Tsai Ling Huang Portfolio (ID)

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Tsai-Ling Huang


黃采苓 Sherry Huang 1993.11.11 實踐大學工業產品設計學系

Shih Chien University Department of Industrial Design moblie : 0960524343 email : applea1b2c3@gmail.com

I belived design can change the world.

skill Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Autodesk Alias ProE Keyshot MakerWare Model

Experience 2015 Graduated from Shih Chien University Department of Industrial Design 2015 Young Designers Exhibition meta-object / SCID exhibtion design member 2014 Act Design. co Inten /Project : TOAST/ BO! 3D & visual & Facebook fan page 2015 實踐大學工業產品設計學系畢業 2015 新一代設計展 meta-object 後物件 空間組員 2014 ACT設計股份有限公司 實習生 協助專案:TOAST瓶塞蓋/ BO!矽膠積木 工作內容:3D與部分視覺、粉絲專業文章發佈

Award 2013 HOLA Side Table Design Competition / Popular vote 2nd _Grass Your Home 2014 Taipei International Design Award / Winner _WAVSCAN 2014 Emerging Energy Product Design Competition / Be selected _WAVSCAN / Waiting list _Birdom 2013 HOLA邊桌設計競賽 網路人氣投票第二名 ( 一方 草) 2014台北設計獎 優勝 (WAVSCAN海上警示浮球) 2014 能源科技產品設計競賽 初選 (WAVSCAN海上警示浮球) 備取 (Birdom 太陽能科技人工復育鳥巢)

Make a little change to change our life.

DOGUKUK Discipline Household appliance design

Self-authored Project 2014.09-2015.02 Dimensions (unit: mm) 300 x 380 x 495

Material PC/ POM/ Glass/ Forsted glass/ Silicone/ Stainless-Steel

“Effortlessly prepare healthy food for your pet.” Homemade pet food has become a trend. The percentage of owners who pursue healthy pet meals and willing to spend time to cook is growing. Most important of all are nutrition and convenience. DOGKUK integrates the tools and procedures which are required for making dehydrated pet food. Using healthy ingredients provides owner to have better quality control in food. Also produces sufficient quantity for a week just through several steps. 現今寵物的健康與食安問題逐漸受到重視,自製寵物 的食物成為了趨勢之一,追求健康飲食且願意花時間 製作的飼主漸漸變多,但方便性與營養調配也是必須 注重的環節。DOGUKUK整合了製作所需的用具與流 程,透過幾個步驟就能製出健康來源的乾糧,食材能 掌握較安心,能一次製作定量又較易保存,讓自製飼 料這件事變得更方便。

Research Most of the owners choose dry feed because of its convenience. However, its nutrition can not compare with fresh food. The population of owners who adapts cooking for their pets is growing. 因為方便,大部分的飼主都選擇市售乾飼料,但營養與安全方面還是比不上天然的食物, 讓寵物吃鮮食的飼主已漸漸增多。

Dry feed Process/ Raw materials with water process through the machine under high temperature and pressure and extruded. Convenient,cheap,easy to storage Ingredients and process sources not guaranteed

Fresh food Process/ Blanch the ingredients Fresh,healthy,source controllable Time consuming, preservation difficulty knowledge of nutrition

With this product, it becomes possible to make fresh food into dry feed of a weekly quantity. Through the drying process, the water activity is reduced and hence inhibits bacteria from growing period. On top of these benefits, dehydrated food are less likely to cause tartar in pet mouths, instead, it strengthens their teeth. 如果將鮮食做成乾糧,可以一次做定量不用每天都做,經過將食物烘乾的步驟可降低食物 的水活性,抑制微生物病菌滋生,可以保存較長的時間,而且乾糧比溼食不易讓狗的牙齒 滋生牙垢,也讓牙齒較強壯。 Fresh food Dry feed

How to homemade pet dry feed?





(meet,vegetable...) (flour,oatmeal...)

Current process requires many different appliances, which is troublesome to proceed or clean. I designed a multifunctional product appliance to simplify the process. 依照現在的流程製作會需要許多不同的用具, 使用與清洗都會變得麻煩,所以我設計一台複 合式功能的家電來簡化這些步驟。




division platerd ingredient input


Lift the division plate and the dough will be thrown into the input section.

另一側為攪拌頭,用調整轉速與攪拌方向來省略換 刀頭的步驟。

從麵團到製成顆粒狀我參考製麵機與絞肉機,以螺 旋進料的方式來完成。


Screw propeller Dough becomes granule.

