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Total catch System
Since 2009, intra-EU commerce has increased at an average yearly growth rate of 2% in volume and 7% in value. It hit a 10-year high of 6,60 million tonnes valued at EUR 26,27 billion in 2018, an increase of 177.918 tonnes and EUR 647,93 billion over 2017.
Landings have decreased by 26% in ten years
Landings, which include species not intended for human food and seaweed, increased significantly from 2016 to 2017, reaching a 10-year high, largely to a 797 percent increase in sandeel landings, which were primarily in Denmark. Indeed, an increase in this species' reproductive biomass in recent years has contributed to the stock's full reproductive potential in the North Sea. Furthermore, a decrease in fishing mortality resulted in an increase in sandeel catches. At the same time, lower prices for several of the most commonly landed species, particularly blue whiting and herring, contributed to a modest drop in the overall value of fisheries production.