迷你 網室
M ini M esh Greenhouse 在溫室中栽培蔬果的好處是,比較不受天候影響,尤其像是栽種草莓,或是蟲害 較多的花椰菜、大白菜等,在不想使用農藥又可保護作物的前提下,搭設迷你網 室就是最好的解決方案,而且結構、材料簡單,自己也能完成施工。 基本款的迷你網室栽培組,長寬約240公分、高度約190公分,包含六個四連通的 架高種植箱。 .The advantage of growing plants in the greenhouse is less weather affection and less pesticide, especially strawberry, cauliflower and Chinese cabbage which is more insect. Mini mesh greenhouse is a good solution and easy to build up. The basic mini mesh greenhouse is 240cm long and wide, 190cm tall with six of 4 connection height extension.
綠色 隧道
Green Tunnel 栽種絲瓜、苦瓜、胡瓜、南瓜、扁蒲等攀藤類蔬果,需要豎立支架供其攀爬,否則藤蔓會在地上亂竄, 且果實越接近地面也較容易腐爛;搭設隧道式棚架,若用在頂樓,可以依據自己的空間,搭設更常或 者縮小版的隧道棚架,自由變化隧道規模。等待作物爬上棚架,就形成了一座綠色隧道。成棚的綠蔭 還有助於頂樓降溫,一舉兩得。 以搭設一個長度約400公分、寬度約270~320公分、高度約180~210公分的隧道棚架為例,左右排各 有五個雙層雙連通的種植箱,再將四分PVC水管彎曲搭成隧道。 Gourd, bitter gourd, cucumber, and pumpkin such as these vines and climbing plants need a stent to support, otherwise they will scurry on the ground and result in rotten. Green tunnel on the roof can be a decoration but also a nice shadow to cool a house. There are five of double tier and double connection planter for both side; and 4 PVC tube to make a tunnel which becomes a 400cm long, 270~320cm wide and 180~210cm tall green tunnel.
延伸 變化
種 植 箱 構 造、零 件 都 很 簡 單,能 配 合 栽 種 的 空間大小自由組裝變化。
With the simplicity of the structure and parts, YIU TSAY planter box is able adopt to all kinds of plants and available spaces via connections and extensions.
O ther Confi gurations
針 對 特 別 容 易 招 來 蟲 害,或 是 周 遭 環 境 生 態 豐 富,有 鳥 類 啃 食 狀 況, 可以套上防護網,減少作物損傷;另外也有緩和大雨強風衝擊的作用 。可根據種菜箱尺寸,套上大小不同的網子。 For insect sensitive or bird attracting plants, a protective mesh can be installed on the planter box. At the same time, the mesh can also act as a buffer for the heavy rain or strong wind.
延伸變化2 裝設攀爬支柱
若要栽種絲瓜、苦瓜、番茄、葡萄這類攀爬的植物,四個角落可往上續接7節(共需 2 8 支 接 桿 ),頂 部 再 裝 上 框 架 做 固 定 ; 也 可 到 水 電 行 購 買 4 分 的 P VC 水 管,插 入 四 個角落即可讓作物攀爬在支柱上順利生長。而堆疊的種植箱,再加上土壤、栽種 的作物,會讓重量增加許多,若有需要機動搬移位置,可在腳底安裝輪子,以方便 推動。
For vine plants such as gourds, bitter gourds, tomatoes and grapes, each of the four corners of the planter box can be inserted with 7 notches of connecting rods (a total of 28 rods) which are attached with a frame at the top to stabilize the structure. The connecting rods can also be substituted with 1/2 inch wide PVC pipes inserted into the four corners of the planter box. With the stacking of boxes, soil and plants, the total weight of the planter box system may become very heavy; therefor wheels can also be installed at the bottom of the planter box for easy mobility.
延伸變化3 加輪子
堆疊的種植箱,再加上土壤、栽種的作物,會讓重量增加許多,若有需要機動 搬移種植箱的位置,建議可在底腳安裝輪子,以方便推動。架高的種植箱,底 腳可加裝輪子,建議在底部裝上口框,可加強種植箱的結構穩固性。
Tier planter box with dust, fruits and vegetables makes it heavy, so wheels will be helpful to move it easier. To add another frame on the bottom can make the height extension box more stable.
