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Architecture Portfolio Jichuan Yu

Self Introduction My name is Jichuan Yu and Gary is my English name. I was borned in Japan and raised in Beijing and spent last 3 years in The University of Melboure persuing architecture education. I enjoy experiencing differnet culture and leaning the history and architecture of a city.

Content 1.0 Second Skin

3- 6

2.0 Bespoken 1.0

7- 9

3.0 Bespoken 2.0

10- 14

4.0 Studley Park Boathouse

15- 16

5.0 The Slab

17- 21

6.0 391 on Spencer

22- 25

7.0 Construction Design

26- 27




Skin Studio: Degital Design and Fabrication Studio Leader: Paul Loh In collaboration with Tom Harper The Second Skin project explores the concept and reality of the personal space through digital design and fabrication method. The project calls for an innovatively-designed wearable product involving digitally driven fabrication techniques and equipment. In our design, it involves the digital modelling tool and fabrication tool like 3D printing and Laser Cutting. In terms of the response to personal space, our Second Skin is a dynamic device, enabling the users to send signals and warning effects by adjusting the movement of the device. The changes shown on the Second Skin are used to show the emotional status of the wearer, potentially leading to the creation of more personal space.

デジタル設計をテーマとして人のパーソ ナルスペースの概念を探究するプロジ ェクトです。もし人が“第二の肌”があれ ば、自分パーソナルスペースをどのよう に守っていくだろうか。この点から、もっ と自分の空間を自由に定義し、表現す るために人間のこの“第二の肌”をデザ インしてみました。


Personal Space The idea of personal space is explored in relation to many aspects. Firstly, the physical proper personal space that required by individual people are measured. Secondly, what is explored more deeply is how the dynamic motion and visual effect is going to affect the people’s perception of personal space. At the end, we decided to use the combination of the visual complexity and the dynamic motion. With the dynamic motion, each single layers of plates also interact to contribute to a pattern with greater complexity.


Fabrication Fabrication Solution

3D Printed Joint The 3D printing is used because it allows highly customised joint to be poroduced. The round hole is used to allow tubes to be inserted in and the notch in the middle part is used to accommodate the plates.




Plate Design

The movement now is achieved by inserting the tube into the hole. When the joint is rotated, the plates attached to them would rotate along only one axis.

This joint is designed to solve the problem at the intersecting point of tube.

For the final refined design of this joint, it mainly overcome the connection problem by using screw. It also allows a small degree of movement horizontally when adjusting the screw.

We use lines to connect the sides of the quadrilateral to achieve visual complexity. And it is further enhanced by the overlapping and movement of plates. The variation of pattern created during the movement can achieve the goal of warning effect.

Assembly Drawing

The first layer of the base consist of one single continuous loop and all placed through this joint.

The spacing here is controled by the fixing point and joints.

The joints are put on and give this base rigidity.

The second type of joint that used to accommoate plates and used to raise them up.

Plates are put on to finish.


Design Outcome The project at the end works very well in terms of achieving the desired visual effect. And moreover, working on this project gives me a heuristic start in digital design and fabrication. With the development of digital driven technology involved in design industry, this project inspired me on how digital driven techniques and fabrication method can enhance the design outcome.



Bespoken Studio: Air Studio Leader: Canhui Chen Team Member: Adam Kelsey, Jichuan Yu, Karen Tsui, Shelley Wu The name of the project is “Bespoken”, and it is a project coming from architecture design studio Air. Inspired by the strong idea of the sustainability involved in the Bike Shed(The Site in Brief), the design team focus on exploring how the computational design and fabrication could contribute to the sustainability and reflect the ideology of Ceres environmental Park. We designed a canopy by using the recycled material from the parts of bike.

デジタル設計をテーマとして人のパーソ ナルスペースの概念を探究するプロジ ェクトです。もし人が“第二の肌”があれ ば、自分パーソナルスペースをどのよう に守っていくだろうか。この点から、もっ と自分の空間を自由に定義し、表現す るために人間のこの“第二の肌”をデザ インしてみました。


Design Concept

Base Structure

The base structure is composed of single units of tetrahedral. For each unit, we firstly use three bike spokes to form a triangle and applied bending force to them to make them more structurally stable. They are connected with a middle Perspex plates. And three more spokes are used to form the tetrahedral.


In order achieve the result of water sheltering function of the canopy, the cladding elements are added to the canopy.

The Bike Shed is a place and organization and community of resource center. The idea of bike shed is helping people to work themselves. There is strong idea of sustainability involves in the organization, the team in the Bike Shed focus on the bicycle recycling and maintain the local culture of CERES and Merri creek Community.The canopy shown in the picture above is currently located in front of the Bikeshed workshop. It is mainly used to define a work space for the users in the Bikeshed.

Our design proposal is designing a new canopy for the Bikeshed because we think there are certainly things or features can be improved through design from both functional and aesthetic perspective. In this project we firstly aim to provide a shelter through our design and focus on construability and fabrication issue as well as the sustainably. In addition, one of the main focus of this studio is how the computational and parametric design method can enhance the design process and outcome.


