Trenton Paper_8-18-22

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The Gifted Group will host a car wash on Saturday, August 27. The car wash will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Adams Park Apartments, located at 1312 E.9th Street in Trenton. Community Blood Drive

Utility Committee Discusses

Three area school boards met to set tax levies and hire personnel. Pleasant View R-6 The Pleasant View R-6 School board held a tax rate hearing prior to the start of their regular monthly school board meeting on August 9. The tax rate hearing was called to order by President Danny Westcott. Public comments were made by Shawn Kralicek. A motion was accepted on a 6-0 vote to increase the tax rate from 4.9644 to 4.9830. The regular session board meeting was called to order by President Danny Westcott. The consent items consisting of the agenda, minutes, financial statement, bills and substitute teacher pay were approved on 6-0 votes. In an open forum, public comments were made regarding the tax levy by Steve and Jeanette Hudson. Employees Valeri Kitchen and Courtney Ash made a presentation on implementing a recycling program within the Pleasant View district.Inold business, an update on school projects was given. All the floors are waxed and the new bathroom stalls are done. The video camera installation is to begin next week. Discussion was held on the addition of downspouts and the lack of bids received for installation. Discussion was also held on the coating for the outside of the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade wing with no updates given due to lack of response from insurance provided contractors. There was also discussion on the tax levy with no action taken. In new business, the board voted and approved 6-0 the SPED Compliance Plan provided by DESE, the Free and Reduced Guidelines and the 20212022 ASBR. The board also approved the bus routes for the school year and voted to increase substitute pay from $90 a day to $100 per Superintendentday Rebecca Steinhoff provided the following dates of importance: August 23- Open House at 6:00 p.m.; August 24-KEYS Open House at 5:30 p.m.; August 25-First Day of School; August 29First Day of KEYS Preschool; September 2-Early Out Teacher Professional Development and September 5-No school for Labor Day. The next regular meeting of the school board will be held at 6:00 p.m. on September 13. In a closed session for personnel, the following announcements were made: Jackie Hoffman was hired as a part-time two day paraprofessional on a 5-0 vote. The resignation of Amy Bethards was approved on a 4-1 vote with board member Jack Bethards abstaining. Student matters were discussed with no action taken. Grundy R-5 The Grundy R-5 School District held a special tax levy meeting prior to their regular board meeting on August 10. The board approved a levy for the district of $5.9207, the same as last year. Assessed valStreet PAGES + 1 INSERTS “GOD BLESS AMERICA” Established Sept. 4,

NCMC Conducting In-Service

Gifted Group Car Wash

North Central Missouri College will be conducting inservice for all faculty and staff August 18-19. Offices on the NCMC campus will have limited staff and services on Thursday. Faculty will have limited availability on both days. Classes for the fall semester begin on August 22.

The Laredo Board of Alderman held their tax levy hearing and monthly meeting on Monday, August 8. The 2022 Tax Levy was set at .9976, which is the same as last year. This is .6983 for the general revenue and .2993 for streets. The next meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. on September 12.

Submitted Photo On July 7, Lt. Col. Trent Leeper of the U. S. Air Force took command of the 491st Attack Squadron, Hancock Field Air National Guard Base, Syracuse, New York. As the commander, he leads over 70 active-duty airmen in the MQ-9 Formal Training Unit, encompassing operations, maintenance, and mission support. Lt. Col. Leeper is married to Robyn Figg Leeper, the daughter of Mike and Donna Figg of Trenton. He is the son of Beverly and the late Mike Bosley and Susan Leeper all of Trenton and Terry Leeper of Branson. Family members attending the ceremony included Robyn, Tucker, and Truman Leeper, Beverly Bosley, and Tyson, Megan, Brylie, Parker, Chase, and Silas Lober.

The Trenton Utility Committee met on Tuesday, August 16 at City Hall. Utility Committee Chairman Duane Urich called the meeting to order and asked for department reports.Water/Wastewater District Supervisor Kenny Ricketts reported that the department is working on lines in the Normal Street area. They are doing routine maintenance and progressing forward on the lead line Wastewaterinventory.Plant Supervisor Bob Hutchinson reported they are keeping up with mowing and weed spraying. A shipment of two of the four pumps for lift stations have arrived and will be installed next week. They are still waiting on the last two to arrive as there is a long wait time on shipments. Hutchinson reported that there are three bad blowers and he is waiting on the crane to be able to come in and take those three out to replace with two new Electricones.District Supervisor Brad Griffin reported the department has been working on putting in underground lines to replace overhead lines in the Trenton Lake area. They are still working on replacing the old meters with the new AMIWatermeters.Plant Supervisor Steve Reid reported the department is keeping up with mowing. Reid and a plant employee will be attending Missouri Rural water classes the next two days. Councilman Danny Brewer inquired if the new Polaris, which the council had approved to purchase, had been ordered and when was the expected delivery date. Reid said it has been ordered with a possible delivery date of October. In the review of financial reports it was reported that the new water rates will take affect in Sep[See Utility, Page 3]

NCMC Move-In Day On Friday, August 19 a section of Mable Street will be closed to maintain student safety while they move into NCMC Residence Halls. Mable will be closed from 13th Street to Crowder Road from 8 a.m. until midnight. Day and evening activities are planned for the students on the lawn and street between the residence halls and the Ketcham Community Center.

The NCM Fair accepted a variety of exhibits in the Rock Barn on Tuesday, August 2. There were a variety of items exhibited in Household Arts and Science, Youth Area and residents of Sunnyview Nursing Home. In the Household Arts and Science sections of the fair, 13 adults, 50 youth and 21 nursing home residents displayed a variety of projects. Projects included but were not limited to arts and crafts, quilting, woodworking, food preservation, photography and agronomy.Ribbons and premiums awarded in the adult section were: Lana Snider, 1 red; Trish Wendt, 4 blue, 1 red, 1 white; Tina Conwell, 2 blue; Colleen Kuennen, 1 blue, 1 white; Loretta Ray, 17 blue, 4 red, 2 white; Sue Griffin, 1 blue; Twyla Johnson, 25 blue, 1 red; Babette Hill, 6 blue; Marie Clark, 7 blue, 1 red; Connie Key, 1 blue, 1 red, 2 white an Pam Johnston, 3 blue, 3 Cashred. prizes were awarded to Ms. Ray for most canned food exhibits and Ms. Johnson was recognized by Mary Lou Crawford and family for most items entered in the area of cookies, pies and cakes.Inthe Youth area, Fair Board welcomed exhibits from members of local 4-H clubs, FFA classes and the general public. In addition to ribbons and premiums, cash awards were given to those young people exhibiting woodworking items as well as greatest number of canned goods. Those recognitions were provided by Moore’s Construction and Woodworking and Loretta Ray, Ribbonsrespectively.and recognitions were awarded as follows: Owen Sharp, 2 blue, 2 special woodworking; Carly Sharp, 1 blue, 1 special woodworking; Levi Johnson, 3 blue, 1 white; Quin Weldon, 3 blue, Loretta Ray youth canning award; Tyler Dixon, 1 blue, 1 red, 1 white; Justin Dixon, 2 blue and special woodworking; Bailey Williams, 12 blue, 1 red and 2 special woodworking; Rebecca Urich, 3 blue, 1 red; Maggie Wynne, 2 blue, Adaline Anderson, 7 blue; Case Anderson, 3 blue, 1 red, special woodworking; Gage Swindler, 5 blue; Dylan Swindler, 7 blue, 1 red; Colt Swindler, 1 blue; Duke Swindler, 1 blue; Ross Maloney, 2 blue and special woodworking; Catelin Bowe, 1 blue; Hailee Hein, 2 blue; Calire Woodard, 2 blue, 1 red; Layla Woodard, 1 blue; Aubrey Snider, 2 blue; Alli Schroeder, 6 blue; Alex Lawson, 3 blue; Brodie Bouzek, 2 blue; Kasen Burnes, 2 blue; Leslie Hall, 1 blue; Rebecca Berry, 1 blue; Ady Casebolt, 1 blue; Carter Ingraham, 1 blue; Emma Ferguson, 1 blue; Jaxon Schroeder, 1 blue; Octavia Churchill, 1 blue; Octavia Thompson, 1 blue; Hadlie Eads, 1 blue; Vanna Wallace, 1 blue; Nathaniel LeBlonde, 1 blue; Seth Summers, 1 red; Timothy Summers, 1 red; Ellan Geiser, 1 blue (ChampionBell Peppers); Yoo Jung Lee, 3 blue (including Grand Champion-Hot Peppers, Reserve Champion-Bell Peppers) 2 red, 1

1864 - 158th Year - No. 84 TRENTON Old Glory flying at Five Points [See Boards, Page 2]

Laredo Sets Tax Levy


The Trenton R-9 School Board held an executive session on August 8 to discuss personnel issues. The following announcements were made from the session.The board accepted two resignations, Angela Corbett, which is effective immediately and Graham McVay, whose last day will be July 1, 2023. The following personnel were hired: Chris ParksAssistant Varsity Football, Varsity Girls Track and CPR training; Jessica Romine-Volunteer Softball Assistant coach; Rob Deaver-THS Business teacher; Shelly ForsterTMS Reading Interventionist; Kris Ockenfels-7th/8th Grade Social Studies; Kim Brammer-Early Childhood Special Education; Kim Foster-6th Grade Special Education teacher; Bass,year:teacherswereWiggins.Sharp,schooltuteandOtto,were:cooksfice.AssistantPart-timeRisslerSwann-NightFoodLuanaGannon-Paraprofessional;JessicaHilty-THS/TMSService;GabrielCustodianatandDianaStickler-Administrativeatthedistrictof-ApprovedassubstitutefortheschoolyearDaleLeeper,MarthaRobinBurkeybileMattieYoder.Substi-nurseshiredfortheyearare:MarceneJenniferandMattThefollowingpersonnelapprovedassubstitutefortheschoolSusanBall,AnnieWayneBrown, R-9 NCMExecutiveHoldsBoardSessionFair

Spickard Sets Tax Levy

The Spickard Board of Alderman met at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, August 8 at Spickard City Hall. Mayor Alan Tharp called the meeting to order. The agenda and minutes were approved. The city clerk reported that an ad was put in the newspaper to hire a maintenance worker for the city. A motion was made and accepted by the board for financial claims and to pay the July claims. In new business, the board gave an update on smoke testing of the sewer system to be conducted on September 1.Land owners will be responsible for the cost to keep rainwater out of the sewer system. The tax rate levy was discussed. It was voted unanimously to set the levy at .9917 cents per 100 dollar value. The sewer rate was discussed with no action taken at this time. The next regular meeting is set for 6:00 p.m. on September 12.

Sees Many Entries In Events At Rock Barn Area Boards Set Tax Levies, Hire Personnel 3]

[See Fair, Page 2] [See R-9, Page

Lights, Lift Stations TRENTON $1.25 ©Honeycutt Media, LLC THURS., AUG. 18, 2022 REPUBLICAN-TIIMEES 16

The Community Blood Center of Kansas City will be holding a blood drive on Monday, August 22. The drive will be held from 12:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. at the North 65 Center located at 2901 Hoover Drive in Trenton. Donors are encouraged to make an appointment by visiting and using Group Code: TN. For additional details, contact Betty Tinker at (816) 351-9308.

Leeper Takes Command BRIEFS


Fair • From Front Page • Best in Show


On Tuesday, August 2 there were 67 entries exhibited into the senior horticulture division. It was a good year for gardens and field crops. Thank you to all those who braved the heat to come out and enter theirMarieitems.Clark of Spickard had the most entries winning 2 blue, 7 red, 4 white and 2 that did not place.

Stop in and see us at our NEWTrenton,1515LOCATION!E.9thSt.MO64683

uation of the district is at $12,245,753 which is an increase of $913,714 over lastInyear.the regular meeting, the board heard a report on the district audit which occurred on July 25, with no action taken. A report on construction projects in the district and maintenance on the elementary and high school building was given. The installation of new windows in the elementary school is almost complete. They reviewed heating systems for the bus barn and approved a propane tube heating system bid from Kevin Wyatt for $8,000. A report on the replacing of the dishwasher in the high school kitchen was given with no action taken. In new business, the board approved the Free and Reduced Lunch program and the Special Education Compliance Plan from DESE. The board reviewed and approved the Annual Secretary of the Board report and the preliminary bus routes for the district. Final bus routes will be approved at the next boardThemeeting.board met with members of the Galt City Council regarding future maintenance and use of the city ballpark. After discussion the administration was directed to investigate all aspects of ownership and upkeep on the ballfield. There was discussion on the possibility of purchasing a beef animal for the food service program. The board directed the administration to allow bids for purchase of a beef animal. The board approved an increase to substitute teacher pay from $85 a day to $100 a day.Reports were given by the elementary and high school principals. The board approved an increase to graduation requirements to 28 credits beginning with the 2024 senior class. In closed session, the board approved the following personnel for hire. Dena Courtney- Part-time English and Darrel Cunningham-Part-time Transportation Director. The board accepted the resignation of paraprofessional Jessica Gannon. The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be held on Thursday, September 15 at 6:00 p.m. in the high school business room. Laredo R-7 The Laredo R-7 School Board met on August 8. A tax rate hearing was held prior to the regular meeting. The tax rate was set at 5.8500 for the year. The regular board meeting was called to order. The minutes and bills were approved.Innew business, the board reviewed and approved the bus routes and the implementation of a late start schedule. The Free and Reduced Lunch, 2021-2022 ASBR, Special Ed Compliance Plan and IReady summer incentive field trip were all approved. A discussion on bus driver contracts was held. In administrative reports, bus inspections and summer maintenance were discussed. The board reviewed the budget, MSIP6, CSIP and Safe Return to In-Person and Continuitys of Service plans. An open house retirement and card shower will be held on Monday, August 22 from 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. for Charlie Bowe. The board adjourned to executive session with no announcements made. Spickard R-2 The Spickard R-2 School board met on August 15. A tax rate hearing was held prior to the regular meeting. The tax rate was adjusted to $4.8172 for the 2022-2023 school year. The regular meeting was called to order. The board approved the 2021 Annual Secretary of the Board report and payment of bills totaling $8,686.95. A bid was approved from Build N Trust Construction to replace the roof on the gym portion of the building. The tuckpointing bids were tabled until the September meeting. The board readopted the BBFA policy and approved the bus routes for the school year. Randy Smith was hired as a bus driver. The board approved becoming the fiscal agent for PE teacher Japheth Busick who is shared with Laredo and Pleasant View schools. In the superintendents report, enrollment is currently at 19 students for the upcoming year. The Bright Futures Back To School event was attended by 17 of those 19 students. The school has received donations for back-to-school supplies from Salem Church, Nancy Anderson, Spickard Christian Church and Church Women United.