燥食物,熱風會由上到下循環到各層。一般烘乾機 食物是放在層層疊起的盤上,我則改用螺旋盤狀來 讓物料前進,從顆粒由上運轉到下的時間完成烘乾 的步驟,螺旋層會輕微晃動邊運轉來讓顆粒狀慢慢 傳送下去。

dryer spiral section

granule are dried while bein transported down on spiral plate. The layer slightly shak and rotates, letting the gran run down slowly.

cover steam cup



blender blade adjust the speed and direction to exclude the step of changing the blender blade.


kes nule

feed storage box






Starch (flour,oatmeal...)


Shape and dry

1.加入食材→模式選擇:蒸(旋鈕可調時間) 2.拿出蒸杯→蒸好的食物倒進大杯裡→模式選擇:攪碎(旋鈕可調轉速) 3.加入麵粉→模式選擇:攪拌 4.攪拌成麵糰後可抽出隔板,麵團會因離心力甩到旁邊的進料區,透過螺 旋製成顆粒狀→模式選擇:烘乾(旋鈕可調烘乾時間) 5.烘乾後就完成了,會進到下方的儲藏盒中

DOGU Discipline Pet Supplies Design

Self-authored Project 2014.09-2015.02 Work Delivery 玩具 Toy x1 / 水碗 Water Bowl x1 / 食碗 Food Bowl x1 / 狗床 Dog Bed x1

Dimensions (unit: mm) Toy 130x130x30 / Water Bowl 140x140x35 / Food Bowl 130x130x33 / Dog Bed 550x450x180

Material silicone/ PLA/ Fleece/ textilene/ Discipline

“DOGU integrates daily pet supplies into a set of objects which are light weight diverse.” I see many different pet supplies that can be

easily combined together. DOGU is designed to be more space-saving and more importantly, it’s a multi-functioned product in one simple object. Moreover, it is well adapted in a pet’s daily life. 現在的寵物用品種類繁多,我整合現有物件,根據 寵物吃飯、睡覺、玩樂來設計易清洗易收納的寵物 用品,只要透過簡單的轉換即能有不同功能,讓寵 物的專屬用品輕巧且多樣化。

Trends & Analysis With low birth rate, aging society and high single population, more and more people in Taiwan begin to include pets in their life. The pet industry in Taiwan has drawn toward the trends of "partner pets", “indoor pets" and "mini dogs". 隨著少子化、高齡化與單身化的影響,在台灣越來越多人開始飼養寵物,台灣的寵物市場正 往「伴侶化」、「室內飼養」、「小型犬」等趨勢發展中。

Analysis of proportion of cost & demand in pet shops (excluding food and consumables) Living supplies (dog houses, beds, bowls, etc.)

Entertainment and training supplies (sports toys,rope,etc)

.Usually have at least 2-4 kinds of toys .Different games .Bite-proof

.The adaptation problem each individual pet experience. .The reason of being replaced:dirty, old, bitten, growth of pet .Seasonal options for partial consumers Outdoor supplies (leash, basket, etc.)

.Easy to clean .Separation of feed bowls and water bowls .Elevated bowls are more comfortable for the neck of pet while eating

.Durable .Travel: easy to store .Walking: easy to carry

beauty supplies (clothes, brush comb, etc.)

.Easy to clean and use. .Pet clothing mainly subject to appearance, but there are still functional clothing as well such as dog raincoats. .Pet grooming tools need to be capable of quick combing of the furs.

Pet supplies are complicated and diverse, therefore I organized them into several categories to help me know how to merge the product with multiple functions. By simplifying the household pet supplies, it becomes more convenient in the modern living space that are usually very compact. I mainly focused on eating, sleeping and playing, these most common criteria in life to design a series of dual function products. 養寵物所需要的東西繁瑣多樣化,以類別來歸納設計成幾種產品,一個物件達到不 同需求,簡化家中的寵物用品,在現代居家空間小的狀態能更方便。而我主要選擇 吃飯、睡覺、玩樂這些生活中最常有的活動來設計一物兩用產品。

I compared the variety of materials and research the behavior of dogs, and dogs' life hobby and their interaction with the owners. From these considerations to found new possibilities for development and also had reasonable and comfort. 比較各種材質,從各種狗的行為模式、生活習慣、與主人的 互動等各種面向來去考量新的可能發展,同時也要兼顧合理 性與舒適性。

