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Influenza vaccinations at Wright Memorial Physicians’ Group will begin on Friday, September 16, and will be of fered each Friday going forward. Influenza vaccinations at the Mercer County Clinic in Princeton can be scheduled Monday through Friday for established patients.
We will vote on county board members and discuss our county resolutions to be presented at the statewide con vention in December. All Farm Bureau members and their families are encouraged to participate. The meal is pro vided by the Grundy County Farm Bureau. We ask that you bring two non-perishable items per person to be do nated to the Ronald McDonald House.
27th Annual Fly-In/ Drive-In
On Saturday Sept 17th emergency responders from Grundy County will be honing skills in a simulated emer gency at the NCMC Barton campus. These emergency ex ercises allow first responders to practice what would happen should a mass casualty event happen.
The public is advised to not be alarmed by seeing a large number of emergency response equipment in and near the Barton campus and Wright Memorial Hospital on Saturday morning.
TRENTON $1.25 ©Honeycutt Media, LLC THURSDAY, SEPT. 15, 2022
1. Wilder Howe, son of Gracie Hessenflow and Riley Howe; 2. Isaac Hos tetler, son of Chelsea and Emanuel Hostetler.
Free At-Home Tests Available
The annual meeting of the Grundy County Farm Bu reau will be held on Thursday, September 22, at 6:00 p.m. at the First Christian Church Fellowship Hall located at 1700 Princeton Road in Trenton. The meeting will feature guest speaker, Davin Althoff who is the MOFB Director of Marketing and Commodities.
1.Adalyn Coffman, daughter of Keyonna and Tanner Coffman; 2. No Results Provided.
Disaster Exercise at NCMC
R-T Photo/Amy Morton
City Council Discusses ARPA Funds,
Adult Parade Winners
TMS FCCLA students Caleb Ray, left, and Caleb Shell, right, were presented Silver Medals for their Food Innovation presentation at the Star Events Na tionals held in San Diego, CA in July. The students had to present a meal marketed for students to be able to prepare at home in under 30 minutes. Their dish was called the Snack Attack Chicken and Chips and they placed 16th out of all FCCLA teams in the nation.
that was added was the ability to offer Kinder garten students afternoon snacks since they eat lunch earlier than other grades. Money was also added
Baby Show Results Girls Age 7-12 months
The Trenton R-9 School Board of Education met on Tuesday, September 13, at the district office. President Dorothy Taul called the meeting to order. The agenda, minutes and treas urer's report were ap proved.Innew business, Super intendent Gott presented the 2022-2023 bus routes for approval. He was in formed by the bus barn that they have a new driver who has started and three others who are testing tomorrow, so routes may change and will need new approval at the next meeting.
such as taxes, summer school and transportation costs. That money was able to be added back into some areas that had originally been cut due to budget re straints. One of the items
Please join us by calling the Grundy County office at (660) 359-2242 to RSVP by September 19.
Best Mule and RiderKellen Korody; Best Horse and Rider - Betty Lee; Group of RidersIlana and Riley Raymo; Best Tractor - Jerry Ko rody; Oldest Tractor - Milo Simpson; Best FloatSpickard School and Most Unusual Entry - Taylor Etter
Those participating in the emergency exercise include, Wright Memorial Hospital, Wright Memorial Physicians Group, Grundy County Emergency Management, Grundy County Ambulance, Grundy County Sheriff's Department, Grundy County Rural Fire, Grundy County Health De partment, Trenton Fire Department, Trenton Police De partment, Spickard Fire, Galt Fire, Laredo Fire, The City of Trenton and TMU, North Central Missouri amateur radio club, North Central Missouri College, and the Grundy County emergency response team.
Best Mechanicalized Vehicle - Cora Brown; Best Horse and RiderLance Hostetler; Best Ani mal - Isaac Hostetler and Best Battery VehicleSilas Lee.
Mayor Linda Crooks, City Admin istrator Ron Urton, City Clerk Cindy Simpson, City Attorney Tara Walker and Police Chief Rex Ross. Council members present were Robert Romesburg, David Mlika, Lance Otto, Glen Briggs, Danny Brewer and Marvin Hum phreys. Councilman John Dolan joined via Zoom and Councilman Duane Urich was absent. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Crooks. The minutes and bills were approved.
who work to keep our water supplies running and safe.
One-Year Old
The Grundy County Health Department has free, COVID-19 self-test kits to give away for at-home use.
Other Assistance is provided by Buchanan County emergency management, Caldwell County emergency management, and the Missouri state emergency manage ment agency.
Trenton sports teams have been doing well this fall season. See pages 11 and 12 of today’s Republican-Times for pictures and updates on football, tennis, softball, volleyball and golf.
Wright Memorial Physicians’ Group in Trenton and Saint Luke’s Mercer County Clinic in Princeton an nounced they are currently scheduling influenza vaccina tions for established patients.
To schedule an appointment, call Wright Memorial Physicians’ Group at 660-358-5750, or Saint Luke’s Mercer County Clinic at 660-748-4040.
City Administrator Ron Urton wanted to send thanks out to the water treatment personnel for all their hard work they do daily. This week is Public Water Treatment Week in Missouri to honor those
Influenza Vaccinations Available
Mayor Crooks wanted to give praise and thanks to Police Of ficer’s Michael Williams and Za chery Underwood for their recent actions in helping a fellow deten tion officer in medical distress. These two police officers are com mended for springing into action to help a detention officer who was having an apparent stroke until medical personnel could arrive. 12 PAGES + 2 INSERTS “GOD BLESS AMERICA” Established Sept. 4, 1864 - 159th Year - No. 2 TRENTON Old Glory flying at Five Points BRIEFS [See R-9, Page 2] [See Council, Page 2]
Trenton R-9 Approves Budget Amendments THS Homecoming Candidates
Discussion was held on the
The Trenton City Council met on Monday, September 12, at City Hall. Those in attendance were:
Kiddie Parade Winners
1. Catherine Metcalf, daughter of Tiffany Youngs and Tim Metcalf; 2. No Results Provided.
Two-Year Old
1. Leona Koehl, daugh ter of Tiffany Youngs and Tim Metcalf; 2. Lynle Terry- daughter of Jessica and Kyle Terry.
The free test kits are rapid antigen tests and may be picked up during regular business hours Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. The Grundy County Health Department is located at 1716 Lincoln Street in Trenton. There is a limit of 1 test kit per person or 3 test kits per family. Each test kit contains 2 tests. Tests may be used for anyone 2 years of age and older.
Young Eagle Flights will be held from 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. dependent upon weather conditions. Area youth ages 8-17 will be able to take a free airplane ride, a parent or legal guardian must be present. Donations will be ac cepted to be used for the Youth Education Fund.
Boy’s Age 7-12 months
Mr. Gott recommended for approval a contract with Wolf Therapy Team LLC for physical therapy serv ices to the district at a cost of $75 per hour which in cludes travel. Physical ther apy services were originally contracted with Wright Memorial Hospital but they do not have a physical therapist now for this position so the district had to find another com pany.Amendments to the budget were presented to the board for approval. Money was saved with over budgeting of items
The Spickard Fair Board sponsored their an nual “Fun in the Park” day on Saturday, September 10. There were activities for children and adults, in cluding parades and a baby show.
Councilman Lance Otto brought a motion to the board from the Police Personnel Board. The board was requesting approval to hire Carly Taul as a police officer, contingent upon her graduation from the academy. The motion was approved.Anordinance was approved for an agreement with Shuler Concrete to provide the services for the con crete pavement repair project in Trenton. All work is to be com pleted by April 30, 2023.
The 2022 Trenton High School Homecoming attendants and candidates have been announced and in clude, from left, front row, freshman attendant Kinsley Otto, sophomore attendant Trisha Peterson, junior attendant Seanacie Ireland and senior candidates Lydia Leininger, Eliana Cowling and Kelsey Gibler; back row, freshman attendant Cooper Houser, sophomore attendant Hunter Smith, junior attendant Gavin Cagle and senior candidates Trent Villacampa, Tucker Otto and Tim Kempton. The traditional pep rally and coro nation will take place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, September 21 at C.F. Russell Stadium. Approves Ordinance
The EAA Chapter 944 of Chillicothe will host their 27th annual fly-in/drive-in pancake breakfast on Saturday, October 1 at the Chillicothe Municipal Airport. The break fast will be held from 7:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. and will con sist of pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, orange juice and coffee. Adults eat for $7.00, children ages 6-12 for $4.00 and children five and under eat for free.
statement of qualifications of engi neering that is needed by DNR for the ARPA funded projects. The requests were sent to four engi neering firms with three respond ing. Those qualification responses were reviewed by the Utility Com mittee and the City of Trenton. Howe Company was selected as they are familiar with Trenton and have provided quality work on other projects. The council ap proved the selection and now Howe Company will provide a proposal for the council to vote on at the next meeting. It is possible
Farm Bureau Annual Meeting
Students at Rissler Elementary School have been honored with the Terrific Kid Award for the moth of September, honored for demonstrating the character trait of “Responsibility”, a trait that describes a person as one who makes the choice to be reliable and dependable. Those recognized for the honor, sponsored each month by the Trenton Kiwanis Club and Hardee’s of Trenton, were, from left, front row, kindergarteners, Khane Ward, Zachary Johnson, Maverick Harp, Gray Smith and Evelyn Cox; first graders Sutton Buenemann, Carter Ingraham, Kenna McClure, Lyric Olmstead and Evelynn Dodson; middle row, second graders Gracelyn Hostetler, Aldrich Bonnett, Madelyn Clark and Kalila Lake, third graders Jake Ferguson, Rose Ortega, Vivi Gott and Clare Spencer; back row, fourth graders Emmaleigh Maloney, AJ Gamet, Judy Brittain and Skyler Schlich ting.