Boards • From Front Page • August 16 Ray-Carroll County Grain (1-800-722-4407)CarrolltonGrowers/ Corn 7.26, Soybeans 14.91, Soft Wheat 7.76 New Crop Corn 6.05, Soybeans 13.51, Soft Wheat 7.85 LOCALPRICESGRAIN

white; Emily Schreiner, 1 blue (Grand Championcherry tomatoes); Lucas Reynolds, 1 white; Regan Donoho, 1 red, 2 white; Trevor Peniston, 1 red; Trent Peniston, 1 red; Carter Crawford, 1 red; Carver Crawford, 1 red; Ruger Cox, 1 blue (Grand Champion-Corn Stalks, Bundle of Three); Madeline Clark, 2 blue; Kimberly Clark, 1 blue, 1 red and Emmaleigh Maloney, 3 blue and 2 red.


Twyla Johnson of Spickard was second place with 13 entries; 6 blue, 6 red and 1 that did not place. Carol Key and Sara Bonnett of Trenton entered 12 items together, they had 5 blue, 4 red, 2 white and 1 that did not place. Trish Wendt of Trenton had 9 entries winning 3 blue, 5 red and 1 that did not place. Loretta Ray of Trenton had 8 entries; 2 blue, 3 red, 2 white and one no place. Sharon Mlika of Trenton had 6 entries, 4 red, one white and one that did not place. Mitch Snider of Buckner won 2 red and Angela Snider from Shawnee Kansas won 2 red. & Award Certificate Winner Junior Award Winner Garden Club Award Most UnusualAward

Residents at Sunnyview Nursing Home also shared exhibits displaying their skills and abilities. Receiving ribbons and premiums were: Richard Anderson, 1 blue; Wanda Antwiler, 2 blue; Oscar Berry, 2 blue; Bob Chenoweth, 1 blue; Raymond Degraw, 1 blue; Janice Ellis, 3 blue; John Hughs, 16 blue, 5 red; Shirley Hughes, 5 blue, 2 red; Peggy Kirby, 1 blue; Monica Krance, 2 blue, 1 red; Virginia Lynch, 8 blue, 2 red; Lorene Malloy, 1 blue; Earlene Moore, 6 blue; Wilbur Perry, 1 blue; Linda Richardson, 6 blue, 1 red; Dickie Ruegsagger, 10 blue, 3 red; Mary Shore, 7 blue, 2 red; Dean Smalling, 4 blue; Betty Smith, 1 blue; Jeanie Smith, 5 blue, 1 red and Tim Whitaker, 1 blue, 1 red.

A few summer projects that have been completed include epoxy floors, rubber stair tread and risers and new boys bathroom backsplash. A remodel of the main office and staff bathroom is complete. Cafeteria floors have been waxed, bleachers have been painted and new phones were installed. The new security cameras have been installed and a portion of the lockers have been removed. Superintendent Eakes says “the building looks nice and is ready for students”. A few upcoming events include: August 17-Teacher In-Service at Trenton; August 22-23- Teacher In-Service Days; August 23Back-to-School Open House 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m; August 24-First Day of School/Early Dismissal at 1:00 p.m.; September 5No School/Labor Day and September 19- No School/Teacher In-Service. The next meeting of the Spickard R-2 School Board will be held on September 19.

Bob Helmandollar

Alice Godman, a 91year-old Trenton resident, passed away at 3:50 a.m., Saturday, August 13, 2022 at Wright Memorial Hospital in were held at 2:00 p.m., Monday, August 15, 2022 at Resthaven Mortuary of Trenton. Burial was in Resthaven Memorial Gardens of AliceTrenton.Arlene Godman was born September 5, 1930 in Batavia, IA to Ben and Mabel Francis Meixner. She graduated from Batavia High School with the class of 1948. On June 11, 1948 she was united in marriage to Marvin Lee Godman in Chillicothe. He preceded her in death May 29, 1978. The couple resided in Jamesport until moving to Trenton in 1953. Alice worked for Trenton Foods in the spice room and warehouse. Alice enjoyed singing and yodeling. She was a member of the Christian Church in Batavia,SurvivingIA. relatives include her daughters, Mary Lou Wilson of Trenton and Linda Hughs of Brimson; a sister, Marjorie Ireland of Oskaloosa, IA; a brother, Larry Meixner of Ottumwa, IA; grandchildren, Jeremy Wilson and wife, Kelly of Trenton, Jason Wilson and wife, Jessica of Trenton, Sherry Walker and husband, Brad of Liberty, Lesa Petrov and husband Aleksander, of Trenton and Marcie Cutsinger and husband, Corie of Trenton; great-grandchildren, Ashley, Braxton, Michael, Katie, Eric, Dakota, and Madison; and two great-great-grandsons, Val and Leo. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband; a sister, Dorothy VanVelzer; and sons-inlaw, Bill Wilson and Jerry Hughs.Online condolences may be left at

Urich asked for Urton to get a cost analysis for the cost of two lines to help with capacity versus the existing line and pipes. He also asked for a cost analysis on the Poplar Grade station for repairing it as is versus the lessened capacity if Pleasant Plain is upgraded. Once those analysis are received then further discussion can be held.Discussion and a quote were presented on building a new warehouse that would be shared by all three departments. This would help to put all equipment in a centralized location.The quote from Jamesport Builders was for $175,052 which would include insulation for the 16 foot pole barn building. There is currently $120,000 budgeted for this project, half from the electric and the other half split between water and wastewaterThedepartments.committee agreed the building should have a concrete floor, which is not included in the original quote.Urich asked Urton to get a new quote that would include the concrete floor and a quote for fencing and gates. The fencing would allow safety of items that are stored outdoors. Once these quotes are received then the budget needs to be reviewed to see where the money for the over budgeted amount can be appropriated from.

Robert Lee “Bob” Helmandollar, formerly of Trenton, died July 25, 2022 in Scottsdale, AZ. Bob was the son of Glen and Mary Helmandollar, born October 18, 1936 in Grundy County Missouri. Bob and his family moved to Phoenix, AZ in 1968. He attended Trenton schools, Wentworth Military Academy and was a graduate of Arizona State University.Bobretired as Director of Right Away from the Arizona Department of Transportation. After retirement, he was a consultant in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Washington and Kentucky.Hewasmarried to Angie Saale on July 1, 1956 and they had three children; Mary Ann, Robin and Andrew.Survivors include his wife Angie; daughter, Mary Ann (Alan) Jardine; son, Andy; grandsons, Rob Jardine and Drew Jardine; and step-grandsons, Matt Jardine and Adam Jardine andBobfamilies.was preceded in death by his daughter Robin; his parents; and two brothers, Jim and David Helmandollar.

Helen Johanna NeifertHelenNeifert

• From Front Page

Rickey Jean Hamm


Helen Johanna Neifert was born January 19, 1928 at home, in rural Marion County, IA, the daughter of Marsailus and Reka Slykhuis Goemaat. Helen passed away Saturday, July 30, 2022 at the West Ridge Nursing and Rehab Center in Knoxville, IA at the age of 94 years. Graveside services will be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, August 20, 2022 at Gullion Cemetery in rural Attica, IA. A luncheon will follow at Attica Community Building.

A card shower has been requested for Donna Rishel, who will be celebrating her birthday anniversary on Saturday, August 20, 2022. Cards may be sent to her at 4305 Cricket Lane, Trenton, MO 64683. A card shower has been requested for Betty Mullins, who will be celebrating her 85th birthday anniversary on Monday, August 22, 2022. Cards may be sent to her at Sunnyview Apartments, Apt. 36, 1309 E. 28th St., Trenton, MO 64683. tember. The auditor is continuing to work on the FY 21-22 audit. It is hoped to have it completed by the end of this month or the beginning of September. There was discussion on placing streetlights by Dollar General on the west end of town for safety measures. The City Council had asked Ron Urton to present the financial information and bid to the utility committee for their input. The utility committee agreed upon the approximated $20,000 cost for five poles, materials and installation. It was agreed to place three to four poles and leave the other one or two for spares. The committee asked Urton to take the motion to the City Council for approval.Discussion on the Pleasant Plain lift station capacity was quite lengthy. The Pleasant Plain pump currently pumps water to the Poplar Grade lift station which is in need of revamping. The utility committee is wanting to increase capacity at Pleasant Plain lift station to help with future new infrastructure in the industrial park area. This would also eliminate the flow to the Poplar Grade lift station relieving some pressure on it.


New To Medicare or Want To Compare Pricing... HELTON INSURANCE SOLUTIONS Williams Shopping Center • Trenton, MO New To Medicare or Want to Compare Pricing... CALL BRIAN McDANIEL 816-289-1935 or LEAH HELTON 660-359-3806 or JAKE HARRIS 816-835-7410 “OUR QUALITY OF SERVICE IS WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT” CHILLICOTHE TRENTONDOWNTOWN CHILLICOTHE • 620 WASHINGTON STREET 660-646-3504 • Open Mon-Fri 9-5:30, Sat 9-1 • H&S CONTRACTING Remodeling, room additions, garages & decks and pole barns •New homes & basement w/ICF forms •Wall replacement under homes, repair cracks & bowed walls •Leveling, waterproofing •Backhoe & Bobcat work •New water & sewer lines 660-953-0724 Kale Hoerrmann, Owner • 30 Years Experience RUSSELL LIVESTOCK MARKET 31683 US Hwy. 34, Russell, IA 50238 • Barn Phone (641) 535-6065 Weigh Cows - 10:00 am • Feeders - 11:00 am ** SPECIAL BRED COW SALE ** ALONG WITH REGULAR FEEDER SALE MOnday, aUGUST 29, 2022 ** LABOR DAY CATTLE SALE ** MOnday, SEPTEMBER 5, 2022 BARN WILL BE OPEN SUNDAYS 8 AM - 8 PM WATCH OUR AUCTION LIVE @ www.dvauct Visit • Barn: (641) 535-6065 Owners: Tony & Meshara Ballanger 641-777-3113 - Cell Owners: Shawn & Jana Murphy 641-777-0103 - Cell Field Rep: Justen 641-217-1235Murphy-Cell Field Rep: Brian 515-360-1486Mitchell-Cell Field Rep: Tim 660-425-0991Rinehart-Cell Field Rep: aaron 641-203-3043McGee-Cell

Utility • From Front Page • Rotarians Hear From Exchange Student Recycle Trailer Scheduled Days Of Setup FridayAugust 19, 2022Galt FridayAugust 26, 2022Spickard Bins will be set up for a period of 1 week. Please, only put what is listed on the trailer inside the bins.

Alice Arlene Godman Rickey Hamm, a 65year-old Trenton resident, passed away at 7:30 a.m., Sunday, August 14, 2022 at his home where he was under hospice care. He is to be cremated under the direction of Slater-Neal Funeral Home of RickeyTrenton.Jean Hamm was born May 13, 1957 in Luxora, MS to Bobby Gene and Betty Jane Wright Hamm. He worked as an over-the road-truck driver and in his spare time loved fishing. Rickey served in the United States Army during the Vietnam war. Surviving relatives include his significant other Joyce Courter, and two daughters Crystal Hamm and Jessica Pyle. Online condolences may be left at

Trenton High School sophomore Sophia Currie presented the program at the Thursday, Aug. 11 meeting of the Trenton Rotary Club. Michael Ormsby presided at the meeting, Phil Hoffman gave the prayer and Steve Taylor was sergeant at arms. Miss Currie told about her preparations for participation in the Rotary Student Exchange program. She will be headed to Spain on Sept. 3, where she will live and attend school during the 2022-23 school year. Her mother, Amy Currie, was an exchange student to Mexico when she was a high school student, and Sophia said it was her mother’s experience that helped her decide to participate in the program as well. She said having a friend from Spain as well as her love of the food were key reasons in her deciding to go there as a student. She began the application process over a year ago and went through a series of interviews before being selected. She will be living with two families in the north part of the country. She said she is excited to learn about the culture of the country and sees this opportunity as a change to help other people by sharing her experiences during and after her stay. She said she will be updating her parents weekly via a YouTube channel she has set up as well as regular emails and other correspondence.