The dog bed can be switched between warm and cooling materials. The elevated bed enables the dog to feel more breathable and comfortable. These mattresses can be easily removed for cleaning. 狗床能當暖床與涼床,架高的空間能讓 狗狗較透氣舒適,床墊都能夠簡單拆卸 方便清洗。冬天使用植絨布材質,夏天 則是特斯林布。

The food bowl and the water bowl can be combined together, which transform into a container for the food thus portable when traveling. The elevated design makes it more comfortable for them to eat. 食碗與水碗能夠組合在一起,裡面可裝飼料並蓋起方便旅行 時攜帶。底部的架高設計能讓他們舒適的飲食。

The toy can be transformed from a circle into S shape, its light silicone material is suitable to throw or pull, play games like frisbee and work as a chewing toy. 玩具可從環狀轉變成S型,輕巧的矽膠 材質能夠玩丟接或拉扯遊戲,上面的凹 凸形狀則能有磨牙的效果。

Technology and design change our future.

WAVSCAN 海中警示浮球 Discipline Security design

Team Project 2014.08 (3 week) Dimensions (unit: mm) 500 x 500 x 600

Material PLA/ POM/ LED...

“The most responsible sea-safety keeper.”

We use Solar Technology at float near the coast. The general use of float is only prohibiting people not transpassing the boundary of safe area. Adding Solar Technology electricity working, floats can get enough power to detect whether there are risks of people transpassing the safe boundary or not. And the float will warning by beeping sound and red or purple light. Also we use Radar Telemetry Technology to enable it detecting tsunami and prolonging the time that people can evacuate. On the top there is a radar which can locate the position and transmit information to lifeguards on shore. Besides, solar panels are removable and waterproof. 將太陽能科技運用在海岸邊的浮球,浮球的用途一般 只是讓人們不要超過安全區域的界線,若加上太陽能 電力的運作,他便可以去偵測到有人有越界的危險, 會發出警示燈與警報聲。 甚至是利用遙測雷達科技讓它能夠偵測到海嘯,能夠 延長人們的撤離時間。上面有雷達能夠定位,傳輸資 料給岸上的救生員,太陽能板也有做防水與好拆卸的 處理。

Spring tides To maintain a lookout

SMART WATCH UI Tsunami alarm

Purple light & Sirens

Range alarm

Red light & Beep

2014.07.30 TUE

13:38 25.084733, 121.545836

56 F Tom


Setting floats near shore for marking safe area can detect tsunami and tourists attempting to transpassing the safe area. And the floats connecting and sending messages to the main unit alarm the tourists when danger happen by warning light. 設置在海邊的浮筒圈出安全活動範圍,可偵測海嘯和試 圖超出安全範圍的遊客,連接主機發出訊息和本身的燈 光警告。


There is a base on the shore which can not only monitor the situation of all floats and the safeguards' watches but also command instructions at the same time. 岸上有控制基地,可以監測管理所有浮筒和救生員手錶 的狀態,也可以統一下達指示。


Safeguards' watches can monitor the situation of the floats and precisely execute the instructions received from the control tower. 救生員手錶可以即時監測浮筒的狀態,也可以即時收到 塔台發送的指示,準確的執行。

Range Alarm !

Tsunami Alarm !!!

Someone touch the buoy B.

Tsunami Alarm !!!

Emergency Evacuation OK

13:38 25.084733, 121.545836

2014.07.30 TUE

2014.07.30 TUE

2014.07.30 TUE

56 F Tom

13:38 25.084733, 121.545836

56 F Tom

13:38 25.084733, 121.545836

56 F Tom

BIRDORM 太陽能科技人工復育鳥巢 Discipline ECO design

Team Project 2014.08 (3 week) Dimensions (unit: mm) 300 x 230 x 400

Material Wood/ Solar panel...

“solar technology artificial nest house for populating.”

We use Solar Technology at artificial nest house. Providing power to nest house for repopulating and observing by solar panels brings endangered birds nice homes.