821 Industrial Dr. Trenton, MO 660-359-621064683 LOCAL PAGE 2 • THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 Council • From Front Page • New To Medicare or Want To Compare Pricing... HELTON INSURANCE SOLUTIONS Williams Shopping Center • Trenton, MO New To Medicare or Want to Compare Pricing... CALL BRIAN McDANIEL 816-289-1935 or LEAH HELTON 660-359-3806 or JAKE HARRIS 816-835-7410 “OUR QUALITY OF SERVICE IS WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT” H&S CONTRACTING •Remodeling, room additions, garages & decks and pole barns •New homes & basement w/ICF forms •Wall replacement under homes, repair cracks & bowed walls •Leveling, waterproofing •Backhoe & Bobcat work •New water & sewer lines 660-953-0724 Kale Hoerrmann, Owner • 30 Years ExperienceCHILLICOTHE TRENTONDOWNTOWN CHILLICOTHE • 620 WASHINGTON STREET 660-646-3504 • Open Mon-Fri 9-5:30, Sat 9-1 •
• From Front Page •
tion to the council for ap proval regarding the pur chase of used equipment. The department has found a company selling two used SaltDogg Chat Spreaders, in almost new condition, for $2,500 each and would throw in extra parts they had for them also. There is money budgeted in next year's budget to purchase a chat spreader and the last
Trenton Middle School FCCLA Advisor Joy Bridges presented Silver Medals to Caleb Ray and Caleb Shell for their Food Innovation Presentation at Star Events Nationals. The students participated in the national event in July, where they created a meal that students could prepare in under 30 minutes at home. They placed 16th out of all national FCCLA teams with their Snack At tack Chicken and Chips dish.Dr. Jill Watkins pre sented an update on the CSIP plan, including the additional plan links that are provided to the board for them to be able to easily see the current progress. The plans will help deploy the goals and strategies that were set for the CSIP. She informed the board that DESE is behind, but they will be sending out the sur vey template for the Con tinuous Improvement Climate and Culture survey
the ARPA funds will be used to re-line sewer lines in an effort to keep rain waterUrtonout.reported that the street department will begin some chip and seal work on streets next week. The street department asked Urton to bring a mo
to be given to students, par ents and patrons for eval uation.Dr. Watkins also pre sented the MTDS post sur vey data showing that 83 out of 100 certified teachers participated in the summer curriculum work stipend. The data showed that the teachers appreci ated the compensation they received for going above and beyond their con tracted hours to prepare their curriculum. The 17 teachers who did not par ticipate stated it was either because they just wanted the summer off or they felt as though they didn’t do enough work to earn the extra theunteersswingstaff.supporttomeetingfairlyweverfirstthatademicteacherswithHostetterdancesettlingstatedhisMikeMiddlecompensation.SchoolPrincipalHostetterpresentedreportforthemonth.Hestudentsandstaffareinwellandattenisat96percent.Mr.saidhehasmetcoregradelevelregardinganyacorbehaviorflagshavepresentedthesecoupleofweeks,hothingsaregoingwellnow.HewillbewithteamsweeklyseehowwecanbetterourstudentsandAthleticsareinfullandstudentvolarehelpingtokeepcampuscleaneroutside.
The board adjourned to a closed session for hiring and student matters, with no announcement made.
time a new one was pur chased it was $16,000. The council approved the pur chase of the two used spreaders and the extra parts for a total of $5,000.
Submitted Photo
He is also looking into some reward trips for stu dents who meet goals in iReady, attendance and dis cipline
Mr. Gott wanted to send a “Thank You” to the Tren ton Alumni Association who donated $10,000 to the school. The high school guitar class will receive $5,000 of the donation to purchase guitars as the en rollment in the class has in creased from three to sixteen students this year. The other $5,000 will be used for reader intervention at the middle school.
Superintendentreferrals. Gott re ported that MAP testing in dividual results have been sent to families, however the district scores have been embargoed until De cember. The Career Ladder had no major changes as it just wasn’t in the budget this year. It would have cost the district around $205,000 for the 86 teachers who would have qualified. Mr. Gott is hop ing that the Teacher Reten tion Grant will still be available next year and the district will be able to budget funds to be able to offer this to teachers.
Electric Cooperative’s Board of Directors voted to make a general re fund of capital credits in the amount of approximately $451,636.26. The board voted to retire 100% of the capital credits for the year 1989 and twenty five per cent of the year 2021 to the membership. The Cooperative began returning capital credits as part of a general retirement in 1990 and to date has refunded over $9 million in capital credit allocations to current and past members. General manager Scott Wilson stated, “The return of patronage capital is just one of the privileges of cooperative membership and we are pleased to make this refund to our current and past members.” The capital credit refund checks will be mailed to members in October. Republican-TimesTrenton 122 E. 8th St. PO Box 548 Trenton,64683MO 660-359-2212
The regular meeting of the city council was ad journed and a closed ses sion for real estate matters was held with no an nouncements made.
Submitted Photo
back to the middle school supplies and other areas. There is still around $178,000 that is left which can be used if needed for new HVAC systems or equipment issues that may arise as the year progresses.
Spickard Special Road District Discusses Insurance
Doc and Chris loved big band music and loved to dance; The Gables was a favorite dinner and dancing destination and celebration spot for the family. She and Doc also loved spending time at the Lake of the Ozarks, where they had a vacation home and enter tained family, friends, and grandchildren for many years. Chris was always ready to feed garden-fresh concoctions to hungry grandkids after a ski or swim in the lake, and al ways ready with a “hi-ball” for Doc and friends at happy hour. After Doc re tired and sold his practice, they spent winters in Pal
dancing in the old Aragon Ballroom. Christine and RW moved together to sev eral training locations –New Haven, CT; Clemson, SC; and Montgomery, AL, where their daughter Janice was born in 1945.
Christine Simmons
Coroner for 32 years. He worked around the clock while raising his family in the funeral home. He was passionate, kind, and car ing to the families he served in their time of need throughout his career. His service to the community will never be forgotten.
Wednesday-Beefbread. stuffed peppers, buttered rice, broc coli, baked apples, mashedThursday-Chickenbiscuit.strips,potatoesandgravy,
North Central Missouri College will offer a com munity education event on creating content, connect ing, and increasing sub scribers on the popular social media platform, YouTube.Whether you have an es tablished channel, are just getting started, or you are just curious about how it all works, The Missouri YouTubers Meet-Up is a free event for anyone thir teen years or older.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to Rural Dale Cemetery Association (455 SE 63rd Ave, Laredo, MO 64652).
He retired in 2012, but remained active, giving back to his community by volunteering in various ac tivities and organizations. One of his most passionate activities was being able to serve as a volunteer and board member at the Grundy County Com munity Food Pantry. He was a good storyteller and jokester. He loved to cook and try new recipes. Throughout his life, he en joyed traveling, being with family and friends and al ways enjoyed life to the fullest.Tom was a member of the Trenton First Christian Church, a 50-year member of the Joseph L. Norton V.F.W. Post #919, Trenton Elks Lodge #801 and the Major Dale Stepp Post #31 American Legion, all of Trenton. He had also been a longtime member of the Galt Lions SurvivorsClub.include his wife, Linda Eads of the home; Jeff Eads and his
A motion was passed to approve the treasurer's re port with a balance of $44,113.48. The board ap proved a motion to keep insurance with Hawkins
NEW ARRIVALS Email your news to the Republican-Times at
one brother, Tayden and three sisters, Taylyn, Tyns lee and MaternalTylee.grandmother is Tamara Babcock.
