Creating Shapes With Rapid Prototyping Techniques In India Rapid prototyping is a collection of several techniques, which are used to form a scale model of an assembly. It is done using CAD data and the basic process followed is known as additive layer manufacturing. However, various rapid prototyping techniques are followed by printing services. You can create different types of models using these techniques. The machines that are used to create different types of objects are available at high costs. Thus, it is always a better option to get help of rapid prototyping services or RP services. 3D printing techniques 3D printing is also known as rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing. There are various processes, which are followed by rapid prototyping companies or 3D service providers. Professionals follow the different techniques depending on the requirements such as the object that will be created, the material and so on. You need to have a basic idea on the types so that you can choose one depending on what kind of object you are trying to create. If you do not have any idea on the different techniques, you can get help from rapid prototyping services in India. SLA technique Stereo Lithography or SLA rapid prototyping technique is based on usage of the ultraviolet light system. A beam of ultraviolet light is focused on the top most layer of the resin material. The beam is focused on the photo-sensitive resin in order to polymerize the material. A polymer helps in forming highly detailed objects and has a good finish. This process is also known as selective polymerization. It is always better to opt for this option if you are planning to create an intricately designed product. SLS process Rapid prototyping SLS or Selective Laser Sintering is the process of pointing a high power light beam on a layer of powdered material to melt and fuse the same. The powdered material is spread on the table with the help of a roller and the material is fused together in a crosshatching technique. This material is known to be good for fast building purposes, and the same can be used to create different types of objects. Other than 3D printing rapid prototyping technique, this is one of the most popular forms of RP processing. LOM process Laminated object manufacturing or LOM is also a 3D process in which layers of paper or plastic are amalgamated with the use of pressure or heat. The object created through this technique is then cut as per the required shape with the help of a laser cutter or a simple knife. The item may have to be re-modified by a process called drilling to lend it a unique finish. Items created through this process cost less and are thus highly popular. You can opt for this type depending on your budget.