廚餘 堆 肥 箱 (蚯蚓養殖)
Ear th Wor m Compost B ox
種植箱的土壤,需要定期補充肥份。將種植箱兩個連通加高至七層就是一個大型廚餘箱,可供大面 積的菜園堆肥使用。一般家庭可將單箱上下堆疊成多箱,就可作為堆肥箱使用,而且通氣好、腐植快 、無臭味,可分層堆放,第一層放滿了再堆第二層,完熟後整層取出,混合3~5倍介質就可直接投入種 45 cm 植箱作為基肥、追肥使用。 30 cm 基 本 款 堆 肥 箱 組 合 後 為 獨 立 兩 個 單 層 及 架 高 水 盤,尺 寸 為 長 4 5 公 分、寬30公分、高56公分,如廚餘量多,還可再加購數層單箱堆疊。 To build double connection planter and make an extension to 7 levels will be a big compost box for big farm. We can also use one at home by stacking two or more compost boxes on top of each other creates more space vertically. The basic compost box is 45cm long, 30cm wide, and 56cm tall. The box can be add as you like.
56 cm
蚓糞是最天然的廣效性肥料,將蚯蚓放入半熟廚餘之中 做堆肥,可以改良土壤,防止土壤偏酸,並轉趨中性,產 出有益微生物相當豐富的蚓糞。做好的堆肥含有各式礦 物質、微量元素及豐富的機質,可以當機肥、追肥來用。 廚餘堆肥十週腐熟後可用有機培養土半箱,將上蓋打開 ,置入紅蚯蚓,於四個角落分別挖洞置入切細的廚餘,可 埋入香蕉、蘋果及木瓜皮,過期麵包、米糠等均可埋入, 保持50%水份即可快速腐植。 Vermicompost is an excellent, nutrient-rich organic fertilizer and soil conditioner. This process of producing vermicompost is called vermicomposting. The pyramid method of harvesting worm compost is considered the simplest method for single layer bins.
大型堆肥箱,側邊可上下開啟。 Large compost box, the side can be opened up and down.
本產品榮獲2004年瑞士日內瓦發明展銀牌獎 &92年全國發明展金頭腦獎 The automatic irrigation system was awarded with “Gold Brain Award” in the National Invention Exhibition in 2003 and Silver Award of the Grand Prix International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva in 2004.
自動澆水 系統
Automatic Irrigation System
育 材 自 動 澆 水 系 統 首 創 子 母 機 分 離 設 定,一 台 母 機 可 控 制 所 有 子 機,子 機 以 雙 調 旋 鈕、簡 化 設 計,採 用 插 入 式 微 電腦記憶體,耐候性佳;母機以大螢幕LCD顯示澆水行程 ,四 時 段 及 間 隔 澆 水 時 間 設 定 操作 簡 單,安 裝 容 易,清 楚 掌握澆水時刻,外出旅遊沒煩惱。
The multi-split YIU TSAY automatic irrigation system was the first in the industry. One main console is able to control many sub units. The sub units utilize duel adjust nob, with simple design and plug-in microcomputer memory, making the units more weather resistant. The main console displays irrigation schedule on a big LCD screen with four time intervals and intermittent irrigating time setting. The system is easy to operate, simple to install and clear to understand which leaves you worrying-free even when you’re you’reon ona atrip. trip.
自動澆水 專案123
Automatic I r r igation Projec t 123 模組化澆水子母系統 專案1
專 案 1 適 用 於 小 型 陽 台, 十到二十盆以內買一套 就能自己動手安裝完成。 Project 1 Easy and simple to install and fit for small-sized balcony, designed to irrigate ten to twenty planter boxes.
澆 水 器 左 邊 旋 鈕 是 設 定 澆 水 的 頻 率, 右邊旋鈕設定每次澆水時間持續多久 ,可自行設定澆水間隔或澆水時間,也 可改為手動立即澆水。 The watering unit starts and stops right on schedule automatically by setting and can also be flexibly manual watering.
