8.THE NOMADLAND-S3_2(FINAL Include Comic&Notebook)/RIBA Silver Medal Nomination

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Emily: What’s for lunch tomorrow, fellows?


The Nomadland is an imaginary and ephemeral installation aimed at reflecting the desire to escape from and assimilated to the city

(Evaline) Lingxi Tao

(Emily) Luo Zhang

(Ryan) Qirui Wang

(Nick) Siqi Guo

Time Duration Subject
Produced by the Team Nomad
Brief Document
Brief Document






Lingxi Tao, Emily Zhang, Ryan Wang Team Nomad <info@teamnomad.uk>

FW: Application successful Siqi, Guo February 7th, 2022

Dear Team,

We have successfully registered for this international competition of AOPIL’s new headquarter. Next week we will be taking part in a site visit organised by AOPIL, although it will be a simple trip, please leave enough time for this, it is not an opportunity we shall miss!

AOPIL has given us some documents with information about their company and the site involved and it looks like we are going to visit one of their Logistic ports in the North Sea and take a tour of their existing factory on the way... We should receive the exact time schedule next Monday.

Please find the attached document for further information provided by AOPIL.


Best wishes, Team Nomad

Site Visit

Concept Drawings

A City Between Land And Sea

It is not a factory but a well-organized society independent from the rule on the land. With the scale expansion, the territory is always in the flux of reprogramming and reinventing. It is an ephemeral space and the offshore workers living within were modern nomads. They seek a new life in this remote territory, liberated from their old identity and joined a collective that was constructed by the needs of mass production.

Nomadland: An Impression

The Composition

Thinking About System

The industrial flows build an invisible network that instructs each motion and interaction across workers and machines. The Nomadland is a fully controlled artifact, even the tiny things are arranged in the just right place. In this network, each department interweaves with others and composes an industrial symphony that can never be interrupted.

Early Sketches

The Nomadland is a living machine that integrates living, working, entertaining and depressing. There is no context, no history and no culture, just a blank stage that is waiting for a show. The production activity dominates the void and shaped the whole landscape decisively. Factories become the ground, holding the forest of machines and the human figures become a screw that keeps the machine running.

Early Sketches






Team Nomad <info@teamnomad.uk>

Laxy <Laxy@AOPIL.com>

Re: Initial sketch for AOPIL’s Headquarter

February 14th, 2022

Dear Team Nomad,

Thanks for putting your interest in this competition.

We received your initial concept sketches a few days ago and your unique understanding of the site has given us much to look forward to in this project. As you may have received notice that the competition is suspended, we have had to accelerate the project due to time constraints and we hope to be able to work with you for the following period to build this benchmark facility in the North Sea that will symbolise the future of clean energy.

We look forward to a happy relationship during this exciting project.


Emily: I see the site as a production system where human bodies, materials and large components coexist. We need to be clear about the way in which each production logic works and, in particular, the space they occupy. Take the blades themselves for example, each blade is 100m long and the amount of space required for the production and transport of a single blade will place great constraints on the arrangement of space.

Lingxi: Unprecedented? Aggregation, combining multiple functions in one venue. Visibility, bringing a lot of industry to the fore. Extendable? Extendable? Long-term development, not a temporary platform, which can evolve with events and change in size according to needs, with no maximum or minimum limit.

Group Discussion
Masterplan Development


Initial Ideas:Collage

The production zone is the main body that decides the physical foundation of other departments. A linear transport system goes through the whole site, emphasizing the connection between land and sea.

Drawing Of Departments

Build The Stage Programming

Concept Model

To: From:




The Next Stage

Siqi Guo

March 5th, 2022

Dear Team,

Over the past month, we have managed to come up with a masterplan solution that has been approved by AOPIL after numerous discussions. Although there are still many detailed issues to be discussed and decided, AOPIL asked us at our last meeting to move forward to the next stage of design.

At the last meeting, AOPIL wanted us to design the industrial site taking into account the movement of materials, equipment and people on the site. They wanted their new site to be more productive so we need to design a workflow for workers that would allow them to work more efficiently.