Mrs. Helen E. Nickell, a 95-year-old resident of Jamesport, died at 9:45 p.m., Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at Sunnyview Nursing Home in Trenton. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. on Monday, August 15, 2022 at the Church Of Christ in Trenton.Burial will be at Pilot Grove No. 2 Cemetery in Jamesport.Mrs.Nickell was born April 27, 1927 in Boone County, IA, the daughter of John Thomas and Helga Victoria Appleholm Reynolds. On September 11, 1954 she was married to Marvin D. Nickell at Des Moines, IA. He preceded her in death on November 2, 2019.Her survivors include her daughter, Lisa Nickell of Jamesport; and one son, TomSheNickell.was preceded in death by her parents; husband; and one brother, ClaraMemorialsReynolds. are suggested to the Church Of Christ and may be left with the funeral home. Online condolences may be left Helen E. Nickell

She also plans to communicate with Trenton club members as well to provide updates. The Trenton club will be hosting an exchange student from Mexico, who will arrive here on Aug. 19 and will be staying with three families during the 2022-23 school year. During the business meeting, information regarding the Sept. 10 fish fry was shared, with tickets being distributed and a sign-up sheet for members to help. The event will be held from 5 to 6:30 pm at the Rock Barn with an inperson meal being served. Take-out orders will also be available. The cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children and there will also be a silent auction. Funds raised will go toward the club’s annual contribution to the Rotary room.themeetingtorsentedRotary18parade.helpothersopenFamilyAug.at15.beFestivalthethealsoPreliminaryFoundation.planswerediscussedregardingclub’sorganizationof2022MissouriDayParade,whichwillheldonSaturday,Oct.Ameetingwillbeheld4pmonWednesday,17atPreferredHealthcareandistoclubmembersandwhowouldliketowiththisyear’sTheprogramattheAug.meetingoftheTrentonClubwillbepre-bynewTDIADirec-E’LishaGass.ThewillbeatnooninBTCBankcommunity

Nancy Clark, Missie Cotton, Madi Cutsinger, Rob Deaver, Angela Dugan, Janice Gates, Martha Goedert, Kayla Graham, Lynn Griffin, Angie Gutshall, Mary Hale, Jackie Hoffman, Karli Hogan, Jeremy Hudson, Jonine Jaycox, Harry Lee Jones, Susan Leeper, Mackenzie McAtee, Cara McClellan, Nic McHargue, Connie Olmstead, Sheila Polk, Zane Robinson, Janan Rowley, Chris Sager, Hannah Weaver, Kristi Weyer, Robin Wilson and Les Jackson. R-9


The Grundy County Health Department has received a limited supply of the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine. Novavax is a twodose series recommended for individuals age 18 and up.The Novavax vaccine is protein-based, which is a type of vaccine that has been widely used for decades. Some more familiar protein-based vaccines include those that protect against human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis B, and shingles. This vaccine offers an additional option for adults who may be reluctant to receive vaccines formulated with mRNA technology.

GCHD Offers Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine

Information Provided by Jim Crawford FAIRFAX, Mo. – The University of Missouri GravesChapple Extension and Education Center will celebrate a new chapter during the center’s Aug. 23 field day.“We are now part of the MU Extension network of extension and education centers,” said Jim Crawford, director of the MU GravesChapple Extension and Education Center, which is in Fairfax in Atchison County. “Along with our new name, we will be breaking ground for a new building during this year’s event.” A variety of experts from MU will be on hand to answer the most pressing questions farmers are facing.“On-farm economics are central on most producers’ minds,” Crawford said. “We have experts who will talk about the market influences on their inputs, crop sales and lease agreements. We also will be demonstrating some of the new technologies that are becoming available to make your operation more Breakfastefficient.”isserved at 7:30 a.m. Groundbreaking is at 11:45 a.m., followed by lunch.Presenters and topics: • Kevin Bradley, plant science and technology professor, “Weed Management Issues in Corn and Soybean.”•Mandy Bish, agronomy specialist, “Fungi on the Move: Disease Monitoring Initiatives in Missouri Row Crops.”•Wayne Flanary, extension field agronomist, “Corn and Soybean Yield Response to Crop Management Inputs.”

Find us on Facebook at Tina Livestock Market • Check out our market report on Cattle Market Mobile! Check us out on our new website: 2.03-2.22 600-700lb 1.80-2.03 700-800lb 1.71-1.83 400-500lbHeifers: 1.74-1.83 500-600lb 1.65-1.84 600-700lb 1.55-1.8040 700-800lb 1.50-1.65 Steer Loads 862@1.7650, 801@ 1.7675, 769@1.83, Heifer Load 671@1.8050 Bulk of cows: 83-94 • High Yielding 95-101 Bulls 1.14-1.21

• Scott Brown, associate extension agricultural economics professor, “2023 Outlook for Corn and Soybean Markets.”

• Ray Massey, extension agricultural economics professor, “Input Costs: Outlook and Management.”


The Spickard Special Road District held a special meeting on August 11 at the Spickard fire station. The meeting was called to order, with minutes, agenda and treasurer's reportInaccepted.newbusiness, the board passed a motion to lease and purchase an Alice FG 65C Motor Grader through Farmers Bank of Northern Missouri. The board also passed a motion to list for sale a dump truck, champion motor grader, CASE skid loader and gallant motor on Purple Wave or Big Iron, whichever one is cheaper to list items with. A motion was passed to accept the resignation of Janice Vandevender from the board and to remove her from the board checking account. The board voted to add board member Tyler Etter to the checking account. A motion was passed to advertise for a new board member in the newspaper.JRRoberts made a motion to pay the bills for this month which passed unanimously.The next regularly scheduled meeting was to be held at 6:00 p.m. on August 15 at the Spickard Fire Station. 660-359-2212

Field Reps: Dwayne Penny: 816-506-2776 • Utah Stulz: 660-334-0400 Bobby Morrison: 816-345-0518 • Ben Peterson: 660-247-2759 Sheep/Goats/Hog: Clark Allen: 660-973-6826

Open all day on Sundays to receive livestock! Barn: 660-622-4214 • Casey Flinn, Owner: 816-769-7532

Novavax was found to be more than 90% effective in preventing mild, moderate and severe COVID-19. Novavax is a two dose series with the second dose given three to eight weeks after the initial dose; it is not authorized as a booster dose at this time. Novavax will be available at Grundy County Health Department by appointment while supplies last. A $50 gift card is available for Grundy County residents who receive a primary dose of any COVID-19 vaccine. Gift cards were purchased using Federal funding. Call (660) 359-4196 to make an appointment.

• Carson Miller, research specialist in plant sciences, “Using a Drone to Spray Crops.”•Lance Conway, research specialist, “Can Planter Sensors Accurately Guide Agronomic Decisions?”

University of Missouri President Mun Choi and MU Vice Chancellor for Extension and Engagement Marshall Stewart will be on hand for the groundbreaking for the new machine shed. Crawford said they look forward to welcoming field day guests from Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and beyond. “Our field day is a big part of helping meet our extension goal of doubling the value of agriculture in Missouri by 2030,” he Preregistrationsaid. is not required.MUGraves-Chapple Extension and Education Center is at 29955 Outer Road, Fairfax, Missouri.

• Denise Ferguson, ag business field specialist, “Negotiating a Land Lease.”

CVB Board Discusses Website and Marketing Road District Board Accepts Resignation


LOCAL The Trenton Park Board met on Wednesday, August 10 at Trenton City Hall. The meeting was called to order by President Curtis Crawford. The minutes of the previous monthly meeting was approved with all in favor.Inunfinished business, Crawford reported that the new signs with planters have arrived for the Rock Barn and Van Meter park. He asked Park Superintendent David Shockley to set up a meeting with Mary Peterson who takes care of the planters for the city, so they can discuss how the signs will be set up. President Crawford said they would like to have them set and ready to go prior to Missouri Days weekend. In new business, David Shockley reported that he has been ordering pool supplies and the cost of those supplies has increased over 50 percent since last year. The pool committee reports they are hearing positive feedback from patrons of the pool this year. Shockley wanted to say “Thank You” to the Trenton Fire Department and the Grundy County Ambulance for coming out and running through safety training scenarios with the lifeguards and pool staff. He would like for this to be a yearly training and to take place a little earlier in the season. The Trenton Family Aquatic Center will close for the season on Saturday, August 20. The Facilities Committee reported that the border at Van Meter park is completed and gravel spread out. Tree trimming and cutting will be done at Moberly Park as there are 2 trees that need to be removed. The tennis courts have been leveled, not perfectly, but there is consideration in making those pickleball courts. The high school tennis courts can be used by the public if they are not in use by students for school activities. Board Member John Hamilton reported that NCMC will have a program on August 27 about pickleball if anyone is interested in learning more about the sport.In the Superintendent’s report, it was announced that the park department has started putting the metal on the shelter houses at Moberly Park. The metal was donated by the Trenton Rotary Club. The summer ball season has now ended. Trenton hosted a Little League District One tournament for 6 days in the beginning of July which saw a great turnout.The topic of vandalism at area parks was heavily discussed again. Over the 4th of July weekend, the lower bathrooms at Moberly Park were vandalized. The toilet, sink and mirror were destroyed and have now been replaced. The bathrooms at Burleigh Grimes field have been repainted on the inside after vandalism happened in June. The cameras agreed upon at previous meetings have been installed, unfortunately they are not around the restroom areas and this seems to be where the major vandalism is taking place. President Crawford and the board want the citizens of Trenton to please contact the police if you see of any vandalism taking place at the parks. The board has set up a reward system fund for information leading to the arrest or conviction of persons vandalizing or stealing from the Trenton Park Department. If anyone would like to donate to the fund they may do so by contacting Green Hills Rural DevelopmentThepark board entered into a closed session for personnel with no announcement made.

The Convention and Visitors Bureau met in regular session at City Hall on August 10. Members present were Megan Pester, Jordan Ferguson, Debbie Carman and Megan Taul. Mayor Linda Crooks and council liaison member Marvin Humphreys were also in attendance. Jordan called the meeting to order and minutes were approved. The finance report was tabled and is to be provided via email to members following the meeting. In old business, Megan Pester provided an update on photography of local events, seasons and businesses. The photographer was recently in town for photos of downtown and Riverside Country Club events. Megan is reviewing the spreadsheet to see upcoming events the photographer will be here for and what line items still need to be taken. It was noted that the group needs to check with the Mid-America Music Festival for promotional photos from the festival.Jordan and Megan will have a meeting with JLSA on August 12, to discuss website management, how to edit content, and maintenance. Digital marketing will also be discussed at the JLSA meeting. The board has agreed to leave the current board member range as it is. They will be inviting organization representatives to each meeting. The board agreed to purchase a Chamber Directory Ad for $720. It will have a similar design to the Jamesport Ad placed earlier this year. One of the upcoming steps will be social media content. Discussion included who could/would manage a facebook page for the bureau. Various options were presented including JLSA who quoted $1500 a month for 3 hours a week to create posts, boost posts and purchase stock images. The board noted they would not need very many stock images as they have their own local images and photography. The board agreed that while it is a remote task, it would be difficult for JLSA to connect locally. A local free-lancer was another option presented, that would be familiar with the needs and fit within the budget. Jordan is contacting Tara Walker for legal assistance and process.The next meeting of the Convention & Visitors Bureau will be held at 12:00 p.m. on September 14 at City Hall. 435 W. 2nd St., Tina, MO 64682 Casey & Amelia Flinn, Owners Cattle Sales: Mondays @ 11 am Sheep, Goat & Hog Sales: 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month @ 10 am Special Cow Sales: 4th Friday of the month @ 6 pm SHEEP, GOAT & HOG SALE - SATURDAY, AUGUST 20 • 10 AM FEEDER SALE - MONDAY, AUGUST 22 • 11 AM EXPECTING 1000 HEAD! SPECIAL COW SALE - FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 • 6 PM EXPECTING 600 HEAD! FEEDER SALE - MONDAY, AUGUST 29 • 11 AM Open all day on Sundays to receive livestock! Barn: 660-622-4214 • Casey Flinn, Owner: 816-769-7532 Field Reps: Dwayne Penny: 816-506-2776 • Utah Stulz: 660-334-0400 Bobby Morrison: 816-345-0518 • Ben Peterson: 660-247-2759 Sheep/Goats/Hog: Clark Allen: 660-973-6826 Find us on Facebook at Tina Livestock Market • Check out our market report on Cattle Market Mobile! Check us out on our new website: 435 W. 2nd St., Tina, MO 64682 Casey & Amelia Flinn, Owners Cattle Sales: Mondays @ 11 am Sheep, Goat & Hog Sales: 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month @ 10 am Special Cow Sales: 4th Friday of the month @ 6 pm Market Report from Monday, August 8 • 1309 head sold 400-500lbSteers: 2.01-2.17 500-600lb

Park Board Discusses Vandalism at Area Parks

Spickard Special

SPECIAL COW SALE - FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 • 6:00 PM EXPECTING 600 HEAD! Taylor Akey-complete dispersal - 35 angus fall calving cows. 3-8 yrs old. Start September 1st. Bred angus bulls. David Allen-complete dispersal - 78 angus cows. 3-5 yrs old. Start calving September 2nd. Bred Nichols angus bulls. Cows are half sisters. Curry farms-complete dispersal - 86 angus cows. 3-6 yrs old. Bred angus bulls. Big fancy cows. Start calving September 5th. Sold calves in June averaged 650lbs. Jeff Rose-complete dispersal - 95 cows consisting of: 62 black angus cows and 33 red angus cows. 3-6 yrs old. Start calving September 1st. Bred to sydgen angus bulls. Very fancy outfit. Judy Ackland - 55 black angus cows. 3-6 yrs old. Start calving September 10th. Bred angus bulls. Cows on complete vaccination program. Trevor Brown - 50 blk and red angus cows. 4-7 yrs old. Several with calves balance 2nd and 3rd period. Bred angus bulls. Ryan Allendale - 20 black angus cow/calf pairs. 3-6 yrs old. Calves 1-2 months old and tagged to match. Harris farms - 35 black angus cows. 5-8 yrs old. Bred angus bulls. Start calving September 1st. Jackson farms - 20 red angus cross cows. 4-6 yrs old. Bred angus bulls. 2nd and 3rd period. Davidson farms - 25 black angus cows. 3-4 yrs old. Bred to sim/angus bull. Start calving September 5th. Harrison farms - 10 Hereford cows 3-6 yrs old. Bred angus. 2nd and 3rd period. Customer appreciation dinner. 4-6 pm. Served by Carroll County Cattlemen’s Association and Crowe Cafe.