After RW’s service ended, Christine and RW moved to Memphis, TN, where RW attended South ern School of Optometry on the GI Bill and Chris tine helped support them by working in a dress shop. Upon RW’s graduation, they moved to Chillicothe, where RW opened an op tometry practice. They set up their permanent home and eventually became known to all as, simply, “Doc and Chris.” Their son, LJ, was born in 1949. Over the next twenty-plus years, Chris was a home maker, mother, and active community member. She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, Cul ture Club, and an active mother supporting her chil dren in Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and PTA. One of her proudest accomplish ments was being involved in the creation of “The Girl Scout Little House.” One of her greatest joys was following LJ’s football ca reer through high school and then at William Jewell College. She was active in the group of women who created the “Chrismons,” handcrafted Christian sym bols that decorated the Christmas tree at the First Presbyterian Church for manyAfteryears.her children were grown and gone, Chris be came an avid canner, de lighting friends and family with her lime sweet pick les, elderberry jelly, and ja lapeno pepper jelly. She also became a skilled knitter, making blankets for gifts that keep family warm until this day. She developed an interest in ge nealogy and traced her father’s family back to the
The session will be held on September 19th from 6:00-9:00 p.m. at the Ket cham Community Center in Trenton, MO. Attendees should be aware the ses sion will be filmed, and they could be featured on YouTube. Registration is
wife, Sheila of Kansas City; Melissa Coon and her husband, Quenten of Tren ton; four grandchildren, McKenna Ferrini and her husband, Jessie, Tommy Eads, McKenzy Dolan and Addison Eads; brother, David Eads and his wife, Charla of Hamilton; sister, Starla Buchanan and her husband, Jim of Fort Myers, FL; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents.
Limes Sim mons was born on August 1, 1919, to Lewis and Ber nice (Ellington) Limes on a farm near Dunlap. Bernice died suddenly of an aneu rysm in July before Chris tine’s first birthday. Unable to care for an infant alone, Lewis sent Christine to live on the family farm with Bernice’s sister, Ethel. Lewis remarried when Christine was five, and she moved back to the farm in Dunlap with her father. In October of 1935, when Christine was a junior in high school, she lost her beloved father suddenly as well, when he was mur dered in what we would now call a “carjacking.”
Christine was preceded in death by her mother Ber nice, father Lewis, and her beloved husband of 59 years, RW (“Doc”) Sim
He was born on Feb ruary 2, 1949 in Trenton, the son of Donald Milton and Merle Louise Starr Eads. He attended Trenton Schools and graduated with the class of 1967. He was a member of the first wrestling program at Tren ton and was also a member of Trenton’s only unde feated Missouri State Foot ball Championship team, goingAfter10-0.graduation he at tended Northwest Missouri State College at Maryville for 1 ½ years before enlist ing in the United States Marine Corps. After train ing, he was deployed to Vietnam where he served as a combat engineer. He was honorably discharged as a HeSergeant.returned to Trenton and met his wife, Linda Lou Cox. They were mar ried on August 7, 1971.
Christine Simmons
Memorial contributions are suggested to the Grundy County Com munity Food Pantry. They can be left at or mailed to Resthaven Mortuary, P.O. Box 587, Trenton, MO 64683.Online condolences may be left at
Tuesday-Pork roast, baked sweet potato, peas & carrots, rosy pears, whole wheat
point in time where she qualified to become a member of the Daughters of the American Rev olution, and later, the Colo nial Dames. As a grandmother, Chris was al ways the designated holi day piemaker. Her strawberry pie and pecan pie recipes are legendary, and copies written in her handwriting still sit in her daughter’s recipe box. Chris could always be counted on to eat as many pecans as she put on her pie while baking at the holidays. She loved choco late, too, and always had a stash of semi-sweet Nestle chips in a cabinet some where for grandchildren to find and share. Later in life, Chris became a member of P.E.O., the First Baptist Church, and was a 64-year member of Culture Club.
Treyson Lee Wayne Bryan
The Spickard Special Road District Board met on September 6, at the Spickard Fire Station. Those present were Vice President-JR Roberts and Board Members Tyler Etter and Dan Etter. The meeting was called to order with minutes and bills accepted and the agenda approved.
Mikayla Shoemaker and Justin Bryan of Trenton are the parents of a 6 pound 15.5 ounce baby boy, born at 8:17 a.m. on Thursday, September 8, 2022 at Cam eron Regional Medical Center in Cameron. The baby was 19.5 inches long and has been named Trey son Lee Wayne. He joins
Funeral services were held at 2:00 p.m. on Sun day, September 11, 2022 at Resthaven Mortuary of Trenton.Burial with military rites was in Resthaven Memo rial Gardens of Trenton.
Christine Simmons, a former long-time resident of Chillicothe, loving mother of two, grand mother of four, greatgrandmother of eight, and one of the iconic “Rosie the Riveters” during World War II, passed away peace fully in Council Bluffs, Iowa, on Saturday, Sep tember 10, 2022, at the age of Christine103.
They moved to Dallas, TX where Tom enrolled at the Dallas Institute of Mortu ary Science. After gradu ation, they moved back to Galt, where he was em ployed at the Payne Fu neral Home and Furniture Store.Tom and Linda started their business careers when they became co-owners of Payne Furniture Store with Phillip Sayer in 1973. In 1975 Tom and Linda pur chased the Payne Funeral Home in Galt and JuddPayne Funeral Home in Newtown. In 1977 they constructed Resthaven Mortuary on Resthaven Memorial Gardens north of Trenton, forming Res thaven Mortuary and Me morial Gardens. In 1988 they merged Resthaven Mortuary with BlackmoreWhitaker to form Whi taker-Eads Funeral Homes, Inc. with Tim and Patty Whitaker. This business partnership, along with Super 8 Motel, continued until 1999. Tom and Linda purchased Eleanor’s Flowers and the Flower Kart and combined them into Eleanor’s Flower Kart. Tom was co-owner several years with McWilliams Family Funeral Homes in Gallatin and Jamesport. He served as Grundy County
metto, Florida, with several other “snowbirds” from Chillicothe. Doc died in January 2000, seven months before their 60th wedding anniversary. They were happily married until the end, so much so that Chris opted to schedule a root canal on what would have been their 60th anni versary, explaining to her children that she “couldn’t be in any more pain.”
Thomas Ray Eads passed away at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at his home while under hospice care, sur rounded by family.
green beans, peaches, hot roll.Friday-Pulled pork on bun, baked beans, cole slaw, mixed(Coffee,fruit. iced tea, water and milk are served daily and an alternate meal of chef’s salad, crackers and fruit cup is available each day.)
Thomas Ray Eads
Thomas Ray Eads
mons.She is survived by her daughter Jan (Erwin) Pel lant of Council Bluffs, IA, and her son, LJ (Judy) Sim mons of Fenton; grand daughters Kathy (Pellant) Reed and Jennifer Pellant of Council Bluffs; grand sons Luke (Hanna) Sim mons of Gothenburg, Sweden, and Josh (Eliza beth) Simmons of Tulsa, OK. She is also survived by eight great-grandchil dren.Afuneral service will be held at Lindley Funeral Home in Chillicothe, on Saturday, September 17, at 11:00 a.m. Family visita tion will be held at 10:00 a.m. one hour prior to serv ice.Burial will be held at Rural Dale in Trenton.
Despite the tragedy, Christine graduated from Trenton High School in 1937 and went on to junior college at North Central Missouri College, where she earned an associate de gree in 1939. She then went to Kirksville State Teachers College in the fall of 1939, where she met and married RW Simmons. After their wedding in 1940, Christine and RW moved to Bowling Green and then to DeSoto, where RW, an excellent musician, taught band, music, and science before he was drafted into the Army in 1942. They moved to Chi cago, IL, for RW’s service, where Christine took a job in a steel plant and became one of many “Rosie the Riveters” who worked dur ing the war. In their free time, Christine and RW en joyed life in Chicago, even
Harrison Insurance. It was reported to the board that repairs are currently being made on the backhoe.
The employee applica tion has been tabled until after the city board meet ing next week. A motion was made and approved al lowing Amy Chapman to get a subscription for QuickBooks.Thenextmeeting of the Spickard Special Road District Board will be held at 6:30 p.m. on October 10, at the fire station.
required 660-359-3948fanieeducation/u/academics/community-https://www.ncmissouri.edandfull-timelionsneyquestionsshareforms.andmultiplelionamassedade,channel.BeachBeachMichaelcom/yvz6cj77https://tinyurl.ThiseventwillbeledbyandRebeccaofthepopular“TheHouse”YouTubeOverthelastdectheBeachfamilyhasnearlytwomilfollowersthroughYouTubechannelssocialmediaplatJointhemastheyinsightsandanswerabouttheirjourfromnothingtomilofsubscribersandacareer!Formoreinformationhowtoregister,visitorcontactSteDowellatx1301.
NCMC Offering Continuing Education Event on YouTube Content Creation September 13 Ray-Carroll County Grain Growers/ (1-800-722-4407)Carrollton Corn 7.52, Soybeans 15.88, Soft Wheat 8.40 New Crop 6.87, Soybeans 14.68, Soft Wheat 8.40 LOCALPRICESGRAIN
Monday-Sloppy Joe on bun, seasoned fries, spinach salad, fresh orange wedge.
