District Dialogue For employees of the Laveen Elementary School District
March 14, 2014
Benchmarks show growth
Leaders in Schoolwide Growth
Results from the third quarter Galileo Benchmarks show progress across the district. The average developmental level scores continue to increase across both reading and math at all of our schools. When we compare our third quarter Galileo results with this same time last year, we see some very positive trends in the percentage of students scoring Meets or Exceeds. Every grade level is higher this year in math, and all but one grade level are higher in reading. Academic Services and our school leadership teams have been analyzing these latest results to help teachers hone in on areas needing some extra attention as we prepare for our state assessments coming up in April.
Math Laveen Rogers Ranch Trailside Point Reading Trailside Point Highest Increase in Meets/Exceeds Rogers Ranch (Highest percentage of students scoring Meets or Exceeds from the pre-test to third quarter in both math and reading )
Laveen celebrates Read Across America Week All across the district, Laveen schools celebrated Read Across America last week. A few highlights: Representative Catherine Miranda read to students at MC Cash; representatives from the U.S. Army and Phoenix Police Department read to students at Rogers Ranch; students at Laveen participated in a book exchange, and at Desert Meadows, students helped decorate bulletin boards with Dr. Seuss themed artwork.
A+ committee visits M.C. Cash School
District’s job fair a success
The Arizona Education Foundation’s A+ School of Excellence committee conducted their site visit of M.C. Cash School last week. The committee was impressed with teachers providing rigorous instruction, the behavior and conduct of their students, and the positive responses from meetings with staff, parents, community members, and students. The committee visits Trailside Point at the end of March. Results of the visits will be shared April 24.
The Laveen District held their annual job fair on March 4. Over 70 prospective teachers attended the event to meet with principals and learn more about our schools. Five letters of intent have already been offered to teachers that attended and several more interviews have been scheduled. The fair was very successful with many principals commenting about the high quality of candidates. The District Dialogue is issued on the second and fourth Friday of the month.
Cash student wins trip to D.C.
M.C. Cash seventh grade student Lizbet Suarez won the Grand Prize for the Phoenix Suns and Southwest Airlines "Symbol of Freedom" Art and Essay Contest. She wrote an essay describing "What Freedom Means to Her" and created a colored pencil drawing of the Statue of Liberty breaking free from chains. Suarez will receive round trip airfare for her and a parent to visit Washington D.C., tours of museums and landmarks, and tickets to see the Phoenix Suns play the Washington Wizards. There were 10 grand prize winners chosen from 7th grade classrooms across Maricopa County.
March 14 End of 3rd Quarter March 17—21 Spring Break March 27 Report Cards Sent Home
Denton, Jolly are February’s Employees of the Month Employees of the month for February are Danielle Denton, 2nd grade teacher at Desert Meadows, and Maggie Jolly, Reading Intervention Aide at Desert Meadows. Denton was nominated for challenging her students academically and going above and beyond to ensure her students are successful. She utilizes every minute of instruction, even using flash cards while students stand in line for bathroom breaks. She works to ensure struggling learners receive what they need to find success and looks for new ways to reach her students. Additionally, Denton has taken on the task of Child Study Coordinator to work with parents and staff during the special education referral process. Jolly shows her passion and excitement for her job every day. Students enjoy their interventions with her and have shown noticeable improvement in their reading fluency and comprehension. She works well with the teachers to provide feedback on their students’ progress in her room. Jolly motivates students when they need it the most. Jolly also runs the Meadows PTSA. Under her leadership, she has increased parent involvement and managed successful functions.
Vista students conduct service project
Lions recognize canned food donations
Members of Vista Del Sur’s National Junior Honor Society spent Wednesday’s early dismissal cleaning up trash in the neighborhood. D.L. Withers Construction donated safety vests and gloves for students to use. The project was moderated by Eric Peterson, District Director of Support Services and Vista teacher Ashley Wendling.
Classrooms who donated the most canned goods to the Laveen Lions Club’s annual drive were rewarded with an ice cream party. The Lions’ Sharon Anderson delivered the treats that were donated by Scooptacular. Winning classrooms from each school were: Desert Meadows — Briza Gutierrez Rogers Ranch — Callista Kukawski Trailside Point — Tamara Zakarian M.C. Cash — Stephanie Lee Vista del Sur—Kylie Aldrich Cheatham — Kylee Landrum Laveen — Felicia Contu Owen
Vista’s NJHS collects trash near the school.
Students from a winning classroom pick out their ice cream.
March 14, 2014
Laveen School Art Club’s
Art Show
Friday, April 11 Building A, 5001 W. Dobbins On display from 6:00 - 9:00p.m. Held in conjunction with the Laveen Art League’s Art Walk.