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Cross-Border Production System
Since 2009, intra-EU commerce has increased at an average yearly growth rate of 2% in volume and 7% in value. It hit a 10year high of 6,60 million tonnes valued at EUR 26,27 billion in 2018, an increase of 177.918 tonnes and EUR 647,93 billion over 2017.
In 2018 Intra-EU trade reached
6,60 million tonnes

26,27 billion EUR
All of the major commercial species are covered by EU exchanges. Salmonids were the most trafficked in terms of value in 2018, with Sweden and Denmark serving as the main entry sites for Norwegian products. Small pelagics trade flows, which contributed for the highest share in volume, were similarly mostly driven by northern countries. Indeed, such shipments mostly comprised of herring from Denmark and Sweden, as well as mackerel from the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Five Member States, notably the Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, and Germany, accounted for almost 60% of total intra-EU trade flows in 2018, both in terms of value and volume.