FRIDAY Church Women United Thrift Shop, 17th & Harris, noon to 4 p.m. Green Hills Alcoholics Anonymous, Tenth Street Baptist Church, 6 p.m. For more information, call 359-2704. North 65 Center: Line Dancers, 9:30 a.m.; Cards, 12:30 p.m.

Trenton Area Calendar of Events Part-time or Full-time positions available with our newspaper family. Greet customers, take information and enter it in the computer. Help us by being the face of the newspaper as readers and advertisers walk in the office. Two positions available at our Trenton newspaper office or Plattsburg newspaper office. Paid vacation and major holidays, opportunity for advancement and bonuses. Starting hourly rate $13/hr and higher with experience and Joinskills.afun environment where you make a difference. Equal Opportunity Employer Send Resume and Cover Letter to Feel Free to WOW us with your creative resume skills :) Clerical/Data Entry Join our growing family team! Apply Today!! Pa ge Tree Service •60 ft. Bucket Truck •Chipper & Stump Grinder FARM•WANTED•GROUNDtoLease!Competitive Rates AARON660-358-2682LANDES R-T Photo/Susan Plumb The home of Leah Helton at 300 NW Church St. has been awarded the August Yard of the Month Award by the Grand River Garden Club. R-T Photo/Susan Plumb The Grand River Garden Club awarded the August Beautification Award to Styles Unlimited at 142 E. 9th St. The business is owned by Patti Shannon. Submitted


start. New employees

There will be several new

Jamey & D’Anna Honeycutt Wendell Lenhart Co-Publishers Publisher Emeritus Postmaster: Send address changes to: Republican-Times, P.O. Box 548, Trenton, MO 64683

Sales Megan Graham Curt Thorne Business Operations Becca Balliett Susan Plumb Composing - Anita Ewing AssociationNewspaperNational

SATURDAY Church Women United Thrift Shop, 17th & Harris, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Grief Share Self-Help Group, Tenth Street Baptist Church, 4:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery, Tenth Street Baptist Church, 6 p.m.

Grundy County Museum open 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.

THURSDAY Trenton Rotary Club, BTC Bank Community Room, noon. North 65 Center: GCHD Blood Pressure Clinic, 10:30 a.m.; Cards, 12:30 p.m.; Early Bird Bingo, 6:00 p.m.; Regular Bingo, 6:45 p.m. Photo faces the Gallatin R-5 School District when classes include, front row, from left, Susan McFee, Gretchan Brashear, Dan McCann, Trisha Sharp, Emily Perry and Kelsey Freeman; second row, from left, Amber Adams, Erin Creason, Sami Boyd, Aubrey Feiden, Krissy Lee, Teri Robinson and Anthony Jeffers; and third row, from left, Chris Holt, Eric Lewis, Brock Goodman, Katilyn Steinman, Monica Fawson and Janell Lee.

MONDAY Green Hills Alcoholics Anonymous, Tenth Street Baptist Church, 6 p.m. For more information, call 359-2704 or 3572367.North 65 Center: Line Dancers, 9:30 a.m.; Cards, 12:30 p.m. MI Group of Alcoholics Anonymous, 2901 Hoover Drive, 7 p.m. Laredo Lions Club, Laredo Community Building, 6:30 p.m. TUESDAY Trenton Lions Club, First Christian Church Fellowship Hall, noon. Domestic Violence/Anger Management Group, North Central Missouri Mental Health Center, 7 to 9 p.m. Spickard Coffee Club, Wise Community Center, 8 a.m. North 65 Center: Cards, 12:30 p.m.; Fun Night, 6 p.m.

P.E.O. Chapter AD met on Thursday, August 4 at The Space in downtown Trenton, courtesy of co-hostess Jackie Hoffman. Prior to the meeting, members were treated to delicious ice cream from Uprooted Creamery by co-hostess Elaine Walker.During the business meeting, members voted to sell pecans this fall as the chapter’s fundraiser. Terry Cobb presented a brief program about National Sisters Day. The next meeting of P.E.O. Chapter AD will be held a week later than usual, on Thursday, Sept. 8 at 1 p.m. at Hodge Presbyterian Church with Deanna McCarter serving as hostess.

National Sisters Day Is PEO Program FAMILY REUNION Shepard-Turner Reunion

SUNDAY Narcotics Anonymous, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, 4 p.m. Grundy County Museum open 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.

MIDWEST MECHANICAL Brian S. Israel, Owner Over 25 Years Experience


MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all the local news printed in this newspaper, as well as all AP news dispatches. “The Republican has a greater purpose in life than merely to publish the news.” . . . Col. W.B. Rogers. Published every Thursday, except holidays; Single Copy, $1.15 plus 10¢ sales tax. $52.60 plus tax per year in Trenton, Grundy and adjoining counties. $64.60 plus tax per year in Missouri and $75 per year out of state.

On August 6, 2022 forty descendants, family and friends of Lee and Ocie (Turner) Shepard met for the 55th year reunion at Moberly Park in Trenton. There was a carry in meal and the day was spent visiting, taking pictures and celebrating Verla Harlan’s 99th birthday which will take place on August 11. Verla is one of the four children which also includes Clifford, Jimmie and Roger. Verla’s 99 years is the longest of anyone in family history. The weekend ended with breakfast at Dino’s on Sunday. Next years reunion is planned for Saturday, August 5, 2023 at Moberly Park. Attending were Verla Harlan, Roger and Barbara Cain, Elizabeth Buckler-Cain, Patience Buckler, Adam Buckler, Susan Gayhart, Sarah Gayhart, Kylie Spencer, Patricia Covey, Marylin Wynne, Doug and Lynett Clapham, Cindy Kinder, Kurt, Kenzie and Buckley Shepard, Aaron and Sara Theas, Jimmie Shepard, Clifford and Alice Shepard, Angela Gafford, Kathy Shepard and Ace, Haleena, Kaylee, Destany Theas and Joe, Terry and Judy Crawford, Beryl Stinson, Steven and Natalie Crawford, Rick and Debbie Wolfe, Jimmie Jr. and Elaine Shepard and Justin Shepard.

TrenTon republican-Times (USPS 638-180) Published By Honeycutt Media, LLC 122 East Eighth St. Trenton, MO 64683-0548 E-Mail: Phone: 660-359-2212 Established September 4, 1864 Periodicals Postage Paid at Trenton, Mo.

WEDNESDAY North 65 Center: Token Bingo and Cards, 12:30 p.m. Green Hills Alcoholics Anonymous, Tenth Street Baptist Church, noon. For more information, call 359-2704 or 3572367.Coffee with a Cop, Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce Office, 8 a.m.





Submitted Photo Jaiden Rodenburg of Chillicothe exhibited the reserve champion bred & owned, a Poland, at the NCM Fair Swine Show.

Submitted Photo Timothy Summers of Chillicothe exhibited the supreme champion gilt, a Duroc, at the NCM Fair Swine Show.


Boars Berkshire - Dylan Swindler of Braymer, champion; Abigail Burns of Gallatin, reserve.Chester White - Haley Kidd of Chillicothe, champion; Gage Swindler of Braymer, reserve Duroc - Seth Summers of Chillicothe, champion.


Submitted Photo Seth Summers of Chillcothe exhibited the supreme champion boar, a Duroc, at the NCM Fair Swine Show.


There was a good turnout for the 2022 NCM Fair swine show.The Grand Champion Boar was a Duroc, shown by Seth Summers of Chillicothe. Haley Kidd of Chillicothe exhibited a Chester White to win Reserve Champion Boar. The Grand Champion Gilt was awarded to a Duroc shown by Timothy Summer of Chillicothe. Jersey Rowe of New Cambria exhibited a crossbred to take home the Reserve Champion Gilt. Timothy Summers of Chillicothe, showing a duroc was awarded the Grand Champion Bred an Owned. Reserve Champion Bred and Owned was a Poland exhibited by Jaiden Rodenburg of Chillicothe.TwoChillicothe youth were awarded the Junior Showmanship honors; Ember Gilgour, Champion and Jaxon Lollar, Reserve Champion. Intermediate showmanship was given to Macie Rodenburg of Chillicothe and senior showmanship was awarded to Jaiden Rodenburg of Chillicothe.

RESERVE CHAMPION GILT Submitted Photo Jersey Rowe of New Cambria exhibited the reserve champion gilt, a Crossbred, at the NCM Fair Swine Show.

SUPREME CHAMPION BRED & OWNED Submitted Photo Timothy Summers of Chillicothe exhibited the supreme champion bred & owned, a Duroc, at the NCM Fair Swine Show.


Submitted Photo Macie Rodenburg of Chillicothe exhibited the reserve champion market animal at the NCM Fair Swine Show.

SUPREME CHAMPION MARKET HOG Submitted Photo Timothy Summers of Chillicothe exhibited the supreme champion market animal at the NCM Fair Swine Show.

RESERVE CHAMPION BOAR Submitted Photo Haley Kidd of Chillicothe exhibited the reserve champion boar, a Chester White, at the NCM Fair Swine Show. Submitted Photo Showmanship winners in the NCM Fair Swine Show were, from left, Ember Gilgour of Chillicothe, Junior Champion and Jaxon Lollar of Chillicothe, Junior Reserve Champion; Macie Rodenberg of Chillicothe, Intermediate; and Jaden Rodenburg of Chillicothe, Senior.

Spotted Poland - Landry Oaks of Newtown, champion; Johannes Oaks of Newtown,Yorkshirereserve- Lylah Smith of Braymer, champion; Leanna Smith of Braymer, reserve Crossbred - Carlie Jo Kleeman of Braymer, champion; Timothy Summers of Chillicothe, reserve Gilts Berkshire - Jaiden Rodenburg of Chillicothe, champion; Dylan Swindler of Braymer,ChesterreserveWhite - Gage Swindler of Braymer, champion; Bailey Williams of Trenton,Durocreserve- Timothy Summers of Chillicothe, champion; Ember Gilgour of Hamilton,Hampshirereserve- Madison Wolf of Chillicothe, championHereford - Grant Oaks of Harris,Polandchampion-Jaiden Rodenburg of Chillicothe, champion; Carson Rhodes of Chillicothe, reserve Spotted - Carson Rhodes of Chillicothe, champion; Jackson Bethards of Trenton, reserveYorkshire - Cass Kleeman of Braymer, champion; Leanna Smith of Braymer, reserveCrossbred - Jersey Rowe of New Cambria, champion; Jaiden Rodenburg of Chillicothe, reserve Barrows Berkshire - Ember Gilgore of Hamilton, champion; Chloe Wolf of Chillicothe, reserveChester White - Timothy Summers of Chillicothe, champion; Mallory Lambert of Purdin, Herefordreserve-Ember Gilgore of Hamilton, champion; Kaden Oaks of Harris, reservePoland - Remington Rhodes of Trenton, champion; Connor Perry of Chillicothe,Spottedreserve - Malloree Summers of Chillicothe, champion; Grant Oaks of Harris,Yorkshirereserve-Rebecca Hunt, championCrossbred - Timothy Summers, champion; Jaiden Rodenburg of Chillicothe, reserveMarket Gilt - Macie Rodenburg of Chillicothe, champion; Jaiden Rodenburg of Chillicothe, reserve Market Gilts Class One - 1. Marcie Rodenburg, champion; 2. Spenser Coram; 3. Jesse Huber Bethards; 4. Gus CoramClass Two - 1. Jaiden Rodenburg, champion; 2. Malloree Summers; 3. Jaxon Lollar; 4. Leanna Smith; 5. Dawson Murray; 6. Lexi Clark Bred and Owned Berkshire - Dylan Swindler, champion; Johannes Oaks,ChesterreserveWhite - Gage Swindler, champion; Bailey Williams, reserve Duroc - Timothy Summers, champion; Seth Summers,Herefordreserve-Grant Oaks, championPoland - Jaiden Rodenburg,Spottedchampion- Liam Oaks, champion; Landry Oaks, reserveYorkshire - Cass Kleeman, champion; Leanna Smith, reserve SWINE SHOW




SUPREME CHAMPION RAM R-T Photo/Violet Airey The supreme champion ram was exhibited by Ayra Meeker of Trenton.

