-meetingheldonAugustat7:00p.m.Themeetingbeatthetownshipbarnat1305NormalTrenton,MO.dAug11TheLaredoFireProtec-DistrictwillholdataxhearingonMonday,Au-22,2022at7:30p.m.atfiredistrictbuilding.dAug11TheVillageofBrimsonholdataxratehearingon22at6:00p.m.attheofMayorEdArnold.dAug11 IN THE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, GRUNDY COUNTY, MISSOURI PROBATE DIVISIONCaseNo. 22AG-PR00036 In the Estate of DIXIE L PARTON, Decedent. Notice of Hearing-Determination of Heirship AllTo: unknown heirs of the decedent and all persons known or believed to claim any interest in the property outlined below as an heir or through an heir of the decedent. You are hereby notified that you are entitled to appear and be heard at a hearing to be held on September 15, 2022, at 10:00 AM in the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Grundy County, GRUNDY COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT, 700 MAIN STREET, TRENTON, MO 64683, on a petition to determine the heirs of the above-named decedent, who died on January 26, 2019, and their respective interests as heirs in the following described property. Should you fail to appear, judgment and decree may be entered in due course upon said Petition. Description of Property Value Real Property (Including Legal Description) All of the South Forty (40) feet of the $30,000.00 East Half (E1/2) of Lot Nine (9), EXCEPT Ten (10) Feet off the west end for alley, and the East Half (E1/2) of Lot Ten (10) EXCEPT Ten (10) feet off the West end for alley, all in the Extension of Northwestern Addition to the City of Trenton, Grundy County, Missouri. Personal Property NONE $0 Petitioner's attorney is TARA L WALKER, whose business address is 605 E 9TH STREET, TRENTON, MO information provided on the application is confidential and will be used only for the purpose of determining eligibility. Applications may be submitted any time during the school year. A complete application is required as a condition of eligibility. A complete application includes: (1) household income from all sources or Food Stamp/TANF case number, (2) names of all household members, and (3) the signature and last four digits of social security number or indication of no social security number of adult household member signing the application. School officials may verify current income at any time during the school year. Foster children may be eligible regardless of the income of the household with whom they reside. Households with children who are eligible under the foster, Head Start, homeless, migrant, or runaway programs should contact the school for assistance in receiving meal benefits. Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) participants may be eligible for free or reduced price meals. Children who are members of households currently certified as receiveing Food Stamps, TANF or FDPIR are eligible for free meals. To complete an application, the household must provide the names of the children, a statement that the household receives the qualifying benefits, the Food Stamps/TANF/FDPIR case number, and the signature of the adult household member making application. When known by the school that members of a household are receiving assistance from Food Stamps, TANF or FDPIR, households will be notified of their children's eligibility for free school meals. If any children in the household were not listed on the eligibility notice or not listed on the application, the household should contact the school to have benefits extended to all children in the household. If a family member becomes unemployed or if family size changes, the family should contact the school to file a new application. Such changes may make the children of the family eligible for these benefits. Under the provisions of the policy, the Superintendent will review the applications and determine eligibility. If a parent is dissatisfied with the ruling of the determining official, they may wish to discuss the decision with the hearing official on an informal basis or he/she may make a request either orally or in writing to the Superintendent Hearing procedures are outlined in the policy. A complete copy of the policy is on file in each school and in the central office where any interested party may review it. USDA Non-discrimination Statement: In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m. Monday, August 22, 2022, at City Hall, 1100 Main Street at which time citizens may be heard on the property tax rates proposed to be set by the City of Trenton, Missouri. The tax rates shall be set to produce the revenues, which the budget shows to be required from the property tax. Each tax rate is determined by dividing the amount of gross revenue needed by the current assessed valuation. (The result is multiplied by 100 as the tax rate will be expressed in cents per $100 valuation.) Assessed Valuation Current Tax Prior Tax (By Categories) Year 2022 Year 2021 Real Estate $38,661,505 $38,637,720 Personal Property $16,958,415 $14,128,960 Local Railroad & Utilities $ 3,977,060 $ 4,316,152 TOTAL $59,596,980 $57,082,832
