3-69 Food Assistance Sheet

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Family Programs Office - 912-767-2350 Food Assistance Information Sheet Information Updated as of APRIL 1, 2014 If you find yourself in a tight spot and do not have enough food to feed your Family, please do not hesitate to reach out for assistance. Due to agency operating hours, it is not possible to get food assistance to Families in the evening or over the weekend. If you need assistance with food or other financial matters, please contact the appropriate agency ASAP to inquire about their operating hours to that you can receive assistance in a timely manner. SHORT-TERM ASSISTANCE MILITARY AFFLIATED DIVISION CHAPLAINS’ HELPING HANDS PROGRAM This is a one-time only assistance that will provide $50 worth of vouchers to the commissary. The Soldier or Family Member should contact the Battalion Chaplain or Army Community Service for a referral. The BN Chaplains’ Office can be reached at 912-767-3303 and is located in the Battalion Headquarters Building 648. The BN Chaplain will then work with the Family to get the assistance through the Installation Chaplain’s Office. UNITED MILITARY CARE, INC. 400 North Main Street, Hinesville, GA 31313 912-877-1340 Business Hours: 9:30 am to 2:30 pm Monday through Friday, Closed Saturday & Sunday A full-service non-profit organization committed to making better tomorrows for Troops, Family Members, and Veterans. They support all Military Service Members and their Families who are serving or have served in any of the Military branches. Emergency food assistance is offered as well as assistance with infant goods, clothing, job readiness training, financial literacy, coupon classes, furniture lending. No Command referral is necessary, although they do ask those seeking assistance to sit down and be open and honest about the circumstances leading them to needing assistance so that they can offer educational assistance as well. It is highly recommended to give them a call prior to going by the office to make sure someone is available to assist you.

UNITED WAY OF THE COASTAL EMPIRE - ASSISTANCE BY COUNTY The mission of United Way 2-1-1 is to provide citizens with a streamlined process of getting health and human services information and the opportunity to donate goods and to volunteer services by using one easy to remember phone number: 2-1-1. You can speak with a live, knowledgeable, trained operator 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and even on holidays who can refer you to community services that are available to meet your needs. Translation service is available for over 50 languages. All calls are confidential, and give you the opportunity to ask questions and get answers. United Way 2-1-1 serves Bryan, Chatham, Effingham, Glynn, Liberty and McIntosh counties. Families can receive assistance through the United Way off-post depending on the County they reside: LIBERTY COUNTY, LONG COUNTY & PARTS OF TATTNAL COUNTY (REIDSVILLE, GLENNVILLE) BRYAN COUNTY (RICHMOND HILL)

912-368-4282 912-656-6888


912-651-7700 912-826-5300


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