SUPREME CHAMPION MARKET LAMB R-T Photo/Violet Airey The supreme champion market lamb was exhibited by Lucas Lauhoff of Chillicothe. Lucas was also the Junior Showmanship winner.




RESERVE CHAMPION MARKET LAMB R-T Photo/Violet Airey The reserve champion market lamb was exhibited by Gage Seals Purdin.

The sheep show saw a small number of competitors this year. Gracelynn Barnett of Chillicothe showed the Supreme Champion Ewe with her crossbred and Glenna Barnett of Chillicothe walked away with the Reserve Champion Ewe with her crossbred. In showmanship, Harlee Beck of Chillicothe won the senior division, Glenna Barnett of Chillicothe won the intermediate division and Lucas Lauhoff of Chillicothe was the junior division winner. Other winners included: Ram-Ayra Meeker of Trenton, Ewes- Jaecy Heiser, Natural and Ayra Meeker, Speckled; Market- Lucas Lauhoff of Chillicothe and Gage Seals of Purdin. Bank North Central Missouri

RESERVE CHAMPION EWE R-T Photo/Violet Airey The reserve champion ewe was exhibited by Glenna Barnett of Chillicothe. Glenna was also the Intermediate Showmanship winner. R-T Photo/Violet Airey Harlee Beck of Chillicothe was the Senior Showmanship winner. All Exhibitors At the North Central Missouri Fair! Proud Of Your Hard Work. Hardware 901 Main St. Trenton • 359-3660

would like congratulatetoallthe 2022

SUPREME CHAMPION EWE R-T Photo/Violet Airey The supreme champion ewe was exhibited by Gracelynn Barnett of Chillicothe.




The supreme champion market goat at the NCM Fair was exhibited by Gabriel Hoppe of Kirksville.

RESERVE CHAMPION BUCK Submitted Photo Trinity Alexander of Unionville exhibited the reserve champion buck at the NCM Fair Goat show.

There were 10 exhibitors, including one Peewee entered in the 2022 poultry and fowl show. The grand champion of show award was won by Charlie Hays of Kirksville, showing a Bantam Chocin Cockerel. Paxton Boyles of Dawn won reserve champion of show with a Welsh Harlequin Drake. In the showmanship awards, Addison George of Chillicothe won the senior division and Jonathan Beckett Sykes of Dawn was the junior division winner.Other awards presented at the show: Champion Large Fowl- Charlotte Sykes of Dawn with a Black Sex Link hen; Reserve Champion Large Fowl-Paxton Boyles of Dawn with a Black Sex Link pullet; Champion BantamCharlie Hays of Kirksville with a Bantam Chocin Cockerel; Reserve Champion Bantam- Addison George of Chillicothe with a Bantam Barred Rock hen; Champion Duck- Paxton Boyles of Dawn with a Welsh Harlequin drake and Reserve Champion Duck- Paxton Boyles of Dawn with a Welsh Harlequin hen.

RESERVE CHAMPION DOE Submitted Photo Emmett Jefferies of Chillicothe exhibited the reserve champion doe goat at the NCM Fair.

A total of 22 exhibitors, showing 17 different breeds, were entered in the rabbit show. A New Zealand, shown by Elizabeth Buttman of Chillicothe won grand champion of show. The reserve champion of show was won by Jaclyn Hines of Bogard who showed a Mini Rex. In the showmanship division, Jaclyn Hines of Bogard was the winner in the senior division and the junior division award went to Adaline Anderson of Trenton. Other awards included: Best Four Class Rabbit- Jaclyn Hines, Mini Rex; Reserve Four Class Rabbit- Emily Chalfant, Florida White; Best Six Class Rabbit- Elizabeth Buttman, New Zealand; Reserve Six Class Rabbit- Malory Chalfant, Satin; Grand Champion Meat Pen-Elizabeth Buttman; Grand Champion Market Rabbit- Elizabeth Buttman, Roaster; Reserve Champion Market RabbitEmma Peery, Fryer.

The reserve champion market goat at the NCM Fair was exhibited by Rachel Darling of Kirksville


Submitted Photo Junior Showmanship award winner in the NCM Fair Goat Show was Addy Schuman of Union Star. Submitted Photo Intermediate Showmanship in the NCM Fair Goat Show went to Bradon Stimpson of Chillicothe. Submitted Photo Senior Showmanship award winner in the NCM Fair Goat Show was Rachel Darling of Kirksville.

Trinity Alexander of Unionville took top honors in the goat show this year, winning Grand Champion Buck and Doe. The Reserve Champion Buck was shown by Trinity Alexander of Unionville and the Reserve Champion Doe was exhibited by Emmett Jefferies of Chillicothe. Two Kirksville residents were winners in the market division, Gabriel Hoppe was the Grand Champion Market exhibitor and Rachel Darling was the Reserve Champion Market exhibitor.Showmanship honors in the goat show included; Rachel Darling of Kirksville, senior division; Bradon Stimpson of Chillicothe, intermediate division and Addy Schuman of Union Star, junior division.

SUPREME CHAMPION DOE Submitted Photo Trinity Alexander of Unionville exhibited the supreme champion doe goat at the NCM Fair.



SUPREME CHAMPION BUCK Submitted Photo Trinity Alexander of Unionville exhibited the supreme champion buck at the NCM Fair Goat show.

Submitted Photo Charlee Strueby of Bedford, IA showed the reserve champion market animal, a Crossbred.


614 Harris Ave., 359-2258Trenton


SUPREME CHAMPION BULL Submitted Photo Makenzee Epperson of Trenton showed the supreme champion bull, an Angus.




Submitted Photo Maggie Wynne of Galt showed the reserve champion female, a Crossbred.


Submitted Photo Catelin Bowe of Laredo showed the fifth-place female, an Angus.


Submitted Photo Landon Witherow of Baron showed the supreme champion market animal, a Crossbred.

Submitted Photo Gage Swindler of Braymer showed the fourth-place female, a Gelbvieh.

Submitted Photo Showmanship winners in the NCM Fair Beef Show were, from left, Kolton Schruke of Princeton, Intermediate; Landon Witherow of Baron, Junior; and Allena Allen of Trenton, Senior.


The NCM Fair Cattle Show was held on Saturday, August 6, in the Livestock Pavilion. The Supreme Champion Bull was an Angus showed by Makenzee Epperson of Trenton. Cutler Epperson of Trenton had the winning Reserve Bull with a AllenaCharlois.Allen of Trenton exhibited an Angus, the winning Supreme Heifer. The Reserve Heifer was a crossbred that was shown by Maggie Wynne of Galt. The 3rd Choice Heifer was a Maintainer shown by Allena Allen of Trenton. Gage Swindler of Braymer exhibited a Gelbvieh which was 4th Choice Heifer. The 5th Choice Heifer was an Angus, shown by Catelin Bowe of Laredo.The Supreme Market was an crossbred shown by Landon Witherow of Baron. Charlee Strueby of Bedford Iowa exhibited a crossbred as the winning ReserveShowmanshipMarket. awards given were; Kolton Schruke of Princeton, intermediate division; Landon Witherow of Baron, junior division and Allena Allen of Trenton, senior division.

Submitted Photo Allena Allen of Trenton showed the supreme champion female, an Angus.


Submitted Photo Allena Allen of Trenton showed the third-place female, a Maintainer.


BEEF CATTLE Congratulations to ALL the NCM Fair Winners! & Supreme Champion Market Hog Sponsored by MFA AgriServices

Submitted Photo Cutler Epperson of Trenton showed the reserve champion bull, a Charlois.



Allena AllenAmliw






Submitted Photo

The NCM Fair Horse show was held on Sunday, August 7 at the North Missouri Saddle Club. There were 85 total entries in this year's horse show. Show Class winners were Lily Rice, Hadlee Beck, Maggie Horton, Lane Bauman, Liam Letner, Colin Rice and Ava Shields. Speed Class winners were Lily Rice, McKenzie Bauman, Colin Rice and Raelynn VanGenderen.Hi-Pointwinners were named in three age divisions. Raelynn VanGenderen was the winner in the 8 and under group, while McKenzie Bauman was the top winner in the 9 to 12 years division. Ava Shields was the Hi-Point winner in the 13 to 17 age Winnersdivision.inthedays competitive events Showmanship,included:8 and under- 1. Hadlee Beck, Gemma; 2. Colin Rice, Freeze; 3. Raelynn VanGenderen, Dora; 4. Liam Letner, A Genuine ShowmanshipDiamond12 and under- 1. Lily Rice, Diamond; 2. McKenzie Bauman, Scarlett; 3. Lane Bauman,ShowmanshipSpirit 13-17- 1. Maggie Horton, Cakes; 2. Ava Shields, Walk-Trot(Horse)Holly 8 and under- 1. Liam Letner, A Genuine Diamond; 2. Raelynn VanGenderen, Suzie; 3. Colin Rice, Walk-Trot(Pony)Arnie 8 and under- 1. Colin Rice, Freeze; 2. Raelynn VanGenderen, Dora; 3. Hadlee Beck, GemmaLead Line 6 and under- 1. Scottlyn Shull, Spyder; 2. Colin Rice, Arnie; 3. Liam Letner, A Genuine Diamond; 4. Raelynn VanGenderen, DoraHorsemanship(Pony) 12 and under- 1. Lane Bauman, SpiritHorsemanship(Horse) 12 and under- 1. Lily Rice, QT Poco Jac; 2. McKenzie Bauman,HorsemanshipScarlett 13-17- 1. Ava Shields, Holly; 2. Maggie Horton, Cakes Egg and Spoon 12 and under- 1. Lily Stark, QT Poco Jac; 2. McKenzie Bauman, Scarlett; 3. Hadlee Beck, Gemma; 4. Raelynn VanGenderen, Dora; 5. Colin Rice, Toby Egg and Spoon 13-17- 1. Ella Terhune, JA Flashy Frostwood; 2. Ava Shields, Holly; 3. Maggie Horton, CakesPole Bending(Pony) 12 and under- 1. Colin Rice, Freeze; 2. Raelynn VanGenderen, Dora; 3. Lane Bauman, Spirit; 4. Hadlee Beck, GemmaPole Bending(Horse) 12 and under- 1. Lily Rice, Toby; 2. Raelynn VanGenderen, Suzie; 3. McKenzie Bauman, Scarlett Pole Bending 13-17- 1. Ella Terhune, JA Flashy Frostwood; 2. Ava Shields, Holly; 3. Ella Terhune, RocketBarrel Race(Pony) 12 and under- 1. Raelynn VanGenderen, Dora; 2. Colin Rice, Freeze; 3. Hadlee Beck, Gemma; 4. Lane Bauman,BarrelSpiritRace(Horse) 12 and under- 1. Raelynn VanGenderen; 2. McKenzie Bauman, Scarlett; 3. Lily Rice, Toby; 4. Liam Letner, WeinkBarrel Race 13-17- 1. Ella Terhune, JA Flashy Frostwood; 2. Ella Terhune, Rocket; 3. Ava Shields, Holly; 4. Ava Shields, Lucy; 5. Maggie Horton, Cakes Flag Race(Pony) 12 and Under- 1. Raelynn VanGenderen, Dora; 2. Colin Rice, FreezeFlag Race(Horse) 12 and Under- 1. McKenzie Bauman, Scarlett; 2. Liam Letner,FlagWeinkRace 13-17- 1. Ella Terhune, Rocket Down and Back(Pony) 12 and under- 1. Raelynn VanGenderen, Dora; 2. Colin Rice, Freeze; 3. Lane Bauman, Spirit; 4. Hadlee Beck,DownGemmaand Back(Horse) 12 and under- 1. McKenzie Bauman, Scarlett; 2. Lily Rice, Toby; 3. Raelynn VanGenderen, Dora; 4. Liam Letner,DownWeinkandBack 13-17- 1. Ella Terhune, Rocket; 2. Ava Shields, Holly; 3. Maggie Horton, Cakes; 4. Ava Shields, Lucy SHOW

Kale BatsonLamma Excavating LLC Catelin BoweSmithfield Hog Production Missouri Adalynn BowerBTC Bank Kaleb BowerLocust Creek Seed Kenzie BowerBTC Bank Justin DixonBTC Bank Tyler DixonSmithfield Hog Production Missouri Cutler EppersonSmithfield Hog Production Missouri Makenzee EppersonBTC Bank Ada FoxLamma Excavating LLC Kinze HansonFarmers Bank of North MO Jackson Huber-BethardsFarmers Bank of North MO Jesse Huber-BethardsFarmers Bank of North MO Carley McBeeBTC Bank Ayra MeekerHy-Vee of Trenton Bo MeekerBTC Bank Rebecca UrichThompson River Ag Bailey WilliamsSmithfield Hog Production Missouri Claire WoodardThompson River Ag Maggi WynneSayer Farms


SHOW CLASS WINNERS Submitted Photo Among the first-place winners in the NCM Fair Horse Show were, from left, front row, Lily Rice, Hadlee Beck and Maggie Horton; back row, Lane Bauman, Liam Letner, Colin Rice and Ava Shields.