LOCAL PAGE 4 • THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 PAPER TOWELS, LAUNDRY DETERGENT, DOG TOYS Feed Your New Pet PURINA DOG CHOW 48 Lb. Bag 1840 E. 28th St., Trenton “Jenny” - Female Calico Mix Cat Looking for home! “Twiggy” - Female Short Haired Cat Looking for home! “Zippo” - Male Pit Bull Terrier Mix Looking for home! “Tigger” - Male Pit Bull Terrier Mix Looking for home! Green Hills Animal Shelter 359-2700 • 3041 E. 10th • Trenton, MO $2499 Green Hills Animal Shelter “Building Pet Friendly Communities” For more information call 359-2700 3041 E. 10th • Trenton, MO 103 S. Locust, Jamesport, MO 64648 Professional,GroomingPersonalized APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE MONDAY - SATURDAY 35 years of experience! 660-684-6864PETSHELLY’SCARE SinceGreenServingtheHillsArea1996! T & L Auto Supply, Inc. 1823 East 9th TrentonStreet 660-359-2268 7:30Monday-Friday7a.m.-6p.m.Saturdaya.m.12 p.m. Serving sincecommunitythe1977! 70 Hwy. 1-800-471-5966359-5966TrentonY Leadership Northwest Missouri Recruiting for 2023 Class 122 E. 8th St., Trenton, news@republican-times.comMOPhone660-359-2212Fax359-4414 Email your news information to the Republican-Times at
The 2023 class will begin with a two-day re treat at Conception Abbey, January 18 and 19, led by Tim Crowley, Ph.D., a na tional speaker on personal and professional devel opment. Day-long monthly classes will follow in var ious communities through out our 19-county region,
Class participants will come away with a new out look on the workplace, en hanced leadership skills, hands-on team building ex ercises, communication and motivational skills, and so much more. To create an effective experience, Lead ership Northwest Missouri will limit the number of class participants. The deadline to apply is No vember 1. Please contact Deb Powers if you,haveapplicationisavailabledownloadat:
Leadership Northwest Missouri continues to offer opportunities to lead, con nect and grow within the Northwest Missouri region. They are looking for the right men and women to fill its 2023 class, promis ing those who join an ex perience they’ll never forget. Eight days over a seven-month period is the commitment, but the re sults are worth so much more. The deadline to apply is November 1, 2022.
Often, seminars offer tips on leadership and net working, but Leadership Northwest Missouri is dif ferent. This program pro vides a localized experience, offering leader ship training, education on hot topics in the region, and access to a well-connected network of contacts.
(Andrew, Atchison, Bucha nan, Caldwell, Carroll, Clay, Clinton, Daviess, DeKalb, Gentry, Grundy, Harrison, Holt, Linn, Liv ingston, Mercer, Nodaway, Sullivan and Worth), with the class graduation sched uled for July 13, 2023.
TRENTON AREA CALENDAR OF EVENTS Pa ge Tree Service •60 ft. Bucket Truck •Chipper & Stump Grinder RUSSELL LIVESTOCK MARKET 31683 US Hwy. 34, Russell, IA 50238 • Barn Phone (641) 535-6065 Weigh Cows - 9:00 am • Feeders - 11:00 am ** CATTLE SALE ** MOnday, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 ** SPECIAL CATTLE SALE ** MOnday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 BARN WILL BE OPEN SUNDAYS 8 AM - 8 PM WATCH OUR AUCTION LIVE @ Visit • Barn: (641) 535-6065 Owners: Tony & Meshara Ballanger 641-777-3113 - Cell Owners: Shawn & Jana Murphy 641-777-0103 - Cell Field Rep: Justen 641-217-1235Murphy-Cell Field Rep: Brian 515-360-1486Mitchell-Cell Field Rep: Tim 660-425-0991Rinehart-Cell Field Rep: aaron 641-203-3043McGee-Cell Mr. Sheep, Goat & Hog Sale: Saturday, September 17 @ 10 am Feeder Sale: Monday, September 19 @ 11 am Special Cow Sale: Friday, September 23 @ 6 pm Special Feeder Sale: Monday, September 26 @ 11 am EXPECTING 1200 HEAD! Open all day on Sundays to receive livestock! Barn: 660-622-4214 • Casey Flinn, Owner: 816-769-7532 Field Reps: Dwayne Penny: 816-506-2776 • Utah Stulz: 660-334-0400 Bobby Morrison: 816-345-0518 • Ben Peterson: 660-247-2759 Travis Gibson: 660-646-8337 • Sheep/Goats/Hog: Clark Allen: 660-973-6826 Find us on Facebook at Tina Livestock Market • Check out our market report on Cattle Market Mobile! Check us out on our new website: 435 W. 2nd St., Tina, MO 64682 Casey & Amelia Flinn, Owners Cattle Sales: Mondays @ 11 am Sheep, Goat & Hog Sales: 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month @ 10 am Special Cow Sales: 4th Friday of the month @ 6 pm
North 65 Center: Line Dancers, 9:30 a.m.; Cards, 12:30 p.m.
Periodicals Postage Paid at Trenton, Mo.
E-Mail: Phone: 660-359-2212
(USPS 638-180)
Grundy County Museum open 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Jamey & D’Anna Honeycutt Wendell Lenhart Co-Publishers Publisher Emeritus
Established September 4, 1864
Narcotics Anonymous, St. Philip’s Epis copal Church, 4 p.m.
Vickie Bowe visited her mother, Jean Hughes, at Sunnyview Nursing Home on August 15 and 16.
Crowley was a member of the Rotary Group Study Exchange team that visited Yorkshire, England in 1992. GSE is a program funded through the Rotary Foundation. Crowley was one of five individuals from the Rolla area who spent six weeks in England to learn about the culture of visited busi nesses in their areas of in terest as well as toured various historical and ar chitectural sites. He stayed with eight families while there and attended Rotary Club meetings.
Green Hills Alcoholics Anonymous, Tenth Street Baptist Church, 6 p.m. For more information, call 359-2704.
Grief Share Self-Help Group, Tenth Street Baptist Church, 4:30 p.m.
Entries for the parade, which is sponsored by the Rotary Club, can be made via a link on the Trenton Area Chamber of Com merce website (trentonmo Director
Vickie Bowe of Laredo; Valerie Sheckells and chil dren Chloe and C.J. of Kansas City; Clint Bowe and daughters, Abigail, Addison and Alyssa of Maryville; Peggy Scott of Trenton; and Terri Kruger and friend, Larry of Co lumbia.OnSunday, August 14, Charles and Vickie Bowe celebrated their 52nd wed ding anniversary in their home. Guests included Casey and Jennifer Bowe and Caden, Hannah and Catelin; Valerie Sheckells and Chloe and C.J. of Kan sas City; and Clint Bowe and Abigail, Addison and Alyssa of Maryville.
portunity to learn about other countries through GSE. In the past, Trenton Rotary members Gary Black, Alice Dobbs and the late Steve Maberry have been a part of GSE teams traveling from District 6040.During the business meeting, final plans were made for the Sept. 10 fish fry at the Rock Barn. It was announced that the next meeting of the Missouri Day Parade Committee would be held at 4 pm on Thursday, Sept. 15 at Pre ferred Family Healthcare.
Postmaster: Send address changes to: Republican-Times, P.O. Box 548, Trenton, MO 64683
He shared several stories about his stay and encour aged other Rotarians to take advantage of the op
MI Group of Alcoholics Anonymous, 2901 Hoover Drive, 7 p.m.
Published By Honeycutt Media, LLC 122 East Eighth St. Trenton, MO 64683-0548
Carol Wilford Greg Hecker and Chris tian and Tosha Gullberg stopped to visit Dan and Carol Wilford on Sunday afternoon on July 31. The Gullbergs from Oregon were interested in moving to Laredo and were asking the Wilfords if they had any houses for sale or knew of anyone selling a house. They stayed to visit awhile, and as they were leaving, the Wilfords shared some garden pro duce with them.
Trenton Rotary Club, BTC Bank Com munity Room, noon.
TrenTon republican-Times
Sales Megan Graham Curt Thorne
Domestic Violence/Anger Management Group, North Central Missouri Mental Health Center, 7 to 9 p.m.
Dan Wilford’s sister, Barbara Stoops and her husband, Larry of Trenton, spent Friday afternoon and Saturday afternoon, August 12 and 13 in the home of Dan and Carol Wilford.
Green Hills Alcoholics Anonymous, Tenth Street Baptist Church, noon. For more information, call 359-2704 or 3572367.North 65 Center: Token Bingo and Cards, 12:30 p.m.
Composing - Anita Ewing, Violet Airey
Church Women United Thrift Shop, 17th & Harris, noon to 4 p.m.
Editorial Amy Morton Business Operations Tiffany Wilson Susan Plumb
Bob Taylor came out to visit Dan and Carol Wil ford on Sunday afternoon, August 14. He brought some garden produce to share with them.
Spickard Coffee Club, Wise Community Center, 8 a.m.
Study Exchange
Group Study Exchange was the topic of a program presented by Jeff Crowley to members of the Trenton Rotary Club on Thursday, Sept. 8 at the BTC Bank community room. Michael Ormsby presided at the meeting, Dan Wilford gave the prayer, Elizabeth Gib son was the sergeant at arms and Tom Witten was the program chairman.
“The Republican has a greater purpose in life than merely to publish the news.” . . . Col. W.B. Rogers.