將太陽能科技運用在森林中的人工鳥巢箱,有了來自 太陽的電力即可供應給鳥巢箱做復育與觀察,讓瀕臨 絕種的鳥類們有個安全舒適的家。

Beneath the nest house, we set an anti-snake device, making ultrasonic wave to protect birds from predators. Inside the nest house we pave charcoal cloth making predators cannot find the birds and also protect the birds by erasing the odor of

Tie can be switch to rope or wire to stabilize on tree. 綁帶可自行更換成繩子或 鐵絲,以利固定在樹上

birds. And setting a pinhole camera inside the nest house is for convenient observing. Using solar power, natural power can improve the artificial nest house to reach the goal of

Pinhole Camera 針孔攝影機

repopulating and sustainability. 在鳥巢箱的下方設置了簡單的驅蛇裝置,會發出 蛇不想接近的超聲波,保護鳥不受天敵威脅;巢 箱內鋪設竹炭布,可吸附氣味,使鳥的味道不被 天敵發現,同樣也有禦敵效果,而內部也裝設針

Solar Panel 收集太陽能源以利發電

孔攝影機以利觀察。 利用太陽能能使人工鳥巢箱做更進一步的改良, 使用的也是自然能源,以復育為目標更達到了永 續的目的。

Banboo Charcol 竹炭吸附氣味

With door to maintain and keep clean. 有小門可打開,方便 清掃與維修

Warm Device 保暖裝置

Interio eletric structure 內部電子結構 Snake Expeller 驅蛇裝置

FOOBY Discipline Future Design

Self-authored Project 2014.08 (3 week) Dimensions (unit: mm) 230 x 240 x 290

Material Glass/ PLA/ Aluminum/ Silicone ...

“Applying this technology allows your baby to eat nutritious, also reduce the inconvenient of mom food making.”

Using a future technology called "shock wave". After shock wave treated food will not cause friction heat and nutrient loss, more likely to increase the nutritional value. The others advantages are the soften extent of the food can be adjusted,and speed, cost low. In the future, moms probably have to personally produce their baby food. 使用一項未來科技名為「衝擊波」,經衝擊波處理過 的食物不會因為摩擦生熱而造成營養流失,更能增加 營養價值,也可以依波的強度來調整食物軟化程度, 速度快、成本低。 並預測未來的媽媽們有親自製作副 食品給寶寶吃的需求,應用此科技讓寶寶吃得營養, 也減輕媽媽食物製作的麻煩。

Future Technology/ Shockwave technology 未來科技原理:衝擊波技術 Spalling Destruction

Developed by Japanese experts, Shockwave is a powerful ultrasound wave that can penetrate an apple without breaking the skin. It later separates to two different waves: the penetrating

Density Boundary

Low Density(air)

wave and the reflected expanding wave. The penetrating wave continues to penetrate the apple. The other one will bounce

High Density

Penetraing Wave

inside the apple and blend it into juice.

Passing Wave Entering Wave


Reflected Expanding Wave

日本研究人員所研發的實驗機器,能夠產生超音速衝擊波,不會破 壞蘋果表面,穿透蘋果後分為兩股衝擊波,一股衝擊波維持超音速 穿透蘋果,而另一波則會在蘋果內部反射與回彈,進而研磨果肉使 內部成汁。




Required Pressure: several to hundreds Mpa Time: Just a second Electricity cost: 1 Yen for 100 Apples Nutrients enhanced: Polyphenol, Pectin, Potassium

衝擊波加工之效果 所需壓力:數Mpa∼數百Mpa 所需時間:一瞬間可完成 所需電費:榨100顆蘋果僅需日幣一元





nutrition enhanced




Enhanced tenderness




Enhanced extractability



Result of After Experiments



Easy to drink- Just put the straw into the fruit. Easy to remove the hard part with spoon.

After (50Mpa)

Increase edible part from 29%-57% Eatable57%

實驗後的軟化效果 可以插吸管吸取果汁


可以用湯匙輕易挖起原本較硬的部分 以鳳梨為實驗,可食用從29%變為57%


Design direction

Make your own Baby food!

A machine can process food suitable for all age groups. It can also be used for normal, adult food. 製作嬰兒的副食品(泥狀的副食品,或是稍微軟化過的食物 )

6 months


Juice, watery, or mashed food 果汁、較水的食物 泥狀食物

Concerns of food safety have risen these days. Every parent wants the best for their babies. With Shockwave Food Maker, you will be able select the ingredients by yourself and it is also easy to make.

1 year old Solid food depending on the baby’s condition Cooked to soften and chopped 依寶寶狀態調整成固態 食物,但要煮軟或切碎

食安問題日漸嚴重,媽媽們會希望寶寶們可以吃得較安全健 康,所以推斷會有親自製作副食品給寶寶吃的需求。製作軟 食又較需費心力,因此利用此科技去設計一台副食品機。

The Shockwave process enhances the food’s nutrition. It has more advantages than the blender that you can see on the market. Also, the egg-shaped design and the colors match the design of a typical baby product. 使用衝擊波處理可以讓食材營養價值提高,還有許多比現有 果汁機多的優點。而外型設計成蛋形且配色較童趣,符合嬰 兒產品形象。

3 years olds

Why is it better than normal juice blender? 針對食材磨碎效果如何優於一般的果汁機?