Thank You! Grundy County Premium Livestock Auction was a huge success with $55,465 raised. Members of the Grundy County 4-H groups and local FFA organizations would like to thank everyone who helped with this auction. Buyer SUPPORT PROVIDED BY Betz Farms Inc., Biggs Angus, Binney Farms Inc, Bowe Family Farms, Carl & Leslie Woodard, Charles & Verna Houck, Charles & Vickie Bowe, Chris Hoffman, Connie & Melvin McCloud, Dale & Tawny Ward, Duvall & Roeder Group, Epperson Cattle Co, Farmers State Bank, Fiddle T Cattle Five Cattle, Green City Livestock, H & B Farms-Jack & Amy Bethards, Helena Chemical, Hudson Club Calves-Steve & Jeanette Hudson, JL Urich Farms, Johnny & Brenda Hoselton, Judy Allen, Judy Hanson, Landes Oil, Martha Roberts & Associates LLC, Mazzie Boyd, McCloud Farms, MFA Agriservices-Trenton & Laredo, Mid Missouri Crop Insurance-Susan Coats Agent, Mike & Stephanie Bower, Mike Epperson, MK Urich Farms, North Missouri Livestock Auction, Peggy Scott, Phil & Kristie Fox, Premier Eyecare Associates, Rocetia Hutson, Scott Hale, Scott Roy Auction, Sewell Agency, SydenstrickerNobbe Partners, Terry & Diane Wynne and Tolson Grain Inc. Ranch, LLC



First-place winners in the racing events at the NCM Fair Horse Show were, from left, Lily Rice and McKenzie Baumen; back row, Colin Rice and Raelynn VanGenderen.


Submitted Photo High-point winners in the NCM Fair Horse Show were, from left, Raelynn VanGenderen, 8 years and under; McKenzie Bauman, 9 to 12 years; and Ava Shields, 13 to 17 years.

Submitted Photo The Grand Champion Best of Show in the NCM Fair Poultry/Fowl show was a Bantam Chocin Cockerel exhibited by Charlie Hays of Kirksville, second from leftt, while the reserve champion of show, a Welsh Harlequin Drake, was exhibited by Paxton Boyles of Dawn, second from right. Also pictured are FFA Officers Claire Walker, far left, and Ashley Chalfant, far right.




BEST IN SHOW Submitted Photo Elizabeth Buttman of Chillicothe, second from right, exhibited the Grand Champion Best of Show, a New Zealand, at the North Central Missouri Fair Rabbit Show while Jaclyn Hines, of Bogard, second from left, had the Reserve Champion of Show, a Mini Rex. Also pictured are FFA Officers Claire Walker, far left, and Ashley Chalfant, far right.




Submitted Photo

We Believe In Agriculture Haley Kidd Reserve Champion Boar Landon Witherow Beef Showmanship, 10&U Timothy Summers Supreme Champion Market Hog Makenzee Epperson Supreme Champion Bull Lucas Lauhoff SheepReserveRachelShowmanship8-10DarlingChampionMarketGoat We are a proud sponsor of the North MissouriCentralFair!! Lily Rice Horse Poles 12&U

Submitted Photo Showmanship award winners at the NCM Fair Rabbit Show were Claire Walker of Chillicothe, Senior and Jaclyn Hines of Bogard, Junior. Also pictured are FFA Officers Claire Walker, far left, and Ashley Chalfant, far right.

Wright Memorial Physicians’ Group in Trenton announced they are continuing to schedule both initial doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccination and booster doses. The next clinic vaccination date is Friday, August 12, and vaccinations/boosters will be offered every other Friday.Initial doses are available for persons six months and older, and the second dose would be administered 4-8 weeks after the initial dose. A first booster is available for adults 18 and older who received their second dose of the initial vaccination at least five months ago.A second booster is available for adults 18 and older, who received their first booster at least four months ago. Persons must also be at least 50 years old or immunocompromised. If under 50 years old, the patient’s primary care provider will determine if the patient is eligible based on their health condition. Patients receiving a first or second booster must bring their COVID-19 vaccine card with them to the appointment. All patients will be monitored for 15 minutes after the injection. To schedule an appointment, call Wright Memorial Physicians’ Group at 660-358-5750. seating; Trenton R-IX for vocabulary kits; Pleasant View R-VI for cube chairs and benches; Wayne Community Schools for a kitchen range; North Mercer R-III for reading books and materials; Princeton R-V for two STEAM learning kits and two iPads; and North Daviess RIII for Ag kitchen cabinets. Since 2005, the GEC Community Foundation, Inc. has awarded 793 grants totaling $475,675.10 to deserving schools and community organizations. The Foundation assists qualifying schools and organizations with grant monies for education, health, and rural development. This area is within Grundy Electric Cooperative’s 12 county service area which includes Harrison, Mercer and Grundy counties and portions of Linn, Livingston, Daviess, Gentry, Putnam, and Sullivan counties in Missouri and portions of Ringgold, Wayne, and Decatur counties in Iowa.The Operation Round-Up Program allows GEC members and customers of the Public Water Supply District Number 1 of Grundy County to voluntarily “round up” their utility bill to the next even dollar. The PWSD Round-Up funds are disbursed solely to projects located in Grundy County. For an average of $6 per year, participating GEC members and PWSD #1 customers assist in funding local community projects. The next grant application deadline is October 1, 2022. Qualified applicants must be a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization or other eligible entity and may apply for a grant by completing a grant application with supporting information. Grant applications are available at or by calling Grundy Electric Cooperative at 1-800-279-2249, extension 23.

PAGE 12 • THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022 LOCAL We are ready to replace your old gutters withnew seamless aluminum gutters! MOORE’S CONSTRUCTION & WOODWORK, INC. 660-359-5477 PAPER TOWELS, LAUNDRY DETERGENT, DOG TOYS Feed Your New Pet PURINA DOG CHOW 48 Lb. Bag 1840 E. 28th St., Trenton “June 22” - Male Medium Haired Mix Cat Looking for home! “Twiggy” - Female Short Haired Cat Looking for home! “Hershey” - Male Chocolate Labrador Retriever Looking for home! “Atticus” - Male Pit Bull Terrier Mix Looking for home! Green Hills Animal Shelter 359-2700 • 3041 E. 10th • Trenton, MO $2499 Green Hills Animal Shelter “Building Pet Friendly Communities” For more information call 359-2700 3041 E. 10th • Trenton, MO 103 S. Locust, Jamesport, MO 64648 Professional,GroomingPersonalized APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE MONDAY - SATURDAY 35 years of experience! 660-684-6864PETSHELLY’SCARE SinceGreenServingtheHillsArea1996! The Trustees of the GEC Community Foundation, Inc. awarded fifteen grants totaling $9,576 prior to the Grundy Electric Cooperative Annual Membership Meeting on August 4, 2022. All grants are funded by member donations called Operation Round Up where members voluntarily round up their utility bills each month to fund grants to eligible entities. Education grants were awarded to Cainsville R-I for laptops and an arc welder; South Harrison R-II for novel sets; Ridgeway R-V for art supplies, North Harrison R-III for sensory materials and business class supplies; Laredo R-VII for alternative seating; Spickard R-II for alternative

Awards over $9,500 in Grants

Submitted Photo GEC Community Foundation President Cliff Addison presented 15 grant checks totaling $9,576 to area schools prior to Grundy Electric’s Membership Meeting held August 4. Community Foundation, Inc.

By Kristi Harris R-T Correspondent Located in downtown Trenton, Vintage Vines is a floral shop offering seasonal and everyday décor, gourmet food gifts, baby items, jewelry, toiletries, and more. Established in 2018, Vintage Vines is owned by Sena and Rachel Arnold and is a popular stop for local shopping and floralVintageservices.Vines also offers wedding and baby registries that are perfect for family and friends that may not be able to shop online or in the city. Awarded the Business of the Year by the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce in 2021, Vintage Vines is a local business thriving in the community.Alongwith running store operations, Sena and Rachel are also very involved in the community. Sena and Rachel serve on the Main Street Trenton Promotions Committee and help organize events to promote growth in downtown Trenton such as the spring Sip and Stroll, Five Points Festival, fall beer walk, and more. Rachel also serves on the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors team and the Tourism Board. Sena said, “We love building relationships with our customers and getting involved in our community growth.”Since opening their doors, Sena and Rachel have had to adjust to many things, including the COVID shutdown. Vintage Vines did several things to adapt their sales to allow people to have gifts delivered to loved ones while they were stuck at home. Vintage Vines offered curbside pickup, which helped limit customers’ contact whileTheyshopping.alsoprovided personal shopping through facetime appointments as well as custom gift baskets to allow people to continue their gifting during strange times. In the future, Vintage Vines hopes to adapt sales methods to allow for onlineSenashopping.andRachel would like further growth with Vintage Vines by offering online sales. As stated by Sena, “This would help our local customers provide gifts to their family and friends outside the area and help us reach a larger customerVintagebase.”Vines is located at 805 Main Street in Trenton, MO, and is open Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. and Saturday 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. To learn more about Vintage Vines, follow Vintage Vines on Facebook @vintagevinesgifts or 4090.reachmwww.vintagevinesgifts.covisitIndividualscanalsothestoreat660-654-

Flowers and Decor


Vintage Brightens With

Rachel & Sena Arnold

WMH Offers Covid Vaccines and Boosters Community Corner Brought to you by Weekly Feature on Individuals or Organizations in our AreaThe Republican-TimesTrenton



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2.953.353.40 08/16/2022


visit the Creators Syndicate website at D ear Annie Written by Annie Lane THE Daily Commuter Puzzle by Jacqueline E. Mathews ACROSS 1 Eatmealsbetween 5 Undergarment 9 __ for; requests 13 Dome-shapedhome 15 Grow weary 16 Fish in casserolea 17 Garbo of “Mata Hari” 18 Bring down, as a regime 20 Female bird 21 Forest tree 23 Bed linens 24 Tiny lacy mat 26 “Ode on a Grecian __” 27 Fold line 29 __ salad 32 One of the planets 33 Windowcovering 35 Dangerousreptile 37 Perishes 38 Duplicate 39 Younghoodlum 40 Ernie with a club 41 Incline 42 Honker 43 Brook 45 San teamDiego 46 Do wrong 47 Málagamister 48 Do to do, on a keyboard 51 “OldMacDonald__…” 52 Big game 55 In a cautious way 58 “SesameStreet”Muppet 60 Carry 61 Locomotivefuel 62 Stallone movie role 63 Cowboy boot spike 64 Simple 65 Casual shirts DOWN 1 Near 2 Villain 3 Thinnest 4 Feverish 5 Building level 6 Actress Ullmann 7 Hothead’sproblem 8 Convince 9 European capital city 10 Certain 11 Macraméformation 12 Sharp tools 14 Stupid clumsy& 19 PA’s __ Mile Island 22 Suffix for text or infant 25 Quaker product 27 Relinquish 28 __ attacksagainst;verbally 29 Isn’t able to 30 Hatred; disgust 31 Awaken from sleep 33 Grand __; fourrun homer 34 Term endearmentof 36 Ice __; periodscold 38 Supreme Court Justice Thomas__ 39 Hullabaloo 41 Cater to 42 Male bird 44 Library patron 45 Split __ soup 47 In a bashful way 48 __ for; picks 49 Farmer’s yield 50 Ballerina’s skirt 53 Take a fancy to 54 Janitor’s ringful 56 Generous __ fault 57 Spanish article 59 Go bad ©2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved. 8/6/22 Created by Jacqueline E. Mathews8/15/22 The Daily Commuter Puzzle is Sponsored by Sunnyview Nursing Home and Apartments, 1311 E. 28th St., Trenton, MO 660-359-5647 4,8004,5004,2003,9003,600 FAMAMJJ 4,3204,1804,040 S&P 500 Close: Change:4,297.1416.99(0.4%) 10 DAYS 36,00035,00034,00033,00032,00031,00030,00029,000 FAMAMJJ 33,96033,16032,360 Dow Jones industrials Close: Change:33,912.44151.39(0.4%) 10 DAYS Advanced 1218 Declined 1240 New Highs 61 New Lows 6 Vol. (in mil.) 3,468 Pvs.Volume 3,549 4,3864,101205114097421 NYSE N ASD DOW 33,954.71 33,582.96 33,912.44 +151.39 +0.45% s s s -6.68% DOW Trans. 15,145.38 15,023.32 15,098.48 -48.22 -0.32% s s s -8.37% DOW Util. 1,052.03 1,038.42 1,050.62 +9.06 +0.87% s s s +7.12% NYSE Comp. 15,805.21 15,652.17 15,794.33 -10.06 -0.06% s s s -7.98% NASDAQ 13,146.06 12,993.78 13,128.05 +80.87 +0.62% s s s -16.09% S&P 500 4,301.79 4,256.90 4,297.14 +16.99 +0.40% s s s -9.84% S&P 400 2,622.00 2,592.02 2,618.89 +3.88 +0.15% s s s -7.85% Wilshire 5000 43,065.86 42,628.11 43,026.81 +159.50 +0.37% s s s -11.21% Russell 2000 2,022.03 1,994.68 2,021.35 +4.73 +0.23% s s s -9.97% HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. %CHG. WK MO QTR YTDStocksRecap Average cost per year Cost per mile U.S. inflation ’21’22*’20’19’18’17’16’15’14’13 4K 6K 8K $10K ’21’22*’20’19’18’17’16’15’14’13 Methodology changed in 2017 2021 2022 50 55 60 6 750Cent 0 2 4 6 8% Sources: AAA annual study; U.S. Department of Labor *first half of the yearTom Krisher; Jenni Sohn • AP The annual cost of owning an automobile blew past $10,000 this year, according to a study by AAA Besides the sky-high gasoline price, other costs like maintenance, insurance, licensing fees and taxes, depre