Budgeted Tax Rate Maximum Tax Proposed Tax Revenues for Ceiling Rate After Sales Rate for 2022 2022 Tax Rollback General$510,000 1.0017 1.0017 1.0017 Park$ 92,000 .1843 .1843 .1843 construction Revenue derived directly from new For 2022 construction at the proposed tax rate. $2,775,379 $32,915.99
OF TRENTON, MISSOURI Cindy Simpson, City Clerk dAug11 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held at 5:25 p.m., August 26, 2022, in the President’s Office, Frey Administrative Building, NCMC, Trenton, MO, at which citizens may be heard on the property tax rates proposed to be set by North Central Missouri College, a political subdivision. The tax rates shall be set to produce the revenues which the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022, shows to be required from the property tax. Each tax rate is determined by dividing the amount of revenue required by the current assessed valuation. The result is multiplied by 100 as the tax rate will be expressed in cents per $100.00 evaluation. Adjusted Assessed Current Prior Valuation Tax Year Tax Year (By Categories) 2022 2021 Real Estate $69,140,266 $67,415,109 Personal Property 32,748,627 28,139,496 TOTAL $101,888,893 $95,554,605Proposed Amount of Property Tax Rates Tax Revenues for 2022 Fund Budgeted for 2022 (Per $100) General $280,000 $ .399 Delinquent Taxes 20,000 Surtax 7,000 Financial Inst. Tax 800 Railroad and Utilities Tax 55,000 TOTAL $362,800 Board of Trustees North Central Missouri College By Tyson Otto Treasurer, Board of TrusteesdAug11 Aug11
Notice to all taxpayers of Marion Township Annual tax levy meeting for the township will be held on Tuesday, August 16 at 8:00 p.m. at the Laredo Community Center. All interested residents are urged to attend the meeting.
First64683.Date of Publication: July 28, 2022. /s/ Jill dJul28,Aug4,11,18Eaton,Clerk PUBLIC RELEASE Trenton R-IX, Pleasant View R-VI, Laredo R-VII, Grundy County R-V and Spickard R-II schools announced its revised free and reduced price policy for school children unable to pay the full price of meals served in schools under the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program. Local education officials have adopted the following family-size income criteria for determining eligibility: Household Maximum Household Income Maximum Household Income Size Eligible for Free Meals Eligible for Reduced Price Meals Annually Monthly Weekly Annually Monthly Weekly 1 $17,667 $1,473 $340 $25,142 $2,096 $484 2 23,803 1,984 458 33,874 2,823 652 3 29,939 2,495 576 42,606 3,551 820 4 36,075 3,007 694 51,338 4,279 988 5 42,211 3,518 812 60,070 5,006 1,156 6 48,347 4,029 930 68,802 5,734 1,324 7 54,483 4,541 1,048 77,534 6,462 1,492 8 60,619 5,042 1,166 86,266 7,189 1,659 EachMemberAdditional + 6,139 + 512 + 118 + 8,732 + 728 + 168 Children from families whose current income is at or below those shown are eligible for free or reduced price meals. Applications are available at the school office in each school. To apply, fill out a Free and Reduced Price School Meals Family Application and return it to the school. The
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: filing cust.html, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: This institution is an equal opportunity provider. dAug4,11
In the Estate of BESSIE LEAH WILFORD, Deceased. Notice of Letters Testamentary Granted To All Persons Interested in the Estate of BESSIE LEAH WILFORD, Decedent. On July 18, 2022, the last will of the decedent having been admitted to probate, the following individual was appointed personal representative of the estate of BESSIE LEAH WILFORD, decedent by the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Grundy County, Missouri. The name and business address, of the personal representative is: ROBERT M WILFORD 355 NE 105TH AVE GALT, MO 64641 The personal representative's attorney's name, business address and phone number is: MICHAEL D. ARNOLD 109 E. JACKSON STREET GALLATIN, MO 64640 (660) 663-2203 All creditors of said decedent are notified to file claims in court within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice or if a copy of this notice was mailed to, or served upon, such creditor by the personal representative, then within two months from the date it was mailed or served, whichever is later, or be forever barred to the fullest extent permissible by law. Such sixmonth period and such twomonth period do not extend the limitation period that would bar claims one year after the decedent's death, as provided in Section 473.444, RSMo, or any other applicable limitation periods. Nothing in Section 473.033, RSMo, shall be construed to bar any action against a decedent’s liability insurance carrier through a defendant ad litem pursuant to Section 537.021, RSMo. Date of the decedent’s death: April 11, 2022 Date of first publication: July 28, 2022 /s/ Jill Eaton,Clerk Receipt of this notice by mail should not be construed by the recipient to indicate that the recipient necessarily has a beneficial interest in the estate. The nature and extent of any person's interest, if any, can be determined from the files and records of this estate in the Probate Division of the above referenced Circuit Court.