Lower electricity cost 電費低

Easy to clean 容易清洗

Saves time 速度快

Be able to soften 能夠純粹軟化食物

Uses the food directly No blade 食材不須切小,沒有刀片

Enhanced nutrition of the food. 提高食物的營養價值

Configuration 機構配置

According to the research, Shockwave will have a better result in the water. There will be an attachable water tank with food container inside. It also requires some distance between the food container and the point as which the Shockwave is generated. 由研究論文得出衝擊波需在水中處理效果會較好,所以 設計一個可拆卸的水缸,內部裝上固定食物杯,衝擊波 的發生點須與食物杯保留一點距離。

Display Monitor 顯示螢幕 Scale from 1 to 5 to select for desired tenderness. Number will change while turning the switch. 由1∼5顯示軟硬程度,轉動旋鈕數字會跟著變動。 Indication Signal For Water Exchange 換水燈顯示 ← →

1. Tenderness detection: sends out the detected wave, which will change its strength based on the food’s tenderness. 2. Button: Turn to select the strength of the shockwave. 3. START: Start after finished selecting the desired settings. STOP: If the warning signal lights up, press the “Stop” button to stop immediately. 1.


合的波強度 2.



START:都設定好後開始衝擊波處理 STOP:左右兩旁的警示燈若亮了,按下STOP可以緊急停止

Put food inside the food container 將食材放入食物杯

Open the outer cover, place food container inside. 打開外蓋,把食物杯放入

Set and press “Start” 設定並開始

Wait a moment 只需一瞬間

Ready to serve 即可拿出

Cover Inner cover

Unlock button

Press the button to remove the inner cover, take out the water storage to change water.

Food cup Silicone

Electric capacity

Control Panel

Electric shock food

Shockwave occurs point

Water storage Aluminum

The food cup is fastened in Water storage





Be better by redesign.

SAFETALKER Discipline Tools design

Self-authored Project 2013.10 (1 month) Dimensions (unit: mm) 65 x 35 x 95 (one side)

Material PLA/ POM/ Rubber/ Electronic component/ Sound-absorbing material

“A prevention in worksite.”

Thundering noise in the construction site, the workers work long time in this environment will cause a bad effect on the body and mood. I want to design a product can change it. The radio for connect combined with earmuffs prevent noise on the helmet . Press the speaker button on the radio can communicate with others. 施工工地現場噪音如雷,工人們長期在此環境下工作 將會對身心都造成不好的影響,希望設計一項產品能 夠改變這件事。將連絡用的無線電對講機與防噪音的 耳罩結合在工地帽上,讓工人可以在吵雜環境下容易 互相連絡也能保護聽力。


Includes climbing scaffolding, moving materials, or operating machinery, etc. must wear a helmet for safety in the site. 包含攀爬鷹架、搬運材料或操作機具等 工作,只要在工地內皆需戴安全帽以策



Protect head


Contact each other


Prevent noise

The people need to contact by radio might be height or distance. But often because of surrounding noise lead to communication inconvenience.

Operating loud machinery should wear earmuffs or earplugs, but the drawback is talking inconvenient and difficult to concern about outside warning.







The influence of noise for human



machine operation 工程機器發動產生的聲音


construction site 工地環境 Hearing and health will be affected.Difficult communication.




Work long time cause hearing loss.




Over the auditory tolerance limit. Ear will feel pain. Disgusting and impatient. Low efficiency.


60 70 80 90 100


Prevent noise earmuffs can reduced noise for15 ~25 dB. 防噪音耳罩可將噪音降低15~25分貝。

Construction site is noise. It is difficult to talk to people. Also reduces the sensitivity of the surrounding.

Engineering machines sound is too loud during them are working. Feel uncomfortable in noisy environments long time.