Celebrate Recovery, Tenth Street Bap tist Church, 6 p.m.
Trenton Lions Club, First Christian Church Fellowship Hall, noon.
Green Hills Alcoholics Anonymous, Tenth Street Baptist Church, 6 p.m. For more information, call 359-2704 or 3572367.North 65 Center: Line Dancers, 9:30 a.m.; Cards, 12:30 p.m.
North 65 Center: Cards, 12:30 p.m.; Early Bird Bingo, 6:00 p.m.; Regular Bingo, 6:45 p.m.
Program at Rotary
A birthday celebration was given for Hannah Bowe in her home on Sat urday, August 13. Those attending were her parents, Casey and Jennifer Bowe and Catelin, her sister; Caden Bowe, Hannah’s brother; and Charles and
Grundy County Museum open 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Published every Thursday, except holidays; Single Copy, $1.15 plus 10¢ sales tax. $52.60 plus tax per year in Trenton, Grundy and adjoining counties. $64.60 plus tax per year in Missouri and $75 per year out of state.
Recycle Trailer Scheduled Days Of Setup
C OX F AMILY D ENTISTRY , P.C. A Andrew P Cox, D D S 1011 Cedar St., Trenton 359-6889Office:•359-6993
Nate Gamet will present the program at the Sept. 15 meeting of the Trenton Ro tary Club, which will be held at noon at the BTC Bank community room. Gamet will present infor mation on the newlyformed NCMC Athletic Booster Club.
Group Is Club
The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all the local news printed in this newspaper, as well as all AP news dispatches.
North 65 Center: Cards, 12:30 p.m.; Fun Night, 6 p.m.
Friday September 16, 2022 Galt Friday September 23, 2022 Spickard Friday September 30, 2022 Edinburg Bins will be set up for a period of 1 week. Please, only put what is listed on the trailer inside the bins.
Church Women United Thrift Shop, 17th & Harris, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The THS Class of '62 met on September 3 for their 60th Reunion at the Assembly of God Activity Center for a catered lunch. Thirty class members and their guests attended. The class members attending the re union were, front row, from left, Jennifer Snidow Williams, Linda Carr, Jonalee Dean Stickler, Jackie Arnold Ellis, Cheryl Moore McLain, Kay Moore Holder, Sharon Elliott Berry, Lanah Bryant Bagley, Mary Virginia Coff man Forbis, Beverly Allen Weed, Linda Hughes Curley and Bonita Murphy Keith; back row, Jacki Thomas Car ton, Jonalyn Baugher Nyberg, Ruth Ficek Stepien, Lois Diegelman Keller, John Laffoon, Linda McCullough, Dale McCullough, Norris Polley, Jim Holcomb, John Campbell, Don Hesler, John Peery, Gary Gates, Stan Low rey, Carol Copple Thomas, Tom Kilburn, Leona Wright Kinion and Jim Pfaff.
LOCAL PAGE 6 • THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 We are ready to replace your old gutters withnew seamless aluminum gutters! MOORE’S CONSTRUCTION & WOODWORK, INC. 660-359-5477
Submitted Photo
660-359-2212 Willing Workers LLP Do you need your siding or roof replaced? Give Willing Workers a call today for a FREE 660-973-5694estimate...JohnKramer 17594 St., Hwy. 190, Jamesport, MO 64648 TRENTON REPUBLICAN-TIMES 122 E. 8th St., Trenton, MO Email: Ph. 660-359-2212 • Fax 359-4414 News • Obituaries Sports • Card Showers Crosswords • Dear Annie Special Sections Columns • ANDClassifiedsAdvertising•AgPageMUCHMORE!!!!! andMECHANICALMIDWESTCallRelyonComfort MIDWEST MECHANICAL Brian S. I srael, Owner Over 25 Years Experience
The Trenton Chamber of Commerce held a Ribbon Cutting on Friday, September 9, at the Green Hills Regional Planning Commission. The ribbon cutting and open house was held to celebrate the Grand Opening of the Green Hills Regional Planning Commission in their new location at 810 Washington Street in Trenton.
R-T Photo/Susan Plumb
821 Industrial Dr. Trenton, MO 660-359-621064683 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 • PAGE 7
Submitted Photo
The club will be starting a Hall of Fame committee, meal committee, and project committee. Each committee will be re sponsible for identifying different tasks within the scope of their committee that the Booster Club can positively affect the student-athlete experience.
A spokesperson is someone who helps spread the word about NCMC Athletics and helps recruit future Booster Club members.In-kind donations include preparing meals over break, providing snacks for road games, etc. Monetary donations are financial support used for funding based on the approval of the Booster Club.
Submitted Photo
Submitted Photo
Nate said, “The sky is the limit for the Booster Club. One day I would like to see the club approaching 200 members and be able to provide support in many different ways for the student-athletes here at NCMC.” He went on to say, “The greatest impact the community and Booster Club can have on an Athletic program is being present. When members are present and meet these great student-athletes and see their impact on their experience, the word spreads, and memberships grow.”
The Grand River Garden Club has selected the Sesquicentennial Park, near 5Points, in downtown Trenton as the Business Beautification Award winner for the month of September.
The Grand River Garden Club has selected the yard of Tom and Connie Metzer, located on West Leisure Lake Drive at Leisure Lake as the September Yard of the Month.
NCMC athletic programs include men’s and women’s basketball and golf, men’s baseball, and women’s softball. NCMC also has eSports, dance, and shooting sports. All programs benefit from the Booster Club. Future plans for NCMC athletics include adding more athletic pro grams and clubs such as men’s and women’s soccer, and men’s and women’s cross country, for example, though no timetable has been set.
Community Corner
In just a few short weeks of the re launch, the NCMC Booster club already has 45 members, with hopes to reach at least 75 before the start of basketball sea son. Ways to be involved in the club in
Weekly Feature on Individuals or Organizations in our AreaThe Republican-TimesTrenton
Eight Trenton Middle School students have been recognized as “Students of the Month” for September, honored for demonstrating the character trait of “Responsibility. Those receiving the recognition include, from left, fifth graders Izabella Sprague and Cameron Liechti; sixth graders Betsy Price and Caleb Dixon; seventh graders Brooklynn Farris and Seth Knapp; and eighth graders Jayla Bell and Johnny Lovell.
clude being a member, a spokesperson, inkind donations, and monetary donations.
Submitted Photo
The North Central Missouri College Athletics Booster Club is gearing up for a relaunch. The NCMC Booster Club has been established for several years, but it was combined efforts of multiple depart ments. NCMC Athletics is now centraliz ing the club and getting it jump-started once again. The NCMC Athletics Booster Club is a liaison between NCMC Athletics and community members.
R-T Photo/Amy Morton
Used & Abused Cars & Trucks Highest Prices Paid! You Call - We Come Get It! 145 Hwy. W, Trenton (formerly Jim’s Auto Salvage) 660-359-3888WANTED!FARM•WANTED•GROUNDtoLease!Competitive Rates AARON660-358-2682LANDES
Brought to you by
The club supports the NCMC athletic programs and student-athletes while pro moting community awareness and in volvement within the NCMC community. NCMC Athletic Director Nate Gamet said, “Community support is huge for any ath letics department, especially a two-year college in our small communities. The Booster Club acts as an ambassador help ing to spread the information and good word that all the coaches and student-ath letes are doing in our communities.”
On Sunday, September 11, the flags were out once again in honor of “Patriot Day” as we remembered those who lost their lives during the tragic events of September 11, 2001.
The Gallatin Theater League will present “Back in Time” September 17, 2022 at the Courter Theater in Gallatin as part of the 36th Annual Chautauqua Festival. Show times are 10:30am, 12:00pm and 1:30pm. General admission tickets can be purchased at the door for $5 each.
For more information about the NCMC Athletics Booster Club or how to be a member, more information can be found by visiting the NCMC Athletics website (, emailing Ath letics Director Nate Gamet (, or visit ing the Ketcham Community Center.