Frank & Ernest® by Bob Thaves The Born Loser® by Art and Chip Sansom


Garfield® by Jim Davis Shoe® by Jeff MacNelly Alley Oop® by Joey Alison Sayers and Jonathan Lemon For Better or For Worse® by Lynn Johnson

Dear Annie: I am 40 years old, and I have been eating a plant-based diet since high school. I am in great shape, and my doctor is very pleased with my health status. For over two decades, friends and family have worn me down to where I feel my graciousness is down to kindling when it comes to them challenging what I put on my plate. Many times people will mention to others at work or at a party that I am vegan (I don't know why), and the room immediately is focused on me and someone always asks how I get my protein. I usually want to keep the mood light, so I answer them. I am tired of graciously answering them because more often than not, the line of questioning won't stop. They want me to go into detail about why I eat what I eat (or don't eat). They tell me about how they couldn't be healthy or could never give up cheese, and I find myself in the middle of a monologue that feels kind of like I'm being bullied. I don't want to feel pushed around, but I also want to keep it light. How can I tell them that I don't want to talk to them about my eating habits without sounding rude? -- StrugglingDearVegan Struggling Vegan: Two decades of veganism is no small feat, and the fact that your doctor is very pleased with your health status -- congratulations! Many people would say that the environment thanks you, and it sounds like your body is thanking you, too. Talking about someone else's diet is a mundane form of small talk, but for some reason people keep doing it. Whether it's nosiness or genuine curiosity is anyone's guess. And who knows -- maybe one of your co-workers is inspired by your eating, considering a vegan diet and eager for more info. Regardless, you're not required to explain your plate to anyone. Try gently changing the subject with something like, "This food makes my body feel it's best. How was your vacation?" or "I get lots of protein from beans -- tell me about your new"Howpuppy."Can I Forgive My Cheating Partner?" is out now! Annie Lane's second anthology -- featuring favorite columns on marriage, infidelity, communication and reconciliation -- is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit com.toquestionsinformation.spublishing.comhttp://www.creator-formoreSendyourforAnnieLanedearannie@creators.COPYRIGHT2022CREATORS.COM Annie Lane Annie Lane, ciation, and finance charges all added to the burden On average, it cost $10,728, or $894 per month to own and operate a vehicle this year up 11% from 2021 and outpacing inflation “Fuel and maintenance costs are up. Labor rates All of these things are up and driving the overall cost of ownership up further ” said Greg Brannon, AAA automotive engineering director. AAA used a weighted average gas price for the first five months of the year for fuel costs. It was $3 99 per gallon, about what gas costs now he said. Small sedans had the lowest costs, followed by electric vehicles Pickup trucks were the highest. Brannon said buyers should pick a new vehicle with lower costs that meets 99% of their needs, giving up the remaining 1% or renting a vehicle for the task. AAA has a calculator for people to check the costs of vehicles they want to buy. Ticket to ride

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Housing Act, which make

based on



PUBLISHER'S NOTE: "All rental property advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” "We will not knowingly accept any advertising for rental property which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis." GREG PUBLISHER'S NOTE: "All property advertised herein Federal Fair it illegal to advertise preference, limitation, discrimination race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial national origin, intention make any such preference, limitation, discrimination.” not knowingly accept violation of the law. that all advertised property 700 Main St., Suite 7, Trenton, MO 64683 or email to Resumes will be accepted until position is filled. EOE * DeaDLIne * For Advertising is FoR the newspapeR: 4 p.m. the Monday before. FoR the weekLy, * DeaDLIne * Is 4 P.m. THURSDAY THE WEEK BEFORE.


In the Estate of MARIE KAMPHEFNER, Deceased. Notice to Creditors To All Persons Interested in the Estate of MARIE KAMPHEFNER, Decedent. On 08-12-2022 a small estate affidavit was filed by the distributees for the decedent under Section 473.097, RSMo, with the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Grundy County, Missouri. All creditors of the decedent, who died on 02-NOV2021, are notified that Section 473.444, RSMo, sets a limitation period that would bar claims one year after the death of the decedent. A creditor may request that this estate be opened for administration.Receipt of this notice should not be construed by the recipient to indicate that the recipient may possibly have a beneficial interest in the estate. The nature and extent of any person’s interest, if any, may possibly be determined from the affidavit on this estate filed in the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Grundy County, Missouri.Date of first publication is August 18, 2022. /s/ Michelle --------------------------------------ProbateVandevender,ClerkdAug18,25

INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU INVEST! Always a good policy, especially for business opportunities and franchises. Call MO Attorney General at (880) 392-8222 or the Federal Trade Commission at (877) FTC-HELP for free information. Or visit our Web site at Republican-Times business office hours are Monday thru Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (closed from 12-1 p.m. for lunch) and Friday, 9:00 a.m. to Noon.

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PUBLISHER'S NOTE: "The advertisements appearing in this column may involve the offer of a security as defined by Missouri law, such as investment contracts, partnership interests, or notes. It is possible that these advertisements or the offers on which they are based may require registration with the Missouri Securities Division under Chapter 509 of the Revised MissouriAdvertisersStatutes. and potential advertisers are advised that transactions and advertisements involving securities entail certain rights and responsibilities created by the above mentioned laws. If you have any questions, call your attorney or the Missouri Securities Division at 1800-721-7996.Anyoneconsidering investing should be aware that all persons who sell securities and the securities they sell must be registered or exempt from registration with the Securities Division of the Secretary of State's office. To make sure the individual and the investment are registered prior to investing, call 1800-721-7996.

The office will be closed on Saturdays. Republican-Times 122 E. 8th St. 359-2212 Fax: --------------------------------------660-359-4414 *SEAMLESS GUTTERING* We are ready to replace your old gutters with new seamless aluminum gutters! MOORE’S CONSTRUCTION & WOODWORK, INC. 359-5477. 52 Years Experience. Tdtf WANTED!! Used & Abused Cars & Trucks. Highest prices paid! You Call - We Come Get It! FRONTIER AUTO & TRUCK PARTS (formerly Jim’s Auto Salvage) 145 Hwy. W., Trenton, 3593888. --------------------------------------Tdtf Call MIDWEST MECHANICAL & rely on comfort. 800-425-0976 or 485-6611, Brian S. Israel, owner. For your heating & cooling needs. All Tax Credits & Rebates available! Geostar Geothermal Heat Pumps. Over 25 years --------------------------------------experience.Tdtf Carquest Auto Parts T & L Auto Supply, Inc., 1823 East 9th, Trenton, 3592268, Monday-Friday, 7-5, Saturday, 7:30-12. --------------------------------------Tdtf JAMESPORT LUMBERFull Service Lumberyard. We also sell AvailableCertificatesHardwarerebar/concreteTrusses/metal/blocks.NewDepartment•GiftandDelivery•FreeEstimates.32089St.Hwy6,Jamesport, 660-684-6404 --------------------------------------Tdtf Willing Workers LLPDo you need your siding or roof replaced? Give Willing Workers a call today for a FREE estimate... 660-9735694, John Kramer, 17594 St. Hwy. 190, Jamesport, MO 64648 --------------------------------------Tdtf Mid-States Services is now offering: Fiber Optic installs in rural Trenton! MidStates will STILL WAIVE the $150 installation free for those who sign up NOW! Sign up TODAY by calling 660-359-2045 or --------------------------------------ton,4100,Tren-MO64683.Tdtf Cox Family Dentistry, P.C. Andrew P. Cox, D.D.S. 1011 Cedar St., Trenton. 660-359-6889 or 660-3596993. --------------------------------------Tdtf RED BARN MINI STORAGE, across from the new hospital. 5 Unit sizes available, prices starting at $19 per month. Call Mike or Jane Cooksey 359-1069 or 3597683. --------------------------------------Tdtf PAGE TREE SERVICE Jeff Page 660-359-3699shop, 660-359-2202-home. Serving the entire Green Hills Area! Specializing in tree trimming, stump grinding & complete removal. 75’ bucket truck, chipper & stump grinder. Licensed & insured. Free Estimates! --------------------------------------Tdtf LAUHOFF JEWELRY Downtown Chillicothe620 Washington St. Open Monday-Friday 9:00-5:30, Saturday 9:00-1:00. 660646-3504 www.lauhoffjew --------------------------------------Tdtf H & S CONTRACTING Remodeling, room additions, garages & decks and pole barns * New homes & basements w/ICF forms * Wall replacement under homes, repair cracks & bowed walls * Leveling, waterproofing * Backhoe & Bobcat work * New water & sewer lines. Kale Hoerrmann - Owner, 30 years experience – 660953-0724. --------------------------------------Tdtf JAMESPORT BUILDERS, 660-684-6931, 32137 State Hwy 6, Jamesport. POLE BARNS – GARAGES, Spray foam insulation. --------------------------------------TdtfBUY-SELL-TRADEBIG NASTY'S GUNS & AMMO - Stop in and see us at our New Location - 1515 E. 9th Street, Trenton, MO. Nathan Rorebeck, 660-6350469, --------------------------------------www.bignastys.comTdtf PETS/ANIMALS Shelly's Pet Care 660684-6864, 103 S. Locust St., Jamesport, MO 64648. Professional, Personalized Grooming. Appointments available Monday - Saturday. 35 Years of Experience! Serving the Green Hills Area since 1996! --------------------------------------dtf INSURANCE Shelter Insurance – Cale Gondringer 1601 E 9th St., Suite D. 660-359-4100. LIFE * HOME * AUTO * FARM * BUSINESS. We’re your shield. We’re your --------------------------------------ShelterInsurance.comshelter.Tdtf HELTON INSURANCE SOLUTIONS - Williams Shopping Center, Trenton, MO. New To Medicare or Want To Compare Pricing ... Call Brian McDaniel 816289-1935 Or Leah Helton 660-359-3806 or 660-6350537 "Our Quality Of Service Is What Makes Us --------------------------------------Different"Tdtf FOR SALE Trenton Hardware for all your plumbing, hardware & electrical needs, 901 Main, Trenton, 660-359-3360. --------------------------------------816-649-8615.Miles,Shovel--------------------------------------240-1173.soriesweights,stepper,bench,--------------------------------------(9/8)GoldsHomeGym,weightflybench,aclimber,a170lbs.free7ftbar,+acces-$675.00.Call660-(8/18)HarleyDavidson1998headcustom,4075$6500.Textorcall(9/1) For Sale: Quart canning jars, patio storm door, and a screen door. call and leave a message --------------------------------------660-973-9090 FARM NEEDS *WANTED* FARM GROUND TO LEASE! Competitive Rates AARON LANDES, 660-358-2682 bootsShopSupply--------------------------------------L905tfSeeConsumerOil&foryourOneStopforMuckandLacrosseandgloves. Consumer Oil & Supply, 614 Harris Ave., 359-2258 --------------------------------------C361dtf CRP/Pasture Clearing All types of Skid Loader Work. Call Gabe Buzzard, Trenton, MO. 816-678-3918 --------------------------------------Bdtf FOR RENT Sunnyview Apartments is taking applications for single & double apartments. Sunnyview is a residential care facility for the elderly. We provide qualified staff to administer medications, provide three meals a day and offer minimal assistance with the activities of daily living. Now accepting Medicaid. For more information contact Cassandra Brewer at 660359-5647. --------------------------------------S553dtf NOTICES THE PEOPLE’S CO-OP, 1736 East 9th • 359-3313. Premium Diesel, Gas, 10% Ethanol – CENEX. 83 years of service & experience. MR. TIRE – Dean, Hankook, Cooper tires. --------------------------------------Tdtf RUMMAGE SALE --------------------------------------Sunday12th--------------------------------------miles3p.m.,Chillicothe,wantpricedDownsizing!--------------------------------------weather.out.tablessheets,3-18,purses;XXL,Jrs/Misses/WomensclothingChurch;18thgust10ment--------------------------------------ing.withseeWeyet!muchset,babypictures,mixer,ware,andfurniture,tables,ture,mulatedTrenton20th----------------------------------------------------------------------------LindaBrooks122LakeviewDrPlattsburg,MO64477816-718-2809EstateSaleFridayAug3011OklahomaAve,8amto2pm.Accu-over50years-Furni-chairs,couches,enddressers,bedroomdiningroomtablechairs,lamps,kitchen-minifridge,kitchenaidKruieg,Knickknacks,pictureframes,bed,MarkTwainbooktowels,beddingandmorenotfoundtolistNeedingtodownsize...aresellingalot...Comewhatyoucantakehomeyou!!!Canceledifrain-CashonlyLargeMulti-familybase-sale:Friday,August19,am-4pm,Saturday,Au-20,7am-1pm,815EastSt.,N.ofFirstChristian100'sofnamebrand50centsandup,XS-brasswimsuits,Shoes,MensS-XXXL;Girlsboys4-16;fabric,205/60R15tires,ofmisc,stillcleaningHeldregardlessofJincks(8/18)Verylargegaragesale.Everythingistomove.Youdon'ttomiss!12502LIV224,Friday8/19,5-7Saturday8/20,8a.m.-p.m.Watchforsigns.TwonorthofChillicothe.(8/18)GarageSale-712W.St.,Saturday8/20&8/21,8a.m.-?(8/18) REALWEBSITESESTATE Replacement Parts; Accessories; Chemicals; Tool & equipment. --------------------------------------T470dtf WANTED Buying standing walnut, oak & cottonwood timber. Cash or on shares. Call Mike at 816-248-3091. --------------------------------------660-605-2107."YEARS--------------------------------------tfc"WANTTOBUYLASTHAYBALES.CALL HELP WANTED Sunnyview Nursing Home has job openings available for the following positions: RN, LPN, CNA, Dietary and Level I Medication Aide. Please fill out a job application at 1311 East 28th Street, Trenton, MO 64683. --------------------------------------PhoneViewJob.aspx?JobID=6771.,Frame--------------------------------------(816)221-2460.Full-TimeceivingWarehouse,--------------------------------------sendbasedwaterreadings,clude:nancelooking--------------------------------------E.O.E.S415dtfThecityofSpickardistohireamainte-worker.Dutiesin-mowing,meterloggingreadingforandsewer,etc.Payisonexperience.Pleaseapplicationsto:SpickardCityHall303JeffersonSpickard.MO64679660-485-6106(10/13)ImmediateOpeningforaShipping&Re-positioninNKC,MO.W/BenefitsInstallerforMetalDoor&CompanylocatedinMO.Install&ServiceDoors.Con-experienceaplus,willtrain.Full-Time(816)221-2460.TheCityofTrentonParkisacceptingap-forthepositionofParkSuperintend-Applicationscanbeob-atCityHallfrom8:30toAnyquestionscanbetoParkSuperin-DavidShockley.Sal-DOQ.TheCityofTrentonanEqualOpportunityEm-(8/18)Trentonhighschoolteacherneededworkpart-time,16orlessaweekatNCMCloca-ClassesareMondayWednesdayevenings5-8p.m.Formoreinfor-onapplyinggotothelink#(816)671-4020.(9/1)