The radio for connect combined with earmuffs prevent noise on the helmet. Press the speaker button on the radio can communicate with others. 將連絡用的無線電對講機與防噪音的耳罩結合在 工地帽上,讓工人可以在吵雜環境下容易互相連 絡也能保護聽力。

Solution & Sketch It is worn on the ear don’t use your hands. Combination of one with the radio and earmuffs can also be easily installed and removed from the general construction helmet. 按下無線電的發話鈕就可以與同伴溝通,戴在耳上可以不用手持。無線電與 耳罩結合成一體,可容易拆卸也可安裝於一般的工地帽上。

The radio& earmuffs combine with helmet’s strap. The sides of general work helmet has grooves can be fixed. After adjusting strap, earmuffs are fixed. 底下連接安全帽的頤帶,調整鬆緊後會自然將耳罩貼合耳部。

It will wear gloves when considering workers on site, so commonly used in the design of a large speaker key. 考慮工人工作時會戴工地手套,所以常用的發話鍵設計的較大。

Using the plastic tenon to connect the helmet. It is same material as the inside of helmet. The plastic tenon can stuck on the groove of general helmet. 連接方式為塑料件的卡榫,與工地帽裡的戴具相同材質,卡榫可以卡在一般 工地帽耳部上方的凹槽中。

another way to hang

combine in the ear part of helmet

3D model & Rendering

plastic tenon

the buttom of change channel

speaker bottom


normal earmuff

soft material


Noise will be reduced 25 dB.

Easy to connect with each other under the noise.

周遭噪音分貝會降低25 dB


CATCH 萬向鏡頭攝影機 Discipline Consumer electronics design

Self-authored Project 2012.10 (1 month) Dimensions (unit: mm) 70 x 155 x 80

Material PLA/ Metal/ Rubber/ Electronic component...

Camcorder can record people's lives and happiness. Do not want to miss every moment. How to improve the current cameras? Product positioning

User positioning

Small size DV camera Lighter products Immediately catch image Record the image anytime ......

Action reporter Breaking news Immediate interview Vedio camera needs smaller ......

The mechanism of lens is universal joint way and added the ability can lock objects and tracking functions. “CATCH” can take a picture of moving object in fixed point. There are different methods of shooting, the selfie is also more convenient. You can also manually turn the lens to shoot photograph or video. 鏡頭機構為萬向轉軸的方式,結合能夠鎖定物體並追蹤的功能,可以在一 個定點中追拍到移動中的物體。兩種不同拍法,對於自拍紀錄也較方便使 用,鏡頭也可以是手動轉動的方式拍攝。

Sports competition / Police chasing report / Chase report object / Shooting fast-moving objects / Ecology Photography

Sketch & 3D model rendering

Initially model

Environmental colors For ecology photography

Brighter colors For sport type photography

Calm colors For professional reporters

Final model

The lens can be rotated a wide range

Flash Display

USB Focus View finder ZoomÂą Switch Menu


REC / Flash / Nightshot




Interface AIM Click on the object you want to track. REC



























Give emotion and soul.

Microcosmic alleys 微觀後巷 Discipline Emotional design

Self-authored Project 2011.11 (1 month) Dimensions (unit: mm) 50 x 45 x 86

Material Black iron/ Old woods/ concrete...

Xing Cheng Street Alleys, the place often pass but wouldn't stop to see. but it always has been in our living environment. We come to Taipei City's Xing Cheng Street (blacksmith Street), the street composed of the alleys. We observe and find interesting things about the back alleys and combine the various elements in the furniture. 尋找熟悉的陌生角落,後巷是個經常路 過卻不會特地停下留意的地方,但卻一 直存在我們生活環境裡,家家戶戶都有 後巷。我們實地走訪的是台北市興城街 (打鐵街),在這個由巷弄組成的街道 中四處觀察,找到後巷的有趣之處,將 各種元素結合在家具中。

There is a special and interesting point that we observed in the alleys. Because of narrow, it will cause strong sense of perspective. When we are in the back alleys, the perspective effects will appear in the short distance. 我們觀察到巷子較獨特的有趣之處是:巷子因為狹 窄而會造成透視感強烈,當我們身在後巷中,在短 距離即會形成透視效果。

mock-up The board edge has the special angle to connect, made the fold surface seatback that people can rely on. and also has perspective lines. 將木板邊緣磨出特殊角度,運用摺面做出符合人靠的椅背 ,也同時表現透視線條。

I converted the perception of visual into a single chair. Through the sketching and modeling, trying to make perspective line could be seen from the any angle. 把這種視覺上的感受化為一張單椅,將透視的線條描繪在 紙上,並做出實體草模,試圖做出一個從各角度看都看得 出透視線條的形狀。

From different angles one might see a sign of an alley or many lines forming a shape similar to a perspective drawing. 從各個角度看起來都有個透視點存 在,也使用與巷子相關的各種材質 ,就像身處在熟悉的後巷。



Features & material of Xing Cheng Street alleys Metal industry gather in this street, where are many metal scrap in the alleys. Old building’s old wooden element Cement wall Paint wall

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