+1.06% s t s -10.56% NASDAQ
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s t s
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Wilshire 5000 41,221.86 40,711.20 41,146.42 +435.22 +1.07% -15.09% 2000 1,906.09 1,889.80 1,906.09 +23.24 +1.23% -15.11%
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HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. %CHG. WK MO QTR YTDStocksRecap Source: Company reports Michael Liedtke; Jenni Sohn AP
HP Inc. is finding out that it’s a lot harder to sell personal computers and printer ink when hordes of workers are being called back to the office and inflation is pressuring household budgets than when they’re doing their jobs from home The Silicon Valley pioneer originally known as Hewlett-Packard saw its PC divison s sales fall last quarter following three quarters of year-over-year gains CEO Enrique Lores blamed an “abrupt shift” in the economy caused mostly by the highest inflation rates in more than 40 years Lopes believes the financial strain is causing more
+1.27% s t s -21.60% S&P 500
Alley Oop® by Joey Alison Sayers and Jonathan Lemon by Lynn Johnson Bob 15,397.14 15,190.79 15,352.18 +161.39 12,270.19 12,169.28 12,266.41 +154.10 4,119.28 4,083.67 4,110.41 +43.05 2,534.17 2,498.05 2,522.66 +24.61 +0.99% -11.24%
ng HP’s stock price more than 30% below April’s peak when PC sales were still climbing 20 -10 0 10 20 Q3Q2Q1Q4Q3Q2Q1Q4Q3Q2Q1Q4Q3Q2Q1 HP’s sales % change from previous year computerPersonaldivision 2019202020212022divisionandPrinterink 28% (Printer and Ink) 3% 6% 2 (P7% C) HP’s PC roller coaster 3.40 3.50 3.60 09/12/2022 B r i d g e t h e i n f o r m a t i o n g a p w i t h t h e R e p u b l i c a n - T i m e s . Inside it, you’ll discover useful and interesting facts on a variety of topics that affect your life, such as politics, business, sports, computers, advertising, food, recipes, and a whole lot more! L e t t h e R - T t a k e y o u t o e x c i t i n g n e w p l a c e s ! TRENTON REPUBLICAN-TIMES 122 E. 8th St., Trenton, MO 64683 E-mail: • Web site: 660-359-2212 Fax : 660-359-4414 Connect ing the Wo rld 122 E. 8th St., Trenton, MO 64683 Email: • Website:
consumers to curb their spending on discretionary items like computers Other PC makers have been experiencing a similar phenomenon, contributing to a 13% decline in industrywide shipments during the April-June quarter from the previous year according to Gartner. Although Lores is optimistic HP will eventually rebound he is cutting costs ahead of what he expects to be a tough holiday shopping season Investors are spooked by the current trends, leavi
Thaves The Born Loser® by Art and Chip Sansom THE Daily Commuter Puzzle by Jacqueline E. Mathews ACROSS 1 __ canal; proceduredental 5 Applaud 9 Up in __; fuming 13 First phase 15 Residence 16 Ski resort west of Denver 17 Weasel’srelative 18 In __; living 20 In favor of 21 Flock femme 23 Likesunglasses 24 Actor Ed 26 __ orderbreakfastMcMuffin; 27 1950s 1960s,ore.g. 29 Like a slimeball 32 Enlighten 33 Transparent 35 Propel a boat 37 Cutting tool 38 Recipe verb 39 Ice concoctioncream 40 “Let dogssleeping__” 41 Explosion 42 Frolicsomeleap 43 Respect highly 45 In an impartial way 46 “Morning __ Broken” 47 __ Gras 48 Rest 51 Hubbub 52 Koch Sheeran& 55 Italian & Ranch 58 Ease; slacken 60 Urgent 61 Of ships & seamen: abbr. 62 Skier’s surface 63 Weeps 64 Health clubs 65 Actor DOWNGwynne 1 Santa’s landing place 2 “__ bigger and better things!” 3 Excludes from a group 4 Brian“Chicagoof Med” 5 __ up; be happy again 6 Smoked salmon 7 Parisian pal 8 Bugged 9 Get even for 10 Carry on 11 Lab animals 12 Iditarod vehicle 14 Fashionable 19 Wild feline 22 Teeny 25 Not in harm’s way 27 Good buy 28 Man’snickname 29 Gumball price, back in the day 30 Store owner 31 Alpinegoatherd’ssong 33 Shut noisily 34 “__ Just Not That Into You”; ‘09 film 36 Cautious 38 Godsend 39 Uttered 41 NFL team 42 Christmassongs 44 Grad papersschool 45 Passing craze 47 Ship poles 48 Bettingnumbers 49 Small musical group 50 Sage or thyme 53 Hoodwink 54 Earned a ticket 56 Thumbs-downvote 57 Black Jack, for one 59 North Pole toy maker ©2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved. 9/7/22 Created by Jacqueline E. Mathews9/7/22 The Daily Commuter Puzzle is Sponsored by Sunnyview Nursing Home and Apartments, 1311 E. 28th St. Trenton, MO 660-359-5647 4,8004,5004,2003,9003,600 MSAMJJA 4,1204,0003,880 S&P 500 Close: Change:4,110.4143.05(1.1%) 10 DAYS 36,00035,00034,00033,00032,00031,00030,00029,000 MSAMJJA 32,52031,78031,040 Dow Jones industrials Close: Change:32,381.34229.63(0.7%) 10 DAYS Advanced 1944 Declined 502 New Highs 30 New Lows 12 Vol. (in mil.) 3,548 Pvs.Volume 3,625 4,0413,822227911704351 NYSE N ASD DOW 32,504.04 32,159.49 32,381.34 +229.63 +0.71% s t s -10.89% DOW Trans. 14,303.53 14,105.51 14,252.66 +191.75 +1.36% s t s -13.51% DOW Util. 1,063.15 1,049.76 1,061.77 +11.44 +1.09% s s s +8.26% NYSE Comp. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 • PAGE 9
The Republican-Times business office hours are Monday thru Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (closed from 12-1 p.m. for lunch) and Friday, 9:00 a.m. to Noon. The office will be closed on Saturdays.
*SEAMLESS GUTTER ING* We are ready to re place your old gutters with new seamless aluminum gutters! MOORE’S CON STRUCTION & WOOD WORK, INC. 359-5477. 52 Years Experience. Tdtf
HELP WANTED - Parts Counter Salesperson. Sales person experience preferred. Full time position and will be required to work every other Saturday. Pay will be based on experience. Health Insur ance, vacation, sick days and retirement available. Please apply at Gallatin Truck & Tractor, 24000 St Hwy 6, Gallatin, MO. Serving area counties for 75+ years.
Mrs. Jean Peace, Chairman Mr. Michael Ormsby,
PAGE TREE SERVICE Jeff Page 660-359-3699shop, 660-359-2202-home. Serving the entire Green Hills Area! Specializing in tree trimming, stump grinding & complete removal. 75’ bucket truck, chipper & stump grinder. Licensed & insured. Free Estimates! Tdtf
JAMESPORT BUILDERS, 660-684-6931, 32137 State Hwy 6, Jamesport. POLE BARNS – GARAGES, Spray foam insulation. Tdtf
GUN & KNIFE SHOWSept. 17 & 18th @ Cameron Elks Lodge located at 9018 NE Hwy 69, Cameron- Sat urday 9am-4pm ; Sunday 9am-3pm.
Replacement Parts; Accessories; Chemicals; Tool & equipment. T470dtf
2 Holstein hand milk or nurse cows; Holstein, Brown Swiss, and Holstein/Swiss cross heifers; Calves up to 15 months, AI out of top ge netic bulls; Angus cross bull calves. Call for pricing 660684-69302 Holstein hand milk or nurse cows; Holstein, Brown Swiss, and Holstein/Swiss cross heifers; Calves up to 15 months, AI out of top genetic bulls; Angus cross bull calves. Call for pricing 660-684-6930.
IN RE: Tyler Allen and James Allen joint tenants Trustee’s Sale: For default in payment of debt and performance of ob ligation secured by Deed of Trust executed by Tyler Allen and James Allen joint tenants dated May 31, 2019 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Grundy County, Missouri in Book 664, Page 105 the un dersigned Successor Trustee, at the request of the legal holder of said Note will on Monday, September 26, 2022 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., (at the specific time of 3:45 PM), at the West Front Door of the Court House, City of Trenton, County of Grundy, State of Missouri, sell at public ven due to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, described in said Deed of Trust, and situated in Grundy County, State of Mis souri, to wit:
Notice is given this 15th day of September 2022 that the Planning & Zoning will hold a public hearing on Oc tober 3, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 1100 Main Street, for purpose of hearing a request from Kipp & Cara McClellan for a Conditional Use Permit to allow them to construct a full site camper hook-up on vacant lot adja cent to 3100 Hoover Drive.
The Republican-Times business office hours are Monday thru Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (closed from 12-1 p.m. for lunch) and Friday, 9:00 a.m. to Noon. The office will be closed on Saturdays.
Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no infor mation concerning the collec tion of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdic
Trenton Hardware for all your plumbing, hardware & electrical needs, 901 Main, Trenton, 660-359-3360.(10/6)
Republican-Times 122 E. 8th St. 359-2212 Fax: 660-359-4414
BUY - SELL - TRADEBIG NASTY'S GUNS & AMMO - Stop in and see us at our New Location - 1515 E. 9th Street, Trenton, MO. Nathan Rorebeck, 660-6350469, www.bignastys.comTdtf
Mrs. Jean Peace, Chairman Mr. Michael Ormsby,dSep15Secretary
LAUHOFF JEWELRY Downtown Chillicothe620 Washington St. Open Monday-Friday 9:00-5:30, Saturday 9:00-1:00. 660646-3504 www.lauhoffjew Tdtf
Shelly's Pet Care 660684-6864, 103 S. Locust St., Jamesport, MO 64648. Pro fessional, Personalized Grooming. Appointments available Monday - Saturday. 35 Years of Experience! Serving the Green Hills Area since 1996! dtf
dSep15Secretary CLASSIFIEDS Classified Advertising Information Phone 359-2212 Classified advertising rate schedule in the Republican-Times is listed below. DEADLINES: For Newspaper: 4 p.m. the Monday before Thursday printing For Green Hills Weekly Shopper: 4 p.m. the Thursday before Wednesday printing Ads also appear same number of days on the Internet at right to edit or reject copy not consistent with editorial policy. Up to 25 words - $10.00 60¢ per word for each additional word over 25 words. Blind ads should be answered by writing box numbers given in care of the Republican-Times. PUBLISHER'S NOTE: "All rental property advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” "We will not knowingly accept any advertising for rental property which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis." 660-359-2212 PUBLISHER'S NOTE: "All property advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” "We will not knowingly accept any advertising for property which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all advertised property is available on an equal opportunity basis." PAGE 10 • THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022
Linda Brooks 122 Lakeview Dr Plattsburg, MO 64477 816-718-2809
ReMeMBeR......*DeaDLIne* Advertising is FoR the newspapeR: 4 p.m. the Monday before. FoR the weekLy, * DeaDLIne * Is 4 P.m. THURSDAY THE WEEK BEFORE. all ads must be prepaid! PLAN EARLY!
