1 minute read
Concept Model
The city is an interior
We live inside the wall
A great factory always goes with a housing estate. The combination of working and living is a key to raise efficiency and also create a sense of belonging inside the company, as Olivetti said, the harmony between private and public life. In offshore operation, the factory itself is disattach with the land where we regard it as home. Workers who chose to stay offshore also chose to get out of their old identity, and dissolve themselves in a corporate community.
The residence of offshore employees is an integrated system which serves for production activity. It is a city-scale linear space above the factory where each member shares the same identity and builds a collective society.
The linear district is naturally divided into west and east wings that serve different working zones respectively. The wall shapes communities and then forms different characters. Each block has their own society but still interconnects as an entity.
of Living: Drawings
Case Study
The Production Of Communal Space
The outer is the inner and the inner is the outer.
The duality between interior and exterior interpret the duality between individual and collective. It is a super inner space where every form can be situated. As the moment they are placed, the new space between the wall and the objects are produced. The building becomes a growing city and the structure is its own discipline.
We might get a little too far in jumping scale and remaking forms.
Arop Engineering Ltd
Team Nomad <info@teamnomad.uk>
Living Unit
Apirl 2nd, 2022
Please find the attached diagrams of the illustration of how living unit can move on the wall system.
Biscally all the living unit are moving through time, so the worker’s living unit can arrive at the linking shaft at the time they are supposed to go to work(or the time they get back). I was wondering if you can develop a computer algorithm so that every moment of the “Unit” are monitored and arranged appropriately?
Best Team Nomad
10 moves for all units
4 moves for the target unit