專案2適用於大陽台或屋頂花 園,比專案1多增加耐壓管軟管 及分水三通組(可分三區用,能 繼續擴大至20區裝200組滴架 ,頂樓不加壓也能平均滴水) 。 Project 2 Fit for big-sized balcony or rooftop garden, with the addition of pressure hose and three-head connector on top of project 1, the module can connect up to 200 irrigating sets, allowing even irrigation even without water pressurization on rooftops.
專案3適用於庭院、頂樓花 園、菜 圃 用,另 增 加 可 移 動 噴 水 腳 座,噴 水 均 勻、不 震 動 更 耐 用,可 繼 續 連 接 4 支 旋轉噴頭,擴大使用範圍。 Project 3 Fit for garden, rooftop garden and vegetable farms. This module can be upgraded with mobile footings to provide even irrigation without vibration to reach longer product lifespan. To maximize the irrigating area, 4 spinning sprinklers can be attached to this module.
自動澆水的灑水噴頭有不同的尺寸 大小可供選擇,並可調整灑水量。
A 1 8 晴 雨 器 : 當 降 雨 量 達30公釐時,會自 動取消12小時內的澆水。
There are many different types of sprinklers available and can be adjusted the water flow rate.
The rain sensor automatically shuts off your sprinkler system for 12 hours when rainfall exceeds 30mm, so you don’t have to worry when you’re home or away.
水耕杯、育苗海綿、發泡煉石 hydroponic cup, nursery foam, ceramsite
3-head connector x2 (one in and one out),
Submersible motor, hose
6-12 opening planting box, welding included
sedimentation tank, welding included
fish tank, welding included
base plate
魚菜共生 水耕箱
Hydroponic system
魚菜共生水耕箱簡單組裝,可有效利用水資源。當中層沉澱 池的水滿了,可經由過濾網回流至下層過濾盒,有效潔淨水 質,且只需重複清洗過濾海綿,就能持續使用,透過沉水馬 達將水抽回中層循環再利用,具備了省水、節能的優點。 A simple hydroponics system is able to recycle precious water resources. The water overflows from the middle sedimentation tank, running through the bottom filtration box and return to the middle box in a pure and clean state via a submersible motor. With a simple rinse of the filter sponge, the water is recycled continuously presenting the benefits of water and energy conservation.
延伸 功能
Ex tended func tion 延伸功能1 芽菜箱
芽菜營養豐富、高纖、熱量低,自己孵芽菜,可以放心生吃,不用擔心 添加生長激素或漂白劑。種植箱的底盤也可以當作芽菜的溫床,自 己再家孵出白白胖胖的芽菜。 Sprout is nutrient-rich, high-fiber, and low calorie. You can grow your own sprouts without worrying about growth hormone or bleach.
延伸功能2 雨水回收箱
當雨水落到地面,透過土壤、石層滲灌到地下儲水層,帶上了礦物質 和鹽等有益於人類健康的物質,雨水可以節省地下水處理中使用的 軟水材料,還可在洗滌時節省肥皂、洗滌劑等。收集雨水、儲存及節能 使用是節能減排的一個有效途徑,是充分發揮雨水利用價值的有效 保障。
Rainwater harvesting is a process or technique of collecting, filtering, storing and using rainwater for irrigation and for various other purposes. To reduce the consumption of groundwater, many people around the world are using rainwater harvesting systems.
蚓糞是最天然的廣效性肥料,將蚯蚓放入半熟廚餘之中做堆肥,可以 改良土壤,防止土壤偏酸,並轉趨中性,產出有益微生物相當豐富的蚓 糞。做好的堆肥含有各式礦物質、微量元素及豐富的機質,可以當機肥 、追肥來用。廚餘堆肥十週腐熟後可用有機培養土半箱,將上蓋打開, 置入紅蚯蚓,於四個角落分別挖洞置入切細的廚餘,可埋入香蕉、蘋果 及木瓜皮,過期麵包、米糠等均可埋入,保持50%水份即可快速腐植。 Vermicompost is an excellent, nutrient-rich organic fertilizer and soil conditioner. This process of producing vermicompost is called vermicomposting. The pyramid method of harvesting worm compost is considered the simplest method for single layer bins.