PUBLISHER'S NOTE: "The advertisements appearing in this column may involve the offer of a security as defined by Missouri law, such as investment contracts, part nership interests, or notes. It is pos sible that these advertisements or the offers on which they are based may require registration with the Missouri Securities Division under Chapter 509 of the Revised Mis souriAdvertisersStatutes. and potential adver tisers are advised that transactions and advertisements involving secu rities entail certain rights and re sponsibilities created by the above mentioned laws. If you have any questions, call your attorney or the Missouri Securities Division at 1800-721-7996.Anyoneconsidering investing should be aware that all persons who sell securities and the secu rities they sell must be registered or exempt from registration with the Securities Division of the Secretary of State's office. To make sure the individual and the investment are registered prior to investing, call 1800-721-7996.
See Consumer Oil & Supply for your One Stop Shop for Muck and Lacrosse boots and gloves. Con sumer Oil & Supply, 614 Harris Ave., 359-2258 C361dtf
Immediate opening for an Estimator for a metal door and frame company in NKC, MO. Detailed oriented and skilled in reading and inter preting plans and specifica tions. You will be required to prepare accurate estimates for doors, frames and hard ware. Full time w/benefits (816)221-2460 ask for Mike.
H & S CONTRACTING Remodeling, room additions, garages & decks and pole barns * New homes & base ments w/ICF forms * Wall re placement under homes, repair cracks & bowed walls * Leveling, waterproofing * Backhoe & Bobcat work * New water & sewer lines. Kale Hoerrmann - Owner, 30 years experience – 660953-0724. Tdtf
To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that by an Order of the Circuit Court of the County of Grundy, Missouri, Division I, Case No. 22AG-DR00125 made and entered on the record on September 6, 2022, the name of Deborah June Begley was to change to Deborah June Tunnell.
Saturday, October 1, 2022 Sign up at 109 E. Jackson 27
Two Singer sewing Ma chines for sale. $75 OBO Each. Call 816-824-4043 USED CARS 2005 Chevy Malibu Maxx 329XXX Miles. Runs Great $1000works.EverythingCashOneowner.
Republican-Times 122 E. 8th St. 359-2212 Fax: 660-359-4414
WANTED!! Used & Abused Cars & Trucks. High est prices paid! You Call - We Come Get It! FRONTIER AUTO & TRUCK PARTS (formerly Jim’s Auto Salvage) 145 Hwy. W., Trenton, 3593888. Tdtf
MILLSAP & SINGER, P.C., Successor Trustee 612 Spirit Drive St. Louis, MO 63005 (636) 537-0110 File 210099.092622.422728No: FC
Willing Workers LLPDo you need your siding or roof replaced? Give Willing Workers a call today for a FREE estimate... 660-9735694, John Kramer, 17594 St. Hwy. 190, Jamesport, MO 64648 Tdtf
/s/ BeckydSep15,22,29CircuitStanturfClerk
Notice is given this 15th day of September 2022 that the Planning & Zoning will hold a public hearing on Oc tober 3, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 1100 Main Street, for purpose of hearing a request from Kevin Neff for a 10-foot variance on the rear yard setback requirement of 25-foot to allow for a 40’x60’ storage building to be con structed on property located at 1021 Harris Ave.
North Grand River Baptist Association & Christian Bookstore (1108 Main St, Trenton, MO 660-359-3897) is looking for a self-reliant and ambitious individual to fill the role of Secretary. Monday thru Thursday. Responsibil ities: Bookkeeping, Budget ing, Bookstore. Software: Windows, Office, Quicken or QuickBooks. Need filled ASAP. Please submit resume in-person. (9/15)
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Notice is given this 15th day of September 2022 that the Board of Adjustments will hold a public hearing on Oc tober 3, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 1100 Main Street, for purpose of hearing a request from Koloneita and Ana Male for a decrease of 4-foot variance on the 70-foot minimum lot frontage for a building to allow them to con struct a 1200 square foot home on property located at 213 W. 6th Street.
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Mrs. Jean Peace, Chairman Mr. Michael Ormsby,
tion. The debt collector is at tempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for thatdSep1,8,15,22purpose.
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Sunnyview Apartments is taking applications for single & double apartments. Sunny view is a residential care fa cility for the elderly. We provide qualified staff to ad minister medications, provide three meals a day and offer minimal assistance with the activities of daily living. Now accepting Medicaid. For more information contact Cassandra Brewer at 660359-5647. S553dtf
Wesley United Methodist Church in Trenton is looking to fill the position of Admin istrative Assistant. This is a part-time position. Must have good communication and computer skills. Salary based on qualifications. Please come by the church to re ceive an application or you may call 660-359-6762 for more details. (9/15)
*WANTED* FARM GROUND TO LEASE! Com petitive Rates AARON LANDES, 660-358-2682 L905tf
Cox Family Dentistry, P.C. Andrew P. Cox, D.D.S. 1011 Cedar St., Trenton. 660-359-6889 or 660-3596993. Tdtf
Sunnyview Nursing Home has job openings available for the following positions: RN, LPN, CNA, Dietary and Level I Medication Aide. Please fill out a job applica tion at 1311 East 28th Street, Trenton, MO 64683. E.O.E.S415dtf
Wesley United Methodist Church in Trenton is looking to fill the position of Church Custodian. This is a part-time position. Flexible hours. Please come by the church to receive an application or you may call 660-359-6762 for more details. (9/15)
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The city of Spickard is looking to hire a mainte nance worker. Duties in clude: mowing, meter readings, logging reading for water and sewer, etc. Pay is based on experience. Please send applications to: Spickard City Hall 303 Spickard.JeffersonMO 64679 660-485-6106 (10/13)
to satisfy said debt and cost.
Mid-States Services is now offering: Fiber Optic in stalls in rural Trenton! MidStates will STILL WAIVE the $150 installation free for those who sign up NOW! Sign up TODAY by calling 660-359-2045 or ton,4100,TrenMO64683.Tdtf
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hand.Rongey took the field as quarterback in the fourth and the defense continued to play with intensity. Tucker Otto had several blocks on deep passes thrown by Princeton. The Trenton defense held Princeton at bay and allowed no points in the second half.
TheTrenton.half ended with some impressive Bulldog defense and a huge tackle by Ian DuringElbert.half time Coach Hixson talked to the team-
The top three defensive players were Gavin Cagle, Gabe Stark, and Elbert. All three players had an average of five tackles as a group. Cagle also led the
The Bulldogs then completed a two-point conversion with a pass from Griffin to Novak.
group in tackles resulting in yards lost against Princeton.TheTigers hope to continue their winning streak Friday at Putnam County. This game will be a district game and a part of the GRC conference play.
about “Staying in the fight”, encouraging them to continue playing as hard as they possibly could.The third quarter began with Gibson scoring a 6yard run touchdown run. With the extra point being good the Bulldogs led 634. The defense continued to hold their ground, not letting Princeton score.
Then with 8:00 remaining in the third quarter, Gibson had a 34-yard run, fighting his way through many Tiger defenders. This set up Griffin to throw a 31-yard touchdown to Mason Rongey.
From there, the ball was back and forth between the two teams. At one point the Bulldog defense caused the Tigers to fumble. Then at 5:42 on the clock the Bulldogs Gabe Novak, ran the football in for a touchdown. And with the extra point the Bulldogs led the Tigers 07 at the end of the first quarter.Tostart the second quarter, Sam Gibson, scored a touchdown in the Early to put the Dogs ahead 0-13 despite missing the extra point attempt.The Tigers did score in the quarter, with Talan Holt getting past the BulldogGibsondefense.scored another touchdown with 1:17 remaining as Bulldog quarterback Coleman Griffin threw a 73-yard touchdown pass to Gibson. Gibson then put the extra point through the uprights with a ‘doink’ off the goal post making the score 627
TRIPLE TREAT- (above) Coleman Griffin (3) takes the snap against Princeton. Defenses are never sure who will have the ball with Griffin, Novak (2) and Gibson (20) in the backfield.