Secondly, conversations with worker representatives revealed a general feeling that the long hours at sea were causing them great emotional stress, and the company felt that such a general problem would also lead to a decline in efficiency throughout the factory. AOPIL wants to have a place where workers can pass by at the end of the day and release the stress of their work. We will discuss this tomorrow.

Correspondence: Next Step
Department of Performance - Factory






Ryan Wang Siqi Guo Factory

Lingxi Tao, Emily Zhang March 9th, 2022

Hi Ryan,

I have quickly drew the following sketch about the windturbine factory we discussed and how it linked with the “Living Wall” and the automated container terminal. PS: I think what the engineer from AOPIL mentioned about the windturbine blade processing route is manufacture-storage-transport-assemble.

Best Siqi

Design of Factory
Factory Plan

The design of the factory floor responds to the manufacturing process and also fits to blade size with a linear plan with a precise module. It is a place where workers spend each second of their shift time operating sophisticated machines and also having intervals. The space for rest is different compositions from the production area not just in size but also in feelings. Components for workers’ stay: security gate, control room and restroom are separated from the main body of the factory floor, keeping the sanctity of production.

Unit Design Design of Factory: Sketches 1. Blade Turning Point 2. Windturbine Blade Factory 3. Blade Path 4. Power Stabilization System 5. Raw Materials 6. On-work Bridge 7. Off-work Bridge
1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8
8. Rest and Observatory Design of Factory: Single Unit

To: From:




Ryan Wang Siqi Guo

“Go to Work”

Lingxi Tao, Emily Zhang

March 24th, 2022

Hi Ryan,

I believe that we once had this concept about “distribution” or “allocation” in designing the bridge that links the factory and Living spaces.

Can you find the sketches we drew last time about the linking bridge and let’s have a meeting regarding that? I just forgot what we have discussed is the bridge the only point that shows the idea about allocation or the workers are being allocated everywhere on-site?

Besides, I have asked Lingxi and Emily to start working on the Well-being part, especially on how it links the factory to the living. In order that we have enough things to show AOPIL next week.

Best Siqi

Monitoring Room Changing Room Link to Factory Blade Turning Point Site Cover Linking bridge from Living Factory Unit Design of Factory: Circulation

Concept Model

Department of Performance - Living

The city is an interior

We live inside the wall

A great factory always goes with a housing estate. The combination of working and living is a key to raise efficiency and also create a sense of belonging inside the company, as Olivetti said, the harmony between private and public life. In offshore operation, the factory itself is disattach with the land where we regard it as home. Workers who chose to stay offshore also chose to get out of their old identity, and dissolve themselves in a corporate community.

The residence of offshore employees is an integrated system which serves for production activity. It is a city-scale linear space above the factory where each member shares the same identity and builds a collective society.

Design of Living: Drawings

The linear district is naturally divided into west and east wings that serve different working zones respectively. The wall shapes communities and then forms different characters. Each block has their own society but still interconnects as an entity.

Design of Living: Drawings


of Living: Drawings

Case Study

The Production Of Communal Space

Individual/Collective Living/Working

The outer is the inner and the inner is the outer.

The duality between interior and exterior interpret the duality between individual and collective. It is a super inner space where every form can be situated. As the moment they are placed, the new space between the wall and the objects are produced. The building becomes a growing city and the structure is its own discipline.

We might get a little too far in jumping scale and remaking forms.

Synthesizer Sketch The Wall As A Network Design of Living: Discussion
West elevation East elevation
Design of






Arop Engineering Ltd

Team Nomad <info@teamnomad.uk>

Living Unit

Apirl 2nd, 2022


Please find the attached diagrams of the illustration of how living unit can move on the wall system.

Biscally all the living unit are moving through time, so the worker’s living unit can arrive at the linking shaft at the time they are supposed to go to work(or the time they get back). I was wondering if you can develop a computer algorithm so that every moment of the “Unit” are monitored and arranged appropriately?

Best Team Nomad

10 moves for all units

4 moves for the target unit

Correspondence: Living Unit Design
Design of Living: Plan

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