Fabrication Method All the connection between spokes, bottom plates and cladding elements are achieved by the 3d printed joints. Therefore the joint is the most important determining factor of the structural integrity of this canopy.

After several material testing and prototyping, we found the bike spoke is very strong and has the potential to be used in a real structure. And it is even stronger when it is applied of bending force. What we did is trimming the end of the spokes to make sure they are all in the same length. And bend them into desired curvature and form the

Top Joints

single unit of the structure.

The top joint is not only used to connect all the spokes but also used for accommodating the cladding elements. Therefore, they have two parts and the cladding can be put in between.

Top Joints

The main function of the cladding element is shedding water and providing shading to the users in Bikeshed. And by using the parametric design method, a great range of different pattern for cladding can be generated. The one we chose for the final design is consist of two layers. We overlapped them along the curvature downward to achieve the water shedding,

This joint is designed to connect the spokes in the base triangle for each units as well as accommodate the middle Perspex plate. The middle plates is added to improve the structural stability of structure. There is a hole in the middle to allow the spokes get through and a notch is created to allow the plate to be inserted in.

This link lead to the full journal of this project which shows mre detailed design and prototyp9 ing process. http://issuu.com/375602/docs/jichuan_yu_657686_final


Bespoken 2.0 Studio: Air Studio Leader: Canhui Chen Team Member: Jichuan Yu, Karen Tsui, Canhui Chen This is a further development of the Bespoken project after the Studio Air. After some discussion and exchange with the Bike Shed committee members, they are very happy with the prototype model that we showed. They are also willing to offer us a space beside the existing bike shed canopy to test our project. We are lucky to get the chance of commission and turn the project to be a real rebuilt project. The new development of this project is mainly focus on improving the constructibility and structural integrity in relation to the realistic site condition because the requirement of a project in realistic environment are definitely higher and all the detail of the model need to be refined.

こちらの部分はがパビリオンのプロジェ クトの第二段階、パビリオンを立ち上げ るまでの制作過程を記録した。一つ一 つの部品の組み立て図などを通じてパ ビリオン全体の作り方を詳細に説明し た。そして、実際に完成したパビリオン の写真も含まれている。


Refinement One of main change and feature added into this model is the more pieces of plate in order to make each single unit to be stronger. And all the connection point and mechanism is strengthened to support the structural integrity under the realistic site condition. The 3d Printed joints are also redesigned and printed in a way to be more stronger.


Reinforcing Strips



Assembly Diagram 3 Insert three plates

on the top of each bottom joint and secured with screws.

2 Bottom plates are 1 A bottom plate is

secured with screws and nuts.

fixed with three bottom joints.

5 Put the top fixing

6 Insert all three

joint on the each plates to make the structure stable.

4 Fix three plates with screws and nuts.

spokes into the top joint.

7 Then put the top and

bottom parts together by putting the top hree spokes into the holes of the top fixing joints.

9 Connect each individ8 Put all the spokes

ual joints together by putting spokes into the holes of each joint.

through the holes of the bottom joints.


Process and Detail After the preparation of each unit, they are assembled and connected each row by each row.

The sequence and process of assemblying each single unit.

The white polypropylene patterns not only provide aesthetic value but also play an important role in bracing the structure on the top and make the whole canopy structurally more stable.

All the preparations need to be done each unit by unit before assembling the whole structural.

The curvature of the canopy is significantly important in term of providing the sheltering from rain. The circle cladding panels need to overlap each one alone the curvature to shed water and prevent the water from leaking.

The edge joints are designed differently to allow the wire to go through. And all the side of the canopy are tied and tensioned with steel cable in this way to improve the structural integrity.


Installation on Site

Finally, after solving all the pulling and connecting issues. We managed to hang the cnopy by using three poles and steel cables on the site. All the mechniism works very well on site and most of the bike shed user are satisfied with the canopy both functionally and astheticly.



Studley Park Boathouse Studio: Water Studio Leader: Kelum Palipane

One of the main focus of the studio theme is learning the design idea and design thinking from a particular master architect. And the master architect that I was following Le Corbusier. Following the master allow me to learn a particular way of thinking architectural design. And I think it is a good way to start exploring the design method as this is the first design studio I took in my Bachelor Degree. It gives me a better understanding of a way of thinking, which allow me to follow the path and exploring other aspects of design. As for the studio brief, it is about designing a mixed uses boathouse in the site of Merri Creek.