"We will

All persons are hereby informed

is subject to the

The Spickard Special Road District is looking to hire a motor grader operator. Pay will be based on experience. Please send resume to: Spickard City Hall C/O Amy Chapman 303 Spickard,JeffersonMO 64679 Monday and Tuesday, 9 to noonOrfax --------------------------------------660-485-6156.(8/25) IN THE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT, GRUNDY CasePROBATEMISSOURICOUNTY,DIVISIONNo.22AG-PR00041

Classified Advertising Information Phone 359-2212 Classified advertising rate schedule in the Republican-Times is listed below. DEADLINES: For Newspaper: 4 p.m. the Monday before Thursday printing For Green Hills Weekly Shopper: 4 p.m. the Thursday before Wednesday printing Ads also appear same number of days on the Internet at right to edit or reject copy not consistent with editorial policy. Up to 25 words - $10.00 60¢ per word for each additional word over 25 words. Blind ads should be answered by writing box numbers given in care of the Republican-Times.

is available on an equal opportunity basis." PAGE 14 • THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2022 PROBATE CLERK Grundy County Circuit Court has an opening for a fulltime Probate Clerk. This position is 40 hours per week with benefits. Duties include processing court cases, assisting with court hearings, general clerical functions and customer service. Applicant must possess a high school diploma or GED, have efficient computer skills and be detail oriented. Basic knowledge of court procedures and legal documents beneficial. Mail resume to Becky Stanturf, Grundy County Circuit Clerk,


CANCELED IN THE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, GRUNDY COUNTY, MISSOURI PROBATE DIVISIONCaseNo. 22AG-PR00036 In the Estate of DIXIE L PARTON, Decedent. Notice of Hearing-Determination of Heirship AllTo: unknown heirs of the decedent and all persons known or believed to claim any interest in the property outlined below as an heir or through an heir of the decedent. You are hereby notified that you are entitled to appear and be heard at a hearing to be held on September 15, 2022, at 10:00 AM in the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Grundy County, GRUNDY COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT, 700 MAIN STREET, TRENTON, MO 64683, on a petition to determine the heirs of the above-named decedent, who died on January 26, 2019, and their respective interests as heirs in the following described property. Should you fail to appear, judgment and decree may be entered in due course upon said Petition. Description of Property Value Real Property (Including Legal Description) All of the South Forty (40) feet of the $30,000.00 East Half (E1/2) of Lot Nine (9), EXCEPT Ten (10) Feet off the west end for alley, and the East Half (E1/2) of Lot Ten (10) EXCEPT Ten (10) feet off the West end for alley, all in the Extension of Northwestern Addition to the City of Trenton, Grundy County, Missouri. Personal Property NONE $0 Petitioner's attorney is TARA L WALKER, whose business address is 605 E 9TH STREET, TRENTON, MO First64683.Date of Publication: July 28, 2022. /s/ Jill dJul28,Aug4,11,18Eaton,Clerk

any advertising for property which is in




The tax

In re the marriage of Carley Fairchild, Petitioner, and James Fairchild, Respondent. NOTICE UPON ORDER FOR SERVICE PUBLICATIONBY THE STATE OF MISSOURI TO JAMES



In the Estate of JENNIFER ANN HAMILTON, Deceased. Estate No. 22AG-PR00032 To all persons interested in the estate of Jennifer Ann Hamilton, Deceased On the 28th day of June, 2022, James E. Hamilton was appointed the Personal Representative of the Estate of Jennifer Ann Hamilton, Decedent, by the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Grundy County, Missouri. The business address of James E. Hamilton is 20 SE Highway E, Trenton, Missouri 64683, and his attorney is Tara L. Walker of the law firm of TLWalker Law, LLC, P.O. Box 457, 605 E. 9th Street, Trenton, MO 64683. All creditors of said decedent are notified to file claims in the probate division of this court within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice or if a copy of this notice was mailed to, or served upon, such creditor by the personal representative, then within two months from the date it was mailed or served, whichever is later, or be forever barred to the fullest extent permissible by law. Such six-month period and such two-month period do not extend the limitation period that would bar claims one year after the decedent's death, as provided in Section 473.444, RSMo, or any other applicable limitation periods. Nothing in Section 473.033, RSMo, shall be construed to bar any action against a decedent's liability insurance carrier through a defendant ad litem pursuant to section 537.021,ReceiptRSMo.ofthis notice by mail should not be construed by the recipient to indicate that he or she necessarily has a beneficial interest in the estate. The nature and extent of any person's interest, if any, can be determined from the files and records of this estate in the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Grundy County, Missouri.Dateof Decedent’s death was April 26, 2022. Date of first publication of this notice is July 28, 2022. /s/ Jill Eaton, Clerk, Probate Division of the Court of Grundy County, --------------------------------------dJul28,Aug4,11,18Missouri


/s/ Becky --------------------------------------dAug4,11,18,25CircuitStanturfClerk

per $100 valuation. ASSESSED VALUATION Current Tax Year Prior Tax Year Real Estate $4,259,957 $4,096,666 Personal Property $1,917,918 $1,814,533 Total $6,778,875 $5,911,199 Proposed Tax Rate for 2022 General Revenue 0.0995 Road & Bridge 0.4979 Special Road & Bridge 0.3500 Cindy Swank, Clerk dAug18 T & L Auto Supply, Inc. 1823 East 9th TrentonStreet 660-359-2268 7:30Monday-Friday7a.m.-6p.m.Saturdaya.m.12 p.m. Serving sincecommunitythe1977! 70 Hwy. 1-800-471-5966359-5966TrentonY Willing Workers LLP Do you need your siding or roof replaced? Give Willing Workers a call today for a FREE 660-973-5694estimate...JohnKramer 17594 St., Hwy. 190, Jamesport, MO 64648 Used & Abused Cars & Trucks Highest Prices Paid! You Call - We Come Get It! 145 Hwy. W, Trenton (formerly Jim’s Auto Salvage) 660-359-3888WANTED!C OX F A MI L Y D E N T I STR Y , P.C. AAndrew P Cox, D D S 1011 Cedar St., Trenton 359-6889Office:•359-6993





The name and business address, of the personal representative is: ROBERT M WILFORD 355 NE 105TH AVE GALT, MO 64641 The personal representative's attorney's name, business address and phone number is: MICHAEL D. ARNOLD 109 E. JACKSON STREET GALLATIN, MO 64640 (660) 663-2203 All creditors of said decedent are notified to file claims in court within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice or if a copy of this notice was mailed to, or served upon, such creditor by the personal representative, then within two months from the date it was mailed or served, whichever is later, or be forever barred to the fullest extent permissible by law. Such sixmonth period and such twomonth period do not extend the limitation period that would bar claims one year after the decedent's death, as provided in Section 473.444, RSMo, or any other applicable limitation periods. Nothing in Section 473.033, RSMo, shall be construed to bar any action against a decedent’s liability insurance carrier through a defendant ad litem pursuant to Section 537.021, RSMo. Date of the decedent’s death: April 11, 2022 Date of first publication: July 28, 2022 /s/ Jill Eaton,Clerk Receipt of this notice by mail should not be construed by the recipient to indicate that the recipient necessarily has a beneficial interest in the estate. The nature and extent of any person's interest, if any, can be determined from the files and records of this estate in the Probate Division of the above referenced Circuit Court. dJul28,Aug4,11,18 of Hearing hearing on the proposed 2022 levy for Wilson Township will held at 6 p.m., August 29, 2022 at 651 SE 40th St., Laredo, MO. rate will be expressed cents

In the Estate of BESSIE LEAH WILFORD, Deceased. Notice of Letters Testamentary Granted To All Persons Interested in the Estate of BESSIE LEAH WILFORD, Decedent. On July 18, 2022, the last will of the decedent having been admitted to probate, the following individual was appointed personal representative of the estate of BESSIE LEAH WILFORD, decedent by the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Grundy County, Missouri.

Monday-Breaded fish on bun, sliced tomato, mixed vegetables, apple salad, no bakeTuesday-Beefcookie. lasagna, house salad, winter mix veggies, watergate salad w/mixed fruit, garlic day.)fruitchef’sandandrots,onapplegreenmashedonjuice,sweetWednesday-Porkbread.roast,potato,spinach,fruithomemadebread.Thursday-Hotroastbeefwholewheatbread,potatoesandgravy,beans,1/2banana,crisp.Friday-Loosemeatburgerbun,spinachsalad,car-freshorangewedge.(Coffee,icedtea,watermilkareserveddailyanalternatemealofsalad,crackersandcupisavailableeach

Missouri Historical Society To Award Local Grants

Submitted Photos Art's Alive was the sponsor for the 2022 Fine Arts Show at the NCM Fair. The purpose of this exhibit was to encourage ALL area artists, both junior and adult, to showcase their artistic talents for the public to view and appreciate. There were 35 entries with 3 categories: Painting, Drawing and Photography! "Best in Show" (top) went to "Sailboat", painted by Rahel Horner of Trenton. "People's Choice" (bottom) went to "Shaggy Highlander", painted by Haven Burress of Trenton. R-T Photo/Amy Morton “Tropical Tonga Dayz” was a free program presented by the people of Tonga on August 12-13 at the Eastgate Shopping Center in Trenton. The people of Tonga wanted to introduce their culture to the people of Trenton and surrounding communities. The first night of the program consited of live music, dancing and refreshements. On Saturday evening there was live music, dancing and a Polynesian dinner was served.


The State Historical Society of Missouri is seeking proposals of up to $500, each, to help Missouri cultural heritage institutions preserve and provide access to local history. The deadline for organizations to submit their application is Sept. 15. The one-year grant period begins November. The Richard S. Brownlee Missouri Local History grants honor a longtime former executive director of the State Historical Society who helped expand the Society’s holdings of newspapers, reference materials, manuscripts and artworks. A maximum of $5,000 will be awarded this year. The Missouri Local History grant submissions should focus in two areas: The preservation of historical local records, which includes the purchase of archival supplies to store or display personal papers, photographs, maps or other materials. Funds may not be used for preservation of federal, state or local government documents. The other area of focus can be education or programming activities to promote learning about local history or training for the preservation of local history records. Grants are available to Missouri cultural heritage institutions that are organizational members of the State Historical Society with preference given to local historical“Brownleesocieties.Local History Grants are an opportunity for local historical societies and cultural heritage institutions to preserve and provide access to their valuable collection,” said Gerald Hirsch, associate director of the State Historical Society of Missouri. “These grants have supported local organizations across the state from helping to eradicate mold and mildew damage in their collections to creating brochures and guides for a variety of projects and exhibits.Grant proposals for the 2022-23 cycle may be submitted online rownlee-grant.

North Central Missouri College will offer a community education course on creating content, connecting, and increasing subscribers on the popular social media platform YouTube. Missouri YouTubers Meet-Up is a free course for anyone thirteen years or older. The session will be on August 16th from 6:309:30 p.m. at the Ketcham Community Center in Trenton, MO. Attendees should be aware the session will be filmed, and they could be featured on YouTube. Registration is required.This course will be taught by Michael and Rebecca Beach and will offer insights and tips for the craft of creating content on YouTube to those interested in getting started on YouTube. They will also share their journey from nothing to millions of subscribers and a full-time career.Over the last decade, Michael and Rebecca Beach have amassed nearly two million followers through multiple YouTube channels and social media platforms. With no background in filmmaking or social media education, the husband and wife duo turned their passion for content creation into a thriving family business. For more information and how to register, ellu/https://www.ncmissouri.edvisitorcontactStefanieDow-at660-359-3948x1301.

NCMC To Offer Course On YouTube Content Creation

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