The junior varsity team played much of the fourth quarter and showed much of the grit and determination of the starters.
R-T Photo/Libby Endicott
The score being 6-42 Trenton finished the third quarter and led to a running clock in the fourth quarter.Thefourth started with Hixson ‘calling the dogs off’ as several starters were given a breather with the game well in
The final score was Trenton Bulldogs over the Princeton Tigers 6-42.
By Libby Endicott R-T Sports Reporter
Gallatin runs over S. Harrison Defense one play perfectfromagain
With the Princeton bleachers full of Bulldog fans showing their spirit, Trenton had little trouble dispatching Princeton last Friday.Trenton kicked the ball to the Princeton Tigers to begin the game and the defense held Princeton to their side of the field.
The top three offensive players of the night where Griffin, Novak, and Gibson.Coleman had a pass completion percentage of 100%. Novak had 73 reception yards and Gibson had 85 rushing yards.
Trenton 44 PRINCETON 6 TRENTON REPUBLICAN-TIMES IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Thursday, September 15, 2022 :: REPUBLICAN-TIMES.COM/CATEGORY/SPORTS Stop in and see us at our NEWTrenton,1515LOCATION!E.9thSt.MO64683 Dogs roll as shinesoffense Gallatin 46 S. HARRISON 6 R-T Photo/Macon Schweizer CRUNCHTIME - I. Bird, McBroom, Hemry on the tackle as Gallatin mauls South Harrison. Had enough of social media? Get a subscripton to your local newspaper & read about kids in sports, your community activities, local news that is truthful and meaningful. 122 E. 8th St., Trenton, MO Email: Phone 660-359-2212 • Fax 359-4414 R-T Photo/Libby Endicott OFF TO THE RACES -
Bulldogs dominate Princeton, advance to 3-0
be tackler
TRUE GRIT - (above) Mason Rongey powers through multiple tacklers as the Trenton Bulldogs improved to 3-0 Friday night against the Princeton Tigers. (above) Griffin (3) shakes off arm takles as the Bulldogs poured on the points against Princeton. (left) Novak (2) sprints through a would in Friday’s of the Princeton
R-T Photo/Libby Endicott
Weldon finishes in top 20 at Lawson Tournament
Trenton softball wins 2 of 3 at Maysville Tourney
Mirena King 3 for 3 with 3 runs 3 RBIs
R-T Photo/Libby Endicott Trenton netter Astrid Soriano serves. Soriana and Lydia Leininger went undefeated to win the doubles category at the Carrolton Tournament
Jena Harris 2 for 3 with 2 runs
Trenton Ladies golf participated in the Lawson Golf Tournament at Hidden Valley Golf Course on Wednesday. Trenton finished 11th out of 18 teams.
Kaylor Hodge was 2 for 4 with 2 RBIs and 1 run Mirena King was 1 for 4 with 1 RBI and 1 run Jena Harris was 1 for 4 with 1 RBI and 1 run Madi Moore was 1 for 3 with 2 RBIs Avery Clark had 1 run Emma Roberts was 1 for 1
Other RBIs, runs, and hits came from: Madi Moore, Ella Novak, Katelyn Clark, Kenzie Lynch, Kaegen Croy, Avery Clark, and Ayra Meeker. The winning pitcher was Avery Clark.
Game 3: Trenton vs. Maysville: 17-0 Trenton Win Hitting leaders: Kaylor Hodge 2 for 2 with 3 runs 1 RBI
Avery Clark is the losing pitcher.
GMS beat Princeton 5-1 through 5 innings of play. Paige Heldenbrand led the offense with 2 doubles, a walk, an RBI, and 2 runs scored. Aaliyah Booker was 2/3 with 2 RBI, and Tagen Eversole also added a triple to the offensive strike on the night. Heldenbrand pitched the entire game picking up the win while allowing 3 hits, 2 walks, and struck out 12.
Hitting leaders for game were: Madi Moore 3 for 4 with 3 runs 1 RBI
other and fuel each other much like that Cameron squad. What I haven’t decided is if they are the 2004 squad that scrapped and clawed their way to the playoffs or if they are ready to take that championship step.We all know that it is one thing to make a good showing in district but when the playoffs come around and you begin to meet teams outside your area, all bets are off.
tween them and Gallatin, who is also having a good year. In many ways, both teams are similar so the meeting in Trenton in week 8 will probably be a good indication of how good this team really is and how far they will go.
Trenton High School softball was defeated by Gallatin 2-6.
Kaylor Hodge was 1 for 3 with 1 run Mirena King was 1 for 3 Jena Harris was 2 for 3 with 1 RBI and 1 run Madi Moore was 2 for 3 with 1 RBI
Fall sports are underway and I have to admit, I am having a great time following high school sports in theItGRC.began last season with baseball as I got to see first hand the dedication and brotherhood of your Trenton Diamond Dogs. Coach Shockley allowed me to hang out in the dugout and watch some really good baseball and several of those players hit the gridiron this fall.
Kinsley Otto tees off at Gallatin. Trenton girls finished third at the Gallatin Quad. Low score for Trenton was Reece Weldon.
I see similarities between that team and this year’s Trenton Bulldogs.
Trenton High School Softball was defeated by Chillicothe tonight: 7-8. Chillicothee opened with 4 runs in the first two innings and Trenton rallied to take the lead in the 5th Chillicotheinning.managed to scratch across three runs to end the game and edge the visiting Bulldogs.
Their record is perfect now but they are young men who are not perfect and none of us need to hold them to that standard.
Trenton GolfR-T Sports Round up PICK 10 REPUBLICANTRENTON-TIMES CONGRATULATIONS TO JUDITH SELF $50 Winner of Week 1 Pick 10 is brought to you each week by: Barnes-Baker Automotive Chumbley’s Hometown Billiards Dunkin’s Furniture & Liquidation Farmer’s Bank of Northern Missouri Trenton Hy-Vee Java & Hooch R & S Discount Outlet Serve Link T & L Auto Supply
Owner/PublisherHoneycutt We need to rally behind thisTrentonteamsoftball continues winning ways
Katelyn Clark 3 for 4 with 2 runs
Game 2: Trenton vs. Plattsburg: 0-3 Trenton Loss Hitting leaders: Mirena King 1 for 3 Kaegen Croy 1 for 2
It is no secret that I hope the nickname Diamond Dogs sticks, but I digress…
R-T Photo/Libby Endicott
Jenna Harris tries to avoid the tag in Trenton’s game vs. Gallatin last Thursday. The LadyBulldogs lost that game 2-6 at Gallatin. Trenton played in the Maysville Tournament over the weekend and ended with a record of 2-1 with wins against DeKalb and Maysville. Their loss came at the hands of Plattsburg. Trenton is 87 on the season and plays Polo Thursday in Trenton.
Avery Clark was the losing pitcher.
Go Dogs…. this newspaper man is proud of you.
Low score for the tournament for Trenton was Reece Weldon who placed 18th of 82 golfers.
I am not crowning this team by no means. Just a couple of years ago they didn’t win a game but this team feels a bit different.
They go about the game plan with businesslike precision. Coach Hixson has a good balance of carrot and stick. By that, I mean he knows when to reward them and be a rah-rah leader and when to get on them and preach the gospel.So far they are respondingThewell.season will probably lead to a showdown be-
Go to a game. Cheer for the home team and have a hot dog to support the booster club or whoever is manning concessions that night.Iwill be the chubby guy on the sidelines trying to contain his enthusiasm as I take a photo or two.
This fall the Trenton
This team is gritty and talented. They like each
I have a bit of experience with successful football teams in the area. During my tenure as publisher of the Cameron Newspaper from 2000 to 2010, the Dragons made it to back to back state championships, losing one to Blair Oaks in a heartbreaker 27-26 and completely destroying Montgomery County for the title in 2005 64-18. That season the Dragons went 14-0 in what we called a victory lap after the previous season.
Softball loses in tight contest with Chillicothe
Game 1: Trenton vs. Dekalb: 14-1 Trenton Win
The winning pitcher was Avery Clark. Emma Roberts also pitched one inning.
Bulldogs are showing signs that they will make some noise on the football field and several of the sluggers are on the football team so I think we will be proud.
Submitted Photo
Those young men, led by four or five stand out athletes and a solid roster of “believers” dominated their schedule and had a running clock every game, including the playoffs.
We all need to support these young men who carry our banner. It is not easy to be a student athlete. Not only do they have classes, practice and games but many have jobs, family obligations and aspirations beyond Trenton and the Friday night lights.
Other hits and RBIs included Kaylor Hodge, Mirena King, Kenzie Lynch, Mylee Baker, and Morgan Foster
Enjoy the moment, have fun and cheer them on because for the seniors on the team, this is their big moment before they move on to the next challenge in life.
Trenton High School Softball had three games at the Maysville tournament this past Saturday winning two of the three games.
The loss goes to Avery Clark. Emma Roberts also pitched 3 innings.
Gallatin middle school softball