こちらの作品、建築学部に入って初めてデ ザインしたものです。デザイン思想の基本を 学ぶために建築の巨匠ル・コルビュジエ作 品を見習うことした。エスキースや討論を通 じて建築の巨匠の設計課程を勉強し、デザ イナーとしての基本の理解力と思考力を身 に付けた。


Project Description

The Pilots As one of the important design concept in Le Corbusier’s five points about architecture, the use of pilots carries the weight of the whole structure, elevates the whole building and gives users a better exterior view. For both Villa Savoye and the Studley boathouse, the sites are surrounded by rich content of natural elements. The elevation of the main floor reduces the visual contact with ground and create a better experience without disturbing anything around the environment. Roof Top Garden and Architecture Promenade The relationship between different space with the building should create an interesting experience for the visitors and users. And the openings and glass establish the connections between the interior space and exterior environment. Material and Texture The material for the construction of the house would mainly be concrete and it would be finished with cement, which is purely white in texture. Firstly, the whiteness of cement enhances the illumination of the especially in this site with rich sunlight. Secondly, the witness reinforces the concept of this building, which is simplicity and purity. Thirdly, the pure whiteness provides a contrast and balance between the building and the natural environment around the site.



The Slab Subject: AA Visiting School Melbourne In Collaboration with Jiyuan Lin, Hongbang Chen

This project came from the AA visiting school Melbourne studio carried out by Architectural Association School of Architecture. Under the situation of the significant economic and social changes of Australia, the public debate about shifting from a current way of industrial production to a “knowledge economy” has been raised and discussed, which is mainly driven by innovation. Therefore, the project brief focus on urban intervention of architectural innovation and calls for innovative architectural program that could enhance the collaboration between different social networks (e.g. academic and business) to perform as an incubator of development of the society. The architectural design outcome should be able to achieve the purpose by using innovative and feasible approaches.

対象とされた地域の建物の繋がりについて研究したプ ロジェクトである。 この地域で多数の建物が建てられて いる。 しかし、計画の不備によって、人口密度高いものの 町の賑わいが低下している。 この地域の人々の交流を 促すことを目指してこの地域建物をつなげる大型商業 施設を計画した。


Introduction The site is located in the corner of Swanston street and Grattan street. There are several different types of building in this blocks in terms of the functions. During the design process, the team found that despite the close physical distance, the people within in this area have few interactions and connection. And under the current situation, the ground floor area is fully occupied by buildings and carparks, which is also the main reason account for the lack of public activities. However,

being in the location between two universities and Melbourne CBD area, the team believes that this site has the potential to develop to spot that rich in social interaction and communication. Therefore, the idea of this project is using the negative space above the existing buildings and create a plate structure on the same level of the fifth floor space covers the whole area. The space created by the plate structure offers needed functional space such as studio, library,

lecture rooms and meeting rooms for people. It is a public building that can be accessed not only by students but all groups of users for communication, learning and interaction. The building is connected with serval existing building and can be accessed both through those building or the escalator from the ground floor open area. In this way, it creates a more organized block as a result of interconnecting them and reunifying the building pattern.

Existing Site Condition 18

Design Approach and Diagram Core Structure The study of core structure could give us the understanding of how people get access into the building and the major movement inside building.

The geometry colored with red is the core structures of the buildings in this block. The core structure mainly located in larger building such as offices, hotels and educational building. The building with core structure are also buildings with more complex people circulation.

Circulation Pedestrains

Employee & Stuff


The normal pedestrian would be just pass by and do not have a lot interaction with the building in this area. Especially, few people would go in and explore the laneway within the block.

Students are the people who interact the most with the buildings in this area compared to other group. There are three educational buildings in relations to the Melbourne University. And the major groups of customers for the resta urants are students.

The normal pedestrian would be just pass by and do not have a lot interaction with the building in this area. Especially, few people would go in and explore the laneway within the block.

Infrastructures and Accesses The study of infrastructure and accesses could give us a hint on how it could be utilized in the new structure to improve the overall site condition.

Structural Study This study helps us to understand what are the structural components that are supporting the structural integrity of existing buildings on site.

Based on the observations on site and the study of site plans, this diagram shows the supporting structure of the existing buildings on site. There are buildings supported with column and small houses supported with the load bearing walls. And in lateral design stage, those elements are key structures that cannot be removed.


Design Outcome




391 on Spencer Subject: Fire Studio Leader; Mark Irving

The project brief calls for a mixed use facility consisting of a Business Headquarters for Dispersed Special Interest Groups, a therapeutic wellbeing program and an architectural practice. The volume of the building is divided into 4 blocks, which represent the idea of function clarity for different groups of user in the building. The first block is located in the street corner, it contains gallery and main reception. It is placed in the most noticeable location to attract and welcome public. The second block is for mental therapeutic wellbeing program. Third one is for SIG users. The last block of the building is mainly for the architect practice. In order to provide a healthy environment for the users, the rotation of each floor achieved the optimized radiation received on building surface while at the same time provides a dynamic and diverse views for the building. The optimised sunlight and the use of timber faรงade aim to achieve a warm ambience and welcoming ambience for the users.


Perspective Section


Design Approach and Diagram Concept Diagram







Circulation Diagram

Radiation Diagram

The rotation of the each floor is based on the raditation anlysis by using parametric method. It allows the radiation received on the building surface to be optimised .


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