A large crowd attended Grundy Electric Cooperative’s Annual Membership Meeting held August 4, 2022, at the Trenton High School in Trenton, Missouri. Over 240 members and guests began the evening with dinner served by Grundy County 4-H Members. Entertainment was provided by The Marks Family from JeffersonMembersCity. browsed the information booths and visited with employees of Grundy Electric Cooperative and Mid-States Services, LLC. The GEC Community Foundation, Inc. booth included a display of previously funded educational grants and information on Operation Round Up. Christopher Marlow, Director of Investor Protection, Education, Vulnerable Citizen Services displayed fraud protection information. Joe Wilkerson, Senior Vice President and Chief Member Relations Officer of Associated Electric Cooperative visited with members regarding the mix of generating resources and technologies used to provide member-owners with safe, reliable electricity at the lowest cost possible. Prior to the business meeting, GEC Community Foundation President Cliff Addison discussed the Foundation and encouraged members to participate in Operation Round Up. Foundation Trustee Joe Hartley presented fourth quarter grants to area schools totaling $9,576.00. Pastor Shawn O’Brien of Honey Creek Chapel Christian Church offered the invocation. Boy Scout Troop #97 led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. Corporate Development Manager Peggy Boulware acknowledged specialGrundyguests.Electric Cooperative Board President Dan Lentz presided over the business meeting. Lentz welcomed and thanked members for their attendance and participation in the Cooperative’s Annual Business Meeting. Lentz introduced Grundy’s Board of Directors. He thanked members that participated in the Triennial Members Satisfaction Survey.Data from member responses were calculated and presented to members. Lentz also informed members that a Key Ratio Trend Analysis report showed that GEC’s reliability index last year was 99.93%. President Lentz announced that the Board of Directors approved a capital credit refund for the year 1989 and 25% of 2021 totaling $ 451,696.26. Capital credit checks will be provided to members later thisGeneralyear. Manager Scott Wilson thanked members for their commitment to the cooperative by attending their Annual Membership Meeting. Wilson discussed the delivery of safe, reliable, and affordable power through a diligent right-ofway plan and continued maintenance by changing poles and reconductoring efforts. He discussed renewable resources and the fact that they are often not dispatchable when needed, thus the need to keep coal and natural gas units for baseload generation. Wilson also discussed nationwide supply chain issues. He informed members that Arkansas Electric was doing an excellent job managing the cooperative’s inventory by keeping material stocked and available. Members elected two directors to each serve a 3year term. Board incumbents Eric Woodard of rural Trenton, representing Area 1 and Joe Hartley of rural Mercer, representing Area 4 wereDuringre-elected.the business meeting, Peggy Boulware presided over the prize drawings which included six $200 electric bill credits.Grundy Electric Cooperative directors held a re-organizational meeting in which the following officers were elected: Dan Lentz, President; Joe Hartley, Vice President; Marvin Harding, Secretary; Richard Moore, Treasurer, and Eric Woodard, Assistant Secretary. Other board members are Rodney Ewing, Alan Guernsey, and Adrian Cox.
Grundy Electric Cooperative Held Annual Membership Meeting